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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1973, p. 7

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Mr. and Mrs. Farron Stev- ens of Royal Oak, Mich. called on their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens, Scugog St. last Thursday and other cousins called to visit them. Then they viited another cousing, Mr. Ernest Rehider and family before contînuing to Peterbor- ough,' his boyhood home where his father the late Geo. Stevens was well known in this district. Alex Carruthers, in a press release frorn Queen's Park, has announced the advertising on October 9th and October iith of tenders by the Ministry of Transportation and Comm- unications for a fire, safety revisions (new exitsand general fireproofing) at the District Office of the Ministry, in Port Hope. The iexpected completion date is December 31, 1973. Congratulations to Eric Nic -kerson of Goodyear, Bow- manville who has been pro- moted to personnel supervisor and to K. S. Butson and K. W. Terry who have completed 30 years service in the plant. The Honorable Gerald Re- gan, premier of Nova Scotia will visit Toronto Oct. 27, to speak to delegates attending the Liberal Party in Ontario leadersip convention. To date at least six candidates are seeking the leadership. Captain and Mrs. Peter Leentjes, baby Christopher, are visiting lier mnother MJrs. Bernice Col e, King St. E. and other relatives hier. Captain Reentjes has recently return- ed from 61/2 months of dut y in Cyprus with the Canadian Forces. Peggy Louise Clark, 4 Wellington Street, Bowman- ville lias been awarded a course scholarship at Trent University, Peterborough and Renate Hoyn R.1U. 1, Hampton the entrance Scholarship of $550. from Trent Universty. Miss Maria Christina Roth, who has been contributing sketches of wildflowers to the Statesman is being married later this month to Hans Bostelmann. The editor and staff sends congratulations and best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mac- Dougal, Oshawa, have return- ed from a most enjoyable three weeks va cation in Eng- land and Europe. Mr. and Mrs. O. Plummber and Miss Margaret Plummer recently returned from a two week vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Purdy and family in Nortliridge Caifornia. On Friday Oct. tli, a m'REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Churcb ,ScugogStr-eet R hone 623-4824 Re.Anthony D feJager SUNDAY SERVICES 10 ar. 7 p.rn. Back to God Hour 15ïal 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.rn. I"Everyone Welcomne" surprise birthday party in honon of Mrs. Estelle Leask, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robent Leask, Osh- awa. A large birtliday cake centred the dining room table and pouring tea were Mrs. Douglas Barton, Oshawa, and niece Mrs. Manning Mador, Agincourt. Mrs. Robert Flint- off, Mrs. Bonis Melch and Mrs. Roy Wolten served the guests. out of town guests attended fromn Bowmanville, Cobourg, Toronto, Peterborough and Agincount. In the evening dinner was enjoyed at the Genosha Hotel at which time he r family presented her with a wrist watch set with diamonds. Mr. Jack Minore, a former resident of Bowmanvlle, and now residing in Hamilton, paid a visit to the editor and staff on Wednesday of last week. A group of local ladies, during a recent bus trip to Fabricland, Toronto, collect- ed a sum of $50 which was sent to, our Bowmanville Mission- ary Ted Colwell in Brazil. Mr. Colwell wrote that this sum which seems 50 small to us in Canada is equal to the avera ge minimum wage per month of a manried man witli a family of 3 or 4 in Brazil. The money received was sufficient to buy necessary materials for the Sunday School, along with paint to brighten the building. Congratulations and Best Wishes to Mrs. Ethel Preston, Church St. who will celebrate lier 85th.> birthday on tlie 27th. of October. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sand- erson, Columbus, Mrs. Vernon Ratz, Huntsville, Mrs. Frank Spry, Rochester N.Y. were recent visitors with their cousins Misses Greta and Marjorie Oke, Church St. On Tuesday October 9tli. