4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Oct. 31, 1973 Newcastle Poultry Man Wins $500 at Legion Millionaires Night Ronald Clement of Newcastle, holding number 6, was the big winner of the $500 prize at the Legion's Millionaires Night here on Saturday. He is shown accepting the cheque from Legion President Ed. Majer who sold him the ticket, while Special Events Chairman Bob Hilditch looks on. SOL The community was again shocked to hear of the sudden passing of Mr. Randy Fraser. ewill certainly be missed by all who knew hîm and sincere sympathy is extended to all the family in their loss. Mrs. Walter Short, Courtice was a Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees. Miss Carol Knox, London, and Miss Marilyn Knox, Guelph spent the weekend at home. Congratulations are due all 4-H members who received awards at the Awards Night and Banquet held at Clarke High School on Saturday evening and especially to Miss Marilyn Knox who received a wrist watch for the most outstanding girl of the year. Miss Nan Allin and Mrs. Jack Marks Toronto spent the weekend with 1VIr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees and all attended the wedding of Miss Dorothy Walters and Mr. Donald Holmes at Kingsview United Churcb on Saturday,. Mrs. Tom Bake- accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Larry Welsh, Bowmanville to Peterborough INA on Wednesday to visit Mm. and Mrs. Barry Cowling and boys. Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brook- lin, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink. Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDon- ald Kathy, Robin, and Lisa, Beleville, were Sunday supp- er guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloy Broome. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Down and family Sunderland were Saturday visitors, Miss Nancy Knox London, spent the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knox, Bright and Mr. and Mrs. Brian knox, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Mr. Ted Broome visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Preston, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bray spent the weekend with rela- tives in St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Clarence Vice. Mr. Jack Smith, Oshawa, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. EverettCryderman 1Mm. and lVfs. Eveet ry- derman, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ontgomery, Hampton. INDIAN HANDCRAFT *BRASS * WOOD CARVING *STUFFED ANIMALS 10% to 25% OFF MANY OTHER ARTICLES AT GREAT SAVINGS Ideal For Christmas Gifts AVAILABLE AT KOOL ENTERPRISES 24 DIVISION ST. - BOWMANVILLE -....I....... 80 KING STREET WEST Custom Sizes 141/2 to 52 LONG GOWNS I18 to $20 SKI JACKETS, $1000 DRESSES $10 to 18 ALL WEATHER COA TS $1000 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cart- wright, Oshawa, were Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Alex- ander. Downsview, were Sun- day visitors with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden, Bruce and Shervl. recently visited Mr. Isage Hardy and Stanley, Lindsay and also called to pay their respects to the late Rev. Lane, Lndsay. Recent callers with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sav- ery, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Loraon Leask, Brooklin Mr. Tom Cook, Courtice,.Mr. J. Schoonderbeek, Enniskillen and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parker and family, Oshawa. Miss Shirley Westlake has returned home from a most enjoyable trip to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake and Kevin were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, Mr. and Mrs. R. Land, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cook, Bowman- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ovenden, Hampton- Mm. and Mrs. Harvey Yell- owlees and family,Mrt. Ron Metcalf, Mrs. Walter Short, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees Mr and Mrs. Harold Yeflowlees and John Orono, Mm. and Mrs. Floyd Fowler Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Simpson and Geoff- rey, Enfield, Mr. Carson Kossatz, Barrie, were enter- tained by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kossatz following the christ- ening of their daughter Dawn Patrice at the church service Sunday morning, and Mr. Borden Kossatz, Sydenham, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dicks and Lisa, Whitby were callers at the Kossatz home. Mr. Nathan Grills. Canning- ton and Mrs. Pearl McDonald, Bancroft and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Flett and Miss Pearl Leach attended the 'Thank Offering service at Tyrone Church on Sunday and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Youngman and famîly, Tyrone. by Colette Taylor The fourth meeting of the Solina