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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1974, p. 1

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any Yeairs of Dedication and Service to- Their Commu<nities VOLUME 120 16 Pages BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, WEDME Keith MeGili (left) postal clerk in Bowmanville since December 1, 1948 and Jack Wade (centre) post im aster in Newcastle since 1948, receive their Certifica tes of Service and pisinrcognition of 25 years of faithful service to the government of Canada. They also received pins fromi the postal department for thieir many years of service. Making the presentations is Bowmanviile's post master George Vice. 'Rotary Officiai "Kick-o 0ff", Sweepstake Winner e Man Wins Mr. WýA. L. Eby of Concession Street, East in Bowmanville, received word Thursday night at 10:05 that he had won $1221.14 in the Irish Sweepstakes. Mr. E by states that he had been purchasing these tickets for years but this is tL first time he had won. Heret on to say that he had anticipated winning when in conversation with his son the Friday before, he had learnedhe ha d the second favorite. Mr. Eby's $3 ticket was on Western Run which had odds of 7-1l.- The favorite was Major Role which had odds of 3-1. Mr. Eby reported that h e had received a great deal of kidding from fellow Masons on winnîng. When asked whether he would take a holiday, he replied that he had thought about it, but $1221.14 really wasn't an enormous amount of money, today. Former Bowmanville c--Family, Homeless in Wark worth Fire A former Bowmýnaniville fa- mily, Mr. and MNrs. Lloyd Johnston and their four chul di-en bave been lef t bomieless after tire compietely desfroy- ed their bome on Sunday, March 10. Mr. Johnston is a teacher at Bowmnanville Higb Scbool and getting wood for the fireplace and when he returned there was no bouse. The fire apparently started in tbe attic, possibly by a defect in wiring. The Wark- wortb volunteer Fire Depart- ment, with tbe help of the neighbours wereable to save iIds uuen tfUIrImIdty y Cdl s. AI t lU netoIncontentsIICorIune the ime the fire liappened he house, but al] of their bedding ForE ste S atC am a gn was off wilh on of3 bis sons and clothes except for wa cenoffiéial "kick-off" In father, Mr. and Mrs. Mel camps for crippled children camp the cbild meets other O ver 1 75 AAerrbers forth loalEaster Seal Sucee, Mrs. Enid Bartleman accoss Ontario had a capital ccîppled cbîldren wbo are in Couiý,pin RyChld b h district nurse for the society, cost ot' $250000. Healîli ser- the samie or worse situation Ate d n er C ub A ee Bo,.:î1nvile otay Cubsfationed in P eterbocough, vicestfoc 1974 would operate on (Turn to Page Two) /\t n n e ýC u e t Tbucsday, Marcb 21. Guest an d Mrs. Ralph Campbell who a budget of $375 million, he speaiker for the occasion was bas been involved in the added. F o Approximately. 175 service jokes for approxîmafely an UtI ULIUI nfl VII CHnJIthe I ' Onàra 0UhaaCrnde CidlUs I otdnngteImprane o t ho evn emhr rcIIntn -,- thif.- Suciefy.for Crippled Children, Special guests in attendance inludfed il year old Joanne Suýcee tbis year's Tammy for thisD area, ber mother and Centre since its' inception in 1953.1 Mr. Butler gave an audio visual presentation to the club on wbat tbe society was doing across Ontario. He stated tbat ofCamps for crippled cid ren, Mr. Butler described how a crippled child reacted to being excluded from activities of others his own age realizing only that he isdifferent. In the Mon Rescues Two Sons Fgromn Ani Apopka pilot aind bis three p, injured when a joý sma Il plane, ended ii cahin 1the woods oCf, dirt sfrip abou týapaskaisÎig, Ont. and Ms.TOM W Bowmianville and Alla Woodock a v1ile uigh Seboo managed f0 snate Flaming Ai»rplane Craish Lwas killed sons to sa fefy. flipped over and exploded in )assengers Douglas Woodlock was fiames." )y ride in a treated and released af West -We are indebfed f0 Mrs. Leo n a flaming Volusia Memorial Hlospital aIs Boisvert of Eusis, Florida for saf the end was is younger son Donnie,, sending us the information for ut six, mIileýs