A 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, dune 19,1974 ORONO Mrs. Angus' Loucks and «Mrs. Fred Lycett attended a Confer éncýe United Church Women Workshop on Church Union last Thursday at Mar- m9ora, Ontario. 1Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lunn on their sth Wedding Anniversary - see Coming Events re Open Hlouse, 2-5 p.m. Sunday, June 23rd. 1974 - Best Wishes only. .Mrs. Don Mercer of the 1.G('.A. staff bas been a patient in the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Orono Cemetery Decoration Day is on Sunday dune 23, 1974. See Coming Events. Mrs. Clarence Aluin of Boýwmanvilleformerly of Or- ana bas been a patient in the iMemaorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Burton George Si re, the former Miss Barbara Gail Mitchell of Orono are now residing in Newtonville. SOLINA WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ýSauna Branich Women's In- s titute held their dune meeting in the hall on Wednesday, JLne l2th with Miss Pearl Leach, presidént presiding. After singing the Ode and repeating the Collect, Mrs. H. Muflîson, secretary, read the minutes and correspandence. Several items of business were deait with. We will subscribe ta the Federated News magazine for the com- inig year.» Mýiss Leach'reported on the recent bus trip ta the Erland Lee homestead, in the com- pany of ladies from Bawman- ville and Maple Grave bran- ches. It was decided that- aur branch will donate $25.00 tawards helping this fine pro iect. Mrs. C. Bray reported for the directors that 'the July picnic will be held at Orono park on July lOth. All wishing ta g o, are asked ta be at the h~all by 11:30a.m. Bring your own dishes and beverages along with pot luck food. Mlrs. R. Rowsell gave a repart on the Canadian Con- sumner. She fîrst read para-. graphs from a letter written hy her daughter, who is on a student tour in China. We hope ta hear more about that at further meetings. Items fram ,lie consumer were on the tea-kettle, children's shoes, life jackets, labelling, sprays, panty hase, prescription drugs, fortune telling, illegal advertising and the use of bakinîg soda to put out a small MUrs. R. Fraser read a letter f>ram aur adopted daughter, Lao Ching, who is a student nurse, but not helped by aur group any longer. Snap shots were included. We again wvill buiy :3 books of tickets from the Golden lou)Lgh Ladocge. Theic draw will be Oct. 19. Mrs. Wesley Werry thanked the Institute for sending flowers when Mr. Wm,. Camnes died recently. He biad lived with the Werry famlily for years. Mrs. Donald Taylor told about the girls new basebaîl team, recently organized. They have no funds to buy equipment butare eager ta get going. The Institute voted $35. ta get the mast needed items. This team will play games \with other neigbbouring corm- mtunity teamns. The Roll Caîl, a pleasant miemory ai your grandpar- ents, was responded to by all present. This meeting is the Grandmothers' Meeting, and aver 20 grandmothers were bonaured with a dainty cor-, sage made by Janice Yellow- 'ces. Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees, leader of group on Resolutions took the chair for the pro- gram. She opened with a paem on grandparents. The Motta was 'The past is never dead, unless we of the present make it so." Mrs. W. Yellawlees made the com- ments on this and then read a poemn an "Mather's Bread". Themuic for the evening wasxi th ai 1t he- f i ne p-laàC-es- -ast-1,10n g after the first owners who 'built themn. We reall1y enijoyed seeing thses old homýes, espe- cially as so many of us had been in these same houses at one time or another. Mrs. George Knox thanked -Mrs. Lush for bringing the slides and entertaining us royally. Ah' expressed their thanks by Pi hearty clap. This part of the program was concluded by singing -'The Queen". In the lower 1hall 'the grandmothers were ail seated at one long table for flie lunch. This was home- mnade short cakes and straw- bernies topped with whipped cream. Ail thank Mrs. Ye ow- lees and ber group for a -fine evening. A number of grand- mothers received prizes. Don't forget the picnic on July lOtb at Orono. ice s .