The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 21, 1973 13 DEADLUNE FOR CLASSIFIED' Tues,, 4:30 p.m VEINOT- Dale and Susan (nee Meadows) are pleased ta annaunce the birth of their daughter. Tanya Dale, 7 lbs. 83/4 azs. on Sunday, Navember 18, 1973. A fourth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Meadows of Bowmanville. Special thanks ta Drs. Hub- bard and Masienka, and al nurses an maternity. 47-ix Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Peck, Newtanviile announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Lynda Lauise, ta Dennis William Cobbledick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cabbledick of Orona. The marriage ta take place Dec. lst, 1973 in the Newtanville United Church. 47-lx 1- CARR- Ross Nelsan. At Peterborough Civic9Haspital an Sun., Nov. 18, 1973. Ross Nelson Carr of Bethany, beloved husband of Violet Jacksan, dear father of--Mrs. Marie Gilmaurof Westan and Creightan Carr of Picton, father-in-law af Shirley Carr, brother af Clifford of. St. Coud, Flarida, and the late Melvileand Milton Carr; also survived by faur grandchild- ren. The late Mr. C arr rested at the Comstack Funerai Home, 356, Rubidge St-, Peter- borough, where service was held an Wed., Nov. 21 at 1:30 p.m. Interment St. John's Cemnetery, Ida. 47-1 LAMBOURNE, Louis H. (Memyber Albion Ladge Na. 2 A.F. & A.M., G.R.Q.). At Memaorial Hospital, Bowman- ville an Wednesdlay, Nav. 21, 1973. Louis Lambourne of 14 Liberty St. N. in his 86th year. Husband of the late Phaebe Jones. Dear father of Henry, Walter, Mrs. N. Brown (Irene), Ernest and Mrs. Wm. Whitehead (Eva). Resting at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral service 7 o'clock Thursday evening. Interment Mount Royal Cem- etery, Montreal. Donations ta Bawmanville Salavation Army League of Mercy or The Canadia-n Cancer Saciety wouldi be appreciated. 47-1 NA'TJOY-%Merwi,_,at Osýii'awa Genieral Hospital on Thursday, Nv.15. 1973. Merwin M\oujntjoy of Hamp- ton, in his 85th year. Husband of the late Mildred McGill. Rested at the Northcutt Elliatt Funeral Home. Funeral ser- vice was held at 2 'clack Monday atternoon. Interment Cadmus Cemetery. 47-1 CARNATION FLOWERS and SEED STORE 33 Division Street Plants Wedding ' BoUquets Furmerai Arrangements 4' ,,,,ý Phone 623-714; or 623-5577 VAN BELLE Daily Deivery ta... Oshawa -Bowmanviîle Area Phone 623-4441 à,+ * e 30 LAYING Hens, $1.10.each. Phone 263-2932. 47-lx 35 STOCKER calves, weaned, -eady ta go. Phone 797-2369 Port Hope. 46-Z 30ARDING Ponies, $25 per nonth. Phone 786-2236, New- onville. 46-3 )OG Meat, 25 cents per lb,. ree del(very. Dog-cat board- ng from $1 daily. Registered Ufghans and Salukis. Orono -983-9385. 44-4x :REE ta gaod homes; twa egistered Labrador Retnie- ens, ane black female 11/2 yrs. Id and ane yellaw maIe 3 yrs. Id. Repiy ta Advertiser 347 -o the Canadian Statesman, 1.0. Box 190, Bawmanville. 47-1 Farmers, Attention DEAD STOCK SERVICE at MARGWILL FUR FARM jnder new management and )wnenship. We appreciate à -aî1 f rom you when necessanry. Cal1 collect 263-2721 Lic. No. 416C73 5 ', Bowmanviile, Ontario V. BOWERING LTD. 4 i wouîd like ta thank ail my friends and neighbaurs for their cards and flowens. Spec- li thanks ta Dr. Anfossi, nurses on Surqical Flaor dur- ing my stay in Haspital. Norma Anmfstrang 47-1 x Sincere thanks ta Drs. U and Rawseil, nurses and of 4M Oshawa Genenal b- taI. Alsa Stewart Typeset Oshawa, and the John Wh famnily, Ernest Roberts ily, Mn. James Cully others for transportation