T1he Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 27, 1974 9 Jiamton;ar dcns Minor I~~~~ý cefcslitihe tst game of ihe ~ ~ n,, (iM tEmas 0Stoney Crcc 43in vrîime on Tegame, lcatuied end to ;c4d rujshes and spectacular> Joale fgi tiirs t two pe îds ý Ui t& cscore 0Oatter 40 -it~ f play At e 31 sc.cnd ark of li tlîiîd pec d îckSinîpý:son i.red, assst&by hu k Wls. 'rwo liedtupt!iiegt seconds Locke's in eing îKr ai b t JiriClarke A dab ofox citimie scason- ing ,il tue final ingred- icut lu zI ý oit but sdky night's enter t! iiîg vîaoff dish. Gri- ;l, "IlI T'hompson i a;ý,cd honi the goal that gaxr nckcs 1T V. their 5-4 Ci oi O\aiKraîîîp's FVmi- in fei41 seconds of Post rcguiP) ie play. It clirm axcd ateri tesix game, 1ei iaiscis which the T. V g~a gc ptini, t.re gam- i% e xx wu itoe draw. It the-. Fi ýbestge for the aîiggauic of' the best of ri i a ound, Ibis Thurs- dat 9t 8p in, against County i'iylrLoekes lînisbed two points bcind Cotinty ini se- c' iiglclui ing the 19 g i- r0;ula sebedule. JDur- în~ lhcîtsesasonal in.eet- i.îg ~ ý,,; (i ~ thie and ticac, inig outscored 172. "IhlicCliiysler crew mut d Mc iîltySports ini flîir iea-fit1 l payoi f round, thîe i me to ne with a tic, ou iv tîein, 35-21 lu"-at lbuisay's îousing if tu ~rsîook -a 1-0 lead 'îtcr :38of t he opening pcuod iýîd exitrailed. Ken Xsbton. f it)iisoiiie excel- ]'tlaîff xxoîk fuonu si 1ccoe ole, opened the >a . scoring. It was bis ;)i theo fi playoffs, match- .iohî egul'îr scason output gii 16 mes. Ile also supplied !a of as'.ists, including ,Ï igiaihand in Thomrpson's uîi cs rîtc. <uips John c uilfhîiwith his lii st io,"f payts ut 11: 45 of Itepîi1. Ilve Rafuse, to îgiii bs bcipiece of \vt ii srictie, scored bis ~.JHFIUt 4ET il -ORSErRVICE MLIIAN ICAL REPAIRS PWNE723-6624 R. R. ' - wmanvîIle iin Iîrce goals in live minutes early in the third before Brian Pilon again scored for Pente- tang to'make the final cout 4 2 for Bowmanville. Jerry Leddv scored twice and Terry Sa rgintson once for Knapps with assists being credited to later Welsh scored, assisted b)y Simpson. Stoney Creek tied the score haîf way fhrough the period and it remuined 2-2 at the end of regulation time. In a ten minute overtime period, Stoney Creek scored at 3:o5. The Gardens crew fought back and Simpson scored ut 6:25 assisted b y Welsh. The score remained tieduntil 7:55 when Stoney Creek scored the winner and a very tired Gardens crew just couldn't corne back. Semr1 i-Finols mp's 5-4-, first of two,.at .37 of the middle period. Lockes moved into a 3-1 lead, after 13:09 of the period, when Thompson strtUck. The T. V.'s edge was halved, as Greg Adams hit for bis firsf of a pair, ut 16:52. Thompson was-pondering a slashing sentence when Adams moved Kramps back into the game. The action rarely ceased during the closing period, as both clubs had some excellent scoring opportunities. Locke's Veitch and his counterpart, Lurry Nemisz in the opposite cage, came up with some hair-ruis-, îng stops throughout. Rafuse made it 4-2 after 3:38 of the final frame, with Wayne Pearce and John "Bucky" Hughes assisting. With elim- iîîation approuching Kramp's stormed back for the tic. After 7:40 Dave Colwell made it 4-3. it was bis fourth goal- in the series and in the past two matches. One of the fine crowd of first year players in the league, Adams evened the count when he scored ut 12:35 of the third, from Colwell and Woolner on a nifty pussing exhibition. Neither club could find the, winner ini the remnain- ing minutes of regulution time as the checking bècame in- creasingly restrictive. In the overtime, Lockes ended the affair suddenly, when Thomp- son became the hero. t was a fitting role for "Tully"' who bas been one of the winner's stundout performers fhrough- out the semi-final round. lis efforts especially during the past two games of the pluyoffs bave been superb, as he combines effective, offensive work with constant and irrita- ting checking. Kramps played some