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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1974, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 27, 1974 CLISSI 31IE HEATIED, two-bedroom apartmient, available April 1 sf. Phone 987 4539. 13-1 ONE furnished room with fridge. Phone 623-2005. 13-1 SIX room house, newly dec- orated, central, available April 1. Aduits preferred. Write Advertiser 468, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.. Box 190, Bowmanville. 13-]x FURNISHED rooms by the monhbth, shower, TV, telephone, indloor pool, sauna and icenced premises. Apply Flying Dufchman Motor Inn, 623-3373. 41 -ff ONE-bedroom heated apart- ment for married couple, no children. Available April lst. Cali6232672 af ter 5. 13-1 x SIX roomn home, bright suni room, sep. diningroom, gar- age, large privato lot in Town of Bowmanville. Suitable for small adult family, $200 monthly. Write Adverfiser 469, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 13-2 ON E bediroom aparfmenf, occupancy approximately sf or 2nd week of April, aduits preferred. Phone Dykstras Food Market, 6233541. 13-1 OFFICE Bowmanvil le Commercial location, 750 sq. ft., broadloomed and curta ined. Immediate occupa ncy. Phone 623-2552 or 623-5061 134 50 to 200 acres of clear land, suifable for pasture or crop. Contact Ken Nic,s Hockin Real Estate Ltd., 623-4115. 13-1 KZEMEMe CON TRACTOR to build a 2100 sq. ft. double-storey dwlling n Con. 4, Lot 9, formerly Darlington Township. Phono 6235571 after 8. 13 lx LEAVING Pontypool at 6:30 arn. for Toronto (Sherbourne and Bloor area); leaving Toronto 4:30 p.m. Room for three passengers.ý Phono, affer 6:30 p.m., 1 705 277-2806. 122 e -mm The John and Judy Shoppe, 15 King St. East, will be closed for minor renovations Mon- day, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 1, 2, 3. Grand o pening under new ownership Thurs- day, April 4. 13-1 Attention Manvers Town- ship Residents! Any donations received b y Bowmanville Red Cross will be returned f0 your local Red Cross for credif. 13,1 Dr. A. F. McKenzie will be on holidays March 2à March 31 inclusive. The office will be open for injections Tues. and Thurs 2 -3 pm and7 -8 pm. 12-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS n the estate of Shirley Greta Barchard, late of fhe Village of Newcastle in the United Countios of Northum- borland and Durham, deceased; Ail persons having dlaims against the Estate of Shirley Greta Barchard, lafo of the Village 'of Newcastle in the United Counfies of Northum- borland and Durham, who died on or ab ouf Dcember 7th, 1973, are required to file such dlaims wifh the under- sined onnor before the 3th Stafford Brothers Monuments, LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whifby Phone Whitby 668-3552 '69 MERCURY, motor ;29, bucket seats, leather interior, ail tour tires good, spare. Phono 987-4317. 10-4x 1964 CHRYSLER 383 V8, mecbanicnlly excellent, make offoer. Phone 983-9280. 12-2x SPORTS car- 1964 Triumph TR4. Phono 623-7176. 13-1 1963 CHEV station wagon. Phono 786-2559. 13-1 1966 CHEVELLE Malibu SS V-8, Holley 4 barrel carb., Z-28 cnm, 4-speed, buckets, tach, 8-track, slotted chromo mags, Tiger Paws (G6ss on rear), dual exhaust, new clutch and battory. Very good condition. Besf cash offer ovor $875. Phono 623-2632. 13-11x 1971 PLYMOUTH Valiant Scamp, 2 door hnrdtop, 318, dependlabie, economical, radio, stereo. Phone 623-3348 days, 579-2961 evenings. 13-lx 1966 Meteor, good running 352 motor, power steoring, power brakes. $400.00 or besf offer. Phono 983-5959. 