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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1973, p. 3

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uinity United Church News he monthy meeting of vmanville omen's tnsi- was held in Trinit S.S. 1 on Nov. 1st. and although as a dull wet day we had 21 sent. Mrs. Downey opened meeting with "O anada". ,Ode, and the Collect. Mrs. itoff, secretary, gave her ort also Treasurer's re- t. Irs. Twist, Citizenship and rld Affairs convener, took rge of the programmed I asked for the roll call ch was, "A question I ild like to ask my Munici- Council". Mr. Rickard, the *st speaker on the new ionar Government, had ied us and made note of the 'stions asked in the roll call 1 answered these at the iclusion of his talk. le divided his talk into ee parts, how formed sone and services it will vide, under Regional Go- nment we wili have a yor, and six councillors. At resent we have th owmanville, D Township Village castle ana Orono,a Township, each h own governingb under a Counties( Cobourg. These mu :annot îndividually the services whicl Government will b Each municipali own laws, policef protection and w sewer arrangemen fered from eachc instance in case o Clarke Townshipf to Newcastle, the Fire Dept. could the call and those had to waid for the Dept. to come. Und al Government th no boundary. He said there is fear about Region ment but the peop get to understand i it and he would li public forums wher can be asked andd held to helo solver Our town at this be known as New ûry €Cleaners C/uC A pawnbroker loaded his show window with un :ophones, banjos, tubas --and snotguns. "Veryi play", commented a friend, "but does it sell merc "Does it?" enthused the pawnbroker. "One da ,s a sax or tuba and two days later his neighbor co s a shotgun." ,OTHES CARE HINT: tins from beverages will damage garments, qui *m to your drycleaner for expert professional at "LET'S NOT LET THE POPPIES DIE SUPPORT THE LEGION POPPY BLI BOWMANV ..CLEANERS L 84 KING ST. W. LEANER "We Specialize In Shirt Laund The Bowmanville Drama Workshop presents 4 Gown for His Mistre by GEORGES-FEYDEAU he Town of pay Municipal members to arlin gton make our decisions SO we s of New- ought to interest ourselves and Clarke enough to ask questions, study have their ail we can and get to body, but understand how this new Council in government wiil work. Mrs. nicipalities Twist thanked Mayor Rickard provide all for giving bis tîme to come i Regional and talk US. e able to. Mrs. Bell gave the motto ty has its *Citizenship like Charity be- force, fire gis at Home", and she said vater and good parents have onsbi- ts and dif- ities right at home. ee that other. For our chu ren get good training f a fire in and guidance at home, and fairly close foow up by co-operating with Newcastle school teachers. Try to put a not answer stop to petty stealing and story in trouble telling as soon as it begins and Orono Fir thus save a lot of sorrow in the er Region- future. Take an interest in our ere will be Guvernment at ail levels, and make use of our votes. nothing to Education is like a road that al Govern- has no end. Help our new le need to citizens, discourage discrim- more about ination and e ood neighbors. ike to see Good citizenship begins in our e questions homes. discussions "Fun day" to be held in nrohlems Solina Nov 8th from 2-4 was level will discussed and plans made for castle. We agood number to attend. - Cllection was taken and Mrs. Downey thanked ail who e had taken part. Tickets were sold for our Christmas Dinner Dec. 6th, and any member who was not present 'can get theirs from Mrs. Cryerman. nredeemed The meeting closed with interesting "God Save the Qucen", and handise?"lunch was served by Mrs. chandse?" Twist's group with Mrs. Por- ky a fellow ter in charge mes in and MAPLE GROVE We would like to extend a warm welcome to Donald Fletcher, Ian