10 The Canadian Stateý Plan Addition To Millbrook Sewage Plant Tenders were advertised from the Ministry of Correc- tional Services during the week of October 22nd for the installation of facilities for the remioval of phosphates from sewage effluent at the sewage treatment plant at Millbrook Correctional Centre (instal lation of one 5,000 Imperial Gallon fibre reinforced plastic chemical storage tank, chem- ical feed distribution pipework and flash mixer and mixer mounts.1 This also includes the con- struction of a paved access road to the chemical storage tank and replacement of 140 feet of security fenc e). The expected completion date is sxweeks following the con- tract award. ,Report of Oct. Meeting of Sr. Citizen, Club The regular monthly meet- ing of Senior Citizens was held Oct. 9th in the Lions Com- munity Centre. After supper Mr. C. Taylor led in a sing song with Mr. Graham at the piano. Because Mrs. Young was absent, Miss Cryderman read the minutes of the last .meeting. After these were redand approved, One 1minutes silence was given in honour of those' who had passed on since last meeting, Mr. T. Hircock, Mr. Symonds, Mr. Shea, Mr. Robbins, and Mr. Pike. Th ose in the bospital were Mrs. Burdett, Mr$. Bell, Mrs. Blair, Mrs. Snowden, Mrs. King, and Mrs. Rivers. We- wish each a speedy recovery. Mrs. Armistead read the Treasurer's report and an- nouned six new members. Mrs. Cawker gave a beauti- fuI reading on Thanksgiving and later announced that the Drama club was giving a play in Bowmanville High School and the Sr. Citizens are invited free to see it Nov. 8. Al members were remind- ed to come to the November meeting and to be ready to pick, up then their tickets to the Xmas dinner. Mrs. Darch told of receiving a letter from Tweed telling how much they eïîjoyted the Bowmanville Sr. Citizens visit to Tweed. Mrs. Hendron took charge of the reading room while others played Euchre or crockenole. In the lucky draws for the eveniing Mrs. Collacott won lst, Mrs. Wright 2cd., Mrs. Wakelin 3rd, and Mrs. Bain 4th. 1OBITUARIES BRIAN CLIFFORD ALBE RT READ The death occurred in Toronto General Hospital on Friday, September 28, 1973 of Brian Clifford Albert Read, aged 19, as the result of a tragic hit and run accident. Born in Toronto, the son of William and Sylvia (Hawke) Read, he was educated in Pickering and had resided in Newtonville for t0e past year and a haîf. Hvr ead was unemployed at, the time of his death. Surviving besides is par- ents are his brothers William and Tom, sisters Susan and Nancy, grandparents and other relatives inluding his niece Marie. The funeral was held on Thursday, October 4, from the Morris Funeral Chapel, with Rev. T. Snelgrove officiating. Palîbearers were Messrs. William Read Jr., Randy and Ron Smith, Rick Harris, Newtonville, Wayne Latch- ford, Pickerýigan-iffr Two favorite hymns 'Abide with Me" and "Whispering Hope" were rendered. Palîbearers were Messrs Harold and Robert