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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1974, p. 9

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The Canaclian Statesman, bowmanviiie, juiy 41 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .. s e S LOWE - Rick and Lynn (nee Holley) are proud ta annaunce the safe arrivai of a bauncing baby boy, Stephen Edward, 7 lbs. 141/2 ozs. at 4:39 p.m., Monday, July 22, 1974 at Memoriai Hospital, Bawman, ville. First grandchild for Mr. and,,Mrs. C. Holley aiso Mr. and Mrs. G. Lowe, all of Bowmanviile. First great- grandchiid for Mr. and Mrs. J. Alexander of Renfrew and Mr. and Mrs. A. Holley of Brant- fard. Special thanks fa Dr. Hubbard -ýnd mafernity staff. 31-1 RAYNARD- Dixon and Sheila (nee Allun) proudiy annaunce the safe arrivai of their second son, Richard Benjamin, July 25, 1974 at 11:05 weighing 7 lbs. 7 ozs. A brother for Kirk. Proud g rand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Percy Allin, Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ray- nard, Orono. Many thanks fa Dr. Lye and the nursing staff of the fifth and fourth floor of Oshawa-Generai Hospital. 31 lx Wffeffs Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gorr, Hampton, Ontario annaunce the forthcoming marriage of their son, Gary Bruce, fa Debra May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bond, Arn- priar, Ontario. Marriage fa take place August 24th, 1974, at St. Andrew's Presbyferian Church, Arnprior, Ontario., FERGUSON Af Medex Nursing Centre, Oshawa, on Friday, July 26, 1974, Frede- rick Samuel Ferguson,' Enni- skillen, aged 81 years, beloved husband of Lola Stephens, dear father of Carl, Enniskil- len, Iva (Mrs. Percy West- lake) Sauina, and Gladys, Burnaby, B.C. Service was held in the *Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilie on Mon- day at 1:30 p.m. Interment Hampton Cemetery. 31-1 .GADSBY, Elsie May At Beau Villa Nursing Home on Friday, July 26, 1974 Elsie Gadsby (West), sister of Hazel, Harofd, and Everett cf Toronto. Rested at Northcutt Elliott Funeral Hoae where service was held on Sunday at ý: 30 p.m. Inferment Bowman- ville Cemetery, 31-1 ~HlRCOCK, Helen Mary - At the family residence, 141 Coîborne St. East, Oshawa,.an Monda y July 29, 1974, Helen Mary Cameron, beloved wife af Aùbrey J. Hircock, mather af Brian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron, Hamp- tan, in her 48th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in the Chapel, Thurs- day, August 1sf at 1:45 p.m. Interment Zion Cemetery. Memorial donations ta the Heart Fund would be appre- ciated. 31-1 WHITEHAND, Stephen- At the Oshawa-Generai Hospital on Wed., July 24, 1974, Stephen Whitehand (farmerly of Bow- manville),. husband 0f Susie Ward of Bowmanville, dear father of Frederick of Guelph and 'Daniel af Bawmanville, dear brother of Rase and Alfred of Engiand, in his 52nd year. Rested at the W.C. Town F uneral Chapel, Whitby, wIhere service was heid in the cha pel' on Fr, Juiy 26 at 2 pm.1interment Bawmanville Cemetery. Minister the Rev. R. Wragg. 