N 1 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. June 12, 1974 Section Two Becting the Gas Prîce Crisis' Progressive-Conservative candidate Allai Lawrence and his wife Moira are hitting thi campr.ïaign trail on this bicycle buit for two. The, hope to cut down on the cost of gasoline f(; canvassing, so-don't be surprised if they stop a yoýur home en route. We're not certain if thîs is foi rea.l or just. a publicity.stunt, because we can' imagfine themgpffing their way up some of the hil]ý in Pr Hope, larke Township or some of the othe aýreas they'll be covering during the next month. 1->ioto by Irank Russel WESLEY VILLE On Sundav June 9. Welcoe Cburcb met in the new wingo TJnited Cliurcb was lovely wiî the Sunday School on Tuesda) tlowers for the mornîng ser- morning June 4, and wan vi'ce, besides a large arrange- called t0 order with prayer b) mient of mums and carnations the president, Mrs. T. Wilson the' re were bouquets of white Members were sorry to knom §1 pyuple lilacs and bawthorne. one of their number, Mrs. Ker Thlese biossoms come from Symons was in hospital wit[ t0w fid hawtborne whîch is a infection in ber arm. Plan, weed among trees but it bas were reviexved for the cumin great beauty when covered meeting and trip to Orono, tbE ith bloom. Thie stories of thie tail trip lu Kleinberg, th( ineyards from Isaiab and senior citizens' dinner anè Mark 'k ere the scriptural other coîning events. Mrs. I read--ings on which Rev. Ram- Kellog reported on the pack. ijit based bis sermon. The ing and delivering of I argE unproductix e vineyard was hundies of clothing to several the sy ýmbol for an Israel which places including Streethaver, iled to keep its'side of the Fred Victor, and others, coývenant wîth God. Mr. Ram- Financial report was healtby jit reported a very satis:fac- sbý owing aslnddreturn "Alcohol and Drug Conein" aîtimore available, as wvell as theý Lime of ils representative's somie of Kathy McHolm's appeal bore, s:ketch of the Church. In view Tbe executiv of the genel al of t minreased cost of Church UWof Welco--me Unit(,'ted hdr lwa uberecom- RES.-..JIDENTS O0F TUE FORMER TOWNSHI11P 0F LARKE AND VILLAGE 0F NEWC--ASLÀE NO'W PARTOF TUE lTOWN 0F NEýÎjWÇCASTL Witb the formation of the Town of Newcastle under the Regional Municipality of Durham Act, it was found Abat residents of the former Tlownship of Clar'ke on the Orono anîd Newtonville Exchange, hadt 10 cail long distance to contact te Mavor's, Town Clerk's, Treasurer's Offices and Receation Departinent in Boiwmanxtilie and the Planning, Building and Works Departaients in Hampton was a long distance cait fromn Ooun o, Nextoîîville and Newcastle, Counicl ha'. now made arr'angements that subscribers on flie Newtonville, Oî'onoand Newcastle Excbanges rnay caltit free, as foliows: NE WTON VILLE l'ire Emei'gency CuIts.......... ......... .... 987-4211 -fi'e Chief's Office......................... 987-5039 Bv-Law Enforeement............ ........ 983-9179 Public Works Department ................... 983-9178 If No Answer Cal........................ 987-5039 Ail Other Depurtments.......... ............ 987-5039 ORONO Finre Emergency Culls ....................... 983-5302 Fire Chief's Office ý............... .......... 987-5039 PublicelAorks Depunîment ...................983-9178 If No Answen Cuit .. ........... ............ 987-5039 By-Law Enfoncenient ....................... 983-9179 Ail Other Departments.... .................. 987-5039 NEWNCASTLE Fire Enîeigency Cutis................ ..... 987-4211 Fire Chief*s Office ................... .......23-5126 No Answer CatI ... ..................... 623-3379 Public Works ..... ......................... 983-9178 If No Answen Cati ......................... 987-5039 By-Luw Enfo-clenîent .................... ... 983-9179 AIl I; rDearmeitîs.....-............... 