4 The Canadian Statesm.an, 13owmanville, June 12, 1974 -q Aricultural News Pasture, Management a Key ed grazing, supplmnary not the ai to Livestock Production , fee ds may be ne=e ta results will With, the changes ta inten- stretch the pasture. Feed moderate cu sive farming such as feedlot supplements may alsa be used fertilization, and cash cmap operations, ta increase cattle perfor- vere cases, p asture lands have tended ta mance while on pasture. remove the loe their importance. How- Water supply on a pasture is melant. ever, hi ghem feed costs and very important. If no running For detail cantmnued research informa- water is available, fammers pruning anc tion on pastures make pastume mîght cansider diggn a large yau can obti lands appealing ta caw-caif pond ta watem h tok h the Publicat and daîry producers acmass cattie can be kept from fouling namental TJ the province. It is important, the water by, limiting their Vines-, frai however, that farmers make access ta a small section of the office of the the mast use of their pastumes pond. of Agricultu: 'each year, in arder ta obtain Minerais shauld nat be writl ng ta the best results in their awn fargatten. Cattle an pasture BranchOn particular line of enterprise. should have access tai cobalt, Agriculture .Pasture lands varies greatly iadized salt, free chaice and a ment Bldgs depending on its carmying minerai mix cantaining bath capacity and the degmee of calcium and phosphomus. In mranagement that is used. most areas of Ontario, this BE Ontario fammers shauld me- type of minemal progmam (Intende mnember that pasturing cattie shoul be adequate. However, ni the summer is mare than theme are somne locations Mm. and1 just a stap-gap feeding pro- where mineral deficiency bas and sons AI] gram until they are housed for been found and producers of Peterboi the wintem. The number of must supplement the deficient Thomas Ja( head of cattie.that a pastume miperals./One of the problem Mms. Ina Pa Will carry, varies accarding ta deficiencies that is showing up Mms. Ros the type of land, varieties of in same,/areas, is magnesium Cora Fallo grasses and legumes, 'the deficiency in nursing cows, Mms. >Tbomî .~stage of the stand, fertilizatian partie larly when tbey are on with Mm. aný and the weed contral pmagram lushg een pastures. This may Mm. and Mtbat is being used. A goad mesul in a condition known as and daughtE pasture management pro- gras tetany. If apraducer bas castie; Mr. gramn helps ta extend the had problems with grass tet- Downey of1 ýtocking rates of these sum- ar previausly, he may boid and Mrs. .1 ner grazing lands. ý11' cattle off the pasture until meme viJ One way ta get mare out of a it bas ample gmawth or provide ms.BlJ P~asture is ta follow a rata- the cattle with some dry bay emies are tional grazing system. One ograin while they are on this reae( area is grazed heavily le~' fast gmawing pastume. In areasHuhDG the second is left ta Ydeve i' where there is higb risk of Palmer, bot regrowth. After se v erai grass tetany, the ration sbould Hospital. MV weeks, Ilthe cattie can be be supplemented with magne- bas retumne( shifted ta the ather pasture, sium. a patient in alloingregowt n ýé ýt Fotrt my aso aUCi ~4lwin r growt aon t firs Foth a lab The JunE one. Over gmazing a patue î, problem in cattie on pastume. Betbany U. this type of system wiM reduce The provision of organic the Churci. its ability ta mecovE aver a îadine in a sait or minerai mix Hall with th short perio' of- tii e. Duming will help ta reduce the JonNe" particularly dry j)iods'of tbe- incidence of this disease. John NAdd summier, or w n- stacking Supervision of cattle on ps- r.Ad rates are taa high for pralong- ture sbould not be averlaoked. minutes aft Ilpqlth nrp m ivui uni *,,.% ing andthe ""THEY TOÔK HIS CAR AWAY!" Vour present property, as well as future earnings, can be confiscated to pay a liability award, some,,of which run to $100,000 and miore since infla- tion. Have,theJames Insur- ance Agenicy check your liability protection for ade- quately high limits. Jrnes Insurànce Agence LWmted 24 King. St. E., Box 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUG LAS S.