eigbt. l"ourteen yeard th1(i story (î l (1a SevnWoodflock ndur\wenI ceký36, f surgery with severe bur-ins anld ck 3o , of ot')her injuries. -Break r g a soo of . According f0 bystanders. bodloc of the iplane faxied downwind on A S abother 0 the balf mile strip but "neyer A ) ges t Bowan-e got more that six feef off the The Newcastle Recreatîon ol eacerground before it it the brush Department school wînter ch bis two at the end of the runway. rek roramecnoHîted Nmewcostle Londbonk Budgeted $ An) expeniditure of more tbar one i;llion dollars, for land- banmking to provide cheaper homesite future is called toc in the 1 municipality of Ncwaste'sfive year capital fouecaist budIget. The m' iillion dollars bias been alloate fo expndîuredur- 'tiLng tih yar 175. The budget reevdcouncil approval Mondia ad now goes te Reinlcounicil. P Million The capital budget forecasts submitted by all the area munficipalities will -be amal- gamated by regional council info a regional budget and submitted t0 Queens Park. The reason for such a large sum being budgeted forý land purcb-ase in a single year is that if will ailow cot11ncil f0 purcbase any large parcels of land, ratber fhan buidgeting (Turn to Page Two) in o ýr nd in the Bowmanville High School on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, attracted about 195 children each morning, while an aver- age of 100 Teenagers were involved in the afternoon sessions. The bidren and Teenagers were kept hîîsy with a well varied programme of gym work, volleyball, basketball. Badminton, Floor Hockey and relay races. The Supervisors, Randy Aldread, David Wren, Norma Manzo, Sue Robertson, Bren- da Linton and Julie Pearson were kept very busy looking after the needs of the many participants. UOnforgettable Experience for Ail-StarGoalie , r-On Monday evening, March 25th the Whitby Kînsmen Club held their fîrst anual Sports Celebrities Dinner with many top names in the world of sport in atendance, including special guest Sandy Hawley. In the above photo, Mark Shackelton of the Bowmanville Hampton Gardens Minor Pee Wees, isi a, .ç,fepting a goalstick and two box seat tickets from Dunc-Wilson of the Toronto Ae ea fs. Mark was a special guest of the Kinsmen Club and was seated at t-head table flanked by Mr. Wilson and Granville Liggins of the Toronto Argonauts. The dinner was in aid of cystie fibrosis, and Mark, who bas successfully coped with this disease, is an outstanding goaltender for B3owmanviîle and received a standing ovation from the huge crowd in attendance when he was introduced by Master of Ceremonies Terry Kelly of Osýhawa., Photo by Mike Burgess, Whitby Free Press Resuits in Capture, While Kuldip Sodhi of- 63 Little Ave. Bowmanville was in a restaurant on Simcoe St. he noticed b is truck missing outside. He phoned the police. Meanwhile Const. _Dave DeMille was attracted to a fruck racing around the corn- er of Rossland Rd.'He caught up with the truck af Rossland Road East and Wilson Rd. and stepping ouf of the cruiser, shone his flashlight into the face of tbe driver. The driver sped off. The, Constable pur- suied until the truck was again cornjere'd ini front ojf the Roýssland Park Stables. Affer searching the suspect be ran south on Wilson. The constable caught him again about 40 yards away. .Charged with dangerous driving, possession of a stolen vebicle, escaped cusfody and minor consume, is Guy Ed- ward Prince, 16, of 13 Afhol Sf. W. Oshawa. OWEN SOUND GREYS WIN Owen Sound Greys have won the quarter-final series with Elmira Sugar Kings, four gamnes to two. Owen Sound is waiting to meet the winners of Belleville and Bramnalea 10 continue 10 the Ontario Junior "B" semni finals. If Belleville is the winner, two Bowman- ville boys will have their teamns in the Series. They are Byron liolmes for Belleville and Don Sturrock for Owen Sound. the Royal Canadian Legion, Kiwanis, Kinsmen, Rotary, and Lions attended Inter-club, Monday night. The evening proved mosf entertaining with draws on radios, camneras, and dlocks, each club compet- ing during a sing-sonig and a Eucbre tournament. The bighlight of the evening was the guest speaker, a