13-1lx '73 FORD Custom 500 2 dr. h.top, low mileago, power equipped. Lic. HDW012...... ... $2,980. '73 FORD Ranchero Squire Tan color. 400 V8 automntic, power, tape system. Lic. E62425 ........... $3,640. '73 MUSTANG 2 dr. H.fop, 9,000 miles. Whaf a beauty! Lic. EAC772.... ......$3,265 73 PINTO Station Wagon, 4- cyl. 4 speed. in a nice green. Localiy uwriod. Lic. FBH644 ..........$2,590. '73 COURlER Pickup, auto- matic, radio, stop-bumper, rust proofed, 2,800 miles. Lic. E99873 ........ $3,295. '72 DATSUN completeiy re- condifioned, a smooth running economy car. Lic. DZPVi36...... ...-$1,9*. '71 FOÙRD Gai. 2 dr. H.fop, Power equipped. Lic. HRC389 ..... .2,260. '71 FORD Pinto 2 dr. 4 cyl. 4 speed, real emonomy in a nice red. Lic E BJ468 ...$51,695. 68 FORD Pickup, iow mile- ago, 6 cyl. st., a real dlean pickuop.1 Lic. C80026 ... ........ $1,595. SPECIALS 66 METEOR 2 dr. 6 cyl. auto. PS, gond cdean car. Lic. E B H 678. '66 BUîCK Skyiark 2dr. H.top, bucket seafs, power equipped, Lic. EBK998. '65 FORD Pickîip V8 4 speed, ail hoavy duty. Lic. C79521. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! 219 King E.- Bowmanville Phone 623-4481 13 1i PERSON to operato farmn machinory. Exporionce an asset but not essonfial. Phono 728-6865. 13 -2 RESTAURANT hoip, no woek- ands, no oxporienco neces- sary. Restaurant Iocatod on Hwy. 115. Appiy to 623-7058 3f fer 4p. m. 13-2 MALE or female to pumpgas, 12 hours per day, four days per week, no weekends. Station located on Hwy. 115. Apply to 623-7058 aftr 4p.mf. 13.2 BABY sitter wanned, over 18. Apply 25 King St. East, Apt, 2, Bowmanville. 13-1, SECONDARY schooi student for gardon, maintenanè,o work, reliable. Phono 725-2987. 13-1 KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Applications will ho recei- yod by the undersigned unti:l 1:00 p.m. April 1, 1974, for a Key Punch Operator exper- ienced in operating IBM 029 and 059 machines . Experience with other Data Processing equipment would ho an asset. The position wilI be in Port Hope Ontario. Apply in writ. ing stating qualifications andi oxperience to: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educaf ion, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L-2 1131 CARPENTER,framing, some experience preferable, or wii- ling f0 learn. Ca11 Joe, 621 4257. 13-1 ORONO PARK BOARD Roquires Applications for F.;HbD LIFEGUARD 2. CONCESSIONAIRE FOR BOOTH Applications to be in the hârads of Miss Aima Cuffeli, Orono, Ont. by April 8th, 1974. 13-2 WANTED IMMEDIATELY Two real estate salesmen or salesiadies to work from our Bowmnnville office. Prefer- ronce given fo someone who has farm background and knows the Bowmanviile area. Abiliiy to 'speak aànother language an asset. We have been estnblished in this area since '1936, "We Need Help l.rgently- For personal, confidential interview caîl:. BILL-McFEETERS President of Schofield-Aker Ltd., Realtor, IPaytime or Evenings 7 23-2265 725-1726 131 RN or RNA Two or three evenings a week Cail Mrs. Clark' 623-5813 131 BOOKKEEPER- TYP[IST PART-Timne Only (About 1 Day Per Week) Wednesday Send resume and etter f0: SBOWMAN CONSTRUCTION 9:.. Box 309, BowmanvilIle 13 tf ELECTRICAL installations by qualitied electrician. P h ýone 623-5878. 134x INSULATION, blowing me- thod wifh rock wool, 'work- mansbip gunrnnteed, free est- imates. Sealdaire Insolations. Phono 742-0272. Representa- tive Hary L. Wade. Phono 98-7453.i1 . 38 tf WATER Wells bored, 30" file. Ward's Well Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wnde. Tele- phono 987-4531. 