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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1974, p. 7

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 12, 19747 HAYDON Mr. and, Mrs. Bill Mason, Brockvîhle spent the wekend, with ber parents Mr. ýand Mrs. J. Jones and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dud- iey and Neil, Buriington, were Sunday vistors at Mrs. A. Read's. SMrs. Doug Blackburn and Wendy, Witby, were Sunday visitors at r. and Mrs. Wilbur Biackburns. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Backburn and ýsusan Orono, were Sunclay caller s aiso. 1Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Ron Upton Lockport U.S.A., Mrs. Abert bock, Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. John Benson Bewdley visited Mr. and MVrs. Leslie Cet Cash Today For Dlii Appliances through S TA T ES MAN C LA S S 1F 1E S Phone 623-3303 Graham on Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Tbomp- son. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Osmond and granddaugbter Sheri Masterson, Bowman- ville, were recent caller's ai Mrs. A. Tbompson's. 1 IMr. Terry Tbompson, Tor- onto, was a weekend iior of bis - randmolber Mrs. A. Tbompson. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Abboii, Steven and Susan, Osbawa, were Sunday evening visitors ai Mrs. Tbompson's. Miss Mary Poils, Toronto, spent tbe weekend ai ber home. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cowling, Salem, were Sunday visiiors of Mrs. Irene Tabb, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Artbur Trew- in, William and Paul aitended a family preseniation and farewell party aI Mr. and Mrs. Water Loveridge's, Tyrone, for Mr. and Mrs. Slephen Martyn, wbo are reiurning 10 California. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemnon, Susan and Fred were dinner THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAIM STUDENTS' TRIP TO CHINA (under the auspices of The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education) OFFICIAL DRAW - Made June 6, 1974 at the Board of Education Office WINNERS lst prize - Coloured T.V. - ticket no. 2920 R. D. Schwalm, 569 Arnhem, Oshawa, Ont. 2nid prize - $100. - ticket no. 4562 Miss Bennett, 61 Hope St., Port Hope, Ont. The Students have appreciated the tremendous, support they have received in this endeavour. Harness Raîcing Kawvartha Downs 1 MILE SOUTH OF IHWY. 115 ON HWY. 28 TRANSPORTATION SPONSORED BY KAWARTHA DOWNS LTD. EVERY THURS. and SAT. BULE.AVES: Oshawa Centre - 5:45 Oshawa Term. - 6: oo Bowmanvi lie A & P Lot -6:20 TRANSPORTATION ADMISSION r PROGRAMME per person- ~' ENJOY ALL THE THRILLS 0F RACINGý FOR DETAILS, CALL CHARTERWAYS LTD. Phone 723-7171 or 623-3811l St. Joseph's Team Declared' Trbck and- Field Champions St. Joseph's Separate School's track team placed first in a four county meet June 4. Mvembers of the team are (front row, lef t to right) Cindy Taylor, Marie McPhee, Cheryl Krawchuk, Bill McPhee, Eddie Gruyters, Peter Lomdardo, Francie McGeoghan, Martin Gruyters; (Second row, lef t to right) Marcel Charland, Linda Waring, Mickey Leddy, Jay Nimigon, Gary Fewwes, Michael Gould; (back ro'w, lef t to right( Carlo Zeppieri, Cathy Mayberry, Sandra Daniel, Mr. D. Murphy, Juliet Zerrnieri. Sandra Cox. Gerrard Morrison, Mr. R. S. Santomero, Stephen Mayberry, Marc Bissonette and Marcel Lamoureux. The competition held at Port Hope High School involved 32 schools. Foundry Bowling League Holds Closing Banquet On Saturday night at Memorial Park Clubhouse, members of the Foundry Bowling League held their closingbanquet and dance, with awards being presented to top bowlers. The w%,inning team is pictured here, fom lef t t o right Nancy Thompson, Oliver Kna pp, John Serrurier, Capt. FMh Drap e r, Jo.