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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1974, p. 13

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Thle Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 27, 1974 . 13 CLIII1 B OORSMA - John and Winnie with thanks to God are proud to announce the safe arrivai of Reneta Anne on March 22, 1974. A sister for Peter, Sharon and Michael. Sincere thanks to Drs. Ewert, Anfossi and Maternity staff. 13-1lx GIBSON- Guy and Debbie are happy f0 announce the arrivai of thoir daughter Raquel Ginger on Wed., Mar. 13, 1974 at Oshawa Genoral Hospital. Proud grandpanenfs are Mr. and Mrs. Coniey J. Battams, Orono and Mn. and Mrs. Reg Gibson, Newcastle. Great-grandparents are Mn. and Mrs. Harold Barlow, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Ho- ward Sowden, Osaca; Mrs. K. Seymour, and Mr. Sam Battams, Bowmanvilie. Special thanks to Dr. D. Henderson and the nurses of Maternity ward. 13-1 POLLARD - Howard and Margaret (nee Treszl) are proud to announce the safe arrivai of their son, Scott Douglas, 8 lb., 714 ozs., on March 21, 1974. A brother for Shaunne and Guy. Proud bran dparents are Mn. and Mr.Cecil Beliman, Bow- manville and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Troszl JIr., Dehi, Ont. 13-lx STEL- Sid and Sandy (nee Gallagher) are happy to announce the homecoming of their daughter, Tracey Eliza- beth on March 15, 1974. Born Decem ber 28, 1973 weighing 2 ibs., 14 ozs. A sister for Dean. Spciïai thanks f0 Dr. Gil- christ, Dr. Williams and Nursing Staff at Oshawa Generai. 13-lx READER - Joe and Sharon, are happy to announce the arrivai of thoir daughter, Janet Ma rie, 8 ibs., 534 0zs. Marcb 4, 1974. Proud grand- parents are, Mn. and Mns. Lawrence Adams, Mn. and Mns. Ernest Reader. Spioial tbanks to Dr. Ewert and Maternit y staff, Memoniai Hospital, Bowmanvilie. 13-1 Mnr anti Mrs. Robent Irvine Brown announce lthe [forth cocsfng marniaige of their da,, 'er MargareilSuISan to 1 Jofk,,,,Rýichard Knighit, son of M.anf'*diMnAs John M. Knight, Bowm/ranvile. Marniage to, l'ake place af St. John's Anglican Chýurcb,, April 20, 1974i. 13 ix 0B- .1 0 * Sur prise Open House- 1:30 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. Saturday, April 6, 1974 for Rov, and Mrs. Arnold Herbent on the occas- ion of their 4th Wedding Anni- versary to ho held at daugbter Ruth's, 333 Nortbciiffo Ave. Oshawva. Cail 579-3227 for deta il1s. 13-2 LATIMER- At Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanviiie on Thurs., March 21, 1974. Leslie Latimer, aged 79 years, bus- band of the late Mary Sum- mers, dean father of Beafnice (Mrs. Arthur Ryce), Phil and Betty (Mrs. Walter Clark). Service was heid in theMorris Funerai Chapel, BoWman- ville on Saturday af 3-o'clock. Inferment Bowmanviile Cemetery. 13-i MARR, Annie- At, Strafh- aven Nursing Home, Bow- manville, on Monday, March 25, 1974, Annie Smith of 55 Liberty St. S., in ber 95th year, wife of the late Henry Charles Marr, mother of Mrs. T. S. Burneli (Edith) and James. Rested at the Nortbcutt Ei1liott Funerai Home., Funeral ser- vice was beld af il o'clock vveonesaiay morning. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 13-i TRICK, Thomas - At bis home on Tuesday, March 26, 1974, Thomas Trick of R. R. 2, Blackstock in bis 9lst year. Husbahnd of th,- late ary VAN BELLE DAI LY Deivery f ... Osbawa- Bowmanvii1le Area Phone 623-4441 4ý tf ~ICash Today rF OId Appliances Sthrough ST AT E SMA N C LAS SI1F 1E DS Phone862-303 The Hampton United Church Turkey Supper Com- mittee wish to thank ail the friends in the community who helped so wiiiingiy to make thisevent such an outstanding success. 13-1lx My sincere appreciation to visiting clergy, friends for flowers, gifts, cards, visits, Dr. McKenzie, Dr. Grant and nursing staff for kindly efticient care. Bertha Graham i would like to express my thanks to ail friends, relatives and nighbors for cards, fiowers and giffs to my wife, whiie a patient in Memoniai Hospital. Speciai thanksto Dr. Mac Kenzie and the exception- ai nursing staff. 