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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1974, p. 3

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Mr. and Mrs. Orval Greer, Oshawa, called an Mrs. W. Byam. Mrs. E. Smith, Mfs. F. Fitzgerald and Colleen, Ajax, called on Mrs. R. Davey and neighbors. Mrs.ý J. Smith spent a few days in Bawmanvilie Memar- ial Hospital. All the very best ta yau Gloria. Mrs. Brock accompanied by Mrs. J. Smith and Rose Marie and neighbars were lunchean guests af Mrs. Allan Taylar and family of Enterprize during the week. Sunday eveaing callers of Stanley Taylar were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Taylor af Enter- Drize. Ontario. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 9,1974 3 of the United Church aï lage, Lanig, Ontario, and Quin-Mo-Lac Camp in early took a trip inita the past as September gave a report of we toured the buildings that the activities of that week- have been moved te this end. area and restored. Many On Sunday. October 6, praved ta be of great inter- 1974, the U.C.W. ladies in est to ail. The weather was company with their hus- favourable and we,, had an bands and some friends had oppor'tunity ta view some dinner at the New Dutch af the colourful fail foliage Oven Restaurant. We then as well. journeyed ta, Century Vil- Ory Cleaners C/1A cile The hushand told the Judge: "I came home and there was my wife in the arms of a strange man." "What did she say when you surprised her?" asked the Judge. "Well, 'Judge, that was what hurt me the mast," said the husband. "She turned around and saw me and then said, 'Well, look who's here. Old Blabbermouth! Naw the whole neighborhood will know." CLOTHES CARE HINT: CALL THE ATTENTION of your Cleaner to ail stains. Fresh stains are easier ta remave than aid stains. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK OCT. 6-12 Check your home for possible fire hazards. YOUR 'EXCLUSIVE, SANITONE DEALER O1WMAN VI LLE M CLEANERS LTD. 84 KING ST. W. 623-5520 "We Specialize In Shirt Laundering" PROF ESS IONAL PH OTOC RAPH ERS This Christ mas surprise Ioved ones with YO UR POR TRAIT Last Day for Photographs November l2,th. Bowmanvilje 623-2502 ,161 King St. E. J-wore a formai gown Of raSE ICLASSIC COATS For Fail And Winter FINE QUALITY'LEATHERS AND A WIDE SELECTION 0F COATS FOR ALL SEASONS. Wool Checs Camel Coats fromi $85O A WIDE SELECTION 0F SCARVES TO COMPLEMENT ANY COAT. We have 1a Large Seleetion of New Arrivais' 1! 'A Special Shop for Special Women' Bond Towers Shopping Mail I~'I 44 Bond St. W. Downtown Oshawa 576-7152 On August 31 the wedding of Nicole Lemay as bridesmaids. tained the weddiag guests at Denise Lemay ta William J. The best man was Frederick the Canadian Legian louage in Roy Arnott was solemnized at Peck of Gananoque and the Georgetown. Holy Cross Church in George- ushers were John Lemay, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Roy town, Ontario.1 brother of the bride and John Arnott spent their wedding Denise is the daughter of R. Bartlett of Toronto. vacation at Mattabanick Denis and Blanche Lemay of The bridai party was la Lodge la the Haliburtons and Georgetown and William is traditional attire and pravided are at present living in the son of Jack and Margaret an attractive setting for the Oshawa. Arnott, Orono, Ont. ceremony. Mr. Ralph Dejange Denise is a graduate of the Denise was given ia marri- rendered guitar music he had University of Guelph and age by her father and she was composed for the wedding William attended Albert Col- attended by her sister Diane during the signing of the lege and the Sehool of Journa- Lemay as Maid of Honor, register. lism at Ryerson Polytechaical Jacklin Anne Arnott and Mr. and Mrs. Lemay enter- Institute. Pr ovin1cial Court Judge Runciman presided with Assistant Crown Attor- ney P. Fletcher and duty counsel Mr. Mclnerney. Robert Brian Edmonds, 28, 732 Eastbourne Ave., Oshawa, represented b y Mr. G. Pollitt, pieaded "guilty" ta driving while ability was impaired. Const. Legate laid the charge March 17, Township of Man- vers. Hc investigated a car with a flat tire on the side of the road. He exhlblted the usual signs of impairment. Tests were .15. The fine was $175. and costs, la defaUit 20 days. He was givea two weeks ta pay and automatic license suspension. Beach warrants ta he issued for Ronald Beatley, Stephen Adcock, Daniel Turpin, and a warrant in discretion for Aibert Peledeau for Nov. 12. Mrs. Christa Kueha, New- toaville, pleaded "guilty' ta an August lst charge of takiag a box of aspirin from the local Dominion Store. She. was stopped by a security officer. She is suffering from stress and aaxiety. She was charged xith a similar offense in Oshawa at about the same time. She is preseatly under psychiatric treatment. Coun- sel MB. Kelly asked for a nominal fine. The fine was $100. and costs, in default 30 days with probation for one year wit1h aa order ta keep the peace and be of good behav- iour and ta stay out, of the Dominion Store. Joseph Duna, 22, 2535 Eglin- ton Ave., W. Toronto, charged la Township of' Cartwright with assault May 20 had the charged changed ta commnon assault and pleaded '"guilty," Couasel asked for absolute discharge. The crowa did aat agree "as a man xxho pots boots ta another