16tff UPHOLSTE RING, mecover- ing, very reasonable, work gunrantedc, 20 years exper- oence. Free ostirnafes. Phono 986-5072 Nestleton. 12-2 PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING& SERVICING Certif ied Piano Technician. Prompt reliabie service. Remember, "The tuner adînne, preserves the tone." Member, Piano Tecbnician's Guild. Derek Hill 502 Dunlop St. W., Whitby 668-6247 -9 tf DELUX PAINTING RESIDENTIAIL COMMERCIAL- INDUSTRIAL BARN SPRAYING FREE ESTIMATES 623-2319 12-4x Tune-ups General Repairs toalî cars Goneral Repairs toalI cars Repa ir radiators, alIso towing :Arc WeldingI Acetyleno Wlding Phone 623-5418 H. W. Knappý's Auto's Ltd. 13-2 A. R. WELDING 20 Years Expeience ,Mobile Equipmont Boiler Retubing and Repair Pipe Work Structural Steel Blacksmithing Trailer Hitches and Misc. Welding Repairs 623-4124 134x CARPE NTR Y RENOVATING MONTE HENNESSY FENCING ALL TYPES CONCRETE WORK PAINT IN G 723-6946 13-4 County Roofing & Sheet Metal Co.. Roofing, Eavestroughing, Ca u ki ng Emnergency Service Pat Gardner NE WTON VILL E Telephone 786-2975 il-4x e. I A g - A g * A g - A * DOMESTIC & COMMEF REFRIGERATION Ul and APPLIANCE5 SALES &, SEF Kool Enterpri 1PHON E 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmai DARLINGTC MASON R' Brick, Biock,-S CHIMNEY& FIREPL CHIMNEY CLEANII Phone 623-21* Refrigeratic AND Appliance Serý Com mercial1and Doni Ref rigeration - Milk Co Phono BERT SYEI Days 623- Nights 623 Lander Hardy and ELECTRIC Da ve's' Pîumbing, He< and Eiectric COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL and RESIDENTIAL FREE ESTIMATE R.R. i Orono 786-24- VINCE M'OOI CARPENTRY House Renovatinc Paper Hanging- Pain 247 Liberty N., Bowma 623-3568 Geddes Eleci Renovations -Alter Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older Hory New Homes - Free Est PHON E62 B 1L L 'S GL A and MIRRORSLTI 7 Divis Ion St.., Phone 62 Bowmanville Ontar Sheet and F loat Gl, Sealed Units* Storm Wi Store Fronts -F loat Mi Patterned and Coloreci 1and Glazinq AL. G. Carpet- OSBO[ -Uphols Prof essionally Clear FR EE ESTIMATE Phone 623-20( BOWMANVILLE JACK BURGI OILBURNERS-FURN ,CLEANED PLUMBING REPAI PHONE HAMPTC 263-2151 Mail Adldress: P.O. Box 43 Bowmî BOB BEEFR 137 ELGIN STREE Plumbing - Hea Pressure Systems New Work and Repa Service and Estimat Cali1623-264' -RJ- Sign Engraviil (SPECIALIZING Il PLASTIC) Desk Plates, Door Sig Badges, Truck Signs. -Home- - Offic( -lndustry - -Hospi 623-5004 Walker-Liptay Auctioneerý Farm & Household S. Livestock, Horses, Anti OVER "450 SALES' LAST YEAR, Bill Waîker 294-4970 Steve Liptaý 263-2117 Grist Mil i Auction Barn Specializing in ai! typ, Sales and Estates NEWTONVILLI Phone 786-224 Stapieton Brc: Auctioneers BOB Newcastle - î FRANK Newtonvu le 71 RCIAL NITS S 7RVICE i ses anville 26-tf ON y, Stone Aucf ion sale Sat., March 30, 1: 15 p.m. at Savoon Products Varobouse on Hvvy. 28, in the Village of Bewdley, consisting of washsfand, chests of drnw- ors,, dresser, wardrobe, tables, chairs, chrome suites, cbosterfield, bods, dishes, giassware, books, pictoro fames, wheelbarrow, two bicycles, electricai appliancos and other itemrs stili, being consigned. Roger Bannister, Auctioneer. ,13-1 Wednesday, April 3, 12 Noon ACES 120 Holst oins ING Complote Arron Doon Hol- 176 stoin Dispersai ownod by D. W. (Scotty) MacGregor, R. 45-tt 5, Coiborne, Ont. Fmom Hwy. __ 401 af exit 85 tako FPercy Street in mi le north- thon i m ile west -thon loff to farrn. 120 bond, 70 re'gistored, 50 NIF. grades, ciassified. 