The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 19, 1974 .' ~ .....-.............,.. ....... ...... .. ..:.c.:.:.:.:. 4..............s'................. .... ./......................«.X.:.. . :.'.. . 1eM23as CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Two inferesting and chalien- ging positions are open in the field of Resources Manage- ment CONSERVATION AREAS SU PER V ISOR This position is open for a person who can supervise the Authority's Programme in the deveiopment, operation, and maintenance of Conservation Areas. Qualifications Graduate in an accredited University or Col lege in one of the resource sciences with experience in construction, planning and resource man- agement, and with an ability ta make reports, prepare cost estimafes, and deai with the public in a tactful, knowledge- able and courteous manner. Salary 5100 per annum range. PLANNING TECHNICIAN This position is open for a fechnician whose duties wil include the inspection and preparation of reports of sub- division applications, assist- ing in the administration of' the Authorify's F il], Construc- tion and Alteration to Water- ways Regulation, and provid- ing technicai assistance in the prepdrdtion ut variuus gra- phic materials. Qualifications Two years Community Col- lege in Planning or equivalent experience, with an ability to deai tactfuily with the public. SalIary -59,000. per annum range. Applicants for either of the above positions appiy in wrifing with a resumne of experience and qualifications by 1June 21, 1974 to: CE NTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHOR ITY 69 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario Li H 1 B4 24-2 PART tîme drivers, must be 21 or over. Apply at 123 King East, or 623-4422. 25-1 F UL L Ti me Clerk, experience preterred, apply Dykstra's Foad Market, 77 King St., West, Bowmanville. 25-1 EXPERIENCED hairdresser. Pleasant warking conditions. Good haurs. No evenings. Telephane 623-5455. 20 tf NURSES' Aides, full and part lime. Phone Mrs. Clark, 987 4441. 22-tf PART Trime service station attendant required. Apply lm- periîai Oïl Service Centre, Highway 401 and Waverly Road, Bowmanvilie. 24-3 COOK required immediateiy. Phone 987-4252. 24-2 MATURE babysitter for in- tant. Phone 623-4534. 25-1 EXPERI1ENCED hairdress- ers wanfed immediafely, one fu ime, one part time, for established clientele. Cali t623-5019. 25-1 STRAWBERRY pîckers. Cal 263-2339 between 6-8 p.m. 25-1 R.N. or R,N.A., For evening a nd nmght shift, Part T me Strathaven Nursing Homne PH ON E623-2553 25-2 ORGANIST requîred for Sf. 1John's Anglican Church, Bow- mnanrville, Sept. 1, 1974. Two mianuai principal pipe organ. One service most Sundays, plus choir rehearsal. Salary to be neootiated. APo'Iv in writ- ing to the Wardens, co 124 Queen St., Bowmanville be- foréJune30.22 CLERK TYPIST Required immediafely for Bowmanville office of Reglo- nal Health Unit. Must he able to type 60 W.P.M. on electric or stan- dard typewriter and have good general knowledge of routine office procedures. Ability to work effectively with general public and-ofher staff is essential. Salary rate - 102.50 to $131.25 per 35 hour week over 2 year period. Present contract expires 30, September, 1975. Excellent working condi- tions and fringe benefits. Apply in writing giving full particulars and telephone number f0: Administer, Durham Regional Healfh Unît, 301 Golf Street, Oshawa, Ont. LIG 4B2 25-1 STATIONARY E NGIN EE R 4th Class Applications \kill be recei- ved unfil Tuesday, June 25, 1974, for the position af the Cobourg Collegiafe Instifute E ast. Combined Caretaker, Oper- afing Engineer for oïl fired low pressure Boiler Opera- f ion. Reply in writing stafing qualifications, address and telephone number f0: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Newcastle County Board of Education, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 4L2 25-1 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0 F EDUCATION Off ice