sits, gifts and cards. Hugh W. Mc Donald i wouid like ta say thank y( evenyane who sent ca rds, and flawers ta me whiie1 a patient in Memorial Hasl and since caming hamE special thank you tamny s Jean and her husband, the nurses and staff on floor, Drs. McKenzie Grant. Benneice Mill igan Jgray 1staff ýospi- ýtting, fhalen fa m- BARN ES -ln ioving memary of aur dean san and brother, Danny, who passed away suddenly, Nov.1 19, 1964. A star drapped out of heaven, t feil into aur arms, A sweet and loving, son, With many laving charms, Heaven knows we loved him, He made aur lives 50 gay But someone greater cal le, And taak him tan awav. -Taa dearly laved ever ta be fargatten by Mom and Dad, brother and sistens. 47-1 and BROWNELL - Raymond. bn n, vi- Ioving memony of a dean brother, who passed away Nov. 26th, 1970., 47-lx Every day in same smali wvay, - Memories of you came my 'ou ta way, gfs Alway thaughtfui, kind and ie. A Wanderfui menies you left ister behind. aiso -Sadly missed by sister Eva. and We sincerely wish ta thank aur friends and relatives for the lavely cards, gifts and flawers and toalal who came and helped ta make aur 4th Wedding Anniversary party sucha happy occasion. Spec- ial thanks ta 'Past Noble Grands Club 62. Clarence and 1lia Martin 47-1 x The fami ly of the late Leslie William Luffman would like ta express aur appreciation ta friends and neighbours for their kindness during aur recent bereavement.' Special thanks ta Mr. and Mrs. Mark Raenigk and Mr. and Mrs. J. Manfle for their invaluabie assistance. Thanks ta arciani- zations for their tlaral triliutes and ta friends for charitable donatians. 47-1 x i would like ta thank al relatives, neighbaurs, and friends who were sa kind ta send cards, gifts, and who visited me while i was a patient in Bawmanville Hosp- tai. Special thanks ta Dr. John Rundie, Dr. Spraull, and Dr. Westgarth, staff and nurses who cared for me. Wilson Abernethy 47-1 x rwA1uîd flke t ay thank you very much ta m y friends, neighbaurs and relatives f or the cards, flowers, gifts, and many kindnesses whi le 1 was a patient in Memarial Hospital. i would alsa like ta say many thanks ta the surgical ward and nursing staff and ta Dr. McKenzie and Dr. Cunning- ham for their care. Madeleine Buckley 4 We wish ta express aur heartfelt thanks ta friends, relatives and neighbours far floral tributes, danatians ta the Cancer Society and the Heart Foundatian, expres- sions of sympathy and their many kindnesses at the time of aur recent sad bereave- ment. Sincere thanks ta Rev. T. Gracie for the camforting words and prayers. Ta Dr. Ewert, the nursing staff an second and third floars, the Physiatherapy Department and Ambulance Crew of Memarial Hospital aur mast grateful thanks for the won- derful care and kind attention given ta Ray. Alsa sincere thanks ta Mrris Funeral Chapel. The Hooper Family 47-1 100 ACRES of fertile land situated right in town of Bowmanville, $25 per acre. Cal l623-7538. 40Otf OFFICE space available im- mediately. Apply James In- surance Agency 24 King E., Bowmanvilie. Phone 623-5681 or 623-5023. 46-f FURNISHED roarhs by thE month, bath , shawer, TV, telephane, indoar pool, saune and licensed premises. AppIý Flying Dutchman Mtor Inn 623-3373. 41 -t' BOWMANVI LLE-madern four roomn apartment plus bath, possession Dec. lst. Phone 623-2341. Cashfinder and Company Real Estate Develapers. 45-tf 0ONE on two bedraam apanT- ment, Marianna Villa, 206 Simpsan Ave., $165 and $185. Includes electric heat, hydra, water, cable TV, stove, frig.,, stanage, parking. Na Pets. Availabie Dec. 1. One Chiid. Caîl 623-7545 or 623-4172. 