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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1973, p. 11

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ni(eINTwcstle Memor- ialArn opened its doors ofiilyfor the 1973-74 season tldts week for a fil poga of hockey, skat1ing an2d figure skating. TheRceto F ig ur e Skating Club had the hon- or of being the first organ- ito aofficially start the scason, The asena is ail decked onUt for the brand ncw sea- son with quite a few se- pairs having been donc and a lot of clean fresb paint. There should be enough hockey psesented for everyone's liking witb Recreation teams compet- ing in House League Hoc- key, United Counties Lea- gue and O.M.H.Ae comnpe- tition., Then for added thrills and excitement you have Town League Hoc- key and Newcastle's Jun- ior D teom. For addcd giace and finesse the members of the Newcastle Recreation Figure Skating Club will be on the ice daing their thing. Ms. Jamie Wright bas been hired as Arena Man- ager an d he bas been working long and bard getting ali in readiness. Mr. and Mss, Wallace Couch_ Ms. and Mss. 'Bud' Wagar, àMs. and Mss. Jack Chard, Ms. and Mss. Mal- colm Kidd, Ms. and Mss3. Harsy Bowhuis and Mrs. Pot Gseg attended the I.GA,. (O-shawa Gsoup) party at the Skyline Hotel, Toronto, Monday, Oct. 29. They gnjoyed an evening MANUFACTURERS LIVESTOCK SPECIALS VIT AMA R IEI)ICATED SILO GUARD International Stock Food Company Limited Sales Repsesentotive: "UNCLE BE NN Y" WI LSON 623-5720 Bowmonville It's bg Exciting. The w'orld's bigesrinoor coutntry fair. 27 acelillîci with deiights for the wlol amily. Like the Royal Horse, Show featuring tie spec- taculaýr R.C.M\,.P. Musical Ride. Moechampion livestoc k tisait anlywhlere cisc in tise wosii. Tise Carnival of Floweî s. Tise '74 caors. Foocltowî Cantacla witis its tasty fre.e santples. Exotic tropical fisis. Li\,,,eîtertainnietst, ancd nictlis mtore. So coe OSCearly antd make a dlay of it. Andi doî't forgyer yt15camera!. Agriculturl Winter Fair NOV. 9,17. of dinner, and dancing witb entertainment by the New Christy Minstrels. If was a very special night mode even more s0 bY the Hawaiian decar a f i o n , bula skirts and an appro- piate meal served in the style of a Hawaiian Luaii. The Newcastle Vlun- tees Firemen beld their annual banquet Saturday, Nov. 3 at St. George's Par- ish Hall. Tbe A.C.W. sot- ered and served the Fise- men and their wivesa de- licins roast beef dinner with all the trimmings. These gafhcsings, the men sccm ta enjoy 50 much, give thcŽse dedicated men a chance to relax and en- joy each other's componv. In this relaxed atma- spbere a repart on the dance they beld recently for Muscular Dystrophyv was given. Thougb If wos o lot of voi'k at the time, the men were pleased with their efforts and are proud ta scnd a cheque in the~ antount of seven hundsed, sixty-seven ($767.00) to the Muscular Dystsopby Association fa aid in the research of this dreaded disease. Rer many fsiends In and around the village will be pleased t, learn Mrs. Ma- bel t~e Gresley (Granny) is home fromn the bospital affer ber recent nasty fal and is spending' the win- fer months with Ms. and Mss. Clinton Burley, King St. W. Mss. Le Grcsley, in spite of lber advanced oge, s a wonderful, brigbf lady and wouid indeed love to bave yau visit ber at the Burîcys. As report cd last week. Uic two Newcastle Brown- ie Packs enjoyed a week- end camp 0f Camp Ade- laide, Haliburton. In spite of the shostness of thieir stay the girls and their leaders had a marvelous time. The Brownies enjoy- cd a weekcnd of gamnes. bikes, crafts and campfire. They even bad their own cnurch service (Bsownies Awn) in the, ontdoor cho- pel. The igblight of the weekend was the presen- iATTENTION FARMAERS.! * !W WHYAYM'ORE, 5~fr SAV EON I I e*DIESEL FUEL e eMOTOR OIL- * . GASOLINE * Premium Quality* * Farm Tanks and * Pumps Available IPhono 668-3381 * Collect Ix F UELWLI * For Prompt Courteous Service I * Cali Us TodayI Newcast(le Social and Personal Whcn a nd Howv. Friday, Novent- her 9 to Saturday, No\'cnsber 17. Opeis, 8:00 a.ms. ro 10:00 P.ns. Moniday to Saturday. ODpeits 1: 30 p.ns. Suîsday, Novcîsbcr 11. Park oit Exisibitioîs i rcunids. Take tise Bathsurst Exisibitioîs Streetc ascIitectly to tise coors. O7- conte bW GO Train vto Use Exhibsition Station. Adissisit Adults: $2.00, Stuclîts: '$I.00, Cislisrs,12 anc1 uies: 25ce. tation of a Holiday Bdo The weatber was criso, but sunny with even o1 15 minute snowfall thrown iin for good measure. Therej was no rain until thiev weso halfway borne. T the surprise of most of the parents the advcntur- crs asrived home an boni carl les thon cxpecfed .