The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 5, 1973 13 DEADLUNE F0ý" CLASSIFIED Tues., 4:30 p,.m.li0 COCHRANE - Reid and Joan are very pleçised fa announce the arrivai of their 7 Ibs. 131/2 oz. daughter, Allison Joan et Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on Nov. 25, 1973. Proud g randparents are Mrs. Grace Cochrane and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vagg. Special fhanks to Dr. McKenzie and Dr. H. B. Rundie, also fo the nurses on maternityfloor. 49-1 COE - Jim and Wendy, Millbrook, Ontario are happy to announce the arrivai of Jessika Lyn,;9 Ibs. 7 ozs. an Nov. 10, 1973.A sister for Jodi and Jason. 49-1 FORTNUM' Gary and Sandra (nee Gibson) are hap py to announce the arrivai1 oftheir daughfer Tara Lyno, 7 lbs. 2 ozs. at Toronto East Generel Hospital, Friday, Nov. 30, 1973. A sister for Greg. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Hilda McLaren, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gibson, Bowmanviîie. 49-1 SMITH - Bruce and Marg are proud to announce the birth of a son Christopher Scott, 6 ibs. 10 ozs., born Nov. 16, 1973 at Memoriai Hospital. A brother for Michael. Proud grand- paerents are Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mairs and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith. Special thanks f0 Dr. John Rundie and maternity staff.- 49-1 STAINTON - Ken and Elaine (neeForrester) proudly an- nouce the birth of their, daughter, Kelly Nadine on November 29th, 1973, 6 lbs. 3 ozs. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs., Roy Forrester, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton, R.R. 5, Bowman- ville. Special thanks to Dr. A. Westgarth and maternity staff of Bowmanville Memoriai Hospital. 49-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Little are happy ta announce the engagement of their daughter, Laurie Margeurite, to Mr. George C. Saunders,, eIdest son of Mr. Harry Seunders (and the lafe Mrs. Anne Saunders) ail of 80w- mranville. 49-1 A and Mrs. Lawrence Gr71eènwood, Kendal, ennounce the forthcoming'marriage of their daughter, Linda Kay, to DonaldGrant Evans, son 0f Mr. Grant Evans, Uxbridge. The marriage will take place on Dec. 22nd in Toronto. 49-1 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Purdy, Bowrnanville are pleased f0 announce the forth- çÇoming marriage of their deughter Heather Elaine fo Robert John Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron, R.R. 1, Bowmanviile. The marriage f0 take place by candie lighf service, Decern ber 22, 1973 et 4:30, Sf. Paul's United Church, Bowmanviie. 49-1 x FAiRLES -Annie. In Kitch- ener.on Dec. 1, 1973, Annie Fainles, widow of Roy Fainles and mot her of Margaret (Mrs. Douglas Kin g), Kitchener, Vivian (Mrs. Douglas Fruin) London, and Warren, Strat- ford. 49-1 SYLVESTER - Af Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviîîe, on Fridey, Nový. 30, 1973, Allen Grant Sylvester, beioved hus- band of the late Edna Pearl Lavis, dear father of Dr. Allen B. Sylvester, Ioving grand- fether of Donald, Steven, David, Gordon and Verity. Service wes held in the Morris Funerai' ChapelBowmanvilie on Mondaye 2 o'clock. Inter- ment Bowmanviile Cemefery. 49-1 CARNATION FLOWERSand SEED STORE 33 Division Street eQ ""F Iowers say it Best' VAN BELLE Daiby Delîvery ta ... Oshawa - Bowmenvibbe'Area Phone 623-4441 Al+ SIAMESE Kitten, weenî'ng purpie coller. Reward. Phone 623-3237. 49-1 x PIGY,-,.,vvwer cen have an paymnenf of board and this ad. Phonie 263-8488. 