60 milking age. 30 vice by Seiiing Rockman, 10 by nostic Lassie Leader, 5 by Rockdale :oolors President. The bord bas been R, on-D.H. l.A. for 18 voars. Some 3-77 f the features inciode Lois 3-3177 (Very Good) n 6 yr. obd, 15000 lb. "Dean Pabst" due in Iva re September f0 "Emporor". Hem "'Chiettain" 2 yr.,obd souls 1-tf, witb n biter caif by Citation R Mapie. Dixie (Very Gond) an 18000 lb. Lassie Leader due before sale fine to Seiling Pt n ockmran. One of the "Fresi- tng dents" selling is Arron Doon aI Rockess IG.F.) with 6 yr. 16111m 663f 4.1 percent. She souls witb 2 "Rockman" dao- id gbters and is duein October fo "Chiettain" (Ex). This is a ES fine working bord with gond udders. Manybred for sum- .1 mer, and faii production. tl Catalogues available. Farrn 33-ti sold. Lunch availabie. Lloyd - -Wilson, Sale Manager &Auct- in Ïneer. Tel. 416-852-3524.13 g Saturday, March 3Ofh inting Farm Sold. Auction Sale of anvillo Livestock and Implements the property of Gunither Ropertz, Lot 13 Con. 10, Cavan Twp., 3 49-tf miles south of Peterborough by-pass on Hwy. 28 f0 Con. 10 and 4 mules West or 12 mile tric ý north 0f Cavan and ',2 mile rations oast. 56 bond of Holstein caffle, 34 mature Hostein mes cows, largo number due April, timatos May and June, rnany tresh and, me-bred. 6 Hostein beiters 2398 Il 2 years nid open, 6 Holstein 48-tf beiters i year nid, 10 Hoisteiný bo hiterand buill calves, 1971 S S David Brown 1200 diesel D. fractor, pot-wersteering, 1050 23-5187 hrs. int. 414 ,diesel, tractor, trio 197, iphn s Qýfpre Baler pto, a 1971 Caise Westn555 hay bine findows' 10' ptn, 1970 M.F. 160 bus. irrors manure spreader, 1967 Gehi I Glass, field chopper pto, 1970 M.F. 10' tandem, disc; 1971 Triple K 17 ff cultivator, 1968 MF. 4 turrow tnip beam plough 3 pt., M.F. 2 ow corn pla 'nter 3 pt., M. H. 15 :P N E disc cornbination seed drill., 30' ay eevaor, ull ineof ste ry modern macbinery., Straw. De Laval 35 can bulk milk tank, ined 240' Surge stainless steel pipeline, 3 Surge units, Surge ES 30 vacuum pump, vacuumn lino for 37 cows, bot wator tank, 02 other items. Patz stable dlean- o r, 220' of righf band chain 31 -tt with 40' chute. Terrns Cash, - No Reserve. Salenat 1:00 p.rn. Ess Carl' Hickson, Auctioneer, Peaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. NACES, 122 ýIRS Sntorday, April 6fh- Abso- bo ltely Unresorved- 8th Anînual Stock Reduction Sale. Auct ion Sale of New annd Used Farm Machinery. The proporty of anvi1ll W. J. Lambert & Sans Ltd. 30 tf {Massoy Ferguson Deniers) on the Beaverfon by-pass at Boaverton, 13 miles north of z 'Sunderland or 23 mules Snuth ET of Oriiiia. 14 tmactors. New 1973 M. F. 165 diesel demon- ating strator tractor 8 spoed - ive s pto - 00 b rs., 1968 M.F. 165 airs diesel tmactor -moiti-powor, ites 1Int. 434 tractor with 1501 loader, M.F. 88 gas tractor .1 with indepondent pto, M.H. 44 33-tf diesel, Ford 9N witb Freeman onder, Ford 8N, AC ED4O, John Doore 710 with hydrauiic huckef loader, iHC A tractor, n g 2 Cockshott tractors, Fomdson Major with front blade, Ford- N son Major and IHC 460 botbi wifh indostriai loaders and hgs ackhnes, NEW EQUIF- etc. MENT. 1974 Incor 8' mear ,- hi ado, 1974 Rex 3 boator taI forage box wifh 8 ton running genn, 1974 Incom,6 ton ronning gear with 751 tinatation tires, IHCI 712' drag disc bnrow, 124 1974 M.F. 7, gardon tractor, 12 1973 Landscapor blade wifh gauge whoel 3 pt., 1973 M.F. 12 olr, 1973 Lilliston Rotary Ltd. Cutter, 1973 M.F. 39- 2 row coÔ1rn planter, 1972 M.F. 30- 12' S disc, 1972 M.F. 125 16' chisel ;ales