CLRIFI E D R I Il s The Canadian Statesman. Bowxmanvîi1e, November 6. 1974 il maiamme. DEADLINE FORU !I]Ill CLASSIFIED Tues., 4:30 p.m. j Gall (nee Robinson) are very happy to announce the birfh of their daughter Meleiie Tara, 8 lbs. 2 ozs. on Oct. 26, 1974 af Bowmanville, Memorial Hos- pifai. Firsf grand-daughfer for Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Robin- son, Hampton, and for Mr. and Mrs. lrwin Beauprie, Bow- manvilie. Great grand-daugh- fer for Mrs. Leonard Bradley, Bowmanville and Miss Ethel Luxton, Bowmanviîle. Thanks f0 Dr. Hubbard and nurses 0f maternity staff. 1 45-1 SMITH- Bob and Valerie (nee Tennant) are happy f0 announce the birth of their son, Dustyn Robert, Nov. 2, 1974, at Bowmanville Memor- il Hospital. A brother for Lisa, Kari and Jason. 45-71 STÊPHENSON - Jim and Joyce (nee Campbell) are pleased to announce the birth 0f Adam James, 6 Ibs 15340zs., Oct. 24, 1974 at Bowmanviille Memorial Hospital. A baby brother for Dianna Leigh and Mathew Todd. Thanks f0 Drs. Mikios and Spear and nursing staff. 45-1 STEWART- Heather and Denis are pleased f0 announce the arrival of their second son, AI Ian Craig, 8 lbs. /2 oz., born at 10: 57 p. m. on the 31 sf, Oct., '74, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilîe. A baby brother for Andrew. Proud godparents are Jim and Joan Gibson. Many thanks fo Dr. Anfossi and the girls on the maternity floor. 45-1 WHITE- Ford and Carol (nee Eiston) are proud f0 announce the birth of a son, Gregory Sean, 6 bs. 131/ ozs., on Oct. 20, 1974 at Deep River and District Hospital. Happy grandiparents are, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Elston, Concession St. E., BowmanvilIe, and Mr. and Mrs. V. A. White, King- ston, Ont. -4 VANCE- David and Dawn (nee Stevens) are pleased f0 announce the arrivaI of their daughter, Carnie Ann, at Bowmanviile Memorial Hos- pifai on Safurday, October l9fh. weighing 3 Ibs. 91/2 OZS. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens and Mr. and Mrs.,RaIph Vance, Bow- manville. 45-1ix VIRTUE- John and Joyce are happy f0 announce the safe arrivai 0f their son Aaron John, 7 Ibs. 8 ozs., Oct. 11, 1974. A new brother for Kyle and Sae.Sincere thanks to Dr. B~eff and maternity staff, O waGeneral Hospital. 45-1 im fl -, 1<1mi .! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang- maid, Hampton, and Mr. and M\rs. Gordon Barrie, Bowman- ville, wish f0 announce the forfhcoming marriage of their children Alice Charlene (Saliy) and Thomas Gordon on, Saturday, December 14, 1974 at 6 p.m. in Eldad United Church. 45 lx Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reid are pleased f0 announce the forthcomiilg marnia ge of their daughter, Linda Yvonne f0 Kenneth James, son of Mr. arnd Mrs. James Martin, on December 21, 1974at 4:30 p.m. in St. Pau's United Church, Bowmanvilie. 45-lx Mr. and Mrs. A. dleWitt and Mr. and Mrs. H. Wierstra are happy f0 announce the forth- coming màrriage of their. chiîdren, Peggy Neil and Edward. The wedding wiII take place af 7:00 p.m. on the 22nd of Nov. 1974, at the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church in BowmanviIle. 45-1 x DE V RI1ES, Henry -The Lord took Home at Oshawa General1 Hospital on Friday, Nov. 1, 1974, Henry de Vries 0f R. R. 2, Newcastle, beIoved husband 0f Hilda de Vries, dear father of Walter, Stuart, Debbie (Mrs. G.'Gîasberqen), Patri- cia (Mrs. B. Vanden Heuvel), Grace (Mrs. L. DeMooy>, "F owers say it Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery ta ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 .I.... .. BOUGHEN, Alice Maude- At R.R. 1, Newtonville on October 30, 1974, Alice Bou- ghen in her 81st year. Wife of the late Robert Robinson and the lafe Ralph T. Boughen. Loved mother of Ewart and Morley Robinson, Newton- 1ville, Wallace Boughefl, New- tonville, June (Mrs. Adam Steel Orono. Edward, Oshawa and Jim, Port Hope. Also 1survived by 17 grandchildren ;and fen great grandchildrefl. fResfed at the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono. Service was held Friday at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Orono Cemefery. 