12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmànvil1e, September 4, 1974 TYRONE, Mrs. J.A. Rosevear, Hamp- ton; Mrs. Murray Yeo, Mrs. John Vaneyk and Mrs. D. Delaney were guests of the birthday party in honor of Mrs. Melville Bail at the home of Mrs. Leona Hutchison, Millbrook, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook spent the long weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark, Toronto at their cottage on Pine Lake in the Muskokas. Mr. and Mrs. John Vaneyk held a family welcome home party Saturday evening for their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Mr. Willie De Mille, Newmarket, also attended. Don'tforget Sunday sehool resumes next Sunday morning Sep t. 8 at 10 a.m. and church wi11hbe at 11:15 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLag- gan, Dobbington, were Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goble and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Goble and family, Pontypool were Sunday sup- per guests. Mr. and Mrs. S. Goble visited the K. Goble's, Black- stock, Sunday morning. Mr. Patrick Wernhan, Com- bermere, having spent the summer holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kaowlton, returned to his home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Yeo and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk attended the Hutche- son-Geldard wedding in Wil- lowdale, Friday evening.. Mrs. Edna Wood attended the 35th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mavin, Bowmanville, held in the Legion Hall. Mr. and Mrs,. Don Pellepier, Burlington, spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thiesburger. Miss Dawn Vaneyk returned home last week having spent two months at the Jr. Forest Ranger Camp, Mark's Lake, near Thunder Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Don Alîman, Oshawa, were Wednesday eveningguests of hier mother, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare. Congratulations to our Jr. boys soccer team on winning the championship defeating Zion in the final game. This is the first time anyone can remember the championship coming to Tyrone. Tyrone L.O.B.A. 1244 niema- bers please remember to attend the Scarlet Degree practice in Tyrone Hall Mon- day evening Sept. l6th at 7:30 p .11. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hardy and baby Shane, Whitby; Gordon Clark, Jr., Oshawa, were Tuesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. Allan West and boys, Bowmanville, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowan and boys. Mr. and Mrs. W. Park returned home from a three week holiday at Emily Park. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mr. and Mrs. G. Byam and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bowers and family, Mrs. Douglas and Brad attended the Byam family picnic held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdoch, Bowmanville. Mrs. G. Glaspeil and Mrs. Gerry Cornish attended the 4-11 Leadership Training School in Orono last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Haines and farnily returned home last week from a very delightful motor trip to the west coast visiting many p laces of inter- est and traveling both ways through Canada. Mrs. Gwen Farmer, Tor- onto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dodd, Ajax, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Dodd on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs and Nick returned home from a month's trip to the west coast going out through the south western states of the U.S.A. and spending 10 days with their son- Michael and family on Vancouver Island returning home through Canada Charged with'non capital murder is 19-year-old Reagh Campbell Stewart, a neighbor. The incident followed an ariimpt. ver a dog. WITH PORK, SPECIXl! 