1 might aiso express sincere thanks to Rev. Basil Long and the Morris Funoral Chapel for services rendered. J. E. Mowat, Orono 13-1lx My sincoro thanks to Drs. Mikios, Ewent and First Floor staff for cane and kindness, aiso Ladies Legion Auxiliary and friends for flowers, cards and visits whiie i was in Memoniai Hospital. Kitty Newman 13-1 1 would like to thank ail who visited, sent cards, flowers and gifts tome du ring my stay in the hospitai. Speciai t banks f0 Dr. Mikios and Dr. Cun- ningham and the wonderfui nurses in Pediatnics. Greg Martin 13-1lx i wish to tbank ai my relatives, friends and neigh- bours-for cards, fiowers and giffs during my recent stay in Memoniai Hospital. Speciai thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundie, Dr. David Mosionko and nurses for their wondertui cane. lia Spry 13-i The organizens 0f the Pine Ridge Hockey Tounnament wouid like to tbank ail those wbo panticipated in making if a succoss. A spocial tbanks to Mrs. K. Jobnston and Mrs. K. Maybenry who organized the bake sale and f0 ail the hockey mothers wbo contribufed fa ifs success. To the Recreaiion. Dcpt., and, the Ail Star organizations wbo reiinquish- ed ice time on our bebaif, ta the Bowmanviiie Lions Club, Kool Enterpnises, the K of C 2671 Council, Oshawa, fo the St. John's Ambulance Corp ton services ext ended, Mofro Nat- ional Auto Leasing; Goodyear Tire & Rubben Co., Goodyearý Empioyeos Credif Union; D & R Sports for trophies donated by"thom, to thoso gentlemen Wno cîonated the Efanfam "A' Division Tnophy, Mn. Roy Neads and the arena staff for the co-operation rocoived f rom tbem. Raipb Whyte, Chairman of the .Pine Ridge Hockey Tounnament 13-1 We wisb ta express a sincero fbank you to our many friends and relatives for kîndexpres- sions 0f sympathy af the time of our bereavement in the ioss of a ioved busband and father. To Drs. Ferguson and Grant, nurses and staff of Memoriai Hospital, to Rev. Scbamer- horn and Rev. Somervilie for their visits, prayers and consoiing words. To each and evoryone our grateful thanks. The Truil Famiiy 13-i Many tbanks to famiiy and relatives, friends and neigh- bons for fiowors, cards and visits during my stay in -Port Penny Hospital. Tbanks f0 Dr. Beer and nursing staff. Harold Larmer 13-ix Our robust son bas received many deiigbtful and merry remembrances ta mark the beginning 0f- bis happy lite. Donald Jr. gives bis bandiest thanks. We are immenseiy grateful ta have so many treasured memonies, cards and lettons in recent months. Lynda and Donald Cramp 13-1 ARCHIBALD In ioving memory of our.dean son and brother, Donald, who passod away Apnil 1, 1970. When ties of love are broken, Andjove ones bave fo part, t leaves a wound that nover beais n every acbing beant. -Sadiy missed by mother, brothers, sisters, in-iaws and nieces and nepbews. 13-i MOORE - n loving memory of a dean father, grandfatber and great-grandtather Frank A. Moore wbo passed away Marcb 29, 1969. We often sit and think of him when we are ail alone, For memory is the oniy friend that grief can cail ifs own; Like ivy on the witbered oak; wben aillother tbings decay, Our love for wim wiii still keep green aid nover fade away. -Sadly'missed l5y Kate, Bill and family. 13-i BO WMAN V ILLE KIWANIS CLUB presents ""CH ILLUM" Friday, March 29 8 p.m. - midnight CENTENNIAL HALL Bowmanvi île $2.00 singie $3.75 couple 13-1 KINDERGARTEN R EGlISTR-ýT ION For West Côé,Êtice, North Courtice area at West Cou rtice Public School Fri., April 5, 1974 Ti me: 9:30 -11: 30; 1: 15 - 3 p.m. Lot and concession numbers are required for bus routes. Children must reach their fifth birthday by Dec. 31, 1974. Proof of age is required. Public Health Nurse wiII be present. 