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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1974, p. 11

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The Canadian Statesrnan. Bowrnanville. July 31, 1974 FrovinciaI Court July 30,1974 Judge R. B. Baxter presided witb Assistant Crown Attor- ney N. McCrank and duty counsel K. Van Nest. Harvey Partner, Jr., 22, Orono, pleaded "guilty" to break and enter charge at tbe Venezia Restaurant July 16. He was represented by E. R. Lovekin. Money, cigarettes and a pair of sunglasses were taken . All were recovered. Counsel said "hie was intoxi- cated at tbe tirne and that was tbe cause of the offense. Since tbe episode bie bas completely abstained frorn alcohol". Judge Baxter placed hlm on suspended sentence for two years, to report once a montb. He is to attend AA once a week. He was put on a 10 p.rn. curfew for six montbs.,During the full tern, be is to abstain frorn alcobol and not depart frorn the ernployrnent of bis father without tbe consent of court. Edward Chas. Adams, alias Edward Chas. Fraser, 21, 460 Montrave Ave., Oshawa, cbarged witb break and enter February 13 at tbe worksbop of A. Larnbert, R.R.' 3, -Bowmanville, pleaded "guil- ty". He was also cbarged witb hitting a car on, tbe Lamnbert property. Previous convic- tions for break and enter were read out. The crown asked for a jail telrn. Judge Baxter said "probation bas failed" and sentenced birn to prison for 12 rnonths definite in an Ontario Reforrnatory. On the second charge hie was given three rnontbs to run concurrent. Gordon Branigan, 6 Albert St., Oshawa, was fined $25. and costs for being intoxicated on King St. E. July 21. Const. Logan observed bim stagger- ing and told hirn to go borne. He saw hirn later on and laid the charge. George' M. Barter, 356 Wilson- Rd. N. Oshawa, was charged April 8, witb prernit- ting a driver to operate a cornmercial vebicle wben the load was not perrnanently tied down. Const. Heirner observed cbunks of dust and coal falling off the truck. The fine was $75. and costs, in default seven days. Allan Clifford Cowles, R.R. 1, Bowrnanville, charged May 10, did unlawfully have liquor in ther than residence, re- ceived a fine $75. and costs', in default seven days. Const. Legate cbecked a car and found ale. Daniel Ferren, R.R. 2, Janetville, was charged by Const. Helmer with having liquor in other than bis residence and tbe fine was $75. and costs, in default seven days. Glen Palmateer, Toronto, was fined $45. and costs for travelling 85 miles in a 70 mile zone. Thos. E. Drum, Mill St. Orono, was charged dune 12 on King St. Newcastle for driving witbout a license. Const. McDonald checked bis ve- hicle. Tbe fine was $20. and costs. Bench warrants are issued for the following: Norman Jobnston. Keele St., Toronto; James Nicol, Port Hope;, Larry Scollard, Ottawa. Edwin Neal, 51, Toronto, charged dune 16 with follow- ing too closely on highway 35 pleaded "guilty". A two car rnotor collision was the result witb total darnage $1,800. The fine was $20. and costs. John Brian DeJager, 17, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, cbarged May 27 with taking a roto tiller rnotor from a field, pleaded "guilty". He used it on a go-cart. He was put on probation for two years and at tbe end of that tirne will be given a conditional discbarge if probation terrns are carried out. He is to report once a rnonth to tbe probation officer and to abide by the advice and, directions of bis parents. Two People Dead, 18 lnjured In 38 Colli'sions inFiveDays According to Police 1The Newcastle Detacbrnent Line. A vehicle wbich waý of tbe Ontario Provincial southbound on Hwy.l15wasii Police investigated tbe follow- collision witb two motorcycle ing motor vehicle collisions wbich were northbound. Thi! and occurrences during the collision occurred duriný period of July 22, 1974 to July dense fog. Dead is tbi 28, 19741. passenger of one of tbý hirty-eght motor vehicle rnotorcycles, Deanne Malar collisions were investigated in czuk, 17 years, of 273 View whicb 18 persons were injured rnount Drive, Osbawa, Ont and two persoafs killed. As a arie. result orf these collisions, seven p ersons have been Injured, and taken to Osb cbarged witb offences under awa General Hospital werr tbe uighway Traffic Act. tbe drivers of tbe two motor The Newcastle Officers also cycles, Gifford