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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1974, p. 9

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CLSSFID D............ The Canadian Statesman Bwmanville, October 9,1974 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 4:30 p.m.l FERGUSON- Doug and Dianne (nee Tink) happily announce the birth of their 2nd child, Andrea Elizabeth, born Thursday, Oct. 3, 1974 at Oshawa General Hospital. Birth weight 8 Ibs. 5 ozs. A sister for Christine. 41-1 REKKER - Shawn proudly announces the arrivai of his baby brother Jamie, 6 Ibs., 131/2 ozs. on September 28th. Happy parents are John and Sheila. 41-1 THOMPSON- Dennis and Elizabeth are pleased f0 announce the arrivai of Nor- man Anthony on Sept. 28, 1974. A brother for Susanne. Special thanks to Dr. John Rundie, Dr. Sylvester, Dr. Mosienko and maternitystf at Bowman- ville Hospital. 41-lx Mr. and Mrs. Seabourne Claus of Oshawa are happy to announce fhe forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Sherri Ann, to Robin William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Virtue of Bowmanvilie. The wedding fo take place at 2:00 p.m. on thel19th of Oct., 1974 at Holy Cross Roman Cafholic Church in Oshawa. 41-1 Marriage BROOME-HUMENICK- Trudy Margret Ann daughfer ofMr. and Mrs. J. Humenick and Douglas Earl Broome, son of Mr. J. Broome and the late Mrs. Broome were united in marriage by Rev. E. L. Bigby, Tyrone United Church, Fni day, Sept. 27, 1974. 41-1 a .0 Jack and Oorothy Bridger will be at home to relatives, friends and neighbors on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, 2- 5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 20, 1974 at the Nightingale Centennial Hall, Bowmanville. 412 BRAY, Elgin Frank- Enter- ed into rest at Oshawa, Ont., on Tuesda y, Oct. 1, 1974, Elgin F. Bray, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bray of Columbus, father of Mary, lathy and David, all 0f Columbus, in his 42nd year. Privàte funeral service was held atfthe Armstrong Funeral Home, shawa, on Monday, Oct. 7afî1:45p.m., followed by cremation. 41-1 FOWLER - At Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, October 6th, 1974, Beniman Fowler, 76 Ontarlo St., Bow- manville, aged 63 years, beloved husband 0f Mabel Sears, dear father of Isabel (Mrs. Lawrence Rudolph), Westville, N.S., and Nelson, Bowmanville, dear brother of Ethel <Mrs. Frank Baker), Pickering, and Mamie (Mrs. Bert Peyton), Oshawa. Ser- vice was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Wednèsdlay af 1.30 o'clock. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. 41-1 eE EN - At Memoriai Hospi- tai, Bowmanville, on Monday ,October lth,. 1974, RobertS -Keen, R,R. 6, Bowmanville, in his 6lst year, beloved hus- band of Winifred Keen. Ser- vice was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Wednesday at 3.30 -0 dock. Cremation. 41-1 KOHN, Lilian- Suddenly as the resuif of an accident at Markham on Sat., Oct. 5, 1974, Lilian Hansen of R.R. 6, B8owmanville, in her 54th year. 13eloved iwife of Hans Kohn. Dear mother of Mrs. William White (Sonîa), Hampton, and ý Danny, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Resting at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Fune- ,ral service was 2 o'ciock, Tuesday afternoon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 41-1 LONSBERRY -At Memorial "F Iowers say it Best" VAN 'BELLE D,,.I1LY Delivery t ... Oshawa- Bowmanviîle Area Phone 623--4441 SPARROW, George - Sud- denly, at his home, on Friday, October 4, 1,974, George Spar- row of 48 Concession Sf. W., Bowmanville, in his 65th year. Beloved husband of Doris Hall; dear father of Judith Ann. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Crema- flan. Donations f0 the Ontario Heart Foundafion would be appreciated. 41-1 mai= ALLIN, Edna C. You left a beautiful memory Sorrow f00 great to be fold For us who have loved and lost you Yaur memory will neyer grow aid. -Remembered by husband and family. 41-lx ALLIN (Shaw) - n loving memory of a dear sister, Edna, wha passed away October 13, 1973. Beautiful memories are wonderful fhings, They'll lasttfi the longest day They neyer wean ouf, they neyer gef losf, And can neyer be qiven away. And fa somne, you may be f org 0ften, To others a part of the pasf, But ta us who loved you and aost you, Your memary wiil always ast. -Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by sisters, Vera, Mabel and Ina. 41 lx BOWINS-In loving memory of a dear mother and gran mother Hazel who passed away Oct. 8, 1973. Her weary hours and days of pain, Her troubled nioihfs are past, And in oun aching hearfs we She has found sweet rest at ast. -Sadly missed by daughter Betty, son-in-law Jim and grandchildren. 41-1 GARBUTT - n loving me- mony of a dean husbar-d, father and grandfather True- man Garbutt, who, passed aaOc. 6,1972 Lanry and Kay Hurren wish f0 thank the communify of Blackstock for the loively shawer and the gifts we received on Saturday night. If was a nighf we'll always nemember. Thank you all again. 41 lx I would like f0 fhank my relatives, friends and neigh- bars for their cards, fiawers and good wishes during my sfay in hospital. Also thanks ta Dr. R. A. Fulford and nurses on '7G of Oshawa General Hos piftal. Dorafhy McDanald 41-1 i wauld like fa thank my employer, N. Byron Vansfane, tellaw workens, Bowmanville ambulance crew and mem- bers of Bowmanville Fire Deparfîment under Fine Chief Jim Hayman for a mosf difficuif rescue. Thanks ta Drs, Gilý Clarke, Kolwalski, Lee and H. B. Rundie for a difficuit job weil done. I alsa owe a great debt of gratitude ta the intensive cane unit of Oshawa General Hospital and for the wonderful nursing cane on the 7fh Floor fnom a dedicated graup of girls. Thank you, fo, tfalal those who sent cards, giffs, flowers and visited me, if certainly shorfened a very long sfay in hospital. Stu Candier WHOL E or sides of AI beef 90c per pound, cut and wrapped $1. Phone 263-2392. 41-1 TWO year aid black and white R.C.A. Television set. Phone 623-7725. 41-1 MacINTOSH Apples- Sec- onds. $250 a bushel. Bring own container. Cali after 5 p.m. No Sunday sales. Wm. Feddema 623-4835. 40-4 ONE used 'truck Camper. Needs glass in windows. Reasanable. Phone 987-5194 or 786-2972. 41-1 HAY, Potatoes and hens. Telephone 263-2675. 41-1 MacINTOSH and Deliclous apples by the bushel. 37 Prospect St. affer 4. Bring container. 41 -1x MIXED oafs and hay for sale. Phone 263-2159. 41-1 HAY, straw, oafs. Phone 725-6210. 41-1 A SI1D E of beef. Approx.. 175 lbs. 1-705-277-2806 Pontypool. 41-1 CARROTS, Beets and some Base Pears. Phone 623-4238. 41-1 41 lx We wish fa fhank Dr. Mosienko, Dr. Hubbard and Dr. Semon, nurses on 2nd floon of Memorial Hospital. Neighbons thaf calied and gave of their tme ta help in so many ways. Cards with per- sonal messages expressed in time of sornow. Friends and relatives who gafhened at the Chapel. To Rev. Schamer- horn, Morris Funeral Chapel and Mns. Albert Cale (Organ- ist). The Hampton Women's Institufe wha served lunch affen. the funenal in the C. E. Wing 0f Hampton Chunch. To ail these people aur thanks and gratitude. Disc-A-Tone Excellent variety of recarded dance music for alIl occasions. Frank Truli 723-8248 38-4 ar C( Pl Trueman, we miss you so. The Family of the late -Wife May, son- Jack, Arthur Clarke. daughfen-in-law Gloria 41ilx grandchildren, Lisa, Michael Gary and Kelly. 