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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1974, Section 2, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile, October 16, 1974 Section Two Through special counselling blind children grow. Specialists with The Canadian National Institute for the Blind guide both parents and children in the needed adjustments for life with a handicap. Your donation to the CNIJ3 appeal will help blind children in this community. Riota4ry He-ars, About 1B by Bill Arnott This week Rotarian, AI Witherspoon enlightened the Bowmanville Rotary Club on the history, geography and his personal experiences in Ber- muda . Mr. Witherspoon began is talk by giving a geographi- cal history of how the island came to bDe. He told the club Bermuda wa's the resuit of a volcano some 100,000 years ago. He explained that the volcano didn't break the surface of the water, but through time the coral and sediment build up created the present Island. It is approximately 20 square miles, one mile wide and about 20 miles in length in the shape of a fish hook. Bermuda was first discovered by Bermudes, in the l6th century. Mr. Witherspoon told the club that it was believed that the island was first discovered prior to that by an Irishmani who. wrote and dçeribed it as a homïe for birds, millions of birds beîng the only inhabitants. In the days of Spanish »THEY"RE COMING FOR THANKSGIVI NGV' Let us be thankful for the increasing abundance which we in Canada enjoy. Let us also wvisely safeguard it with adequate insurance ýprotec- tion. James Insuranc 24 King St. E., Box 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES Office 623-4406 Residence 623-5023 erm uda treasure sbips heading from tbe new world to Spain, Bermuda was used as a turning point. Ships laden witb gold, etc. would corne nortb as far as Bermuda then turn east for Spain. With its coral reefs and frequent hurricanes and storms, 360 of these vessels ended their trips on the reefs and sank. This' being the number of sbips found by present day scuba divers., Many of tbe treasures bave been found in 24 feet of water, one and a haîf million dollars of treasure bave been recov- ered by two skin divers. Britain acquired the island by accident, Mr. Witberspoon continued. Nine ships were despatcbed from England to Virginia, a member of the Thirteen Colonies. The ships were carrying food and other necessities, Virginians baving made a plea with the mother country for help or they wouldn't stay. What happened to ail the sbips was not clarified in Mr. Witberspoon's speech. However, be related thauit the flagship was run up on thie coral reefs at Bermuda in order to keep it from- sinking. Thie crew of that ship spent 9 montbs on the island building two new ships from the old one. They then Inaded up food goods from the island and made their way to Virginia. Two of the crew when tbey reached Virginia would have stood trial for murder. So tbey jumped sbip during the de- parture from Bermuda, and along with another man who became shipwrecked on the island were the first inhabi- tants of the island. These men are now referred to as the three kings.' Later on, the island became the beadquarters for priva- teers wbo plundered Spanish Treasure Ships. Bermuda bas a population of 50,000, -of wbicb 40,000 are black and 10,000 are, white. Tourism is the main industry in termis of dollars and cents there being two other smaller industries,' a perfume manu- facturer and a pottery plant. The water surrounding the island is neyer below 84 degrees, and s0 clear you can see approximately 100 feet down, Mr. Witberspoon re- ported.' The sand is a pink color and beaches are long. Drinking water is obtained by collecting rain there being no other source. The process of collecting ramn water is acbieved by' bouses having sloping roof s which drain tbe water to a collection point. In Hamilton, the capital city, the top of a bill is cemented for the saine pur pose. 1 - Mr. Witherspoon related the story of a motorcycle accident when telling of the narrow MAPLE GROVE The third meeting of the Maple Grove Mouth Stuffers was held on Setember 30, at Maple Grove Church. Linda was our president for the night. The meetin g was open- ed by the 4-H pledg e and the 4-H motto. Roll Call: Name a recipe or food characteristic of England, Scotland, Ireland or Wales. We made Welsh Rabbit and apple dumplingS. Somne girls worked on L~ Welsh Rabbit and others on the apple dumplings. Louise read t he minutes from last week and she also collected our dues. After the meal was ready we ail sat down and ate what we made . Af ter our meal we cleaned up, and Linda closed the meeting. The 4tb meeting of the 4-H mouth stuffers was held on October 7,, 1974 at the Maple Grove Church. Linda opened the meeting. We said the 4-H pledge and the 4-H motto. Rol Caîl: A food commonly pur- chased today wbiçh formerly was made at borne. Some answers: bread, cream, but- ter, cornmeal, cheese. Lydia Smit read the minutes from last week, and Louise Prins collected the dues. Rosalie Par was voted for our con- mentator on achievemnet day. Miss Doil then discussed with us the bistory of Indians, French, English, Europeans and Medinites. We then made pea soup, potato salad and bot chocolate. After the food was ready we sat down and ate the food that was made. We cleaned up and the meeting was adjourned. Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bownlanville Phone. 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 364 % King St. E., Oshawa -Telephone 725-6539 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointirent Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 28 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office'Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Télephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE .Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowmanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Telephone 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: i., T ues., and Thurs. 9 til 5 Wednesday 9 tiI 2 Friday 9 tiI 4 Not open Saturday or Suriday Office Plione 623-â7g0 Peterborough Presbyterial Women'1s Missionary Soc. Holds Fou RaIIy in Brighton roads and few cars. In Bermuda, apparently you, have to live on the island three years before you can purchase a car or drive one. There are only two means of transporta- tioni avai lable to tourists, caîl a taxi or rent a motorcycle or bicycle. Mr. Witberspoon told of bis wife's determination to drive a motorcce. She got on, turned the key and ran into a palm tree. The bike went tip in the air and camne down on Phyllis, causing a gash in ber Ieg. Mr. Wither- spoon explained how he phon- ed for a taxi to take bis wife to the bospital, and'was told it wouldn't be there for an bour. They then resorted to using tbe motorcycle, witb bim driving and swearing-and bis wife on the back crying. As to cars, Mr. Witberspoon reported there are no large cars, a licence costs $125 and cars witb any rust on tbem are bannied from tbe roads. Other points of interest mentioned were the European style of having round-abouts înstead of stop lights and speed limits not exceeding 25 miles an hour. Two cities on the island are Hamilton the capital and Saint George, the former capital. Mr. Witberspoon also men- tioned the Botanical Gardens, numerous caves and lunch hours. whicb extend from 12 noon to 3:30 p.m. The island bas 15 or 16 golf courses, and tbree Rotary clubs. The ad- dresses of residents are not indicated by numbers but names, eacb bouse baving a name. Rotarian AI was introduced by Rotarian Aif Allun and tbanked by Rotarian Dave Hig'gîns. Mr. Witberspoon bas made three trips to Bermuda. herd said as a missionary society the need is greater than neyer before to tell the unchanging. message to a changing world. After giving a reportof the Annual Coundil meeting held in Ewart College Toronto, Presbyterial President, Mrs. 11E. Reynolds closed the Rally. Annual meeting is to be held in St. Paul's Presbyterian tflurCh, I9eterborough in Jan- uary when Miss Joy Randall, Missionary Nurse serving in Taiwan, will be guest speaker'. Women'S Missionary Society Hold RaIly 65 members of the Peter- borough Preshyteriai W.M.S. were welcomed to St. An- drew's Preshyterian Cburcb, Brighton for the Faîl Rally, Oct. 2. Vice President, Mrs. A.W. Allan of Havelock conducted the meeting. Miss Dorotby Keller, area resource person, endorsed the Bargain Market to be held Nov. 7 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cburcb, Lindsay. Ail W.M.S. members of the Kingston, Lindsay and Peterborough Presbyterials are invited to this First 0f A Kind Special Day. Activities begin at il a.m. and new friendsbips and new ideas for spiritual growth sbould be wrapped up ready to take borne by 3 p.m. it was also noted tbat a Mini Assembly will be held in St. Paul's Cburcb, Port Hope on Nov. 3 witb two members from each organization within the Presbytery attending afternoon session and an evening session open to.ail. Following ber report, Fi- ORANGE PEKOE 09% à Dennis T. Pattrick Sears; Ending Up, Kingsley Amis;, Tbe Rowdyman, Gordon Pin- sent; The Voyage Unplanned, Frank Yerby; I Heardi te uwi Caîl My Name, Margaret Craven. Non-Fiction Times to Remember, Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy; The Gu- lag Arcbipeiago, Aleksandr.I. Solzhenitsyn; Ail the Presi- If ail 4 scores andc tea...name s idenficaiiy match th e off iciai ýfinal scres of the WHL games piayed nthe date îicii(ated on your card. $500 If thie first or fajst 3 consecutive scores and team names etcai match the officiel final s cores of the WHL games piayed on the date îndicated on your card. PICK Up YOUR FREE LUCKY PUCI< CARO T-DAY AT IGA ""LUCKYPUIC" FEATURE OF THE WEEK VillVA <ASSORTED COLORS) DUNCAN HINES <ASSTD. VARIETIES> Cake DLUE lieio 5 MixesDEUE1PG 5 IGA MILD, MED., DR 'OLD Cheddar Cheese W"-D G E890 MGA POWDERED Blue Detergent PO L YBA G .9 IGA FAN CV Tomate Juice OZ. - I 7c IGA FANCY Apple Sauce 07 TN29t TROPICALTREAT!. B3ananas1 TASTY, PRODUICE 0F U.S.A. Broccoli dent's Men, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward; The Woman 11e Loved, Ralph G. Martin; This is Your Captain Speaking, Captain Thomas M. Asbwood (A Handbook of Air Travelers); Sex & Security, Dave Broadfoot; Don't Have Vour Baby in the Dory, Gordon Green (The Story of Nurse Myra Bennett wbo became a legend on New- foundland's remote and rug- ged nort hwest coast); Early. Ontario Gravestones, Carole Hanks. 