A. MacKenzie investigated 131 occurrences of 894 Florcîl Dr., 'Oshawa of a general nature. Sorne of Ontario and Daniel P. Dvas. tbese occurrences are as nak of 921 Floreil Dr., Osb follows. Tbere were five awa, Ontario. Also injured arn investigations into "Tbeft" offences, six investigations into "Break and Enter" of- fences, two investigations into e rre e J complaints of "Assaut", and one investigation into a darn- age complaint. Otber activi-W e e , tics included investigations e r into reports of lost and found properties, reports of trespas- Prime Minister Pierre Tru- so',-s, and complaints of erratic deau was being given a lound d' crs. razzberry _last week _at the 'yen persons have been annual rneeting of the Cana- carged witb offences under dian Cornmunity Newspapers the Liquor Control Act, two Association in Toronto. persons bave been cbarged For montbs, Pierre was witb offences under the Crirn billed as Saturday evening mnal Code and one person bas dinner speaker. The election been cbarged with a driving won, it would bave heen bis offence under the Criminal first speaking engagement Code. since July 8. Tben Pierre Tbe following are brief copped out. Just as the final reports concerning two fatal convention programns were motor vebicle collisions wbicb about to be printed -- it was no occurred in the Newcastle Pierre. O.P.P. area during the past Heard around the botel halls week. were sorne angry cornrents On Thursday, July 25, 1974 "B-e doesn't need us now -- be at 11.15 p.rn, a fatal motor did two weeks ago " "T'bell vebicle accident occurred on witb you guys, l'in the king." Hwy. 2 ap roximately 3-10 "We've got lephant mernor- mile east or Solina Road. A ics, four years willgo pretty vebicle, wbicb was rnaking a fast, and John Turner wil left turn into a private need us tben." "Saine old driveway, was struck by arro2ance - but so soon is a another vebicle which was surprise." attcmpting to pass. Botb Wbat rnade the wbole sben- vehicles were travelling east anigan more embarrassing at the tirne of the risbap. was tbat the several hundred Dead is the driver of tbe Canadian comrnunîty news- vebicle wbich was attempting papers frorn coast-to-coast the lcft turn, John Joseph were also bosts to the anual Lasek, 25 years, of R.R. 6, convention of their U.S. and Bowmanville, Ontario. New York State counterparts. A second fatal motor vebicle The Arnericans were sbowing accident occurred on Satur- one of their big guns -- former day July 27, 1974 at, 8.05 arn. New York Governor Nelson on Hwy. 115, approximately Rockefeller, the man who one-baif mile soutb of the wants to be U. S. president. Clarke-Manvers Township There was a natural Cana- as in qs ls ig e .e it ýe id T14IAT N1EAN5 A.kRP*'AM~P [NEIER LEAVE THE ErPJ- ANC> LOCKÇ ALL [.DtOý ANC) WIN9OW.5 iNcoNVNJIENCFETo THE OWNNEp. GINE RiJNNING IN VOUR WHEM YOU PARK YOUR~ CAR CAR-ALWAYe REMVE i AN9~of4OP R~20TM~MR LIKELY TO WLNP UP IN AN ACC[UENTUM A Slippery Crew from the 1 950's Report taken te the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital was Gail Kvasnak et 921 Floreil Dr., Oshawa, Ontario. Driving Tip LOOK OUT FOR BIKES - witb the summer weather more bicycles are on the road, says the Ontario Safety Lea- gue. Traffie accidents take the lives etfrnany bicycle riders every year and injure thou- sands of others in Canada. Many et these accidents involve a violation by the bike rider, but that deeso't excuse the driver. Be on the lookout for bicycle riders - especially at dusk -- and give tbern a break. rs dies Down 1-dian pride in showing off a guy dwho c mared te President Le Nion = sgreat. The Cobourg Star telephon- cd te PM's office in Ottawa on Tbursday rnorning and asked b is appointments secretary wbere Pierre would be on riSaturday. The girl did net s know. She was asked why the tcancellation et the Saturday e Toronto speech, and she said Ishe did net know. e It is a bit embarrassing for 0 Andy MeLean, CCNA presi- dent frorn Seafortb, Ontario. s Andy, a beloved figure ameng s newspaper people, is also a e former Liberal MP from about 20 years ago, and he bas worked bis bcart eut for bis party and bis profession ever sînce. But the recently SO, very CIaccessible philosopher-king is a somewhere cisc apparently inaccessibly pbilosopbîzing. 1- If we bear anv real excuses, 9 we'll let yen knew. But as et CITbursdayarn. even the PM's ;_own office in Ottawa wasn't t saying. 