41- The family of the late Norma Irene Wood wish ta McLAUGHLIN Robent express their sincere appreci- (Bob) - n îoving memory of ation ta their many friends a dean son and brother Robent and relatives and neighbors (Bob) who passed away Oct. for ail kindness shown ta 13, 1968. themn.41 'Memnonies are treasures no ole can steal, t u i ê Death is a hearfache no one ______________ can heal. No length of firnie can dîvîdeTor the past, Escorleu or Too many memonies hold if October 11, 1974 a fast. n aur heants you will aIways Thanksgiving Weekend stay, Quebec City - Loved and remembered eveny October 20, 1974 s day.1 -Sadly missed by mom, dad, Brantford, Bell Telephane Linda, Janis and Kelly. Display and Dundurin Castie. r 41-lx October 27, 1974 A OKE In loving memony of a Rayai Ontario Museum, - dean daughten and sister, Chinese Display. Rozelia Pearl, who passed October 30, 1974 t away October 14, 1966. l Although we smile and make Hadlassah BazzarS no fuss, No one misses her more than Novem ber 2-3, 1974 - us,"~ Jack Miner's and Fard And when aid times we do Mue9 recalN v9151,17 c That's when we miss her most No.91-1,17 of ail. Ice Capades r -Sadly missed by dad, Sunshine Party - sisters and brothers andT ur families. 41-1TorL ______________Box_214,__Port__Hope___ OKE - n îoving memory of a Box5- 1400 Prt 37Hope s dean sister Rozella Pearl, who 88-200 or 3 21 e passed away October 14, 1966. 4 2 C Beautitul memonies silenfly .v kept,APERN T 0f a wondertul sister we will AP RINGA tee orget. b The Queen s Hotel s, -Sadly missed b sisters NEWCASTLE F Hazel, Jean, Mynfle andF Helen. 41-1 MIDNIGHT PLAY BOYS MERCER, Jane In memory Fri. -Sat., Oct. 11-12 b, of a dean wite who passed DANCING9-1 nr away Oct. 7, 1973.1 41-1 V My lips cannof fell how i miss C her, E My eat cnnt fu haff0 Ebenezer United Church 6, My hartcanot ellwha to Turkey Supper wili be held sodayekos hw1ms Saturday, October 26fh. Sit- Go aoe kos Ims tings at 4:30 and 6:15. Ad- C he.vance tickets only. Admis- F n a home that is lonesome sion Aduits $3.50, 'Children today. udr12o15.Fntikt r -Remembened by husband, phnehrley L.2. oet728e2172. g Roy. 41-1 poeS4re0oce78 2172 b MERCER, Jane- ln memony 02 b of a dean mother and grand- Rummage Sale- Bowvman - mother who passed away Oct. ville Nurses' Association is 7, 1973. holding a rummage sale in the r, God took her home if was his Librany building on Temper- w will, ance Sf. on Friday, October 1C But in our heants she lîvefh l8th tram 10:00 ar. fat 12 ar 1stili. noon. 40-2 Remembered by David, Kathy and children. 41-1 SKILARK4 We woule like fo thanik oun relatives, tiends and neigh- bons ton their gifts, cards, tlowers and donations on the occasion of oun 25th wedding anniversary. A special fhank you to the tamily and triends Who helped with an evening we shaîl always cherish. Sincerely, Chalie and Annie Fee 41-1 I would like to thank Rev. Rogers and congregation for their prayens, my relatives and friends ton many tlowers, dards, fruit, other gifts and visits, Dr. Sylvester and nurses on 1stffioor for excel- lent cane. A special fhanks fo the nurses i wonked with ton the loveiy housecoat. God bless you ail. Verna Adams Osaca Barni Dance (couples only) every Saturday night, Country and Western music.. Phone 786-2633. 