47-tf TWO bedraom apantment, available Dec. lst. Orano 983-5674. 47-1 HEATED, upstains apanfment with garage, 2 miles east of Bowmanville on Hwy. 2, 2 bedraoms, immediate accu- 1pany. Write Advetiser 438, c-a The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bawmanville. 47-1 ONE bedraamn apartment. Marianna Villa, available Dec. lst. Phone 623-4306. 47-1 x DAVEY-In laving memary Of William Raymond Davey Who passed away Nov. 17, 1957. -Lavingly remembered and sadly missed by wife and family. 4- FARROW - In lovinq me- mary af aur father and grand- father, Harvey Farraw, Who passed away Nav. 23, 1969. We atten sit and thing of hlm, When we are ail alane, For memary is the anly friend, That grief can caîl its awn, Like ivy on the withered aak, When ather things decay, Our love for hlm will still be g reen, And neyer fade away. -Sadly missed by daughter Alta, san-in-law Ariel and grandchildren. 47-lx FARROW - In laving me- mary af a dear husband, Harvey, Who passed away Nov. 23, 1969. My heart still aches with sadness, And secret tears still flow, What it meant ta lose yau, No one will ever know, When the day is sad and lanely, And everything gaes wrang, I seem ta hear you whisper, Cheer up and carry on, Each time 1 see yaur picture, You seem ta smile and say, Don't cry l'm anly sleeping, We'll meet again some dlay. -Sadly missed by wîfe Eva. ~~ 7-ix FARROW - In laving miem- ory of my dear father and grandfather, Harve y wha passed away Navem ber 23, 1969. Beautiful memaries are wonderfui things, They last fi lthe langest day, They neyer wear aut, are neyer last. And no ane can take them away, Ta some yau may be' forgatten, To Cthers a part of the past, But ta us wha loved yau, Your memory will always ast. -Lavingly remembered and sadly missed by Art, Hannah, William and Kelly. 47-1 HAMILTON -In 1laving memory of a dear mother and grandmather, Elsie Hamilton, wha passed awa y Nov. 25, 1958, aiso aur dear brother, Rass Hamilton, wha passesd away Dec. 13, 1969. We cannat hait the hand of ti me, Or live again thé past, Within aur hearts are memories, That will farever last. -Lovingly remembered by the family. 47-1 x KENNETT I n laving me- mary of a dear father, Robert Edward, who passesd away Nov. 26, 1963. Wonderful memaries woven in gald, This is the picture i tenderly hald; Deep in my heart yaur memory is kept, To lave and ta cherish and neyer farget. -Lovingly remembered by daughter Evelyn. 47-ix KENNETT - n laving me- mary af a dear father and grandfather, Robert, who pas- sed away Nov. 26, 1963. Dear Dad, yau are not forgatten, Though on earth you are no mare, Stili in memary you are with us, As you always were befare. -Lavingi y remembered by daughter Mary, son-in-law Jae and grandchildren. 47-lx KENNETT b n.laving me- mary of a beiaved husband and fathen and gnandfather, Robent Kennett, wha passed away Navember 26th, 1963. He left us quietiy, His thoughts unknawn, But left us a memory, We are pnoud ta own, Sa treasure him Lard, In yaun ganden of rest, For when un eanth, He was one of the best, -Sadly missed by wife Mar- jorie, son George, daughten- i n-law Eveline, gnandchildnen IRobent, George, Evelyn. 