31-1 ~ "F Iowers say it Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Del ivery ta Oshawa -Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 Our most sincere thacks ta ail tniecds and coi ghbors wha 50 kicdly and thoughtfuliy remembered and congratula- ted us an aur 5th weddicg anniversary, if was ver y much appreciated and we wil i neyer forget it. Erna and Rudalph Stenger Enniskiilen (Ot.) 25 JuIy 1974 31-1 To those dear heants and gentie peaple wha were 50 kind ta me fahiowicg Herb's sungery and sudden passing. Please accept my heartfelt fhanks and appreciatian for numenaus donations ta Heant Foundation, beautitul floral tnibutes, messages aI sym- pafhy, and transportation ta Hospital, etc. These will be treasured aiways. Thank you.. Mrs. Marionie Cappins Bethacy 31-1 .I wouid like ta take -this p -portunity ta say thank 'you oali1 my neighbours, relatives and 'frîends for cards, visits, Iiowers, and 'many acts aIf kindness shown ta me duning my sfay in Bowmanviîle and Scarbaraugh hospitals, and at home. I gratefuliy appreciate yaur kindness. Marion Slaght 31-lx z@SEl 1911 The famîiy of the late Gordon Cowie wish ta express their thanks toall the wonder- fui relatives and friends for the many fiowers and dona- tions to the Heart Fund. A speciai thanks ta Rev. Oake and Marris Funeral Chapei. 31-lx My sincere thanks ta fri- ends, neighbars, relatives and the Orange Lodge for cards, filowers and other kind expres- sions of sympathy in the ioss of a dear husband, McKinley Knox. Florence Knox 31 -1x My sincere thanks Memno- rial HospitalI1stffiar staff and Dr. Mikios for their care. Thanks aiso ta friends, neigh- bars and relatives for visits, cards and fiowers. Janet McCracken 31-1 BROWN - n ioving memary af Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Brown and their son Tom, who ieft us in 1960, 1947 and 1966. Beautifui memaries, cherish- ed forever, 0f happy years we spent tagether, 'Tii we meet again. -Ever remembered by Betty. 31-1 BROWN - n ioving memory cf a dear dad and grandpa who He left us suddenly, His thaught unknown, But he ieft us a memory, We are praud ta own. Sa treasure him, Lard, n Your garden of rest, For when an earth, He was one of the best. - Lovingly remembered by daughter, Judy, son-in-law, Ran, and grandchildren Mich- elle and Tommy. 31-1 BROWN - n loving memary 0f a dear dad and grandpa, Tom, who left us August lst, 1966. We were not there to say goadbye, Perhaps it was just as weli, For we neyer could have said gaadbye, Ta a Dad we loved s0 weil. -Sadiy missed by daughter Joan, son-in-law George and grandchiidren Linda, Georgie and Jarwe. 31-1 <BROWN -In Ioving memory of a dear father an'd grandpa, Thomas Brown, who passeci away August 1, 1966. Thinking taday of you, And thaf is nothing new, We thought about yau yester- And the day befare that fao. We satink of you tomarrow, And each day fhraugh the year Though absent yau are very 4lear, Stili ioved, stili missed and very dear. -Ever reme'mbered by son Bob, daughter-in-Iaw Sharron, grandchiidren Donnie, Mark, Cheryl and Suzanne. COBBILEDICK - Inmemory of Ross who passed away Juiy 30, 1971. -Sadly missed by wife Mabel and famiiy. 31-1 PASSANT - In iaving me- mary of a dear mother-and grandmother "mamna", Elida Ruth, wha passed away Aug. 4, 1972. God put your arms around her Keep her in your care, Make up for ail she suffered, And ail that was unfair. OnIy a cluster of memories, Sprayed with a million tears, If we couid have one lifetîme wish, One dream that could came tr ue, We'd pray ta God with aillaur hearts, for yesterday and yau. Alwa ys in aur hearts, Mary, Larry, V incent and Eugene. 