45-1 BARR- In loving memory of my mother Ida May, who passed away Novemnber 8f h, 1961 and my father, Thomas, who passed away October 19th, 1965. Wonderf ul memories woven in 1gold, This is the picture we tenderly hold; Deep in our hearfs your memory is kept, To love and f0 cherish and neyer forgef. Loviriqly remembered by son Douglas and daughfer-in- law Margaret. 45-lx COLE - In loving memory of a dear husband and father Freddie, who passed away Nov. 8, 1972.1 Two sad lonely years have passed, Since our great sorrow fell. The grief that we received that day, No one wiIl ever fell. God gave us the strength to meet if, And courage f0 bear fhe blow, But what if meanf to lose you, No one willever know. You bade us nota last farewel Nor even said goodbye, You were gone before we knew if, And only God knows why. -ay 4- Sadly missed. Dee and BROMELL - n loving me- mory of a dear wife and mother Emma Luxton who passed away Nov. 2, 1968. If only we could tell you How we have missed you these six years, How offen we have sat and looked Af your picture fhrough aur tears, Wishing you were back again, >The way if used f0 be, But we must go on without you Though this is hard f0 do. For on the day we lost you, A part of us died f00.' Your suffering we know is over, No more will you feel pain, And in our hearts and soul we know, That we will meet again. -Lovingly remembered by husband Howard and chi I dren, Rick, Debbie, Kim and Lori. 45-1 FOWLER, Edmond -,'In loving memory .0f a dear husband who passed away Nov, 6, 1969. Beautiful memories are treasured ever, 0f happy days when we were together. - Ever remembered by wife Verna. 45-ix GIBSON - ln loving memory of our son and brother, Kenneth- Cecil, who passed away on Nov. 6, 1969. Those we love were neyer oàse, For always they wilI be, Loved, remembered, f rea- sured, Alwa ,S in our memory. - Always remembered and missed. Mother, Dad and sisters. 45-ix PORTEOUS - In loving memory of a dear wife and mother who passed away October 25f h, 1958. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every- day,ý No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts she's always there. -Always remembered by husband Harold and family. 45-1 x MAYNARD - In loving me- mory of my dear husband, Roy Maynard, who passed away November 7, 1969. I remember the day I met you And the day God miade you mine 1 remember the day He took you, I will filI the end of fime Among the fears and hearf- aches, There is one thîng thaf makes me glad Thaf you chose me to share Those preclous years we had We will meet again one day To live and love anew. - Lovingly remembered and always missed by his wife Mabel. 45-1 BOWINS- In'loving me mory of my dear parents, Hazel who passed away Oct. 10, 1973, Delhert, who passed away Nov. 7, 1972. A Page in the book of memory, Silenly furns foday, We remember you in silence, And make no outward show, And whaf if meant to lose you, ONo one will ever know. - Sadly missed by Wilma and tamil. 45-1 i 1 M0 Mr. -and Mrs. Sid Luxton would like fa thank their 1 family' fnîends and relatives (or the Iovely flowers, giffs, cards and messages received on their SOth wedding anniver- tfsary. 45-lx wE- JOHNSON- Joseph Roberf (Bob> in loving memory of my beloved Bob who passed away Nov. 6, 1973. His smiling face and pleasanf way,>. Are a pleasure f0 recal He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by al. Someday We hope to meef hilm Someday we know not when To clasp his hand in a beffer land Neyer to part again. - Ever remembered and deeply missed by Joan and sons Robert and Richard.