plougb, 1973 M.F. 88 semi- tques moont 6 turrow plough, 1973 M.F, 37 cubtivator 23'- 3 pf., 3 Aiied bale stookers, 2 field r sprayems, plougbs, discs, coi- cups, and' saucers, record player, tape recorder, crocks, typewriter, antique cbest, books, mnny other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00, p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneor, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 13-2 Tom May SALE MGR. R. R. 8, PICTON, ONT. 476-5760 12-2 MIL TIFLE LISTINC SERVICE Oshawa & District. Real Estate Board I. DEADmLINELFOrI F CLASSIFIED Tues., 4:3 .m Thuirsd ay, April 11, i11.m 160 Hoîsteins Complote Bon Wýili Jo Dis persal ownod by John Bons- mn, R.R. 2, Biackstock, Ont. Seliing at the farm. Lot 16, on 1sf lino Cartwright Twp., 5 m iles southeast of Binckstock. Fmom Hwy. 401 tako Wavemiey Rd. 'Exit 74 north.16 miles f0 1sf lino thon east f0 farm. 160 bond, 35 registered, 60 N.I. grades, 65 grades. -D.H.l.A. tested for 18 years. 21 by Soiling Rockman, 19 by Tay- side Pabst Rockman, 6 by Rockdale President, 8 by Way Brook Sir Winston. 25 tresh or springing at sale time, 40 brod for summer and fail. This is a high testing herd with dairy test of over 4 percent. 65 cows tested Mamch '74 averaged 4.2 percent. The cows are big and heifors are very well grown. An oppot unity fo look affer the so mmer miik soppiy. This la rge sale must starf promptly at il ar.. Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager& Auctioneor, Uxbridge. Toi. 416 852-3524. 13-3 Sa tu rd ay, A pr il6 -11p.m. - Farm Sold Auction sale of Farrn Equip- ment and Antiques, the pro- perty of Grant Hunter, Lot 15, Con. 4, Reach Twp. i mile south and' 2 Mile east Of Manchester. McCormick 275 Diesel Tractor (good condi- tion), McCormick -3 furrow plow, Cockshutt No. 6 Manuro Spreader, International Side Rako, Int. 15 tooth culfivator on rubber, Case 3 point hîtch 7' mower, 5 Section Harrowvs, Case Hammermili, 24' Hay Elevator, McCormick Rubber Tired Wagonand rack. Stable fan, cutter, buggy, set of slighs, set of double harness, horse collars, riding iawn mower. Qu. of lumber, single plow, cedar and steel posts. 900 bales of hay, 300 baies straw. Number of other artic- les. Quantify of furnituro. Terms cash., Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, Sale Manaqor & Auctioneer. Toi. 416-852-3524. 13-2 Auction sale soliing for Lluyd Smrith, Loti7, Concession 5, of Oi'd Darlingfon Twsp. ono mile north off Taunton Rd. trom Erinii Golf Course or 12 mile east of Ty ono and south 11/2 miles, on Saf., April 13 al bis famm im piements, 15 head of Young cattie, and somo household ettecfs. Farm sold. Compiete. list on April lth. Sale af i p.m. Termscah LawrecHaris, ( , c1erk, Ciff Pethick, auc tionoocr. 13 2 Auction sale at Pethick's Sale Barn, Haydnn, one mile east of Enniskilien, on Sat. ovening March 30 at 7 p.m. for the estate of the lafe Gordon Joilow of Bowmanville. Largo roundtable, six chairs, china cabinet, TV., largo assort- rrent of oid dishes, three chests of dawvers, dresser, rugs, chostertieid and ch ir, hifi, kitchen table and four chairs, smaii coal and wood stove, electri.. stove, fridge, desk, rocking chair, other chairs, more articles ouf of this 7 roorn bouse not isted. Terms cash. LCiitf Pefhick, auctioneer. Next sale at barn on April 6tb. 13-1 Tuesday, April 23rd, Anniu3l Sprin g Stocker Sale at Lind- Say Community Sale Barn, Angeline St, N., Lindsay. Stocker steers, beifers, and caives soid in truckbond lots or to your satisfaction. For consignments or furtber in- formation contact Carl Hick- son, Proprietor and Auctio- neer, Reaboro, Ont., 705-324- 9959 or 324-2774. 