-Ann Myers, John Dewell and absent, Murray Adams. guests nf Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Enniskillen on Sun- dar. and Mrs. Lyall Hare, Oshawa, were Sunday dinner guesîs of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pateson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and Mrs. A. Read attended the Ashlon-Keiba wedding in Tor- onto, Friday evening. TOPO'S PIZZA SUBMARINE VILLA 20KING STREET EAST - BOWMANVILLE (N EXT TO BEAVER LUMBER) eNOW OPEN. TAKE-OUT and DELIVERY' 623-2533 FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OViER $5.00 -'10 PER CENT DISCOU'NT ON PICK-UP ORDERS (Except Submarines) PIZZA SmalI Miedium Large Extra Large Tomato &Cbeese 1.50 2.75 3.25 3.7 1 Seleclion 1.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 2 Seleclions 2.00 3.60 4.25 4.7 3 Selections 2.25 3.85 4.60 5.20 4 Selections 2.50 4.10 4.85 5.60 5 Seleclions 2.75 4.45 5.3 6.10 Selections: Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Salami, Bacon, Green Olives, Green Peppers, Sliced Onions, Siiced Tomatoes and Anebovies. SUBMARINE SANDWICH-- *99 STORE HOURS Mon. - Thurs. 4 p.m. - 12 midnight Fr. and Sat. 4p.m. -2 a.m. Sun. 4p.m. -l11p.m. Garlie Bread............. .25 Chef Salad... .......... .40 Pop ................. ...... .25 LASAGNA.................. 2.25 SPAGHETTI Meai Sauce................. 1.50 Meat Sauce and Musbroomns..20 Meat Sauce and M eal Balis .... 2.00 Tykes Visit Port Hope and Corne Up with 173-3 Win Bowmanville Memorial Park Tykes journeyed 10 Port Hop e on Tuesday, June 4th 10 do baIle wiih Iheir heady Mix Crew and came home witb a 13 10 3 victory. Duane Major made. bis first start of the season but ran mbt trouble in the second inning and wilh the bases loaded, no one oui and one run in, coach Dadson pulled him and put la Henry Rozema wbo promptly, sîruck oui the nexî bhree batters. Port Hope scored one more run in the third and iben Henry shut the door on them until the seventh inning when Paul Dadsonlook over. Bernie Bemma was the Port Hope pitcher and he is considered one of the besi pitchers in the Tyke league but the Memorial Park crew showed ihal they can bit when they want 10 as Ihey had litIle trouble wilh him. -Ryan Kearney was behind the plate and came up with a gond job. The hitters for Bowmanville were Dadson with four, Rozema two, Major two and Rod Plain witb two. Tobin Rowe, Kearney, Steve Ogden, Brian Hammond had one bit each. Bemma and Greg (Yogi) Danials did the bitting for the Ready Mix crew. NexI game for the Tykes is Thursday, dune l3tb, againsi the same Port Hope Tykes, 50 corne out and support these kids, as they try to make it two in a row. S>omething for Everybody At the Con-Ar-n Weekend The Labatt's Blue Can-Am' weekend aI Mosport Park. dune 14, 15, 16 offers jusî about something for ex erynne., Featuring the weekend act- ivity is a doubieheader of car racing starîing wilh the Lab- att's Formula 5000 on Satur- day folloxved by the Labaîl's Blue CaoArn Sunday, dune 16. Besîdes the featureexvents, the weekend package offers a race in the popular Bulova Championship series and a vintage-car race. Friday and Saîurday also features prac- lice and lime trials for the various events. Jo other words the weekend program provides enough var- ietx' on each day Ihat the whqjle affair can be turned mb o'a camping weekend, with fire- woo dand wa 1er offered 10 campers free of charge. In addition 10 Ibis, Mosporl Park bas announced a new famiiy area exclusive 10 Ihose who wish to take advantage of the Mosporl family camping facilities. A separatecamping area is available 10 studenls and singles. Wilh Father's Day on Sun- day, dune 16, tickets 10 the race are aiso'being suggesled