Personnel Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., Tuesdlay, June 25, 1974, for the position of Secretary for Kendal Public School and Lockhart's Public School Haîf Time Duties will cnmmence Sept- ember 3, 1974. Must, have fyping, general knowletlge of office procedure and business machines. Short- hand an asset but not' essen- tiai. Abilify to cope with work load at peak periods of primary importance. Apply in writing stating qualifications and experience f0: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 4 L2 25-1 . fle SIAMESE caf, tips of both ears missing, north side of Newcastle area. If found phone 987-4883. 25-1 1 wiIl pay a good reward to anyone who knows the where- abouts of a very small chihuahua female puppy. She has been missing from our hnme on Town Line South of Mosporf since Sunday around 1:30 p.m. She is blonde colour with white markings. She has been delicate since birth and needs special care. Please phone 263-8475. 23 if Farmers, Atte DEAD STOCK SEP at MARGWILL FUR under newv manageny ownership.1 We appr cal ltfram you when ne Cali1 cal lect 263-, Lic. No. 416C7 R. R. 5, Bowmanvil1le, R.W. BOWERING amuam Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority General Superintendeént This inferesting position is open for a person who can super- vise the Authority's field staff in the deveiopment, operation and maintenance 0f Conservation Areas and other Authority, pro jecf s. Qualifications: Successfui completion of 2 year course in resources management in Community Colege or similar institution, or equivalent qualification; and experience in theý development, operation and maintenance 0f recreation areas. Apply in writing with a resumne of qualifications and experience by ,lune 25, 1974 ta: GANARASKA REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY P.O. Box 328 Port Hope, Ontario 24-1 ELECTR ICAL SUPERINTENDENT THE POSITION To manage an electrical crew with responsibiiity for plant electrical and eiectronic systemrs. Approx. plant ioad of 11,000 KVA with equipment ranging tram digital devices f0 rotating Machinery above 2500 H.P. QUALIFICATION Preterence for an engineering graduate with 4- 8 years experience in an industrial environment. Candidates shouid have experience and aptitude for managing, a crew of knowiedgeable, experienced electricians and electronîc techn i cians and provide leadership required to eftectively integrate these resources with the needs of the production deparfments. MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR THE POSI 1 iON To supervise the mechanical maintenance deparfment of a cemnent plant, located in Southern Ontario. QUALIFICATION The applicant must have previous experience as Supervisor in either the Cement, Mining or other related heavy industrial op eration.1THCOPN ST.,MARYS CEMENT COMPANY P.O. Box 68 Bowmanviîîe, Ontario Reply in writirig to the manager. SMALL two bedroom apart- ment for rent in Tyrone. Phone 263-8431 for further information. 25-1 TWO one-bedroom' apart- ments and one fwo-bedroom apartment. Phone 623-4697. 25-tf EXECUTIVE, 3 bedroom bun- galow, with 11/2 baths, living roomn with dining room area, firepiace, double garage, kit- chen. Locafed on paved road 21/2 miles north of Bowman- ville on 10Oacres of land. Pond. 5400.00 per month. Cali Ruby Ingleton of H. Keifh Limited, Realtor, Bus. 576-3333 or Res. 623-2627. 25-1 THREE bedroom apartment, electric heating, two floors, very convenient location in town. Cali 623-7290. Available July 1. 25-1 ONE- bedroom, central loca- t.ion, stove inchýjded, $135 a month. Phone 623-2510. 25-1 THREE bedroom aparfment. $170 a month plus hydro. Phone 623-4422. 25-1 ONE bedroom apartment up- stairs, heated, stove and tridge available $1 10.00. Alex- ander Apartments. Phone 623-2624. 25-1lx ONE bedroom aparfment, ground flaor, heated. Stove, and fridge. 71 King Street East $120.00. Phone 623-2624. 