- 45-1 Barbara and Arthur, Colli- son have been rîchly blessed by the many kindnesses shown to themn during Arfhur's re- cent illness. We would like you to acceof our sincere thanks and are especially grateful to Drs. Westgarfh and Caswell and the night emergency staff of the Bowmanville and Osh- awa hospifals. 45-lx Geraldine and 1 wish to express our appreciafion and again voice a sincere fhank l ou to our friends, relatives, usiness and Banking Asso- diates for the lovely floral arrangements, giffs and cards received on the occasionof my retirement from Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. The many acts of good will and tribufes paid at the recent banquet and dance are happy memories thaf will beadded f0 yef another memorable occasion in our book of freasures. Mac and GeralIdine Mac Kenzie 45 lx Leanne and Jim Wills wish to fhank the Cartwright Com- munify for the lovely shower and giffs presented to them. 45-1 I wish f0 fhank relatives, friends and neighbors, Rebe- kahs, Maple Leaf Club, Sun- beam O.E.S. and toa 'il who sent cards, flowers and gifts. Special thanks to Ur. morwicn and staff and nurses of 7G, Oshawa General and Bow- manville nurses on emergen- cy. Also the ambulance men for their kindness and care, and f0aail who called while 1 was in the hospital and since IL came home. Thank you al. Gladys Piper 45-1 x We wouîd like fo fhank our famiIy friends, relatives and neigh bors for the iovely giffs éndci crds w~e. received on au "r 25th anniversary. Special thanks to ail who helped in any way to make aur anniversary such a memorable occasion. Doris and Leland Milison 45-lx I wish f0 thank Drs. Sprouli and Ewert, nurses on surgery, C.W.L. members, Red Cross, neighbors and friends for the flowers, cards and gifts. Father Frank and Father Mai ane. The family of the lat Jessie Prout would1 express theirsincere diat ion and heartfelt the relatives, friends, and bours for f loral tributes, and donations. A s thank, you to Dr. I Rundle, Rev. Wesley also Rev. Amacher ar Morris Funeral Chapel The family of the la Mrs. Jessie Prout Our sincere thanks relatives, friends, neil and family who helped our 4Oth wedding anniv such a memorable Special thanks f0 Gar Donna, Ross and Roberl a. very special fhank Monica Gray. Sincerely Charles and Clara Nei Dance Pontypool Comr fy Hall, Saturday, Noverr at 9 p.m. Music by Hopkins and Friends. A/ sion $4 per couple. Ref ments. Tyrone Community New Year's Eve dance, 16th, featuring Dodswort chestra. Tickets availat Virfue's Garage, TyronE Annual meetingo BowmanviiFTh and Di Cancer Society, next Mc November il, af the ho Dr. and Mrs. Huubar would appreciate your dance. Harvey and Gladys Pascoe wiII be at home ta weIcome their friends and relatives from 2-4, an~d 7-9 p.m. on Sat., Nbv. 23,' 1974. If being the occasion of their golden wed- ding anniversary. Best wishes only. j 45-1 A e o s The family of Mrs. Roy Van Camp cordially invites friends, neighbors and rela- tives f0 her home on Nov. 13 from 2-4, 7-9. On the occasion 0f her 8th birthdlay. Best wishes on ly. 45-1 Two piano recitals by Lau- rence and Anne Morton, assisted by Barbara Louise Morton, violinist, Newcastle Community Hall, Thursday, Nov. 7, 8 p.m. Sponsored by Newcastle United Churctj. Tickets- Adu Ifs $3- Students $2. Phone David Rickard, 987-4290. 45-1 Annual U.C.W. Bazaar, Sun- day School Hall, Newfonville. Saturday, November 16, 1:30 p.m. f0 5 p.m. Adulfs- 50 cents, chiîdren- 25 cents. 45-2 Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce are pleased f0 announce that following a request f0 the Council of the Town of Newcastle, a meeting of the Public will be held at the Council Chambers, Town Hall, Bowmanville, at 9:00 a.m., November 15, 1974, to discuss the proposed additional shop- ping facilities at King Street East and Simpson 'Avenue, Bowmanville. AIl are wel- come. 45-1 Dog obedience classes, all breeds. We train you and y our dog, $25 for 10 weeks.F ree demonstration and pre-regis- tration. Phone Ananda Ken- nels, Orono. 