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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1974, p. 8

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8 Thp Cnn " tatAqman, Bowmarville, October 16, 1974 E N N A gorgeous autumn day was the time and the beautifully decorated church sanctuary was the place for two services of outstanding excellence for a rather slim congregation. Perhaps a reason for the crowds who were not there was the holiday week-end with family gatherings etc. The 60 worshippers who joined in fellowship heard a Children's sermonette based on the Pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower Ship at Plymouth Rock and how they observed Thanksgiving. The sermon by Rev. Bigby was based on the Parable of the Sower and entitled "The Truth Needs Receptive Hearts, where he compared the 4 soils in the Bible story to our hearts and left a pertinent question for each of us to give our personal answer. Both Choir's had special messages in music, viz: the Jr. Choir of 15 happy faced girls and 1 boy sang in parts a delightful rendering of "For Air and Sunshine." The Sr. Choir paralled their Junior counterparts with the anthem "Sing to the Lord of Harvest." ISKIL Mrs. W. Bowman and Mrs. K. McGill had a brief opening worship for the S. S. session which was a "Red Letter Day" as Mrs. Philip of Tyrone captured a spell bound aud- ience as she gave three stories in ber inimitable manner they were a( Linda and ber bike money), b The first Thanks- giving with its many bard- ships at Plymouth Rock),c( The real first Thanksgiving in 500 B. C. when Nehemiah had a Thanksgiving feast after the completion of rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem. Mrs. Ula Ball had the Little Messen- ger's Group for their monthly meeting in the S. S. Room. Upcoming events are U. C. Observer subscriptions are due Nov. 12 in order to claim the special price of $2.00 per year and payable to Mrs. H. McGill. Remember Tyrone Tyro Group paper drive Sat. Oct. 19. Please have paper bundles on front lawns and you may also contact Mr. Alf Knowlton 263-2764. Next Sun- day is Tyrone Annual Thank- Offering Service with guest Minister Rev. J. Gibson. 2 SPARKLING SPECIAL PRICE FULLCOLOUR 2 5x7for ENLARGEMENTS only from your favourite Kodacolor negatives, mounted in deluxe studio mounts. -CLIP THIS COUPON AND PRESENT TO DEALER - - - - This offer valid only with presentation of this coupon. Take your Kodacolor nega- tives and this coupon to your partici- pating dealer and save! Don't Delayl!This offer good for a limitedtime only FREDEICKS- F. C. T NS . 8. Sc P 67 Rng St. E. 623-2546 Bowmanvine,. Ont. L EN Uxbridge U. C. at il a.m. and our congregation joining with our sister Church. We have Church service but S.S. at 10 a.m. with Jr. girls choir in charge of opening worship. At our annual Thank-Offering Service when Tyrone congre- gation join with us to hear our guest minister a former pas- tor Dr. R. B. Green. S.S. will be at 10 a.m. on this Sunday also please remember U.C.W. Regional meetings Oct. 21 at Orono and Oct. 29 at Clare- mont with guest speaker Rev. Sydney Bates. We are pleased to report that our last hospital patient came home on Friday and is managing his wheel chair marvelously well. Keep it up Russell Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kay, Sandra and Paul, Agincourt, Mr. Allen Henry, Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Woods, Oshawa, Mrs. and Mrs. Bert Wonnamaker, Seagrave, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill and family were Sunday Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haass at their trailer, Sheltervale, Grafton. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Susan and Fred, Haydon, Mr. Stan- ley Taylor, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe and family visited relatives on Saturday at Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dor- land were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner, Oshawa. Mr. S. Kersey, Hampton, Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Kersey and family, Caledonia, Mrs. Henson, Toronto, Rev. Ted Kersey and Paul, Dundas, Mrs. M. McCune, Kathy and Cindy, Mr. Clare Ashton, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ashton, Bowmanville, were Sunday Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. Miss Lynda Avery, London, spent the weekend with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGill, Shawn, Dean and Todd, Miss- issauga, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr. H. McGill. On Sunday they all spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Judy and Laurie. Mr. and Mrs. Al Martin, Bowmanville were recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walker and Karen, Tillsonburg were Monday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffins. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry and family, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp & girls were Sunday Thanks- giving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Keir Lamb, Fenelon Falls, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton and family were Sunday Thanksgiving supper guests of M. Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tay- lor, Solina were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe and family were Sunday Thanks- giving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson, Bewdley. Mrs. Doris Holroyd, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hickey and family, Hampton, were Sunday Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Lamb and family. Mrs. Edith Stanton was the thanksgiving guest with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stainton, Bowmanville and bas cele- brated ber 89th birthday to-day. Congratulations to Mrs. Stainton. Mrs. C.E. Horn, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Donald were Tbanksgiving weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dittburner. Ottawa. Three Residents Win "A Carpenter for a Day" Strange Disappearance The weather vane that used to adorn Cobourg's 114-year- old Victoria Hall bas been stolen. How? You might well ask. A weather vane weighing 200 pounds, attached to a solid two inch thick iron shàft requires a certain amount of ingenuity as well as brute Regional Councillor Alan Pilkey reaches into the box for five winners of Oshawa Wood Products "Win a Carpenter for a Day" draw. Assisting the councillor in the Oshawa store manager Randy Henry. Three of the five winner were from Bowmanville. Check Oshawa Wood Products Advt. in this edition for the list of names. NEW CANADA SAVUNGS 93,40o BONDS Pay you a guaranteed 9% per cent every year for nine years. For details and Personalized Service contact: JAMES BELL 6 Concession St. W. 623-5746 Representing: WOOD GUNDY LIMITED strength to steal. The "job" was made a little easier because the contractor had removed the cupola from the roof in the course of renovation work. At least the thief did not need qualifica- tions as a high wire artist as well. The thief must have used a cutting torch to free his prize and some cartage device t spirit it off. This must have been a fairly conspicuous operation. Strange that no one noticed ????? GET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN C L A S S I F.I E D S 3 DAYS LEFTII o Save 15% oon Our Exclusive Gregg Kitchen Cabinets Take delivery any time up to November 30th Three beautiful styles to choose from!! (You can install them yourself) Orleans Style, or Richelieu Style and popular Acornican that you can take home because we carry it in stock. Ail cupboards are individual pieces to enable you to plan and to save money by installing them yourself. FREE ESTIMATES!! MEET JIM HAZZARD Just cali 728-1611 or 728-1617 KITCHEN CUPBOARD EXPERT FROM GREGG. Jim will be in our Warehouse Lumberland Store Thursday and Friday, October 17 and 18 to answer your questions or someone to call- No Obligation. help you plan your new kitchen. FREE Re Roo Corse Winners In Our Contest FREER Ree Room %Course Learn how to build your own Family Room and addi extra comtort, convenience and value. to your home. Jack Siebarth Find Out About: Building Walls 85 Prospect St., Bowmanville and Partitions Insulating Panelling D. Shane Trimming Plus many other features. R.R. 6, Bowmanville Sign up now by calling 728-1611 or 728-1617. P. Grant First Session Saturday, October 19, R.R. 6, Bowmanville 10 a.m. to noon at Warehouse Lumberland. Dorothy De Mille WaretouseLumbeland121 Montrave Ave., Oshawa Balance of Course to be presented October 26th November 2nd and 9th.kF W. Pleshe 138 Hickory St., Whitby Shop Either Convenient Location: OSHAWA BUILDALL LUMBERLAND 100 Bond St. W., Oshawa or CH TICor E St.,tby OSHAA BULDAL ASSOCIATE STORE Holiday Inn General Motors' Sales Record Sales of passenger cars and trucks during the last 12 months by General Motors' dealers in Canada established an all-time record model year, J. D. Duffy, Vice President and General Sales Manager announced today. Combined vehicle sales of 472,498 units in the 1974 model year exceeded the previous record set in 1973 by 9.9 percent or 42,380 units. Pas- senger car sales of 358,956 were 5.6 percent ahead of the 1973 level while truck deliver- ies totalling 113,542 units were a substantial 25.9 percent above 1973. September sales of 19,464 cars were 20.7 percent below last year's record because of a later announcement this year. New model announcement for 1975 was on September 2th, seven days later than the 1974 announcement. Despite this year's later announcement, truck sales in September of 6,835 units represented the sixth succes- sive record month and were 1,156 units or 20.4 percent ahead of the former record set in 1973. "This September marked the completion of our third consecutive record breaking model year for both cars and trucks," Mr. Duffy said. "The 1974 calendar year to date figures for both gars and trucks are also at a record level. Sales for the year through September of 269,859 cars and 87,775 trucks are 3.1 percent and 26.6 percent respectively over the former record pace set in 1973." Concerning the 1975 model year Mr. Duff said "Based on the favorable initial public reaction to our 1975 products, the future looks bright for both General Motors and our dealers." Burketon News Pauline and Jack Littley, Burketon General Store, cele- brated their 24th Wedding Anniversary on Oct. 14th by going out to dinner at the Ai Baba Steak house, Whitby, and report that the food is excellent. Stanley Taylor was a Thanksgiving Dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Enniskillen, on Sunday. Mrs. E.J. Dickinson and Mrs. C. Bennett, Oshawa, were Tuesday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryder- man and girls, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. David Stainton and family, Cobourg were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scarboro were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin, Bobcaygeon were Friday aft- ernoon callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas O. Ashton, Oshawa, were Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton's. We are happy thay our Mrs. A. Sharp is enjoying good health again at ber home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Worden with Mr. Norman Down col- lected Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton on Thursday for a day's trip to the north to view the beautiful autumn color- ings. Wee Darryl MacKenzie cel- ebrated his first birthday Sun. Oct. 13 with his parents, some immediate relatives and close friends and great grand- mother trom Oshawa, Whitby and Bailieboro. The high light of the buffet dinner was Daryl's "Winnie the Pooh" birthday cake also our wishes for many more birthdays. By Popular Demand the Dutch-Canadian Drama Group of Bowmanville PRESENTS AGAIN "Here Cores Charlie A FARCE COMEDY IN 3 ACTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26th Time: 7:30 p.m BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ADMISSION Adults - $1.50 Students -$1.00 Proceeds go to CAPOK (Canadian Adoption Program of Korea)

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