1A l6mm projector is avail- able at the Library. A few of the films are listed elow: Gooscap Country-An an- cient legend of the Mie-Mac Indians of Nova Scotia; Tbirty Minutes, Mister Plummer - A film profile of Canadian actor; Christopher Plummer, as be prepares for bis roles in the Shakespearean theatre at Stratford, Ontario; Robert Frost - The late poet at bis home in Vermont, reciting selected poems; Canada Goose - Here is a sigbt and sound film on the most spectacular of ail birds, Lost TaxNotices Apparently some notices for municipal taxes due Oct. 1 have gond astray in the mails. There was some discussion on bow to mitiate late fines for those people who had not received their tax notices. An advertisement will be placed in the newspapers requesting anyone who bas not received bis tax notice to contact the office. IGA PRODUCE 0F .S.A.. CAN. NO. 1 GRADE SWEET 390 Green Peppers 3 FOR.390 L SWEET ANDJ UICY FLAVORFUL B.C. PRODUCE 0F REPUBLIC 0F SOUTH AFRICA CANADA FANCY GRADE Outspan Oranges 9 80 Bartlett Pears ,. 390 Council Strives f or Eff iciency Scugog on Il iistrive for more efficient, productive meetings. The discussion on improving the meetings fol- lowed complaints fromn sev- eral councillors tbat the meet- ings were 'too long and the agenda was often not followed. Mayor Malcolm explained that be was treading cautious- ly in the conduct of meetings because the council was formed by the amalgamation of four previous councils eacb Witb its own style. Coun. Bob Kenny compiain- ed that delegations were often beard by council even though they bad not gone tbrough tC formai process of informing the cler in advance of their intention to attend. Such delegations do 'not appear on the agenda and councîllors are often unprepared to bear their representations. Coun. Frew agreed with tbis argument and added that delegations sbould be restrict- ed to five or six members. Coun. Rose commented that Scugog council was not ready to delegate responsibility by settin g up committees of council as the larger munici- palities bad done. It wias generally agreed that council sbould obey the by-law wbich states that council meetings must end by il p.m. Council followed this dictum admîrably in adjourning their meeting at 9:45 p.m. after sittting only two hours and 15 minutes. FO"UND)RY Team Standings Soreheads 11, Aces 10, Alley- cats 9,=Hapns 9, Screwballs 8 , Guttral7. High Single - S. Adams 308, A. Adams 243. High Triple - S. Adams 748, M. Yeo 618. Wr 61AOL Y STUDY >UNTIL-TrHAT»- LATE-LA rE-HOUR, To INCREASE 01.R KNOWLEDGE 0F M/AT WATE OWER4 9 PARTNER ORONO 983-520,6 ESSO HOME HFAT SERVICE Mc-CAIN FANCY FROZEN SHOESTRING French E Fries . uG IRISH SPRING Bar Soap SZ R290 FAN CV BISCUITS Mannings Grahams PKGz-59 HUMPTY DUMPTY (PLAIN OR RIPPLE> Potate Chips P-.KG--:59* TROPHY BLANCHED (PPD). 859> Salted Peanuts 1,-,z. 750 SYLVANIA FROSTED (15, 25,40,60 OR 100 WATT) Light Bulbs OFK2G I MIRACRAFT PKG. Lunch Bags iF0 9 ASSORTEO VARIETIES 5 OZ. Soft E& Dri Deodorant T? 930, BIRDSEYE FROZEN DRINK (CON CENTRATEO) Awake Orange 20Z. Tls 450 PURE PAK FROZEN Rie Strawberries 1PKz 451, FROZEN e 5 Downy flake WaffleG New Books Now Avciloble At Bowmanville Librory IIiA 69 ott mu BOX 'f1-LB«.bu Tea Bags 06 Margarine TU PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRU SAT., OCT. 16,.1718,19 WE RESERVE THE RIGHTTO LIMIT OUA NTITIES 16-OZ. PKG. '13 EATON'S HEARING AID SERVICE if you have a hearing problem or if your presenthearing aid is in need of adjustment or repair CALL 576-9811 local 233-in Oshawa W.! E. LANG a certified hearinge aid audioligist from Eaton's in Oshawa will give a complete audiometric hearing test and recommend and custom fit the aid that is best suited to your individual needs. There is no charge for this service. Repairs and batteries available for mostmakes and models. You can use your Eaton's Charge Account 77 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE SUNDAT STORE HOURS 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 P.r.m Je t ........... . . . . . . . . . . ............................ ----- ...................... ............. Fiction The Diviners, Margaret Laurence; The Dogs of War, Frederick Forsytb; Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, Jobn le Carre; Breakfast Pass, Alil- stair MacLean; Jaws, Peter Bencbley, Tbe House of a Thousand Lanterns, Victoria Hoit; Sometbing I've Been Meaning to Tell You, Alice Munro; Lark in the Clear Air, nance Secretary, Mrs. J.E. Kees ur ged auxiliaries to forward funds regularly. Mrs. 1.. Knapper of Co- bourg g ave a resume of several books available from the Literature Department. Guest speaker was the president of Toronto-Kýingston Synodical, Mrs. John Shep- herd of Cambridge. She stressed the importance of prayer for the work of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and tbe need for more children's groups._Mrs. Shep- m ë.

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