49-1 I wouid like fo thenk ail my friends and neighbours for their cards and f lowers and who visited me whiie I was e patient in Bowmanville Hospi- tai. Special1 thanks f0 Dr. H. B. Rundie, nurses on surgicai f loar. Mariene Gibson 49-1 x To Doctor Wesfge rt h a nd ail1 of the staff thet were so kind to me whiie*i wes in Memoriai Hospital, aiso friends thef visited me, sent flowers, cards, etc, a. very sincere fhank you. Evelyn M. Maorcreft 49-1lx Special thanks fo Dr. Ewert, Dr. Keene, nurses on surgical floor, relatives and friends for their kindness during my recent stey ib Memoniai HsteGlen Therteil 49-1 We would like to extend aur sincere thanksý to the Enfield Communify for the lovely gitf presented fo us. Gord and Shirley Griffin 49-1 Meny fthanks ta the communi- fies of Tyrane, Long Seuit and Bethesde for their lovely gift recenflyreceived by us. Deve and Jewei Johnston 49-1 b thenk the staff of the Medical Fboor, Drs. John Rundle and Grant, plus ail who sent flowers and giffs whiie I was in Hospital. Hubert Murphy 49 lx We wish ta express sincere thanks ta aur friends and relatives for their lovely floral tributes, memoniel donations and meny acfs of kindness during aur recent oss of a beloved husband and fether. Mrs. Ross Carr and femiby 49-1 My sincere fhanks to rela- tives, neighbours, friends for cards, visifs and giffs in hospifai and et home.,Special thanks fa Drs. J. Rundie and D. Pierson, nurses and staff 0f Emergency and Surgical floors for kindness and cere; staff and feiow employees of Specialfy Peper. 49-1 x We wish fa take this opportun- ify of expressing aur eppre- ciafion and thanks tai the people af Backstock United Church for the lavely recep- fion arranged in aur honour, and for the beautiful gifts and the good wishes presented ta us an the occasion of aur retirement as Organist and Music Director. A special thenkjou aiso fa Mrs. J. Cernag an for her perfect floral arrangements. We fhanky ou sincerely for e very specia I and memorable occaà sion. Erma Sfrong Giadys Thompson 49-1 Sincere thanks ta friends and relatives for cards, flowers, and gifts which i received when in Oshawa hospifai. Also Dr. Lee and nurses for excellent care. Elizabeth Skeldng 49-1 Mr. and Mrs. Duane Russ (nee Janczyn) wish ta express their sincerefthanks for the vacuum cleener received fram Tyrone, Long Seuit and Befh sda Communifies. 49-1 The famiiy 0f the lafe William S. Mofff would ike ta fhank friends, relatives, and neigh- bours for their heip and kindness during their recent bereavement. We woubd like ta thank friends for floral fributes and donations ta the Heert Foundetion. Special fhanks ta Reverend Long for his comforting words. 49-1 We wouid ike ta express a sincere "fhank yau" ta aur femiby, friends; ,-nighhbours, sa id estafe having regadoi fa the cdaims thenf ed. DATED et Bowmanvilbe this 23rd day of Novem ber 1973, Arthur Thompson Stephens, Execufor, by Barber and Kelly, 28 King Sf. W., Box 159, Bowmanviie, Ontario. LIC 3K9, Soilicitors herein. 48-3 1 BROCK - In Ioving memory of Lillian Bocwho passed awey December 9, 1967. Remembrance is a golden chain, Death tries to break but aIll i vain, To have, to love, and then to part, Is the greatest sorrow of one's hearf. The years may wipe out many things, But this fhey wipe ouf neyer- The memory of those happy days, When we were ail together. -AI ways remembered by the family. 