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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1973, p. 14

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100 ACRES of fertile land situated right In town of ,"Bowmanville, $25 per acre. 'Cal 1623-7538. 40-tf *THREE bedroom farmn house, four miles east of Blackstock, $150 monthly. Please cal, 986-5033. 44-2 OFFICE space available im- mediately. Appîy James In- surance Agency 24 King E., Bowmanville. Phone 623-5023. 43-tt -FUNISEDrooms by thE 1-month, bath, shower, TV, -telephone, indoor pool, sauné and icensed premises. Applý Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, 623-3373. 41-i ONE bedroom, upstairs apart- ment, unfurnished, heated, .,central, widow preferred. , Phone 623-2227. 45-2 ONE bedroom apartment, central location, stove and Jridg. Aduits only. Phone >623-33039a.m.-5p.m. .45-1 BEDSITTING Room, heated and furnished, private en- trance. Gentleman preferred. Phone 623-7108. 45-1 ONE bedroomn upstairs apart- ,ment, close to downt own, available Nov. lst., quiet elderly person preferred. .Phone 623-3951 after 5:30 p.m. 45-1 ONE bedroom, upstairs, heat- ed apartment, central. Phone 623-3969. 45-1 LARGE one bedroomn self- contained apartment,. avail- able now, $95 monthly. Peter Kowal Jr. Realtor 623-2453., 45-1 BOWMANVI LLE-modern four room apartment 'plus bath, possession Dec. l1st. Phone 623-2341. Cashfinder and Company Real Estate Developers. 145-tf ONE or Two bedroom apart- ment, Marianna Villa,' 206 Simpson Ave., $165 and $185. SIncludes electric heat, hydro, :-water, cable TV, stove, frig., ~;storage, parking. No pets.' :"Available Dec. Ï. One child. tCal 1623- 7545. 45-1 M~ODERN Brick farm house, zone mile from Bowmanville; , immediate occupany. Phoiie ý,623-2895.-15lx ,NW one bedroomn apart- mrent, immediate possession, heated, frig. and stove. 130 .,Liberty St. N., Caîl 623-2848, 45_1 ONE bedroomn apartment in Marianna Villa. Phone 623- 4306. 45-1 FURNISHED bedroomn, cen- trally located. Phone 623-7402. 45-1 - ISU h.14 l- Furnished apartment or room and board needed, for working girl during winter months. Write to Advertiser 434, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, BowmanvilJe. 45-1ix USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton 263-2241. 26-f RED Clover seed, directly from combine. Please bring one pound sample for pricing. Carnation Seed Store, 33 Divi- Sion St., Bowmanville. 37-tf 4331. 378, ÂII dlaims against the estate of Edna P. Sylvester, late of Town of Bowmanville in the County of Durham and pro- vince 0f Ontario, Married Woman, deceased, who died on or about lSth day of July, 1973, must be filed with the undersigned personal repre- sentative on or before Decem- ber lSth, 1973: thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the dlaims then filed. Dated at Bowmanvîlle this 23rd day of October 1973. NATIONAL, TRUST COMPANY LIMITED 32 SimcoeSt. South Oshawa, Ontario. (Executor) by Barber and Kelly, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 159, Bowmanville, Ontario, solicitors herein. NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COU NTY BOARD OF EDUCATIÔN' Applications will be recei- ved by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., ;November 9,1973 at the Board Office for a school bus transportation route. The successful applicant will be required to supply a 66 passenger school bus and driver for the-transportaton of purpîls from a part oqf Alniwick Township and a part 0f Haldimand Township to the Cobourg Colegiates. Specifi- cations regarding the pro- posed school bus route must be received f rom: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durham County Board'of Fducation, P.O. Box 470, D'Arcy St. N., COBOURG, Ont. K9A 