134 Saturday, April i3th. Farm Soid. Auction sale of tarmn macbinery, some housohold turniture. The property of Lee Caza, Lot 33, Con. 17, Smith Twp. 28 Hwy. oast of Peter- borough f0Hlw y. No. 507 and 8 miles north fa Deai Bay Road and i mile east or i mile south of Buckborn. 1969 Case 730 gas tactor, power steering comn piofo, 920 hrs. witb 1969 Cas-e industriai manure londer, 1969 Ford 4000 diesel tractor powý_er steoring complote with Ford indoýstriai manure onder. 1966 M.F. 35 gas tmactor I(real good). 1971 Cockshuft 535 soif- propeiled combine witb now grain bonder and 3 row 30" proanehentlF,70. 1969A çHy FARM AUCTION SALE Sat., April 13 The properfy of Mr. Johil Yurko, Lot 22, Con. 7, Darling- ton Twp., i mile nortb of Solina, or 8 miles enst of Brooklin. Excellent lineofo farm macbinery, including M.F. No. 50 tractor, 780 br., with front end onder, 3 pot. Disc-like niew, 16 toofh Int. cultivator, *160 bus. Massey manure spreader, Int. 7' 3 pt. mower, M.F. 6 bar side rake, N.H. No. 68 Hayliner haler, 32' hay ebevator with motor, bale buncher, grain noger, 6 ton wagon, Int. No. 15 bydrauiic seed drill, 3 pt. 7' blade filier, 5 section harrows, Favorite Throshing Machine on rubbor, hardly used, Massey Harris binder, Case Hammermili, pig feeders, chicken nests and feeders, cattie oiior, electric foncer, barn fan. wator heat- or, wire fencing, 4 ton jack, steel fonce posts, wheeib:ar- row, 32' aiuminum laddor, 14 x 16 tarpaulin, new 16' garage door hardware, bardwood lumber, misc. horse bamness, cream sepamafor-like new, 100' drive boit, 50' drive boit, 1000 bales hay, some stmaw, some rnisc., Housebold art- clos, washîng machine, dish os, goitar, record playor, plastic decorator files, etc. Farm sold. Terrns cash. Sale at 1:00 pm. Steve Liptay, Auctioneer, Bowmanvilie 416- 263-2117. 133 AUCTION SAL E Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonville SAT., MARCH 30th, 1 p.m. Contents of a Port Hope borne incioding filing cabinet, addingrmacbine, antenna, rot- or, wheeibarrow, fertilizer spreader, many tools, quanti- ty of lumber, sander, grinder, electrýcai fittinqs, panellinq. coiling tule, typewriter, bar- ness, bedroom suife, confinen- tai beds, twin single beds (mapbe, complote), chester- field, chrome set, fridgos, stoves, portable and console T.V.'s, stereo, piano, wringer washor, exorciser, unicycie and bicycle, mowor, archery and fisbing equiprnont, ping pong table, guitar, violin harp, tires and wheeis, amps, 6 oak chairs, Bowmanville rocker, gramophone, crocks, mron pots, and many other antiques. Terms cash. STAPLETON BROS. Auctionoors 13-1 AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The Estate of MRS. VERNA COCHRANE SAT., MARCH 30 on Cornmunify Contre Rond, Baltimnore, Ont., Hwy. 45, north of Cobourg; inciuding antique. cabinet desk wifb mirror, leather rocking chair, ball table, tower stands, mn cabinet, dlock, piano stoois, pine table, odd cbairs, drosser witb mirror, 3 antique tables, corner 8heives, ovni will mirror, butter chumn, antique dresser, Beatty retrigemafor, McClnry stove, deep freezer, Beatty wringer wasber, cbromne kitchen suite, Singer sowing machine, chairs, pic- fores, cbestertield, lamps, end tables, dressers, bedroom suite, beds, ment grînder, dishes, pots and pans and utensîls, and ýremainder of contents or bouse.- Misc. gardon tools, lawn chairs. Termns cash. No roservo. Sale tire 1: 00 p.rn. Ail bidders must register. Steve Liptny, Auctioneer. 