25-1lx APARTMENT -upstairs, heated, two bedrooms, separ- afe entrance, garage, fwo miles east of Bowmnanviie on Hw.No. 2. Available Augusi 1sf. Write Adivertiser 482 c-o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 25-2, FURNISHED bedrooms by month, week or day, shower and bath, iicenced premises, reasonable rates. Castie Hotel Bowmanvilie. 623-7072. 22-tf 1350 Square teef, shop and storage, two offices. Presently used as sheef metal shop. Modemn three bedroom apart- ment also available. Contàct 623-4653. 25-1 FOUR yearling bis three are hait Charolais and here- ford, one three quarter Charo- lais. Phone 263-2174., 24-2 ONE-year-oid, peacocks for sale. Cali Ciaremont 649-2737. 25-1 THREE quarter Charolais bull, fast gainer, excellent son of Artiste, fen months old, Hampton. 263-8443. 25-1 COW herd dispersai, 25 Here- tord and Hereford-cross, with cal ve,,,c ,t+f,-,,-d Phone i 1-46-655- Tenders-wili be unfîl 10:00 a.m. Fr 21, 1974, for windoý ment at the Newca! School and the Th( bard Public Schooi shail be factory pre n aiuminum, ýntion trames, operating s RVICE, and glazing, panel i kFARM tiy screens. rient and Speci icatians ani eciate a may be obfained cessary. office 0f M. A. 721 Business Adminisi 3 Treasurer, The Nc Ontario land and NewcastlE LTD. Education, Box 47 Street, North, Cobi aria. We Buy Scrap FREE TOWI DOM'IS AU PARTS 723-1 121 500 f0 600 bales ofF qîjality. Phone 263-' GOOD used furnitur Used Furniture 623- POTATO digger ar row.potato planter.P 8016. 1964 PONTIAC Laurenfian,, four door, 8 cylinder, auto- matic, no plates as is $125. Phone 263-2950 before 4 p.m. 25-1 1971 DAISUN 240Z 25,000 miles. Excellent condition, AM 8-frack stereo, mag wheeis, 4 speed. Asking $3400. Phone 623-7581. 25-1 NEWLY built dune buggy cut dlown 24", 1500 motor. Phone 983-5919, Orana. 25-1 1965 CADI LLAC, three speed, aufomatic, power steering, brakes and windows, feles- copic'3-way steering wheel, AM-FM radio and quad tape deck. Calil 623-5610. 25-1 1910 FORD Meteor Rideau 500 2-dr. hardfop. Very good condition. Asking $1695. Phone 987-4986. 25-1 1971 MG Midget. Licensed March 1972. Low mileage., Phane 983-5614. 25-1 1967 FORD Custom Inter- national ground driven side rake, fiat batfam farmn wagon. Phone 263-2544. 25-1 1964 BEAUMONT 2-dr. hard- top, 283. Cali affer 4:30 p.m. 623-7850. 25-lx 1972 DELUXE truck camper, ail conveniences, sleepsô. Cail afer 4:30a p.m. 6232383. 25-1lx 1970 CH EV. Impala 4-dr. hardtop, 350 motor automatic. Phone 623-4150 atter 2 p.m. 25-lx '63 CH EV. 3 quarter stake T54710, '65 Chev. window van D79241, '66 Chev. three-quar- ter catering truck D51-922, '67 Hait ton Ford D78243, '67 Ford one ton dual, E99654, '71 Ford Three-quarter ton van E 17179, '71 Ford hait ton D79183, '72 Ford hait ton D79205, '65 Mercu ry two door F BA976, '68 Ford two door EZB451, '68 Chev. waoon E BL763, '71 Ford LTD, power DYW588, '72 LTD Squire wagon AUR38S. Frank Hoskin, hait mile east of Nestieton just off 7A Highway. 25-1 '67 Chev Cal V8 automatic, pov,-.2 Power brakes, radio, full price oniy .. ' 69 Belaii 4 door, V8 automatic thraughout, certif price oniy .... 168 CIiev. Four doorV8 auton driving car, full No Down Payment Pa yments toS CARVET Motor Sa1 987-4756 5 « NE WCASTL E à em 25-2 Furniture, antiques, machi- nery, pouitry, etc. the proper- fy of Jack Paimer, Bethany, ~ turn south at Sheil station for 2 mile, Saturday, June 22. 1including: eleéctric stove, eiec- fric washing machine, 2 ches- - terfieid suites, Webber piano, eiecfric sewing machine, chairs, sideboard, maple sy- e receîved rup kettie, cutter, coal oil ,day, June lamp, International Cub trac- 'w replace- ton and equipment, Roto tiller, ýsti e Pubîic Homelite chain saw, fiock of iomas Gil real good laying hens. Many 1Windows other items fao numerous f0 eabricated mention. Farm soid, no re- inciuding serve, terms cash, sale at 1 sash, glass p.m. Ted Spenceley, Bethany nserts and 277-2989, Grant Werry, Hamp- drwigs fn 263-2603, auctioneers. d draings24-2 tram the MacLeod, Grist Miii rafor and orfhumber- Auction Barn e Board of Specializing in ail types of 0, D'Arcy Sales and Estates )ourg, Ont- NEWTONVILLE 251 Phone 786-2244 B - Stapleton Bros. p Cars Auctioneers -BOB- and -FRANK- IN G Newtonvi 1lie 786-2953 2-1f Wed., June 26, clearing s tarm auction at Windritt 1 Farms (Ross Heron), iocated 1t on 9fh Con., Pickering Twp. 2 - miles east of Claremont, turn hay,, good north 1i4 mile on Sideline No. 2297. 