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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1973, p. 15

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I.ockes Rout County To Tuke S hore of -i1si Men's Town Hockey by Jim Cla rke Locke TV moved into a share of first place as ai resuit of thein 10-2 rout aven County Chrysierý in last Thunsday night's opening match. The late contest saw Kramps Funniture post thein finst victony in four autings, jolting McNultyýs Sparts 9-3. County Chrysien, winnens in thein three prev iaus games, wene unable ta contain the 1goa-happy TV cnowd in the Hughes did damage, ta the piled up a si points on three assists. He curi Town League with 8-8-16 erg four games. Locke's capt ris collectedt four assîsts, gii 14 points. Bniai pain for Laci remainden we IFRESH MEATY PORK SP ARE -RI BSç SwitBacon Lazy Maple :, Premium I Sugar Plum ISUNKIST CHOICE ORANGES I I DYKSTRA'S IRE* 7Food Market HOME 0F J 7KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE QUALITY FR Bru Spr 39 TOASTMASTER Bran Muff ins 3 7c pkg. Save .12 SCOPE 12-o MOUTHWASH Pkg. of 72 TEA BAGS ORANGE PEK( most of the ýe lasers, as he )ectaculan a ine ýe goals and six rently leads the Sscoing race, edentials aften ýtain Larry Per- two goals and .ving hlm 6-8 for a Rowe fired a kes while the rere shared byý ?cIL issel * outs C pkg. Size 138 9Cdoz., REST ['HPASTE C tube ve .40 oz. Bottie 89C Save .24 85CI LIBBY'S 32-oz. Jar Save.8 Wine SAUERKRAUT 37C BORDEN'S INSTANT - 2-1b. Tin Save.26 li ÉkljýCCOLATE 99C tion. S.S. was largely attended with Sut Mrs. Ella Bowman Chrys.3le r at thezhem. With the assist- ance of Mrs. Chambers at the 0 .iano and aur young maestro from the Sr. Chai's Bass P linc 111 section Mr. Eric Bowmani on Mrs. Bowman's direction. r-A ctionNext Sunday evening at 7 p.m. the Young Adult's Gnoup Andy Murphy, "Tully" will meet in Enfield Church. Thompson and Ken Ashton. Nov. l8th. Sunday Service Brian Bradley, with his sixth will be on bebaîf of Drug and this year and Gene Balson Alcoholic's Cancerns Inc., wene Countys only scorers. with Rev. Gerry Brown as Lockes sprinted into a 5-1, guest nminister. first period lead. The two . Motber's Fellowship meet- clubs hit for single taîlies in ing is pastpaned ta Nov. 12 the second, but the TV outfit when books and stuffed toys slammed home four unian- will be collected. swered goals la the final 20 The Messenger's will be, minutes. Officials Bob Hellam held on Sunday Nov. llth. at and oug roug tagged 9.45 a,m. and oug rouh taged Little Richard Worden, County wth four of the seven Bowmanville, R.R. 2, visited minor penalties. his grandparents Mr. and Three of Lockes' goals Mrs. O. C., Ashton and resulted from power play attended the children's Hall- raids while County clicked for owe'en Party in tbe S.S. room. one man-advantage score. We are happy ta say Mr. The losers had bagged 20goals Roy McGill is improving in their first three wins while slowly and steadily in Bow- Lockes now own a- flashy 28-16 manville Memonial Hospital. goals for and against record. On the occasion orflber In the 9:30 event, Kramp's birtbday, Mary Lee Howe buiît up a 5-1 two period entertained Jane Taylor and advantage as they flattened Nancy Haines of Tyrone, McNulty's 9-3 for their first Sheyl Bigby, Lesley Lamb, victony of the season. Bath Ramona Gaebel and Carolyn clubs now have identical 1-3 -Werry, Enniskillen and cousin records. Rick Woolner, 'Wray Marcia Tordiff of Newcastle. Rendll nd aveColell Mrs. Keith Worden and tRedi ndtoDaeowneslRichard, Bowmanville R.R. 2, fothe Fin tp erfoances joi *ned M"r. and Mrs. O. C. for te Funitue gag. W ol- Ahton as guests of Mr. Sam ner, the 1972-73 sconing king, Pankhurst of Ashburn. had a six point outing, as hie Glad ta, report Mr. E. A. collected his fourth goal of the Werry is convalescing nicely year and added five assists. at home, since being in the Rick now has four goals and 10 hospital. assists for 14 points, only itwo Mr. and Mrs. Charley Tay- behind Hughes. Rendeil, the lor, Orono,ý were Monday leagues top