Soutter, Donald ckly. Take Sprv. Chris Vailleîcuurt for tention. ]oîning the Brotherhood of Scouting. We wish them the EY9 very best. The following Cubs ITZ ,have earned these badges: TZBrent Thompson, Woodsman Badge, Roy Brooks, Swimm- LLE îng Badge, Dale Bubar, Bike Badge, Grant. Carnochan, ILL ILLE Handymans Badge, Donald Daigle, music Badge, Robert TD. Davey, Readers Badge, Doug ,TD O Hoogeboom, Interpreter Bad- 62ý-5520 ge (Dutch), Wayne Ricard, Pet Keepers Badge. Congrat- ering" ulations. Our Calendar day and Apple day was a big success. There were 400 cal endars sold in oursarea. Donald Daigle won first prize for the nicest basket. Robert Davey won first prize for the nicest tn can. November 4th will be our first night of bowling at Liberty Bowl at 5.30 o'clock in uniform. Supp- ort Scout ing Akela: Andy Van Hemmen. ,ss directed by JEANNINE BUTLER IHURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8, 9, 10 8:15 p.m. Bowmanville High School Theatre Adults $2.00 Students $1.00 Tickets Available at Recreation Office 623-3114 Complimentary Tickets available for Thursday to all Senior Citizens "OUR HOSPITAL NEEDS OUR HELP" Dear Editor: Our town is growing and progressing very rapidly but, our hospital is not. We need a good hospital with moder equipment and more room to serve those who need medicad attention. One day we will ail need the services of our hospital, and we want the best for our health. I urge you to ask your readers to support our hospi- tal. We give time and money to other good causes that, indir- ectly help us, so why not give time and money to a good hospital that needs to be much better. My small donations alone, are not enough. Give - so we may live. Thank you. -One very concerned citizen- FURNITURE F. A. KRAMP LIMITED recommends Harding Carpets of ACRILAN® acrylic. fibre Elegant... durable SEE US AT - 37 KING ST. EAST - BOWMANVILLE The Studio Building, Guild Inn, Toronto, was the scene of a retty fall wedding on FridayOctober 26, 1973, when Reverend Charles Catto, uni- ted mrna"ra e Mary Olga daughter of r.andlMrs. Cari Bra lev, RR. 1 Hampton and Edward John Allin son oi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morgan, Toronto. The organist was Mrs. Russell Hayward, of Oshawa. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a becoming lemon yellow gown trimmed with motifs under a Redingote with Court train and hood. Her bridal bouquet was of Woburn roses, white daisies and star flowers. The bride was attended by Mrs. Donald Brown and the groom by Mr. Fred Allin. The reception was held in the Studio Building of the Guild Inn, with a honcymoon in the Montreal and Ottawa area. Mr. and Mrs. Allin are now residing in Honey Har- bour. Wed in Ebenezer United Married in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce Hendry Piper Studio, Toronto Given in marriage by her father, Melody Ann, daughter of Mr. Archie Muir, R. . 6, Bowmanville became the bride of Robert Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendry, Bowmanville in Ebenezer United Churi, Courtice on Saturday, September 29, 1973, with Reverend David Harris, officiating. An aunt of the bride, Mrs. Eric Courtice was the organist, and the soloist Mrs. Ross Marquis is an aunt of the groom. Wearing a formal length lown of oyester sheer, esigned wîth bib effect bo dice with a Mandarin collar trnmmed in Venise lace with pull through ribbon, the skirt teatured a flounce and was trimmed with Venise lace daises. Her headpiece of fabric flowers and forget-me- nots trimmed with seed pearls, held a Mantilla style veil of silk illusion, trimmed with Venise lace and she carried a nosegay of white daisy mums and orange carnations. The bridal attendants were Mrs. Allan Foran, matron of honor, and Miss April Muir, bridesmaid, both sisters of the bride. They wore gowns of orange floral printed chiffon and carried bouquets of yellow and white mums. Best