- uice. nice Dominion frozen concentrated It not only tastes great, but a four orange juice is a refreshing taste mince serving of o range j uice per treat anytime of the year. But person wiII provide the recomn- especially during the hot summer miended amnount of vitamin C your months. That's why this week we're family needs daily. So give your featuring Dominion's economy kids a summer drink thaï's a rea! 121/2 oz. size, of frozen concentrated thirst quen-cher, and nutritious orange j ui ce. as welI. UNSWEETENED SE IL DOMINION FROZEN CONCENTRATIED M ORANGE JUICE,% 100% ORANGE JUICE PACKED IN FLORIDA ROSE, Spt>EcIA 15 FL. OZ. JAR CHOCOLATE CHIP BREAD N'BUTT ER OR OR OATMEAL SWEET MIXED QflC DAD'S PICKLES ýCOOKIES EGG OR. PLAIN. FROZEN 12 DZ PKG ABEL'S BAGELS , 43C DOMINION, FANCY, FROZEN 15 DZ PKG. RASPBERRIES 68C WHOLE BEAN S>('J!16 DZ PKG. RICHMELLO COFFEE 99c SWISS STYLE BREAKFAST S>;(U!12DZ. PKG. ALPEN CEREAL ' FROZEN CONCENTRATED >,(L !12 OZTIN AWAKE ORANGE DRINK 33#c HIGHLINER, ALBACORE SE'L ! 7 OZ. TIN SOLID WHITE TUNA ?% Robin iHood Cake Mies SPECLAL!.c VARIETIES 18 OZ. PKG. LIBBY'S FANCY l(LJ 48 FL OZTIN TOMATO JUICE 3 RICHMELLO, JAM OR S> (h' PKC4 0F 12 LEMON BUNS 59e NABISCO, CEREAL. 200OZPKG. SHREDDED WHEAT - 63c 21/2 FL. TIN ORANGE PEKOE- 16 OZ. PKG. 0F 144 FLOWERDALE, TEA BAGS 17 "Always keep our- concentrated orang)e juice in your freezer. This protects its delicious taste. And its health ,IvnL, Vitarnin C." FOR DDGS OR CATS 15 OZ TýIN BUDGET PET FOOD 6 FLLXJH SHINE c.LEANER MOP & GLO BEEF, IRISH OR MEATBALL PURITAN STEWS 32 FL (DL LONI SPECIL! 24 OZ. lIN MARY MILES FROZEN 2 LB. BOX HAMVBURG PATTIES 1.6 SWIFT S OR DOMINION 1 LB. PKG. WIENERS q% Round SPECIAL! BONELESS FULL CUT LB.s SWIFT S RINDLESS- 1 LB. PKG. BREAKFAST88 BACON8C SWIFT'S, FROZEN 1 LB13-PKG. LAZY MAPLE SAUSAGE 98 c SWIFT S LAZY MAPLE, BON ELESS, FU LLY COOKE D LB. 2 TO 3 LB. AVG. DINNER HAMS 12 FREELANDFROZEN LB. BEEF STEAKETTES 8 8 c MARY MILES ITALIAN STYLE LB, ITALIAN STYLE SAUSAGE 7 '9c LAZY MAPLE, BONE IN-5 TO 6 LB AVG. LB. VACUUM PACKED COOKED HAMS 1-.18 CORNED BEEF Maple Leaf Cooked Har SPECIAL!, 24 OZ. TI N SARA LEE, FROZEN, SPECIAL! 18 oz. STRAWBERRY PKG. CHEESE 99c CAKE HELLMANN'S 24 FL. DZ.JAR MAYONNAISE 1.12 BLUE BONNET, 2 X 8 OZý CONTSý COLOURED SOFT MARGARINE 6 2OZ. PKGS. 1.26 Canada Dry Ginger Aie SPCL REGULAR OR DIET 10 FL. OZ. TINS CASE 0F 24 04 REGULAR, EXCEPT MEAT. 4 5 FL DýZ JAR STRAINED ý HEINZ BABY FOODS 1-8B ASST'DVARIE TIES 160(z PKG KERR'S CANDIES69 RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY 9 FL D)Z JAR WITH PECTINc BERRY BOX JAMS 43C SI>ECJAL! tiI~ rade SPECAL!16 OZ. PKG. kSPEÀCIAL! FROMMN EVISCERATED~ 5 TO 12 LB. AVG. MARY MILES, BY THE PIECE LB. BOLOGNA 39c BURNS SLICED 6OZ. PK< COOKED HAM % BITTNER'S SLICED, 4 DZ. PKG. VIRGINIA STYLE J AGDWURST9c BilTTNER'S COIL LB KOLBASSA SAUSAGE 19 SPFCLL! GROUND, DOMINI'ON ' OWN LB. MARY MLES iSOZ PKG. MNCED HAM OR 0 % VARIETY LOAF0% MARY MILES CHICKEN LOAFZ OR MAC & CHEESE LOAF SOLD IN 10 LB. BOXES "My 10 year old keeps asking for more. Nothing beats the refreshing taste of orange ie on a hot day. Or my name isn't Eve." RAIN BARREL. 48 FL DZ CONT. CD NC ENTR ATE O FABRIC SOFTENER 14 SCENTEIJ OR SL'!60DZ AEROSOL CONT. ULTRA BAN DEODORANT 89c CURITY, TAPE PKG OF 30 TAB, DAYTIME Dlpv--tALE 1.49 BTL OF 100TABLETS BAYER ASPIRIN JOHNSON & JOHNSON BABY OIL 20 OZ. PKG. RICHMELLO 5 APPLE 5PIE BEEKIST. NO 1 GRADE 160DZ CONT C",R EAMDjiED)IWH iT E H10N E y c92-j CITRUS CROWN, FROM CONCENTRATE 48 FL DZ TiN UNSWEETENEDc GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 5 REEVES 10 FL DZ TIN SLICED MUSHROOMS 54c Lîbby' s ei Brown Beans SPECIA! WITH PORK, IN TOMATO SAUCE 14 FL. OZ. TIN 2 JOLLY MILLER 4 x 31 , DZ PKGS. ORANGE FLAVOUR C CRYSTALS 7 CLUB HOUSE 12 FL.DZ. JAR SALAD OLIVES53 DOMINION CHOICE 28 FIL DZ TIN FRUIT COCKTAIL155 SAMSONITE 9 FL DZ 8TL ýC lA1R 1.12 CAR EACH 6a88 nDnt r r A c ~ ril c A Kin i('flAna- FLUORIDE 1 U 1U EIVI-K V~UUL vrý IU . . ,.1U P'EPSODurENT ~fC SIZE 36's TOOTHPASTE5 U 9 CANTALOUPES 16DOZ PKG . 12FL OZ.BTL. 88c LAVORIS MOUTHWASH 89C SEIL ASST D FRAGRANCES 70OZ AEROSOLCONT AIR CARE DEODORIZER 49c DIXiE BATHROOM PKG 0F 200 REFILL CUPS 1.09 eis't each ominion. cCHICKEN LEGS LB.8 STORE HO1URS Mon. -, Fri. 9 p.m. - 9p.ým. Sa. 8:30 a. m- m. Values effective in Bowmanville until closing, Jlune 25, 1974 "DOMINION STORES SUPPORT SENIOR, CITIZENS' WEEIK JUNE 16TH TO 22ND" We reserve the right talimit quantities to normal family requirements. SPECIAL! 100 RAI -ri ipp: rK A L) t