47-1 x LIGHTFOOT - In loving memory of my dean husband, Joe, who passed away Nov. 21, 1971. Not just taday but every day, n silence, i nemember. -Laved, nemembened always Je'ss. 47 ix RICHARDSON - In loving memory of a dean father, Bertram Colin (Tony), who passed away November 25, 1967. Sadly missed aîong ife's way, Quietly remembered every day, No longer in aur life ta share, But in aur heants he's always thene. -Sadly missed and always remembered by Jim and Sandra. -47-1 RICHARDSON - n loving memory of a wanderful hus- band and father, Bertram Colin (Tony), who passed away Novem ber 25, 1967. t only takes a little space ta Write how much we miss you, But ;t wili take the nestof aur 1lives, To farget the day we aost yau, As time unfolds six lonely years, Memonies keep you ever near. -Always ioved and sadly missed by wife Ruth and Family. 47-1 STUBBERT - In Ioving memory of a dean mothen and gnandmother, Helen, who pas- sed away Navember 26, 1963. Your presence is even near us, Yaur love remains with us yet, Yau were the kind of a mother, Your loved ones would neyer farget. -Lavingiy remembened by daughter Mamie, son-in-iaw Bayd and gnandchildren. 47-1 x STUBBERT - n loving memary of a dean wife, Helen, who passed away Navem ber 26, 1963. As time unfoids another year, Memories keep yau ever near, Sulent thaughts of times together, Hoid memanies that will ast torever. -Lavingi y remembered by husband Frnank. 47 lx STUBBERT - Cherished memaries of a dear mother and grandmother, Helen, who passed away Nov. 26, 1963. Though her smile is gone farever, And her touch we cannot tauch, StilI we have somany memories, 0f the one we lave so much, Her memary is aur keepsake, With which we'll neyer part, God has her in his keeping, We have her in aur hearts. -Sadý4y mnisse a94 1ving], remremnbered 'y daughtler Marilyn,sninlwCharle-s, and grandchildren, Helen and Chuck. 47-lx STUBBERT - bInloving memary, of a dear mother Hielen, who passed away Nov. 26th, 1963. Dear Mother, we loveyou sa, And miss you mare each day. Ten sad and lonely years have passed, Since you were called away. You laved and trusted Jesus, And taught us ta love and trust him too. When Jesus calîs us Home ta Heaven, We'll1 be again, dear Mother, w ilh yau. -Sadly missed and forever remembered by son Reg and daughter-in-Iaw Shirley. 47 lx VAN CAMP- Helen, Novem- ber 18th, 1971. When the chirnes ring out with memaries sa dean,1 Stili missed and longed for _oalways. -oher and Sistens, Mabel, Wilma and Jessie, 47-1 WHITEHEAD - In baving memony of a dean father, Thomas, wha passed away Nov. 25, 1972. While you dean father, rest sleep, Yaun laving memony we'Il always keep. -Bei1oved father of Tam, Rhonda, Debra and Denek.ý 47-1 WRI GHT- In baving memory 0f aur dean mothen, Gladys, who passed away Novem ber 22, 1972. This month cames with deep regret, if brings back a day we will neyer forget, n oun heants yau will abways stay, Loved and nemembered day by day, Memonies are treasurers na one can steal,> Death is a heartache no one .can heai, Lite must go on, we know it is true, But it's not the same since we basf yau. -Sadly missed and lavingly remembered by daughter, Hazel, sons, Walter, Lloyd, Keith and familles. 47-1ix WRIGHT- In laving memony of, my dean wife, Gladys, wha passed away Navember 22, 1972. One sad and lonely yean has, passed, Since aur great sonrow feul, The grief that I received that day, No one can even tell, Gad gave us strength ta meet And courage ta bear the blow, But what if means ta base you Gladys, No ane wiIl ever know, ifs lonely hene without yau, I miss you more each day, For life is not the same ta me, Since you were called away. -Sadiy missed and iovingiy remembened by husba nd, Garnet. 