commedian from Toronito re- ported to bave worked at Starvin Marvin's. This enfer- tainer Harry Russell was introduced by Legion member Snuffy Hunt. Mr. Russell told funnier than the iast as judged by the response of laughter he received. Part of his program was f0 get meffibers of the audience to shout name of nationalities and he would then fell a joke associafed with that nationality. He explained that if would be sad, when people could no longer laugh at tbemselves. Tbe meeting was chaired by Wayne Therteil of the Kins- men, and Keith Jackson, Rotary member, fhanked the guest speaker. Ç-artwrîght Seniors Gef $5,5 85 Grant Healfh and Welfare Minister Marc Lalonde ann ounced a $5,585, grant f0 be used for improvements f0 the present quarters of tbe Carfwright Senior' Citizens Club and equipment for the enterfain- ment of the members. Mr.' Ed Harris, president of the club was delighted with the news and said they bave been hoping for the badly needed grant. The members meet in a portion of the Coînmunity Hall in Blacký stock, and included in the renovation plans is a new. kitchen, which Mr. Harris says will not only benef if the club members but members of the community as well. Tbe grant was awarded under the governments new Horizons program which be- gan in the faîl of 1972. In the 'BITS M0PIECESi NEED PAPER GIRL-BOY - We have the names of severalI eople in the Welliné3*ton-Church area who would like teStesa dehvered by carrier. Stny youngster interested shoudcottth Satesman office at 623-3303. STILL HOLIDAYING - The Editor is down south on holidays . . . that's south of King Street, at Memorial Hospital. Much cheaper than Florida. Apparently, a pesky pneumonia bug decided to homestead in one of bis lungs. Progress is slow but steady. LOUSY WEATHER - Herewe are about to enter the April shower season, but blustery, frosty March refuses to give up. As this is being written, the best that can be said about the weather is "It's a mess!" MUG CONSOLATION - Championships wilI be decided on Saturd'ay, March 30, at Memiorial Arena. There is no charge for the games, ranging from Tyke to Bantam age, staring at 8:00 a.m. Plan to attend and cheer the players. They like an audience. GANZIED STREAKER - Seems the streaking craze is spreading, even to hospitals. The Editor tells about one ge noticed in the hospital. An elderly pat 'ient apparently decided it was Ioo chilly for down to the buff streaking so he did a compomie, wore a hospital nigh tie (short) with long underwear underneath. Ma de quite a picture as he raced, maybe shuffled, would be more accurate, up and down the halls. PAYS VISIT - Maurice W. Crompton, Public Affairs Department, Imperial Oit Company Limited, Don Milis, Ontario, spoke to 'the students at Courtice Secondary Schoofl, Tuesday afternoon, on the Energy Crisis, and later paid the Statesman office a cali. Mr. Crompton isàason-in-law of Dr. V. H.Storey. MAME - will be presented next week by Courtice Secondary School-Ih'ama Club at the Bowmanville High School auditorium. Advance seats only. Be sure to purchase tickets early. last year over eleven million dollars bas been awarded f0 groups of retired people ac- ross Canada. Tren ton Mon iIIed Near Oshawa A 23-year-old man 'was killed late Safurday, March 2:1 in a bizarre accid.ent oil Highway 401 near Osbawa. Guy Walls, 23, died afferbi car lefi the eastbound lane, struck a catch basin in the median and rolled over throwing the man into the side of a xwestbound vehiche. Walls' six-monfh-old daugh- ter, Alice, escaped injury. His wife Joaine, 18, was early Sunday in satisfactoryý condi- tion in Oshawa Generadl Hospi- tai. She had a crushed pelvis. The accident camne hours before police warned motor- ists fo drive with "extreme caution" after hast night's surprise' snowstorm left stree ts dangerous and slip- pery. they were wearing and every- ~ ~ ~ ' thing on the upper floor was lost. The Johnston famniiy moved to the Warkworth area iast September and Mr. Johnstoni comnmuted to Bowmanville every day. Their four children ail attend Perey Centennial (Turn to Pacae Two) Writers Receive Honorable Mention Honorable mention