- would you believe the leaders forgot ta set tbeir dlocks bock? Leaders and helpers for this holidaY wcre: Cook and Pock Holi- day Licence, Mss. Joan Hawes; Assistant Cook, Mss. Lorno Thaxtes: Lead- er for 2nl Ncwcastle Pack, Mss. Elizabeth Bennink: Leader for lst Newcastle Pack, Mss. Mary Ano In- nis; Leader's belper, Mss. Karen Tordiff. A special tbank yau to Mrs. Joan Hawes who mode this trip possible witb ber Pack Holiday Licence. Bsownîes taking part were: Cindy MeLukan, Kimberley Gar- row. Julie Cachin, Donna Rowe, Cindy Cameron, Chesyl Martin, Annette Martin, Angie de Plaa, Sonya Tanner, Sbowna Clarke, qusan Housley, Liso Kent, Lana Collier, Sher'ry Thaxter, Sandra Stommcl, Linda Kazak, Jill Englîsb. Lisa Wind, Beth Bav'lcr. Sandy Joncs. Jan et Prunes. Patt -y John- ston. Korril Francis, Rhon- do Coulas. Kim Tardiff. Karine HaymnaI. Mr. and Mss. Jack Pru- nec. Debbie and Janet spent thic weekend vwbfb Jack's brother'and family, Ms. and Mss. David Psu- oci' and Darren in Kings- ton. Bowlinga Ladies- 200 and over K. Mescer 300, T. Lang- staff 294, D. Neol 282, 1. Brown 271, S. Postes 250, V. Watson 249, M. Poster 249, B. Major 237, A. Langstaff 236, E. Meadoxvsý 220, D. Forth 215, M. Bus- ley 209, D. Langstaff 209, E. Moore 208, H. Sinon 207, B. Thompson 206, D, Mer- ces 206, E. Perrin 206. Meni - 220 and over J. Forrester 272.< M. Henry 268, J. Knclangen 248, E. Taylor 245, B. Far- row 244. B. Glanville 1242, D. 'Harris 241, G. Watson 227, G. Cowling 226, C. Kimbail 221. Thursday Mixcd 200 and over B. Glanville'279, C. Mac- Gregor 274, H. Verbnrgh, 268, W. Forget 242, J. Worr 214, B. Storshergen 212, F. Storsbesgen 200. Fi'iday Mixed 200 and over J. 'Mi0tea 3 . A-~Pa 33i5, H. M. Munro ,()29lýE. Znlinski 252, R. Burlev 250, T. Embley 250, J. Sik ma 254, B. Henry 239. R. Good 233, S. Powell 230), M. 'Bnrley 223, A. Vogels 215, M. Henry 212, P. Sik- mo 205, L. Pcorce 204. W ESLEY VILLE Just a lîttle warnlng of tbîngs ta came was seen on Sunday when a f e'. stray snowflakes drifted down an the chill ais, Chilliti may be. but fsost bas nat come ta basm the few vegetables left ont- side, sncb as the last of the tomaoes and cabbage. Witb the colder weather. evening grosbeaks arsived In a large flack the same day ta settie in their fav- orite tree, o manif oba maple; so if is time ta fuil un the feeders to be sure business._ His wife_had been visiting relatives in Burling- ton area and together they flew home on Sunday evening. Winners at the Women's Institute card pasty on Tues- day cvening wese Ladies' High, Mac Shortsidge, Second -Lorna Richasds, Thisd- Olive McKec, Men's High- Belle Wessy, Second - Harold McDiarmid. Third - E. Till, Mss. Stuart Dorreil, Chasl- ton was o weekend guest of H The Newcastle Independent Mms Som Brereton Phone 987-4221 of friendly visitors during the wintes." Servie at Welcomc United Church was in charge of Rev. J. Ramit on, Sunday mornîng who had for the unusual title foir bis sermon, "Devil Possession To-day" and took bis text fsom FIrst Peter 5: 1-11. That evil is somethino more than the absence of good, wTas illus- trated by accounts of de- r-mn1possessed people fin nur time, espccially the rise of a church organized to worship satan. The 19 niembcr iunoir choir led bv Mss. R<. Lax andorgan- ist Mrs. Dennis Croft sang as thcir anthem, "God Loves a Cheerful Giver" aod it was sung in that v.Y, o flowers of red, bronze and vellow ,dahliasq were suooihed by Mss. Ken Dinnes 'for ber group of U.C.W. The congregation