1 Darnned poor show, Pierre. The littlc newspapers of tbis country know wben they have been snubbed. As eld Abe r Lincoln said about being only a-common man, tbere are se many et us. Cobourg Star Living MetricArtmri b or how your kids' world will add up a lot more easily than yours did. Yards potes feer, mils forlongs acres, bi.a heSpecas ,pouna ,NAME ounces Rememba r e QUANTITY0FUI SI SYMBOL endtesshours aous pent O UI trying tf merrorîza the peculharr etonshipfs betmaentese oris ard LENGTH METRE M ends ard ramember the frustration of inca srgaKILOGRAM kg if le a rmetic pros ems MASS GA tIraI rere sspposed t GRr fach y 0Ou tae uvrtî rom oraunir ro thear t9SOLIDS CUBIC METRE Mý trgtfiisermrinVOLUME L' IS IR OntarioManetoba, B.CLQIO IR and Nova Scoti, Mostaie mentrscfic, r tiren TEMPERATURE DEGREES ai,e t a ndh rsres rCELSIUS fromne e o se sp Ang aarte trestftIew o ffley Iltfatk about mass. votume, ength arrtremr perratare nIeris of.grame - _ Cets s T i.certfrfom onre unit foua bigger or erra tionea at] fey rasev f0 do s move a Oacimiat poirt. oon your titdrenWilt be ting you rhat mefric wo rks baffer ard mef ic maties esse. At Beafer Caeadiae awe ve made mnet ris isort foraus.We ce asWei ttsrfen mati ng producre ein fias aeep up wmou pour tilde Keep fthis page for refer- erce. For m ore copies asdne iforrrafiae free maferiat, wirte tf Bowater Canadiar Lurrfed When yout ktds ask yosi for hetp,,vifr fheir tromeis rk, tb s P.O Box f000 simple charf iii helo pos hellaffem. Stafion "A' SI e ffie alboreva ion for the Infernational Sysfem oi f nitf Toronfo, Onfario. ffe sîmplîfîed metrîc sysfem mbîcb Canadaa e odopting M5W [lGb Bgger or smat[erSf se fs are createdbyfthe addiinof a pre i.A cenmetre l001metreAhki/amarre Is1000mefres BOWATER CANADAN LMTEO a rfo ri(j rsr rrç E s ï Ns B in!1 ,, esM LcuPLIdLai Not- a scene from West SideStor, bu ,,t Qrease -Day at- Memorial -Park.- Greased down hair leather vests, bare chests, and sha des were ail p art of the get up, as the youth of Bowmhanville participated in the fashion of the 1950's. They are from left to right, Daniel Shak, Tony Wind, Kent Stephens, and Andy Feenstra. Region Introduces- Charges Durbam Region Council passed its first deve.loprnent charge policy witb miner arndments, last Wed.nes- day. Councillor Ken Lynlwas the only one te vote against the policy contcnding it wouid make home owning in the region even more difficuit. The nine-part agreement outlines wbat course the developer and the region must follow te get bousing on the market. The developer rnust pay the region $1,200 for each residential unit- $450 for sewage. $450 for water and $300 for regional works. The charge for bachelor and one bedroom-apartments will only be $225 for sewage $225 for water and $300 for regional work for a total et $750 for each residential unit. The deveiopment charges wili apply te land severances, increasing dwelling units and cbanging municipal land use. Industrial and commercial develeopment, will net be af- fected, arrangements will be ncgotiated on an individual basis for these projccts. The agreemnent aise outlines a tee schedule for developers that says that 50 per cent et the tee for subdivision agree- ments will be paid upon signing et the agreemnent and another 50 per cent at the issuance et the first building permit. Developments et an unusual nature or magniture cao be exernpted in wbole or part trom the charge policy at regional councils discretion. As wcll, the development charges wili apply te agree- ments entered into by the region atter July 24, 1974. Sharer Nature's Bounty BE A + BLOO DONOR TH E ADVICE BUREAU Retladthat Label! C ARE labelling is now a fact of life for mosi of us. A very little urne spent in master- ing the code et basic symbols on the labels in garments cao pay dividends in longer wear- m0e and better looking clothes and linens. It can aise go a long way toward making.washday easier for you. Manufacturers are very responsible about label- ling garments today and these instructions are desîgnrd speci- fically for the tabrics whicb carry them. The code is really extremrly simple, alîheugh the symbels may at first seemn somewhat complicatrd and confusing. First thing te learn is the signi- ficance ef the celeurs of the symbols -tbey work just like trafflc signaIs. Red mieans "de net; orange