416-263-2117 122 Compiete- Meadowdale Holstein Dispersai FOR Everett A. Lake R. R. 1, STI RLI NG, ONT. Selling at the farm (2 miles north of Stirling or 13 miles south of Marmora on Hwy. No. 14. on Friday, Ma rch 29th at 1: 00 P. M. 70- Registered Head 37 - Fresh or Springing Cows April 6. Farm sold. Auction sale of Holstein cattle, farmn implements and dairy equip- ment. Properfy of Ronald Bickle, lot 35, con. 1 &2 West end of Darlingfon Twsp., 11,2 miles north of Hwy. 401 on Courtice Rd., and 11,2 miles west or 112 miles south of Courtice on Courtice Rd. and 1'2 miles west. 35 Holstein cows, 15 cows duo April, 10 cows fuli flow, 10 cows milking and rebred for faîl. Patz stable cleaner wifh 275 ft. of chain and heavy duty motor, New Holland Mower Model 450, 3 pt. hitch, International culti- vator 8 ff. Ford corn planter 2 ruw 3 pot. hitch, New Idea cultivator 29 tooth 3 pt. hitch, car trailor with racks, quanti- ty of scrap iron, DoLaval milk cooler sfainless steel 35 can 2 yrs. old, 1000 bales hay, 500 bales sfraw, many other articles f00 numerous f0 mention. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale 12: 30 p.m. Arnof R. Wotfen, auctioneer, Hamp- ton, Ont. 416-263-2583. 13-2 Wodnesdlay, April 3rd, Auc- fion Sale of Farm Machinery, some household furniture the proporfy of Ken Gilbank, soufh haîf Lot 15, Con.> 2 Cartwright Twp., 3 miles soufh of Blacksfock or 5 miles soufh of easf quarter lino- of Cartwright on Hwy. 7A and 1 mile easf. 1967 Nuffield 1050 diesel fractor, power steering, complote, Int. B275 diesel fractor wifh Int. manure loader- gravé7l and snow buckets, 1972 John Deere 400 G5rinder-Mixer pfo, 1972 John Deere 34- 2 row forage harvester pto (cuf oniy 40 acres), Allis Chalmers blow- or, Int. side rake, 1969 Hydrein 4-14's plough 3 pt. 1967 Ford "2 ton truck, 1969 Farm Boy self unloading wagon 8' x 16' box, Farm Boy 10 ton gearing- floafafion tires, M.F. No. 10 Baler pfo, MH. 15 disc comrbinafion seed drill, John Deere 290- 2 row corn planter, M.F. 12' disc 3 pf. Triple K 34 footh cultivator, John Deere manure spreader, Allied auto- matic stooker, Lely side rake, fuli line of modemn machinery. China cabinet, 2 dressers, rocking chairs, arm chair, drop beat table, cutter, sepair afor. Many ofher items. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705 324-9959. 1 ?22 Auction S (Ar ine lhouil- hold fturnishings for theý estateý of the laie Mrs. Jos. Kelley, at Orange Hall, Ontario St. and University Ave., Cobourg, Saturday, March 3th at 1. 15 p.m. 9 pc. walnuf dininq roomn suite, chairs have real plush, backs and seats, Royal Sarouk rugs 812' x lOi2', 9' x 14', 9' x 15', scatter mats, antique couch, easy chairs, lquor cabinet, knee. hole desk, matched round tables, Singer console sowing machine, mat- ched table lamps, RCA color TV, wall dlocks, barometer, paintings, magazine rack, hall free, crystal chandelier, can- delabma, mafiogany bedroom suite, bedroomn suite wifh fwin sleigh beds, cedar chesf, soveral mirrors, wardrobe wifh double mirror,'footsfooi, good assortment of china, glassware, crystal and silver- ware, bedding -and miens, 2 kitchen suites, humidifier, small appliances, utensils, and many ofher items. This is an exceptionally good sale of household fumnishings, ail in firsf class condition. Murray C. Noble Paul Lean, Auctioneers 12-2 %Umm URGENTLY REQUIRED!! We have cash buyers for homes 'in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'Il be pleased to appraise if for you and help you locate the "home of your dreams". For friendly efficient sale of your, home Caîl P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy. Bowman- ville 623-2330. 