47 lx PATTERSON -In laving memary of my dean wife, Celia, who passed away Nov- emben 25, 1956. -Too deariy laved ta ever be fongotten. Dick. 47-ix Brown's Community Centre Dance, Sat., Nov. 24,, 9-11, Music by Rod Cnaig and "The Country Editions", $5'couple, bar privileges. Fan ticket- resenvatians, phone, Marg ,lbbotson, 786-2471 or Sharon Miller, 987-5132. 46-2 Fish ançi Chips. Ail yau can eat, every Saturday $1.49'. Open Saturday and Sunday. Acres Restaurant, Taunton Rd. 46-2 The Salvation Army 4th Brownie Pack is holding a Rum mage Sale, Navember 24, 1973 at 35 Division St,, iÔa.m. - 3ý p.m. Please use back. entrance. 146-2 WOODVI EW COMMUN ITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7.45 p. m. REDBARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21-tf Osaca Barnn'Dance, couples only, every Satunday night. Country and Western music. Phone 786-2633. 43-9 MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY - 7:45 p.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softbalî JUBILE E PAVILlON OS HAWA 30-tf First Brownie Third Guides Third Annual Community Fair, March 16, 1974. Graups wishing ta panticipate with booths cali Mrs. Nelsan, 623-2243. 47-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NE WCASTL E "TH E COU NTRY STRI1NGS" Fri.-Sat., Nov. 23-24 Dancing 9-1 45-1 ange Hall. Friday, Nov. 23. Admission 50 cents. 50-50 draw, ladies bring lunch, time 8:15 p. m. 47-1 Old Tyme Dance, Tyrone Hall, Saturday, Nov.,ý 24th. Bobby Burton and the North- ern Nomads, $3.00 per couple. 8:30-12:30. 47-1 Unit 7 of St. PauI's U.C.W. will hold their bazaar and afternoon tea at Salem Church Wednesday, Nov. 28 at 2:30 p. M. 47-ix -Euchre"- Pontypoal Com- munity Hall, Fnb. November 23rd. 8 P.M. 47-1 Dance Saturday Navember 24th, Pontypool Cammunity Hall. Music by Fay Adams and the Country Hits. Admis- sion $4.00 per couple. 47-1 Bow manville'Boy Scouts Paper Drive, Saturday, Nov. 24th. Please have papers tied an sidewalk by 8:00 a.m.' 47-1 DE PARTM ENT0F, RECREATION COUNTRY& WESTERN JAMBOREE TOWN HALL BOWMANVI LLE -2 P.M. Sun., Nov. 25th F EATU R ING George Richards Senator Jim Coyle and The Cable T.V, Boys Joe Bothwell, Ken Mac Donald Jack Mantie & Charlie Kilpatrick ADMISSION: Aduits - $1.00 Teens - under 18 years 35 cents Chîdren - under 12 years .25 cents 47-ix BR IGHTE N U P YOU R HOME FOR CHRISTMAS with cheenful new patterns in floor caverings at dlean out prices. One yard, 2 yard, and 3 y ard widlths. Assorted quali- ties, all neduced for quick sale. Waodgrain patterns, alsa pat- terns for bednooms and kitch- en.On ly 37 Cents- Per Ft. Assorted Size Remnants From $3.88, Vinyl surface floar coverings, regular $229 Sq. Yd., Now, Slashed ta Carpet Scatter Mats FnamI $ 1.99 Vinyl Carpet Pratector, Tran- sbucent 27" Wjcth, OnIy .59 per lineal foot' 9 x 12 Carpets, Raam bize, Nylon. $88. Abso shags, bnaided, aovals, Evlans and Axminsters. Wilsoný's Furniture 20 Centre Street, N. Oshawa, Ontario Phone 723-3211 * e, FREEMAN laader, will fit mast tractar models. Phone 623-2646. 47-1 GRAPE press for wine and any size wine barrels. Phone 725-2474. 47-1 x HOOVER washer spin dryer, also McClary dryer, bath in gaad conditian. Phone 623- 2356. 47-1 x ELECTROHOME sterea with AM-FM radio and record changer in walnut cabinet, alsa one humidifier. Phone 623-3533. 47-1 TWOsnow tires with rims, one winter, size 650-15, $20. Phone 623-2363. 47 lx GUN show and sale, Nav. 2Sth, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., Red Barn auditorium, 172 Wayne St., Oshawa. 