10 (being 8 miles east of 25-1lx Stoutfville), inciuding good - tarm implements, furnîfure, wicker buggy, wagon, cutter, ýre. Towne harness, some antiques. "You -4681. name if, we have if". Note: 25-1 This is a good sale, property - sold. Refreshments. 2 Auction ind single Rings. Sale 12 o'clock. Furni- Phone 263- ture seils tirst. Afkinson and 25-2 Wilson, Sales Mgrs. and Auctioneers. 24-2 Umm==S CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS, MOTORCYCLES, S NO WMOB ILES FOR WRECKING PURPOSES. SM ALL SCRAP METALS HI GHEST PRICES PAID ACKERMAN AUTO S WRECKERKS - 623-5756 - 623-7112 à a a t a a - e e v e - 1 hursdlay Evening June 20 6 p.m. EXCE LLIENT AUCTION Auction sale of furniture and antiques including Viking Re- frigerator, 2 door, Viking electric stove, Viking 23' deep freezer, Viking washing mac- hine (ail electricai appliances in excellent condifon), antique beçlroom suite (95 years oId), pine corner cupboard, pine table, 2 hanging lamps (excel- lent), pine flour bin, rocking chair, oak dining table and chairs, Oak sideboard (or- nate), 2 wainut cabinets, smail antique mirror, arm- chair, oval parlour table, foulet set, spool bed, iran and brass bed, captain's high chair, number of antique chairs, curfains and drapes, fruit jars, cracks and jugs, belils, fiat irons, spinning wheel, chesfs of drawers, many other articles. The property of Effa and Greta Brawn, Lot 5, Con. 9 East, Whitby Twp. 2 miles straight east of Raglan and 3/ mile north. Sale at 6 p.m. A fine interesting sale ot an aId farm household. Lloyd Wilson and W. D. Atkinson, Sale Mana- gers and Auctioneers, Ux- bridge 416-852-3524. 24-2 Auction sale of furniture, dishes, tools, etc., the proper- tsi of Henryý Si ater, 423 Lilla St ., Part P erry, Wednesday, June 26. Includîng: chester- field suite, eiectric washing machine, eiectrîc dryer, eiec- fric deep freeze, Westinghouse Fridg, Westinghouse stove, diningroom table and six chairs, T.V. 23", coffee tables, end tables, hedge trimmer, power mawer, many other items too numerous' to men- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Siater are moving to Victoria B.C. and this sale presents an oppor- tunity ta buy excellent house- hoid furnishings. Terms cash, house sold, no reserve, sale at 1 p.m. Ted Spenceley, Be- thany 277-2989, Grant Werry, Hampton 263-2603, auction- eers. 24-2 AUCTION SALE Arabian Horses- Furniture McLaughlin Cutter SATURDAY, JUNE 22 3 Purebred Arabian Horses, grade Morgan mare in foal, price McLaughiin 'cutter in show r ste-ering, room condition, two sdis Dcertif ied cuitivator, side deiivery rake, $89. ouse jack, chains, motors, sq tools. Household Furnifure: re Leather Lazy Boy, Dumont c, spotless combination am-fm stereo set, fied, full Colonial chesterfield and $. 1,399. chair, end tables, coffee tables, -Beach propane, stove, Westinghouse propane dryer, racnice Vilas dining set _ 6 chairs, price only table, corner cabinet, rocking .$999. chair,' chesterfield and end ýt Needed tables, T.V. tray s, vacuum Suit cleaner, many other articles, the property of Roy and FH Doreen McQuade,_ Peterbo- lesrough,12 mile east 0f Hwy. 28 les on Airport Road, south of 76-3232 Hwy. 115. Terms cash. Farm sold. Furniture seils at 1:00 OSHAWA p.m. Ail bidders must regis- 25-1 fer.' STEVE LIPTAY, Auctioneer R.R. 1, Bowmanville 24-2 Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon, 1 mile easf of Enniskiiien on Saturday even- ing June 22. Large quantity of househoid furniture. Stoves, tridges, beds, chairs, combi- nation stoves, fridge and sink. Loads of other articles. Sale at 7 p.m. Clitt Pethick, Auc- tioneer. 