16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 24, 1974 Letters f0 the Editor Dear Editor: On behaîf of the Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville, 1 would like t0 thank you and your staff for the excellent cover- age we received on our recent Carnival. Yes, Lady Luck was very good to us with the weather, but your papers coverage went a'long way in creating a eommunity interest in our Carnival. This enabled us to be very proud of our Club and our community which will be the final recipient of our funds raised. Thank you, and the Can- adian Statesman. Sincerely, Justin Murray, Kinsmnen Carnival Chairman 1974. OBITUARYI JAMES ORVILLE MULDREW The community of Oak Hill and Elizabetbville lost anoth- er one of its popular residents in the passing of James Orville Muldrew who died July llth, 1974 ini the Port Hope and District Hospital after an illness of two months. Born August lth, 1910 at Oak Hill he had spent all is earlier years on the old Muldrew homestead now own- ed by his brother Harvey. He was the eldest son of James Muldrew and Margaret Gordon. In 1927 he set up farming on the old Trew property now known as "Mulview" and had resided there until bis illness and subsequent death. In 1937 he married the former Blanche Marie Post of Hastings, Ontario. To this union were born six children, four of whom survive; Mrs. Wm. McCarron (Hazel) of Newtonviile, Bill and John at home and Jane of Port Hope. The eldest sonJimmie died in 1938 and the eldest daughter was killed in a car accident in 1964. Seven grandéhildren also survive bis passing. Two brothers, Clarence Rowland of Toronto and Harvey Muldrew, of Elizabethville mourn bis loss. A sister Mareta of Toronto predeceased him in November of 1973. Orville, as he was known to everyone, always found time to be a good neighbor to alI in the commnunity and bis pass- ing leaves another vacuum among the older residents of Oak Hill. He suffered a severe stroke on June 24th from which he neyer rallied and bis death came as a blessed release from bis struggle. The funeral, which was held on Saturday, JuIy l3th, at 3:30 p.m. from D. E. Allison fuea arlors, Port Hope, wsconducted by Mr. Charles Peacock of Lindsay, a former neighibor and friend of the family. Hie was laid L0 re-st in the family plot in Oak Hill Cemetery- near to all the things he held so dear. Palîbearers were also ieighbors and friends, Clif- ford Reid of Bowmanville, Jack Morris, Henry Thickson, Harold Beatty, KIen Trew and Howard White. The abundance of floral pieces and the large attend- ance af the funeral were taugible evidence of the est- eem and sympathy expressed. Family rPicnic The weather was ideal and the setting pertect for the annual Yellowlees family pic- nie which was held on Sunday, July 8, on the lovely grounds of Ron and Gladys White near Hampton. Fifty-six relatives coming from Windsor, Bramalea, Pet- erborough, Oshawa, Bowman- ville, Orono, Columbus and the surrounding area gathered for this happy event. Jessie and Ivan E licott and Norma and Ernest Hockaday were in charge of arrangements for the picnie. Everyone heartily partook of the delicious noon meal in Three Sons Born Sharon and Bill Snyder of Bowmanville became the proud parents of flot one, not two, but three baby boys, on June 5 at Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. Snyder recalîs ex'ent as being a real stiock. The young cuuple's fîrst experience in maternity mat- ters brought themn William Stewart, who weighed in at three pounds, five ounces; Andrew Vctor at f wo pounds, eight ounces, and David Thomatýs aft two pounds four minutes, bïs. Snyder. 'There was five minutes between the birth of Andrew and Bill and four minutes between Bill and David." Paul Jolicoeur Meat Manager John Macintyre C "Spread a buffet, a sumamer supper or a picnic w-ith our quality made, deliclou-s ready-to-eat meats. Cooked ham, salami, tongue, mortadella, cooked turkey, etc., etc. We have s0 many different tasty meats to choose from. And you can give your meal that extra special touch with our cheeses, mild to tangy. And our prepared salads. From pickled beet to potato salad. You'11 find themn ail at your Dominion store. 