-J AMES Office 623-4406 Residence 623-5023 may develop, and. early diag- nosis and treatment is neces- sary ta avoid large economic losses. Tu make supervision easier, place sait, minerais and fly cantrol equipment near the carmai, so the cattle will develop a habit of coming ta this area, this making it easy ta check their conditian. If an animal does need ta be bandled, a gaad handling facility neamby will make the job easier and safer for bath the animal and the apeatar. By fliawing a goodi pasture management program, a pro- ducer should receive a goad eturn fom his pasture land. SGooming Hedges Well kept hedges can be vemy useful ta clîvde aeas oi the landscape; they seeen busy roads, help prevent tespassing and provide an attractive backgmound for fia- wer barders.,IHowever, allow- ed ta become neglected and avergrawn, they can only be braught' back ta a neat condition by severe puning. If aid branches are remaved regularly, after fiowering each year, new grawth wili deveiop and heavy cutting is nat necessary. Otberwise, it is ecommended that negiected, deciduaus hedges, such as: privet, Alpine cumant, Haney- suckle and Caagana, be cut back ta ground level in the early spring. New gowth wili soan appear and can be encouraged by fertilizing at the rate of onepaund for evemy fifteeti feet o hedge. In a season or twa, egular pruning of tops and sides can be resumed. For most evegreens, haw- ever, sucb severe puning is was given Cappins. Mr gave ael Stewamdshil bers af thE CGhumch wer Paul's Chur the montb Gardon F: vacation d Mrs. John P the ladies w~ luncheon fai and aiso thý make the( 24tb parade thanks wei conveners: and Ms. planning th sold at Ge sale. Mrs. thanked evý at the Whi which was1 This year Bethany an sor WarrE Jeffmey Inn Quin-Mo-La An invita for membg supper and the Hiawati an June 16. The Wor arranged b, son and Mm; Mrs. Jacksi and Mrs. D ed an theI The offeriný Mrs. Nellie Mms - Ro duced Mrs. guest speal and she sp( thraugh thb amet Hospil Busine Accc WM. i Charte: 115 Lib4 Bc Ph( inswem. Adequate 1be achieved with jtting, followed by ,aithaugh in se- you may have ta ýevemgreens and ied information on id came of hedges', 4ain a free copy of tion, "Pruning'Or- Trees, Shrubs and n the Bowxnanville [e Ontario Ministry ire and Food, ar by Sthe Information ýtarioA ,inistry of e& Food, Parlia- sToronto. àTHANY Ad or iast week) Mrs. Reg Palmer dian and Christian, raugb, and Mrs. icksan visited with 'lmer. ;s$ Hall and Mrs. )w of Whitby and ias Jackson visited d Mrs. Carl Smith. \Irs. Wesley Jordan tr, Vemna, of New- -. and Mrs. Ross Reaboro; and Mr. H-arold Bannon of sited with Mm. and ordan. for speedy recov- extended ta Mrs. Ber and Mm. Charles Lbh patients in Civic [r. Clarence Neals d home after being biahspital also. ,W Meeting ie meeting of the T.C.W. was held in -h Sunday Scbool 1e President, Mrs. pmesiding. ison Scott read the the previaus meet- treasumer's report rby Mrs. Herb Irs - John Neals also ýpart on a recent ip Meeting. Mem- ie Bethany United re asked ta join St. ich for services for iaf July as Rev. ,;cko will be on Iumîng that time. Neals also thanked who helped with the r a recent funeral; hose who helped ta entry in the May ea success. Special mre gîven ta the Mrs. Allan Beer Glen Preston for he lunch that was ýeorge Neals farm .John Neals also eryone for helping ite Elephant -sale ,held on June 1. x, the U.C.W. fram 'e helping ta span- ,en Preston and nes ta attend Camp ,c this summer. ation, was received bers ta attend a 1evening service at tha Indian Reserve *ship Service was )y Mms. Ross David- rs. Vincent Jackson. son read Psalm 130 Davidîson comment- Scripture passage.- .g was received by eMichelle.' )s Davidson intro- ýEdgar Beer as the îer for the evening, ike on a recent tour .e Princess Mamg- ai in Toronto. The ess Directory un t an cy> J. H. COGGINS ered Accountant erty Street South lwmanville lone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comrn. Chartered Accountant 36 % King St. E., Oshawa .Telephone 725-6539 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc:Chiropractor 15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment D e n t al DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Domidnion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.rn. ta 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM, KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg Office Hour4: Weekdays - 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Êowmanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 ta 5 Telephone 623- 7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E, Bowmanville Office Hours: i., Tues., and Thurs, 9 tii 5 Wednesday 9 tii 2 Friday 9 tiI 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Phone 623,5i790 hospital was officially opened in 1958 by Princess Margaret and today the Princess Marg- aret Hospital is one of the four largest research and diagnos- tic centres in the world. Approxim ately 250 ta 300 outpatients are treated daily at the hospital. Mrs. Beer recalled many interesting facts of ber tour and she also showed a film fromn the cancer saciety. Mrs. Gordon Ficko thanked the guest speaker for a very interesting evening. Cail Tenders For.Work of Pine Ridge School Alex Carruthers, in a press release 'from Queen's Park, reports that tenders will be called by the Ministry of Correctional Services on June 3 and June 5 for renovations ta the washroomn facilities at the Pine Ridge School, 'Bow- manville. Estimated completion date is August 31, 1974. On -the same date tenders will be advertised by the Ministry of Natural Resources for the replacement of a gas storage tank at the tree nursery in Orono. The esti- mated completion date is July 31, 1974. CHISTIES CroutonsT ASTED 01, GRAIN OF GOLO Scone Loaf OEMPSTER'S (4'OFF) Old World Relis HOUSE ftGARDEN Fi1s FOR Raid Bug Killer CHEF-PAK (9-INCHI 3 ,IZE O Paper Plates, 2 CISHION SOLE (UNE SIZE FII CURAC Ouchless Bandages ooFO (DRY. NORMAL OR Gît Y) HERBAL ESSENCE Clairol Shampeao 01 '*YOU GRINO IT FRESH AT TIME 0F PURCHASE ROYAL GU EST WHOLE SEAN IGA Coffee1 FUIA o -ý MATCH A FULL CARD AND WIN sI00- HERE'S 14W IT WORKS! If a uibm onaiYDUR Coap pm on thewmq arud aw" i.I b on isly ai ym GA stoes ute iWediiudy .andaichi Hait.,Spucmwa n. iW ad.yoa c.v,ulU T bimduiÔnet needtebeinUm du -asiaeal as they if, ai nyE cad otaeif 8..ilc aait icated. Prmat yo wk.ag card te rA.. WIG& Ifymom aiuwrsli taeastbç ai cwoettly. Yupinu 1M0.OO aduh pIlruci. Maina 48 hmi. EmpI.yma v imodumt laies of ICA stores e at Suaply ot wart rbve ta veu. Obai yw cats t yen acIGA store! Ambula.nce. Four Brigade members ec- eived Bars denoting 27 years of service, nine for 22 years and nine for 17 years. The Investiture followed the Annual Meeting of St. John Ambulance, Ontario Coundil, wben G. D. Wotherspoon, Executive Vice-President of Eatan's of Canada Ltd., was re-elected President. Appraxi- mately 150 delegates from all aver Ontario attended, and beard reports. 4,080 uniformed volunteer members are en- rolied in the Brigade in. Ontario, 327 of whom received Certificates of Achievement S.John For the first time -since taking office, the Honorable Mrs. Pauline McGibbon, Lieu- tenant Govemnor of Ontario, presided at an Investiture on Satumday, June 8, at St. Paul's Anglican Churcb, Bloor Street East. Hem Honour presented honors and awards ta 120 individuals who bave given outstanding service ta St John Ambulance and afterward entetained tbem at a recep- tion at Queen's Park. Three fmom this. area. Fiovd F. Fincb. Mrs. Eunice Fincb, R. R. 6, and Alfred Brown, 28 Queen St., Bowmanville, were among those bonored. Among those eceiving ec- ognit ion was Mm. Alfred Mor- timer of 25 Arnliffe Crescent, Scamborougb, wbo received the 4tb Bar ta bis Service Medal representing 32 years as a volunteerin the St. John Ambulance Brigade. (Service Bars are given aftem 12 years of membemship in the Brigade and each Bar represents an additional five years.) :S AU.) ASSO O ONE ICA BINGO FEATURE OF THÉ WEEK"I J LLY uER FIA VRDI Plastic range Houseware" Crytal 0T M A O FOR 3Y.