49-1 x BROWN - In loving memory of a dear mother and grand mother, Leona, who passed away Dec. llth, 1969. . Beautîful memories are -wonderful things, They lest fil the Ion gest day, They neyer wear ouf, are neyer lost, And no one cao take themn awey, To somne you may be forgotten, To others a part of the past, But to us who Ioved you, Your memory wiII always ast. -Lovingly remembered by the family, Reta and Andy, 1Audrey and Len, Luella and Sam, and grendchildren. 49-1 BURLEY - ln loving me- mory of a dear husband and father, Percy, who passed 1eway Nov. 29, 1963. The depths of sorrow we canflot tell, 0f the Ioss of one we loved so well1, And while you sîeep a peacef ul sleep, Your memories we shahl elways keep. -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by wife Eva and family. 49-1 CLYSDALE - In memory of Est her, who passed away December 3, 1972. A liffle fribute, smaiî and tender, Just f0 show we stili remember. 1 Always remembered, 1Harry, Leona and family.' 49-1 1LAMBERT - bI oving me- mory of a dear son, David, fwho passed away Decem ber 7, 1970. He-is gone- but not forgotten, And, as dawns another year, In our lonely hours offthinking, Thoughts of hlm are always near, Days of sadness wilI come o'er us, Many fhink the wound is healed, But they liffle know the sorrow That lies in the hearf conceaied. -Ever remembered and sad- 1 y missed by Mom and family. 49-1 x NICHOLSON - In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Stephen Kenneth Nicholson, who passed away suddenîy Dec. 7, 1972. How weIl do we remember, Your face, your voice, your. smile, Yes it was ijust lest December, Yet we'Il recali a long long while, Your lau ghter we've missed, We cao share with a kiss,' In heaven one day, when God calis us away -Sadîy missed, lovingly re- membered by Mom, sisters and brothers. 49-1 x NICHOLSON - In loving memory of a dear grandson and nephew, Stephen, who passed away December 7, 1972. We do not need a special day,, To bring you f0 our minds, The days we do 00f fhink of you, Are very haï»d fo find. If we could have a lifetime wish, One special dreamn come true, We'd pray fo God with ai l our hearts,, For yesterday and you. - Lovingîy remembered and sadîy mîssed by Greodmna 1Terry, Aunt Madeline and Uncle Ted. 49-1ix TWO- Purebred Shorthorn cows, one with heifer caif, boro September 29, also four Shorthorn steers born' Jan. and Feb. Would let to respons- ible party to feed for gain basis. Sfanley Taylor, tele- phone evenîngs B lackstock 986-4881. 49-If Osaca Barn Dance, couples only, every Saturday. night. Country and Western music. Phone 786-2633. 43-9 Euchre Party, Frida y Dec. 7, Kendal Orange Hall. Ad- mission 50 cents. 50-50 drew. Ladies bring lunch. 49-1 Dance, Panfypool Commun- ity Hall, Saturdey December 8th. Admission $4.00 per couple. Music by "A Litt le Bit O'Country". 49-1 Old Tyme Dance, Tyrone Hall, Saturday, Dec. 8th. Bobby Burton and the North- ern Nomads. $3.00 per couple. 8.30-12:30. 49-1 Brownie and Guide Mothers Auxiliary Bazear, Set. Dec. 8 between 1-4 p.m. Town Hall, Lions Room, Newcastle. 49-1 Porter Brothers, Doug and ,Relph, invite their friends and customers f0 join them et e dance ta be held Sat. Dec. 15 et 9 p.m. et Pontypool Com muni- ty Centre. 49-2 Pop Concert by Concordie Phiiharmonic wifh vocal num- bers by the Ra ngers. Saturday December 15, 8 P.M., Black- stock Rec. Centre, sponsored by Bieckstock ýFair Board. Aduits $1.00, Public School Stu dents 50 Cents. 48-3 Plan ta attend the Yelverton giris and Janetviiie boys Beill Dance on Set., Dec. 8 wifh Gary Bristow Orchestre et Janetviile. Admission $4.00 per couple. Ber privileges. 49-1 Durham N.D.P. Nomination Meeting for, Candidate for next Provincial election. 