47-1 CHESTERFIELD and chair, T.V., stove, Hoover automatic twin tub, kitchen table and chairs, mavie prajector, re- cord player, and many ather hausehold items. Caîl 987-4635. 47-1 x USED truck cap, 32", high, insulated and panelled an inside. Phone 623-3905. 47-1 8 TRACK Sterea Tape Set. Titan. Phone 576-7559. 47-if McLARY-Easy wringer wash- er with pump and timer, very gaad conditian. Phone 623- 3210. 47-1 x WOOD, also propane water heater, like new. Phone 983- 5460 at ter 6 p. m. 47-2 WASHER spin dryer, also automatic dryer. Phone 623- 5496. 47-1 2 PIECE Chesterfield, suit- able fan nec. room or cottage, $40; extra chair availabie. Phone 723-5019. 47-lx WEDDING gown, bouffant style, tiara and veil; best afÏer . Phone 623-4157. 47-2 RINGS, wedding band and diamand engagement ring; best aff er. Phone 623-4157. 47-3 ONE anly, 23 cu. ft. chest freezer, one anly 8 cu. ft. chest freezer. Carnegie Crest Hare- wýan-e, 36-Kinj-Si'. E. BowMlan-_ ville. Phane 623-5408. 47-1' 71 MOTO SKI; 20 hp Capri, goad condition, with caver $375. Phone 987-4826. 47-1 NEWCASTLE Trai ler Park & Sales-Your district Ramblen Trailer Dealer. New and u9ed trailers. Highway No. 2, Newcastle, 987-5131. 16-tf BEDROOM -suite, camplete; dining suite, 9-piece; chester- field -suite, ail Burma teak- wood, new. Must selI. Sacri- fice. Phone 1-241-5971. 31 -tf DRESSERS, Beds, Chesten7 fields, ail kinds of Used Furni- ture, Antiques and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton, 263-2241. 26-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton, 263-2241. 26-tf STUDEBAKER Service, new and used parts. Graham's Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf PEDESTAL enamel bath tub, large, 1 wall back enamel sink, large. 623-3303. 6l 46i THRIFT Shap, 32 King W. We seil on cansigniment furniture, appliances, baby supplies, bi kes, skates, etc. Gaod books, gift items, new and used clothes avalilable. 47-tf AN IDEAL card fan the Christmas Season "The Per- fect Birth". St. Luke 3:1-7. A Paem by Minnie E. McHolm (Canadiana) Poetess Laur- eate an sale at Bric-a-Bnac Shack, 8 Queen St., Part Hope. 47-1 NEEDa PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TOALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 41 tf D OMESTIC & COMMERCIAL' REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES S A LES & SERVICE Kool. Enterprises ,PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-tf INSTALL AN O FURNACE BOILER HUMIDIFIER or HOT WAT ER SH E ATE R No paymnents'for six months SCall HARVEY PARTNER Yo.uri,.SSO Service Dealer FR EE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 41 -tf & Towers ROtORS INSTALLED UHF-VHF - ColoredAerials Apts. and Homes Pre-wired. REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed Ail priced ta SAVE You Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, Manager 38-tf W HI1TE'S iV ANTENNAS ~T owers, UHF, VHF AeialIs, Rotors& - Repairs 5À~ Apartments & Homes. Pre-Wired Ask About Our ýi Guarantee SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-tf HAVING COMPANY FOR CHRISTMAS? Bed Chesterfields make a smart livi;ngroam or family room and give you that extra bed. Bed Chesterfieîds by Beverley, modemn design, walnut arms, faam cushians. This Week OnIy $188. Black Vinyl bed chesterfield 1 left, camplete with faam mattress and foam cushians, ideal for nec. raom. Reg. $269, one only $209 Colonial style by Beverley, high wing back showwood, box. pieated skirt, compete with mattress. $389. Tuxedo style bed chester- field, smart Herculon caver, soiid foamr cushion, spring filled mattress, bali1casters, you'Il like.,it. Wiison's Speciai. $248. Wilsons Furniture 20 Centre St. N.