great hockey during the series and maniaged to'limit the leagu's. scoring champ Hlughes te just three goals over th six matches. Consider- ing bis 36 regular seuson tallies in 18 gumes, it must be recognized as qufe an accomp- lishmnent by the Furniture bunch. Colwell, Woolner, V'Rod'", Scott Burgess and al turned in some fine hockey. Lockes outscored Kramps, 23-15 in the series, with the league's premier goal guard- iuns Mike Johnson and Veitch splitfing the% duties. In bis three games, the latter allow- c d just eight goals for a showy 2:67 average. Johnson mean- while was a whisker better, wif h seven goals in three outings for a classy 2:33,mark. j [bis pair proved equally stingy during the year, as Lockes granted only 75 goals in 18 matches, for a very impressive puck sfopping cre- denfial of 4:17. K artha ockey School, Boys 7 -16 -KÀNSMEN CIVIC ARENA Peter-borough, Ontario ta&f Insiuctor, Roger Neilson, Coach, Peterborough Petes, Xs;tdby N.H.L., AA.L., and Junior "A" Ilockey Stars. W FKLY Sessions : JuIy 8 - August 30, 1974 I oti inf ormation and application forms are ai1 t your Local Arena or at the Recreation SHall, 500 G.eorge Street, Peterborough, Unt ario or phone 742-7771-35. LADIES'MAJOR March 18, 1974 Team Standings F. Bradley.......... >....o C. Bowers .... ...... .... 19 E.' Etcher .............. 17 O. Etcher......... ..... 17 N. Evans .........16 T. Forrester ............. 16 S. Cain .ý................. 14 H. Depew,............... 14 H. Rodgers .............. 13 D. King........... «..... 13 S. Davis ...............12 O. Patfield............ _9 Top 10 Games (22.1 and Over) O. Patfield 336-247, M. Flintof f 318-229, M. Perris 287, H. Rodgers 243-286, F. Bradley 264-228-274, J. Tennant 260-274, V. Terry 273-227, S. Caîin 243-271, A. Caruana 229, T. Forrester 268. H 1igh Average N. 'Evans..... «........236 HighSingle O. Paffield ............ * 336 High Triple O. Patfîeld .........807 C.O.F. Bowling March 22,1974 Bob Smith....... 34356 42 John Luffm an . 34409 38 George Heath .. 33094 26 Dave Mott . ...... 34087 38 John Gould ...35510 54 May Alldread .. 34301 5t) Andy Bonsma .. 34763 61 Arnold Van Goor ..34185 40 Mel Rozema ...34595 53 Phil Ward ..>...... 34332 441 Phil Ward...... 34332 44 Howard Pollard 34422 36 Robert Arswell 32911 22 If igh Singles Vera Tendam ........... 317 Howard Pollard ...... ..28h Higli Triple Vera Tendum ........... 699 Howard Pollard.......... 819 Foundry BowiIng March 19,1974 Team Standings Aces........... 21 34748 Gutterbails ...20 34400 Head Pins .:... 19 34345 Alley Cats........ 14 34332 Sore Heads ...14 33573 Screw Balîs ...12 33239 High Singles G. Reid ................ 299 D. Bridger..... ....... 2541 lligh Triples G. Reid................ 831 B. Gilkes........ ..... 709 Games Over 200 S. Adams 298,262, G. Reid 299,- 258. 274, C. Ferguson 211,20)1, 298, J. Serrurier 216, L. Vesna 237, N. Yeo 220,218,, E. Eves 214, 298, N. Cowle 218, B. Adams 226, A. Sweetman 228,. Chairterways Mar. 20,.1974 Top 10 Bowlers John Geddes 196, Rose Ven- asse 192, Sam Hitchens 182, Marg Geddes 181, Wes Martin 178, Jim Geddes 176, Ray Venasse 175, Madeline Martin 175,. Doris Quilliams 173, Rugh Geddes 171. High Singles Rose Venasse ........... 250 John Geddes.. ......... 288 High Triples Rose Venasse ........... 684 John Geddes .............7120 St. Joseph's Bowling March 17, 1974 High Triples Alton Crossby (259-278-264) 805 Rose-Marie Conway ...649 High Singles Gary Conway ........... 284 R. M. Conway ........... 269 G.am es Over 225 Jim Fuir 278-242, Gary Con- way 284, Bill Holroyd 259, George McWaide 251, George Gibbs 245, Shirley Reynolds 238, Bob Brown 230, Mike Kennedy 229., Team Points No. 1 - 50, No. 2 - 48, No. 3 - 37, No. 4 -27,No. 5 -26,No. 6 -58, No. 7 - 34, No. 8 - 31. NEWCASTLE RECREATION FIGURE SKATING CLUB'S UALCARmNIVAL presefltiig LD MacDONALD'S FARM und UNTRIý3E S 0 F T HE WO0RL D GUEST SKATERS- Barb Unlderhill and Jim Sorochan (S-, ,,Only) 1974 Eastern Canadian Nov.ice Pair Champions TURDAY, MARCH 3Oth 7:00 p.m. I XDII S DAYMARCH 31sf 2:00 p.m. NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL ARENA ~l 60CHILREN 12 and Under 50e PRE SCHOOLERS FREE Teen, Pro grom Is for Young Swîngers OnIy 1Young swingers are Rhonda Melanson and Lisa Eru, as they make use of the ropes in the Bowmanville Hi gh Sehool Gym durîng the wînter break. 