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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1974, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, April 10, 1974 lummm mmmmnm M mm mmm mmo 5pOR¶63-303 FLASHBACK - 25 Years Ago - The Tennis Club held their first general meeting of the season on April l2th at the Lions Centre, Wm. Tait conducting the business. The foîlowing officers for the season were elected. Pres. Arthur Hopper, Sec'y. Mrs. J. McNulty, Tr eas. J. McNulty. Executive - B. Tait, B. Johnston, J. Dunn, A. Bell, S. Morrison, Marion James, Mrs. Finnigan, Misses Stacey and Moise.M FLASHBACK - 10 Vears Ayo -- Local 189 Larry Hockey League awarded the following 245. trophies at their banquet held at the Elmhurst Osborr Hotel, Newcastle, on Saturday. Slip Rowe - Pat MV Best Goaltender, Most Sportsmanlike Trophy - 238, E Perfec Bob Sheridan, M.V.P., Archie Crossey, leading 233. scorer, Bob Marjerrison.Oso ENTERS TEAM - B.I-.S. entered a badminton Ba team in this year's L.O.S.S.A. tournaments which Dyksti included teams from Clarke to Dunbarton. B.H.S. Jury& ýwon the eastern division in the first tournament, Lande losing to Dunbarton in the second. Members of the Pepsi I.G.A B.H.S. teami were Ken Ferris, AI Short, Cathy ken's» ;Patterson, Pam Colmer, Jayne Bradley Floreen Frank~ Visser, Don Bradley, Larry Brunt, Bob Siiackleton Rice I and Dennis Knapp. Ron M' 300 CLUB WINNERS - April 6 - Week 23 - Larry No. 240 Walter Scott, No. 78 Dan Bridgett, Larry No. 74 Ralph Davey, No. 46 Don Spicher, No. Mauri 217 Donna Preston. Les Sr Coomn HOCKEY ROUND-UP - With the defeat of the BrocIk Hampton Gardens Minor Pee Wées on Sunday., this 744 (2ý leaves just three Bowmanville hockey teams Wrigh reiainngin active competition. The Western (35; Electric Minor Atoms are still involved in O.M.H.A. playoffs with Markham at time of C.( writing, although they are behind in the series two games to none. They are also participating in the B. Sn Clancy Tournament in Toronto and are doing J. Lui extremely well with a12 goals f or and none against G. Heý record in two games. The Mary Brown Novice D. M( J. Goi team commences play in the, Mississauga M. AIl Paperweight Tournament this weekend. W. Frank A. Bor Real Estate Major. Pee Wees will be, hosting a A. Vai one-day tournament in Bowmanville on Saturday M. Ro y P. Wa H. Pol BOWLING NEWS- In the Men's Major R. Cai League at Liberty Bowl, Ron Etcher leads the league in high triple, 913, for the season. Tied Men's for leading the second schedule. are Larry Lai Piper and Bob Laird at 909. Men's Ladie, RECIPE IN A SPORTS COLUMN? - As we are Bob Si always on the lookout for new ideas, how about ail Pete i you smelt fîshermen tryig your hand at cookîng the delicious smelt you bing home, instead of the * little woman doing the work. Oh weil, it was just a LII thought. Smelts are extremely easy to prepare, especially' if you use an old p air of scissors or poultry shears to clea n them. Simply snip off the Steph( headsifins and tail, cut open the stomach and run Coomn your inger down the belly cavity to remiove the Chant spawn and entrails. Dip the smelts in an egg-milk Bons mixture and rol in .corni meal. Deep fry at 375 R'ober degrees for about four minutes, or until for k tender. Land Serve hot with lemon slices. Since smelts are Lavigi rahe 1sa1, allow about six per person. Gribs Lane ON SATURDAY, MAY il - 25 players fromn Alidre the CFL and 25 players from the NFL Players' S. La Associations will kick off at the CNE Stadium in a celebrity football game in aid of Multiple J. Bra Sclerosis medical research. Tickets for the gaine will te available from April 9t 1974 froni J. Bra i ~W. Col ail Attractions Ticket Offices in Eatons, C. Roi Arcade Ticket Agency, Salsberg Ticket Maric Agency. Through the co-operation of Export 200, "A" and Loblaw Groceterias Co. Limited, Bons the majority of game.tickets will be available Legi at particiDating Loblaw stores. Bruce Partn( Sutcii Bates Joan S Dot Ri Dot Ri Fran1 IownE 244, I Sheehý 226-204 Joan Whitni 210. JoanS 221,P Bernic Venas: 193, Iý Irene1 185, D en's Major Top 10 Averages yPiper 254, Russ Hately Ron Etcher 242, AI ne 240, Bob Laird 239, [urphy1 239, Gord Wilcox Elîton Brock 235, Ernie ýct 233, Russ Haîlman Team Standing ne & Shank ..49023 29 erLumber . .48975 2412 in P'ontiac .. .. 48298 23 ra's Food . .47965 23 &~Loveli ... .47101 22, ýrHdwe. ..47673 21 Cola ........ 46778 20 . . . . . . .47173 19 sMen's Wear 46633 19 k's Variety . .47289 18 Bowl ....... 46641 18 wutton ...46637 15'z2 High Triple yPiper ............_909 High Single , yPiper ............353' Top 10 Gamnes rice Annaent 799 (326), ;nale 794 (308-292), Roilie bes 748 (303-271)i, Elton k 748 (272), Ernie Perfect 294), Kart Piper 742, Ross ht 732 (300), Gord Wilcox ý315), Clarence Oke 723 Morley Etcher 721. :).F. Bowling April 5, 1974 nith.........." - 39921 47 ifman..... ...:39804 42 eath........ 38917 32 ott. ......39616 44 ild ýý......41437 64 Ildread...... ,39809 53 )nsma . . .. .. .410046 68 an Goor..... .39918 47 ozema .......10382 65 ard .........40140 49' Ilard........1ý ý0007 42 irswel...... 38751 34 111gb Single s- AI Dejager....... 337 s' Ev Card....,*... 275 iligh Triple, s-Jim Robinson . ... .713 ýs-G. Smith....... 696 300 Gamnes ýmith ......-.**.-...'303 Buma ......1...309 )erty lffBelles April 2, 1974 Team Standing iens..... _.... 24817 25 ibes......... 24273 23, son ......... 24069 23 t .._ 24414 22 -- 24652 21 'ts.........3957 2 S24818 19 ne.........._23656 18 ish ........... 23535 18 )n ........... 24809 17 1 . . . . . . . 23858 15 ,ad ...........22971 13 SHigh Single vigne.............. 326 111gb Double igg (278-244)....... 522 10 Top Averages -gg 224, B. Partner 209, oombes 206, F. Land 205, berts 205, J. Chant 203, on Gibson 203, S. Lavigne MI. MacDonald 200, A. 196. !n Ladies Bowling Team Standings . . ....28 39,909 ler ..........**21 38,630 iffe .... ...... 20 39,293 . . . . . . . 15 37,812 High Average Sutcliffe ........... 229 High Single lichards............305 High Triple tichards............735 Top 10 200 Games Bruce 269-243-213, Linda iey 248, Diane Howarth Mlary: Bates 230, Nyhî an 228-203, Dot Richards 4, Nina Cowling 215, Sutcliffe 212, Irene ey 212-205, Rose Venasse Top 10 Averages Sutcliffe 229, Fr an Bruce M'/ary Bates 202 (39), ie Partner 199, Rose sse 194 (36), Jean Burton Nyhl Sheehan 192 (39, Whitney 190, Mary Gray :Oane Howarth 180 (36). ANNOUCEMEN We are pleased to announce the purchase, from Phil and Ann Goreski, of "CLUB ANNRENE" on Scugog Island. t is aur intention ta make the facilities available for weddings, meetings private -parties etc, Special arrangements wiII be made for organizations and groups wishing fa hold "Fund Raising Fuhctions." Bob Allun Bill Cohoon Peter Hvidsten jerry jackman