means "go ahead but carefully"; green means go on" Each step bin he laundry process bas bren assigned a styllzed symbol. Washing- a U-shaped sym- bel representing a washing tub. Usually bas a figure inside te indicate the brut temperature et water for the fabric. Bleaching- a triangle witb CI writîrn inside. You will very otten sec ibis symbel with a large X through it. This means that under ne circum- stances sheuld yen use chIen ne bleach on ibis tabrir as il may cause permanent damage. The lne eblorine bleach" symbel will be seen mosi efflen on syn- thetir and permanent pres fabrirs. The besi producite use fer ibese fabries is a borax- based bleach subsiitu te, such as Boraîeem Plus, which is safe for ail fabrics'and will stilî de the dlean-up job of a bleach. Drying- Drying is symbol- ized by a square. Dryer temper- atures can usually be varird ai least beîween "hot" and .dli- cate' settings. The latter sheuld be uised for nylon, rayon. antron and other lighîweighî fabrics. If a "permanent press" cycle is available, use it fer yeur permanent press laundry .as ht prevides a cool tumble ai the end of the cycle. This belps te keep oui the wrinkles and ensure ibat permanent press dors net nerd the itouch-up" irening wbere yen finish up by irening everyîbing. Irening- An oniline iren usually centains the appro- priate temperature for îroning if yen must. But remember thai careful treaiment during laun- dering ofien means ne ironing nerdrd at ail. Sheets and pil- lowcases folded and smeeîhed whiîe sîbîl very slighîly damp and warm from the dryer leok as geed as if iroord. (Be sure te store them in a warm'linen closet or yen can get mildew.) Dry Cleaning- The special symbol for dry cleaning is a circle. If atter yen have fellowed the instructions and semething bappens te whatever yoîî washed, do complain te the store and the manufacturer. And if ail else bas failîd com- plain te your local consumer consulîtant. It may or may not get you your money back, but i will cerîainly stop the same hng from happening te semeone eisc. For a free leaflet on laundry, or if yen have a washday preb- lem, write t0: The Washday Advis.e Bureau, 151 Bloor Street West, Ste. 1100, Toronto, Ontario M5S IS8. Ontario Safely League cou rtesy CI AG INSURANCE Car Crash Kifis John J. Lesek, 25, of Lot 24, Concession 2, Darlington Township, R.R. 6, Bowman- ville, died in Oshawa General Hospital, Frida y morning, July 26, as a resul t of injuries received in a twe car accident near here, Tbursday nigbt, Provincial Police frorn New- castle report. Mr. Lesek dird at about 5 a.m. with bis wife Virginia at bis bedside. According to a police spokesman, Mr. Lesek was eastbound on Bwy. 2 and was atternpting te make a lef t turn into a private driveway locat- cd about three miles east of Solina Road. Police said another vehicle was atternpting te pass wben the accident occurred. Cap- tain Gord Lee and Constable Hugene Fitzgerald investigat- cd the ineident Baptàism Highlights . The relattenship with Je- hovah ie o hich yen enter today' is a precieus privileg.'" With these words, J. Cý Dîliabough opened bis address te 386 persons seated in a spechal section at Woodbine Race TrackJuly 25th, people who were prepared toe erbark on a nexx way of lite. .The occas-ionwas th.e haptis- mal service, highlight of the 'Divine Purpose' District Assembly of Jehovah's Wit- nesses. ,Dillabough spoke on: "Be a Living Witness for the Good News." The lecture preceded the actual immersion services whirb were conducted at Maytield Reereational Com- piex. Following Diliabougb's ad- dress, canîdida tes for baptism, men, women and young people were cornpletely submerged heneatb the waters et the pool ln 'symbol of their dedîcation te do God's will in their lives. " Diilabough stressed the need te be active, net passive Christians. "One aspect of thîs lite of service is rnakîng public declaration of our hope, telling others about the goed news of God's kingdom," be said. The other aspect of life he discussed involved proper moral bebasiior. 