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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1974, p. 2

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2The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, July 31, 1974 Newcastle A Broekville man lost part of is right leg early last Wednesday morning in a boating mishap on Lake Ontl'ario, one-bal mile from the Newcastle Harbor. Philip Jackson, 43, ni 6 Bro ck Terrace, was rushed 10 Bnwmanville Memorial Hns- pital and was later transfer- red 10 Oshawa General Hospi- tai where he under wenl surgery. A spokesman for the OPP at Newcastle said the accident took place at about 7 a.m Turn Down (From Page One) the' Lake Ontario shoreline, easl of Port Grandby, near Newtonville Station. The Mo- dular parks would be named Pine Ridge Development and Durham Park Development, respeclively. In' E. Richard Lovekin's presenlation to Newcastle Council Monday night on beb'aîf of bis client, Rice Con- struction, he emphasized that il bad been recommended to the, council and ont the planning commillee by the previnus enuncil. He then proceeded 10 introduce a series of specialisîs 10 talk abotl the proposai. The first to speak was the Reeve of Innisfil Township in Sirnene County, George Bur- ton, who bold the éouneil about theassessment benefit Sandy Coves, a Rice projeet similar un nature, haïd been 10 that Township. lHe stated Ibis developrnent had been un the township three years and bad crealed non major problerns and had n-ý d$44000 10 the township. Mayor Garnet Riekard aller questinning Mr. Burton on the projeel, cautioned him on bhis r otcol, in saying thal he was ere f or the benefit of the council, but giving them no advance notice he would bc in attendance. Next, Beverley Hanna Thorpe, a biologist witb Bird and Hale Ltd., spoke on tbe environmental impact of the Pine Ridge Projeet. She was follnwed by W. Pinkerton and Engineer on the project and he, in turn by -G. Courey, a planner. To answer any fur- Iher questions was one of the owners of Rice Construction, Louis Rice. YJ'hô "~t.ecide 'avor Riekard proposed the question bo Mr. Rice whether he felI developers or the elected representatives of the town should decide on the course development in the rnunicipaiity is going t0 lake. He. aiso stated that the population' of Newcastle- is now 30,000 and il would triple ifconi let ail developers who made such presentalions have their way. Council also heard a presen- tation from Roger N. Carr, Village Boating Mishap According to the spokes- mnan, Jackson was hooking up CIVIC HOLIDAY tow fines to a scow, which was With the second holiday being towed to another bar- comning 'Up Monday, it is bor, just prior to the incident. ,xpctd ail roads xiii bc Jackson, after hooking up jammed with vehicles whose the fines, apparentîy attempt- occupants are heading on ed to jump from the scow to a vacations or just a long tug boat but landed between weekend. Drivers are urged to tbem in tbe water, said tbe be especially careful to makie spokesman. Tbe two boats certian tbey don't becomne an tben came together at tbat accident statistic. We haven't time catching tbe man's right heard how many the Safety leg and cutting it off just Leagues expect-will be killed above tbe ankle, be added. on the bighways or b _______________________drowning, but we expect it will 1)e in the hundreds. barrister, representing bis client Howard Payne. Mr. Carr stated that most of the points be wisbed to present bad already been made, bowever, be expressed bis risa.noroval of tbe' report of Gen. Howden, whieh he felt didn'Y weigh tbe facts. He also stated tbat be would like to see council pass on their com- ments to . the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, and make a deal with bis client., Motion to Repeal On a motion from Councillor Ken Lyall, the Council then move d to presentation of by-law 74-58, being a by-law to repeal by-law 1764 of the Corporation of tbe former Townsbip of Clarke, passed on tbe l9tb day of December, 1973. Tbat is the by-law amending tbe Clarke Official Draft Plan whicb would bave permitted Rice Construction and Howard Payne to build tbeir proposed projects. Two Votes For Project On a' first reading and recorded vote only Councillor Don Wearn voted against the new by-law. On second read- ing, Don Wearn spoke against tbe motion, stating he felt tbe town needed low cost bousing, and tbat if he bad been at the Planning Advisory Committee meeting il would have