Serviettes 4-H Home- making Club was held on October 8th. at 7:00ina the Solina Community Hall. Val- erie Taylor called the meeting to order and we repeated the 4-H Pledge. Kathryn Knox read ber minutes of the last meeting and we had the roll call. We discussed our exhibit for Achievement Day and Brenda Yellowlees volunteer- ed to commentate the exhibit. Fa e Lanmaid, Janice Yell- owleesand Kathryn Knox will LADIES' SLACKS Sizes 5-20 18 to$1O CORDUROY &FLEECE JACKETS $13*00 HALF SIZE PANT SUITS $15 to $18.00 SUEDE SKI RTS - PURS ES VESTS- HATS $4.00 to $16,00 SWEA TERS SEVERAL STYLES Sizes 7 to 42 7, head the committee for flower arrangements. We discussed with our leaders Mrs. Werry and Miss Leach about informal and formal teas. Our last meeting which is to be a tea party for the ladies of the community was also discussed. We made different types of sandwiches and Kathryn Knox, Susan Best and Mary Rowsell served them with tea to the rest of the members and the leaders. Ater the sandwiches were eaten the meeting was ad- journed. The Solina Serviettes 4-H Homemaking Club held our fifth meeting on Oct. 15 at Solina Community Hall. Val- erie Taylor called the meeting to order and we repeated the 4-H Pledge. Faye Langmaid read her minutes of the last meeting and we had the roll call. We discussed our Party for the eighth meeting and it was decided that each girl would have to write three or four invitations to the party. Miss Leach went over party themes and invitations with us and Mrs. Werry discussed witb us a boutparty decora- tions and entertainment. We then divided into four groups with each group doing plans for a party for a different season of the year. Such themes as Easter, Hallowe'en, and Toboggan parties were used. After these plans were read out and discussed, the meeting was adjourned. Trinity United Church News Trinity United Church Wo- men held their general meet- ing and Thank-offering Talent Tea on Tuesday, Oct 16th. Mrs. T. Rehder welcomed all present and opened the meet- ine with the theme "Love is Caring, Sharing and Doing". A short business meeting was held and announcements made. Plans for our Beef dinner in November have been completed. The womship service with Unit 2 in charge, under the leadership of Mrs. G. White opened with hymn 19, "Now thank we all our God". Mrs. L. Mason g ve the scriptume reading. Mrs. G. Whife read a most interesting story of how one member of a congregation worked for his church. Thanksgiving prayer was given by¯Mrs. L. Mason and Missionary praer by Mrs. G. White. Tb e T ank-offering was taken and dedicated by Rev. Amecher. H mn "For Thy Mercy and Thy trace" was sun gaccompanied by Mrs. D. Cole. With Mrs. A. Strike as narrator, a fitting skit on Stewardship, "The End of Lite's Road" was presented. Taking part were: Mrs. H. Jettery, Mrs. T. Rehder, Mrs. M. Slute, Mrs. R. Coombes, Mrs. G. White, Mrs. A. W. Harris Mrs. L. Tomlinson, Mrs. K. Gibson and Mrs. H. Colwell. Each one of the ladies portrayed their roles with meaningful expression. Ev- eryone enjoyed the followship and social hour served by units 1,2,3 and 7. The stage was attractively cecorated with seasonable flowers, fruit and vegetables. Forty-four members of the Friendship Club of Trinity United Churchmet in the S.S. rooms at 2:30 on Friday, October 12th for their fall meeting. Mm. A. W. Harding arranged a sing song of familiar hymns and accompanied Mrs. Vivian Sadler who led the singing. Mrs. Albert Cole conducted a short business session and Mrs. Geo. Brooks gave Mrs. Eva Bragg's report on the collection of used stamps which showed that an amount of $8,600.00 had been realied from the sale of these from the first of this year until Sept. 1. This money is used to pur- chase medical supplies and services for people in under priviledged countries. The devotional period was conducted by Mr. & Mrs. E. W. Bradley Who chose as their topic "Your Bible and you" and Mrs. Bradley gave a reading entitled "My Bible and I. In his talk, Mr. Bradley quoted statements from fa- mous men in modern times and including national leaders whose lives had been in- fluenced by the reading and study of the Bible. In the field of art and music, our greatest works are based on the Bible and in the field of literature, Shakespeare cannot be under- stood at many points unless the reader has a working knowledge of the Bible. He has about 1200 quotations from or. allusions to 36 different books of the Bible. Over the years great men and women have been inspired by the reading of the Bible. It is a fact that there is Bible illiteracy through the lack of reading and study of the Bible in the homes today. Mrs. Weatherall accomp- anied by Mrs. Cole at the piano sang two solos "He touched me" and "If I could help' somebody". These were greatly appreciated by the audience. Rev. & Mrs. Amacher