waýs pleased to sec Mrs. P(eccî Snell aod Mrs. A, Thorodyke out again after their secent stay in lhos- pitlA. D)uring the morning ser-, via donation on behaîf of the Suoday school was prcsented to Kcn Symons, Vic treasurer of the church by\ George Tufford, Sun- day school treosuses. It wos announced by Mr. Sy- moýns that with this dona- 1 in paymcnt of thc total -osi; of the new part of the, church is assured. Congratulations to Tru- man Austin who' Is once again grandfather with the hîirth of a daughter f0 Ms. and Mss. Johni Ross of -Huntsville. This is also an- othes great-great grand- child for Mss. Phoebe H-oldaâway. Maoy of the local resi- dents attended the open m-eeting Md Canton hall on Fridlay eveoing to hear re- ports co activities of the HoDe gr. up. The special spoaker was Ms. Brian Wallace of Toronto wbo spoke on an engineering projeet to put garbage to oiseftil production of en- (rgy. Recentlv Rodney Payne uxent to Eurp)pe witb a groîp of high' school stu- dents and reports the trip xvorthwhile. There was a day when a tour of the continent was considered a necessasy part of the ed- ucation of those in the British Isies and now it is Canadians wbo are enjoy- ing the prIvilege as wcll. M\aoy, as John Evelyn in the, 17th century, left ex- cellent accounts of theis ti ves, it would be inter- cýsting to hear the reaction of oir voing people todav ishen vein many of odaog the N,,rth sea in 'in nid passenger ship sali- cd tic S S. Uganýda which liad been converted foi- the use of students. For hom, one of the experien- cns here Xi is sea sickness. They travelled In Scot- land, Franc-e, Belgium and Gcrmnany, He notrd high prices comparcd, to Con- 'îda's, marvclled at the cas driving. and bad the privi- lege of meeting many peo- pic in thcse countries. Mr. Will Joncs of Tos- onto visltcd with his bro- thcs-in-law, Stan Jones, I0 Orono last weck. Ms. and 1Mis. Ross Joncs. Stan Joncs and the visiting un- cIe had dinnes witb Ms. and Msrs. Harold Best on Thursday.1 Jennifer Payne bas been in Trenton this weekcnd taklng o course in skating which will be continued next weekend. Ms. and Mrs. Bey. Darke and Mi'. and Mss. Ross Darke of Toronto spent Saturday evening wi1t h Mrs3. Hectos Darke, and Michael Parkc stayed with his grandmother on Sun- day while the older mem- bers visited in Bowman- ville. Ms. and Mss. George Tufford attended Comn mencement exercises in Port Hope last week when son Roc seceivcd his sec- ndairý graduaition cci tîfi- Ms. and Mss. Harold McLau- ghlin and girls. On Sunday Ms. and Mss. Wilbus Toms celebrated thieis 45th wedding annivcssasy whcn theis family,-Ms. and Mss. Har'ld McLaughlin, Mss. Stuart Dorreli, Ms. and Mss. Keith VanCamp took thcm to dinnes at the Rock Haven, Petecrborough. During, the dinnes they were present- cd with matching cabochon blue sapphise rings to mnark the'happy occasion. A fine congregation attend- cd the Annivcssary Services of the United Church. Special music was providcd by the regulas chois. The guests Ministes was Rev. Merrill Ferguson, Oshawa, who spoke on 'Aglow with the Spirit". Rev. and Mss. Mesrill Ferguson,' Oshawa werc dinn- es guests of Rcv. and Mss. V. M. Passons and family. Ms. and Mss. Phil Campbell and Ian, Ottawa were Friday evening calless of Ms. and Mss. Neil Bailey and family enroute to Waterloo to visit their daughter. Sunday even- ing they wcre dinner guests when tbcy called on the way back to Ottawa. On Saturday evening the O.NO. ladies entcstaincd Lheis husbands toa smosgas- bord dinner and dance at Rock Haven, Peterbosough. The men each receivcd a button- ierse and the ladies received coffee spoons engsaved, O.N.O.,73. Evesyone reports a most enjoyable evening, in-, spite of the dask beginning. Blackstock and area was involved in the power blackout on Satusday evening as prep- asations wie-e-being-madefor the Night Ouf. Ms. and Mss. Noel Morton and boys, Oshawa, Ms. and Mrss Lloyd Wright and family, Rev. and Mss. Merrill Fergu- son, Oshawa, Mss. Olga Hill were Sunday evening dinnes guesfs of Ms. and Mss. Bill Ferguson and boys. 4-H