scaring defence- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. man last year, notched three E. R. Taylor., goals and an assist in Kramp's Mr. andMrs. Floyd Pethick, victory. Colwell, one of the Scarborough, were visitors loop's standout rookies, added with Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethîck. two goals and a pair of assists. Mr. Clare Ashton, Prescott, Dean Cox , Harness and AI spent the weekend with bis Junkin completed Kramp's parents Mr. and Mns. Harold scorîng. Ashton. Mr. S.Kersey, Hamp- For McNulty's, Irv Gili, ton, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Stee BrnsandBrue Ma-Ashton, Bowmanville, were dosteehit. adBrc Ma Sunday supper guests with dowsbit.Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton, Kramps drew four of the occasion ta celebrate Miss seven penalties. They also Deana Palmateen's bithday. were successful on two of Congratulations Deana. tbree power plays. This Thurs- After the 4-H dance on day night, the eight p.m. Saturday evening, Debbîe opener has MeNultys taking Howe had ber guests Bannie on County Chrysier while Campbell, Hampton, Patti Lockes and Kramps get ta- Van Meer R.R. 4, Bowman- gethen.at 9:30. ville and Tianne Mellor, as overnigbt visitons. Mr. Stanley Taylor, Burke- E NNIS ILLEN ton, was Monday supper guest ENNIS ILLEN with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. A typical Nov. morn, with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb, its toucb of Jack Frost, visited Mr. and Mrs. Don sunless sky and hiat of the Lamb and family on Sunday close of a beautiful autumin also called on Mrs. Trew, was ignored by a congregation Bailieboro. of over 60 folks whoattended, Mr. and Mrs. Gartb McGill, the Sunday am service. untd farm1ly, EImira;-,'Mr. and Although slightly handicapped M,,rs. Ralph, Virtue and girls by a struggle with a rampant were guests at Mr. and Mrs. "fubug" aur minister deliv- H. McGill's over the weekend.- ered a elucidating sermon Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hane- with its title "The Veil and the wich, Oshawa, were Sunday Vessel" which ended with th supper guests with Mr. and counsel ta remove the veïl Mrs. E. A. Wenry. over God's face and break the Mr. and Mns. Adami Sharp, vessels of dlay. Mrs. Ivan Sharp, were necent The children's story with the visitons with Mn. and Mrs. W. illustration of nature's way M. Henry, Belleville. with the littie Afican violet Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor tunning .ta the sun SO we wene guests on Satunday similarly should turnata, God. evening at the Couples Club at The Sr .Choir' s anthem was an Eldad Chunch. encouraging and pleasing Mn. and Mrs. Gannet Goyne, message. Rev. Bigby extend- Don and Audrey, Coutice, ed bis personal and the Mn. and Mrs. Loran Pascoe. cangnegation's sympathy ta Dale and Robent, Oshawa, the Chambers îamiiy. were. Sunday noon dinner Miss Sandra Wenny was in guests of Mn.. and Mrs. W. charge 'of the Jr. congrega- Beckett, Penny and Pauline. WV'oodsý Minor Bantams Shut Out by MaIrkham The H. L. Wood Minor Bantams took a bnuisîng &-0 defeat handed ta tbem by a bard-hitting, fast-moving Markham club'on Sat., Nov-. 3nd in Bowmanville. Markham took an eanly lead in the finst period at the five minute mark, Rab Adams scanîng. Adams scored his second goal two minutes later taking a close in pass with Bowmanville defence caught out of position. Bowmanville had f ew chances in the period ta score as tbey were either beaten ta the puck or outmus- cled for possession. Markbam took a 4-0 lead in Mr. and Mrs. Merrili Van Camp and family of Black- stock hosted a tering of the Malcolm clan on Sunday for dinner in honor of the visit of a -western cousin Blanche Irving (formerly Blanche Nairn) of Sask. T hose in attendance included our hasts:- Norma, Merril. Dale. Marie and Valerie and their cousin Cindy, Mr. Norman Malcolm of Bethany, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Malcolm of Strat- ford and their daughter Ana and hier husband Stephen of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Malcolm