4L2 45-1 a 55 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT In The Matter of The Bankruptcy of Ronald Fulton and Diane Fulton, trading as North End Market, at 101 Liberty Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. FOR SALEBY, TENDER Sealed tenders.will be received by the undersigned Trustee for the above-namned bankr upts until 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday, the 14f h day of November, 1973, at the office of the undersigned, for the purchase of the Trustee's irterest ini the following assets (subjecitaf the conditions of sale hereinaffer mentioned): PARCEL No. 1 Ail stock in trade consisting of grocery items, confecfionery, housewares and variety products. PARCEL No. 2 Various display cases, coolers and freezers, store equipmenf and accessories relafed f0 the bankrupts' business. PARCEL No. 3 1Trustee's interest in the lease covering the premises. Tenders may be submitted for the assets in "Parcels" or "En Bloc". Tenders submifted for the assefs En Bloc must indiçcate the amount bld on each parcel. Ail tenders must be accompanied by a certif ied cheque payable f0 the Trustee for 15 per cent of the amount tendered, which deposit will be returned if the tender is not accepted and the salenof completed by the purchaser. The balance of the amount tendered is payable on closing, and tenders will be accepfed on the basis that the purchaser has inspected the assefs and fitle thereto and no warranty or condition is expressed or can be implied as f0 description, classification, quaîity, condition or in any manner whafsoever. Parcel No, 1 will be subject f0 adjusfmenfsfor longs and shorts in quantifies only. Tenders must include the necessary certif icafes to be exempted of Provincial Sales Tax where applicable, otherwise' the appropriate Sales Tax will be added f0 the amount of the tender and shahl be payable by the purchaser. The highest or any tender need nof be accepted. Tenders May not be withdrawn before receiving the consideration of the Trustee and Inspectors. Ail envelopes containing tenders must be clearly Marked: "TENDER FOR NORTH END MARKET" The premises will be open for inspection on Friday, the 9th day of November, 1973, between fthe hours of 11:00 o'clock irthe forenoon and 2:00 o'clock in the affernoon. lnventory sheets wiII be available at the time of inspection. Tenders will be opened at a meeting of Inspectors at the office of Morawefz and Dimoff, 360 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon on Wednesday, the l4th day of November, 1973. AIl bidders are invited to attend this meeting. DATED at Toronto, Ontario, this 31sf day of October, 1973. Joseph Gufmann, C.A., Trustee, Fox, Brief & Gutmann, Chartered Accountants, 120 Eglinfton Avenue East, Suite 215, Toronto, Ontario. 45-1 e.I WELL DRILLlNG. Cathmar Well Drilling Ltd.,,Pontypool. Phone 705-277-2504. il tf WATER Wells bored, 30" ile. Ward's Well Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade, Tele- phone 987-4531. 16 tf WATER wells bored or drill- ed. Canada Drilling Company. Phone Oshawa 576-6004. Re- presentative Harry L. Wade, Newcastle 987-4531. 22-tf DARLINGTON MA,"-,ON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEYS& FIREPLACESý CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Mountjoy Backhoe Service Trenches - D rains Foundations and Septic Tanks Dug and Backfiîîed G RA VE L 1IVA N M OU NT J 0Y Blackstock 986-4737 45-1 WH ITE'S TV ANTENNAS Towers, U HF, V HF, Aerials Rotors & Repirs Apartmnents & Ho mes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 45-tf Refrigeration and, Applilance Service Commerciali and Domestic Ref rigeraf ion - MilIk Coolers Phone'BERTS-YER Days --623-5774 Nights 623-3177 Landler Hard&ware and ELECTRIC 1 1 -tf Dave's 'Plumbing, Heating and Electrical COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIALand RESIDENTIAL F R E E EsTrIMATES R. R. 1 Orono 786-2471 33-tf INSULATION, blowing me1 thod with rock wool, work- manship g uaranteed, free es- timates, Sea idaire insuiation. Phone 742-0272. Representa- tive Harry, L. Wade. Phone 987-4531. 