24-2 Auction sale private estate tram Bowmanville. Owner's name not published as per owner's request ., tfo .be heid at Stirtevant's Auction Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa, Saturday Electric stoves, refrigerafor, chrome suite, chestertieid suite, coffee and end tables, washing machine, wardrobe, ,dressers, chesf of drawers,_ automatic washer, night ta- bles, electric table saw, office chair, vacuum cleaner, bi- cycles, beds (complete), occa- sionai chair, garden tools, radio and record player, large mirrors, flood iights, pictures, iamps, books, lazy boy chair, large quantity of dishes and pots and pans. Terms cash, no reserve. This is a large estate. Plan f0 attend. Auction sale every Tuesday and Thursday and this week Saturday even- ing. Aill urniture welcome. Salesroom open 7- 9 p.m. Myles King, Auctioneer and Cartage. 725-5751, 723-0501. 25-1 Auction sale, private estate from Oshawa. Modemn and antique turniture. Name not pubiished as per owner's request. To be heid at Stirte- vant's Auction Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa. Thursday, June 20, 6 p.m. sharp. Retrigerafor, eiectric stove, automatic spin washer, dressers, chest of drawers, 7 pce. diningroom suite, vacuum, cleaner, bed- chesfertieid and chair, cottee and end tables, wooden kitch- en table and chairs, hall tree, single continental beds, dou- ble continental bed, kitchen cupboard, sewing machine, typewriter, tri-iamps, wicker chairs, trunks, portable T.V., dropleaf table, 2 hait moon tables, garden tools, large quantify of dishes. Terms cash. No reserve. This is a large estate. Plan fa attend. Auction' sale every Tuesday and Thursday and this week Saturday evening. Aill urni- ture weicome, saiesroom open 7 -9 p.m. M yles King, Auctio- neer and Cartage, 725-5751, 723-0501. 25-1 10-24 Saturday, June 29 Auction sale of antique turniture, dishes, car, farm 1machinery, the property of -Eari Innis. Lot 31, Con. 8, 1Town of Whitby; approx. 3 miles west of south Myrtie (just wesf 'of Ashburn) or n ort h east of Pickering (sale wili be held at the former Norman Anderson properfy, just west of golf course). Cockshutt 30 tractor (gaad) wooden wheei wagon wi th box and spring seat (good). Man- ure spreader, i.H.C. mower, double waiking plow, single plow, M.H. binder, qu. of aid farm machinery. 1947 Dodge (special De-Luxe car) original interior, good running candi- tion. Ail kinds of model T. Ford parts, wooden wheels, steering wheei, chasis, engine 1block, lights (kerosene) ten- ders, etc. Waterloo garden tractor, antique iran cook stove, very ornate (good). Large corner ýcupboard with glass doors, wooden washing machine (good). Wrifing desk and china chabinef. Pine chests, mnarbie top chest of drawers, cabinet radia (good) pine quiit boxes, oblong table with ornate boffom, pine sideboard, press back chairs, arrow back chair on castors, baby rocker, iran and brass beds, iran beds, rope bed, pine dry sink, ship bell, qu. of dishes, horse belis, 1912 Fam- iiy Heraid and Weekly Star. The News paper 1906. t-roni page story of the sinking of the Titanic. 2 McLaughiin cutters (good) buggy (good). Hun- dreds of of her items, 303 entieid rifle, etc. Farm sold, terms cash. Sale at 10:30, came early as this is a large sale. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers. Lunch avaîlable. 25-2 Saturday, Juiy 6th, Farm Sold. Auction Sale of farmn machinery and some house- hoid furniture. The property of Thomas Swift, Lot 1, Con. 4, Ennismore Twp. 4 miles west from north end Causeway at Bridgenorth and north /2 mile (Peterborough -Victoria Boundary). 1965 M.F. 165 high arch diesel tractor compiete, moiti-power, power steering. M.F. 35 diesel tractor with manure loader. 