The Canadian Statesman, Bowr 623-3303 * LADIES, JUVENILE GIRLS - Softball tryouts - Knapp's Towing softball team will hold a tryout camp on Thurs a evening, May 16th at 6:30 .m. at the Central School grounds. At the same time and park there will be a practice for all girls 19 years of age and under who are interested in forming a Juvenile Girls softball team for Bowmanville. UMPIRES - are needed for all levels of baseball from Intermediate down, in Bow- manville. If you are able to help contact Joe Lemieux, 623-4193. FREE TENNIS LESSONS - commence Tues., May 21, 7-9 p.m. for ages 15 and over, at Bowmanville Tennis Club, Lions Centre. The lessons are for members only. Registrations Tuesday evening. PONTYPOOL We extend sympathy to the families of the late Mrs. Hilda Holmes and the late Mrs. Fanny Boyd. Mrs. Holmes, EXPLORE the UNDERWATER WORLD of SCUBA This Summer Don't miss this chance to sign up for compre- hensive training and certification as a QUALIFIED Scuba Diver. Six Week Course AT - Simcoe Hall Boys'Club (Eastview) 433 Eulalie St., Oshawa STARTING Sun., May 19th Sunday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to1 p.m. COST - $70.00 (tank and regulator supplied for training course) FOR INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION FORMS CALL 728-5121 - 723-1474 668-3497 sister of Alvin, Howard and William Mitchell, was buried this past week in Ballyduff Cemetery. She was in her 82nd year. Mrs. Boyd, sister of Mrs. Everett Mitchell and Bert Porter, will be buried in Ballyduff on Monday. Mrs. Boyd was in her 98th year. A special Mothers' Day Service with communion was held in Ballyduff Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Rev. Fred Swann of Oshawa was guest speaker. In Pontypool United Church on Sunday a "Christian Fam- ily Day " service was held with Rev. Gordon Ficko baptizing four children during the ser- vice. Baptized were: Debra Lorraine Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown, Kerry Lynn Challice, daugh- teri of Mr. and Mrs. Don Challice, and Colleen Dee and Randy Owen, children of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gaynor. We would like to remind all those wishing to go on the Bus Trip to Toronto on Thursday, June 6th, that they are to contact Jessie Fisk or Isabelle Challice by May 18th. We are planning on leaving Pontypool at 8:45 a.m. with visits to the Institute for the Blind, City Hall, Ontario Place and sup- i Now In Stock. LIVE BAIT * MINNOWS * WORMS JUMP ON YOUR MINI-BIKE AND SCOOT DOWN TO Gary's Sports TEMPERANCE ST. - SOUTH OF KING IF YOU DON'T HAVE ONE WE DO. REASONABLY PRICED. RUPP SALES - SERVICE and REPAIRS * TUNE-UPS * BRAKES e MUFFLERS a VALVE JOBS e RING JOBS e MOTOR JOBS * TRANSMISSIONS e PAINTING e BODY WORK e CAR DEALS * TRUCK DEALS Anything To Do With Your Car SEE.. BOWMANVILLE 219 King St. E. j 623-4481 per at Old Ed's Restaurant. We would also remind the readers of the Open Air Church Service in Bethany Park on Sunday, May 26 at 6.00 p.m. Rev. Dave Bauman of Millbrook will be the guest speaker, accompanied by his puppet "Charlie the Church- man" and Rev. Jerry Hof- stetter of Janetville will lead the singing. This is a "Drive- In" Service and all people are welcome. Congratulations to Chris Neals who won the prize for. High Average Lady in the Bethany Bowling League this season. The Bowling Banquet was held in Millbrook on Saturday night. Another new home is under construction in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Radcliffe of Oshawa are building to the east of the village across from the pond. Harry VanWierin- gen is the carpenter in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chal- lice hosted a family dinner on Sunday following the christ- ening of two of their grand- children, Debra Lorraine Brown and Kerry Lynn Chal- lice. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gaynor of Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gaylor and attended the Sunday morning service when their grandchil- dren were baptized. A birthday party was held on Fri. nght for Ronnie Finnney at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Ed Stoldt. The first ball game of the season was to have been played in Pontypool on Sunday afternoon, but due to the inclement weather, it had to be postponed. A large crowd attended the "stag" for groom-to-be, Gary Van Dam, on Sat. night. Pontypool Community Hall was filled on Sat. night for the reception and wedding dance for Mr. and Mrs. Barry McMahon, who had been married on Sat. afternoon in Trinity United Church, Bow- manville. The bride, the former Wendy Clingman, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Clingman of Orono. Thirty-six members of the Youngman clan sat down to dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngman on Sunday. Those attending from the greatest distance were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sparks of Erin. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Prop motored to Golden Lake in t e Renfrew area on Sunday. YELVERTON Speedy recovery to Mrs. Jack Wilson currently in a Peterborough Hospital and to Mrs. Lorne Curten of Curten- ville who is recovering from an operation in Ross Memor- ial Lindsay, Ont. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker who observ- ed their 25th Wedding Anni- versary with a party in Janetville Community Hall on Sat. evening, Best wishes to Bernice and Earl from their many friends. Belated congratulations to Mr. Vaughn McGill on win- ning a trophy as the highest scoring player of Bethany Hockey Team at their recent banquet in Blackstock. Likewise to Miss Candy Malcolm on winnin Provin- cial Honors for num er of 4-H units completed at recent Achievement Day. The Janetville-Yelverton Annual Hi-C Variety Night held in Yelverton Church Hall was a marked success with a capacity crowd present to enjoy the program. Mother's Day service wa6 well attended at Yelverton United Church on Sunday. A Junior Girl Choir, provided special music for the occasion. The population explosion rea- ched a new low this year with only one candidate for bap- tism, the chubby little rascal Mark Anthony, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn McGill - another potential hockey and softball player for the 1980's. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stinson and family visited with friends in Niagara Falls this weekend. The ball season scheduled to get underway this weekend neyer got off the ground for obvious reasons - most of the grounds were suitable for water polo. The water level locally is higher than it was our first spring season. Looks like rice might be more suitable for a crop than grain or corn. The Harvey Malcolms were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Nasato of Port Credit and attended their Bowling Club dance at Airport Hilton on Sat. evening. Most enjoyable. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mal- colm of Don Mills were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson and visit- ed their parents Mrs. Ernes- tine Henderson of Bethany and Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm of Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stinson and Pam, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Page and family attended the wake and funeral of Mr. Keith Thorndyke of Mississauga who passed away suddenly this week. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Thorndyke and family on their bereave- ment. FR IDAY NIGHT Winning Team - Gord Wilcox, Helen Piper, Gerry Dickens, Peg. Millson, Lyle Millson, Bill Luxton. Runner-up - Les Smale, Bill Konopocki, Marilyn Flin- toff, Pat Millson, Dennis Smale, Ellen Coombes. Consolation - Moe Rich- ards, Audrey Sleep, Don Bradley, Mary Wilcox, Gail Millson, Alf Millson. First Schedule - High Aver- age - Gord Wilcox - 229; Onie Etcher -225; High Triple - Dave Reynolds - 895; Hilda Brock - 780; High Single - Moe Richards - 364; Mary Kirkton - 361. Second Schedule - High Average - Howard Bromell - The Frida Night Mixed Bowling League held their annual banquet and presentation of awards at Memorial Par Clubhouse on Saturday evening. This team took top honors. They are frorn left to right, Bill Luxton, Gerry Dickens, Helen Piper, Lyle Millson and Gord Wilcox; absent Peg Millson. fyour rasts 5years,sowi ouru arante. Every Midas muffler is guaranteed for as long a you own your car. If you ever need another muffler Midas will pay for the muffler. Not you. 1984. We'll be watching over you. s 2001. We'll be with you in your travels. , 2024. We'll still pay for the muffler. And if a fifty year guarantee isn't long enough, we'll make it 100 years. Just as long as you own the car. HIDAS NUFFIN We guaranteelit. Forever. 116 Bond Street West, Oshawa [N manville, May 15, 1974 7 239; Helen Reynolds - 220; High Triple - Bob Mitchell - 807; Peg. Millson - 753; High Single - Les Smale - 348; Flb. Land - 336. Command Chankge Lieutenant-Colonel Nicholas M. Hall, CD, Senior Staff Officer, Operations and Train- ing, Central Militia Area Headquarters, Canadian For- ces Base Toronto, to be Commanding Officer The Ont- ario Regiment, RCAC, with effect from June 9, 1974. Official hand-over parade to be held in Oshawa at 8 p.m., Sunday, June 16. He succeeds Lieutenant-Colonel Stanley J. Skea, CD. 0 a