38-tf BI LUS G.LAS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., - Phone 623-5187 Bowmanville, Ontario Sheet and Floaf Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - F loat Mirrors Patterned andi Colored Glass and Glazing ___________________ 17-tf li your-wel 1 or cistern is dry cail us for guaranteed, potable drinking water for delivery. Fast Efficient Service ACKERMAN WATER SERVICE 623,5263 43-4 AL. G. OSBORNE Carpet - Upholstery Professiona IIy Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-2002 BOWMANVILLE 31 -tf JACK BURGESS GIL BURNERS- FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBINGREPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 Mail Address: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmhanville 30 tf VINCE MOOR E (Cymru Decor) Paperhanging' - Painting Carpentry HOUSE RENOVATING 247 Liberty N., Bowmanville 623-3568 6t BOB, BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumnbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cal 1623-2641 33-ti M& L BU ILDING CARPENTRY RENOVATING - PAINTING TILE FLOORING ALUMINUM SIDING; CONCRETE WORK FENCING - REC. ROOMS Phone 623-219644-8x Geddes Electric Renovations - Alterations Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older, Hffes New Homes - Free Estimates PHONE 623-2398 - 44-2x Elderly Gentleman, Pen- sioner, wishes board and accommodation for the winter months. Will pay generously for proper care. W rite Adver- tiser 436, c-o Canadian States-. man, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 45-lx Farmners, Attention IDEAD STOCK SERVICE at MARGWILL FUR FARM under new management and. ownership. We appreciate a calîl f rom you when necessary. Caî11 collect 263-2721 Lic. No. 416C73 R.R. 5, Bowmanv ,ille, Ontario R.W. BOWE RING LTD., 8-tf SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Livestock, Machinery, Feed, Antique Dinner bell etc. The property 0f Rod Porter, Lot 14, Con. 14, Manvers Twp. Turn east for 1/2 mile off Highway 35 at Janetville turn (14 Con.).: lncluding: Excel- lent herd 0fcows with calves at s ide, cows re- bred Heref ord and Charolais, 7 ewes and suffolk ram, 6,000 bales hay, 1,000 bu. 0f oats, 500 bu. 0f ba rley, 2rtractors, fulll une of machinýerY. See bis for com- piete list. Terms Cash. 'No reserve. Sale at 12:30 p.m. Auctioneers: Ted Spenceley, Bethany 277-2989; and Grant Werry, Hampton - 263-2603. 44-2 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Farmn sold. Auction Sale of Livestock and Implements. The property of Jack Hood, Lot 20, Con. 3, Mariposa Twp. 8 miles west of Lindsay on, Little Britain Hwy. and 2 miles south or 2 miles north of Vaientia. 32 Head of Hereford cattle. 14 mature Hereford cows with 12 Hereford caives- by side, 2 Holstein cows with calves by side. 1 Jersey cow with ca If by side. Bull exposed June until October. M.H. 101 Junior tractor, M.H. 81 trac- for, M.H. 2 furrow plough, M.H. cultivator, seed drill, Woods electric grinder, De Lavai separator, side rake, scuffler, sap kettie, 1956 Meteor car for parts, set 0f sieighsï maoy other items. Terrps Cash, No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Sales Mgr. & Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 44-2 FRI1DAY, NOV. 9, 12 NOON HOLSTE INS, Complete Grovenvale Hol- stein Dispersai owned by Harold Grove, Sundlerland Ont. selling atthefarm 2mi.les east of Biackwater onCon. 