Burgess, Gordon Stevens and Allyn Taylor. Interment was in Bethesda Cemetery. WHOLESALE PRICES DROP Statisties Canada reported that wholesale prices on food and industrial goods decreas- ed in September. The -major factors in the decline were a 49 percent drop in prices of animal products and a 1.2 percent drop in prices for vegetable products. Consumer Affairs Minister Herb Gray said in the House of Commons that the govern- ment will watch to see if the consumner will benefit from the lower wholesale prices. 48-FL01 9 32-F L-01 PLASTIC BOULE PEP.SI-COLA PLUS BOTTIE DEPOSIT INSTANT, FREEZE DRIEO MaximCoffee KISMET - DECORATOR BOWL Soft Margarine PR ý"FiCIALLY MAPLE FIA VOURED OId Tyme Syrup ENRICHED - ALL PURPOSE Five Roses Flour 8-oz iar %2.1 9 1-lb bowl 4 3< ACTION PRICED! 32-fi-oz bottle 69< 7-lb bag $1.1 5 89I TINS 4 KRAFT PEA NUl BUTTER 3-LB JAR $1, -s DELUXE WHITE OR COLOUR WHIE SWA N BATHROOM TISSUE ,PKGS $0 ilFO2 $ - ROULS SLICED (Buy 3 Loaves - Save 16c) JANE PARKER BREAD 60%/ or 1000/o04O LAE Whole Wheat orÏ 9 Cracked Wkeat JANE PARKER, SLICED (RUY 3 LOAVES - SAVE 17cý LVIENNA BREAD 10AVES 3/s .00 PJANSON S, RECONSTITUTED, PURE, UNSWEETENED Orange Juice 64-fl-o O STE RGE NT Agrctic Power Kng size 5-lbb WITH PORK OR VEGETARIAN Libby Beans 1?-fl Libby Sauerkraut 28-f- BEEF,ý MEALTIME, 5TEW Kal Kan iCat Food 6 DSINFECTING STAIN REMOVER A&jax Cleanser Gatsz i PURE VEGETABLE Crisco 01 12-f NATURAL - DELICOUS HOT OR COLO DRINK< COvaltine 2C HOWARD JOH-NSON'S Clam Chowder TOMATO Heinz Ketchup 32- WITH PORI< Van Camp Beans McCAIN PROZEN SHOE STRNG FRENCH9- FRIES (PREPRICED) zbottle 69< bDOX $1.8 9 i ocz tînl 42< fiOZ tn35 6-oz tin 23< ns3/9 -oz tin i$3.49 o -oz jar$1,25 15-fi oz tin49 fi oz bole68 19-fI oz tin 34< ACTION PRICED! 2-lb pkg GREEN GIANT, Fancy Quality, Corn Niblets or, ACTON PRICED! Sweet Peas FROýZEN 12 oz pkgs 3 /,9< FROZEN, STRAWBERRY McCain Shortcake 216cAk$12 9 BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY, SALISBURY STEAK, FROZEN 'Sultana DinlL-ners i11ozpkg65< FROZEN, CONCENTRATEO Welch's Grape Juice 12-fioz tin 5 1 AY MR VEGETABLES MIJX&MhA T(Iý! ý 10-FL-OZ TINS Peas, Peas & Corrots, Cream. Style Corn, r Cut Wax /9 or Green Beons Extra Low Priced Jane Parker Baked Goods! 6<) AR E PLAIN OR WEAT EACH JANEPARER <AVE TWIN ROULS pkgof,î2 "Brwn N SrveRois"PLAIN. SESAME SEED, POPPYSEED JANE PARKER, RAISIN TWIST Coffee Cakle JANE PARKER Chelsea Buns JANE PARKER, PLAIN OR SUGAR Family Donuts JANE PARKER, SLICED Cheese Bread (SAVE 6c) 14-oz cake 3<ý (SAVE 6c) 16-oz pkg 79< (SAVE 6c) pkg of 1259 12-oz loaf39< SWEET P!Cv.LED (C Bock Bacon END CUTS SUPER-RIGHT BRAND Side Bacon SLICED 1- :ENTRE CUTS LB 51.38> lb$1,28 -lb Vac Pac $ 2 BURNS BRAND, STORtE PACK Be'ef & Pork.Sausages lb Î8< SCHNEIOERS BRAND Oktoberfest Sausage îb$1,18 PETER PIPER BRAND, ANY WEiGHT CUT Bologna BY THE IC BURNS BRAND Wieners SCHNEIDERS BRAND Chopped Suet GETTING To KNOW YOU By VERA HARRIS Ida Burns & Associates Inc. 1260 