'l'le opening of the gym was.part of t he term program put on by the Bowmanville Department of Recreation. Knapps Major Ban tams Trailîng byâ One in the Ont. Sem i-Final Serîes H. W. Knupp's Major Ban- fams are down two games f0 one in their Ontario semi-final series with Penetang after fuking a severe beufing in the first two garnes and avoiding eliminution by winning -the third. In Penefang on Tues. March 19 Knapps seemed f0 have the game. well in hand until near flhc end of the 'second period wben the parade to the penalty box began. Penetang scored the go ahead goal with fhree FraksLeading Afte Second Game by Jimi Clarke John 'Bucky" Hughe's goal,,coming with a mere 25 seconds f0 play, supplied Brook's Supertest with a split iu points last Sunday. morning. The 3-3 draw lef f Walter Fiank's Real Estafe buncb holdinîg a tbree points f0 one edge following the first fwo games in this year's Best of Vive Chumpionship Final. Brook's operating wifb a modest, eighf mnîlineup, found their second xind in the final period, outscoring Wal- ter Fanks, 2-1, fo manage the fie. The Real Estate club fook a 1 -Oead in the first period, when Rick Woolner, aided by Bob Howes, beat Ken Veitch ut 17:35. In the middle period, Brooks continued f0 refreut behind the eighf bull, as the teal Estate's Howe's scored bis first goal of the Finals. Woolner drew the a3sist, affer 6:48 of the period. Steve Burns got Brooks back into conten- tion, when be connecfed for bis ltb. goal of the playoffs, ut 14:45. Wifh 8:10 played in the closing period, Walter Frank ext endcd their lead once more f0 two goals, when Grant Flintof f comnbined wifh Paul Vorsey. They were short hand- ed at the time, with Tom Wilson, one of their steadiest defencemen in the playoffs, off for holding. Lockie McNair stîrred Brooks into their last period revival, scoring from in close, ut 12:00. Walter Frank's dependable, Flinfoff, drew a roughing and cross-checking sentence, while Brook's Hughes went for roughting, ut 15:05, along wit b Scott Bur- gess. Vlinfoff's double minor was issued at 16:05. Walter Vrank's continued f0 sf ay un trouble, wben Vorsey was wuved off for high-sticking ut 18:45. Brooks, 4-3 losers in the series opener,' pressed for the equalizer and were finally rewurded ut 19:35. Walter Frunks failed f0 get the puck out of their end of the rink and Hughes zipped a shof through several bodies, gaining the- ecstafic Brook's crowd, their bard fougbf tie. 1The Superfest crowd have 00W scored 25 goals la their six semi-final and final matches, wbile allowing the opposition 17. Walter Frank, meanwhile, have outscored their rivals, 27-20, in six games. Walter Franîk drew 10 of Sunday's dozen penalties. Their most impressive performer in Sun- duy's contest hud f0 be Howes, who bad a goal and an assist and provided Bu'ook's Veif ch with bis most unxious mom- ents. A 14 goal scorere during the tregular sehedule, Bob hadn'f scored in the playoffs until Sunday althougb fie had drawn ine assists. Another top hand in f he.second game of the finals fro Vrunks was, Rick Wo<lner,, who bagged bis tifth pla.voft goal. Netmunder, in Finals "'Smokey" Hayes, ownere of a 3:67 goals against average i0 the playoffs, (six matches), furned in another alerf gume for the Real Estate crowd. Greg Adams, Bob Hellam and Phil' Johnson were absent from the Walter Frank lineup on Sunday. minutes left in the second period and then six more unanswered ones in the last, f0 niuke the final count 9-2. Eddy Gruyters from Terry Sargin- son, and Jerry Leddy assisfed by Robert Ormiston and Ron Jukie were