37-tf WOODVIE W COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXI MONDAY 7:45 P.M. REDBARN -WAYNEST. OS HA WA 21 tf MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY- 7:45 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Mînor Sof tball JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HA WA Rummage Sale' sponsored by the 1sf Brownie, 3rd. Guide VMother's af Bowmanvil1le Pub- ic Libnary, Oct. 11, 9:30 -11:30 a.m. 40-2 Pontypool Community Hall. rhe first regular dance of the season this Saturday, Oct. 2th. Amission $4.00 couple. (Gef your Hal low'en costumes ready for Pontypool's Annuai Masquerade Dance on, Oct. 26.) 41-1 Please keep Oct. 26 free for the play "Here Comes Char- ie" at Bowmanviile High ;chool. 41-1 Plan to attend the Thanks- giving Roast Beef Dinner at Y'elverton on Mon. Oct. 14 commencing at 3 p.m. Admis- sion aduits, only $3.75; Chiid- ren under 12 $1.50. 41-1 Dance, Sat., Octoben 19, Legion Hall, 9 p.m.- 1 a.m. Music by Silhouettes. Admis- sion $4.00 per couple. Sponsor- ed by Branch 178 Royal Canadian Legion, Bowman- ville. 41-2 There will be a dance at aoima Hall, Saturday, Oct. 12. Music by the Abernethy Family,9:00. 41-1 Wanfed! New members for business girls' curling, Bow- manville Country Club, every Vednesday evening, 7- 9 p.m. Call C. Ormiston 623-5047 or Bowmanville Country Club 23-2670. 41-2 Bingo at Memorial Park Club House each week on Fridays 8 p.m. Once a month n second Saturdays (this month Oct. 12), 20 regular ames, $100 jackpot, 55 num- ers, 4 $30 jackpots. 41-1 Bowmanville Public Lib- sry Children's Story Hour, Nilil commence Sat., Oct. 19 at 1:30 with films. Pre-school nd older children welcome. 41-2 ÀISPEN One week f romn $289.00 (x)- $319.00 (x). Deparfures: Every Wednesday, Jan. 29 to April 2. Air transportation with Wandair 707 jet. HAWAII with TRADE WIND TOURS 3 Island Holiday, Two Wee1ks tram $627.00(x) ta $750.00(x). Depatures: Every Friday, Jan. 3 fa March 28 Includes: Return air tare tram Toronto, hatel accommodations as selecfed, fransfers and sightseeing. SKI EUROPE 1974-75'WITH SWISSAIR Holidays an Skis, brachure is available in our affice. (x) Rates quotedýare per persan sharing twin accommodation and vary according ta Depanture Date chosen. . Ait haugh the books are not in yet many Southern destinations and dates are aîready SOLO OUT. We have the Agents' Manuals and wanksheets now for mast Sun Spots. Cali or drop in ta aur office soon to book youn Winter Vacatin. ELECTRlC guitar and ampli-~ fier. Phone 263-8106. 41-i1/WHH 1T E'S ONE small transistor radioA TE NA one electric guitar and one Towers, U HF, V HF rifle scope. Phone 623-5069. Aerials, Rotons P- 41-1 ~Repairs Apartments & Hornes OFFERS invited for eleven Pre-Wired acres of corn. AiU Graham 987 Ask About Our 4559. 41-1 Guarantee USE D Snowv Tires, 2-G-78-15, 1 -1ý 'li'-)/' Jv Reg. G-78-15, 1 Reg. 775-14 EWIECUTC with wvheel. Phone 623-3459. 46WIE CUTC 41 -1lx ONE antique brass bed. One Oshawa TV walnut chest of drawers. Poe974434. 41-lx Antennas MIXED firewood for sale, o er delivered. Phone 728-2410. o r 41-2 ROTORS INSTALLED - ~ UHF- VHF- Colored Aerîa SKIDOO snowmobile suit, Apts. and Homes Pre-Wirec large size, neyer used, $651 REPAIRS new. Asking $30. Phone 623- Wrkmanship Guaranteed 4137. 41-1 AIl priced ta SAVE you Mone 1973 HODAKA Wombat, 125 Phone 623-5122 cc, low mileage, knabby tires L "4MILTON, MANAGEF in excellent condition. Asking 38 $495. Phone 623-4137. 41-1 MIXED dry hardwaod fo N T LA furnace an fieplace. Cut 18 FURNACE inches long. Twenty dollans a BOILER single cord. Seventy dollars a HUMIDIFIER bush cord. Delivered. van on HOT WAT ER Mountjoy 986-.4737. 1 f HEATER 41~No Payments for Six Monti THIRTY Acres of Feed Corn. HARVE Excellent crap. Phone 786-H R E 2225. 