been a tie vote witb tbe chairman voting. In. reply, Ken Lyall stated for the second time that this was not bis idea of low cost housing, and that by bis rougb calculations over 20 years it would cost $43,000 to eacb modular borne owner. CoLin. Wearn then made a motion to table, seconded by Councillor Bruce Tink. On a recorded vote, mearïing the Mayor gets to vote, only Counillors Tink and Wearn voted for tbe tabling motion. Tbe by-law 74-58 was then given a second and third reading with recorded votes each time and Councillors Wearn and Tink voting no. The by-law will now be sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for approval. Council- lor Kirk Entwisle cautioned Mr. Wearn tbat when this amendment was passed by the Twp. of Carke, those w1ho voted for it were not returned to office, when tbey ran against tbose who voted to reject it. DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Building OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Partners: Josef Adam, B.Sc. (Econ.), C.A. Gordon F. Sedgewick, C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A. Phone 728-7527 - 839-7764 Dom's Car Lot (From Page One) town requesting that sorne thing be done about the 50 acri car lot. The town in turn ha, asked for Layng's report a. well as comments fron George Howden, the New castie Town Planner. In bis report, Layng madE six recommendations on thý site, including the provincia recycling plant. He also suggested that 1hi lot not be ailowed to grow an, bigger tbat its existing 5' acres, that current towî bylaws be enforced to restrie the unsibtliness of the loca tion, and that storage space bE compressed to free the slopiný 10 acres on thenorthwest side He suggests more of th4 southern part of the properti be cleared to hait parking oi eacb side of the Base Lini Road, and to prohibit any par of the site for use as a wasti disposai area. Layng's report, and How den's comment, are to b( discussed at the next plannini advisory comrnittee meeting tbe second Tuesday in Augus at Hampton. Howden said it is "some what facetious" to ask th( province to enforce Environ mental Act stipulations wher tbe municipality is not enfor cing its bylaw. Otten, note( Howden, the smailer operatoi is penalized, and the large] Dom's operation is not deai with. "I would recommend tha before any other action k taken, a meeting should b( held between town officiaLi and Ministry of Environmeni officiais responsibie for sal vage yards. Mayor Rickard (Frorn Page One) -Classic Car Wax Products of Canada Limited purchased R. M. Hollingsbead Corporation in April of this year, at wbich time tbey irnmediately began to up-date manufacturing, production and facilities. "It is our airn to not only begin manufacturing Classic Car Wax and its reiated proucs here in Canada, by Cndans , but also to make R. M. Holiingsbead Corporta- tion one of the largest chemi- cal manufacturers in Canada" says president Fred Ander- son. The- decision to purchase R. M. Hollingshead Corpora- tion of Canada, Limited, was made for two reasons. The first reason was to begin manufacturing the Clas- sic Car Wax uine here in Canada to enhance our1 opera- tions and increase our distri- bution througbout the Coun- try. The second reason was to add a fine line of quality products to the Classic Line whîcb is called "Whiz" and whicb bas been manufactured bere in Canada for a number of years, so Ibat we wouid be able to offer our customers tbrougbout Canada a com- plete fine of car beautification producîs and additives of superior quality at reasonable prices. 'We were always proud to say that Classic Car Wax was made for the sun, sand and sait of Fiorida. wbere Classic Products Limited orginated" said Fred Anderson, "but we are even prouder to say that now it is made in Canada by Ca nadians". Village Set (From Page One) tbe old Bowmanville High Sebool, bas been postponed. fenders were called to close at 3 p.m. Tbursday. It is reported that tende'rs received for the school renovations exceeded the ministry alloca- tion. A new meeting date bas been set for Thursday, August Ist.,at 7:30 p.m. The Northumberland and Newcastle school, board is converting the oid bigb sehool mbt a senior elementary Recently Married in St. John's Church What Does SummerMean Summer is a special time for all of us. For the city dweiler, it's bot pavement, cool drinks and vacation time. For the farmer, il is a time of work. nf hoping for ram -or boping the ramn will stop. For children it is the