1969 Cockshutf 12' Swafher, self-propelied, 40 hp Wisconsin motor, 1966 Fox 2 row self propeiied forage harvester with hay header 148 hp diesel motor, like new. 1965 Dion self unioading forage box, 8 ton gearing, 1966 John Deere 4 row drag corn planter, 1968 Golden Arrow field spra, yer P.T.O., 1967 Cockshutt, 2 row corn picker PTO good. 1965 MEF.4-12's trip beam piough 3 pt. Iînt. No. 10 cambination seed drill. Triole K cultivator with harrows, Cobey 200 bus. manure sprea- der, M.F. 8' disc 3 pt., John Deere sub-sailer, New Hoiiand side rake, M.F. d yna-balance power mower, T urnco 135 bushel gravity grain box, Case '32' hay elevator, stone picker for front end loader, fulll une of modemn power machinery. American saddle horse S yr. old, Palomino saddle horse 6 yr. oid, Chestnut filly 1 year old. Syrup kettie, 2 separafors, bedroam suite, 3 clothes clasets, buffet, rugs, wash- stands, diningroom extension table, kitchen table and chairs, sheives, many other articles. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, -Rea- bora, Ontario, 705-324-9959. 25-3 1Saturday, June 29th. Giving u p farming. Auction sale of iivestock, implements, furni- ture and antiques. The pro- Iperty of Ward and Wendeii Hoimes, west hait Lot 14, Con. 9, Ops Twp. 3 miles east, of Lindsay, past Ops Eiementary School and /2 mile south or 2 miles north west of Reaboro. 32 head of Stocker cattie. j6 Hereford steers, 1 yr. aid, 4 Holstein steers rising 2 yrs., aid, 22 Hereford heifers, 1 yr. oid. 1970 Int. 624 diesel tractor, 780 hrs., tully equipped. 1968 Int. 434 diesel tractor fuiiy equipped with 1968 Int. 1501 manure loader, hydrauiic buc- ket, aravel rolate, snow bucket, puiiey. Ford 8N tractor, rebuilt, like new. A. R. John Deere tractor, M.F. 35 diesel tractor, 1971 Int. 105 self- prpiidcmbine with cab, and -chairs, odd'chairs, buggy jack, chesferf ieid suite, couch, portable. typewriter, cheese dish, many other antique and household items. Terms cash. Absoluteiy no reserve! furni- ture sale at 12 noon. Machine sale at 1:00 p.m. Caffle at 3:30 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctia- neer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324- 9959.' 25-2 *MI beils ( Beaver), reversed paintings, aval trames, china dolîs, crocks, gablets, sauve- nir Dionne plate, china Fia Blue, Royal Doulton, Nippon, Occupied Japan, Coalport (in- dian Tree), bedroom screens, doughboard, mirrors, book's and other articles. Large quantity of antique dishes. Myles ing, Auctioneer, 723- 0501 or 725-5751. 25-1 Auction sale for Jas. Burley, 9 miles nortn east of Cobourg on Hîghway 45, and 2 miles ea§t on Centreton Road, Saturday, June,22nd at 1 p.m. 1972 Oldsmobile hardfop, 1965 Ford dump truck, 2 skidoos, Snow Prince, M.H. tractor "44" with new rubber, 3 furrow plow,, cultivator, M.H. rotary mower, M.F. 2 row cultivafor, Graham chisel plow, J.D. broad'caster 12', 3 point sto\ýe hook, 4000' irriga- flan pipe 4" and 5", tobacca humidifier, baling boxesiand press, kiln elevator, green house walks, small pressure system, air compressor, lzand fork lift, overhead greenhouse sprinkler, Sth wheel and saddle tank, strip room racks, tobacco siats, Winchester automatiç shot gun, Wnches- ter rifle '308', Mauser rifle 8MM, acetelyne welder, elec- fric welder, chrome suite, metal filing cabinet, dresser, desk, table saw, dishes, lamps and numerous other items. Murray C. Noble, Paul Lean, Auctioneers. 24-2x Saturday, June 22nd, aoc- tion sale of farm machînery, tools, household furniture and antiques. The property of the late Norman Preston, north haîf Lot 26, Con. 13, Smith Twp., 1 mile north of Selwyii on Hwy. 507 and ý2 mile east or 5,miles north of Lakefield on Hwy. 507 and /2 mile east. Super C International tracter wifh manure loader and blade. 1Int. M fractor for parts. 1int. 45 baler PTO, Forney electric welder, seed drill, forge, anvil, drill press, electric air pump, quantity of stove wood and lumber, large quantity cf hand tools, many other items. 3 wood stoves, tables, chairs, wicker table, wicker chair, antique cupboard, hîgh cup- board, pine cupboard, wash- stands, picture frames, maple table, 2 antique rocking chairs, waoden beds and dressers, ail lamps, f lat irons, large quantity cf dishes, antique glass aýnd china, large quantity of articles tram an old established homesfead seffled in 1878. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1: 00 p.m. Carl Hicksan, Auctioneer, Rea- boro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 24-2 Saturday, June 22nd. Twi- light auction sale at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, Ange- line- Sf., N., Lindsay, 2 complete dispersais at 7:00 p.m. sharp. 52 head ot High Grade Holstein cattle. The property ot John De La Matter, Sunderland, 25 ma- ture Holstein cows in' ail stages cf lactation, 1 Register- ed, 5 due June, July and August, 4 due Sept. and October, remainder in full flow and re-bred. 2 Hostein heifers due in September, 2 Guernsey cows in full flow, 2 Guernsey heifers due in November, Il Holstein heifers trom 6 mos. to 1 yr. old, il1 heifers tramn 6 mos. f0 1 yr. old, il heifer calves. Herd is unit bred and will be prenancy checked befare sale. Herd may be seen before sale at Lot 8, C on. 8, Brock Twp. 2 miles west 0f ijunction of l-wys. 7 ard 12 at Sunderland and 12 'mile north. 1immediately fol lowing 39 head of Hereford and Simmental cattie. The praper- ty of Arthur Beardsmore, R.R. 5 Peterborough. 14 Here- tord caws with Il Simmental calves by sîde, unit bred, eligible for Registration. 3 Hereford heifers wîfh caives' by side. Il Simmental steers and heifers 1 yr. aid. Ahl lreeding slips will be avait- able at sale. This herd may be seen bef ore sal1e, 2 m il1es south on Airport Road af Peterbo- rough, Ont. Terms cash. No reserve. Note: Sale fime at 7:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auc- tioneer, Reabora, Ont. 705-324- 9959. 24-2 Walker-Lîptay Ltd. Auctioneers Farm & Household Sales. Livestock, Horses, Antiques OVER "450 SALES" LAST YEAR Bill Walker 294-4970 Melville Dale- 623-5638 Parme la Carr- 728-3734 Peggy Gray- 576-3889 Louise Wha le- 576-7205 Ed Drumm - 725-9345 Peter Chopee- 725-1846 Linda l(insman -728-7824 Reg Aker - 725-0201 Wm. Mc Feeters 725-1726- "ESTABLISHED 1936" 25-1 DEADLINE FO\! CLASSIFIED Tues., 4:030 p.m.,ý Undersigned auctioneer will seli by public auction for the estate of the late Sydney Goff, ail his household effects in Cartwright Twp., two roads south of Cadmus or the first tarm norfh of Devitt's Hall on Sat., J une 22: Chesterfield and chair; buffet; vacuum dlean- er; ol upright cupboard; sewirîg machine; fridge; round table; ten kitchen chairs'; fwo arm chairs; four dressers; two washstands; studio couch; 24" electric stove, new; wall dlock,; frunks, -rocking chair; hall rack; wardrobe; beddîng; floor rugs, washing machine; beds; books; scales; carpen- ter tocis; forks; shovels; other articles. Sale at 1 p.m. No reserve. Lawrence Harris, clerk, Clift Pethick, auctio- neeur. 25-1lx Auction sale Thursday even- ing June 20 at 6:15 p.m. Property of Mr. George Nor- man, three miles norfh of Cobourg, 14ý mile west of Balti- more on Dale Road, consisting of Bell upright piano, china cabinet, six diningroom chairs, cedar chest, 3 pce. bedroom suite, oak desk, bow front chests of drawers, coffee table, end tables, beds, occa- sional chairs, lamps, 12 gauge shot gun, carpets, dishes, glaisswari2, Lru(ks, cider press, G.E. combination spin- washer-dryer, Fleetwood T.V., Coldspat refrigerator, Kenmore stove, dehumidifier, Viking dryer, 15 foot boat wifh 35 Johnson oufboard mofor, wagon wheels', lawn mower, 21 foot McCuiness Silver -Moon, house trailer, and other items too numerous f0 mention. Sale held ramn or shine. Roger Bannister, auctioneer. 25-1 Auctirn sale, Sat., Jîine '22, 1: 15 p.m. at Saveon Products Warehouse on Hwy. 28 in the village of Bewdley, consisting of round table wlth four chairs, sideboard, Victorian table, armchairs, rocking chairs, metal office desk, three office chairs, oil lamp, dishes, glassware, crocks, c3rpets, Blacksmith's forge, T.V.'s, electrical appliances, tools, electric motors, and other items stili being con- signed. Roger Bannister, auc- fioneer. 