13-1 MERRILL n memory of a dear mother Nettie and broth- or, Ivan, who passed away on, March 23, 1968 and April 6, 1965. God knew that they were suffering, That the his were bard to ciimb, So He closed their weary eyelids, And whispered, "Peace be thine." Away in the beautiful his of God, By the valley of rest s0 tain, Some day, we know not when, We will meet our ioved ones there. -Sadi missed by Russel and June; Norman and Ruth and family. 13-lx Come to Trinity United CGIT coffee party and bake sale in the Sunday School Hall, Saturday, April 6 from 10 a.m. -12 noon. Admission 25c per person. Children welcome. 13-2 Please mark your caiendars Newcastle United Cburch Turkey Supper will be Sat., Nov. 9. 13-1 Dance in Newtonville Hall, Sat., March 30. Sponsored by Kendal United Cburcb Coup- les Club. Prizes. 13-1 The Newcastle Lions Pub, Night, dance and sing along, featuring Toronto's Alec Herd and his old country band. Newcast le Communitv Hall, March, 30, 8:30 to 1. Reserva- tions calil 987-4739. 13-1 Osaca Barn Dance, couples only, every Saturday night, Country and Western music. Phono 786-2633. 9 tf Attention ail First World War Veterans, Vimy Night Sat., April ,6, 6 p.m. Legion Hall. For information cail 623-3609. 12-3, Dance at-Solina Community Hall Mar. 30, 9 p.m. -,12 midnight; music by Frank Barkey; ligbt lunch and priz- es. Aduits $2 per person, students $1 per person. Spon- sored by the Eldad Sunday School Fund Raising Committee. 12-2 Pro Natal classes for Bowe- man vilie and District wvill begin on Tuesday evening, March 26, 7:30 to 9:30, at the Durhamn Regional Health Unit, formeniy the Nurses' Residence, B owmanvi.lle. Anyone in Bowmanviile or Durham County who is inter- ested shouid contact Durham Regional Heaith Unit, phono 623-2511. 9-4 ,MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY-7:45 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softba Il JUBILEE PAVILION OSHA WA 30-tf APPEARING AT THE QUEEN'S HOTEL Newcastle "Open Country"r Fri,, Sat., Mar. 29-30 Dancing 9-1 13-1 Euchre Party Newtonville Hall Fnida y, March 29, 8:15. Ladies bning lunch. Everyone Welcome. 13-1 Department of Recreat ion COUNTRY& WESTERN JAMBOREE Town Hall Bowmanville 2 p.m. Sunday, March 3lst 13-1 ART SHOW and SALE The Bowmanviile Ni-ght Painters exhibition of winter ciasswork will be held in the Bowmanviile Library on Sat., March 30, 10 - 5 p.m., Sunday, March 31,2 - 5 p.m., April 1 - 5. CA RTWR IGHT HIGH SCHOOL Night School Open House Fniday, March 29 BLACKSTOCK RECREATION CENTRE 8 P. M. Dîspiays of work done in Upholstery, wooa retinisnung, caning and sewing classes incîuding a fashion show. Refreshments Served Penny Sale Sponsored by Students Council 12-2 Having a Weight Problem. Come To THE DIET BOWMA NVIL LE -Monda y 7:30 p.m. at the Salvation Army, 35 Division St. Classes Heid In OS HA WA Tues. 7:30 p.m. At Christ Cburch Cor. Mary St. And Hilicroft PRICES Registration $3.50 Plus $2.50 per week Free Maintenance Affer Reaching Goal Classes Heid Weekly Information Cal 723-97,41 728-1075 il-3 ALUMINUM offset plates. Ideai for insulation, .25 eacb. Sizes 26 x 35 or 20 x 25. Phone 623-3303. tf STUDEBAKER Service, new and used parts. Graham's Garage. i-416-263-8172. 25-tf USED Furniture ^and Appli' ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton, 263-2241. 26-tf BEDROOM suite, complote; dining suite, 9 piece; chester- field suite, coffee, two end tables, ail Burma teakwood,' new. Very reasonabie. i-241. 5971. . 2tf DRESSERS, Beds, Chester fields, ail kinds 0f Used Furni- tu re, Antiques and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton, 263-2241. 26-tf GOOD used vacuums for sale. $20 and up. Phono 576-8390. 5-tf THRIFT SHOP 32 Kinq West, at roar. We seil oni consignment, furniture, appli- ances, bikes, skates, rugs, etc. For information cail 623-7037 or 263-2042. 2-tf DUNE buggy, good condition. Phone 983-9150. 