7:30 p. m.', Set. Dec. 8, 1973. Newcastle Town Hall, New- castle. Guest Speaker: Fred Young, MPP Yorkview. Fol- Iowed by dance af 9:00 p. m. feafuring The Bowmen. 49-1 MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY -7:45 p.m. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softbali JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HAWA APPEARING AT The Queen's HotE N EWCASTLE "The Country Gentlemer Fr1. - Sat. Dec. 7 -8 Dancing 9-1 WOODVI EW COMMUN ITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MON DAY 7:45 p. m. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 2l-ff Upholstery Materils GIANTALL DAY HADASSAH SALE Thurs., Dec. 6th 9 A.M. -9 P.M. 144 KI NG ST. EAST OS HA WA BEAUTI FUL FABRICS AT BARGAIN PRICES. 49-1 Department of Recreation COUNTRY &WESTERN JAMBOREE TOWN HALL BowmanvilIle 2 P.M. SUNDAY, DEC. 9th Guest Artist - Roy Mucaulî Senator Coyîe and the Cable TV Boys, Geraîd Eîliott, Ron Corey, Jim Haseîim, Bruce Eîîiott and Mal Brodt. ADMISSION: $1.00 Teens under 18 yrs. 35 cents Children under 12 yrs. 25 cents 49-1 Sunshine Party Tours FLORIDA CHRISTMAS TOU R Dec. 25 -Jan. 1 THREE WINTER FLORIDA TOURS Jan. 24 - Feb. 13 Feb. 21 - Mar. 13 ,Mar. 21 - Apr. 10 HAWAII - 15 DAYS THREE ISLAND TOUR Jan. 25 - Feb. 8 MID-TERM HOLIDAYS NEWORLEANS Mar. 15 - Mar. 24 MYRTLE BEACH Mar. 15 - Mar. 24 Information - Reservations Phone Port Hope 885-2200 2-1OP.M. 49-2 SMALL house to rent for six fo eighf mont hs. Cali affer 6 p.m. 416-655-3751. 49-1 21" COLOUR Electrohome television, working condition, $75. Phone 623-3883. 49-1 FUR Coat,. three qua rter Iength, size 16, China mink. Phone 987-5158. 49_1 CUT your own pruned Christ- mas trees (retail>; bring children. Scotch pine 1.50, - 2.00, spruce 2.50. Turn Ieft off Hwy. 115 about 4, miles north-east of Hwy. 35 cut-off (f irst turn affer deer crossing sigo), foîîow arrows. 705-277- 2963, Fenton Fallis. 49-2x STRAW -250 bales, 35 cents a baie, to one buyer only. Phone 986-4675. 49-1 ALUMINUM siding, doors, windows, awnings, railings, rain carrying systems. Lorne Allin, 1 Pr ince St., 623-3871. _49-1 HOOVER washer and spin dryer; aiso McClary automa- tic dryer. Phone 623-2356. 49-1 CHRISTMAS trees, Scotch pine and Spruce, pruned. 16 Jackman Rd., aiso et Martin Rd. (Highway 2 f lasher) north one hait mile, first ferm on east side. 49-3 BUNK- beds, wagon wheels, $50. Phone 623-5652. 49-1 STUDEBAKER Service, new and used parts. Graham's Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hem- pton, 263-2241. 26-tf RINGS, .wedding band and, diamond engagement ring; best off er . Phone 623-4157. 47-3 TH RIFT Shop, 32 King W. We seil on consignment furniture, appliances, baby supplies, bikes, skates, etc. Good books, gift items, new and used ciothes available. 47-tf NEWCASTLE Treiler Park & Sales-Your district Rambler Treiler Dealer. New and used tr'ailers. Highway No. 2, Newcast le, 987-5131. 16-tf 30-tf BEDROOM s uite, complete; dining suite, 9-piece; chester- field'-suïte, ait Burmea teak- wood, new. Must selI. Sacni- -el fice. Phone 1-241-5971. .31 -ff DRESSERS, Beds, Chester- nI, fields, ail kinds of Used Furni- ture, Antiques and Appli- ances. Peddy's Market, Hem- pton, 263-2241. 26-tf FAMILY Bibles are excellent Xmas gifts, many of world's mosttemouls pintings, family register, many other extres $20. Phone 623-4636. 