1 31-1 PASSANT - In laving me- mary of a dear mother, Elida Ruth, who passed away Au- Sust 4, 1972. omany things have happened, Since yau were calied away, Sa many things ta share with yau, Had you been lefftat stay. Every day in same smaillway, Memories of yau came aur way, Though absent, you are ever -near, Stili missed, ioved, always dear. -Very sadiy missed by her chidren Bob, Jane, Janet, Steve and Ted. 31-1 Ulm I EII Softbali Tournament in Pan- typoal Community Park,-Sat., Aug. 3, 10 am.'; Sun., Aug. 4, 10 a.m.'; Mon., Aug. 5, 1 p.m. SAT. NITE DANCE and DRAW in Pontypoal Commun- ty Centre. Adm. fa Park Aduits $1.00, Children under 12 Free. Adm. ta Dance- $3.00 Couple. Spansored by Ponty- Pool Park Board.' 31-1 APPEARING ATTHE QUEEN'S HOTEL N EWCASTLE PORK CHOP PITRE and the COUJNTRY EAGLES Fri.-Sat., Aug. 2-3 DANCING 9-1 31-1 c MAONSTER BINGO Tonight 90Mii Îfl THUR SDAY- 7:45 P. M Wed., JuIy 3'l KITCHEN carpet pattern Sponsored by $6.88, reg. $9.95; bedroam Oshawa Minor Sofîbali Don't Miss carpet, rubber backed, $5.95, JUBILEE PAVILlONJakBie reg. $8.95. These and many OSHAWAJakBie other excellent buys at Caunty 30 tf AND Broadloom, Ltd., '1742 Brock THE BAILIFFS St. S., bof 401), Whitby. Phone Lecoratian Day, Lakeview AT 668-8895. 31-4 Cemetery, Newtanviile, Au- ustll, 1974. 31-1 CLUB ANNRENE -THRIFT -SHOP- 32 Kinq ON SCUGOG ISLAND 'West, at rear. We sellart Red Cross Blood Donor Dancing?9-1 $6 per couple cansignment, furnitiire, appli- CIinic at Bowmanville Lions 31-1 ances, bikes, skates, rugs, etc. Centre on Wed., August 7, 1: 30 4:30 p.m. and 6:30- 9:00 p. m. 31-1 AUGUST3 CLUB AMNENT ., S,,g. g iý, MUSIC BYTHE TED KOS S ORC HESTRA [)aiiy Vacation Bible Schoi wîill be heid Aogost 19 fa 30 tfram9:00 f011 30a.m. daily at the Reobofh Christian Re- formed Church, Scugog St. AI l chiidren ages 5 ta 15 are invifod fer sangs, stories and crafts. Fer transportation cal] 623-5745. 31-1 Durham Region Gladiolus and Dahlia Society Annuai Showv, Memariai Park, Saf., Aogosf 10, 3- 9 p.m.; Bloom Auction 8: 30 p. m. 31-2 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. REDBARN -WAYNEST. OSHA WA ji31-1 f 2111f VISIT THE PIONEER FARMERS' MARKET Just north af Raglan an Smcoe St., Six miles north af Oshawa Open Saturdays & Sundays 10 aI.m. - 6 p.m. FREE SPACE For anyone selling farm produce or flea-market articles. FOR INFORMATION CALL: RU DI 579-0202 A - s . BOiAT, cedar strip, seven passenger, mater and trouler, $1,400. Phono 623-5784. 31-lx CEDAR fence pasts, delivered ta y ar farm. Lee Miliar, McDocaid's Cors., Ontario. 613-278-2439. 31-2 EIGHT foot pool table, acces- sanies, with 1/2", 5' x 9' table-tennis top, $100. Phone 623-7180. 31 lx MASSEY-Ferguson self pro- peu ed combine, 10 I.ct excellent-condition. Cail 705ý 742-6813. 31-2 CEDAR strip-boat, trailen and motor, remate contrai, elec- tric start, $350. Phone 263-2649. 31-1 TWO Hundred gal. ail tank, like new. Information, cali between 9 a.m.- 2 p.m., this week, 728-2156. 31-1. '71 HONDA 350 CB, gaad shape, certfiied, $500. Phono 623-4654. 31-1 SEVERAL gaod used bicy- clos, $15 each, 92 Duke Street. 31-1 C HESTER FI1E LD, 2 piece, browc, $150; recliner chair, green, $75; twic beds, com- piefe, $150; spreads, aaao $35 pair; dresser, double, waicut, $40; vanity and chest, walnuf, $75; chest, 5 drawers, beige, $50; student's ntai desk, $10. Cail 623-7070. 31-1 . EIGHT inch table saw with new biade and 12 hp motar; 14 hp garden tractar with cuiti- vator and piaugh; ratotiller; small mini bike; Tara lawn mower 19" cul; 61/2 hp riding iawvn mawer, 32" cut, double blade; quantîty of used lawn mawers and mower parts;' quantity of new 8" table and skiii saw biades, reasonabie. Phone 983-9501. 