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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1974, p. 1

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VOLUME 120 e4» 20 Pages .BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15. 1974 Thieves on b'y Bill Arnott Arampage of break and enter took place Monda y night in Bowmanville and Durham Regional Police are working under the assumption ýthat the same person- or pers ons are responsible for ail six crimes. The incidents involve a break in at Goheen's' Handy Shop, damage to goods on two transport -trucks at the 'R. M. Holllngshead plant, an attempted break in at Liberty Bowl, a 'break in at L & L Tool Ltd ., a car tape deck stolen at the Marianna Apartments on Simpson Ave., and the license plate stolen from Lloyd Elis' car. (Continued on Page To Ecqnomic Consultant States He',WiII Be a Contestant for Federal LîberalNom ination' 15c Per Copy NTTMBER 20 On Saturday afternoon and evening, His Excellency Governor General and Madame Jules Leger visited Oshawa. H1e is shown here signing the guest book atParkwood, accompanied by Oshawa's Mayor James Potticary. - Photo courtesy Mike Burgess, Whitby Free Press Announce New Schedule oàf public Hearings into Power Transmission Between Lennox -and Oshawa Following dicssion durinig thle initial seýssioný of th"e public hearings, field atPr oeon Solandt(l apprmod al poStpone ment of the( blearing-s for two weeks, [o llow greater oppo'r- 'ý ccordin gly, theseioso th e hearings, scheduled for Seasons Hlotel, il Bay Ridges Port Hope on May 9tb and Road, Belleville, on May 29tb, 10th, 1974, and for Belleville on 30tb and 3lst, 1974 commenc- May lth, l6th, -and l7tb, 1974, ing at 9:00 a.m, SbouJd have been cancelled. additîonal days of hearings be The, hearings will reconvene rýequired at either location, ai ilhe Royal Ca Gnadian Legion these will be annoupced dur- Hal,99 Torýýonto Road, Por -ng tbe çourse o! ithe çdue opon May121nd' 23r.(iand ssin. 24th, 1974 ai at the Four- (Continmuedion Pagqe Twe) NDP Meeting ToId That Four Residents of Constituency May Be Sieeking Nomination WVilf Day, secretary of the were mentioýned. He went on to Windsor West, and labor ci New Democratic Par'y fed- say that a meeting was being for the NDP was asked eral committee for ibis rîiding, .Planned to nominate a candi- speak at the meeting bel( told a party meeting Wednes- date, however a date' and Bowmanviîle Public Librý day nigbt, May 8, that four place have not been desig- He was introduced by D peopfle in the area were nated. Moffatt, provincial NDP( considering federal nomina- MPP Former Resident didate for thîs area, aý fions for tbis'area. No names Ted Bounsail, MPP from (Confinued on Page Twc Indian Railway Uni< TeIIs of His Countr> Mr. Sodhi, the President of the Ambala AÀrea of the Uttriya Railway Mazdoor Union, advises the staff at the Statesman, of India's trying situation. Id to !d in rary. Doug can- sa on Head ('s PIight On the afternoon of 1'burs- day, May 9tb, The Canadian Statesman was fortunate in receiving tbe President of tbe, Ambala Area of tbe Uttriya Railway Mazdoor Union, an affiliate of the National Fed- eration of the Indian Railway Men, in the personnage of Mr. Shodbi. At tbe present tîme, Mr. Sodbi is visiting Bowmanville f0 cahi upon bis brother, Mr. Kuîdip Sodbi, a resident of Bowmanville, and the enter- preneur of Kool Enterprises, Bowmanville and Oshawa. Wbile -embarking upon an informative tour, wbicb is to include Toronto, Mr. Sodbi bas also paid v isits to sucb cities as, London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Singapore, and Bangkok, in connection witb bis distinguished position. The position as present, assigns Mr. Sodbi one of the seven zones, as subdivided in (Coniinued on Page Two) Douglas Moffatt Not a Candidate For Federal Seat Douglas Moffatt was listed ei'roneonshy Iast week as the federal