were introduced to the group and Mr. Amacher made a fitting reply. Rev. Mr. Oake gave us a short talk and pronounced the benediction after which Units 2 & 7 served a dainty lunch and were thanked by Mrs. W. Woolley and the balance of the afternoon was spent in a social hour with games and visiting. Members will be notified by letter of the next meeting which will take the form of a pot luck dinner. ENNISKILLEN The Enniskillen I met in the Church basement on Oct. 23,1973 at 7.15 p.m. witb fine members present. Our mas- q uerade dance is to be held in ovember. We discussed our party and our skit. We also iscussed "Hospitality in the Club". We are decorating the hall for our party. Any members wishing to help decorate please come. If you have any decorations bring them too. We wrote out our invitations for the party. Mrs. Adam Sharp has re- turned home from spending a week with ber sister, Mrs. D. B. Kay, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wray and fatnily, Bowmanville, we- re Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb's. Miss Elva Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Syd Parson's, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cann, Freeport, N.S.Mrs. Gilbert Marshall, South Range N.S. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Marshall, Barton, N.S. were Thursday evening dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery's. Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill were Sunday dinner guests of Miss Wilma Werry,Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tay- lor, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Taylor, Bowmanville were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dor- land were Wednesday visitors with Mrs. Lorna Mustard, Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leuty, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Owen Sound, were last week visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker, Scott and Lisa, Newcastle, were Sunday evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery's. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor and many others attended Thanksgivng services at Ty- rone on Sunday Mr. Clare Ashton, Prescott, spent the weekend with bis parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton, Mr. S. Kersey, Hamp- ton, was Sunday supper guest at the Ashton's. Mrs. C. Bennett, Mrs. F. Dickinson, Oshawa, Mrs. Hen- ry Sheppard, Port Hope were recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick's. On Oct., 2nd, the Enniskillen Tea Sippers met at Mrs. Chambers. We opened with the pledge. Deana Palmateer read the minutes of the last meetin g. The roll call was "One thing I would like to have in the guest room". Debbie Pollard took up collec- tion. Discussions were held on formal and informal tea. All of the girls demonstrated on how to make tea, relisb plates and sandwiches. On Oct. 9 the Enniskillen Tea Sippers met at; Mrs. UnamDers. We openedi with the pledge. Kelly Powell read the minutes and took down the attendance. Mrs. Chambers thanked us for the wonderful job we did with the sandwich- es, tea and relisb plates; she also gave back our book. We were mnformed of any impere- ments that could be down - leaders and girls taked about inívitations (formal, informaI) g ames, decorating and enter- tain for parties. Mrs. Chamb- ers next showed us that centre pieces don't always bave to be flowers. On Oct. 16, the Enniskillen Tea Sippers met at Mrs. Chambers. Kelly Powell open- ed with the pledge. The roîl call was exchange of refer- ence material and an idea for an original party game. Susan Werry read the minutes. Mrs. Fitzsmmons came and ans- wered any questions we had on this unit or the next. We made more plans for our party. Nancy Wriht, Tammy Ball, Debbie Polard and Jackie Powell demonstrated how to make cup-cakes. The sad and shocking news came to us over the weekend of the sudden death of the late Randy Frazer, Hampton, R.R. We extend our community's deepest sympathy to his sorrowing wife and two sons. We share the sadness that Mr. and Mrs. Bud Chambers and family are experiencing in the loss of a beloved mother and grandmother, Mrs. Cham- ber's mother the late Mrs. M APLE GROVE NEWS At Maple Grove United Church on Sunday morning the Laity Service was conduct- ed by several members of the congregation. Mr. Ken Brooks gave the Call to Worship, the Invocation and the reading of the New Testament Scriptures was given by Mr. Colin Soutter. Mr. Teq White led in prayer. Mr. /Ken Brooks introduced Mr. Art Burgess who was the guest speaker, based his sermon on questions he would ask himself and we could ask ourselves about our faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Sorry to report that Mr. Gordon Besse is a patient in Bowmanville Memorial