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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1973, p. 1

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The Shape of Things tcb Corne VOLUME 119 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY NtV. 7, 411ý NV7,1973 .15e Per Copy NUME BER 45 Old Man Winter let the Bowmanville and Newcastle area off faiAylightly in the first snowfall of the season on Tuesday, especially compared with places a few miles back from the lake. By noon hour retired farmer Colville Evans (gi ctured above) stili had a couple of inches of the cold white stuff to shovel off tedriveway of his home on the Fifth Concession in Clarke Township,,ýbout 34 of a mile east of Orono. Don't be surprised if you have a lot more shovqling to do this winter than you did last year. It looks like the cold season is off t a fast start. Reg io,,,nal Co"uncilloprs Se' Salarites atd$,10,01M The IJriham Itegional Coun- be tax f ree. The decision came cillors have voted, themselves after a lengthy debate of the an annual saiary of $10,000 motion put forward by Counc. each. one'tbird ai wbich wili James Potticary (Oshawa) on QWuiet Hallowe'en in Bowmran ville Areci but Hectic for Brooklin Hialloween was a treat foltc or treating wore light poliecean si et -nth- cohing. Bowmanville - Newcastlte area In Brooklin, thie serenity did WVf-nesday. It is reported by iiot prevail. as the Whithy Fire e~ o hve een the lepartm-rent had its hands full. ~~es halo me' ii may Fie diief-Ld lCroudh stàLed, jer.The heavy ri' are thfat thiis badi been the normal ýýrediîtýd \with keepîng damagýýçe situjation for several years to a minfimum.1 Bales of straw frQm a barn at Safety wý,arnings issued, Queen and Charles Streets, in appear to have been headed, Brooklin were ignited on and many of thle chilren out several street corners, culmi- inating in the barn being put to DramcgWorks ho p the torch. etchen the OPP reported six Hall- Present Play@o owe'en related comiplaints.- B H Tis eeTey arnounted to five ni Tomorrow evening is open- incident of a traffic sign being ing night for the Bowmanville tipped over. Drama Workshop as it pre- sents "A Gown For His Mistress". The three act play was written by Georges Fey- deau and is directed by Jeanninie H. Butler. The play starts at 8:15 p.m. at the Bowmnanville High School auitorium. Tickets are $20 or adults and $100 for students. Those who are not able to attend thie opening night, will have the opportunity to view this produiction on either Friday or Saturday night. There will be a 15 mninute intermission betweenacts, and refreshmients will be served in the lobby by the Trinity United Hi-C. 90O Plus Wednesday, October 31s[, and passed by a 25 to 4 marýîn in recorded vote. The $10,000 figure ri ks among the highest paid bý pny of the Regionai Governm'nts in the province and is identcai to the saiary set in the iïew Region of Peel earlier in October. 1 This salary wiil be added t whatever stipend the regiordi counciliors are awarded t. y, their local (area) municipal, ties. To date none of the ae municipalities has set pý (Turnto Page Two) . Members of the RoyalI Canadian Legion and oth(,er veterans will have a busy weekend with, Remembrance Day services here and in several nearby municipalities on Saturday morning. There is also a Remembrance Day dinner at the Legion on .,Saturday afternoon and pop- pies will be on sale throughout the area. Make sure you have one for your lapel and your car. WiIIExpropriate Schwarz Land f or Sewer Easement After almost a year of fruitless wrangling and several council appearances by various lawyers, Bowmanville's Town Council has decided, to expropriate a sewer easement from Joe and Carl Schwarz so that housing subdivisions in the Waverley Road can proceed. The narrow strip of land involved- cuts across one-third acre of the Schwarz farm and would accommodate storm water run-off from the subdivisions into the Bowmanville Creek, a distance of 200 to 300 feet. The lawyer for the developer told council on Monday, November 5th, that the latest offer from his client, Wil-Swar Developments, totalling $25, 110, had been refused by the Schwarz family. (Turn to Paqe Two) Oppose Industrial Landfill Site in Cartwrigh Residents of Cartwright, Darlington and East Whitby Township are organizing to thwart attempts to establish a sanitary land fi site on the Darlington Cartwright boundary..1 This week ministry of envîr- onment officiais gave con- ditional approval to Industrial Disposai to estabiish the site about one and one-baif miles north of Enfield. Residents dlaim this site would possibly Bad Weekei For Traffic Halloween may have been a quiet evening for the Bowman- ville Police Department but the weekend was pure bedlam as nine separate car accidents occurred in just a littie over 24 baurs. Fortunateiy, none of the mishaps invoived serious injury but police were kept buynonetheiess. On o he more- SmIrI0uI accidents happened just be- fore 5:30 p.m. on Friday, Novem ber 3rd. Douglas Barn- 1es, aged 21 years, from