as a Faîher's Day Glît. Tickets are now on sale aI various ticket oullels includ- îng ail participating Mac's Milk Stores, Eaton's Attrac- tions, Ticket Office, Sam The Record Man, A & A Records, parlicipating Midas Muffler shops, parlicipating Volks- wagen Audi dealers as well as severai major shopping mails. .There is a range of ticket packages inciuding a special weekender for $15 wben bought in advance. Super- tickets which includes admis- sion ail three days as weli as entry 10 the pit and paddock, and reserved grandslands are $20.010. Single race day tickets for the Cao-Arn are $7.00 in advance or $8.00 if purchased at the track on race day white Formula 5000 tickets only are $5.00. ElecronsSpIfit on Weekend Agai'nstý, Oshawaî Legion Team What started out as a great awa in ibeir own backyard by infielId, Steve Parker, John weekend in Oshawa Saturday the score of 8 to 3. .. Camjiipbell, Len Woodward and night turned int a disaster The TV crew scored runs in sophomore Mike Johnson ai back ai Soper Creek Sunday the first three innings and then third stopping any Ibreal the afternoon. with gond defensive basebail Oshawa club couid gel The Harry Locke oulfil were fuit value for the win. sîarted., behind the fine pitching of Steve Parker was the big man Mike Corneli in bis second Juvenile Ron -Stainlon in bis ai tbe plate witb two triples sîart bebind the p laie,. showed first stanf wiih the Senior and two singles. Wiih îhree out ihat whal he lacked in size hei Elecîrons club defeated Osh- of four f irst year players in the makes un in ahilitv. lniw Crough, Daie St. John, Larry Perris an-d flonnie Etchier al played we11 in the outfield. Disasier Sbrikes Sunday ýafternoon was a complete reversai of~ formi, with the Oshiawa crew grab- bing four rians in lthe bird, with a cosIy error sfartitng them out. Frýom thien on theiy compIetely corýoiled the game %with Boýýmanville 1beirîg heid to thirêe siingles,, twNo of which) were offthle bat o tv Parker, Th'le final sclore endced up 13 1o0 tefr Oshawa. The Electrons xiIIloeoe bail games thîs se-ason, but with al thieyoung il players being used in the nupth fans can be sure thatftbe wýIll be watching interestingba bail. In closing, 1 would like to comment on the language an ý d attitude, of the players and fans from both teams. Str day's exhibition in Oshaw.a wasstrictly *'Bush League" and anyone with any sense would have toý think twice before taking, their wives or childreri to either bail park. Next game wiil be at Kendai at 2:00 p.m. this Sunday. 1 I W TRUCKS FOR ELIZABETH VILLE Vîsilors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Muidrew were Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. R. Beatty, John and Jane Muldrew, and Jackie Gilmore. Mr. and Mrs. W. Muidrew, Mr. L. Muldrew, Mr. and Mrs. R. Whiibred and girls, Osh- awa, were ai Sunnyside, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs H. Quanîrili spent tbe weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. H. Holden, Guelph. GENERAL ADMISSION Aduits - $2.75 Chldren ('12 and under) - .50 -'I J E FI 623-448 1 219 KING ST. EAST BOWMA NV ILLE "CORVETTES OUR SPECIALTY" McýiGREGOR ala-cri- INTERIOR & Eý XTERIOR PROTECTIVE NO-DRIP CEDAR & REDWOOD ONLY e e e e e 0 ,e0 e Gallon Use Your "CHARGEX" KING STr. WEST 623-2542 Hardware BOWM,'AN VILLE SATURDAY a p.m. RACING FOR THE CARLING'S POINT AWARDS WESTGATE SPEEDWAY Sherbrooke St. and Hlwy. No. 7, Peterborou~gh THIS WEEK ... COCA-COLA HOBBY DIVISION CHALLENGE SERIES Ostranders Siffari Diamond Division Challenge Series Traffic Control to Hwy. 7 Now Provided 1 È . 1 'SALE Gren McOuaf 6 23 -448 -. .--. ... - j - P.-.y - ý illanu. up ni a"Ility. ýuug

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