Lokeshore Rd. E., Port Credit, Ontario As A&P WEO Consultants, a large portidn of aur worl< is finding out from you, the consumerewhat you wcint in systems, layouts, products and services. Frequently you will find us in the stores visiting with you or telephoning you, or in this column asking you for advice. Today we have two questions: (1) What further ser- vices would you lîke at A&P? (2) Do you buy A&P House Brands (ie: Jane Parker, Bokar Coffee, Sail, Sunnyfield) or National Brands? Canada No. 1 Grade, White Table Stock P.E.I.POTATOES' 253LB BAG ~1.6 ONTARIO, FIRM, FRESM Brussels Sprouts 10OoZ'cup39 AT A&P WEO YOU GET THE FIRST 4 RISS ONLY WHICH IS THE CHOICE PORTION 0F A BEEF RIB PRIME1 ROAST 7- Inch Cut b $118 SI4OPSY BRAND, COLE SLAW OR Po ao Sald24-oz carton MAPLE LEAF, SLICED - DUTCH LOAF, CMICKEN LOAF, OLIVE LOAF AND MACARONI & CHEESIE ýC>ooked M eats 6-oz Vac Paci SWIFT PREMIUM, SLICED Cooked Hum 6-oz Vac Pac n69< c44< c8< e * *o ~ee 12-oz pkg 45<9 16-oz pk g98 lb76 A&P POLICY Always do what is honest and fair for every customer. RAINCHECK: if an advertised special is ever sold out, ask the Manager for'a Raincheck. It entitles you to the same item at the same special price the following week. Or if you wish we'll give you a comparable item at the sm e, special price. GUARANTEE: A&P offers an unconditional -money-back guar- antee.-No matter what it is, no motter who makes it, if A&P sells it, A&P guarantees it. JANE PARKER - "BROWN 'N SERVE" (SAVE 6c) B read pkg of two, 8-oz 1oaves 39< JANE PARKER,-LEMON MERINGUE. 22-OZ PIE OR (SAVE 10c) Cherry Pie F.11i 8 nch, 24-oz pie, each 6r9< JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c) Dapcte Crunch 12.z foîtray49<% JANE PARKER (SAVE Sc) JelIy RolI çoz cake45< PDQ. BRAND Egg Nog Flavour Beaids 12 oz jar 95< FRAGRANT TOILET BOWL CLEANER Scini-Flush 47-oz container 73< A SUPERB BLENDO0F 100-% BRAZIUIAN COFFEE 8 O'Clock INSTANT COFFEE lO-oz $1.45 "tNEW" HIOLLYWOOD WAFER TH!N 12-OZ PKG McCormick's Crackers 5-7-e FIRST 4 RIBS EONELESS SHOULDER CUTS PRIME RIB STEAKS lb,1 STEWING B3EEF EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING MACARONI CH'LI TOM&STO, SPAGHETTI SAUCE "JUST ADO HAMBURGER" - BEEF NOOOLE, CHEESE BURGER, Creamettes Dinners 8-oz pk4 9<Q UNCLE BEN'S - M&M PLAIN CHOCOLATE CANDIES, SNICKERS, 3 MUSKETEERS M ars Bars (Fun Size) 12-oz pkgll87< ASSORTED FLAVOURS, WITH PECTIN St. W illiams Jams 9-floz jars3/9 FRESH - 15 PIECES BOX-O-CHICKEN;- 3 LEG QUARTERS i 3 BREAST QUARTERS 3WINGS, 3 NECKS l 9 3 GIBLET PACKETS 1;2 ORAL ANTISEMTC ACT ONý PRICEDI Listerine 18 fi oz bottle $1,0ù9 TOOTHPASTE & MOUTHWA5H IN ONE Closeup GREEN OR RED 150-ml tube $51.19 DRY, OILY, REGULAR Haolo Shaimpoo 8-fl oz p'astic botl e 77< "FREE RAZOR WITH PURCHASE OF" Schick Razor Bilades pkg of 68:, lb56 OMSTEAO, FROZEN, BATTER FRIEO Lake Smelts i-lb Vac Pac 78< SX BRAND, FOE Beef Steakettes lb,5,8< Finnan Haddi*e FROZEN "We Redeem ALL Food Store Coupons" VERA HARRIS