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Abernetliy visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowers in Nestleton and called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin in obcaygeon, while taking a trip to see the colored leaves whicli were exceptionally beautiful at the time. Af ter leaving Bobcay- geon they made a round trip tlirougli Fenelon Falls, Cobo- conk, Miners Bay, Minden, Carnarvon, Halls Lake, Dor- set, Huntsville, theri home via Bnacebridge, Gravenhurst, Orillia and Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Cornish, Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Cornish and Scott, Indian River were Sunday guests at Mr. George Stapleton's, Waverly Gard- ens. Miss Bonnie Beech accomp- anied by Mdiss Sharon WalIey have reiurned from a vacation in Miami Florida and Free- port, in the Bahiamas. Miss Marguerite W'righit and Mrs. Norma Bradford, Osh- awa, Mrs. E. V. Hoar and Mrs. Geo. W. James visited Mns. L. M. Keith in Toronto on Sunday. On Sunday morning, Oct. 14 the Sacrament of Baptism was admnistered by Rev. Wesley Oake wlien the following children were received into the followship 'of Christ's Church and Trinity Congrega- tion : Cory Ray and Michael Allan. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brock; James Reginald Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. St. PauI's United Church SMinister - Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. * - *Organist. - .~Mr. R. Metcalf, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. 11 a.mn. - MORNING WORSHIP "WHAT IS THE CH UR CH?«" Anniversary Services - Next Week October 28th - 11: 00 a.rn. and 7:00 p.rn. Newcomers are invited to worship at historie St. Paul's Nursery cagle for pre-scnuol chiidren every Sunday.L TRINITY UNITED CHURC Rev. N. Wesley Oake -Mnse Rev. Arthur Amacher - Assistant Minister Mr. John Crookshank- Organist SUNDAY,, uCTOBER 21st,ý 1973 137th A nniversary Services 11iA.Mv. and 7:00 P.M. DR. NELLES SILVERTHORNE, Chief Consultant Pediatrician of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, will be the guest speaker at both services. SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR Corne, bring the family and friends Prirnary, Kindergarten, Beginners Sunday School Classes usual time Saturday, Nov. 3rd - U.C.W. Annual Beef Dinner Sunday, Nov. l8th Organ Recital at 8:15, featuring Dr. Melville Cook Reqional Council Members Tcike Oath of Office In the top photo, the Mavors and Regional Councillors from the eight area municipalities in the Durham Region stand to take their oaths of office on Monday night, October l5th. The ceremonies took place in the auditorium of Oshawa's G. L. Roberts Coliegiate. Foiiowing the officiai meeting, the politicians, their wives and the press met at the Oshawa Holiday Inn for an' informai reception.1 In the bottom picture, the wives of the newly-elected members of the Durham Regionai Council had front row seats for Monday night's Inaugurai meeting. Seated second from the ieft is Annabeile Rickard, wife of Garnet Rickard, the Newcastle municipaiity's first mayor. Next to Mrs. Rickard (third from ieft) is Mrs. H. Bruce Tink, wife of the Regionai Counciikor for Newcasti&'s Ward One (Dariington). Donald Gui; Angelaý Dawn, daugiter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stevenson. Membens of Durhiam Lodge No. 66, A.F.&A.M., G.R.C., Newcastle, attended service at Trinity United Cliurch on Sunday morning, October 14. Rev. W. Oake had an inspiring message for the congregation and of special interest for the visiting Mason's. He was assisted in the service by Bro. Robent Shearen, Senior Ward- en, wlio read the Scnipture passage, and Worshipful Mas- ter Wor. Bro. James English, led in prayer. Cranberry Cheesecake Crust: Mix togetlier 34 cup fine vanilla wafer cnumbs and 3 tablespoons melted butten or margaie Press onto bottomn of 9 rci ping form pan. Set aside. .) -Cheesecake Filling: 5 packages (8 ounces each) cneam cheese, at noom temp- erature. 134 cups sugar 3 tablespoons flour '/4 teaspoon sait 1 teaspoon grated fresh lemon rind 1 tablespoon fnesli lemon juice 1 teaspoon gnated fresh lime rind 1/4 teaspoon vanilia 5 eggs 2 egg yolks 14 cup heavy. creamn Combine cheese, sugar, flo- un, saît, lemon rind and juice, lime rind and vanilla in large bowl of electric mixer. Beat at low speed until smooth. Beat in eggs and egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in.lieavy cneam. Pour into pnepared pan. Bake at 400 degrees F. oven 8 minutes. Reduce heat to 225 degrees F. and bake 1 bour and 20 minutes longer. Cool slowly (not in a very cold place), then refnigenate. Cranberry Topping: 1 cup sugar 1 cup water 4 strips lemon rind 2 whole cloves 2 cups fresli cranberries In medium saucepan mix sugan, water, lemon rind and, cloves; place over low hear and stir until sugar dissolves. Add cranbenries; cook over medium heat until cranberr- ies begin to pop. Remove from heat; chili. Just before serv- ing, pread over cooled chee- s ecake. Makes: 12 to 18 