31-1 TWO single metai beds with rnattressles. Phone 623-3062. 31-1 REË COÔNDji TIOC)NEË D cm bines: Gleaner K with 335 corn head; John Deere 95 SP; Ceckshutt 428 SP; Allis-Chai- mers 90 pull-type; AC72 pull- type. Trewîn Farm Equip- ment, Blackstock 986-4283. 31-1 NEW potatoes, Irish cobbiers, wiii deliver twa 75 lb. bags or more, aiso beans for freezing. Phone 623-2847. 31-1 TEN speed CCM men's bi- cycle, $70. Phone 623-2612. 31-1x HAY for sale. Phone 983-5606. 31-1 DRESSERS, chests of draw- ers, washstand, piano stool, wicker chair, rangette, metal baokcase, baby carniage, crib, headboards and books. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temper- ance St., Bowmanville. 31-1 SAND ADGRVLSUPPLY Washed Sand Gravel and Stane Limesfone Products Ail Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL AND DIRT FILL TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King SI. East (East af Harmony) CALL 725-0232 il -tf 8 1 RICHMOND ST. W., OSh-AWA 576-5522 WAREOUSESALE EVERYBALE IN STOCK~ DIS-OUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION As Low As ',' Price Andi Less On Remononts and End's of Rolis 81 RICHMONDSTW. (Next doar <o Ruddy FEOcric Opfl f rom i9 toB p.DO Mon, to Frn sot 9 tî ' CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDA', For information cail 623-7037 or 263-2042. 2-tf DRESSERS, Beds, Chester fields, ail kicds of Used Furni- fore, Antiques and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- ptan, 263-2241. 26tff N EE D A PRESSURE SYSTEM?ý SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TO ALL MAIES Harvey Parfner Orano 983-5206 -Zenifn 14620 41 -ff ALUMINUM offset plates. Ideal for insolation, .25 each. Sizes 26 x 35 or 20 x 25. Phone 623-3303.ff Lawn &Garden Weed Spray, Fertilizer, Rototilling, Landscaping 987-4754 31-8x BEDROOM suite, seven piece, dicingroom, nine piece; livingroom -ail Burma- Danish teakwood. New forci- ture, very reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377. 29-tI LEISURE Living, Hwy. No. 2, Bowmanviile. east oI the Zoo. Phone 623-4700.. Sun Kamper, SunSet, and Holiday recre- ationai vehicies, aise rentai ucits. 26-6 RAMBLER Travel Trailers. See them at Newcastle Trailen Park and Sales, No. 2 High- way, Newcastle 987-5131. 27tfI USED Forciture and Appli- onces. Paddy's Market, Hampton, 263-2241. 26tfI TWO C.C.M. three-speed Mus- tang Marauders, very gaad condition; reasonabie. Phone 986-4250 Biackstock. 31 lx COMPACT Distributor, f ree pickupand delivery. Phone 576-8390. Good used vacuums $25 andup. 26-tf ANDREWS T. V. TOW ER S Super Colour Tower' Structures, with UHF & VHIF 1nsta 1led at Low Rates Repairstoaîî makesof Rotor! Will prewîre Homes & Apts. On Request - Free Estimates Workmanship Guaranteed PHON E 623-2006 i31f I TV ANTENNAS rTowers, UH F, VH F S Aerials. Rotons & e Repairs ~ Aprtmnts& Homes Pre-Wired S Ask About Our Guarantee 4 Phone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COU RTICE 46-If Oshawa TV Antennas &Touers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF- VHF- Colored Aeniais Apts. and Homes P.ro Wired REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed AI l priced ta SAVE you Money .Phone 623-5122 L, H-AMILTON, MANAGER 38tfI 1INSTALL AN O FURNACE BOILER HUMIDIFIER o r HOT WAT ER 9 HEATER No Payments for Six Months Call HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Oronô or Zenith 14620 24 HoLJr Service 4111f oeble in! oeble Ïml Your Best Entertainment Buy. cabletW Pine Ridge Cabie TV Limited 1353 King Street. East, 6-t Oshawa, Oct. (416) 579-2232 4 ff m -s. - '71 FORD 'Galaxie 500, in excellent condition, aise var- ious household appliances. Phone 579-3349. 