For further information contact: Peter- 985-3089 or Jerry 985-7227 Champion Curlers in-Ladies Section The team of Peggy Rowe iead (left), Vivian Cowan, skip (secon d from right) and Mary Gy er, vice-skip (right) receive the Ad Goheen T rophy for their victories in thZ Ladies section of the Bowmanville Curling Club. Ad Goheen (second from left)ý made the presentation. Lady Curlers Close Successf ul Season The Ladies Section of the Bowmanviîle Curling Club heldits closing on Tues., April 2nd. The curlers curled six ends in the morning, folîowed by luncheon, the annual meet- ing, presentation of trophies and prizes and election of officers. President Mrs. L. W. Dip- pell, took the chair for the annual meeting and reports were heard from the various conveners. The trophy and prize winners were as foîlows: Roy Nichols Trophy: Vivian Cowan, ýskip, Thelma Beer- thuizen, Denise Hopkins, Trudy Heffer; Runner-up: Betty Brough, skip, Donna Preston, Marj. Hodgson, Peggy Rowe. Second Schedule -Skips and Vices: Denise Hopkins, skip, Trudy Heffer, Effa Stainton, Vivian Cowan. Runner-up: Shirley Stainton, skip, Eva Warren, Thelma Beerthuizen, Ellen Ormiston, Ad Goheen Trophy: Vivian Cowan, skip, Mary Syer, Ruth Stainton, Peggy Rowe; Run- ner-up: Shirley Robson, skip, Ruth Wren, Lorraine Filia- trauît, Eva Warren. Presi- dent's Trophy: Betty Brough, skip, Deil Vinson, Marilyn Bowman, Lillian Dippeli; Runner-up: Marion James, skip, Effa Stainton, Barbara Bray, Annabelle Rickard. Bank of Montreal Trophy: Ellen Ormiston, skip, Ede Gearing, Eleanor Glaspell, Agnes Lewis; Runner-up: Marion James, skip, Effa Stainton, Ad. Goheen, Peggy Rowe. Ken Nicks Trophy: Marion James, skip, Rosemary Per- ris, Betty Trudeau, Susan James; Runner-up: Pat Stackhouse, ski p, Joyce Weekes, Lee Leader, Isabel Elîiott., Mick Brown Trophy: Norma Gay, skip, Thelma Beerthuizen. Lee Leader, Isa- bel Elîiott; Runner-up: Mary Marvin, skip, Bea Vanstone, Bey Lunney, Susan James. Third Morning Schedule: Lyla Huxtable, skip,_ Bea Vanstone, Lee Leader, Isabel Elliott; Runner-up: Vivian Cowan, skip, Joyce Weekes, \Eva Warren, Susan James. 1The Thelmoa Beerthuizen Trophy for Good Sportsman- ship was won by Ad Goheen. Eleet New Offîcers Bea Vanstone presenited the Nominating Committee's Re- port with the following of ficers being elected for next y ear: Past President, Lillian Dip- peli, President, Annabelle Rickard; lst Vice-Pres., Ruth Wren; 2nd Vice Pres., Marj Hodgson; Sec. Treas., Lyla Huxtable, Games, Joyce Weekes, Agnes, Lewis, Mari- lyn Bowm an; Bonspiel, Aileen Osborne, Pat Stackhouse; In- ter-club, Bea Vanstone; Com- petitive Curling, Shirley Rab- son; Decorating, Betty Brough; Eleanor Gîaspell, Kay Stephen; Social, Eva Warren, Isabel Eîîiott; House, Hilda Rundle, Ruth Gilling- ham; Prizes, Peggy Rowe, Helen May; Friendship, Maude Roenigk; Member- Sh] p, Ruth Wren, Mari Hodgson. Feast or Famine Western Electric Atoms Behind 2-O with Markham; Impressive in Af ter three weeks of relative inactivity while waiting for the League Final to start, the Bowmanville Western Elec- tric Minor Atoms have plung- ed headlong into two important series. In one, the Clancy Tournament in Tor- onto, they are enjoying great success, and i n the other, the O.M.H.A. League Final with Markham, they have not been as fortunate. Bowmanville won the first two Clancy games by scores of 8-0 and 4-0. In the O.M.H.A. series, they