in the seventh annuai stude4lt wrît- ing contest sponsored by the Canada Permanent Trust have befn received by two district studcîits. Helen Lovekin of Newcastle, a student at, Clarke High Robert Bryson, a grade 10 environmental School, won such mention for science studentat Bowmianville High School won her story, a Bach Summer. first prize in the intermediate group at the Central Alec Newell, Newtonville a Ontario Science Fair held over the weekend at studeut of Port Hope High Trent University. Robert's 0roiect was to compare School, won the mention for - Journals from a Room, Third Bowmanville and Soper Creeks. He entitled his Excerpt. display "Waterways of Bowmanville". ConcllrKen LyaII Asks' How and Who WiII 'Pay For Newcastle WeII Pumping Station According to an interview with Counicillor Kenneth "Kel!" Lyll o (f Waird Three- in the New Town of Newcastle over the weekend, tenders for the weIl pumping station north of the former Village of Newcastle and relafed supply mains were opened in Toronto Thursday. "Now the interesting ques- tion arises", 'Mr. Lyall said, "and thaf is, under Regional BowmanvilIle. Gioveroment, how is tbis work goin)g to be paid for aind who is' goi(ng to(dn thepain? Mr. Lyall sai d tht five tenders were opened at the Ministry of Environment offi- ces and the~ tender prices ranged from a bigb of $121,086 submitted by William Hol- lingsworth andSons Ltd., of Gormley f0 a low bid of $102,176 put in by Korsan Ltd., of Cobourg. Other tenders were $114,797 from Davidoff Construction of Peterborough; $106977 from Tripp Construction Ltd., of Osaaand $103,9»~ fromi Hadoie onstiicionLtd., of (Turn to Paqe ÏTwo) KNAPP'S BANTAMS EVEN UP SERIES Knapp's Towing Major Ban- tams alter a slow start, have evened Up their series with Penetang following a 3-2 victory Tuesday on the road. The deciding game of the best of five series will take place ini Bowmanvîlle this Saturday at 7 p. m. To Host Major DrvrsEcpeIjuy0 Antique Show DivrTcaeIUn jCVPur i What may be the largesf anitique show ever held in the reglion of Durham wiil be hosoed by the Flying Dufcb- man Motor Hotel on April 3 and 4. The two day show is expecfed to attract people from ah over Eastern Canada and tbe United States. It will be called the April Antique and Folk Art Show. The folk art haif of the show wiil present artisfs work in pottery, iron, ftin, woodwork- ing and a host of others.. The show will open April 3 and run fromn 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. A special lecture will be present- af 4 p.m. by Phillip Shackle- ton, author of Furnifure of Old Ontario. Tbe (irivers of botb ,a Tow~nship of Scugog grader and a Coca Cola truck from Uxbridge narrowly escaped serious injucy when fhey collided on Regional Road eiglit at Epsom in Scugog Township. The accident occurred Mon- day March 18 at 7:30 a.m. The grader driven by Gor- don Mactin, R.R. 4 Port Perry was îîaking a t uî at siîow pîled at a road entrance connected witb the Regional Road when the Coca Cola truck driven by David Cowling R.R.i1Sunderland, driving Eastbound on the regional road came around the corner. Mr. Cowling swerved, his truck, just hifting the front of the grader. The impact threw the truck across fhe road into the nortb difch, up an embank- ment and then rolled over. Niet ber driver was seriously injured in the collision but Mr. Cowling was taken fo Ux- bridge Hospital wben be complained of a sore side. Damages t0 the fwo vehicles were $4,000 f0 the Coca Cola truck and $500 f0 the grader. No charges were laid agains-t eithec driver and the accident was investigated by Whitby O.P.P. Eleven Year Old Joanne Sucee is This Year' s Local Tommny This year's Tammy is 1-year-old Joanne Sucee of R. R. 5, Bowmanville, a victim of cerebral palsy Followý 'ng a Rotary meeting last Thursday to "kick-off " the annual Easter Seal campaign, BowmanvilLe Rotary Club president Harry Cooke (centre) posed with Tammy and her mother and father, Mr. andMrs. Mel Sucee. ESDAY, MARCH 27, 1974 15e Per Copy NUMBER 13 Student Wins First Prize ~1221 1 1 1 ULK"-"[ uutel % .. Il ubri

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