987-5039 x , lbe edini the new I ~ îtiîrit is nmended to the meeting that UCW pay an annual share of it. Word has been receîved by the secretary of thePastoral Relations committee from the Rev. R. Bartlett that he and h. is wife had arrived in the Holy Land. Friends and neighbors of the late Mrs. Chas. Beighton paid their respects to bier on Tuesday evening of last week and at the funeral on Wednes- day at the Ross Funeral Chapel', Port Hope. Mrs. Beighton had been a lifelong resident of the township, coming back each summer of Slate years from Utterson * where taïling health had made p it necessary for Mr. Beighton and herseif to stay witb their daughters. She had been a member of the Morrish Insti- tute for 45 years, serving as director, secretary treasurer and president. Another friend of the com- munity passed away this week in Port Hope. Mr. Stanl Harness, formerly of Zion, bad lived for many years in Port Hope had relatives here and bis laIe wife was Rose Bee Sof this place. School cbildren are doing a Spractice-athon and asking for Ssponsors to assist them in attending a summer music ~.camp. Evelyn and Donald Stacey were calling on neigh- Sbors on Saturday to build up their sponsorship. Mr, and Mrs. Carroll Nicb- ols, Donald and Gloria, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. S. SLancaster of Newtonville were in Parry Sound last Tbursday nigbt to attend tbe concert put on by John in McGuirk for the closing of bis scbool's music year. John will e be employed by the school ýY board in Prince Edwa.rd )r County next year. a Sunday visitorsin the cm mnunity were: Mr. and Mrs. >rRay Brock of -Bowmanville it with Mrs. Emma Darke: Mr. [s and Mrs. T. Turner of Bow- manville with Mrs. C. Dickin- son and Clarke; Mr. and Mrs. R.-Hill and Wendy of Trenton, M11 rs. Brian Jiggins and Robert -of Port Hope witb Mrs. E. Barrowclougb. oif as SO0LINA )y Mr. and Mrs. James Cherry i. and family, St. Catbarines, w spent tbe weekend \itb Mr'. n and Mrs. Clarence Bray. h Mr. Roscoe, Baker, Mon- s treal, and bis grandson Robby ig Baker, Ottawa, were Saturday e af ternoon callers witb Mr. and e MVrs. Tom Baker. id Misses Helen Baker, Mar- [- tha and Marie Smales, Osh- k- awa, were Sunday supper le guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom il Baker. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox S. and family, Mr. and Mrs. John [y Knox and Nancy, and Mr. and n Mis Geo. Knox aýnd family hl atlenided a fa3mily shower on- [S Sunday held ut the home of 'S Mr'. and Mrs. Ken Pascoe, w Brougham, honîoring Miss ýh Faye Knox, a bride-tu be. 1- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hocka- day attended a Cation reunion. Slied at llayfieldi on Sunday and later visited Mr. and Mrs. James Bail and Mrs. Myrtle Cation, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden and family attended the tur- key supper aI Kedron on Sunday. Mi. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- loxlees were Sunday evening caliers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Metcalf, Bnwman- ville. Misses Nan Allen and Mar- ian Garvin, Toronto, and Mrs. Jack Marks, Scarborougb, xxere Tuesday visitors witb Mr. andMrs. Wes. Yellow- lees. Several fromn the commun- ity attended the Decoration Day Service at Hamptonon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam 'Van Camp were Saturday evening visitors with Mrs. Helen Werry. Mrs. Helen Werry and Mrs. Edgar Werry attended the graduation exercises at Trent Monday of the Music Section of Toronto University and laici' played at Ontario Place. Janice ' elloxGees. Sue Vice, Walter and Lawrence Taylor and Will Taylor lef t for a -week on the School Canoe trip 10, Alguiiquin Park., GEl ('ASII lO 100YX FOR OL.D XPPI IAN('FS T11ROL761t STATrES%,I.XN (LASSIFIEDIS PHONE 6231-330>3 WATER SAFETY SERVICE + eveiything you need to make it on your own. 1Sa kreteViyCoed Concrete canIn ýsize. vvahedStrong, il gauge x2' mesh gradd). or ootigs.fencing Green vinyl coating protecis against wear and adds 1991 146beauty. 50' roils, 42" high. A terrific 10?lb 14 m nvestment. baq bag Aspenite sheathing Econo rn cal wood-chip panelling that's great for fencing, garages.. any place wvhere warp and weather-resistant wood vvillbc nededfor the job., 4' CRO.ýSS RAIL Decorative open-style fence makes a hanidsome border. AIl weather-resistant Cedar. Includes heavy-dluty 4" >. 4" posts and 1" 6' cross-bar material. Buy right now! ON \LL PURt( II4'SES ____ OF $10 00' OR MORE 3' BAR SIX Six rails mark boundaries in fine style. AIl Cedar for longer life and' weather-resistance. Heavy-duty 4", 4' posts and 1"- ' 6" railing Cedar. 4'/2' PANEL A great comiplete privacy fence with ventilation at bottom. Price includes '4 thickness Aspenite sheathing and sturdy 4" x 4" Cedar posts. 5' BAKETWEVE Handsome basketweave gives privacy plus excelIlent ventilation. Weather-resistar't Cedar with 4"'y, 4" post s and 1", x 6" plarîks. Great with Beaver Stairi. BOWMANVILLE 623-3 CONTRAii À'CTO4RS Prîce quotes avai lable on job lot purchases.