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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1974, p. 8

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Th Cqnn(îiq st2esavmn. Rwmanville. dune 12, 1974 The Newc-èastle Independen t Editor -Meîanee Jessup . - - Teleýphone 98 W-43651' )Peoes NICE SUMMER - Now that winteér appears to -ý returning a bit early, we .would do well îYýj remember that one or two days of 80 and 85 degree temperatures when we were complaining about the heat. Over the weekend, we w'ent ail out and even took off the storm windows. Proposed Site for Newcastle, Village Fire Hall campus in the next four m onths. More tfian 6,000 will partici- pale in conferences, work- shops, seminars and special courses, while a further 800 are expected to attend' the university's six-week summer session. Durîng 1973, confer- ences and special courses attracted some 3,500 persons, summer session about 800. Largest of the conferences scheduled is the annual re- gional, Girl Guide Leaders conference, witb some 500-600 delegates expected. CA RS FOR SALE Bob Hlayward 623-4481 CEDj b hHAA UILLLOshawa ASSCITESTREProduets rily Pleasure!I AR PICNIC TABLES ROM OSHAWA BUILDALL ONLY )NG - BOLTED LEGS - READY TO IND SEATS ON. (NAILS INCLUDED) - -TE READY TO ASSEMBLE 3* 5 Proposed Site for New Fire Hall Thought' Be BigJoke, F The lease is about to run out outside witb a block beater in tic taxj on the present fire hall in tbcm and a tarpaulin over ested Newcastle, and the 16 volun- tbem. added teer firemen in Newcastle are The proposai came from investý not happy witb a proposal Newcastie's Public Works recomi before council to utilize a Committee and was looked at Don2 public works building opposite by council in the bopes of statem the village arena, as Zh new saving the town $140,000. AtL fact bc fire hall. town council a week, ago good i( Fred Gianville,, a spokes- Monday night, Councilior Ken, referre man for the firemen, says they Lyall callcd the idea, "a commi have given up any idea. of crackpot idea" and said why Allinvw public protest, for everyone be hadn't been lynched in the for cor already realizes the proposed street was beyond hlm. Hc Two site is too ' rîdiculous to said the proposai has donc been rý consider. He stated that it mor-c barm to the crcdibiiity bifld would be impossible to get the of regional gox'rnment than moc trucks in or out of there in the anything cisc to date. au thori winter when there's sorne Counillor Don Wearn, Keit] tbing going on in the arena. Hc Works Committee Chairman, Ncwcaý added that it makes more stated that the idea bad been merce sense 10 leave the trucks put forward by tbrce Ncwcas- Statesr ODams URnWIURE N w' to 0 :ïreme payers wbo wcre inter- in saving taxes. He 1that il was only an igation, flot a final imendation. Councillor Allin reitcratcd Ibis ncnt and added that "in etbougbt it was "a darm idca". The malter was -d 10 the social services ittce, and Councilior viii contact the fire chief ornent on the proposai. )years ago $18,000 had aiscd by the village to a new fice ball This b as been witb regionai ities. lh Barr, Presudent of the astie Chamber of Com- etold The Canadian ;Man thal the chamber us A. HUGE, ANNIVERSARY SPREAD 0F FABULOUS SUMMERTIME FURNISHING VALUES! "REGENT" Frost- Free Refrigerator by Westingliouse S. .. Operates entirely and aintans u frOS p cooling through Continuons Moving Cold system. Features 2 WIDE shelves adjust- able to 10 positions, separate butter com- partment and large crisper. Also, 124-lb. capacity freezer. WL Compact size: only 30" x 601/4". GOLD or AVOCADO: $10 extra. Specia I R~~1T etlghu$ 369 O 1~ Business Hours: 9: 00 A.MV. 6: 00 P. M. I Thurs. and Fri. 9: 00 P. M. I OSHIAWA BOWMANVILLE 45 King St. East 26 King St. East going on record as opposing the, proposqed site for the new Fiýre Hall. He aý :dded thiatif the pro)po)slI aain cornes to council they,, would be there to- register their complaint, and would hold a publie protest. The Baton Recital last Tuesday was a huge success with a large number in attendance. A great deal of local talent was exhibited as the girls put on a good show for ail. Proud parents looked on a Brownics flew op to Guides and maux more Guides and Brownies received badges at thc Brownie and Guide Dis- cielt Banquet last Wednesday nigbt, Mr. and Mrs. K. Ruttan of Toronto were xeekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Peel. Karen visited with ber friend, Miss Marysia Majer. Mr. and