31-1 1973 KAWASAKI 350, owner must seii, best offer. Phone 987-4937. 31'-] 1972 TOYOTA Celica, certi- fied, showroom condition, ra- diai tires, AM FM radio, rear window defrost, new paint, sacrifice. Phone 263-2364. 31-1 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, good condition. Phone 623-7700 atter 5 p.m. 31 lx 1973 KAWASAKI 500, excel- lent condition, $1,050, or wili accept trade, 623-5427. 31-1 PONY, tweive year oid geid- ing, excellent with children, shots, $70. Phone 263-8405. 31-1 CHAROLAIS and Hereford cows with Charolais calves, phone 623-2111. 311 lx DOBERMAN Pinscher pup- pies. Black and tan. Deposit will hoid until first of Septem- ber. Phone 623-2805. 31-3 IR ISH Setter puppies. Deposit wili hoid until first of Septem- ber. Phone 623-2805. 31-3 IRISH Setter puppies, cham- pion sired,- registered, needies, tatooed, ready ta go te good home. Cali evenings 1-372 6074. 30-2 The Doggy Place Dag Trimming and greeming. Poodies and, spaniels aur specialty butany type of dag' expertly bathed and trimmed. Boarding with lots of lave and fun. Dogs $2. daily, cats $1. The Immigrant Kennel, Re- gistered Breeders of high quality English Springer and Cocker Spaniels. Pick up and delivery. Also rabbits for- sale. 786-2234. 21 -fI We BySrpCr F RE LIWIN PAR TS GOOD used furniture. Towne Used Furniture, 623-4681. 30-2 USED Furnîture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf 7IH and Chip business loo'k ing for new paper containers, ta be used in the business. Please cali,623 2073. Dr. Wm. Rudell's office wili be closed July 29 ta August 23 inIcusive. Appointments will be taken starting August 12. 31-2 Frederick's Pharmnacy will be ciosed ail day Wednesday, August 7 and Wednesday, Augustl14 nly. 31-2 Dr. Kent will bie on holidays from August Sth until August l8th, 1974 inclusive, 31-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Aill daims against the Estateof ALFRED HOLMES, late 0f the Town et Newcastle, n the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died an or about the 1lth cf May, 1974, must be filed with the under- signed personai representa- tive on or before thîe 24th of August, 1974, thereaffer, the will be distribufed, having regard oniy ta the dlaims that have been received. Dated this lOth day 0f July, AD. 1974. Greer, AI lere Barristers, etc., 54- B Centre St. N., P.O. Bex 917, Oshawa, Onitario. Selîcitors for the Executor. 29-3 NEW three bedroom apart- ment, everything inci.uded, $225 monthly. Phone 623-7574. 31-1 ONE furnished room. Phone 623-2005. 31-1 ON E bedroom apartment. Heat, hydro, stave and fridge included. Aduifs aniy. Phone 623-4864. 31-lx FURNISHED bedraams by rnonth, week or day, shower and bath, iicenced premises, reasanabie rates. Castie Hotel Bawmanville. 623-7072. 22 tfI BOWMANVILLE- One bed- rom napartment, mediate passess Tam's Milk, 53 Bawmanvil le. CEMENT block bL 40', suitable for repair shap. Phc: SMALL self-conta ment far single Apply Adverfiser Canadian Statesi Box 190, Bowmanv HANDYMAN war room unfurnished bungalow needin< decorating, subLr manville; parking. 7083. YOUNG couple1 furnished apartmE September 1sf. C p.m. 263-8873. TWO or three beci for teacher in Ei area. Phone 623-26 LEARN TO TRACT, TRAILE Train with the e Tuition fee taxd Job assistanceg Weekend trai a va ila ble NOVW Special Sui Tuition F For applicati inter NATIONAL TR SCHOC Box 445 Bobcaygeon,( 738-361E Toronto Phone NURSES' Aides, full and part time. Phone Mrs. Clark, Newcastle 987-4411. 