4 Brock Twp. or 2 miles south of Sunderland and 2 miles east. 90 Head, 45 mîlk cows, 45 bred and open heifers, R.O.P. tested, Classified. A fancy uddered herd with Young "Very Good" cows seiling by "Nugget", "Triune Achilles', "Marquis", 1"Rockman",, "Dark Leader" and "Sky' Chiet". Several, fresh and springing. This is a show herd with great potential. Also Delaval Pipeline milker and 55 can buik tank. Lunch availabie. Lloyd Wilson, Sales Manager & Auctioneer, Ux- bridge 416-852-3524. 44-2 THURSDAY, NOVEMBERe il A.M. HOLSTEINS Marnel Hoîsteins sale owned by Mrs. Marguerite Zarins, Cannington, Ont. sel- ling at Stouffville Cow Pal- ace, 14 mile north of Stouff- ville on Hwy. 47. 45 head milking heifers, bred heifers, open heifers and calves. Includes New Canadian Champion 25000 lb. 2 yr. old Marnel Ref. Vicki (Good Plus). Also two Citation R daughters, daughter and granddaughter of Marnel As- tra Fritzie (Excellent) with 4 yr. 365d 33230m 1,269f 3.8 percent (260-268). The Marnel herd is Canada's first 20,000 lb. herd. Outstanding type and pedigrees. Lloyd Wils 'on, Sale Manager & Auctioneer, Ux- bridge 416-852-3524. 44-2 WEDNESDAY, NOV. l4th., Auction sale 0f Garage Equipment, Machinists Tools, Furniture and antiques. The property, of the late James Farrelly, 7 Angeline St. South, Lindsay, Ontario. Refrigera- tor, electric stove,. chrome suite, library table, wash stand, antique leather rock ing chair, leather arm chair, other antique chairs and tables, brass bed,' antique dressers, picture frames, Ian - terns, antique sofa, tea boxes, books of knowledge, liens, bedding, dishes, large quan- tity of antiques. 3 electric drills, Sioux heavy duty elec- tric bench grinder with 3 HP notor, 3 bench vises, bearing pullers, large quantity of hand tools, open and box end wrenches, socket wrenches, magnetos and magneto parts, work benches, tool boxes, parts bins, boîts, washers, very large quantity of tools and parts from a Machinists Garage. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Garage Equipment at 12 noon. Furniture at 2:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auction- eer, Reaboro, Ont. Sales Mgr. & Auctioneer 705-324-9959. 45-1 BOB and F RANK STAP L ETON AUCTIONEERS Specializing in ai l types of SALES and ESTATES Phone Newcastle 987-4767 or Newtonville 786-2953 16-tf WEEKLY Livestock Sales at Durham Counfy Sales Arena Orono-Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Seîling Horses, Cattle, Swine, Calves, Sheep, etc. Wm. Mosley, Auctioneer and Propriefor. Phone 6234685 or 983-9363, Orono. 20 tt SPECIAL DAIRY SALE' 50 HEAD EVERY WEDNESDAY 8: 00 P. M. --Consignment sale of a large selection of registered and grade springers, fresh cows and heifers. Export buyers on hand. Ail cattie are checked by a local veterinarian for pregnancy and milking sound-, ness. STEVE LIPTAY Auctioneer 263-2117 Grist MilIAuction Barn Newtonvi île FRIDAY, NOVEMBER9th 7: 00 p. M. Dryers, stoves, fridge, round dining table, b u ffet, child's rockers, beds, dres- sers, vanities, chesterfield, humidifier, rangette, bird cages, sealers, treadie sewer, wfleels, tires, bicycles, radios, incubator, oul stove with fan, chicken brooder, wringer washer, tables, chairs, etc. Tprms Cash. Auctioneers: Stapieton Breis. 786-2244. 45-1 Auction sale at Pethick's Auction Shed, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen on Saturday evening, Nov. 10 at 7 p.m. for the estate of Mrs. G. Stephens ail her household effects - 3 piece bedroom suite, round drop leaf table, six chairs and buffet, folding bed, cedar, chest,' lamps, player piano, TV tables and TV, bedding, dishes, other art- icles. No reserve. Terms Cash. Cliff Pethick Auction- eer. 45-1 Aucticyn sale Sat: Nov. 10, 1:15 'p.m. at Saveon Products Warehouse on Highway 28 in the Village of Bewdley con- sisting of round pedestal table, washstands, chest of drawers, drop leaf table, tive Windsor kitchen chairs, diningroom tables, phonograph with re- cords, c hairs, rockîng chairs, oil amps, glassware, dishes, electrical appliances, books, frames, and other articles still being consigned. Roger Ban- nister, Auctioneer. 