41-1 PARTNER 3 ROOMS Youn ESSO Service Dealer COMPLETELY FREE ESTIMATES FURNISHED 983-5206 Orono f rom $699. or No Dawn Payment. Zenith 14620 Low Manthly Tenms.24HuSevc Adamns Furniture 24HuSevc 26 King St. E.'4 Bowmanville Tel. 623-3808o bI u i THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDIJCATION ca l n FOR SALE One Taylor tracion ur et neran dynamometer - 1963 madel. By May be seen by appaintment. Telephone W. G. Davis, Technical Directar: 416-372-2271 ANTQUE 411cabletv ANTî EC LOCKS - REPAIRE D- Pîne Ridge Cabie TV Limiti Parts available for most 1353 King Street. East, antique clocks, pocket Oshawa, Ont..1416) 579-223 watches and modern wafches and dlocks. THREE hundned bales Our nepairs are done with baied banley straw at KendE modern up-to-date equipment phone 416-797-2333. and qualified Swiss trained 4C watchmaker. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd., THRIFT SHOP- 32 Kir 29 King St. East West, at rear. We sell Phone 623-5747 consigo ment, furnifij e, appi 34- ances, bikes, skates, nugs, et Fan information caîl 623-70' PADDY'S Market now has or 263-2042. 2. new furnifure, appliandes, T.V.'s and stereo's and also RAMBLER Travel Trailerý used funniture and appliances. See them at Newcastle Tnaile Will accepf trade-i. Paddy's Park and Sales,, No. 2 Higi- Market, Hampton, phone 263- way, Newcastle 987-5131. 2241. . 33-tf 27- NEEDA PRESSURE SYSTEM? OAK china cabinet and fabl SUMP PUMPS $9., G.W. wringer washE RE PAIRS TO ALL MARES $50., 2 pr. f lowered drapes 48 x 70", 1 pr. damask 76" x62' Harvey Pantner 2 Pr beige 48" x 29", girl Orona 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 cl othing 10- 12, books, toys, etý 41 -tf 108 Du ke St. 41 'OSHAWA SAN D JAN D(G1R A VEL SU PP LY Washed Sand als iey Sff hs 1tf 'nt ed of JaI, 10-2 rin on pli ýt. 037 rs. le 2', -Is 4c. - Gravel and Stone Limestone Praducts Ail Sizes fon Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL AND DîRT FîLL TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East,0f Harmony) CALL 725-0232 81 RICHMOND ST.W_ OSHAWA 576-5522 OCL"TOBER WAREHOUSE SALE EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED FOR IMrMEDIATE CLEARANCE CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION As Low As '/2 Price And LesS On Remanants and End's of Rollz 81 RICHMOND STW, 'Next loor Io Ruddy Electrrc) OP1 ffil am9 to 8 pm Mon. ta tri Sot 9 6.t CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY 6t USED Furnifure and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham il"r Wl 6 2M. 26-tf Monuments. Bu y direct from Manufac- t ure R Putter Granite Co. Ltd., has a hugh selection of fine qualify monuments, large and small fit any need. Corne by our display yard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or felephone 885-5216 for a monument that endures." 35-tf ALUMINUM siding, doors, windows, awnings, railings, rain carrying systems. Lorne Allin, 1 Prince St., 1623-3871. Supreme Window and Door Co. 41-2 BUFFETS, rocking chairs, telephone fables, odd tables and chairs, baby 'carniages now on sale at Towne Used Furnifure, 19 Temperance St., Bowmanville. 41-1 RED Clover. Now buying good clover. Order your 1975 seed corn now as it appears that 1975 darly seed wiIl be soîd out by November. Will now take orders for 1975 seed grain, grass and hay. Lawn seed stilî in good supply. Caîl Swain Seed Dealers 986-4331. 41-4 TWO snow tires and wheeîs. E78 x 14. Phone 623-2701. 