30 tt PART-TIME service station attendant required. Appiy Esso Service Station, Hwy. 401, and Waveriey Raad.* 30-3 EX PE RlENCE D Nurses' Aides AN D Housekeepers Strathaven Nursing Home pnîvate, im- PHONE 623-2553 3- ,sion. Apply 31__________ 2__ 3 King " E.,EN NC 28-tfMANE NC uiiding 24' ,x L R starage or Applicants are required for mne 2632311. the positionaI Maintenance 31-1 Records Clerk. Duties will include coilecting, recarding, summarizing and filing aI work order cast information. An accounting background EU wauid be an assot. ained apart- Please app[y in wniting qentleman. stating partidulars af educa- 488, c-a The lion and work backg round ta: sman, P.O. Personnel Department ville. 1l St. Marys Cernent nfs 3 or4 Company J> cottage or BOX 68 grepairs or Bowmanvil le, Ont. ir'ban Bow- 3- Phone 623-_____31-1_______ -1îx Transportation iooking for ent, to rent Assistant Call ater 4 Applications wili be recei- 31-lx ved by the undersigned until 3 -_____ p.m., August 9, 1974 for the lroamn house position af Transportation As- Bowmanvilie sistant. 612.- The Assistant is ta be 31-ix responsible ta the Supervisor [IM M af Transportation and ta assist with the planning and do-ardi- nation of schoaî bus routes, DRIVE prepaning averiays, maps, lDRIVE reports and warking "in thî2 70R field" with school bus opera- tors and drivers. E RS Previaus experionce in tran- experts spartatian on equivaient is deductible requested. Applicant must be guaranteed able fa communicate effec- îning also tivel with the Public. Sarary in $9,000 fa $9,500 area. Letters aI application should immer be hand wnitten. Resumne 0f qualifications and expenience Fees may be typed and attached. ion and Address ta: rviewwrite: M. A. MacLeod, RACTOR Business Administrator and CAING Treasurer, )L The Northumberland and ý5, Newcastle Board of- Ontario Education, 1 8 P-0. Box 470, Cobourg, e493-6068 Ontario K9A 4L2 31 -tf 30-2 COOK required. Cail 987-4252. 31-2 REGISTERED Nursing Assis- tants and Nurses' Aides re- quired. Cali 987-4252. 31-2 PERSON ta dlean floars, windows and other parts af aur service station, including parking areas, an a daily basis. Appiy Esso Centre, Highway 401, Newcastle. 31-2 ONE experienced hairdresser wanted immediately for an established clientele. Phone 623-5019 or 623-2624. 31-l' THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Area Maintenance Fore ma n -Wo ma n Applications wiil be recei- ved for the position of Building and Preperfy Maintenance Fereman for the West Area until naen Tuesday, August 6, 1974. Must have previaus super- visory experience. A strong background in building, elec- trîcai and mechanical sy- stems is essentiai. Appiy in writing stating experience and qualifications te: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrafor and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educatian, 834 D'Arcy Street, North Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. 