'Bow we conduet ourselves i0 our daily ltves in barrnony with God's req uirements is Just as essen- tiaI for God's approval as our works. " Dillabougb particularly singled out exemplary con- duet iin ail areas of 11f e as essential for a persen deciding upon a 1fretofChristian service. Discussîng the subjeet in detail Diilabougb said that in the Bible, baptisrn and immer- sion mean the same tbing, for the Greek word "baptisma" from wbicb we get the Englisb word "bapttsm" indîcates a dipping, narnely, submersion anu emergence. Se what occurs, he said, is that a person is tcmporarily "bur- ted' eut et sigbt and then litted eut et the water. Talking briefiy about hist- ery, Dillabough said John the Bapt4st was sent te baptize members et the Nation et Israel who were dedicated to God and ebliged to keep the law covenant but who werc guilty et sins against Ced and needed te repent. "This dees not mean that wben Jesus carne te John te be baptizcd it was because be needed to repent et any sins," Dillabough said, Quoting the Bible at Be- brews 10:7, he read: "Look! I arn corne (in the roll of the book it is written about me) to do your will, O God. " '"Jesus presented birnself te do God's will," Diliabougb concluded. 'This is the-truc meaning et baptism. It means setting aside, your own will and vewing hencetorth te do the will et God." Out Of Thelr Of Rahe by Ted Chant This being my summer holidays, 1 arn watching quite, a lot of television. 1 have corne to the conclusion that, al- though it is our greatest mediumn, television certainly does leave a lot to be desired. We begin in the rnorning with an endless strearn of game shows. Now, the ones that test your intelligence are fine; you can thrnk about how studpid ail the contestants are as cornpared to yourself (you have to wonder if one of the infarnous eligihility require- mients is an I.Q. helow that of your average cahhage!). But then you have to (because you don't want to watch a sick soap opera) turn on a garne show that doesn't involve any skill. Obviously, we refer to what can rightfully be called a garne of chance; you have a chance to win and you have a chance to rnake a fool of vourseif hy jurnping up and down yelling, "Pick rne, Monty!! Pick rne!" Perhaps the rnost successful stupid show on TV though is a littie cutie cal The Newlywed Garne". This rnonstrosity has four recently rnarried couples trying to answer quite irrele- vant questions about each other. When, as of ten happens, one of the questions is not answered correctly, the other half of the blissful couple srnacks the mistaken spouse and curses hirn or her soundly. 1Next, at approxirnately 4:00 p.rn., the reruns of old series hegin. We get "Star Trek", "The Brady Bunch", "The Lucy Show", and the excellent old Dick Van Dyke series with RESU-. rs, COU NT! MULTIPLE LISTING SEEVICi Oshawa & District Real Estate Board VACA'TION TIME at Dykstra 's MAPLE LEAF, FRESH LEAN Ground Chuck .5Lb. FRESU ONTARIO CAULIFLOWER SWEET JUICY ORANGES Mary Tylr[ý e e et bow nany t imes tîca tbese Dick Van Q piîO I cannot belp iu gM e truc brilliance f h2 rcalizing that thear notbing less tb, After egh 4 into the agb- referrcd hi O viewing. Bei f îh in television wtrtc f5t tf Bunkers, fhi~police, the t v e'< doctors, and the]a-c z the older genctin bers tbe Ainos nd t Fibber McGce ar nl) Larnont Cransfie f A will rerninice about i Bunker, Maude r , f Tyler Moore ~YV - the stars of c0 o tbern bouseld wni Anywa, grtng , play-by playa lyll:30p.m.w e:e at)r viewing wtb.3b i y e (wbcn be is therec t vacation), Mcrv C-1Y e for you nostagia n', î That conaple'ocs ori dayi, television watcb ng ta l you know the ene frgd ~' garne shows, soap ee S news telecasts, sptsrd casts, reruns pro-i tU shows, talk shows, eoan sermonettes' hav e iao mon? It's these d ~ ' rnercials! r FINE QA1 MoNUMt S Fd f MAiKR ,1 Monurn ', Bo x i 318 Dundas St. I Whty Phone Wib SFECI World Fo v ~~1~-e iŽ~ MAPLfi I i' t L. - RANCH Siiced Lge. Size Eac ARRIVING THIIS WEEK Fresh from Niagara 4 Qt. Bsks. PEACHES or Heaping 6 Qt. Bk [OO-k!- NOW INSTC QUICK FROZEN 22 LB. PAILS RED CHERRES 20 LB. PAILS BLACK SWEET CHERRIES Ideal for freezing or canning while they la st! DEMPSTER'S CRUSTY Italian Roils Save A c 14e 97Pkg. SUMMHr lu a Voortmans Cook-les CREAM WAFFLES MIX OR MAT[- I ALMOND CRUNCU COFFEE SPRITS ks DATE FILLED SUGAR COOKIES Sv 8 ""DEEP CUT SPECIALS' MAXWELL HOUSE$ 2 COFFEE a Lb. SUPREME BLANCHED PEANUTS Save9c 2 Pg [KLEENEX Yelloworrccc PAPER TOWELS a 2Roll Pack SAICO a 100 ,. ORANGE JUICE e Save 30e TOASTMVAb'irit WHITE SLICED 2 z BREAD 3 Loaves$ ' DYKSTRAS-L1 Food Market QUAfI'I 77 King St. W. I$owmanville iffl -

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