45-1 Auction Sale of Private Estate. Modemn and antique furniture, property of Mr. W. H. Brown, 132 Ash St., Whîtby to be held at, Stirtevant's Auction Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa, Thursday, Nov. 8 al 6 p.m. Washing machine, 3 pce. bedroom suite, 2 pce. bedroom suite, dresser, chest of draw- ers, bookends, full size bed, 2 antique, chairs with white castors, coffee tables, end tables, centre fable, what-not stand, magazine rack, drop leaf table, p latform rocker, trunk, des k, gingerbread dlock, antique round oak diningroom table, 6 oak din- ingroom chairs, oak buffet, occasional chairs, swivel chair, chrome suite, antique leather seat rocker, fern stand, wood planes, lamps, smoker, antique dishes, china, and silverware. Terms cash, no reserve, house sold. Myles King auctioneer and Cartage 725-5751 or 723-0501. 45-1 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, hay, harness racing equipment, large qu. 0f furniture and antiques. The property of Ganton Clarke, lot 5 C on. 3, South Monoghan Twp. 2 miles north of Bailie- boro, 112 miles east or, 6 miles south of Kawartha -Downs Raceway on Hwy., 28, 11/2 miies-eastof.South Monoghan. 2 Hereford cows calvesby side (approx." 450 lbs.) Ford tractor Ferguson plow and cultivator, set of flexible harrows, pion- eer chain saw, cement mixer and motor, 2 power lawn mowers, qu. of small articles, 400 bales of' first cut hay, 150 ba les of second cut. Set of good race harness, 6 good harness bags, knee boots, uines, plastic tenders, harness box, f eed box, head poles, bandages etc. Cook stove, G. E. refrigerator (2 door) just 4 yrs. oid. Viking deep freeze (4 yrs.) Antique rocking chair, 9 p c. oak diningroom suite, with match- ing end tables, G. E. television, chesterfield, 2 gingerbread dlocks, 2 antique canes, silver sugar spooner, il flo-biue dinner plates, flo-blue platter, antique dishes, moustache cup, Jardiniere, four cushion chesterfield, and chair, anti- que wash stands and dressers, press back chairs, beds, antique picture frames, pinei c hests, Antique chest of draw- ers, 2 violins with cases, large qu. of other furniture. Farm soid, terms cash, sale at 12 noon sharp. 'Reg Johnson, Auctioneer. Phone >(705) 3.57- 3270, Gerald Graham, Clerk. 45-2 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Livestock,' Implements, Hay, Grain,- the property of Everald Toole, Lot 4, Conc. 13, Manvers, Janetville (turn west at Janetville store on dead end road). lncluding 4 cows, 2 heifers, 5 shorthorn calves (approx. 450) 3 calves, 3 sows bred Aug., sow and il pigs. Int. Baler (real. good) full line of implements, hay and grain, see bills for list. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 P.M. Auctioneers: Tred Spencely, Bethany 277-2989; Grant Werry, Hampton, 263-2603. 45-2 BEAVER LUMBER LTD. STARTER HOME, With only $200.00 down pay- ment and your own building lot you can be living in a new Beaver Home 0f your own this, summer. The low, low mort- gages on many Beaver Homes carnies for less than most rent payments and offers -youi future equity. Overaîl cost too, s often thousands 0f dollars less because 0f Beaver's factory precision building mQ- thods and volume puchasing. power in the building mat- erials industry. So if you're fed up with rnaking costly repairs to your present home ..or if you're shoppin for a newer home or have outgrown the place you're renting make your move to a new Beaver Home. You'Il be glad you did. Phone RAY NORTHEY 62 Stevenson Rd. N. - Oshawa 723-3558 40-tf BROKER @i REAL ESTATE (REALTOR) 623-4428 GARDEN HILL-7 roomn, 2 storey home. Solid condition. No conveniences. 