25-1 GristMiii Atiction Barn Newtonvillie JUNE 21ST, FRIDAY, 7: 00 p. m. 786-2244 Steren, T.V.'s, twin colonial patchwork rockers, double continental bed (like new), bar stools, bedroom vanity, bath vanity, fridge, stove (combination/wood and elec- fric), mdterial, laundry tubs, Bell piano lapt. size), 2 bikes (5 speeds his and hers), office chairs, file cabinet (4 drdwer like newl, ,\vacuum, floor lamps, rallaway and day bed, stack chairs, fools, electric fencer and posts, Beaver 4 inch jointer, drill, extension cord, garden hose, and lots more. Antiques Sideboard, old beds, arrow- back, 6 foot harvest fable, trunks, Quebec heaters, spool bed, mantie cdock, copper houler, blanket boxes, pine and drop leaf fables, store scales, trames, Queen Victoria pic- ture and trame, rockers, lanterns, trunks, apple grind- er and cider press, Victrola and many other inferesting items. Terms cash. 'Auctio- neers- Stapleton Bros. 25-1 REALT. 30 King St. W. Bowmanvillie 623-4403 10 Acres - $18,900. On paved road near Newton- ville, ideal pond site, some mîxed bush. Open for offers. After Hours Cail: J. A. Barton Gord Beech George Brown Geo. Stephen Peter Kowa 1J r. 623-3098 623-5265 623-3702 623-3968 623-5868 25-1 I e REAL I UI 623-2503 -Bowmanville -new 3-bedro,, bungalow, broadloom and E,,j fached garage, central, close to shopping and schools, asking $49,500. with terms. BoWmanville. 3 bedroom bungalow, newly renovated throughout, close to school and park area, asking $39,900. with terms. Bowmanville- 4 new semi- detached homes now being com pleted, call for more information. Orono- 1 yr. old 2 storey 4 bedroom home, 11/2 baths and broadloom, asking $46,500. with terms. Orono- income property on, main street, close to shopping contains 3 apartments. Cali for information., Kendal Area- 10 acres of rolling land, ideal retreat property with future site for permanent home, asking '$29,900. with terms. Bowmanvilie -3jbedroom home in north end area, close to school, good starter home. Cali for information. Edwin Jeans 623-7152 Shirley Hogg - 623-3500 Mac Mc Donald -623-3911 Wilf Hawke - 983-5274 Helen Mc Dona Id 623-3911 Lloyd Atchison 705-932-2770 Allan Rouf 725-0353 25-1 WAVERLY GARDENS Built by Marianna Developments Your Guarantee of Qua lity Construction DETACHED HOMES FROM $58,285 .00' 10 Per Cent Mortgages CALL BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 TORONTO 923-9174 17-10 RESU LTS COUNT! UULTIPLE LISTING SERVIlé Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 4497. l u l.rfll YARD R ES IDE NC E Peter Kowal, Jr. Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. 52 King St. W., Bowmanville Telephone 623-2453 This is Your Lucky Day! 2 Mini Farms f0 Choose From! Both Near Town! One with Stream! Read Carefully and Cati Immediately. Properties Like This Are Scarce. 1. Nash Road - Freshly paint- ed 8 room farm house on 10 acres! Has recent oïl furnace, floor and eavestrouah. Familv sîze kitchen and a fpmiIy roomn 20' x 14'. This home is surrounded by lovely trees. Barn with water and hydro. Also a chicken house. Some fruit trees and a new patch of strawberries! Corne on kids get your Dad f0 buy thîs lie farm and a pony, and a dog, and a -, and a -, (trail bike?). Priced right at $69,800. 2. Family Living- Just what you need for the kids, creek, stable for pony, fishing for father, and clean compact home for mother to enjoy. House consists of bright kif- chen, broadloomed living- room, 4 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, high and dry basement with broadloomed rec. room which may be used as the f ifth bedroom. Separafe qaraqe, excellent well. Possibilities unlimited on this 31/2 acres. Worth every dollar at $68,000. See for yourself. Bigger Farm'- 93 acres. Extra special 7 room farm home, newly decorated. Large "LU shaped barn, set up as a piggery. Choice Iand suitable tor casn crops. mas Two roao fronfages. Sifuated west of Bowmanville in fhe path of rapidly developing area. Priced f0 seli.