49-lx TU RKEYS Freshly kilî ed and dressed for Christmas and New Veer. (SU PPLY LIMITED) CALL C. BORE K HAMPTON 263-2297 49-1 1970 NORDIC Ski-doo, 399 cc electric stert, in very good condition. Also 1 Dune buggy with 1600 cc engine and many extres. Cehi 983-5972 effer 5 p. M. 49-1ix CHRISTMAS Trees, scotch pine and spruce, 99 cents and up. Starting ta seli. Saturdey Dec. 8, hours 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. I.G.A. parking lot, Bowman- ville. 49-1 DRUMS, Stuart. with e 22" Zildjian cymbal, 18" Ludwig cymbel, Crame Leddy Ludwig Snere drum, Ludwig speed king bass pedel. $150. Call 623-2133. 49-ix LOADER Bucket, new, for tractor, 3 point hitch. Phone 623-4158. 49-1 SNPWMOBILE in good condi- tion. Phone 728-4830. 49.1 FRIGIDAIRE Dishwesher, builifin type, excellent condi- fion, $58. Phone 623-5721. 49-1 TWO 1973 Skiroules, one 24 hp and one 40 hp, model RTX; also two 1971, Elen skidoos 12 hp, excellent condition. Phone 623-7792 after 4 pm, 49-2 KITTY Kat Snowmobile (Arc- tic Cet). Phone 623-2086. 49-1 SCOTCH Pine Christmas trees. Cut your own, $2. Murphy's, north of Tyrone, 263-2589. 49-3 SNOW OBIES:new, neme brend, 15 HP, $495; 20 HP, $550; 400 GTtwin, 15 or 18 inch wicie treck, $649. Skidoo 640, used, with reverse, Black Beeuty, haîf-price; used ma- chines, $295. Ladies' bomba- dier suifs, heif-price. 35" tracks $70. Ontario Sports, Orono 983-5444. 48-4 BEEF, 'fresh' from far m, government inspecfed, side or quarter, cut and wrapped, ready for freezer, direct tram p roducer, fermer's price., Phone 623-5206 affer 5. 48-ff W HlTEFS ITV ANTENNAS STowers, UHF, VHF S Aeria Is, Rotors & Repaîrs Apartments & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee, Phone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COU RTICE 46-tf 48-2, NEEDa PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TOALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 41 -tf DOMEST[C & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS andAPPLIANCES- SALES, & SE R VIC E Kool Enterprises PHONE 62Z3-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanviîle 26ff Christmas Trees PRUNED SCOTCH PINE Cut Your Own - $2. HIGHWAY 115 TO KIRBY, EAST 6 MILES TO SIGN, NORTH 11/2 MILES.' Dec. 8& 9- 15 &16 10 a.m. - 4p.M. 49-1 TWO pc. -beige Chesterfield' Suite, good condition, $125.00; Floral Hassock $5.00; Tribight Floor Lamp $10.00; 'Chester- field, 4-seeter, ivory, baose down cushions $150.00; Teek Dining Table, opens ta 8'4", $150.00; Modemn Coffee Table with end doors, $30.00; Match- ing Hexagon End Table $25.00, Short Fur Coaf, musk- rat, $75.00; Woods Tent Traib- er, wifh mattresses, spare tire, wood top, and canopy, $450.00. Caîl 623-2518, ask for manager. INSTALL AN O FURNACE BOILER <50 HUMIDIFIER uso or HOT WAT ER H EATE R No payments for six montlhs Cali HARVEY PARINER Yo.ur.ESSO Service Dealber FRE E ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service oeable in! -14 Channel Reception. oShaWa - Movies, Sports, Enterta inment. Oshaw T V ~ CommunityProgremming. & Towers(OnIy 16 cents per day + & Toursinstallation) ROTORS INSTALLED UHF-VHF-- Coîored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-wired. R EPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed c~abIe tv. AIl priced ta SAVE You Money Pmne RudgeCable TV Limited Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, Manager 1353 King Street, East, Oshawa, Ont. (416) 579-232 49-tf 100 ACRES of fertile land situated right in town of Bowmanville, $25 per acre. Cal 1623-7538. 40-tf IN ORONO 3 bedroom home. Avaitable Dec. 1, 1973. Cal 576-6521. 49-1 TWO bedroom apartmenf, newly decorated, very dlean and central. AvailablIe Jan. 1sf. Phone 623-4122 before 3 p. M. 49-1 OFFICE space available im- mediately. Appîy James In- surance Agency 24 King E., Bowmanviîle. Phone 623-5681 or 623-5023. 