Meeting by Jean lHorton A 4 H part y was planned by the girls and held on Octobes 30th, and the mothers wesc invited. Diffesent games wesc enjoyed hy all and the sefseshments f00. This was a buffet-type table setup witb tea, cookies, fancy sandwich- es and more. The girls give special thanks f0 Mss. Martyn, Mss. McLau- ghlin, Mss. Mahaffy and Mss. Williams Who mode this unit and part y a success. Mss. Roy Taylor attended a bridal shower in honor of bier gsanddaughter Carolyn Murs- ay held at the bride's aunts on Saturday evening in Uxbrid- ge. On Sunday Mss. Roy Taylor, Ms. and Mss. Arnold Taylor and Betty Jane aftended a trousseau. tea in honor of Casolyn Murray at the home of the bside's parents, Ms. and Mss. Garnet Murray, Cress- well. Ms. and Mss.Ann Taylor of -Scarborouigh also a famnily dinnes at Conwýay Gardens. On Thursday. evening the Blackstock Agricultusal Soc- iety met in the Res. Centre. Reports of the Fais this indicated that inflation had struck hese too, as although reccipts were'hightersSo also were the expenses. Sec. Joyce Kelly regretfed the delay of cheques due partially f0 the unexpecfed delay in the print- ing of the cheques from the Bank. The Directors are booking for new ideas for next yeas's Fais. A music evening is planined for December when the Oshawa Philharmonic Or- chestra will present the pro- gramme. Tickets wi lîbe sold in advance and will bc available from the Directors. The Annual meeting is set for January 24th. Ms. and Mss. Vance Wilson and Bibl, Toront o were Fsiday evening callers of Mss. Ruth Wilson and Mss. MeQuade. Saturday evening dinner gue- sts wese Ms. and Mss. Harsy McKee, Jane and Janice of Oshawa. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 7,1973 i by Dol Dairymple, Agricultural Representative Harold McMabon, Peterbor- ough; Ms. and Mss. Jock MeMahon, Nova Scotia; and Mrss.dock Ainslie, Peterbos- Ms. and Mss. Gcrald Mc- Mabon and Miss Agnes Cahili f Rexdale v itd I itb M s, Gladys MeMahon 1nd Ms. and Mss. ie1ahon . Ms. and Mss. George Cart- es, John and Judy, of Bow- monville, visited with Ms. and Mss. Wes. MeMahon. Ms. -and Mss. Leon Bsaitb- woite, Peterbosough, visited witb Ms. and Mss. Ray Port cous. Men's Bowling League: Ivor Williams, higb thrcc with a score of 701; high single was won by Steven McGill with a score of 224; and Ken Sinclair won the bigb thrcc handicap witb o score of 532. 1Senior Citizens Mss. Jean Argue opcned the meeting for the Golden Star Senlior Citizens by scading "Lord make me an instrument of Thy Peace". Ruth gave a detailed report of past activi- tics of the group and Mss. Tva Posteous gave a tborough treasures's report and statcd that these are now 79 mcm- bers and 76 of these are Star members. Mss. Argue explaincd the value of bcing Star mcm bers as sfated in the U.S.C.O. Inc. Voice papes. Rea ding during these wct, coul days will be enjoycd by many as the librosy bas expanded most satisfactorily. Appýrediatien for the books and the wrapped pascels for prizes was expressed. A tIrppf0 the Royal Winter Fair was decidcd for Seniors' Day, Novemhcs 9; the bus will leave the Parisb Hall af 9.00 arn., and Cavan store ot 8:45 arn. The gsoup plans t0 stop in Pontypool t0 partake of theis annivrsary suppes. Bisthdays and anniversar- ies werc secognized by a small lunch of cookies and tea. Elvntables of cuchre wese played; prizes going to Mrss. Harrison, a visiter fsom Rocanville, Saskatchewan; andMs. Earl Wright. The trip f0 the Royal will take t he place of the next meeting, but on Novembes 28, plans for -a special pro- gramme arc now undcrwoy. Watch for notices. OBITUARY ROY S. HOOPER An cmpboyec of Goodyear Tise and Rubber Ce. Ltd. for 34 years and a well known and respected citizen of Bowman- ville, Roy S. Hoopes, agcd 61, passed away in Memosial Hospital, Bowmanvillc, on Sunday, Octobes 28, 1973 following poor hcaltb suffescd by a stroke seven months ago. Born and cducated in Bow- manýville. he was the son of FEDERATION 0F. AGRCULTURE BANQUJET The Durham County Fed- erotion of Agriculture Annual Banquet will be held on Thussday, Novembes 