very essence of childbood. For one group ni Canadians it is a time of crisis. Every sumnmer the Red Cross Blond Transfusion Service runs sbort nf blood. The normal needs go on ano tunere is usually an increase in the accident rate; tbis demand for blond and blood products increases. For tbe volunteers of Red Cross wbo recruit donors, summer is a time of bruised telephone-dialling fin- ers as tbey step-up their efforts. Summer is a time when a great many people leave home; tbey move to cottages, Young Fiddler Beats Veterans Gradua te Geza Jankox iclu son nf Mr. and Mrs. Geza Jankovich, R.R. 1. Bowxman- ville, received bis diploma in Electrical Technology recent- ly at Spring convocation ceremnonies at Ex erson Poly- technical Institute in Toronto. Miss Wendy Carol MacKin- father, the bride wore her tosh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. mother's bridai gown of anti- David MacKintosh, and Mr. que satin trimmed witb seed Edward Bons, son of Mr. and pearîs. The full hnop-skirt was Mrs. Henry Bons, ahl of caught up in front witb satin Bowmanville, were united bows 10 reveal a flounced lace in marriage on Saturday underskirt, and flowed back- evening, June 29, 1974, at -nrd imb a sliict train. seven o'clock in St. John's She wnre a rnatching picture Anglican Church, Bowman- bat and carried a bouquet of ville.. red roses, Pink carnations and Rev. Thomas Gracie offici- stephanotis. ated and Mr. C. Evans. Attending the bride were organist, played the wedding maid of honor, Miss Cathy music. MacKintosh and bridesmaids Given in marriage by ber Misses Sheila MacKintosh, PYLON anld i ephicemlenti it insnîlission ii iii Siiiipic e i iheiocie ti iîaii i he laiinilijailltice ie\\ei-s, uetl e ie- Standinig steelci icttii es uic e o palinicteL tobiend ill il i lu si- Teidng.ihe ecia"eit:iitip e ni' ibis MiSSiSSal1nu poe is dît i.. green, :ind tihe cieySS,lai s 1ledit i Lceii. Different celitcomlbinali jîîis, SeICI] as Sky itie and g'i cx \\iii h)e 11ied un nthci localt(ins. AS lci aiîe lufis tlte I3-tl i, / a, crcxs eîîcinbei el ps ,Lt ii e l i 2 --înnîpote ontoeastcel hase enibcdded iii 10 leI ccl nicci cie. Hydro Line Reûsolution Newcastle Council on Mon- the northern boundary of the day night moved 10 endorse a Municipality of Newcastle. resolution 10 tbe Solandt The resolution cornes from commission 10 have the pro- townships to the east of here pnsed hydro line 10 the who baving opposed the north- nnrthern route whicb follnws cm ,route in the past and have changed their minds. Two Teenagers Apprehended Three teenagers of non fixed address, Toronto, have been eharged witb possession of stolen prperty, and attemp- ted theft, by the Newcastîle OPP. Furthe: "barges have also been laid against them by the Durham Regional Police in connection with several break-ims in Oshawa. OPP Constable G. Kozak was calied>10 a farm on lot 4 concession 2 in the former Dariingtnn Township, Monday Juiv 29 at 2:45 a.m. The farm Don 't Need Signs Transportation and Com- munications Minister John R. Rhodes bas announeed that nwners of small trucks are no longer' required 10 bave their names printed on the. side of their vehieles. The amendment 10 the Regulations of Ontario made under The Highway, Traffie Act became effective July 2, 1974. The amendment ex- empts ail commercial motor vehieles having a gross weight nfnont more tban 18,000 pounds, in addition 10 motor- ized mobile homes and trucks fitted with camper units wbicb were exempted under a pre- vinus regulation. The new regulation is the resuit nf inereased popularity in the use nf smaîl commercial motor vehieles as a ineans ni private transportation. is owned by Gus Scbickedanz of Toronto. Two teenagers were apprehended in a stolen car from Toronto when tryinjg to steai gas at the farm, a third escaped custody. The car is a 1974 Monte Carlo. Cha 'rged are Devin David Jones, 17, Patricia Rowan, and Michael Arcbibald Dar- rab, 18. A warrant for the arrest ni Michael Darrah bas been issued and bis is also 10 be cbarged with possession of stolen identification. On Sm ail Trucks Piggy Bank Robbed Jack Stephen of 47 Queen St. told Durham Regional Police that w~hile out for the evening July 25, someone entered bis home and eut open an orange plastic barrel in bis living room, and a white piggy bank upstairs and stole a total of $500 xvorth of silver. Police say there was no sign of entry in the house. Linda Tennant and Mary Parker. Miss Yvonne Bons was flower girl. Besîman was Mr. Donald