the scorers for Bowmanville. On Sut. Murch 23 u-t Memor- il Arenu if was the same sf ory as their inability f0 stay out of the oenaltv box cosf tbemi numeroos, goals. Again tbey were in the game unfîl halfway through the second period and then. Penetang cupitilized on Bowmanvilles penalties to muke the game a runaway 8-2. Knapps scoring pînys iu this one were John Conboy from John Hogarthî, It's actually quite simple., Ail you do is accumulate fifteen demeril points and lose your licence for thirty days. Do it again and lose' your licence for six months. In this province, it definitely pays a driver to score a big fat zero. Ontario's demerit point system îs designed to convince the poor driver to drive properly. Drivers who do Plot improve are then taken from the road because they're a menace to pedestrians and to other drivers. But the system is not at ail unjust. It's aimed at telling the driver where he's gorie wrong and giving him plenty of time to cor- rect bis faults. For instance. When you've accumulated six points, you'l be notified and urged to improve your driving. When you've got nîne, you'11 prob- ably be asked to attend a private interview and re-do your driving test. At fifteen points, you'll lose your licence for thirty days and drop back to sevenpoints. Get fifteen agaîn and you won't drive for six months.. However, your record won't be and 'Ferry Sarginsori assisfîu d by Conboy. On Sunday if was a diffeu cnt sf ory as the boys stayed oui of the penalty box aîid forced Penetang f0 make inistakes in their own end with their aggressive forecbecking. Penefang opened the scoring witb Brian Pilon. Belore the period ended Kim Storgaard fied the game on a pass from Ron Jukic. Affer a scoxeless, second period Knapps rpc PAINT TOUR CA S or TR u c fKS Robert Ormiston, John Con- boy, Jerry Johnston, Eddy Gruyters and lion Jukie. The fourth game goes in Penetang on Tues. March 26 and if a fifth is necessary in Bowmanville on Sat. March 30. FULL SIZE CARS (Station Wagons $11.00 extra) ~146 MID SIZE CARS (Station Wagons $11.00 extra) ~134 SMALL SIZE, CARS (Station Wagons $I1.oo extra) ~128 1/2 TON TRUCKS (Painting Inside Box $15.00 extra) l157 LARGE TRUCKS COME IN AND' GET A FREE ESTIMATE Includes only enamel paint- Labour and Materials (body work extra) (ANNVCARSWlI VNYLROFIS $15.OO OFF) Phone, 623-4481 219 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE indelibly rnarked. If you drive for two years without a traffic con- viction your points are erased and your siate is dlean. HOW Demerit Points Alccumulate: oint q t a Ioremain ai scene af an accidentI (Ha way Traffic Act). 6 pait's Careless dnving. 1Ra -îng Exc:ee lîngspeeci limît by 30 ihor more, 5 points Drveraof bus falirg tmaitp ai ai ro tecteci railway .rc-siiigs. 4 p n' xedngtesed intb 20 ta 29 m.ph. i allawîr g tb ac1loseiy. 3 E'ça' xceedîng -peed tarit > by Ilita 19 ni pJh. 1ivirig through, araund , rdr railvay crossîrg 1amer. 1Iig ta Yi eld nght af ,w1ay fýailing ie bey a stop sigrisignal lighi ar railway cras 'ing signal. 0- pat a auî. te lawer hearilanip beani. Iinproper apening ai vehicle dcar. Prahlbited iums, Tawiîng af persans an toboggans, bicycles, skis, etc prahibited. Failing ta abey direc- tians of police atticer. Faîlînig ta report an accident i.. a police afficer. Impraper passing. Cuawdîng doivers seat. Wrang way on one-way Street ar hîghway. Faîlîng ta abey signs aiher ihan thase rnentiîned above. Ped estrian cross-over. Failing te share road. Impraper rîghi iumn. Impraper 1011 turro. Faîlîng 10 signiai. Unnecessary slow dniving. The whole point is to score nothingi, keep yopr record clean and drive happily l--ver after. ~ Ministry of Transportation & Communications Hon. John R. Rhodes A.T.C. McNab Min gte, Deputy Minister O rita n o Stoey reek SWIMMING POOLS COMPLETE LUNE 0F IN-GROUND and ABOVE-GROUND SWIMMING POOL KITS and Accessories, Sale Prices Effective until April 1 st O 'NEULL POOLS 6350 623-5406 - - --