VOLUME 120 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26~ 1974 15e Per Copy NUMBER 26 EAL O I Three Toronto teen- agers were arrested in Bowmanville this morn- ing at approximateiy 6 a. m. A f ourth youth was not apprehended, at press time, but Durham Regional Police say they have his name and it is only a matter of time. The youths were travelling in a stol- Dick Blyleven of 50 Liberty St. North, is pictured above as he rem oved some articles from his home late Saturday afternoon, foilowing a fire that caused an estimated $9,000 damage. For under two hours, Bowmanville firemen fought the stubborn blaze that started in a pot of grease on the kitchen stove. Mr. Blyleven tried to' smother the flanies with a rug but was unsuccessful. Theblaze spreadacross the floor and up the stairwell, broke an outside window and caught on the asphaît siding. The house was for sale at the time, U tSie orkersReach Ten tieAreement with Ton fe 8-Hour Session A tentative, agremeniit was r-ýi-ciied Mn day )etfween aind the Ti(, ýownotNewcastie. 're.5memcîs wiiM vote on tOcagiceaent\Xdnesday night.; hecight-hour bargaining session ii ;Lthe t oxxn ended at 6 p. m. ondaîy with a new two-vear contract. The tenta- tive, agreement was reached M!.,Brgessref used 10 dicoeany of the details of the contracl but said the executive ofthfli union will be recommending acceptance. Main issue in the taiks was th e town's insistence that former Town of Bowmanville workcrs drop the cost of living aiiowance they previously 'Flic hIili-g,~p of, wýor-kerscmpsgLoa 74, those 'from Càiarke and D ailinglwon Townships. had no cost of living formula. The Town of iNewcastle conductcd a study which indicated 10 per cent of muni- ciuvalîties under review had a (Continued on Paqe Two) en car, when pur- sued by police, the car was left atLam- bert Street and Church Street and the youths.tried to get away on foot. The 1965 (hevrolet was stolen in Cobourg between midnight last night and 6 a.m. this morning. The car. is (Continued on Page Two) Advance Poils Opeizý,a Saturday and Mon day Electors in Northumber- land-Durham constituency 3 - Candidate elctondyJuy8, XVill be M eeting Here able to cast their ballots this Saturday, June 29th or Mon- Bowmaniville, and area eiec- day, Juiy lst, at eight advance tors iiill haveaote oppor- polis in the riding. tunity to hear thec three federal The stations will be open election candidates in action from 9 arn. to 9 p.rn. daylight at Bowmnanvilie Hligh School sax ing time. this Thursda'y. niglît, startîng They are located at: at 7:30 o'clock. Hampton town hall for voters ..This meeting is being spon- in the old townships of Cart_ sored. by Bowmtanville Ki- wright and Darlington. wanis Club who are hoping a Odd Fellows Hall. Miil- large crowd wiii b)e in atten- (Continued on Page Two) dance. Bowmnvile Ladfil On Juiy 1, Bowmanviiie's garbage sites Xiii be ciosed and garbage wiil be trucked 10 miles to sites ini the former- Township of Darlington, Mayor Garnet Rickard toid reporters in a press confer- ence on Friday, The sites in Bowmanvilie are totaiiv exhausted, and xiii be refiiled to ministry of en- vironment standards. Mayor Rickard said. He aiso added that it was hoped that these sites wouid then be soid back to the municipality for Public Parks at cost. -Landfili sites are the responsibility of the region, but garbage collection is stili the responsibiiity of the muni- cipality. Since urbani munici- palities (n Newcastle) haven't made any proviions findbemsivesiargely being rescýued byth regon. 1The mayor also statedi that atiotlier garbage truck for the Bowmanviile area hias been purchased 10 help transport the, garbage 10 IJarlington township iandfill site. More Thon 300 Attend Lions Club's Pancake Breakfast On Sunday mornîng, many of the 100 antique cars that took part in parades here and in Oshawa over the weekend were on display at the Lions Centre, while their drivers andf passengers partook of pancakes, sausage 1s a nd other delicacies pre pared by members of Bowmanviiie Lions Club. In addition, many townspeople attended the event f or breakfast. Here, from right to ieft, Carson Elliott, Bill Sutherland, Ed Leslie and Rance Diiling are busy cooking for the lineup of hungry customers. In the iower photo, taken from high upon a fire escape, the pienic tables are shown, along with some of the unusual car models. URGES SIHELL BOYCOTT Goodyear Local 189 Presi- dent Ken Ilooper is i cportcd as saying his union will press their international union for a boy cott of ail Sheli products. The action was brought on whcn police were brought in to persuade strîkei's on thc picket line 10 let two Sheli tanker-trailers carrying bunk- er fuel oil into thc plant here on M~onday. 'rhe strike contin- ues withnîit talks heing re- suned. At Firestone, talks hiave broken off. Externat Affoirs Minis fer .Spea-ý-ks at Business Luncheon Foiiowing a whiriwind tour of this -rba on Friday morning, External Affairs Minister, Hon. Mitchell Sharp held a press conference at the Fiying Dutchman and later was the main speaker at a business luncheon. He is shown here being welcomed by luncheon chairman Keith Jackson, with N-D Liberal candidate Allan Beckett at lef t, and Senator Andrew Thompson, right. ShaIrp label s Tory Proposai Post Office *u. Holiday Hours "IrresponsiDie, ana Frauau lent" ervi otOce fo 1 by Bih Xlrnott The numrber of local busi- nessmen that attended Friday afternoon 's Liberal Lunchieon for Externai Affairs Minister ,Mitchell Sharp was disap- (ONDY 11F -Don"totergo,,,inlg 'to, work on M~nda~ s-a4îld 0,thefirsi o1t-A ume season,"Th. - ioûds