366 tt. hwy. frontage. On 11/2 acres. Ideal for gardening. Artesian well. Asking 519,900.00. BOWMANVI LLE-Spacious, 3 bedroom trame home. Mod- ern oul furnace. Near park. Cali now to inspect. 10 ACRES and House-New 1,480 sq. ft., 3 bedroom bungalow. 2 bathrooms. Bal- cony. Walk out basement. 1-ireplace in tamily room.ý Barn. On Paved road near Newtonviile. Price reduced to $51,000.00. Anxious to'seli. 50 ACRES-partially cieared. Stream.* On paved road 8 miles north of Orono. Building permit available. Asking $29,900.00. Terms. 45-1 15 ot s- t 2S le s . Bowmnanville Office: 623-2330 $6,800 Port Perry building lot 120 x 150. Only $2,000 down. $33,'900 Cute as can be reverse plan semni. 3 bedrooms, dining area. Sliding glass doors from livingroom to yard. $39,500 3 bedroom, brick bungalow with spacious rooms through- out..Extra deep lot 206 ft. deep ideal for garden or pool. $44,90 2 bedroom bungalow with separate diningroom, double garag e. Stuated on 2 acres. TRADE? ,.We wiIl accept ~our present orne as a trade in on any of the above or we wilI guar- antee the sale of your home within 30 days. REALTI 30 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-4403 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER U Auction sale of 70 head o poli hereford cattle, thepirc perty of Gordon McNabb,' Lo 18, Con. 14,1Brock Twp. 2 mille north of Cannington, 1/2 mili west. This sale will be held a the Kawartha Livestock sali barn on Thur. Nov. 15 at 1: 30 14 cows with calves by side re-bred again since July lst. springers, number of 2 yr. oIc steers, num ber of open heiferi 2 yr.' old, remainder gooc yearlings, pure bred poli bull Note, this is a good herd o hereford cattle, plan to attenc this sale. Farm sold, term! cash, sale at 1:30., Mr McNabb thought it best to tak( his herd to the sale barn due ti lack of accomodation at home Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357 3270. 45-« THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 HOLSTE INS (Immediately following Marnel Sale) Complete Millane Hoîsteir Dispersai owned by Aubreý Carson, Claremont, Ont. sel. ling at Stouffville Cow Palace 1/4 mile north of Stouffville or Hwy. 47. 60 Head R.O.P, tested, classified. 30 miIl< cows, 30 bred and open heifers. A fine young herd from popular sires. 6 Very Good, includinq a Very Good Rockman springing to service of Bond Haven Nugget (Ex). Also Very Good 87 4 yr. old Herdmaster f rom a Very Good Star Brood Cow, Jueý Dec- ember. Ther Heidmaster has two materndI sisters selling by CiýaIion R. Also two young hérd sires selling from this family. Plan to attend Nov- ember 8. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager & Auctioneer, Ux- bridge 852-3524. 45-1 URGENTLY REQj1IRED!! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home' would bring top dollar? Wel be pleased to appraise it for you and help you locate 'the "home of your dreams". For friendly efficient sale of your home Cl P. & R. Realty, Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy. Bowman- v il le 623-2330. 42-tf J. Barton G. Beech P. Kowal - 623-3098 - 623-5265 - 623-5868 45-1 FOR OL> APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN 234 King St. E., Bowmanviîîe 623-3393 Kendal Hilîs Farm, Ston( House 159 acre farm, feedlot, auto matic silo feeder. Excellen, corn land, large pond. Sever room stone house with moderr conveniences. Terrific value $153,000.00. Terms. Cali Roý Foster.. Kendal Hilîs 15 acres exceptionally gooc recreational property. 