man was Mr. James Hendry, brother of the groom, and t e ushers, Mr. Allan Foran, brother-in-law of the bride, and Mr. David Gray, cousin of the groom. The weddîng reception was held in Ebenezer Church Hall with a honeymoon at Lake of Bays, Huntsville. The happy couple are now residing at t e room's dairy farm, "Rose lm Farm", R.R. 1, Port Monsanto Hope. ACRILAN TWIST IS ONE 0F TUE MOST PRACTICAL, HARD WEARINGLein ade CARPETS AVAILABLE.Legion Ladies THE TOP QUALITY HARDING'S HARDTWIST Auxiliary Holds No extras except tax - halls and stairs Birthday Party > ~~~slightly higher for labour. Brha at 'T sq. yd. LARGE SELECTION OF END PIECES value et only . . Installed with 14" rubber underlay Suitable for small bedrooms or hallwavs The 27th Birthdav Party of the Bowmanville Ladies Aux- ixliary to the Royal Canadian Le ion was held in the Legion Hall on Monday evening, October 15th. President Nance Colmer welcorned the large number of members present. A delicious pot-luck dinner The Canadian Statesman, Bowm Many Prizes Won At Pine was enjoyed, and the tables werecentred with fall flowers in crystal vases. Colorful autunn leaves were arranged about the walls. The large Birthday cake was cut by two Life Members, Comradc Annie Clapp and Comrade Vi Somerscales. The cake was donated b Tom Carter. Sports Convenor Nyhi Shee- han was in char ge of the draw for the beautiful y dressed doll donated by Comrade Annie Clapp. In a revious draw for this doll it ad been won by Stan Dunn, Past President of Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion, who kindly returned this rize to be used in a second draw to raise funds. Comrade Eileen Large was the lucky winner. The winners in the Special Draw were 1st. Vice-President Phil Rose Comrade Judy Taylor, ani Comrade Dorothy Oke. After dinner there was a short business meeting when reports were received from Prcsident Colmer, catering convenor for the Bates West- over wedding, and from com- rade Florence Knigt, con- venor for the Divadae Lodge veterans visit here During the balance of the evening Euchre and Darts were enjoyed. The prize winners a Euchre were Comrades Jenny Harnden, Beulah White, Annie Clapp, and Linda Downey. The win- ners at Darts were Zone Commander Audrey Bate, President Colmer, Past Pre- sident Trixie Brown, and Comrade Eileen Demeter. O.P.P. Report Oct. 22, 1973 The Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated the follow- ing motor vehicle collisions and occurrences during the two-week period beginning October 8th, 1973 to October 21, 1973. Sixty-one motor vehicle coll- isions were investigated in which one person died and 27 persons were injured. As a result of these collisions, 26 persons have been charged with offences under the High- way Traffic Act, including two "Careless Driving" charges, and one person has been charged with a driving offence under the Criminal Code. The Newcastle officers also completed 228 investigations of a general, nature. Some of these occurrences are as follows: Il investigations in- volved damage to property, 13 investigations involved t eft, four break and enter, two hunting complaints, two dom- estic complaints, seven rep- orts of missing persons, five trespass com plaints, one fraud and ten driving comp- laints, three assaults, one trespass and two prowler complîints. Five investigations involved the finding of property and six investigations invol ved the loss of property. Six charges have been laid relating to Criminal Code offences, seven relating to Liauor Control Act offences and four charges relating to Criminal Code driving offen- ces. One person has also been charged with an offence under the Narcotics Control Act. The following are brief reports of thefts which took place in the Newcastle Det- achment area during the past week. On October 17, 1973 a resident of the Village of Tyrone reported that someone had stolen a combination