Hosp- ital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Mr. Bob Snowden were Sunday Kennedy of Lindsav. In ber memory our choir had a vase of flowérs at the altar Sunday mormnng. A quick and complete recov- ery is wished for Mr. E. A. Werry who is receiving medi- cal attention for a seizure in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Some 20 members of the Juinior generation of the E. C. Ashton clan collected at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton to complete arrange- ments for their Christmas gathering. A birthday in the ffing was celebrated too. Many happy returns Karen. Mm. Roy McGill is in Memorial Hospital Bowman- ville. Our best wishes for a comfortable and speedy re- covery to the best of health. The U.C.W. dinner served in Clarke H.S. was well attended and praised by the guests. The Sunday services return to the regular boums next Sunday unt, .l the special Chr- istmas services. May we congatulate winn- ers in (1) Convention in Toronto, (2) Provincial elect- ion in P. Quebec, and (3) Secretamiat. 1_ evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Huband, Osh- awa. The sympathy of the domm- unity is extended to Mrs. Peter Kowal Sr. and family in the passing of Mr. Kowal. Sympathy of the Base Line friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dixon and family is extended to them in the sudden loss of their little son Danny. The S.S. "no. 3, Base Line School was the scene of a very pleasant gathering on Satur- day evening, Oct. 27th when over 70 folks enjoyed a bounteous pot luck supper. The tables were decorated with centre pieces of mums arranged by Mrs. J. Arthur Barnesand a arge arrange- ment of flowers graced the Piano. When all had partaken Of the varied abundance of casseroles, pies, cakes etc. the chairman for the evening Mr. Walter Tink explained to the guests of honor for the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bennett, the reason for the corsage and boutonier which Mrs. Rex Fowler pinned on them. Walter wished Grant and Emma happiness and good health in their new apartment ln Bowmanville and asked them to acceptvtwo «ifts on behalf of their Base Line friends and former neighbors. George Williamson ana Neil Brownell presented the happy couple with a swag lamp and an oak end table. Grant and Emma made fitting replies and the evening was spent with visiting. During the evening a friend- ship book was signed by everyone and along with a bou uet of flowers was taken toMUrs. Gordon VanCamp, a former member of the Base Line community, who is now a atient in Sunset Lodge, owmanville. Ma ple Grove W. I. The October meeting of the Women's Institute was held on the 15th at 8 p.m. in the C. E. Hall. Mrs. C. Greenham, Presi- dent, welcomed members and the Newtonville W.I. who were our guests. The Roll Call "One form of politeness I admire", was answered by all members. It was agreed to send a $5. Unristnias donation to our adopted child. Mrs. J. Hurrie bas consent- ed to be our delegate to the Area Convention in Toronto on Oct. 24-6th. Mrs. S. Morton, District Director, ieported on a District Meeting held at Mrs. H. Bradley's. Mrs. L. C. Snowden reported on "Facts on labelihng that had been presented by Mr. Herb Gray of Consumer Affairs. Mrs. H. Cryderman conven- or of Public Relations was in charge of the following pro- gram. Miss Susan Laird of Oshawa had prepared the Motto "Understanding is the pathway to tolerance iwhich was read by Mrs. Cryderman. She said that tolerance is being liberal or indulgent. To know all is to forgive all. We must understand what is behind some actions to be able to judge. The old 1 i saying "Ibave walked f.-iis mocassins" tells us a lot. The Bible says "Give thy servant an understanding heart". Racial tolerance is an import- ant subject for us all to remember, Mrs. Crvderman read a poem entitled 'Just a house- wife". Mrs. W. Laird showed slides entitled 'Being Aware'. Tpese slides were under three headings, Nature, Places and Patters. Mrs. Cryderman closed the program with two readings entitled 'What a Grandmother Is' and 'What a Dreamer' airter wmen sne tnanKea ivrs. laird for the excellent slides. The 'Good Neighbour" re-. port was give9n by Mrs. W. Brown. The repeating of the Collect in unison brought the meeting to a close. Mrs. H. Cryderman had a contest to test~our minds after which lunch of sandwiches pickles, cookies, tea and coffee was served by the Ma ple Grove ladies. Mrs. Queenie Fletcher of Newtonville moved a vote of thanks to Maple Grove for an enjoyable evening. Dominion Securities Corp., Harris & Partners Ltd is pleased to announce that as in previous years MISS MARGARET W. ALLIN is their AGENT for the Sale of CANADA SAVINGS BONDS 1973 Series in the BOWMANVILLE, NEWCASTLE ORONOAREA Miss Allin may be contacted at 55 Centre St., Bowmanville - 623-5607 -i-i A