42-tf mw.vff Moe W Ww% Coast te Coast Real Estale Service Affor 9:00 p.m. Caîl: Roy Foster - Orono 983-5801 Bill Turansky- Orono 983-5420 Bill Sut herland - 623-3,1q? PhyllisMcRobbie 6 2 jr Bill Baird - 72 'Audrey Plaini 63jc, Norm Wetherup- 723-480ý9 Paf Yeo 623-3077 Dane Found - 623-3965 Kay Brown - 623 3150 Charlie Reid -orno 983 5914, 13 i lu gL* 234 King St. E. Bowmianville 623-3393 Kendal Hilîs 40 acres- fantastic view excellent building site. 675' rond trontage.,Asking 539,900. Cali Roy Foster. 200 Acres - Tyrotne 120 acres workable land with n 40' x 70' barn. Gond eariy potato and comn lanîd., 3 bedroom home with 3 pc. bath. Fmontage on 3 ronds, near Mosporf Race Track. Asking $138,500. Terms. Bungalow 10 Acres Beautitui 3 bedroom home, on moiling 10 acres with hait acre pond and frout stroam. Double garage, tirepiaco Dual for- naco. 4 acres fillable. A good proporfy, 500 if now. Asking $115,000. CabilBill Sutherland. Gardon Hilli 100 Acres Choice productive, vacant land. ',5 acres workable. Springs, pond sito. 2 rond fronfages. Asking $99,500. Terns. Cail Phyllis McRob- bie. Bowmanivillo North - 10 Acres Nearly now, 1875 sq. tt., ranch style, brick bungalow. 4 bedI rooris, fireplaco in livinîg roorn. Panelled farniy roorn on main floor. Separate dining, roorn. Many extras. Sepamato apartmenf in walk ouf base- ment. Double attached gar- age. Must ho seen f0 ho apprc ciated. Only $114,500. Terns. Call Fyiiis McRobbie. 8 Acre Hobby Farm- Tyrone Neat, dlean 3 bedroorn borne.2 barns, one used oniy for borses. Large gardon, lily pond- land is weii troed yIth spruce and piiie- horse paddock- frontane on a good concession oad. Asking oîîly $57.900. with terms. Be- sure and see this one. Phono Charlie Reid. 10 Acres - 4 'Bedroom Ranch Bungalow Situated in the Kendai Huis. House bas large tarnily rnoor with tirepl!ace fýIolywo cubouit in firepInco, gîaraý4 aiondry rmooîh, il ath oon eiectnic hoat. Asking 570l,900. Cal Charlie Reid. 10 Acres- Horse Farm Orono Situated ,2 mi. north ,o!fOrono. 3 bedroom trame homo e, treed lot. 2 arge bamns ni(ceiy painted. On gond rond. Coro1 piefely tenced. A pleosure f0j show. Askinq $79'500. Es terrns. Phono Chiarlie Reid Scenic 10 Acres Stream Bowmravilie- Fast Tmoof Stream. Poîîy Barri, only3 miles tmom town. Good homei( site. $45,000. Terns. 160 Acre Automatic Feed Lot Omono amen. Beautitui view. 7 room borne. Barns and mort emn teed lot with 2 large silos for 300 bond. 2 strearns. Terrific value af onfly $250,000. 100 Acres- Hampton Frontage on 2 paved roacds. Level subdivision land. 2? storey brick home. Large barn. $250,000. Terms. Restaurant and Gas Busy higbway 115, &35. i acre land. Modemn Building 'with ail equipmenf. Oniy5500. Te r ms. Newtonville 10 acres higb a ndciscoEn ic. T-o miles trom 4101 bgwy $39,900., 515,000. down. Uj-lur for this.one. lt's beautiI. ,CýAil Norm Wthorup. Orono' 3 bedroom bungalow on largo bot 75' x 107' -0oneyear old. Ele'tric 'beat. Oniy 539,900. Gond terrns. Cail Roy Foster Orono. Kendal Hilîs 65 Acres U150,000. 5 rogistered lots. High nndç sconic two ponds 12 acres hardwood bush. 21 2 miles trorn 115 higbwny. CnIi Norm Wethorup. Bowmanville Open tirepince, finishied me crenfion room- early occu- pancy Seven roorn homei, doubieqaraqe. Ideai famnily borne. AsIng-- 7,800. Cai'Fat

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