46-tf' APARTMENT, Three rooms and bath, file floors, fridge and stove, ight, heat and water. Possession Jan. 1Isf.. Phone 623-3197. 49-2x ONE bedroom upsfairs apart- ment, $90. monthly, available immediately. Phone 623-2964. 49-1 x ONE bedroom apartment. Stove and1 Fridge supplied. Aduits only. Phone 623-3303. 48-tf ONE Bedroom Apartment, un- furnished, $135.00 per month. Phone 623-2518 or 623-7181. 49-1 FURNISHED rooms by thÊ month, bath, shower, TV. telephone, inidoor pool-, saunE and licensed premises. AppIý Flying Dutchman Motor Inn 623-3373. 41ft PIANO Player, weekends, Castie Hofel. Phone 623-7072. 49-1 DEPENDABLE person who can work without supervision. Earn $14,000 in a year plus bonus. Contact customers in- the Bowmanvilîe area. Limi- ted auto travel. We train. Air mail S. E. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Pefroleum, Box 789, Ff. Worth, Tex. 49-1 EXPERIENCED Babysitter wanted. Preferably in my own home. Maple Grove area. Phone 623-7616 for details. 49- lx CARETAKER for Sk[ Chalet at,,Kirby, manand,-womrarqor_ married couple. Caîl 983-5772. 49-1 REPORTER -Phofograph- er, must have car and camera. Appîy in person at the Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvîlle. 49-1 BABYSITTER'needed for 2ý year oid boy, full time permanent position, hospital area. Caîl 623-7791 any moro- ing. 49-1 DRIVER for weekend deîiv- eries, wifh a car or without. Must be over 21 if not using their own car. Apply at Denis Pizzeria, Simpson Ave. 49-1 COUPLES wantîng second Income. Young or Retired. Work together on your own fîime. Good income. NO money investment. For appointment caîl Saturday 10 - 4, Sunday 1 - 5 at 416-623-4700 or Monday thru Friday et 705-277-2041. 48-4 CENTRAL Lake Ontario Con- servation Authorîfy wibll c- cept wriften applications for the position of secretary freasurer. Annuel salary $13,000. ta $14,000. Position is senior execufive officer of the Authoritv responsible for municipal liaison, accounfing, budget preparation, cares- pondence. Mail application and resu me ta 69 King St. East, Oshawa, LIH 1134, clearby marked confidentiel. 49-1 DEISEL Truck driver requir- ed immediately for driving fa Toronto and bocal vicinifies. b yi persan ta: Curvply PopodProducs, sauf h plant Hwy. 115 and 35, Orono. 49-4 School Bus Drivers Maie or female, for local area. Driving instructions pro- vided. Cost of abtaining Ciess 2 licence wibl be peid by Charferways Ca,, Ltd. Please apply ta 248 Simpson Ave., Bowmanvile or Phone 623-3811 f 49-1 Registered Nurse To pravide care and freat- ment for adolescent boys in e training schooi., 40 hour week, morning and affernoan shifts on rotation basis. Appiicantmust be register- ed as a nurse in Ontarioaend have acceptable previaus .;ex- perience. Write or phone for applica- tion form fa: The Superintendent, Pine Ridge School, Box 70, Bowmanville, Ont. 623-2582. 49-1 GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN '67 CHRYSLER Newport Cus- tom, as is, best offer. Phone 623-4812. 49-1 1964 CHEV Van, good. Cal 786-2502. 49-1 '61 Jeep - WiIlys four wheel drive, metal haif cab. Cali 2ý3-2585. 48-2 '65 BEAUMONT, 3-speed standard, V-8, good condition, $700. Phone 987-4689. ý 49-1 1967 DODGE Polara, 6 cyl. automatic P.S. and P. B., radio, good condition, $600 or best offer. Phone after 6 p.m. 623-4588. 