lost the first two games by, scores of 2-1 and 5-3. In a Clancy game played at Agincourt on April lst, against Ava Electrie, the Toros scor- ing was started by Rod Plain, assisted by Mik Stocker, Brian Ruddy from Barry Cullen and Ricky Erwin, Plain, assisted by Billy Sains- bury. In the second period, Ruddy scored his second, assisted by BilIy Hogarth and Erwin, Hogarth fromn Stocker, and Hogarth again, unassist- ed, Brad Clemens from Sains- bury. The final goal was scored by Robert Kennett from Plain and Sainsbury. Ken Woodard was in net and stopped two clear-cut break- aways. In the first game of the O.M.H.A. final pîayed in Bow- manville on Wed., April 3rd,' Markham won 2-1 in a very well played and exciting game. All the scoring took place in the third period. The visitors sc<red at the 41 second mark, 'Meek, unassist- Tourney ed. At the 3:55 mark,, Hallam scored, assisted by Meek and MacLeod. Brad Clemens scored the lone Toro marker, assisted by Chris Dyck. Steve Skene was in goal and played extremely well. Bowmanviile played'without the services of two of their defencemen, Steve Cary and Eddy Osborne. In the second game of the series, Markham handed the Bowmanville squad a sound beating, the score, 5-3. The game was played at the Art Thompson Arena in Pickering. Markham opened up a 2-0 lead, only to have Barry (JulIen narrow the gap when he scored from Brian Ruddy and Billy Hogarth. Markham scored two more in the'second. In the third, the Toros scored twice to Markham's one goal, Cullen, from Hogarth and Ricky Erwin, and Billy Sains- bury scored the last goal of the game assisted by Brad Clemi- ens. Steve Skene and Ken Woodard both saw action in goal for B3o\manville. On Sunday, April 7th in the Ted Reeve Arena, Bowman- ville defeated Bristol Place 4-0. Ail the scoring was accomplished in the second stanza. Rod Plain started things off, assisted hy Sains- bury. Hogarth scored the next two, the first assisted by Cullen, the second, unassisted. Erwin fired the last goal, assisted by John Klompmaker and Steve Cary. Ken Woodard and Steve Skene again shared the net duties for the Toros. Y&,OUTrH BOWLING TYKES McLean 5, Smith 0, Dilîng 3, Trembîay 2, Nash 5, Heard 0, Luxton 5, Wooîley 0. Team Standing Nash 48, Heard 40, Woolley 37, Luxton 33, Diliing 31, McLean 22, Trembîay 16, Smith 13. High Single C. Nash 157, M. Luxton 149, K. Tennant 127. Hîgh Double C. Nash 274, S. Heard 244, D. Hancock 241, D. Konopacki 239. BANTAM BOYS Hallman 5, Stoop 0, Sutcliffe 5, Dykstra 0., Team Standing Sutciiffe 49, Stoop 40, Hailman 25, Dykstra i,16. High Single T. Haîlman 175, J. Stacey 164, J. Stoop 159. High Double J. Stacey 312, T. Haîlman 303, J. Stoop 301. BANTAM GIRLS Carlson 3, Slobodzian, 2, Ro- berts 3, Bishop 2, Westlake 5, Gibson 0, Rendeli 5, Van Goor 0. Team Standing Slobodzian 48, Westlake 44, Rendeil 40,'12, Roberts 38, Van Goor 29, Carlson 23'2, Bishop 22, Gibson 15. High Single T. Slobodzian 232, L. Buttery 194, L. Carlson 194, S. Roberts 190-195, G. Bishop 183, D. Rendeil 180. High Double S. Roberts 385, L. Carlson 360, K. O'Neil 324, L. Buttery 318, M. Westlake 318. JUNIOR BOYS Henry 5, Hopcroft 2, Chapple 5, Bons 3, Reynolds 2, Murphy 5. Team Standing Chapple 74, Murphy 59, Bons 46, Reynolds 34, Hopcrof t 31, Henry 30. High Single D. Hopcrof t 279, W. Thiessen 251, A. Bons 237, K. Woolley 204-222, D. Murphy, 217, 'K. Henry 200-215, C. Carswell 