41-1 1Buyer Applications will be recei- ved by the undersigned until 5: 00 p. m., October 15, 1974. The Buyer will be respon- sible f0 the Supenvisor of Purchasing. Must have pre- vious buying experience and have a panticular aptitude in expedifing supplies for school openation. Abilify for effective com- munication with schools, pub- lic and vendons essential. Starfing salary in the $9,000 $9,500 area. Letters of application should nDe rand writfen. Resume of qualifications and experience may be fyped and atfached. Address ta: M. A. Mac Leadl, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat ion, Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 4L2 40-2 MATERIAL handiers requin- ed for factary inventory. Apply Plydesigns, Hwy. 115, 'Orono. Phone 983-9171. FOR'Dairy plant, persan with initiative and ambition, on job training, good wages, profit sharing plan. Apply Gien Rae Dairy. 41-1 W ANT ED Mature Visitor ta make hait. hour calis of-weIcome in the homes of Newcomers and Newlyweds, bringing themn 'housewanming gifts' and lo- cal information while extend- ing the friendly hand of the community. A rewarding oc- cupation for your spare-time hou ns. "Hi NEIGHBOuR" WEL- COME SERVICE, an al.- Canadian Service with bran- ches coast ta coast has a local opening for one with organiza- fional abiiity and a car, who ýwants a year-round business of their own. Compiete at- home training arranged. Write Advertisen 515, c-o The Canadian Statesman, P.C. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont- aria. 41-1 R.N.'S FOR FULL TIME AND PART TIME EVENING 1SHIFTS. Mrs. Clark SUNSET LODGE 623-5813 39-2 MALE an Female Service Station Attendants. We ne- quire severai service station attendants for fuil-time posi- tions. We otten salaries, bonus, paid annual vacation, unifarms and staff discounts. Apply in persan ta the Esso Centre, Hwy. 401 at New- castle. 41-2 CLERK Typist, experienced n typing, general office proce- dures for merchandise distri- bution departmenf. Apply in persan ta E. F. Nickensan, Personnel Supervisar, Gaod- y e an Tire & Rubber Ca., Bowmanvi lie. 41-1 WEÈLDERS wanted. Willing to train. Good warking condi- tions. Apply Nesting Furni- ture, Orono, Ont. 41-2 SERVICE station attendant required. Good opportunity for energetic, reliable person. Apply Imperial Oul Service Centre, Highway 401 and Waverîey Rd., Bowmanville. 41 -tf GOOD waitress. Phone, 983- 5598, Orono. 41-2 MANAGER-wanted for drive- in dairy retail store. Good remuneratian for persan with ambition. Must be dleani, gaod living habits, anxious ta im- prove himself.herself, and a persanality ta meet the public. No previaus expenience re- quired. Phone 623-2951. 41-1 BABYSITTER wanted 3 days a week. Choice fa Iive-in or ouf. Phone 623-4844. 41-1 Canada Farm Labour Pool 53 Albert St., Cobourg, Ontario 416-372-8737 14A Young St., Brighton, Ontario 613-475-0344 123 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ontario 416-623-4794' Maintenance Superintendent Required ta supervise the maintenance departmento cement manufacturing facility in southern Ontario. Applicants should have a background in heavy ind ust maintenance and preventive maintenance. Please apply in wrifing incIuding resume ta: THE PLANT MANAGER ST. MARYS CEMENT COMPANY BOX 68, Bowmanville, Ontario Applications wiil be neceiv- ed by the undensigned until Wednesday, Octoben 16, 1974, ton the foliowing positions. Head Caretaker Salem Public School 16 Hours Per Week Applicant must have practi- cal knowiedge of mechanîcal and electrical apparatus. Good Wanking knowledge of canetaking procedures., The abilify ta wonk harmoniousiy with othens. The abilify ta arganize own work and work of others. Ca reta ker Clarke Highi School 40 Hours Per Week Good knowledge of school caretaking procedunes and dieaning methods. Abiiity ta wark fram verbal and written instructions and to get along with people. Sta ti ona ry Engineer 4TH CLASS Application will be rec 'eived by the undersigned until Wednesday, Octoben 16, 1974, for the position of Combined 2Caretaken, Operating Engi- neer for oul fined low pressure boiler operafion at the Ca- bourg Distnict Coilegiate In- stitute East. Reply, in writing sfating qualifications, address and telephone number to: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470, COBOURG. K9A 41L2. 