radio-tape player, several tapes, clothing, and a quantity of liquor from his residence. This property was valued at approximately $130.00. Subse- uent investigation revealed t at two male juveniles were responsible for this theft. As a result, these two males have since been charged with an offence under the Criminal Code relating to the Juvenile Delinquents Act. On October 14, 1973 a resident of the Village of Hampton reported that some- one had stoien a quantity of money and cheques from his purse totalling approximately $600.00 to $700.00. As a result of investigation, two male per- sons have been charged with "Theft Over $200." DRIVING TIPS "Watch For School Children" Motorists are reminded to watch for the unexpected wheië children a're concerned. The majority of accidents involving children are caused by the child running onto the road. Take extra care when approaching a school zone Ridge Euchre, Pine Ridge L.OB.A. 1291, Bowmanville, held a success- ful euchre and Penny Sale, at Memorial Park Club House, on Monday evening, Oct. 22. Winners of the euchre were - High Lady - Brenda Lowery, high man - Russell Brown, low lady - Patricia Griffin, low man - Raymond Johnson. Winners of the many prizes for the Penny Sale, all donated by members of the lodge, were as follows - Photo Album, Eleanor Dadson, Telephone Index, Jean Devitt, Plaque, Doris Law, Tablecloth, Miss M.'Crowe, Jewellery Set, Jean Devitt, Pitcher, Ann Wilkins, Soap Dish & Soap, Eileen Crockett, Salad Set, Marian Henning, Books, Mrs. K. Scott, Cake Plate, Patricia Luxton, Doll, Kay Forsey, Groceries, Hilda Henning, Dish Cloths, Dorothy Mutton, Butter Dish Patricia Griffin, Wash Cloth & soap, Doroth Morrisey, Groceries, Lea Hendren, Dainty Rice, Russell Morrisey, Runner, Hilda Hen- ning, Measuring Cup and Suede Brush, Dorothy Cromb- ie, Frosting Mix, Betty Mil- ford, Groceries, Mabel Fowl- er, Wizard Top, Leah Hend- ren, Christmas Cake Mix, Patricia Luxton, Doiley, Carol Farrow, Set Plastic Bowls, Helene Wallis, Orange Cake anville, Nov. 7, 1973 3 Betty Milford, Tea Cosy, Leah Hendren, Package Fancy Pa- per Plates, Jean Devitt, Sta- tionery, Betty Milford, Groc- cries, Mable Fowier, Christ- mas Tray, Betty Milford, Graham Flour, Lois Lowery, Apple Pudding Mix, Annie Clapp, T.V. Trays, Bonnie Woolner, Canned Beans, Dor- othy Morrisey, Nylons, Miss M. Crowe, Pair Pillow Cases. Wallace hall, Package Rice-A- Roni, Harold Dobson, Apron, Roy Wilkins, Tea Towel, Raymond Johnson, Groceries, Hilda Henning, 5 packages Jelly, Eileen Large, Planter, B. Hollinger, Shake & Bake and Food Chopper, K. Forsey. Lunch was served by lodge members, after which every- one left for home, expressing their thanks for a very pleasant evening. CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES ON ALL 1973 MODELS SU P ER C 1.rfl \0ACOLOF Beautifully crafted Modern styled low- boy console in genuine oil finished Walnut veneers and select hardwood so- lids. Cabinet features deluxe overhang- ing top. Titan 101 Chassis. Solid-State Super Video Range Tuner. Chromatic Tuning. Cabinet size: 29 1/8" H, 32" W, 19/" D. * D4512W NOW ONLY $6,790e MUCH LESS WITH YOUR TRADE All sets in Factory-sealed cartons "W. service what we seli ourselves" FALCON TV 426 Simcoe S. Oshawa 723-0011 Penny Sale Mix, Mary Johnson, Candle Stick Holders, Hilda Henning, Bath Towel, Mrs. G. Hawe, airoceries, Ethel Goble, Rose Bowl, Roy Wilkins, Monarch Pudding, Jean Reid, Station- ery, B. Hollinger, Tuperware Containers, Russell Brown, Kitchen Utensils, Jessie Light- foot, Serviette Holder, Jessie Lightfoot, Nicknack Flower, Doris Law,lightbulbs, Mary Johnson, Nylons, Annie Clapp, Salad Dressing, Ethel Goble, Package Aluminum Pie Plat- es, Jean Devitt, Cake Plate, Hilda Henning, Toaster Cover, Dorothy Morrisey, Cushion, Russell Morrisey, Broach, Mr. and Mrs. Edward John Allin Astor Studio

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