servings. His Worsiip, Mayor I. M. Hobbs lias completed 45 years of service of the Goodyear Plant. Along with lis service to the community, tliat's quite a record. The Robent Mcbaughlin Gallery, Oshawa wili be the location of the annual, Christ- mas Art Mant sponsored by the Womens' Committee of the Gallery. Botli levels of the Gallery will be devoted to the exhibition and sale of gift WESLEY VILLE There were about 18 ladies at the regular meeting of the local unît of the Welcome UCW, on Wednesday after- noon, October 10. Most of the ladies liad attended the sur- prise luncheon held at Wel- come at noon by the unit there, and then came to the home of Mrs. E. Barrowclough for the meeting. The theme of thanks- giving was used for the devotional period, presented by Mesdames A. Austin. H. Austin, G. Tufford and E. Barrowclough, members of the group for the month. A selection from Jesus Christ, Superstar, was sung by Mrs. D. Croft, a special treat. "More about India" was the topic for the program and the items ranging fromn original paintings to genuine anti- ques. Some of the unusual leatures will be a demonstra- tion of dried flower arranging; portraiture in pastels; weav- tng; macrame; leather cra- Its; original silver jewellry; jolîs made of dried fruits; tiooked rugs; glass blowing; wrought iron specialities; de- coupage; and candle-making. The Craft Booth will sel Wayward Christmas Angels, weatlierproof Christmas Sto- ckings for the door, bejewelled plaques of the Magi, whimsi- cal stuffed toys, baby clothes, work aprons and party apr- ons. The Gourmet Food Shop wîll selIlihome-made candy, pickles and preserves. The Hock Sliop will feature old books, attic 'treasures', white elephants, boîts of fabric, antique door knobs, bear rugs etc. etc. ADULT COUNSELLI NG SERVICE If you want to do som ething about your education .. . you probably ean. See Vour Adult Counsellor EVEICY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to 9at-the NEW BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free - confidential - and no appointment is necessary. ladies provided information by asking questions concern- ing present system of govern- ment, status of women, state of religion and population control. There is no doubit that I lhe government of that count- .y las a stupendous task and s progressing in tlie work of cducating its people and trying to control their numb- ars. Perhaps the greatest .hange o f aIl must be in the status of women wlio hold and bave lield more prominent public positions than in our awn country. Members were asked to study the large, amount of literatune placed about the room and ponder. why man, througli ail the centuries, was moved to ereet sucli beautiful, and often huge temples and make sucli mon- strous effigies. The general opinio n was that it must be man 's urge and instinct to depict and lonor a power greater than himself. During the devotional per-, iod the offering was neceived by Mrs. H. Austin and dedicated by Mrs. A. Austin. The business of the day was conducted by the president and arranged a pattern of busy days. A letter was read from Luk Vun Man by Berniece Best tellingof lier sdhool work in Hong Kong and expressing lier appreciation of lip received. Plans were' made for attending thé Golden Plow bazaar on Saturday and assisting with the bake table, for catering at a local fanm sale and sliaring witli the preparations for tlie meeting of Presbytery at Welcome in November and the general meeting of the UCW there in the samne month. Two cards were signed by ail members one to Mrs. R. Scott in Pont Hope hospital and one to Luk Yun Man witli greetings from Canada. A sale of produce from the ganden was lield following the meeting - every- thîng from hiorse radisli to citron, squash and carrots. The qulît was finisled at Mrs. Danke's during the first of the week and plans on the way for anothen. Regulan churcli service at Welcome on Sunday morning was in charge of Rev. J. Ramjit wlio used a lesson from Samuel and Corinthians as a text for lis sermon on "How ShaîlI Meet Discour- agements?" To dwell on the things we can do, rather tlan on tlie things we cannot do, is one wqv to help a isouraazed mmnd. Tlie choir sang "My Mouth Shaîl Praise the Lord, witli Cannie Lynn Symons taking the solo part. Mms Dennis Croft and Mrs. R. Lax conducted junior choir pract- ice following the service. Mn. and Mns. H. Best were on a faîl tip during the weekend as were Mrs. R. Best, Berniece and George. Saturday night's high wind did much pruning to trees with dead branches and in many places took down the whole