41-1 Building Ma intenance Foreman R. M. Hollingshead needs a responsible persan ta supervise operafion of plant maintenance and building, maintenance prevention pro- gram. Knowledge of steamn pres- sure boilers, compÏressons, sprinkler sysfems and good background in overali plant maintenance. Are you that person? If so you wiIl be respansible ton the maintenance of equip- ment in Canada's leading chemnical plant. R. M. HalIingshed pays salary, insurance, sick leave, halîdays with pay and other benetits, but most important is being a part of Hol lingshead -7 a growing national Cam- pany, progressive, peopleecon- ented, aim'ing at No. 1. Areyau honest and ambi- tious? Yes? Then cali 623-3353 An equal opportun ity employer. WOU LD some kind lady came ta, my home near Ontario St. S. at 3:45 a.m. ta loak atter me accasionally until mother ne- furns tram work. I arn six years aid 623-2723 in marning. 41- 1 PART-TIME woman, exper- 41-1 ience preferred. Mastly week- - end wonk for Becker's Store. 623-5821. Phone 9-6. 41-1 CLEANING lady. One day a ofa week. Cali 623-4428 for part i- culars. .41-1 rii EXPERIENCED Mechanic. Appiy Roy Nichais Matons, Bowmanville, Bill Waller. 41-2 41-1 Maintenance Electrician The successful applicant will have a recognized apprentice- ship or tradle school training or equivalent experience. Current il tf experience in industrial relaying contrai systems, A.C. and D.C. machines, switch gears. etc. is a necessity. Some knawledge of electronics would be an asset. Please apply in writing to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ST.MAYSCEMENT COMPANY Box 68, Bowmanville, Ontario. 41-1 Ontario DURHAM REGION ASSESSMENT OFFICE Vacancy - Clerica I Typist - Receptionist REQUIREMENTS 1. Acceptable high school level or an equivaient comrbinafian 0f educaf ion and experience. 2. Typing. 3. Abilify ta communicate wifh generai pblic. 4. Abilify ta understand and foliow dletai led instructions, adlapt- ability and alertness., SALARY RANGE $5,915- 6,911 (semni-annual increments) NOTE:1 This campetitian is open ta bath men and women. This competition closes on October 16th, 1974. Applications in writing ta: M. W. H. PARNELL, REGIONAL ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER, DURHAM ASSESSMENT OFFICE, 605 ROSSLAND RD., EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO. 41-1 The Doggy Place - Dog TrIm ming and grooming. Poodies and spaniels aur specialty but any type of dog expertly bathed and trimmed. Boarding with lots of love and fun. Dags $2. daiIy, cats $1. The Imm igrant Kennel, Re- gistered Breeders of high quality English Springer and Cocker Spaniels. Pick up and deIivery. Aiso rabbits for sale. 786-2234. 21-tf TWO panies- 1 with saddIe. One riding horse with saddIe. Phane 623-2006. 40-2 IRISH and English Setter puppies. Champion stock. CKC Registered. Phone 1-705- 277-2806. 41-1 DOBERMAN Pinscher pup- pies, negistered, black and tan, wonmed and, needled. Phone 623-2805. 41-4 GOOD deer hunting dag, black and tan, part bload hound, 5 years old. Phone 263-2284. 41- 1 For Remaoval of FRESHI, DEAD 'and DISABLED FARM STOCK CALL MARGWI LL Hampton 263-2721 30-tf THREE Suffolk ewe lambs. 263-2380. 41-lx A T T ENTI10N APPLE PICKERS AND GENERAL FARM WORKERS WANTED, Apply at: -He 1 p Wa nfed

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