Hapoand Edwin Wm. Cook, 33 years, from Orch- ardview Blvd., Bowmanvilie, 7'ere stopped in the eastbound ane of King Street waiting for inother matarist' ta make a i.t-hand turn onto Brown Sreet. A car driven by l,-year-ald Fredrick Koay of Egin Street, Bowmanvilie, (Turn taPage Two) Federation Supports Catiemen Un Quest for Surcharge on Beef Brought "lnto Canada from U.S. Durham Federation of Ag- riculture, at a meeting heid last Thursday in Bowman- ville, supported Canadian cat- te breeders in their guest to have a surcharge placed on beef coming into Canada from the United States. A six cent a pound on imported dressed beef and three cents on lîve cattie was requested by beef producers. !n the past two montbs the price of steers in Canadian stockyardsbas decreased ab- out $20 a hundredweigbt. Since the price freeze was ifted in mid September by the US. Government cattie prices in that country have steadily declinýd. At the present, steers re selling close ta $30. ahundiýdweigbrt in Omana. Previouto t the lifting of the price fre-ze, farmers in the Unte Eates had withheld tIrat in the hope prices wouuu l cease but the great influx of ýver finished cattle (Turntio Page Two) Win Cash Awards in Town's Anti-Litter Poster Con#est In connection with Bowmanville Council's campaign to discourage young and old citizens- from littering the town's streets, a poster contest was held recently at Bowmanville High SchQol with more than 100 entries. Last week, the winners, were presented with $10 cheques for their efforts, by Councillor Norman Allison who is in charge of the project. The art students were from Years 1 to 4 classes. The ý ntation ceremony included, from left to right, Mrs. H. McMaster, BHS Art teacher, winners Janet Ste-phens , Peter Koeyers. Councillor Allison, Brian Welsh and Kathy Anderson. The winning posters will be used in publicity to further emphasize the importance of the program. if Twp. pollute Harmony Creek. The site is almost at the very headwaters of Harmony Creek which flows down through numerous ponds and along the eastern edge of Oshawa into Lake Ontario. Oshawa solicitor Ronald Worboy wbo not only repre- sented a number of objectors at the environmental hearing last July, buýt who is personal- ly, invoived as a resident of (Turn to Paqe Two) nd in FIRE STU Mr. and Mr R. R. 4, were1 second time tbe area ar( their firepia< Monday evi o' dock. Bow w-ere ontbe sý Smnoke and fi amount to 9 dolars. Enrl. another seci a fire caused Town lents- RIKES TWICE -s. 0. K. Osborne, bit by fire for the' this year when rund and above ýe caught fire on ening about 7 mnanville firemen scelle q kyand t ill3f!fr Cntr"IL ame damage wiii' severai thousand lier this year, lu on of their borne I innor damage. Driver Walks Away frorn Tractor-Trailer Accident Miraculously, the driver walked away from this tractor-trailer wreck on Highway 401 with only minor cuts. The accident took place on Tuesday morning, November 6th, just before 8:00 a.m., at the intersection of Highways 401 and 115-35. The driver, 27-year-old Gordon Barry WoodI of Scarborough, was taken to Bowmanville Memorial Hospital, treated for small lacerations and then discharged. Complete OPP reports were not available at, press time but it appears that the driver lost control of the tracetor-trailer (a 1973 GMC) in the westbound lane on Highway 401 . No other vehicles were involved and the early morning snow storm may have been a partial cause of the mishap. The big rig apparently jackknifed and ended up on its side in the median strip. It took work crews almost all day to transfer the load andl remove the wreck. Expropriation May Ta ke Months Mayor Garnet Rickard and the rest ôf the incoming council for the new area municipality of Newcastle may inherit months of legal proceedings lrom the town of Bowmanvilic, as a resuit of councii's decision on Monday, November 5th, to expropriate a sewer eas(ýment from Joe and Carl Schwarz. According to Ai Strike. the town's solicit'or, expropria- tion used to lie a lot simpler and quicker for~ municipalities than it is nù&" A provincial iaw was pass 1 l ew ears ago which elures th at ai person whose lnd is expropri - ated, whether, ýy a,'nunie1pa1- it o r an agencà, like Ontario Hydro, gets a failr hearîng an(! a just price for his property . The whole prooess could take (Turn toage8d Two) Local Teachers Cati in Provincial Executive to Negotiate with Trustees Negotiations in the contract er spokesman, Jimi Brecken- REGION COAT 0F A]Â dispute between the 428 sec- r idge from Clarke High School Schooi students and ondary schooi teachers in indicated that the executive of residents of Durhamn i NortE uberland-Durhamn and the Ontario Secondary Teach- are being invited tos the Board of' Education are ers Federation have accepted designs for a Coat of Ari expected ta resumne this week the request fromn the local the region. Submission1 but the trustees wîli be facing teachers ta take over the be sentto Chairman1 a different group of negotia- negotiating. The request came Beath by Dec. 31st, 197U