-O l. AUSORTED POLYBAG 0F 6 COLOREPKGS. LEA VER CHOICE MOUNT ROYAL CHOICE OR W hoe YNNI VALLEY STANDARD CUl TODODLER SIZE DIAPERS Whol 1%ZL Gren. 4 FLFlushabyes Mushrooms z21NE uTIGreen or FL OFF CNAOORSGRRNSWax Beans 5. OSMSTR('OF CINAMN R SfA RNU CORONATION- BABY OIILS, SWEET Dessert Sheli ChisiesMIXE, OR BREAD BUTTER $ 13Z.24 FL. WEO THRU S Biscits 21 Pickles L1JARS Bisclts Z 1 JAS WERESRVE HEz for having spent over 300 hours of their spare time proviÏding a free First Aid service to their communities. It was also reported that last ý ear over 55,000 persons had een trained by St. John in First Aid, Home Nursing and Child Care. For the travelling public St. John. maîntains highway First Aid Posts and operates First Aid stations in both terminais at Toronto 1International Airport. In cities in Ontario, where United Way is established, St. John Ambulance is a participant. and District Hospital. Mrs. Zoe Meneilley, Osb- awa, s pent sevemal days ecentiy witb Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Meneilley. Mm. Charlie Raby is a patient at the Port Hope and District Hospital following an accident witb bis tractor, the ear wheei passing over bis Honor Local Citizen s for Outstanding Service to informative tallk. After the tapic was summed up by a Uf"; questions, Mr. 'DaJryîn ,e gave a small questionnair'e on your wants, and handed out a publication about bis tapic. Following this Mrs.- Larmer served a great lunch which was enjoyed while we went into a lengthy discussion about aur project with Bob. right foot and leg and separat-. ing the right hip *oint. His left leg was also badlybmuised. The wedding of one of aur local girls took place recently wben Miss Heather Best and Mr. Gerry Mattinson, Tor- onto, were united in marriage Saturday, May 20 at the Newtonville United Church after which the reception and supper was held in the Sunday School Hall. Prior ta her wedding a miscellaneous .shower was held by the Newtonville ladies, including Zion, Wesleyville and others at the Newtonville Sunday school. The bride-to-be receiv- ed many pretty and useful gifts for which she thanked ber fîierîds kindly- for. Mr. and Mrs. John Meneil- ley and boys, Belleville, visit- ed their uncle Charlie Raby Sunday afternoon at the Port Hope hospital and spent the evening with their parents Mr. and Mrs C. Meneilley. 4-H News Farm Management Club Report On Tbursday, May 30, the Farm Management Club held their 3rd meeting at the home of Dave Larmer. The topic for the evening was money man- agement in which speaker Mr. Da]rvmDle aave a very 1 ~269 rs 45c CES EFFECTIVE SAT. JUNE 12,13, 14, 15 RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES DEMA ND MHE BE$Te "OU/R F/NE WOR/<1 W/Lt PASS THEIR, S loPARTNER ORONO 983-52"6 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE Zion (Hope Township) IGA PINK LOTION CHOICE f OZ AEno lns.IPLASTICTomFOR TN FR L.a9uidDetergent 2 Bits FL OZ OZ TINS3 C BETYCRCKR ASTD.VAIEI BANQUET TURKEY. CHICKEN ON BEEF TUNA OR FOË 100 F01R2afsn mLIt.'. 6-1s entPies 3 .1,< O 5 VARIETIES GAINES (ASSTOD FLAVORS) (hEM) MOIST) PARWUeLU1ons CUnIIUV -4 . FOZ PimeiiU Ug F0oUU K O I nvestments now earning a big FOR ONE TO' FIVE YEARS NOTE; RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE ONTARIO clTRUST 19 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA 123-5221 DON- IRVINE, Memer Cnad Dpoit nsraceManager MemerCanda Depsîtlnsra)ceCorporation CALIFORNIA LONG WHITE PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. NO. 1 GRADE New 10-LB. 'v wBAG uç POtoe FRM RED SLICERS PRODUCE 0F U.S.A., NO. 1I GRADE Florida Tomatoesi PRODUCE 0F U.S.A,, NO. 1 GRADE PRODUCE 0F ISRAEL CRISP, FLORIDA SWEET &t JUICY (SIZE 105) Celery aaks EA 39W Jaffa Oranges oz890 Summer Strawberries.. Though w. sen strawberrles grac ing aur produce counters aven durîng vlnier mionths. vie tan couni on good supplies ai lower prices wten Juna arrives. This ful-bodiad fruit is flot onîy mouthrwatering but viil please illose of us wfto ara wvaging e batlla against vvinter bulges. Fresl, strawberries has only about 55 calories. Esten in their 'naturel' siate. îhey are the perfect dessert for dieters. This low-calorie fruit is also an excellent source of Vitamin C: -osi adulte neerd 30 milligrama par day and on. cup of fresh sirawberries supplies about 88 milligrams. This. is almost three trnes aur recommendad daiîy elîowance. With ail the. benefits w.e derive frorn strawvberrîee.ils n'O wder w. cen t wait for summuer. MRS GRiEEN I6 AVAILABLE TO TALK "SHOPPING" TO GROUPS CAIL 259-6633 OR WRITE- 300 THE EST MALL, TORONTO, M9B 6B8. 6.7 Mrs. Margaret Gemow bhas given up ber apartment in Port Hope and bas eturned ta ber home at Rosebemmy Hill. Mm. and Mrs. Harry Raby, are spending a six weeks vacation in England and Scotland. Mms. Margaret Whitney 'is still confined ta the Port Hope L