49-1 1972 CORTINA Station Wagon, p erfect condition, best offer. Phone 623-4466. Louis Ber- stein, 49-1 RF POSSESSI ON 1973 KAWASAKI MOTORCYCLE PHONE 623-3326 48-2 1, Kenneth R. Ellis, of 68 High St., BowmanviIle, Ont. wil nof be responsible for any debts contrected in my name by my wife, Brenda M. Ellis, affer. fhis date, Nov. 21, without my wriften consent. 47-3x THE SALVATION ARMY Bowmanville, Ontario Applications for Christmas Welfere will be eccepted et the ebove eddress December 5th - l4th. (excluding Sefurday and Sundey) from 9:00 e.m. - 12:00 noon daily. Applicants must appiy in persan. Thank you. Scott Hewlett Ca pta in. 49-1 THE SALVATION ARMY -Bowmanviîle, Ontario wishes to infarm you thet due f0, aur limited storage space we cannat accept your used clathing, etc. Contributions of such mey be taken ta aur store locafed on King Sf. in Oshawa or pick-up may be erranged by cabling 728-1743. Thank you JENSEN STEEL LTD. requires warehouse supervisor, shear operetors, saw operators plate burners, material handlers for current operations et 66 Russett Ave., Oshawa, with relocation in Bowmanviî le in May, 1974. Phone 728-7318 48-4 CUSTOD IAN The Peterborough-Victorîa-.Northu mber land a Durham County Roman Catholic Separate Schooî Board invites applications for the position of Custodian for St. Joseph's School, Parkwey Crescent, Bowmanviiie. Application Forms may be obtained at the schooî from the Principal. Interviews wîll be scheduîed et the schooî by the Supervisor of Plant Maintenance. Closing date for acceptance of completed Application Forms, wili be 12:00 noon, December 14, 1973. G. B. Hickey Business Administrator Peterboroug h-Vi ctoria- Northu mberiland& Durham County R.C.S.S. Board 200 Simcoe Street Peterborough, Ontario K9H2H7 49-?, mal- ME 1973 1973 1972 1971 1971 1970 1970 1970 1970 1969 1969 100 GALLONS 0F GAS F00FORD PICKUP V-8, autometic, power brakes, 5000 GVW package, step-bumper, chrome western mirrors. Under 9,000 miles. Sold new for $4140. NOW ON LY ........... $3395 Lic. C77578 GRAN TORINO 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8 aufamatic, power equipped, vinyl top, lavely car. Wes, $3795. NOW Lic. ERD323 $38 FORD CHATEAU 8-PASSENGER CLUB WAGON This one is a real individuel dreem truck. If hes air conditioning, stereo tape deck with radio, V-8, autometic, power equipment, euxiiiary hot wefer heafer, low mileage and lots more. Sold new for over $6500. NOW ONLY ................ $3995 Lic. EA0336 TORINO 500 2-DR. KARDTOP One owner in exquisite condition. V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, low mileage. Just arrived and only .............. ........ $2395 Lic. DZX563 LAND ROVER 4-WHEEL DRIVE Low mileage, one bocal owner. Was $2895. NOW ON LY.ý.........$2480 Lic. EBM268 MERCURY COLONY PARK WAGON Ail the options incbuding Ford's unique woodgrain siding. Was $2595 NOW ONLY........... 11....$26 Lic. EDL766$26 PLYMOUTH FURY b14-DOOR SEDAN V-8, automatic, double power, radio. Nice car. Was $1995. A real deal now for only................. .... $1530 Lic. EBB484 MAVERICK 2-DR. 6cylinder, eutomatic. Excellentan ges, just in and priced et .......... $1895 Lic. HHD038 FORD 10 PASSENGER CUSTOM 500 STATION WAGON bn immeculate condition. Was $2395. NOW ON LY................$19 Lic. AMW796 8UICK LE SABRE In gleeming grey with red upholstery and well equipped. Just the right kind of car for elegent dependeble driving. Was $2195 NOW ON LY....... $1880 Lic. DSR382 PONTIAC GRAN PARISIENNE STATION WAGON V-8, automatic, air conditioning, power windows. A real beeuty. ONLY...........$1895 Lic. FAW144 BOWMANVI LLE'S FRIENDLIEST CAR DEALER -I 4tJ- 1