of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter of Port Perry and their daughter Nola and hubby Karl of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter and Stephen of Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm of Janetville, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm of Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm and Mona of 'Yelverton. A most enjoyable family gath- ering. The Yelverton-Janetville Hi C were in charge of the Church Service on Sunday a.m. at Janetville and Yelverton. Ass- istong in the service were Quenton Robinson, Darryl Robinson, Warren Sutcliffe, Miss Michelle Shea, Marti Malcolm and Robt. Burns with Miss Jennifer McGill presid- ing at the organ. Miss Mona Malcolm spent the weekend with Miss MiVch- elle Burns of RR Pontyçpool. This week the Association of Counties and Regions held their annual convention in the Cannaught Hôtel in Hamilton with the largest representa- tion yet - 299 paid delegates and more than haîf that of additional guests - delegates wives etc. with over 500 folks at the annual banquet. A.C. R.O. conventions have earned themselves reputation as real work and participation con- ventions and this was no exception. Somne of this broad interest can be attributed to the calibre of personnel taking part on the various programs. To name just a few - the Hon. John White, Minister of Treas- ury etc., Mr. J. T. A. Wilson, Pres. of Ont. Chamber of Commerce, the Hon. Eugene Whelan, the Hon. Win. Stew- art and Mr. Gordon Hill, pres. of F.A.U., Dr. Ian Cunning- ham, Dep. Minister Everett Biggs, Des Newman, Whitby and Ottawa's Mayor. Pierre Benoit and Chairman D. J. Collins of Sudbury to name just a few. An extra bonus was given to a few of the guests who rubbed shoulders with celebrity "Liberace" in the elevator as hie too stayed in the Mr. 'and Mrs. Keir Lamb, Fenelon Falls, were ltecent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb's. Miss Valerie Taylor, spent the weekend with Miss Donna Lamb. Miss Elva Orchard is stay- ing with Mrs. Roy McGill, while Mr. McGill is 111 at the Bowmanville Hospital, we alI wish him a speedly recovery. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stainton and family were, Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bothwells, Bowmanville. Miss Marguerite Wright,- Mrs. Norma Bradford ,Osh- awa, Mrs. P. Lambert, St. Catherines, were Saturday callers at the Edgar Wright's. Mr. Frank Spry, Rochester,. N.Y. is visiting this week with the E. Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Staînton were Saturday night supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. David Stainton's, Cobourg. COF Bowling High Triples- Helen Vandenberg 667, Ray Westlake 681. High Singles Pat Potter 267, John Luffman 295. Team ...Total Pins.... .Pts. ia ay Weslake 24861 31 2 Bb ith 1-. 261.5 the second period on goals by Blainey and Harrison. The Transporters had thein chan- ces ta score but came up empty. In the third period Bowman- ville showed a lîttie more drive as they came out bustling and carried the play ta Mankham but again were shut -out by a more aggressive Markham squad. Marty Bauer and Jim Melton sconed third period goals for Mark- bam. Bitt Murphy was in the nets for Bowmanville and made several outstandîng saves ta keep the score from ballooning higher. hotel durîng bis -3-4 day engagement in the city of Hamilton. A numben of dele- gat es fromn Victoria and North Durham were present for the 3 day Convention. We apprec- iated getting an acclamation for aur third termi as provin- cial director of A.C.R.O. and ha pe ta menit the confidence of delegates su ppont. Mrs. Barbara Hamilton spent several days this p ast week in Chicago as one of he representatives of bier union as an officiai delegate at a Union Convention thene. Mn. and Mns. Howard Mal- colm arescheduled ta attend a Convention in Quebec city this weekl. CSS News Aften a month, of school, studying, essays and projects are becoming routine again, and tbe unrestnicted free time of