0f course, our miles for quality assure that everything you buy fromn us is lean and meaty. And our discount prices make everything realily econornical. So you can enjoy OUI. ready-to-eat meats anytime" ONTARIO No. 1 GRADE PIAOT ATO ES 10 LB.C BAG ASST'D FLAVOURS PCI 3 OZ. PKG. DESSERTS ROYAL JELLY POWD)ERSî 5c FLAMINGO BONELESS I(h!1 60OZ TIN COOKED TURKEY 19 ur specii itmeats, cheesesand salads make a party. HOME JUICE BRAND 32 FL. OZ, BIL ORANGE DRINK5 He,%inz Tomwlato Ketchupm pC 15 FL. OZ., BTL. ORANGE PEKOE THETEA TEA BAGS Seven-Uop SPECIAL! lerk Joan McCartlhv Dell Clerk DOMINION, UNSWEETENED SIlI, 64 FL. OZ. BTL. FROM CONCENTRATE GRAPEFRUITJUICE 8 c PIONIO SPECIAL! 24FIL. OZ. JAR SWEET 9 RELISH 4 t ASST'D VAR IETI ES 11 OZ, PKG, FROZ EN CHUN KING DINNERS 7 c ORIOLE, 16OZ. CONT. 100% VEGETABLE OILc SOFT MARGARINE 5 Fab Deterget;W SPECIAL! cvl POWDERED 42 OZ. CONT. RED KIDNEY SF 4. 14 FL OZ TIN LIBBY'S BEANS29 THOUSAND ISLAND SIIJ 8 FL OZDTL. KRAFT DRESSING 3 9C FLAVOUR CRYSTALS TANG LEMONADE FRESH GROUND DOMINIONS OWN LB. SOYA BURGER 6 8c SWIFT S LAZY MAPLE RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON SWIFT S OR DOMINION WIENERS BITTNERS MILD FLAVOURED WIENERS, LAZY MAPLE BONELESS FULLY COOKED 2 TO 3LB. AVG. DINNER HAMS Sp" !16 OZ.FFKG.Roasti ng 1.59Chiokens REGULAR OR DIET 10 FL. OZ. TINS CASE 0F 24 SWISS PROCESSED, -PORTIONS 80Z. PK GUGER CHEESE 67-. ASST D LAVOURS 6 x8 FL. OZ. PKGS. E LSIE SIPS it% CANADIAN, PROCESS, SP( L! L SINGLESPG KRAFT CHEESE SLICES, 1.78 MONA LISA, GIANT 5 2 OZ. PKG. LADY FINGER BISCUITS33 FANCY FROZEN 32 OZ. PKG. DOMINION RHUBARB &Ac DOMINION, FANCY FROZEN 12OZý PKG. BABY LIMA BEANS 37 SPECIA! FROZEN EVISCERATED UTILITY GRADE LAZY MAPLE'/2 BONE IN READY TO EAT LB. VACUUM PACKED COOKED HAMS 11 1 L. PKG. -9-1 Pork Loin 1LB. PKG. 78c Roast 1LB. PKG. LB. SPECIAL!C 1.58 FRESH TENDERLOIN END 8LB. SWIFT'S MI LDCU RED LB. COTTAGE ROLLS 9 8c, 6 Cb LB. CANADA 128 FL. OZ. CONT. CIDER VINEGAR 1.25_ CLUB HOUSE, WHOLE 5 OZ. CONT. PICKLING SPICE WHITE OR RAINBOW SPECIA! PKG, 0F 250 RITE SERVIETTES 85C RICHMELLO 19OZý PKG, SPICE BAR 69c- RICHMELLO SPFQhU,! 12OZ. PKG. MARBLE SILVER OR d GOLDEN POUND CAKE 59C LUCAS SLICED BOLOGNA 16 OZ. PKG. 801% Blade Steaks SPECA!CI IDEAL FOR BARBECUES 8LB. P & P OR DUTCH LOAF COOKED M EATS 6OZ. PKG. 38c~ SWIFT S FROZEN 1 LB. PKG. LAZY MAPLE SAUSAGE 94c SWIFT S PREMIUM, SLICED COOKED HAM 6OZ. PKI'ý 78,c Loin Pork sPECIL! Chops 'We only seil govemment inspected meats. They're approved for quality." 2 x 6zOZ. ENVS. a85Z CLOVERLEAF 6 OZ, TIN FLAKED WHITE TUINA 79c ROSE 24 FL, OZ. JAR SWEET MIXED PICKLES c2 DELSEY BOUTIQUE, SPL'IA , 2 ROLL 2 PLY PKG. BATH ROOM TISSUE 39gc TOILE? BOWL CLEANER 47OZ. CONT. SANIFLUSH m79c (STORE HOURS) Mon. -FrL.9 a.m. -9 p.im. Sat. 8:30 am.-6 p. m. VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TIME TUESDAY, JULY 3th, 1974 IN BOWMANVILLE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LimiTED. "We have a wide variety of luncheon meats from bologna to pastrami. And lis ail vacuum packed for freshness., Or My name isn't Joan." STUART HOUSE, 12 INCH FOIL WRAP our nar 50 FT. ROLL 87c 16I(FL. OZFLOBTL. BINACA MOUTHWASH 10 CONIF-EES, DAYTIME SI( i! PKG. OFzf DISPOSABLE DIAPERSi .8 SUAVE 12 FL. OZ. CONT BABYSHAMPOO É% ODRIENT, CRYSTALS 2 LB. CONT. FRESH CENTRE CUT '038 LB. BUDDIG, SLICED 3OZ. PKG. TURKEY, HAM OR CORNED BEEF COOKED MEATS 58 C BITTNER'S TRAY PACK LB, BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 99 c MAPLE LEAF 4 x2 OZ. PKGS. CORNED BEEF 11 SHOPSYS OLO VIENNA, EAC H 18 OZ, SIZE 1 SALAMSAUSAGE 18 PURE BEEF, FROZEN 1 LB. PKG. SHOPSY'S SAUSAGE__99C MACARONI OR SEh! 2 LB. PKG.ý LANCIA SPAGHETTI 63 LIQUID SI>FCl(t!- 24 FIL. OZ. CONT. PALMOLIVE DETERGENT M9c ÊnJBBLE BATH 59c CHEF SURPRI SE, SPECIA! 8 OZ. PKG. PADDED SEAT, FOLDING1 Each KRAFT SAMSON ITEà% AI SUPPER MIXES CHtAIRS Dbbo 8 ESSEX S1ECL! i 5 LB. I _____________COOKED HAM -1ý.9 Frevery occasion. ' ne sn~ kominion.