* Oshawa/,, Ontario' Phone 723-3211 -4- excellent condition. Phone 987-4955. 4721x 1968 PONTIlAC Station wagon, good condition, not misused, one awner, power steering, new brakes, safety checked, two snow tires on ims (al goad tires). Hampton 263-8814. 47-1 1969 CH EV, 327 motor, power brakes, steering, and radia, in good condition. $900 or any other offer. Caîl 987-4635. 11 47-1lx 1968 FORD'Tornna, V-8, auto- matic, 2 dn. hardtop, extras, excellent condition. Phone 623-7076. 47-1 1966 PONTIAC V-8, best offer. Phane 987-4516. 47-1 1962 CHEV Bus, 327 V-8, 5 speed, new tires and brakes, nat licenced. 1967 G.M.C. heav duty Handi Van, 6 cyl. stancl'rd, Lic. A83901, 1965 Studebaker wagon, 6 cyl. standard, runs weIl, unfit, $100, 1964 Chev. two doar, 6 cyl. standard, gaad runner, unfit, $100. Phone 263-8172. 1 47-1 '65 FORD truck, Phone 623- 2746. 47-lx 1967 PARISIENNE Convert- ible, V-8, automatic, power steening and power brakes, radio, in good condition. Cal 263-8462 after 5 p.m. 47-1 TO settie an estate - 1968 Meteor station wagon, Lic. AYV005. Phone 623-5043. 47-1 x If You're Iooking ta buy a previousîy owned car or truck, you shouîd see what we have and hear the pnices. Before you do anything else give us a caîl at 623-4481, We're very friendly. MacDonald Ford Bowmanville 219 King St. East - 623-4481 'Where fniendly people meet' 47-1 LADY'S Bifocal g lasses. Dank rim. In case with clip on it. Near Dominion or A & P stores. 623-4804. 47-1 ON Manday about noon be- tween Rickaby's and Dykstras a thnee stane clîamand and sapphire ring. Please phone, 263-2207 - Reward. 47-1 x PRESS Operatars required immediately for shift work.. Excellent benefits, good wa-ý ges under aur new incentive piece work rate. Apply hrf person ta sauth plant, Curply, Wood Products, Hwy. 115 & 35,- Orono. 44-4 ONE licenced. auto body repairer. Enquire at Mac- Donald Ford, 219 King St. E. See Marty, Body Shop Mana- ger. 47-1 HIOUSEKEEPER - Monday thru Friday, 12 noon to 6 p.m., large farm, Newtonville area, top wages, should supply transportation. Apply by let- ter anly, c-o Mr. Wiermier, R.R. 1, Newtanville, Ontario. 47-3 HOUSEKEEPING duties in exchange for room and board. Phone 623-7795 after 5 p.m. 47-1 BAB3YSITTER1 required im- mediately, afternaons, 4 - 5 days per week. Phone 623- 413 .47-1 VOLUNTEER babysitter for Take-A-Break, 9:30 - 11:00- Tuesday marnings, age 1s up ta three; als'o a qualif ied teacher (wijl be paid) for ages four and five beginning in the new year. Phone 623-5873. 47-1 BAIBYSITTER for one year aid'during day, excellent pay. Write Advertiser 439, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O0. Box 190, Bowmanville. 47-2 Waltresses - Waiters FOR DININGROOM EXCELLENT GRATUITY Banquet Waiters - Wa itresses A LSO REQU IR ED FOR 1INTE RVI EW Phone 623-3373 BETWEEN9a.m.-3p.m. 47-1 NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COU NTY BOA RD 0F EDUCATION AR E TA KE R Applications wilL be receli- ved by the undersigned until Tuesday, Navember 27, 1973 for the position of fui! time Caretaker at the Bowmanville Senior Public School. Knowledge of cleaning mat- erials and caretaking proce- dure preferred. Ability ta work from verbal and written instructions and with other people required., Reply in writing stating qualifications, address and telephone number ta: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durham