tree. At least one road had to be detoured for cliurch goers on Sunday morning. Mesdames K. Ashby, H. Darke and E. Barrowclough attended the Golden, Plow bazaar in Cobourg, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne were in Toronto during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Donaldson and foster daught- er, Leah, spent the night with Mr . and Mrs. Clarence Nicli ols, recently, and called on other friends. Charlie lived and worked witli Clarence some years ago. Mrs. Wmn. Dow of Metcalfe and grandson Alex Dow of Bowmanville spent Tlursday with Mrs. E. Barrowclougli; and Mn. and Mrs. H. Barrow- clough were in Peterborough sunday for grandaughter Con- nie's birthday party. FOUNDRY Team Standings Gutterbalîs ... ...9 15767 Screwballs ....... 9 15133 Soreheads........ 8 15284 Head Pins........ 7 15084 Alley Cats ........ 6 14508 Aces............ 6 13876 Higli Singles C. Ferguson ............ 276 A. Adm ......... 271 IlIh riples C. Ferguson ........... 689 A. Adams ............. 643 200 Games G. Simpson 206,225, L. Vesna 226, A. Cole 221, S. Adams 220, B. Stiles 258, J. Bridger 227, j. Dewell 213,228, N. Uowle 215, B. Adams 222, C. Ferguson 276,250. COF Bowling Higli Singles Reta Van Goor.......... 260 Howard Pollard...... ... 294 Higli Triples Helen Vandenberg ....... 656 Howard Pollard ......... 761 Team Standings No. 2..... ............ 38 No.8 ................. 30 No. 12 ............... 271/? No. 6....... ..........27 No. 1................. 24 No. 9 (16282 pins) ....... 21 No. 4(14766 pins) .......21 No. 3................. 14/2 No. 5................. 14 No. 7................. 13 No. 10................ 12 No.l1i............... 10 FRANKS MAJOR PEE WEES On Saturday, W. Frank's Major Pee Wees hosted Bay Ridges in preparation for opening the scliedule next week against the Lindsay Pee Wees. Bowmanvlle led 1-0 at the end of the f irst period on a goal by Steplien Frank, assisted by Dennis Sobul. It was a good fast skating period witli only one penalty landed out. The Bowmanville squad continued to press in the second period and were re- warded by a goal by Paul Cascagnette, wlien lie moved in from the point and let it fly. The third period was a littleý more rugged and finally Bay Ridges scored on a screened shot from the point and that'is the way it ended witli W. Frank's boys one up in the goal category. 7items qflnterest Phone 623-3303 WOMEN'S HOSPITÉAL ýAUXILIARY present.s the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra in a program of semi-classical ýmusie, incluiting Tales of Vienna Woods. THURSDA'Y, OCTOBER 25 1 8p.rn. BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCIIOOL AUDITORIUM Tickets .......................... $3.00 available frorn Mrs. W. Wilson - 623-5891 or at the door. SH AM1L TO0lN TRUST MND SÂVINGS CORPORATION PAYS YOU ON 3 VEAR GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Interest payable Haif Yearly or'may be Compounded to Maturity Pub/ished rates stubect to change without notice. Contact your LOCAL FINANCIAL ADVISOR or 69 VONGE STREET, SUITE 202 TORONTO, ONT. M5E 1K3 1-416-360-1770 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporatiorn -, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Oct. 17, 1973 7 a trip to Toronto to the Fabric S tarkcvilleé centre last week. Mdrs. K. Smith, Toronto, was W ednesday evening last a caller at Mr. Llew Hallow- week, Mrs. John Layng was ell's home, Saturday. hostess for the Shiloh U.C.W. Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Trim meeting with 19 in -attendance. and Merrilee, Bowmanville at The president Mrs. Gordon Mr. Bert Trim's, Saturday. Trim was in charge with Rev. Rev. James Bunn and 1Mns. T. J. Snelgrove assisting and a Burn, Port Hope, Mr. and fine message for Thanksgiv- Mrs. Russell White, Eliza- ing. Yt was a veny pleasant bethville, Mrs. W. Prouse and evening and ail enjoyed the Mr. Chaàrlie Prouse, Port Hope kind hospitality given by Mns. were Sunday evening dinnen Layng. guests with Mr. and Mrs, Mr.e-and Mrs. Cliarlie Trim Mlonley Robinson. and Merrilee, Bowmanville MnL.' and Mrs. E. Shier, were Sunday supper guests Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls, weekend at Mr. Lloyd Hallow- and Harvey. ell's.ad Sunday aftennoon was the Ir.adMrs. D. j. Scott ,anniversary service at Shiloli Toronto, were weekend visit- with Rev. F. James Burn ors with lier parents Mn. and B.A.,B.D., Port Hope as guest Mrs. Sid Hallowell. speaker. His fine message was Thie ladies of Shiloh enjoyed under the heading "The Chur- ch's Business"

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