1-983-9385. 45-4 ATTENTION CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Sat., Nov. 16, 1974 1-5 p.m. PARISH FAIR at ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, BOWMANVILLE. Crafts - Antiques - baked goodls - preserves - books - sporfing goods. TEA ROOM 45-2 OSHAWA SYMPHONY POPS CONCERT B.H.S. AUDITORIUM Monday, Nov. 25th Aduîts $3.00 Studlents $1.50 "'FALL FROLIC Dance ' KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBL Fni., Nov. 22, 197e Flying Dutchmar 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. FREE GOURMET LUNC DRESS OPTIONAL REFRESHMENTS Tickets $5.00 per persor by mem bers. 45-1 -Ca lifornia- - ~Rose Parade Toui te Mrs. Dec. 26th-Jan. 7th like to 17 appre-17 ianks to with 1neigh- CLAIRE BURT TRAVEI , cards 16 Queen St. W., speciai Brampton, Ont. L6X lAl HIoward Phone (416) 451-4944 jOake RealIy see the exciting St mnd the of California from San Fi I. cisco f0 the Mexican Bard ate and the famous Imper it Valley. Seafs reserved for 45-1 noted ROSE PARADE in1 - sedena, Calif. New Yea f0t al, Day. Visit aIl majorA ýighbors areas. See everything fri Id make growing Almonds and Raisi vray to Dates and Artichokes. \i ~ersary attractions like ry and Disneyland, - Marinelan rta, and' and San Diego Zoo. f0 to If the group wishes, we'Il you get reservafions for L2 rence Welk's New Year's esbitt parfy. Tour escorted by member 451 CLARE BURT TRATeam. A real Christmas Houi break. If you can'f go, se Mom and Dad! muni- e arrange local picku rnber 9 For particulars: Phor Wane Mrs. Mary June Smith,c Umdis- Region of Durham CLAf fresfi- 'BURT TRAVEL Rep. af (4 45-1 665-3372. Also ask about aur tours Hall Greece - Australia andN Nov Zealand - South Africaa ,h Or- Rhodesia - lsrael- Czecl ible af lovakia- Flonida. e. 4____ 45-1 Bake- Sale and Bazaé f the Saturday, November 9, 19 isfrict 2-4p.m. at the Salvafion Arr ýondy HllDivision Sf., Bowmé o nday, ville, sponsored by Four om.e ofBowmanville Brownie Pack r.+e 44 45-1lx COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER'BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P. M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf Handcrafted -Original Christmas Gifts "ART MART '74" THE ROBERT McLAUGHLIN GALLERY, OSHAWA Friday, November 8,5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday, November 9, Noon - 5 p.m. Sunday, November 10, Noon - 5 p.m. ANTIQUES - DECORATIONS - BRIC-A-BRAC Ref reshiments - Fun Admission: Aduîts 50 -cents, Chiîdren under 12 accompanied by an aduît admitfed free. 45-1 lus '4 in CH Upholstery Material Giant AIl 'Day HADASSAH SALE Thurs., November 7 9 a. m. ta 9 p. m. 144 King Street, East OSHA WA Beautiful fabrics, also good rum mage selection. 45-1 Kendal U.C.W. Bazaar and Affernoon Tea, Saturday affernoon Nov. 9th, 2-4: 30 p.m. n Kendal Sunday School Rooms. 45-lx This comin1g Saturday night Nov. 9, dance at Solina Hall music 'by "The Abernethy Family" 9:00. 45-1 Country and Western Dance Saturday, November 9, in the Nestieton Communify Hall. Music by Fay Adams and The Country Hits. 45-1 x Dance, Sat. Nov. 16, Legion Hall, 9 p.m.- 1 a.m. Music by Bill Kortellis Quarfef. Admis- sion $400 per couple. Sponsor- ed by Branch 178, Royal Canadian Legion, Bowman- ville. '452 Cartwright High Schoc nual Commencement1 cises wilI be held on Satu November 16, 1974, a p.m. atthe Recreation CE Blacksfock. Presenfatio Dipiomas, Proticiency Pi Field Day Trophies; Val tory Address; One Acf Glee Club selections. E body Welcome. DANCE AT THE I.O.O.F. HAI QUEEN STREET Novem ber 9, 19- REFRESHMENTS $3.00 PER COUPLE Attention al1 Veterans Branch 178 Royal Canadian Legic is having a dinner on Saturday, Nov. at 6:30 p.m. Tickets $3.00 and can1 picked Up at Legian Iî or contact: Ernie Perfect 623-2287 APPEARI NG AT The Queen's Ho- NE WCASTL E THE MIDNIGHT PLAYB( Friday - Saturdi Novem ber 1-2,E Dancing 9-1 Scarborough Centre - NOV. 4fh and DEC. 4th Yorkdale Plaza and Dawntawn Shopping irNOV EMB ER 19f h h, Royal Winter Fair and Toronto Shopping NOVEMBER 23rd Ice Capades, Toronto L NOVEMBER9th, lSth, l7th Mysfery Tour 1 Forida hrismas Hlthy fate DEC. 26th JAN. 5th -an- 8 nights -7 days der, at Daytona Beach ,ial Winfer Away in Flaridla the 30 days, Jan. 20- Feb. 18 - Pa- Feb. 13- Mar. l4th, ýar' s Mar. 9fh- Apr. 7th. Agr. For information phone or rom~ write: ns, Sunshine Tours Visif 36 King St., _Cobourg ind Phone 372-9961 - 885-2200 44-4 try aw- MONSTER BINGO Ee THURSDAY - 7:45 P.M. rof Sponsored by VEL Oshawa Minor Softbaîî JUBILEE PAVILlON iday OSHAWA ;end 30 tf up. Osaca Barn Dance (couples )ne: only) every Safurday night, ou r Country and Western music. ,RE Phone 7862633. 37-tf 416) AIl the fish and chips you can eat, $1.49. Saturday only. s fo Book Christmas Parties early. qew Acres Restaurant, Taunton ad Road. 434 DR ESS E RS, chest of drawers, rollaway beds, beds, ward- robe, bed chesfertield suite, wicker chairs, matching sets of wood kitchen chairs, baby K carniages, toasters, irons, ironing boards. Towne Used Furnifure, 19 Temperance St., Bowmanville. 45-1 1972 SKIDOO, 400 ta., less than five hours on motor. $1,000 or best offer. Phone 987-4267. 45-1 with leaf and four floral chairs. Cali affer 4: 30, 623-7038. 45-1 Buy direct fromr Manufac- ture- Rutter Granite Co., Ltd.. has a huge selection of- fine, qualify monuments, large and small to fit any need. Come by our dispîay yard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or telephone 885-5216 for a monýýment that endures. 35-ff )ol An- Exer- urday, TABLE turnips by the bushel. Phone 263-2544. 45-2 4x8 POOL table with ail accessories. $50. Phone 623-2876. 45-1 SEED cleaning, Wednesday only until further notice. Smail seed prices are down about 15 percent from 1974 sprinýg price. Order now. Swai1n Seed Cleaners and Dealers. 1-986-4331. 45-2 UPRIGHT piano, fair condi- tion, $50, move yourself. Phone 263-2063. 45-1 APPLE fireplace wood. Deli- vered. Phone Hampton 263-2037 affer six. 45-lx ALUMINUM siding,, doors, windows, awnings, railings, ramp carry ing sysferns. Lorne Allin, 1 Prince St., 623-3871. Supreme Window and Door Co. 45-1 PRINTING MACHINE FOR SALE Heidelberg Platen in good running order. Write for appointment BOX 374, NEWCASTLE, ONT. 8: 306 452 :entre, ion of 220 POLAROI D Camera, gua- ?rizes, ranteed; fwo wheel frailer, aiedic- ideal for ski-dooq with tipping Play; platform, complefe wifh four Every- foot sides. Phone affer 5, 45-1 Newtonville 1-786-2992. 45-ix DRESSERS, one- oak wifh 3 LL drawers, $35, one walnut vanify with mirror $35, 39" bed, $10, wooden high chair, 74 $5. Phone 623-4380. 45-1 44-2x ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, pocket wafches and modern watches and dlocks. 1ol Our repairs are done with In modemn up fo date equipment and qualified Swiss trained .9 watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. be 29 King St. East aIl Phone 623-5747 < _4t R ED Clover, Now buying good 42-4 clover. Order your 1975 seed corn now as if appears that 1975 early seed wil!! be sold ouf by November. Wti norw ldke )tel orders for 1975 seed grain, grass and hay. Lawn seed sf111 n good supply. Cali Swain YS Seed Dealers 986-4331. 4- îay 41 8-9 THIRIFT SHOP- 32 King West, af rear. We seil on 44 consignment, furniture, appli- 42 ances, bikes, skates, rugs, etc. - For information cali 623-7037 or 263-2042. 2tff SNOWMOBILES Yamaha, oil injection, no mixing fuel. New 1975 models, somne used ones, a few past models at reduced prices, one only. G.P.x433, free air 1974 Vernon Asselstine, Blacksfock. 45-3x DELUXE Gendron baby car- niage in A-1 condition, two baby lounges. Phone 623-2484. 45-1 NEW skates for sale, assorfed sizes and makes. Priced from $5 to $11. Phone Orono 1-983 5962. 45-1 1972 399 SKIDOO Olympic 24 h.p., good condition. $525 or best offer. Caîl affer 5 p.m., 1-987-4266. 