31-1 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Requires for SE PTEMBER 1, 1974 ORAL FRENCH TEACHER The Board 's. înîtîatîng a pilof programn in Oral French at the Kindergarten level (i-mmersion). The successfui appiicant must be bilingual (French- Englishi, shouid hold an Eiementary Schaol Teach- ing Certtiticate, should pas- sess a Certificate for the Tegîching of French ta FIe- mentary Pupils and should have completed Primary Me- thads Course. Apply immediately in writ- ing stating experience, qualifi- cations, references and tele- phone number ta: Mr. D. W. Pattersan, Superintendent of Planning, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470,'Cabourg, Ont. K9A 4 L2 H.N.Sheppard W. F. Thom Chairman Director 31-1 111'S U PTO YOU1! Would you like fa be a professional? -We offer an outstanding oppartunity ta those persans who wish ta become a successful sales personnel. Excellent starting wage for those that qualify'! If you think that you are the persan we want, send a resumne taday for an interview ta. "CAR E ERS"i Box 1010, Station B Oshawa, Ontario Ail replies wiIl be in strict conf idence. 29-3 TWO high school boys want work of any kind. Phone 623-5988. 31-lx LIGHT frucking and odd lobs, cleaning yards, basement, atfics, etc. Free estimafes. Reasanable rates.. Phone 623- 2337. 30-4x CUSTOM upholsfering, recov- ering, re-styling, very reason- able, work guarahteed, 20 years ex perience. Free esti- mates . Phne 986-5072 Nestie- ton. 29-4 Remodellîing Additions CUSTOM HOMES Repairs of Ail Types Don 'Brooks &Son Contra ctor and Builder 723-6176 31-4x William G. Beatty Painting and Paper Hanging Light Trucking and Odd Jobs PH ON E 623-4728 31-4x JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS- FURNACES, CL EANE D PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 Mail Address: P.O. Box43 - Bowmanville 30-ff t30B BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumnbing - H1eating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cail1623-2641 33-tf VINCE MOORE CAR PENTRY House Renovating Paper Hangîng - Painting 247 Liberty N., Bowmanville 623-35683 ALL 1 YPÎ PAINT ING INTERIORand EXTFPI4 Roofing Repairs and Ves Insfa lIed. REASONABLE RATI FREE ESTIMATES- PHONE Hampton 263-2- S EPTI C Ti\R' PUMPINO BERTTOMPM ý Newtonvil le Phone 786-25-7ý2 DOMESTIC & COMMER REFRIGERATION UNIT and APPLIANCES SALES & SER 1-' Kool EnterpriM > P HON E623-322'l 24 Division Sf., Bowrnarý' 'le DARLlNGTO; MASONRY Brick, Block, S ' CHIMNEY& FIREPL' ' CHIMNEY CLE%'NI- Phone 623-2 1, WATER Wells boede, 30"bM Ward's Weii Boriî<g ý l phono 342-2030. Repr"'sA tive Harry L. Wade i phone 987-4531. t PROFESSIONAL PI -t;, TUNING & SERVICII"'Ç Ceriified Piano Technir-iar' Prompt-reliabie serv, Remember, "The tunt-: a lace, preserves the tonc. Member, Piano Techni Guiid. Derek HE1I 502 Dunlop St. W , WUib 668-6247 Retrigeration AND Appliance Servîe Com mercia land Domosfk. Refrigeration - Milk Caoo- Phone B E RISYEF Days.62 ' Nights - 6217 Lander Hrwr and ELE CTRI Geddes EIlectr'1 Renovations -- AI~t e Rec. Rooms Rewining Older Homes- New Homes - Free Estir-'t' PHON E623-2 <5 B1L L 'S G LASS and MI RRORS LTD. 7 Division St,, Phone 623-7<i Bowmanvîle, Ontarino Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - StormWrd.. Store Fronts -FloalMr-is Patterned and Clor c(Is and Glazing - Mountjoy Backhoe Service- Trenches -Drains' Foundafions and Septic i -' - Dug and BackfîikMd GRAVEL VAN MOUNTJOYý Blackstock 98,, 47 $1.0OF0l For Removal af FRESH, DEAOýsnd DISABLED FARI'l) CAL L MARGWILL, FURFARM Ha mpton 263-2721I MICKEY Mouse watch î vicinity aI Ontariaor n Streets. Phono 623-,549i. VICINITY et Mosporf it - poadle type dag with l1 j ~ Answers ta inky. lýiiirr pet. Phono 263-8040. Cel, Cash Todav, For DId AppIiaîi through S T A T E SNM C L A S S 1F 1E D S-

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