3 acres partially cleared. Balance mixed woods. Good flowinç stream. Must be seen. Askinç only $19,500.00. Cali Dane Found. Newtonvi île 48 acres scenic and slightl~ rolling. Good road. Some busi and a small stream. Asking $35,000.00. Terms. Cali Bill Turansky. Blackstock Area 100 acres. 7 room ho.use L-shaped. Barn with water and stable cleaner. Rolling land. Good area. Asking $89,000.00. Terms. Cali Bill Turansky. Bowmanville Happy living starts here with your family in this 4 bedroom, 2 storey brick home. 151/2' x 30' living room richly broad- loomed and has exquisite fireplace. Laundry room off kitchen, intercom throughout. Patio doors lead to swimming pool. Lot 150' x 230'. Large trees. Many extras. Only $79,850.00. 1Terms. Cali Bill Baird or Phyllis McRobbie today to inspect. Newcastle Area Country Living 3 bedroom, custom built, brick home. 2 baths, separate dining room, laundry on main f loor. Extra large lot 100' x 225'. Richly treed and landscaped, patio. Many extras. Buy now and cure your spring fever early spring possession. Only $58,900,00. Termns. Cali Phyllis McRobbie or Bih Baird.' Bailieboro 2 storey brick home on Hwy. 28 Villag e of Bailieboro. lm-, maculayte condition. Small barn and garage. Immediate possession. Asking $28,000.00. Terms. Cali RoyF oster. Orono Area 3 bedroom brick and stone back split on 11/2 acres. Large vestibule, living, dining, fam- ily room. Fireplace. $47,000.00. Terms. Cai Norm Wetherup. Newcast le Brick bungalow 5 years old. 3 bedrooms. Large, nicely land- scaped lot. Good area. Asking $35,900.00. Cali Bill Turansky. Orono 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Electric heat, large lot, paved drive. Good area. Asking $39,900.00. Cali Bill Turansky. Beginner's Paradise A lovely small home, 5 rooms. On nice lot in Bowrnanville outskirt area. Close t0 school. Paved road. Asking $29,500.00. Start by seeing this one now. Cali BirIl Sutherland. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are equipped f0 handle your home needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. ~Coast to Coast Real Estate Service AFTER 9:00 P.M.CALL: Dane Found - 623-3965 Kay Brown - 623-3150 Charlie Reid Orono 983-5914 Roy Fosfer Orono 983-5801 Bill Turansky - Orono 983-5420 Bill Sut herland -623-3102 Phyllis McRobbie- 623-7159 Bill Baird - Tor. 694-4983 Audrey Plain 623-3563 Norm Wetherup - 723-4809 Paf Yeo - 623-3077 45-1 TYRONE On Sunday October 28 at REALTOR 623-2503 BOWMANVILLE AREA-3 acres with 4 bedroom bunga- low, closed in breezeway and attached g a rage. School bus at door. CailI to see this one. MILLBROOK-older 11/2 storey house with 3, bedrooms, has had considerable renovations. Good starter home, asking $19,900. with terms. MILLBROOK AREA-2 new side split houses being com- pleted, attached garages and 3 bedrooms on large lots, look! only asking $35,000. with terms. MILLBROOK AREA-2 par- cels of land each with pond and some bush, facing on good road, 27 acres and 24 acres, asking $1,500. per acre. GARDEN HILL AREA-3 bed- room home with Rec. Room and, beaufiful field stone fireplace, 11/2 baths. Situated on 51/2,acres with small barn. Caîl for more information. PONYPOOL AREA-104 acres with barns and house, lairge spring fed pond. Caîl for information. BUILDING LOTS-we have 3 rural parcels priced from $6,800 to $8,500 with perm ifs avaîlable. VARIETYand Snack business in fast expanding area, good potential price includes stock and building, asking $40,000 with terms. He len Mc DonalId - 623-3911 Lloyd Atchison- 705-932-2770 Allan Rouf 725-0353 Edwin Jeans 623-7152 Mac Mc Dona Id - 623-3911 WiIf Hawke - 983-5274 45-1 Leaside, spent several days with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Miss Mary Niddery, Hamp- ton, was bunciay dlinner guest of Mr. and.,Mrs. W. Ra' Two ladies, r_-siGfe1 ' ' Sunset Lodge, Bowmai-v.flie, one a formner old timer fromi Tyrone enjoyed Hallowe'en night dressed as Bride and Groom, calling on friends in' town. There were 10 tables at the Euchre party Friday night, prizes went to Jim Latimer, Olive Gimblett, Walter Mur- phy, Mrs. Shirley Reyenga, Mrs. Ethel Gibbs; Tony Horst- man. 50-50 Mrs. Shirley Rey- enga. Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodley and family spent Saturday with her brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hodgkinson, Mississauga. Christine Brent has accept- ed a position in St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welsh, Bruce, Allison and Adrian, Bowmanville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread. Mrs,. Laverne Taylor, Du- ane and Danny, Mrs. Warren Spears were Sunday, supper guests of Mr . and Mrs. Don Real, Greenbank. Mrs. Harvey Partner, Orono visited Mrs. J. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs visited her sister Mrs. Gordon VanCamp at Sunset Lodge, Bowmanville. C et Cash Today For Old Appliances throngh STATESMAN i C L A S'S 1 F 1 E D SI Phione 623-3303 L FehCountry Air 15 minutes from Oshawa on kthis Iovely 10 acre, partialiy ntreed lot with executive type, d brick and stone bungalow. Good, ciear pond and ever- flowing trout stream on pro- S perty. This 4bedroom is newly decorated throughout and C boast of 1768 sq. ft. of living area. Don't delay on this one.' s Bowmanville Bungalow 2, year old, 3 bedroom bunga- low on good sized lot in town. 5Aiready shag broadloomed throughout for your comfort. Rear yard is fenced, and drive is paved. You can own ai this for onlv $38,900, so cal! now. Bungalows ,in Bowmravlé are scarce. $29,900 Is.ail they ask for this brick, 4 year old bungalow with 2 bedrooms, large kitchen and walk-out basement. Very large lot well treed. Don't' miss this great buy in Orono. Caîl today! 4 Bedroom Back-Splif With separtate dining area, 2 baths, rec room, walk-out basement and broadloomed throughout. This twin home is on very large lot, on quiet court. You must see this home to appreciate it's value ai $40,000. Vacant Land 34 Acres of rolling, partially treed land on aood road iust South of 401 near Newtonvilie. Asking $16,000 down. Elfriede J sf - ,263-2032 David AI bion 987-4867 Melville Dale - 623-5638 Pamelaà Carr - 728-3734 Ed Drutm . 725-9345 Kathleen Twaites 723-2008 Peter Chopee - 725-1846 Valerie Brear - 668-8353 Peggy Gray - 576-3889 Reg Aker 725-0201 Wm. Mc Feeters- 725-1726 "ESTABLISHED 1926" 45-j Peter Kowal1, J r. REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE 52 King St. W., Bowmanviîle Te lephone 623-2453 CENTURY Plus solid brick two-storey house. This home features spacious kitc- hen, large formfaI livingroom and diningroom, each with wood burning firepiace, den, rec. room, top iece wash- room and front entrance hall on main f loor. The winding stairs leads to a spaclous hall fromn where you enter the beautiful master-bedroom, bathroom and remainingý three bedrooms, each with ample cioset space. For your outdoor en joyment and. nice summer months rlxin the- spacious well treed grounds or on the deck surrounding your own deluxe Swimming pool, which is heated for the chiliy days. NOT TO FAR from town, this seven-room brick bungalow sits on a large lot 200' x 200' electrically heated and con- tains the necessities for com- fortable living, early posses- sion. MODE RN six- room bunga- low, in good residential area,t this is a home you will be i proud to own, asking $45,000. Let us show you these, and others which we hiave to offer., Stafford EBrothers Monumnents.ý LIMITED Box 133 I318 Dundas St. E. - W Ph one Whitby 668-3-> ý7- ' cil 1 9, Ic CI 1 Ac c

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