NDP. candidate wbo will bie campaigning in tbe forthcoî'ning tlection for the Northumberland-Durham seat. We should bave known better, but it slipped by inadvertently. .Mr. Moffatt is and has beeni the provincial candidate for the NDP and hie will not be in this ehection, other thali as a supporter of the federal NDP candidate stihl to be chosen. Wilmer Hill of Hampton was the NDP federal candidate in the 1972 ehection and it is nnderstood efforts are being maide to persuIade hlm to enter tbe field again , but no announ- cement has been made to date. Allan Beckett, 50-year-old president of Beckett and Associates, an economic consulting firm, is reported to be seeking the Liberal nomination in Northumberland-Durham Riding, the first poten- tial Liberal candidate to indicate his intention. Mr. Beckett is a, resident of Hamilton Township. At present, he is in Quebec City, "tying up the ends" of his business, which lhe bas sold. During a telepbone conver- sation from Quebec City, be is reported to bave said tbýat be would officially announce tbis week bis intention of seeking tbe Liberal nomnination for the July 8 federal ele(ction. Mr. Beckett bas been the owner of a farm, situated near Camborne for three and a baîf years. It bas been bis plan to move to this farm since February when be first began to seli his busi ness. He is the father of one son, (Continued on Page Two) RECEIVES MEDAL, At the Police dinner in Oshawa Iast'night,,sponsored by Oshawa Lions and the Oshawa Police Commission, Bowmanville Constable Ken- neth Bromley was one of the honored guests. He was pre- sented with his 20-year se rvice miedal, marking his years on the Metro force. The dinner was held'in copinection with Mayor Rickard Forecasts Tax Hike for MuLnicipal,,ity MVayor Garnet Rickard is forecasting a tax increase for residents of tbie regionial municipality of Newcastle. He states "Just how mutcb they 11 go up, we can't tell", ut attributes tbe'increase to inflation. The readjustment was made necessary by the tran- sition to regionalism 'tbe recent growth of sub-divisions in tbe new town, and the newv servicles provided such as water, swr.and bydro. Regionalismn did provide one brigbt spot for taxpayers in that m unici pal staff and office space bas been streamnlined to avoid a duplicity of jobs. The brunt of a preliminary budget was worked out at a finance committee, Monday, May 6. Tbe day long meeting began witb a quorum of four members. Coy~ncillor Ken Il BITS PIECES j GOOD H-OLIDAYING - Ail the best for the Victoria holiday weekend. As this is being written it's warm and about to rain again. Gasoline is going up from 7c to 9c a 'gallon today. Would have been helpful if they'd held that off until after the weekend, wouldn't it? FOR SURE,\THIS TIME - Visitors to Van Belle Gardens on Saturday weredisappointed to learn that Gardening expert JohnBra dshaw had been forced to cancel out his appearance there. However, we have been assured that he will be, there this Saturday afternoon to give advice and counsel. FIREWORKS - The only fireworks display for 'next Monday that we've heard of was to have been at Tyrone. Unfortunately, the exces- sively wet weather has forced them to change the location to the west gate at Mosport Park, with proceedings to begin at 7:00 p.m. We've also received no recent word from Bethany about their annual sports day parade and program for the holiday, but presume it will be held as usual, starting about noon. NOMINATION - Arnold Brown, a popular corps commander at the Salvation Army here quite a few years ago was nominated for the, top, post in the High, Council, the international, ru ling body Another Canadian, Commissioner Clarence D. Wiseman was chosen, the first Canadian to receive the appointment. DRUG ACTION- On, Monday, May 27, Norman Panzica, a counsel on Drug Abuse, will be speaking at a special meeting in Bow- manville High School, starting