13-ix WIN a FREE Tnip to the Bahamas. Purchase your Rambier Travel Trailer in January, February, Mancb, and become eligibie f0 win. Newcastle Traler Park & Sales Your district Ramb- ler Trailer -Dealer, New and used trailers. Higbway No. 2, Newcastle, 987-5131. 4-tff WOODVIEW COMMUN ITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY i 7:45 P.M. RED0BARN -WAYNEST. OS HA WA 21 tf APRIL ANTIQUE AND "FOLK ART S HOW" (Flying Dutchman Mofor Inn) Wed., April 3 7 -10:30 p.m. Thurs., April 4th 10: 30a. m. -9: 00 pm. 16 Distinguished Dealers Antiques Pre 1870 plus, "Folk Art" Tickets: Mrs. Nancy Lambert R.,R. 1, Bowmanvilie 13-1 Upholstery 1Material GIANT ALL DAY HADDASSAH SA LE Thurs., March 28, 9a.m.-9p.m. 144 King Street East, Oshawa. Lovely fabrics at bargain prices. Good rummage select ion. 13-1 YOGA CLASSES FOR BEGINNERS NEWCASTLE COMMIJNITY HALL (Centennial Room) Classes Stant April1i1 Thurs. 1 p.m.- 3 p.m. 10 classes -$10.00 For information cali: Joan Simpson 987-4395 13-1 oeble inl -15 Channel Reception. 12 Full Time - 3 Part-timie. Movies, Sports, Entertain- ment. Community Programming. -Your Best Entertainment Buy. (Oniy 16 cents per day - $4.95 per month plus connection. cable tW Pine Ridge Cable TV Limited 1353 King Street, East, Oshawa, Ont. (416) 579-2232 AN DR EWS T.V. TOW ERS Super Colour Tower Structures, witti UHF & VHF Insfa led af Low Rates Repainstoali makes of Rotons Wili prewire Homes &, Apts. On Request - Free Estimates Workmanship Guaranfeed P HON E 623-2006 3-tf STV ANTENNAS STowers, U HF, VH F Aerias, Rotors & Repairs '~Apartments & Homes Pre-Wired >- Ask About Our r Guarantee ýPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46tff Oshawa TV Antennas & Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF - VHF- Coiored Aeriais Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired R EPAIRS m Workmanship Guarariteed Ail priced f0 SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf I NSTALL AN O FURNACE BOILER £SO HUMIDIFIER or HOT WAT ER HEATER No Payments for Six Months Call HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealion FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenithl14620 24 H-our Service OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLY Washed Sand Gravel and Stone Limestone Products Ail Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL AND DIRT FILL TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 8 1 RICHMOND ST. W. OSHAWA 576-55 FEBRKUARY WAREHOUSboE SA EV[RY BALE IN STOCK OISCOUNTED FOR IMMIEDIATE CLEARANCE CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION As Low As '/2 PriCe And Less On Remonants and End's of RoHýz; 81 RICHMOND ST. W (Nexi door to Ruddy Electriçc Ope- 4ronli 9 I08 p.!m Mon, t rSot Q 'ô . CLOSED AIL] DAY SUNDAY 6tff ASSORTED cedar posts; one small fracfor, needs some re'pairs; small air compres- son. Phone 263-8155, Hampton. 13-1 EXCELLENT buys in rem- nants reduced by more than 50 per cent, 9' x 12' two tone nylon carpets, $47.50. AIl other carpets greatly neduced. County Broadloom, 1742 Brock St., South of 401, Whitby. 668 8895. 11-4 1973 HONDA XL250 dirt bike, 5400 mi les, immaculate, neasorlable. Phone 987-4739. 12-2x NEÉWSPRI1NT _-Ends of rolls, only a tew available. Suitable for banquet tables, pattern cutting, etc. The Statesman otfice. 12-If OLD cups, saucers, plates, pitchers, platters, g.lassware and other old items. Some antiques. Now on display. Phone 623-3425 for appoint- ment. 13-1 TWO Noresco speakers $170 or best offen. Phone 623-3774. - 13-1lx FOUR-SEAIER brown ches- terfield with two matching chairs, one brown, one tur- quoise. Best offer. Phone 623-2484. 13-1 TRACTOR, John Deene, BR model, two cylinder gas model. Call 623-7172. 13-lx TELEVISION, black and white, 23 inch; coffee table, both in good condition; $100 togethen or best offer. Phone 987-4053. 13-1 MUNTZ eight track stereo tape deck. A-C hydro adlapter, 2 speakers, Port-a-Mount for auto use. Asking $125. 