summer holidays a tbing of the past. However, there's more go- ing on at Clarke Higb Sçhool than the usual school work. For instance the Student Council bas launched the student body into aur annual Fund Raisin g Campaign. This year the students wene asked ta sell chocolate covered almonçls ta the community. There, are pnrizes for best sellers, the hoe noom that brings in the most money and a daily draw. Tbe pnoceeds from the campaign are put into the Student Council Trea- sury and is used for sucb things as financing the mon- thly dances beld at the school, the commencement dinner held for the graduates, the annual semifoîmal, school assemblies, a foster child and othen activities that relate dinectly ta the student body. Your support would be greatly a ppr eciat ed.1 SPot is a big word at Clarke ,is year as-ini the-past.- However, the main strength of aur, teams lies in the Junior divisions. Boys' junior volly- bail have been training in the past month and have started to play exhibition games in prepanatian for the tourna- rnents ta corne. Girls' basket- baîl teams are also in training. Our football team bas already begun its season, the last game being with Courtice, a winner for us 16-8. In conclusion , tbere's lots of, interesting things going on at Clarke even if school work bas become routine. NEWTON VILLE MIrs, Carol 1Gardiner, Mns. Bea 'Jones, Mms. Mary Jones, Mms. Inez Boughen and Mns. Linda Farrow were arhiong tho;se attend- ing the demonstratian of Chinese food la the Onono chumch basemnent, a s t Moaday eveniag. Tuesday evening, a Hal- lowe'en Party was held at the school for the Cubs, la which about 30 participat- ed. Mn. -Don Vinkie and Mrs. V. Gilmer acted ini the capacity of judges, and the fcllowing neceived pnizes: Jamie Simpson, as a bride; Steven Adams, fammer; John Osborne, Ro- bin; Steven Milfond, In- dian, and Donald Fonk, witch. Games and lunch wene enjoyed after the parade and presentation of prizes. The inclement wea- ther on Hallowe'en night was probably responsible for the rathen quiet cele- bration flore, altho' about 100 yaung people af varied ages, sizes and costumes called at our door. Mm. and Mms. C. M. Jones spent a couple days at Egariville last week with Mns. Leslie Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen, Mms. Bea Jones and Rev. T. Snelgnove went ta Kendal U.C.W. on Wedaesday evening where Mr. Bradley gave a very interesting talk on Zam- bia, illustrated by pictures. Glad to hear oun W. secetar y-treasuner, Mns. Buckley of Newcastle, is able ta be home again, fmom Memonial Hospital, where sae undemwent sur- gery. Sonry Ibo hean the shock- ing report of vandalism ,ia aur midst - namely the senseless wnecking of some of, the new homes being built la this district. It sounds as if some of the parents have been remiss in the training of thein childnen ta respect the pnoperty of others, Pos- sibly. like charity, it shauld have begun at home! Mns. Agnes Burley bas returaed home after a couple weeks' visit with family membens la the north country. EASY TO BUY: For cash or on instalments at any Bank or New Canada Savir autharized lnvestment Dealer, Stock Braker, of 7.54% a year w Trust or Loan Company and Credit Union. $100 Bond pays $7. And at work on the Payroll Savings Plan. $7.50 for each oft They are available in amounts ranging from each of the follow $50 up ta a limit of $50,000. for each of the last SIMPLE TO CASH: Canada Savings Bonds are instant cash. On top of this you They are redeemable anytime attheir full face interest and make value plus earned interest. GOOD TO KEEP: 7.540/oS Canada Savings Bonds4 0 0 are safe - bac ked by aIl the resou rces of Canada. And aereanulntestom uuy they pay goad interest year af te r yea r. B la A N A The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 7, 1973 1 Mr. Keith Barr of New- 'lay! - namely the Garne "castie ha acquired the of Life. Unlike the ones Economical I n s u r a n c e we watch on TV, which Business. formerly operat- we can turn off If we grow ed by Mr. Grant Wade. tired or bored, this