at 8:00 p. m. lis visit here is sponsored by the BowmanvilIe Drug Action Committee. STREAER -We've received two exceptionally well drawn cartoons this week of Robert S tanfield as a streaker. but refrained from using it because the artist's name was not included. Also, two letters commenting on the hockey meeting in Hampton and the pot hole situation, were sent in without the writers being identified. If they will let us have their names they will be kept confidential and the letter will be published. OPENING GAME - Locke's TV Electrons Intermediates begin their sixth season on the, Victoria Day at 2:00ù p.m. in Soper Creek Park and it should be a dandy opener with last year's Ontario champions, the Port Hope Flyers as the opposition. Don't miss it! Lynli took the quorýum wih bhim when he left to attend an Ontario Municipal Board me- eting in Orono at mid-morn- ing. The committee went through its budget gymnastics, man- (Conti nued on Page Two) WANT C USTO>IERS Two young ladies in the Ontario St. area are looking for customers wbo would hi.ke their copies of The Canadian Statesman delivered'to their door eacb week. Anyone interested should phone Trudy Rowe at 623-7402 or Laurie Fairey at 623-5229. On FiaMay ]JOth and Saturda. May lth , tbe F! ling Dutchman Mt, n wste prouid iost 0ofia mo(St sujccess- ful xhiitio 0fArt, as prsnr<l yMaurveen , [be Conservatives -Plan Nomi,,nati'on Meeting 1is iehd in flîgh esteem byU both loca1ýl and, Torontlo entbuLsiaists. MaureentM Ars. Wi Ed- Legionnaire, Wins Car, Plus 1200 ta Fi/I Ta nk Douglas Bothiwell of R. R. 6, Bowmanville, receives his grand prize, a 1974 Pontiac Catalina which he won in the Leg on Draw, Saturday night. Canadian Legionpresident Ed Majer (right) doesthe honors of presenting Douglas with the keys. Mr. Bothwell also sold himself the winning ticket, thereby winning an additional $200. Funds raised by the draw go to the Poppy Fund. There were 1500 tickets sold for $5 apiece. The tickets went on sale a month ago. The winning number is 762. It bas been officia)ly an- nouncedtbat the Nortbumber- land-Durham Progressive Conservative Association, wvill bold its nominating conveni- tion, to select a candidate for the July 8tb federal general election. This convention bas been enunciated [o occur on Thurs- day, MVay 30tb, at 7:30 p.m., at the Port Hope Higb Scbool, located on Highland Drive, Port Hope. The guest speaker for this event is to be, Lincoln Alex- ander, the Member of Parhia- ment for Hamilton West ini the hast pariament, and tbe chief Progressive Conservative critic of labor poicies and tbe Unemphoyment Insurance Commission. Allan Lawrence, tbe incuim- bent Member of P'arliamrent for tbe Nortbumblaindi-Dur- bam Riding, ehected in 1972, bas indicated tbat be will once again, quest the nomination for the Progressive Conser- vative candidature. OFFIChAL OPENING The Bowmanville office of the Orono and District Credit Union wihh hohd its officiai opening tomorrow (Thursda 'y) at 2 p.m. when His Worsh'ip Mayor Garnet B. Rickard wilh cut the ribbon and dechare the. office open. It is hocated above Allin's Meat Market, 9 King St. East. Post'Office Holiday Hours Post Office hours for the Queen's Birthday, Monday, May 20, 1974, will, be as follows: The office wilI be closed ahi day. '1 There wilh be a Street Letter Box collection at 5:00 p.m. Mails wiIl be despatched to the East at 6: 00 p.m. and West 6:00 p.m. There will bc no despatch of mail on Sunday, May l9tb. There will be no Street Letter Box collection on Sun- day, May 9tb. ANNUAL HOME SHOW The Annual Home Show will be behd in Peter Campbell Arena in Port Hope on 7May 24th and 25th.,Organîizer -AI Morris advises that this yea r's event wihl b e bigger and better than ever. G %-overnor-General Leger Vis its Oshawa e Distinguished Artist Holds Art Exhibition 15e Per Copy NUMBER 20

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