8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 12, 1973 NE WTON VILLE OMb o Twenty-ofle membere of the Newtonville-Stark ville Bowling League held their Christmas, Party at the home of Mrs. Shirley Mar- tell last Monday evening. Mrs. Inez Boughen, -Mrs. O 1 i v e Hendersoti, Mrs. Acey Farow , Mrs. Eileen Stapleton, Mrs. Wa n da Kimbali and Mrs. Berneice Henderson were local lad- ies among the bus load from Newcastle attending Elwood Glover tuncheon Show, the Four SeasonS Hotel, Toronto, on, Wed- nesday. Mrs. Acey Farrow, ac- companied by Mrs. Bea Jones, attended the Nurses' Christmas Party, Monday evening, in Bowmanvllle. A busload of some 41 1 a di es and gentlemen drove to Toronto Thurs- day evening to see thie Tommy, Huniter Show on CBC's Channel 5. We un- derstand the taping will be shown on Jan. llth, so watch out forfarnous per- sons! A meeting of the Pas- toral Committee of New- tonville Charge was held la our Sunday School hall on Thursday evening when Rev. Albert Cook of Wasaga Beach was Inter- viewed and tentative ar- rangements were made for hlm to conduet the church services here for the month of January. However, sInce then, word has been recelved that he has accepted a charge in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Cook of Wasaga Beach were supper guests on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. ,M. Jones. The marriage of Miss Judýp tacey to Mr. Bill Goodwin of Bewdley was solemnized here ln the United Church Friday ev- ening. Many people enjoyed seeing the interview on Channel 9 news, Saturday evening, with a former lo- cal boy, Inspector of De- testives Adoîphus Payne, nicknamed "Trigger", by his fellow officeré, for ob- vious reasons. He is due to retire this coming sum- mer, afer- 42 years of ser- vice, which is quite a re- cord. On Friday, Mrs. Amelia Lancaster, Mrs. M ar y Jones, Mrs. Mary Wade and, Mrs. Bea Jones at- tended "Luncheon Is Serv- ed'" in Orono >church base- ment, sponsored by Kirby U.c.w. fMss Brenda Henderson was home fromn Waterloo over the weekend. A Liberal Executive meeting was held in the Sunday School hall Satur- day evening, attended Iby somue 23 ladies and gentle - men. Kim, Gilmner and Shelly Tomipkins were among the fourteen guests attendlng- the birthday party for Vicki Macçarrori, Satur- day afternoon, at the home of her parents on Hill Street. Mrs. Edith Burrows of Toronto was a weekend guest with Mrs. Mary Wade. Mr. Raymond B r u c c spent the weekend in Belleville at the home of his sister, Mrs. Edna Cas- ey, where a famlly get- together was -held., Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane were Friday evenîng visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and girls, Oro.no. 1Mr. and Mms Fred Hen- derson cttended the Bell Telephone Christmas par- ty at Rock Haven, Peter- borough, on Saurday ev- ening. Recent visitors with ýMrs. Agnes Burley- included Mrs. Florence MvcEweni, of Peterborough, and Mrs. Marion Burley and Har- vey Buriey. Bridgenorth, Rev. Snelgrove's Sunday morýningtopic "The Bible, what it is, and how to read it," stressed the fact that there is a message in it for each critical time in our lives, if we will oniy take time to. look for heinr Charterways Top 11 Averages Rose Vanesse ........... 187 John Geddes.. .......... 181 Doris Quillians ......... 178 Stewart Travis.........178 Wes Martin ........... 177 Jini Geddes ........ .... 176 Ma rg Geddes........... 175 Madeline Martin ......... 173 Samn Hitchaens.......... 172 Jim Mlorrison ...........171 Ray Vanesse . ...... 171 Ladies' High Single - Ruth Geddes 259; Men's High Single 8 Wes Martin 255; Ladies' High Triple - Rose Vanesse 605; Men s g~igh Triple - John Geddes 585, I T LI L p 15 Light Glb Se, p-Set of 15 steady-burning lights n sturdy sockets to withstanid many a season. Set includes asstd. colour bulbs. Blue, Green, Pink, White, Yellow, 2 o49 set 25 Lt. Outdoor Set r-Just the thing to brighten Up your home. One colour of bulb per set. Choose from Red, Blue, Green or Violet. Great buy! 5.95 set for Hiandie Tree Holdler f- 3 adjustabl e eye boits and 3 legs keep tree straight and irm. 9 Water pan for tree food. 7 Deluxe Tree Holder g-Takes tree up to 31/2" diam. Only stand that can be attached above lower branches Both rings adjust.1 Metal container holds pint of water. ) BOBBY ORR GOLD CUP HOCKEY GAME PRO LEAGUE HOCKEY GAME 7.8 14 Rolis of Christmas, Wrap HOCKEY STICKS AS LOW AS 89 c DE CORATIV E PARTY CANDLES 50%- of f a-10 rolls of asst. design paper each 301, wide x 60" long. 4 rolls of fou n plain colours each 30" x 30' s4 pkg. 21/2" Satin Bails (18 per bag) b-The economical way to add extra colour when you e49 trim the Christmas tree this year. A great buy! 2b ag 10", Moravian S tar Tree Top c-This 21 pointstar cornes with its own light, socket and cord. Takes any Noma c lIght. Colours: Silver, Gold, 8 ea. Decorative Tre bicles d-The final touch. 250 strands, 18" long. Flame proof. Contains no lead. £ Colours: Silver or Gold. 3 2 0 Deluxe Tinsel Garlands s-They're tarnish and c flame proof. 50'x3". 5 Trim tree, door or make a wreath. In assorted colours. D'Ebox FREE DELIVERY PE THRS. &FR1. TO SERVE YOU BETTER Section Two