213, J. Bothwell 211, Peter Wig- gans 209, B. Richards 208, K. Konopaki 207, K-. Cowle 205, R. Chapple 200. JUNIOR GIRLS Lane 7, Chow 0, Jo Anne Holroyd 5, Lavigne 2, Judy Holroyd 7, Gray 0. Team Standing Lane 61, Judy Holroyd 60, Chow 47, Jo Anne Holroyd 46, Lavigne 41, Gray 18. Hligh Single Judy Holroyd 262-288, C. Vivian 248-242-200, S. Michel- son 212200, C. Lane 222, B. Lane 214, B. A. Fairey213, Jo Anne Hoîroyd 211, W. Van Goor 209, T. Gray 208, R. Melanson 207. Hligh Triple Judy Holroyd 704, C. Vivian 690. SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Roberts 5, Eves 2, Cowîe 5, Gray 2, Pearson 5, Carter 2, Davey 5, Brooks>2. Team Standing Davey 63, Pearson 54, Eves 48, Carter 46, Roberts 44, Gray 43, Brooks 37, Cowle 29. High Ga mes M. Roberts 276295-302 (873), V. Terry 299 (726), G. Cýoomn- bes 263-271 (781), J. Brooks 272 (727), J. Pearson 283 (708), B. Taylor 280 (690), R. Van Meer 273 (671), J. Lane 276 (659), D. Gray 263 (659), G. Thiesser, 274, R. Stacey 269. NOTE: Each League will bowl one haif hour earlier, Sat., April i3th. Mfferry Makers Carolyn B...... .... ý.22,629 Mary IH....ý..........22,505 Gloria S. ....... ...... 22,154 Dorothy M ............ 21,828 ClaraS .............. 21,686 Mary Lou T. ......... 21,662 Helene B .............. 21,136 Dorothy K............ 20,542 High Average Carolyn Bruce.......... 215 High Single Marie Gibson ............ 245 High Double Carolyn Bruce ........... 445 Electronie Air Filters Power Humidifiers VOWLES Heating & Air Conditioning OIL - GAS - ELECTRIC FURNACES 1 Queen St. Bowmanville Phone 623-7591,r 623-4283 Q! 5 FI'P 7 i VIYL LINER IN- GROUND POOLS COMPLETE INSTALLATION OR POOL KITS AVAILABLE TAYLOR Saind & Gyravel ORONO PHONE 983-5003 AGENTS FOR AC4ý,ORN POOLS, Have You, Sponsored a Tree? Morley- Watsoàn, of 'the Public Utilitie s, has sponsored a tree in the ý"Trees for Canada" program. He is shown above with Doug Bird, expia ining the prograrm procedure. YOU wiII be contacted in the na future. DOES YOUR CAR, HAVE.. LET US SHOW YOU ONE 0F OUR GREAT USED CARS. THESE CARS ARE IN TOP CONDITION TO GIVE YOU MILES 0F PLEASURABLE DRIVING THIS SUMME R. 1972 TOYOTA 1/2 TON PICK-UP with CAMPER TOP 4-speed transmission, tape deck, radiai tires and mag wheeis. Lic.* C75742 $2295 1972 FORD CORTINA 4 cyl., 4-speed transmission, bucket seats , radio, radial tires, white walls, rally wheels. Lic. ATP797 $1997 1970 CTLN 4-DOOR HARDTOP Fully equipped including air-conditioning. Real good clean unit. Lic. EBH219 $i 89çev 1969 PONTIAC 2-DOOR HARDTOP Fuiiy equipped. Lic. EAH291 $1898 1970 BUICK SKYLARK 2-DOOR HARDTOP Fully equipped. Sold and s erviced by us since new. Lic. EBE782 $2394 1970 TEMPEST 4-DOOR SEDAN 6 cyl. automatic, radio, trim rings. This car is in showroom condition. Lic. EBH765 $2299 GNIAC ON TIIE SPOT FINANCING AND MIC INSURANCE DAILY RENTALS AND LEASING AVAl LABLE SALESMEN U LSW1 Weldon Brown _________________ Kien Sherban Cedric RuselI* 166 KING ST. EAST SALES MANAGER Stew Preston PRESIDENT Tom Cowan PHONE 623-3396 SOFTBALL PLAYERS 18 YEARS OR OLDER Name ...................Age ..... Address .........Phone ...... Position ............... Do you wishQ Umpire ULiCoach E to Play PLEASE FILL OUT AND LEAVE AT F RANK'S VARIETY or KRAMP'S FURNITURE BOWMANVILLE, BEFORE 6:00 P.M. MONDAY, APRUL 29, 1974 ENTRY FEE-$12.OO___ WINTER SHA KE s

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