45tf 24" MCLARY and Easy Range, good condition, space heafer almost new. Phone 987-4074. 45-1 SWE ET Spanish Onions, $5 for 50 lbs. Phone 987-4328. 45-2 TWO cord 0f mixed wood. Phone 263-2786. 45-2 ONE 25" Westinghouse Color TV, in good working condition. Phone 623-2227. 45-1 STOVE, Moffaft, white, 30" with rofisserie, top line model. $100. Phone 623-7781. 45-1 ONE portable dishwasher; one twin bed, complete. Apply 51 Lamb's Lane. 45-1 DRY firewood, top qualify, will deliver or can be picked up. Phone Harvey Graham, 1-986-4856. 1 45-1 SCRAP paper bargains. We have a real bargain in scrap paper for you. AIl sizes, shapes and colors in bundles of*50 cents and $1.00. Great for drawings, leaving messages, group craft work, etc. The States m an of f ice. 42-tf PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereo's and also used furniture and appliances. WiII accept trade-in. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33tff COB, shelled or hiqh moisture corn also baled hay and straw. Contact Peter Moore af 885- 8535 Port Hope. 44-2 COLD storage apples by the bushel, different varieties, no Sunday sales, 263-8473, Frank Hiemstra, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. - 1 -.1- 44tf UISED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26tff NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? 1LUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orona 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 41 ff 81 RICHMOND ST.W OSHAWA 576 NO'VEMBER WAREHOUSE SAI EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARAN(I CUSTOM'WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION As Low As V, Price And Less On Remanants and Ends of RoliL 81 RICHMOND 5T.W. 'Next door to Ruddy Electric) Optjri +ronm 9 tb 8P.n Mon, to Fn Sot 9 nto CI.OSED AI.L DAY SUNDAY SUDD)ARD'S GULF FLYING DUTCHMAN INN 401 &LIBERTY ST. BOWMANVILLE - 623-4U SPECIAL 0F THE MONTI- Snow Tire Installation WITH OIL CHANGE AND CHASSIS LUBRICe Watch for our Monthly Special OSHAWA' SAND AND GRAVEL SUI Washed Sand BEDROOM suite, seven piece; diningroomn, 9 piece, coffee tables, ail Burmna Danish teakwood. New furni- ture, very reasonable. PhYone 1-247-4377. 44tff WHITE'S TV ANTENNAS STawers, U HF, VH F Aerials, Rotors & Repairs Apartmrents & Homes -. Pre-Wired -. Ask About Our Guarantee SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-tf Oshawa TV Antennas &Towe rs ROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Colored Aeriaîs Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed AIl1 priced f0 SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38tff INSTALL AN FURNACE ~'3' BOILER yS jHUMIDIFIER ojr HOT WAT ER H EATE R No Payments for Six Monfhs CAL L HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono Or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service LOST 700 lb. steer, Tyrone area. Phone 263-2544. 45-1 WEDDING ring and Diamond ring found in north end of town, owner may contact 623-3702 or Marrs Jewellery. 44-3 one Hereford 983-5585. cow, phon( 44- ANN BRADLEY Permanent hair removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 - 44tff  Phone 623-2230. 45-1 '69 FORD Super Van, license C66562, as is, $695. '68 Chev. Station Wagon, V8 automatic, 16-5522 radio, lcense EBL 763, as is, $895. Phone 1-986-5517. 45-11 1972 VEGA GT, low mileage, '2,300 cc., four speed. $1,700 or best offer. As is. Phone 987-4267. '45-1 '71 LE MANS, 37,000 miles with safety check. Phone 623- CE7828. 45-1 '69 CHEV Station Wagon, V8 automatic P.S. P.B. Radio, rebult engine, certified, in good condition. $1,500. 623-7646. 45-1 1969 CH EV., six cylinder, two door, aufomatic, radio. $550 or besf offer. Phone 623-7458. 45-1 1973 VW, limited addition sports bug, 24,000 careful miles, steel belted radiais, AM FM radio, needs a good home, $2,900- offer. Evening 728 7177. 