Fnrsey and tbe ushers were Messrs. David Draper, Keith Swan and John Morris. The reception was beld in the Lions Centre, Bowman- ville, and the couple boney- mooned in Vermont, U.S.A. They are currently residing in Bowrnanville, but wili bc taking up residence in Thun- der Bay. ARTICLES The Judiciary Committee of tlhe United States bouse of Representatives bas approved articles of impeachment that leave President Richard M. Nixon's future la some doubt. The debate wiIl now be transferred to the House andi if the articles are passed there Nixon wiII go on trial in the Senate, probably in Septem- ber. The committee's tele- vised proceedings have been most interesting and of a high calibre. Ofrono Petition A petition having been circulated by Bud Rniph in Orono 10 gel an exil b the south from the Orono Estates mbt the former police village bas been left wilh Mayor Garnet Rickard. Newcastle Council moved Monday night 10 have il forwarded 1o the cnmmittee presently sludying tbatproposed exit. Coun. Ken Lyallcom menled Ihat il was a bazard, there being no aller- nale exil 10 the two on Taunton Road, referring 10 the event of a fire or emergency. Metrie Switch Will Me an Big Change THE Association nf C ana- dian Advertisers says that Canada's conversion to the metrie system will mean big changes for the ad business. But it will also mean changes to s ta n da rd cliches, and ACA bas compiled the fol- 0 Peteî Piper picked 8.81 litres of pickled peppers. 0 It bit me like 907 kilo- grains of bricks. a A miss is as gond as 1.609 kilometres. a Beat bim within 2.54 cen- tîmetres of bis hIfe. 0 Ail wool and 91.4 centi- metres wide. 0 Give hirn 2.54 centi- metres and he'll take 1.609 kilometres. e HclI's 2,023.5 square cen- timetres. * A dccig -am nf sait. " He mnissed by 1.609 coîîn- try kilom etres. 0 Kilograrn for kilogram he's the best. 0 Third down and milli- nuietres tb go. 0 He 2.54 centimetred bis way along the parapet. 0 1'd walk 1.609 kiiornetres for a Carnel. Gradua te Catherine Poste daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. R. Poste. Town, gradiuaîed Fni day, July 26, from St. Mie- bael's Hospital Sehool of Nursing. Miss Poste who received the Award for Surgi- cal Nursing, was a member of the last class te graduate from St. Michael's. She \sill conti- nue on tbe nursing staff at St. Michael's Hospital. 0 Cent wise and dollar fool- ish. Winners of the Old Ty me Fiddle Contest, Oshawa, July 2tb. were:-1. Eleanor Town- send, Toronto-, 2. Gerald Elliott. Pickering Beach; 3. Ricky Cormier, Bay Ridges; 4. Alice Urecko, Toronto. In Bobcaygeon on Sat.. July 27th. tbere was a real upset. A 14 year old from Sudbury won the contest making him a real challenger at Sheiburne on August 9th. Winners were: 1. Donald Reed, Sudbury; 2. Eleanor Townsend. Toronto; 3. Ed Gyurki, Woodstock; 4. Charlie Joyce, Sarnia; 5. Gord Elson, London; 6. Jim Con- nors. Carelton Place. This xxas quite a grnup for this young fellow to beat. they, go on camping trips,' motor trips, boat trips and airplane trips. Sometimes tlrey simply go to a neigb- bour's backyard pool. There is no one home to answer the telephone wben tbe blond donor recruitment volunteer calis. Please share tbe joys of summer. Before you leave home, drop in at your local hlood clinic and make a donation. It will take only a haif an hour of your time. This small effort on your part can belpi as many as five people back to beaith. Blood donors love life. The next Blood Donors Clinic here is at the Lions Centre on Wednesday, August 7th. Congratulations to the- Sidewalk Sale Committee for aJob WELL D ONEI Hooper's Jewellers BOWMANVILLE NOTICE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SITE FOR THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE (DARLINGTON SITE) WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, AUGU.ST 5, 1974, DUE TO THÉ ECI9VIC HOLIDAY. NORMAL OPERATIONS WILL CONTINUE ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1974. R.F. RICHARDSON, P. ENG., Commissioner of Works. Wl] Sa e e s £ * MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL OILFUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 CALL US DXFUüE L OIL TO-DAY FOR PROMPT,COURTEOUS SERVICE 2 PCe. KROEHLER CHESTERFIELD COIL SPRING CONSTRUCTION T-CUSHION - BISCUTT TUFTED BACK ARM CAPS OrPrice $399 00 2 PCE. F.A.KR AMP FURNITURE LIMITED 37-41 KING ST. E., - BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-7071

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