623-3348 days- 579-2961 evenings.13-lx MILK quota, 253 lbs. Phone 723-6258, Ron Bickle, atter 6. 13-2 NEW Coleman space heater, full price $150. Sacrifice $115, including tive gallon No. 1 stove oil; also Lloyd baby carniage, good condition $30. Phone 623-7685. 13-1 KITCHEN counter with dou- bIe sink, md taps $50; five kitchen cupboards $9 each; two kitcheni cabinets $20 each; roillaway bed, like new $30; also dressers, buftets, wash- stands, ail at reasonable prices. Towne Used Furni- ture, 19 Temperance St., Bowmanville. 13-1 HORSE manure- free for hauling away once a month. Phono 263-8448. 13-1 1972 SKlDOO TNT 440 in excellent condition, asking $600. Phone 623-3485. 13-1 SUN lamp witb stand, new, $40. Calîl atter 5 p. m., 623-3917. -13-lx TWO Sovereign water con- ditioners,, new, 74 models. Phone 623-5492. 13-2 RODNEY seed oats. Phone 983 5697 or 983-5075 atter five. 12-2x Use 2 pieces 14 x 312 x 4 back f0 back lintel patch and tnim. Cut ouf seating and instali caf Iwaîk with' railing oven new door f0 give travel fnom south to north side of seating. Cut boarding at ice surface 11-t and instai11 gate f0 open f0 east f0. passage way f0 door minimum width of gate and passage 48". Instail exit light over door clearî1y visible from ail areas. -' In ice machine room cut access f0 outside with frame . door and crash bar. Instali exhaust fan in outside walland switch f0 present entra nce door. 22 instail fresh air duct 12" x 24" from outside, f0 within 8", of furnace room floor., LE Emergency 'iighting to be instalied with power recep- fadle (3 units) as designated. Instali one additionaî fine alarm beil as designated. Each bidder wiII visif the site by appointment with Mn. Roy Neads, Bowmanviîle Arena. Lowest on any tender nof necessanrily accepted. Cieariy marked tenders ta be submifted by 4:00 p.mn. on April lSth, 1974, and sent to: MR. J. M. McILROY, Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street BQWMANVILLE, Ontario Li C 3A6 SALLY'S DATING CLUB Sally Woods has a new exciting way for single un- attached maies and fema les allages ta meet. Free dating list and informa- tion, send coupon today f0: Saily Woods. Write 209 Bond St. E., Oshawa, or phone 723-3431. Na me ......... ........... Address............ Phone............Age ..4x À * 0-4 ROOM and board available, laundry included, $25 per week. Phone Orono 983-9505, or 623-5525. 13-2 SURPLUS poultry equipment, cages, waters and feeders (Kemptville Agriculture Col- lege material). For appoint- ment cail after'6 623-5756. 12-2 LIV E Easter Bunnies $2.50 An Ideal1 Easter Gift Available through BOWMANVILLE KINETTES Phone 623-5194 13-1 NEEDA PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TOALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 Zenith 14620 41 ff OATS BARLEY FUN KS CORN READY TO SOW Custom Cleaning and Treating CERESMORE FARMS LTD. R. R.14 'BOWMAINVILLE 623-3552 623-7233 8-12 Second Cut Hay EDWIN STAUB Newcastle Ont. OLD English sheep dog, femnale, one year old with American papers. Goud heal- thy dog with a good blood l'ne'. Danny Hooper, R. R. 1, Orono. Phone 983-9517 tor appoint- ment. 13-1 The Doggy Place - Dog Trimming and grooming. Poodles and spaniels our specialty but any type of dog expertly bathed and tnimmed. Boarding-withl ots of love and fun. Dogs $2. daîly, cats $1. The Immigrant Kennel, Re- gistered Breeders ot high qudlity English Springer and Cocker Spaniels. Also rabbits tor sale. 786-2234. 2-52 * af WHITE EmLýden goslings. AI Venema. Phone 263-8888 Hampton. l3-tf USED Furniture and AppJi- ances. Paddy's Market, Hamn pton 263-2241, 26-tf Town of Newcastle TENDER Repairs and Modif ications to B ow ma nville Memoriai Arena EAST WALL C ut through block wall for door and framne size 13zx 3' x 7'0-" steel framne and door with crash bar and silI. Fa rmers, Attention DEAD STOCK SERVICE al MARGWILL FUR FARM, unider new management and ownership. We appreciate, 6E cail from you when necessary. Cal1 col lect 263-2721 Lic. No. 416C73 R.R. 5, Bowmanvî lie, Ontario R.W. BOWERING LTD. TWO maie hourd dogs, March 23, area hwys. 35 and 115. Answer f0 "Pepper" and "Pawsy". Please caîl Toronto 2123-5522 afler 5 p.m. Reward. 