man does aot deý,erve it". The fine was $100. and costs. He was given 2 weeks ta pay. Four Newcastle area youag people pleaded 'guilty" ta taking 8 dozen corn tram the farm of James Rickard Aug- ust 28th. Philip Caswell 19, Liada Johnson, 21, Paul John- son 18, and Philip Jones, 19. They were put on probation for anc year, ta make restitu- tion for the corn. At expiration of probation they will be given a discharge. Raady Chalmers, no fixed address, was given suspended sentence alter a charge of being intoxicated in a public place. He and two others were 1evicted fromn a raamn at the -Flying Dutchman Motor Inn. 7Two left, but Chalmers had no money and no place ta go so was lodged la the celîs overnight for his awn protec- tion, Michael Guthro, 48, 26 Balmoral Ave., Toronto, p leaded "'guilty" ta a Septem- ber 2 charge of driviiig while ability was impaired by drug or alcohol. Hc was driving an highway 35 at 30-35 mîiles an hour holding up traffic. He was uasteady on bis feet. Tests were .18 and .17. The fine was $175. and costs, in dcl ault 20 days and automatie licease suspension. Douglas- Hone 31, 57 West Beach, was levied a fine $175. and costs, in default 20 days after pleading 'gujilty" toaa September 14 charge of driv- ing after cansumiag over .08. This was at Waverly and Martin Roads. He lost coatrol, struck a guard rail and landcd on roof in ditch. He was prohibited tramn driviag for six moaths. Given one month ta pay. Fraser Ritchie, 20, Main St. Oroao, pleaded "guilty" toaa charge laid Septemfber 14 of driviag after cansuming over .08. He was involved in a motar vehicle accident an highxxay 2. H4e struck a mail van with damage amountiag ta $1.800. Tests were .13. The fine was $175. and casts. in defauît 20 days. Prohihited fram driviag for six moaths. Jas. Dwan, 16, 52 Holmcrest Trail, West Hill, pleaded Iguilty' ta coasuming under age on Jonc 30 at Mosport. Coast, Chalmers stopped him outside a teat. The fine was $50. and costs, la default 15 day s. He wxas givea twa weeks ta pay. Wm. Jarvinea, Kingston, charged June 7 with driving whilst abilit wasimpaired hy alcohol or rrig pleaded "nat guity' îhraugh an interpre- ter. Const. Chlmers 'invest- igated an incident on hîghway 401 betweea Halt Road and Waverly Rd. He was driviag erratically from driving lane ta passiag lane. The officer was forced into the median by this vehicle. Traffic was heavy. Tests were .26. Corp. James said la his opinion he was impaired. Hc was faund guilty" as charged and the fine was $250. and costs, la default 30 days. He was given 4 weeks ta pay. John Liaes, 16, R.R. 2, Newcastle, pleaded "guilty" ta an August 30 charge af driving in a manner danger- ous ta the public. Const. McLeod was învestigating an accident an highway 35. Uc saw a motar cycle with no head lights. The officer fol- Iowed Lines at speeds up ta 75 miles an hour. He refused ta stp for same distance. Hc was put on probation for six months, ta keep the peace and be of goad behaviaur. Wayne Wright, 26, 98 High St. Bowmanville, charged July 16, did unlawfully comn mit assault causinig' bodily harm ta Const. Bromley, pleaded "nat guilty". Witnes- ses were excluded from the court roam. Const. Bromley, said "'the awner of the a artment building had com- plained of noises fromn the lot ta the aorth of the building." A motar cyclist was going a- round the field and Coast. Bromley went over and put bis hand up for Mr. Bentley ta stop. Hc asked hlm ta stop the noise and he said he wouldn't. Hc drove directly at Const. Bramley and he was cut an the shia hone. Wright came down ta the scuffle and when the Const. asked for assistance, he gave hlm two blaws ta the body. John Hendry Jr., Dr. J. Headry, Mrs. J. Hendry, Miss Marie Headry and Mr. A. Bothwell corroborated Const. Bromley's evidence. Mr. Wright in giving evidence said at no time did he punch Mr. Bromley. Counsel for the defense said "evidence is conflictiag, there is confusion as ta what taok place in sanie people's minds". The crawn la summiag up said "he was a party ta this offense". Judg- ment was reserved until November 26. SOLENA Eldad United Church Women On September 16, 1974, we met at the home of Mrs. Bruce Tink with the Presi- dent Mrs. Fred Watson pre- siding. Minutes of the previaus meeting wcre read by Mrs. Burney Hooey and ap- proved. Variaus items of business were deait with. Mrs. Clarence Bray con- ducted an inspirational wor- ship with "Friends" as the themne. Mrs. Harvey Yellawlees Dresented a piaviet with the 1973 1973 1973 1973 1972 1970 1969 1969 1969 1969 BOY!i Have We Got Some Beautif ul Cars For You! Duster - 340 Automatîc, popular car -1 (EAY423) $,9 Iow mileage Montego (BND139 )jUi, 2 Door H.T., V-8 automati c, 3. 195 Ail power, F.M. Stereo.1 Courier Pickup (C96931) with cap, economy and Iow price., Toyota Corolla (EAD563) 1600 c.c. commuter's car. Mustang Mach 1i 351 C.J., (CDU031) 4 speed, double power Torino 2 Door H.T., gleaming paint, vinyl trim. (E BE291' Impala Convertible 350 4-gear (E BK689) Plymouth Fury Il (E BC366) Pontiacý 2 + 2 Sport CE BL137) Land Rover 4 x4 (EYA456) $2,r995 $2r495 $31395 $11895 $2,.195 $ 1,295 $ 1,495 $215951 Pure Wool Coats Plains and Plaids with Natural Fur Trim f rom* $ 13 00 Phone 623-4481

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