tors. after a deadlock situation B A pessreiasefro tech- aroe fom he astmeeing X 19i,0, shavwa, Wini A pessreeas f or tech arsé Éon te ls- rnetn ie eig-ome I il BTS ý PIECES 'fi GOOD TIMING - On Monday evening, the w Courtice lBth Wolf Cub Pack got the full treatment 19 when they, arrived to see the equipment at di Bowmanville Fire Hall. A caîl came In fr m 0. K. Osborne's, R. R. 4, just as they prk d their vehicles so they were able to see more t an they anticipated . Out: went the chief's station wagon, followed shortly by two of the pumpers w h their sirens going full blast. Quite a thrill! A c uple of firemen remained at the hall to show them round and explain the equipment on the third p mper.l The Cubs were accompanied by Akela Hugh Neill, w. Activity Leader Stephen Arscott and two fâthers, i Dave Cowie and Thorold Bobier.t UNSEEMLY HASTE - Durham Region côun- ni cilors didn't improve their image with minY a citizens when they voted themselves a $10 0 00 fi indemnity last week., Most of those weý' ve talked to thought they might have waitêe a while untilthey learned more about what's in- volved in the job. What was the hurry whepi ý many other more important things have to e deallth with before'January lst? IROTTEN TRICK - One of the messiest praniks we've heard about on Hallowe'en night happened to one of our own staff. He was visiting a friend 'd didn't lock his car. When he came out, someone h d tossed several eggs into the interior where thy dripped down through the heater openings on t e dash. He worked hours trying to dlean up the remains, but the smell of rotten eggs is goingt linger for some time.1 FIRST SNOW - Tuesday morning, the first snow of the year came tumbling down, accom- panied later in the day by high winds that resulted in a chili factor of 10 above zero. Out came the heavy coats and mitts and motorists began thinking about those snow tires, while others wondered where their skis were. INCREASE - If you are one of those whose Statesman subscription comes due at this time of year, you'll save a dollar by, paying for your renewal before Dec. lst. After that date, the rate goes up to.$8.00 to help pay for some of the several increases in newsprint' cost, hydro, oil heating, ink, wages, etc. that have jumped considerably since the $7 rate was established several years ago. We hope you'll stili think it's. a bargain! SANTA'S COMING - Don't forget the big Santa Claus Parade here on Saturday, Nov. l7th beginning at 10:30. The posters are out advertising the event, but they could stili use more floats and people willing to get dressed f( up in costume. Give the hard-working;commit- M tee a hand today. Phone Ede Cole 623-2405 to n see how you can help. Afnother Liquor Vote in Hope Tw,,p. Hope township wili have a iquor vote sometimfe this vinter. The Hope Twp. Coun- cil decided to sha7re the cost of the vote with four restaurant and bail owners who request- ed the vote. The iast liquor vote was held with the municipal election in 1970 and the township stayed dry by a narrow majority. Stephen Lewis Will Visit Area on Thursday Ontario New Democratic leader Stephen Lewis wiil visit vith Bowmanvilie Mayor Ivan Hobbs, early tomorrow morn- ing. Mr. Lewis is making a our through Durham riding in conjunction with the opening iay session of'the Environ- nent Board Hearing into the application by Canadian Paci- fic Raiiway to estabiisb a andfill operation for Metro (Turn ta Page Two) with ýthe s ch ool1 boaurd onr 1 Uiuro ta Pge VwoJ ile e i llfr e$tit 'd $ ýRMS 1other Region submit ms for shouid Walter 1, P.O. ners of n will Aeeepted Late Tender, Counei*l Reprimanded By Contractors Assn, A letter of protest from the Ontario Sewer and Watermain Contractors Association to the Bow- Imanville Town Council drew a nonchala nt, if not hostile, reaction on Monday evening, November 5th. The OSWCA letter deait with two late tenders the Bowmanville Council had accepted at their October meeting for contracts involv- ing a CMP culvert and a sanitary and storm sewer installation. Aprile Contracting Limited had submitted the two tenders 30 minutes after the stipulated deadline and, to compound the problem, the Scarborough firm had entered the lowest bids in both cases and was awarded the two contracts. The letter from the OSWCA stated, "We are most dis- pleased with their (Council's) action in this matter and would hope that no sucb similar action wiil occur in the future." It added the associa- tion was prepared to inform their contractors of the Bow- manvilie practice unless the council "were ta satisfy. us that sucb practice... will not occur again." (Tom tao Paqe Two) Hallowe'en Blood Donor Prepores fo Don ate Adrian Bons from R. R. 5, Bowmanville, prepares to do a little bleeding for the Red Cross at the Blood Donor Clinic held in the Lions Centre., The clinic wvas held on the Hallowed Evening, Wednesday, October 3lst, and despite. the rain and costumed pranksters a fair, number of people turned out to, donate "the gift of life." A6 ana

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