13-2 BUN DLE buggy picked up in l.G.A. Store, Monday, March 1 1,a.m. Reward, if returned to fiArs. Norman Taylor, 67 Church St. 13-1 - 623-5756 - 623 -7112 DURHAM COLLEGE 0F APPLIED ARTS and TECHNOLOGY OSHAWA A Dental Hygienist is required to teach in a Dental Assistant Programme AReg iste red Ontario Dipioma Hygienist is a minimum reauirement; teachinca exmerience flot essential but ability to relateto young aduits is necessary. Work involves ten months teaching with two months vacation and usual empmoyee benef ifs. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Starting date, August Ist, 1974. Apply in writing to Mr. J. WV. Davidson, Durham College of Applied Arts an-d Technology, P. O. Box '385, Oshawa, Ontario Li1H 7 L7. 13-1 Tender Ontario FOR SALE BY TENDER TREE LEN'GTH LOGS Seaîed Tenders wilI be receiv ed up f0 12 noion, April 11, 1974, by the Ministry of Natural Resources af Orono, for the sale Of 984 tree iength logs of Red Pine, Jack Pine and Scotch Pineé with diameters ranging fnom four ta fourteen inches. Additional information available af the Nursery Office 983-9147. 13-2 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITy 0F'DURHAM TENDERS FOR ANNUAL SUPPLIES and SERVICES Tenders wiII be received by the undersigned until 2:00 P.M. April 10, 194, for the suppiy of the folîowing services and materials: A. SERVICES 1. Contract 74-2 Gravel Crushing Crushing, Stock piiing and-or Delivering approximateîy 63,500 cubic yards of gravel and sand from vanmous pifs. 2. Supply anid Application of approximafely 89,300 gallons of Road Prime. 3. Supply and Application of Bituminous and Cover Material (Surface Tneating) 4. Erection of Fence Erection of approximately 6,000 rods of fence in varlous locations. 5. Suppiy and Piacing of Sod Supply and Placing of approximateîy 6,000 square yards of sod in vanious locations. 6. Supply and Planting of Trees Suppîy and Pianting of trees in various locations. B. MATERIALS Pnices quoted for mafenials.are fa include delivery ta any point wuthin the Region. Where applicable bath Federal and Provincial Sales Tax must be inciuded.* 7. Bifuminous Emuisions and Patching Matenials, Prime, Cut Back Aspha Ifs.. 8. Calcium Chloride - BuIk and Bag, Liquid and Flake. 9. Chemicaîs used for Weed and Brush control and Soul Sterilant. 10. Grader Blades. il. Snow PIow Blades, vanlous sizes. 12. Snow Fence - approximateîy 15,000 feef.. 13., Hughway, Sign Blanks - various types and quantities, 14. Fencing Materials - approximately 6,000 rods of Farm Fenc ing mateiais. 15. Cedar Fence Posts, pegled and unpeeled. 1 6. Corrugated Steel Pipe Culvents. 17. Wooden Survey Stakes 1", x 2" x 2', 1" x 2" x 5', 1/2" x 2" x 1' 18. Steel Sign Posts (MTC Post A) - 10', 12'-and'14' lengths. Regional Tender Forms must be used for P1 rt 'A' - Items 1 through 6 and for Part 'B' Items 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Tenders for Items 7, 9, 12, 180of Part 'B' must be submitted on supplier's own statianery. Ail tenders must be clearîy marked as to contents on the autside of the envelope and each tender for each item must be in a separate envelope. Tender Forms and Tender Envelopes may be secured f rom the office of the undersigned. Lowest or any tender nat necessarily accepted. Mn. D. Thurgarîand, Purchasing manager, Region of Durham, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. l'Tm CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS, MOTORCYCLES, SNOWMOB îLES FOR WRECKING PURPOSES. SMALL SCRAP MTL HIGHEST PRICES PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS YARD RESIDENCE

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