45-1 6 tf - 1973 GMC Super Custom 2500, three-quarter ton pickup truck, aufomnatic power brakes and steering, excellent condition. 1-986-5033. 45-1 ffli ATH pPl Gravel and Stonre Limestone Products Ail Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL AND DIRT FILL TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 Lyon's Auction Hall Corner McMiIIan &Bond St. )N Oshawa WANTED 45-1 Items for Sale OPEN DAILY 1:OOp.M. -8:0Op.m. Estate Sales Weîcome L SALE EVERY SATURDAY ,Y 1:OOP.M. TED LYON Auctioneer RON MOFFATT Clark Parties infenasted in riding or driving horses in the Bowmanville Santa Claus Pa- rade kindly contact K. Nicks c-o Ken's Men's Wear regard- ing regulations governing en- il tf tries in this year's parade. Phone 623-5580. 44-2 A THREE bedroomn town- house, ideal for family Fiving, located on a quiet court in Bowmanvil le, close f0 schools, $275 per monfh; available immediately. Caîl Sam Venn, Toronto 923-9174, Bowman- ville 623-3393, or Mr. Cooney, Toronto 444-5082. W. Frank Real Estate Realtor. 38-tf STORE space in hotel, 650 sq. ft., heaf, ight, water, and air condifioning suppîied. Rea- sonable. Also furnished bed- rooms by monfh, week or day, shower and bath, licenced premises, reasonable rates, Castie Hofel, Bowmanvilîe, 623-7072. 44-tf FARM house for rent 5 miles from Oshawa. $135 per monfh n addition f0 heat and hydro. Phone 263-2312. 45-1 THREE bedroom semi- detached house,- two wash- rooms, nicely decorated, Wa- verly Rd. and 401. Available. Nov. 15, $235 per month. Phone 576-7447. 45-1 F IVE room bungalow, 112 car garage, on huge lot in Newton- ville. Rent $295 a month, available Nov. 1. Phone Have- lock 1-778-2561. 45-1 FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment, Dec. 1, ail services, near shopping, $145. Phone 623-7264. 45-1 ONE furnished room with fridge. Phone 623-2005. 45-1 TH RE Ebedroom house, King Sf. East close f0 A & P. Available early December. Write Advertiser 521, c-o Canadian Stafesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvilîe, Ont. 45-2 APARTMENT for rent, two bedroom, available the first of the month, $215 monthîy. Marianna Villa. Phone 623-7121 affer six or 623-4697. 45-1 APARIMENT for rent, cen- trally locafed, two bedroom, f ireplace, large lawn, garage, close to schools and shopping. $175 plus utilifies. Phone 623-4145. 45-1 GARAGE, for rent. Apply Jamieson Tire, 46-King S t. 45-1 x NEW fhree bedroom, two bathroomi split-level house, garage. $325 monthl y. Write advertiser 520 c-o Canad ian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 45-lx, NewcaOste, ong $2e 1 ont yew(option f0 buy)$210our bedroomsontwo bathr oms lare liing rom, atrofan sundeckland room, ptaed udniewa,oladyre tniagula laivwn.Phonla987 tr4063. a 45-1 ROOM with kitchen privi- leges, in dlean, comforfable home. Workîng lady prefer- S red. Phone 623 5227. 0t FOUR roum apartment, spa- cious livingroom, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, ap- proximafel y $100 to' $110 a month in Bowmanville area. Clean and 'quiet. Phone 623-5070, ask for Pat. 45-lx - sýý FURNISHED bedroom for rent, centrally located. Phone 623-7402. 45-1 1ýs THE DOGGY PLACE -D1og Trimming and grooming. Poo- dles and spaniels our specialty but any type of dog expertly bafhed and trimmed. Board- ing with lots of love and fun. Dogs $2. dailly, cafs '$1. The Immigrant Kennel, Register- ed Breeders of high quality English Springer and Cocker Spaniels. Pick up and deli- very. Also rabbits for sale. 786-2234. 21 -ff FREE f0 -cgoodhome, two black persian kittens, two monfhs old. Phone 623-5820. 45-f Dekalb pullets, 20 weeks old, November 25th. Phone 1-416- 342-2966. 45-1 SHETLAND pony mare, chestnut colour, fhree years old. Best offer. Phone Enfield 26ý3-8405. 45-1 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANOD MARKERS ,&£ 1" h élm Ql. W m OF STAF FORD BROS. LTD. Dsaiorhe Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 1 1 Y, ie