w iîbe jamed as people \whoj can afford the oîe prices hit the highways either heading for t ýheir cottages or just taking a trip throuagh the country that right now is at its greenest best. Jt should be with al the persistent ramn we've had. So, whatever1 you are doing, we hofpe you'll have an enjoyable Dominion Day and -wiI be back on Tuesday ail rested and rarin' to go again. Please drive and drink with caution and don't drown. Isn't that a cheerful thought? HITTING THE BOTTLE- You wouldn't believe it, but the enire Statesinan, staff, including those under the legal age, were drinking wine this morning during coffee break. It's a new type wine, imported f rom Germany and brought to The Statesman by Ray LeBlanc of The Acres Restaurant who heard of it at a convention. It's real wine with the alcohol remnoved, specialiy made for al ages, dietetics and alcoholics who want to have the taste but not the hangover. The bottie top cornes off with a loud pop just like cham- pagne. If you want to try it, visit The Acres. WASHROOM ARTISTS - At Mathews Conveyor.in Port Hope, there was a brief strike rece'nit]y over an unusuail grievance. As is the time-honored custom in washrooms, the maie employees had been decorating the walls with poemns, pictures, obscenities, etc. Management ini desperation finally removed the doors in the, cubicles and the men walked out because of the lack of 'privacy. Peace has now been restored and the union head has asked the men to co-operate. But will they? Time will tell. BARE FACTS - One of the 94 beautifully preserved cars at the Flying Dutchiman 1l'ast weekend for the 4th Annual Rod Run and Lawn Show had a printed sign in one window that was different., It readý "Unless vou are in the NUDE! Please do not lean on this Car. Buckles, Buttons and Zippers SCRATCII. TOO MANY PICTURES - Ail weekend our p hotographie staff was on the run from one event to th e next, with the resuit that we have many more pictures of happenings than we have space for. However, with a short week coming up. they may come in handy to fi up and possibly there won't be quite as much going on this weekend and the staff can relax a littie. BETHANY SERVICE - A note on our desk advises that there will be open air church service at the Athletic Field in Bethany at 11:30 this Sunday morning with residents of Pontypool and area and the Orange Lodge in attendance. Let's hope it doesn't raiti,-or is that a forlorn hope?, TROUBLE D'ME MBER - You have to feel sorry for Alex Carruthers, Durham's MPP who has been catching heck over several items recenitly down Port Hope way. First, it was the CPR trying to put a landfîll site in Hope for Metro's garbag e, and recently Tree Top Nurseries and friends were screaming because an access road on the new Highway 28 was being denied. A big meeting was held iast week with Alex coming. up with a semi-happy solution. The joys of being an MPP and trying to solve everybody's problems must be wearing at times. poiring. Approximately 40 people turned out at the Flying J)utchman Motor Inn 10 hear the mninister praise the Lib"cai Candidate for this area Alian Beckett and condemn the Tories for cailing an election traudulent- proposai 10 the Canadian people. Mr. Sharp began by teiiing the gathering that the Liberal Party wanted Allan Beckett 10 rurt, because they needed knowledgeable people in the he thc holiday weekend, 30 June - 1 Juiy. 1974, are as lollo\vs: 30 June -Ciosed; No street letter box collection. 1 Juiy- Closed. No mail deiivery, no counter service, street letter box collection at 5: 00 p.m.; despatch of mail at an aigda, iesp> sil (o inlOedonl-Page Iwo) 7:o0 m Planers pproe SpcialSEdy To D e r m in rEifAnother S eeded on Eght PlazaPropsi Nobody can say the Town of Newcastie's Planning Advis- ory cominittee is rushing into things. On Monday, after an hour's debate they decided to com- mission John Layng, their consultant pianner, to prepare TICKETS GOING WELL Tihe Newcastle Lion's Club bulletin says that ticket sales are going weII on their draw f'or 404) pounds of live beef, on thec hoof, to be won at their Sports Day on August 5th. It also say s if the winner is a vegetarian, he or she will receive the steer's v aiue in cash. a study bo determine if the town needs 10 hire Larry Smith, another consultant, to do a commercial needs study. Ttiere are now eight shop- ping plaza proposais befoce thc toxXn and, according 10 reports, considerabie pres- sure is being brought 10 bear for thcm 10 be considered and approved as quickiy as possible. 11 If the study by Mr. Layng resuits in a recommendation to hîre Mr. Smith, the cost of his study would be $7,000, which wouid be charged back 10 the developers, according 10 the town's officiai planner George, Howden. ('urrent proposals include txvo 'regional shopping cen- tres" siated for the southeast and southwest corners of (Continued on Page Two) TRIUDEAU IN C'OBOURG This morning's Cobourg Star announces that Prime Minister Trudeau wiIl be visiting Cobourg about 1 p.m. on Saturday. .lnly 6th. for au appearance in support of Liberal candidate Allan Beck- ett. Probably more details wifl be available later. No word has been, received about possible visits of other party leaders. School Board Dignitaries Visit,5Oth Master oi Ceremonies at Shaw's Public Sehool 5th Anniversary Dick Lovekin (lef t) chats with Superintendent of Instruction Bob Moorcrof't, and Trustee AI Strike (right) both of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education,' NUMBER 26 18 Pages' BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26,1974 i5c Per Copy, VOLUME 120