Mrs. W. Masche of Bloomfield visited hier sister and h ler husband, Mr. and Mrs. D. dessup on the week- end. Congratulations to Mr. and MXrs, J. Pruner who celebrated their fifteenth wedding anni- \ ersary on Tbursday, dune 6. MIr. Ed Majer returned Saturday f rom bis trip to Nevwfoundland for a Legion Convention. Mr. Majer had an enjoyable week despite the snlow w'ich caused them to cancel one of tbeir tours. Soîry 10 hear tbat Mrs. Rachel Dennis is a patient in Bowmanville Memorial H-osp- ital. Mr. and Mrs. R. Locke and their familyf spent last Sunday in Toconto. Tbey toured Black Crcek Pioncer Village and then procccded 10 Toronto Island. Congratulations tb Miss Glenda Johnson who graduat- cd ai Convocation Hall at U. of T. on Fciday, May 31. The graduation vlas attended by lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnson and hier broth- er-, Gary. Glenda received ber Bachelor of Science in Phar- macy, and is 00w working in Cobourg. ýM '.' Jobn Connoy of Toronto ei;sited bis sister, Miss Susan Wa'tson. last wcekend. Newcastle town's newly ap- pointed recreation advisory committce will meet at 7:30 tonigbt, in tbe Bowmanville council cbambers. Il is the first meeting of tbe l-man committce. Mayor Garnet Rickard said be bopes tbe committce will supply council and tbe town's com- munity services comrittee witb a sense of direction for N ewcastle recreation. I'Tbere's more 10 life than scwers and streets and polic- ing", said tbe mayor. "I want tbe people to take a look at tbe lifeotyles of thé community and make a fewx suggestions". Tbe members compuising tbe new committee are repre- sentative of almost every recreational activity to he found in tbe new town, said Mayor Riekard. WOOD FENCE...0 CHOOSE FOM12 POPULA,'R DESIGNS FROM:3', BRING IN YOUR MEASUREMENTS FOR AN bNO OBLIGATION. TO 6' HIH. ESTIMATE. BUILDALL DRIVEWAY SEALER REJUVENATES and PROTECTS VOUR FIVE GALLONS ASPHALT DRIVEWAY. COVERS ABOUT 500 SQUARE FEET $ 9 SPACEMAKER "âGOOD NEUGHBOUR" STÉEEL FE NCING YOU CAN ALMOST FORGET ABOUT MAINTENANCE EASY DO-IT-YOURSELF INSTALLATION, NO SPECIAL TOOLS IDEAL FOR ... Lawns and Gardens - Patio' Privacy.... Swimming Pool Protection HEIGHTS 0F 4'-5' or 6' - N WHITE OR REDWOOD PATIO SLABS NEED A LITTLEË 181x 18" -Grey -Cash and Ca rry$1.14 ea. HELP? DELIVERED $1.49 ea. SEE OUR WIDE -ASSORTMENT 0F 18"x 18"ý- COLORS -Cash and Carry $1.85 ea. "HO T" OOS-ORTH DELIVERED $.2O ea. DO-IT-YOURSELFER. BOOKS ON BUILDING PATIOS- DECKS FIREPLACES - ADDITIONS- REPAIRS <YelIow - Charcoal1 - Red - Brown in the -group) TO PLUMBING'and ELECTRICAL. SOME ITEMS AVAILABLE ONLY AT BUILDALL LUMBERLAND' See Our Alil New Display of KITCHENS WHERE YOU CAN TAKE THE POPULAR 1UL M ACORNACAN STYLE CUPBOARDS WITH YOU. ALSO SEE THE WIDE CHOICE 0F17 ý FLOOR COVERINGS AT POPULAR PRICES. IL'U Shop Either Convenient Location , .~ OSHAWA BUILDALL COURTICeE~ LUMBERLAND -R-STORE 100 Bond St. West Oshawa Bloor St. East of Holiday 'Inn Let's build together"I Phone 728-1617 Phone 728-1611 me (-;anaaianbuatesiiiaii, 1 m . 'I'r Mý" % z-ý 55ý New,'village Well I NotMeet Expectat The newwell in the Village present, the nitrate level is 8.8 of Newcastle producing nearîy parts per Million. The highest one third less water tîian level allowable i s 10parts. The originally expected and the 1970 testing showed a 4.6 level. nitratelevel being higher may In spite of the drawbacks, cause some concern to village' the region has decided to go- residents and subdivisions ahead with a $165,653 expendi- planned for the area. ture to instail a pump, In a report to the regional watermain and appurtenan- council two weeks ago, it was ces to utilize the water. The discovered that the new well well cost $18,859 to drill and will yiçld only 70 gallons per set up. minute. t was expected to A report from the Ministry give 100 gallons per minute. of the Environment to the, Furthermore, the water that Durham Region stated tb9 is coming forth is much higher need for more water in the in-nitrates than was shown in area with future growth and the tests back in 1970. At that the Region utilize a TREN UNVÉRITY private well, 1000 teet trom mne TRENTUNIVESITY existing well. CONFERENCES The tender for the $165,000 Conlerences, special cour- expenditure expires on dune ses and the 1974 summer -19, s0 regional authorities are session at Trent University rushing to meet the deadline will attract more than 7,000 for the go ahead.

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