Caunty Board of Educatian, Box 470, COBOURG, Ont. 47-1 TOWN 0F 8OWMANVILLE CROSS ING GUARDS REQUIRED Duties ta commence Dec. 3rd, 1973 Apply ta: J. M. McILROY, Clerk-Administrator 40 Temperance St. Phone 623-3379 47-1 Laundry Porter - Wa she r Immediate opening for Ponten-Washer in aur 130 bed active treatment hospitai laundny depantment. Appli- cantrmust bephysical ft and have some techniýc ai'ex p eni- ence. Excellent fnînge benef its and wanking conditions. Appîy to: DIRECTOR 0F PERSONNEL SERVICES,' MEMORI AL HOSPITAL, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 47-1 INSULATION, blawing me- thod with rock wool, work- manship g uaranteed, free es- tfmtes Sealdaire insulatian. Phone 742-0272. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Phone 987-4531. 38-tf B1L L'S G LAS S and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., - Phone 623-5187 Bowmanvil le, Ontario Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts.- Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing 17-tf ONE bedroom furnished, apartment. Phone 623-2633. 47-1 x ROOM and board available for elderly woman, Phone 623- 7116. 47-1 1, Kenneth R. Ellis, af 68 High St., Bawmanvil1le, Ont. wil11 not- be respansible for any debts cantracted in my name by my, wife, Brenda M. Ellis, after- this date, Nov. 21, without my written consent. 47-3x LONG haîred young cat, must be given away, free ta gaad home. Cali 623-5878 after 5. 47-ix MALE pups far gaad homes. Phone 263-2311. 47-1 POODLE puppies, adorable, tiny, apricot tays, registered, shots, 10 weeks, from'Amnen- can and Canadian Champion Stock. Phone 263-2575. 47-1 Instructions LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR IRAI LERS(z Now yQu can train right here in Canada! Tuitian Tax Deductible! -Placement assistance - eekn training also available! For applicatian and interview, write: Safety Department, The Canad ian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 207 Queen's Quay W. Toronta 117, Ontaria. Or Caîl 416-864-9381. ( Farmeni y Trans-Canada TrA -nort Tra in ing). 46-3 USED Furniture and A ppli- ances. Paddy's Manket, Ha m- ptan 263-2241. 26-tf WOOD bax stave or Quebec heater, suitable for cottage. Phane 623-5632. 47-1 ROC KI1NG Chair, wi nged back, arm chair, wodý and uphol- stery settee, round table about 25" diameter. Phone 576-4070.- 47-1 GOOD Used furniture. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temp-t erance St., Phane 623-4681. Ciosed ai day Wednesdlay. 46-3 mm,9 * DAY cane needed for one, small chiid. Phane 623-4318. REGIS;TERED Nurse part-, time-and registered nursing assistants full and pant-time. Phone 987-4441. 34-tf DE 15E L truck driver requirea fan Taranta and Ontario. Appiy in persan, Cunvp 1 Wood Praducts, Orona, Ot aria. 47-1 CAR ETAKING positions open for man and woman; Ski Club Chalet. Phone 983-5772 Orono. 47-1 CURATOR for Clarke Muse- um, Orono. For funther infor- mation cali, M. Remington, 983-5379 àn D. Raberts 983-5948 on D. Barnett 983-5382 after 6 p.m. 47,1 Real Estate Agent Required: Wewiil pravide assistance and leads. Highest commissions paid. We will train you. Cali us nowfan a confidiential interview - , George Van Dyk, Real Estate (Realtor), 181 Ghurch St., Bowmanville. Phone 623-4428. 45-3 JENSEN STEEL LTD. requires warehouse supervisor, shear operators, saw opera 'tors, plate burners, material handîers for current operations at 66 Russett Ave., Oshawa, with nelocation in Bowmanvilîe in May, 1974. Phone 728-7318