22nd at Blackstock. Gucst speaker for the evening will be Ms. Menno Klassen of the Ontario Food Council. who will bc speaking on Market potentiol and possibilities in the for Eastern countries, sncb os: Japon and China. Tickets are avoulable from the Fedesation of Agri- culture members in the Coun- ty or contact Don Welsh af 263-2325. JOHN F. Generai insurance FIEE and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Contact: HARRY VOERMAN 623-3111 or 623-3950 33 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE SOIL SAMPLE EARLY These is every indication thaf in the spring of 1974, these will be a shostage of certain types of festilizes for field csops. We would like f0 urge aIl farmers in the County f0 get iyour soil samplcs taken this foul and have themn sent f0 Guelph, s0 that you con seceive yous Analysis bock and then make plans to purchase your ferfilizes, well ahead of the cxpecfed sush in the sps4ng Don Gallaghes, Suils and rup Spec ialist with the Ontario Ministsy of Agri- culture and Food, working ouf of Lindsay, does indicate that certain fertilizers will be in short supply and others may bc in short supply. if these is a rush by growcss to puschase them next spsing, so gel your soul sampling donc before freeze-up. 50 that you con make plans to have fertilizes purchased uebl ahead of time. Lucius and Annie Hooper and in 1939 was married f0 Emma Cunningham. A member of St. John 's Anglican Chusch, he had been setircd from business for two and a haîf ycass. Surviving besides bis wife are bis sons Bibi, Toronto, Doug of Bowmanville and Allan of Toronto, fwo grand- sons, and a brother Frank, of Bowmanville. The funeral service was conducfcd by Revercnd Tho- mas Gracie, fsoma the Morris Funeral Chapel, on Wednes- day, October 31. Mss. Albert Col e presided af the chapel orgon. Paîl-beasers wcse Messrs. Dave Reynolds, Gord Dudley, Mike DcMask, Merv. Englisb, Dan Hughes and Bibi Cobben. Intesment was in Bowman- ville Ccmetcry. GET CASH TODAY FOR OLI) APPLIANCES THROtIGH STATESMA N commmmmmmwm * WE'RE HAVING I * AMATEUR TALENT I NTE CASTLE IHOTEL * Fully Licensed ee.B ILL MACEY I Bowmanville I Sm mum-m m -mi ibis identification card entities you to cash ypur personal cheque instantly at any Conmmerce branch. The Commerce Key Account is a totally An geevrOi new approach to personal you're Ii&0 banking. Ifs a complete package of personal banking services and you can use them at your home branch or in any of the more than 1500 Commerce branches across Canada. And that's more branches than any other bank. The whole idea is to make you feel at home no matter where you are. Its simple. And convenient. A Commerce Key Account eliminates separate service charges and only costs you a fiat $2. 50 a month. Here's what you'11 be getting. r-] A Commerce Key Account I.D. Card. 13ý Cus.tom cheques. n Overdraft protection. LCF b; kelyt 0 [-]i A Commerce Chargex ýank'n9 SC'VICC Card. [-1Unlimited Io need. cheque writing. E Preferred rates on most Bankplan boans. El Unlîmited travellers' cheques. El A 24-Hour Cash Dispenser Card. E Automatie savings plan. [: Money orders. [] Payment of utility bills El 24-hour deposits. LI Transfers, E And joint accounts. You get ahl of this and more for only $2.50 a month. So find out about the Key Account at your local Commerce branch and become one of our key customers. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK, 0F COMMERCE o BETHANY Mss. Ross Hall and Mss. Cora Fallow, both of Whitby,« visitcd with Mss. T. Jackson, Ms. and Mss. Carl Smith, and Ms. and Mss. Ray Porteous, Debbie and Tracy., Ms. and Mss. Lloyd David- son luncbcd with Ms. and Mss. Pot Manfle on Fsiday and all seturned to Osillia f0 Ms. and Mss. Davidson's new home. Mss. D., Scown bas retusned home after visiting bier sistes Ms. and Mss. Joe Tease, in New Brunswick. Ms. and -Mss. Ross Cars spent the past week with theis son, Ms. and Mss. Creigbton Cars and family of Picton. Visitors with Mss. Ina Palmes were Ms. and Mss. ckin iU~!un Candâscoeity&ir

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