14 FL. OZ. TI N IN TOMATO SAUCE LIBBY'S c Primle Rib BEANS 33U oast CLUB HOUSE CH EF-IN-A-BAG :ICHMELLO CHERRY POUND CAKE ASST'D FLAVOURS. SUGAR FREE, CARBONATED- WEIGHT WATCHERS BEVERAGES Every meat purchase at Domiýnion is fully guaranteed for taste, tendemess and flavour, or your money back! Or rny name isn't Dave. There's something special about the men behind Dominion' s meat service counters, they know every eut. They're there to help , and, advise you on ail your meat selections. Our mieat buyers are among the most knowledgeable in the business, with years and years of experience. When you buy your meut at Dominion you can be sure of the quality. Because top meat quality is one, of the things that makes- Dominion, special. SCOTT, CUl-RITE REFILL 100 FT ROLL WAX PAPER45 DelNM.ontde Fruit LaD)rinks SPECIAL!c GRAPEFRUIT PINEAPPLE- ORANGE 48 FL. OZ. TIN 2 PREPRICED $1.49 SFN! 50 DZ. CONT CASCADE, AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER DETERGENTi .aâ'u VILLAGE, COLOURED SplFCL! 2 x 8 OZ. CONT. ýv SOFT 69c MARGARINE l BABY SCOTT, REGULAR SIZE PKG.0F30 DISPOSABLE DIAPERS 1.99 REG. CUT GREEN BEANS 32OZ. PKG. 77C TeaBags SPECIALII PEKOE 16 OZ. PKG. 0F 144 SANDWICH SAUCE 14 FL.DZ. TIN HUNT'S MANWICH Q Richmrello Coffee Crea mer SPECMA,! 16OZ. JAR SPF(~l'12FL DZF ASSORTED -. CONT. LADY PATRICIA SHAMPOO 59C REGULAR, SUPER OR PKG,0F30 DE OD ORANT-A 0 PLAYTEX TAMPONS 1 .791 FRESHMINT, SPEARMINT OR 100 ML TUBE MALUOmDE TOOTHPASTE 99C HOSTESS FROZEN WHITE SIil! F5K BREAD DOUGH 1.09 RICHMELLO SPF('L\L!PKG OF 12 YEAST GLAZED DONUTS5c ASSTDVARIETIES S>(\! 19, DZ.PKG. BETTY CROCKERc CAKE MIXES 59c ASST O FLAVOURS 3F([X! O Z. PKG. SHIRRIFFJELLY DESSERTS 17c~ CLUB HOUSE SIl (1WI 12 FL.DZ. JAR SALAD OLIVES 0&% BRILLIANT, FROZEN 8BOZ, PKG. COOKED SHRIMP 98C THE KING 0F ROASTS, SHORT eUT, i ST TO 5TH RIB O Z PKG. 2e7c 120 OZCAKE 79C LB. 10DFL DZ TIN AI6YSPECAL HUNTS, PLAIN 14 FL. OZ. TIN TOMATO SAUCE â34c REGULAR OR SP]rC[XL! 10OZ. PKG. BUTTERMILK, FROZEN AUNT JEMIMA 39C WAFFLES GO LD SEAL 775OZ. TIN SOCKEYE SALMON 1.09 INSTANT FREEZE DRIED 8OZý JAR MAXIM COFFEE 2.83 ASSTDVARIETIES, 4',4OZ. PKG. JACOBS Sa5 CLUB BISCUITS Z MIXED CEREALW\ITH FRUIT 80Z. PKG. OR WITH BANANAS PA13LUM INFANT CEREALS 59 LUi bb y's Aiphoa-Getti c SPECIAL! 19 FL. OZ. TIN ASST'D VARIETIES, 1 OZ. P KG. 5 x 20C$ SIZE MARS CHOCOLATE BARS BEEF CHICKEN ORIlRiSH 25 FL, OZ. TIN CORDON BLEU STEWS 95c NABISCO 180OZ. PKG. SrHRM'EDDIES52 CEREAL52 JSCHNEIDER'S, FROZEN 2 L BOX HAMBURG PAllIES '1, 0%68 FEARMAN S, BONELESS FULLY COOKED LB. 2"2 T03 LB. AVG. DINNER HAMS 1.58 PMARY MILES, BY TFIE PIECE LB. BOLOGNA 44C 1MARY MILES, SLICEO 16 OZ. PKG. MAC & CHEESE OR0%à CHICKEN LOAF Meaty Rib, Steaks SPECIAL! Good steak bas marbling like, .... ... whieh meits as the steak* cooks! Serves up tender,'jiey, natural taste. MARY MILES, SLICED MINCED HAM OR VARIET Y LOAF BITTNERSCOIL POLISH SAUSAGE BITTNERS ENGLISH STYLE LB. BRATWURST SAUSAGEI .09 MDAL FOR TV.SNACKS CORNED BEEF 1.18î PURE BEEF 1 LB. PKG. SHOPSY'SSAUSAGE 1.083 SHOPSYS, OVEN ROASTINO, LB. BRISKETa CORNED BEEF-1.68 SCHNEIDERS FROZEN 1 LB. PKG. SAUSAG E MINI-SIZZLERS98 SHOPSY S STEAK PASTRAMI 4 x 2OZ. PKGS 1 .18n SHOPSY S, COLESLAW OR 24OZ, CONT. POTATO SALAD 68CI There are 14 goverument grades of beef. We seli only Canada AI land A2 top grades... and only steer beef.. FRESH GROUND CHUCK STEAK IDEAL FOR BARBECUE, FROZEN BEEF STEAKETTES SCHNEIDER S, MAC & CHEESE. CHIOKEN, 6 DZ, PKG. P & P OR MEAT & OLIVE LOAF Aê% COOKED MEATS '40 SCHNEIDER'S, SLICED 12 DZ. PKG. BOLOG NA 79c- BITTNER SSLIOED BOLOGNA RED HOTOR DUTCH TREAT SCHNEIDER'S WIENERS 9_LB. SWEET YUM YUM SIPFCI 98~ CWAFER LB. BICK'S 78c PICKLES 16OZ PG.ONTARIO GROWN 9 c CANADA NO. 1 GRADE 69 PEARSI NAOGRW CANADA NO. 1 GRADE CARROTS 3 LB. B AG STOUFFER SFROZEN 11.5OZ. PKG. POTATOES AU GRATIN 0 FRUIT CREAMS, DIGESTIVE OR 150OZ. PKG NICE 9Vl PEEK FREAN BISCUITS9 1 LB, PKG. i LB KG ~PLUMROSE ShIuUIUeIsDANISH c ~16OZ. TIN 67 C SPECIAL!- ASST D VAR IETI ES, SPECLX! 2 LB. PKG. MACARONI DR 4 SAVOIA SPAGHETI 5 BEEF FLAVOUR SE X!72DZ. PKG. GAINES BURGERS 19 JOHNSONS SPEt[U! 16 FLDOZ. CONT1 MOP MAGIC 9c GLAD, PLASTIC PKG,0F 100 SANDWICH BAGS wanit soin Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. -.9 p.m. - bat. 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TIME, TUESDAY, SEPT. lOTH, 1974 IN BOWMANVILLE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LIMITED. Youant Peci.ý ýo ii e. QBASKE 1.*44 m m %ff %iff m