ane .The latter is the new has to be handled to a Sports Editor of the Port finish. The choir sang Hope Daily Guide. "Trust and Obey". Mr. and Mrs. ReidWood Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams attended Graduation Ex- were' Sunday d in ne r ercises in Port Hope High guests with Mr. and Mrs. School, Saturday evening, Don Adams and family ,at where their son Glen and Bramalea, a littie family Albert Panta were among party in honor of Jimn's the graduates, the latter birthday. winning the Sam Hersey The Pýarsonage Commit- Award for Auto Mechan.. tee are sponsoring a bus ics. Glen is now an ap- trip to the' Fabric Centre prentice at the Ready- in Toronto on Tuesday. Mix Plant, Port Hope. Messns. Trueman Hen- Congratulations to both denson, Sid Brown and these young men., Don Vinkie> are among 1Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer. those who have gone hunt- withi Mr. and Mrs. Aif. lng. Graham of Newcastle and The sale of, Poppies Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Staple- from door to door will1 be tan, were guests of Mn. a feature of this cominrg and Mrs. Gardon Martin, weekend, followed by, the Saturday nght, at the dia- yeanly Remembrance Day ner in Trinity United Service on Satunday1 at Church, Bowmanville. Af- the Cenotaph at 10:40 a7.m. ter the deliciaus meal, the where Rev. Snelgrove will eight couples neturned to be the speaker. The vani- the Martin homefor an en- ous groups plan ta meet jayable evening of visiting at the school' for the pan- and cards. ade up, at 10:30. Hére's Rev. R. C. White of Osh- hoping the weather is fav- awa. was aur Sunday orable! morning speaker in th absence of Rev. Snelgnove FULL POSTAL SERVICE who took the service at Full postal service will be Mount Pleasant chunch on provided on Monday, Novpm- the Rawdon charge, where ber l2th and regular Sunday he will be moving next mail service will be provided January. Rev. White's top- on Suniday, Nov. llth, Remem- ic was "The Game We Ail brance Day. THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY HELPS THOSE WHO ARE ILL WITH CANCER AND IN NEED 0F ASSISTANCE sTRANSPORTATION TO TREATMENT CENTRES e DRESSINGS * PAIN REL e HOME *HOME NURSING SER l'ICE eHOUSEKEEPING SERVICE -1 UAI IO LIEVING DRUGS *LODGUtACCOM AND HOSPITAL W- DIVERSIONAL VISITING ACTIVITIES Canadian Cancer Society .BO WM'7N VILLE d DISTRICT UNIT Box No. 42 B~ 'npwUeOntario Anniversary Special« Buy this MORSE AUTOMATIC sewi.g machine.. Get a MORSE HOME SEWING CENTER Only$~799 Complete with table, chair, accessories (Over $300. value) KOOL ENTERPRISES 24 DIVISION STREET NORTH - BOWMANVILLE ngs Bondsyield an average when held ta maturity. Each 1.00' interest for the first year, the next six years, $7.75 for ving three years, and $8.00 3t two years. )u can earn interest on your each $100 grow ta $239.50 in just 12 years. 3o whatever tomhorrow means ta you and your family, plan for it today witb Canada Savings Bonds. You'iI be )A glad you did. SUMMIT TOASTMASTER WHITE SLICED lcelreumor PROTEIN Ice reamBREAD S 9 C24-oz. fcf 8 ½c'2Gai. 3Loaves 77 FEEL GOOD BU TOMORROW At 70 miles per hour, your car's air cleaner filters more air in <-, one minute than 400 people breathe in and ouf in 60 seconds: No wonder air, oit and f uel filters should be changed at recommended intervals. 14-PODINJT PROFESSIONAoL Inuds:TUNmrEUPSfPECe"IAL * Initial scope check. * Teat and clean battery, 0Cekadajs iig céables and hold down. hckan'ajutgamg * ervice or replace spark 0 Check P.C.V. operation. ~lugs - if required. 0 Check and lubricate heat *Check compression. riser valve 6Ç1né *Replace points and Chleckadajs èondensor - if required. ide * Relaceroto - *Check fuel pump and filter frequired. for proper operation. Clne * heck H.T. wiring, * Check air cleaner element. distributor cap, ignition ~oil, primary circuit. @ Final scope check.PR XR PiýoNE ToDAY623-3396 ' FOR APPONNTMENT ServiceN .Guarantee 166 KING * STREETEFAST' M * ll euà SAVINOS BONDS TODAY ýÈý mRý 1 MODATION 1

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