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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1974, Section 2, p. 5

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Halloween Baby Celebrates 9Oth Birthday over until next Sunday. The, church is flying in Prof. Laurence Morton, aîîd bis wife Anne anîd their 14-year old daughiter Barbara, from Bob Joncs University in Green- ville, South Carolina. Tihe Mortons accomp aîied by Barbara on the violin will give a piano recital on Thursday evening Nov. 7. Mr, Morton is the son of former minister R.E. -Morton. The turkcy supper set for Saturday niglîtlbas heen sold out. The guest speaker at the Sunday mioinin2 service. Nov. 9, wil be 1ev. Frazer Lacey, Field Seetary for the Dîi's' ion of Mission in the Bay of Quinte Confeî'ence. Music will be provided by the Oshawa group "Horeseless Cari iage- men". A plaque ecomîemorat- ing the îninistry of a fornmer Newcastle resideot, wili also say a few words. 11ev. Gerry Brown, chaplain of the Pine Ridge Scbool for Boys will speak at the evening service. Peter Mnelleî, tight end for the Toronto Argo- nauts, will assist 1ev. Brown,î Music xill be provided by tbe Clarke Higb Schnol ba nd and Ed Van llamturg on the guitar. Alter the col tee bour the hectic week of anniversary festivities will offîcially be concluded. Irtended for last week). This reporter sfipped up badly in not making arrange- mients for local news during absence of about a month in Britishi Columbia and Hawai. It was a very satisfyîng trip except, even for me, it was very hot most of the time. Generally, you are quite aware tlîat you are in the 50tb state of the United States, but at other tintes it is not difficult to feel yourself in the islands made krîown to the outside world by Capt. Cooke. Lush flower anid tree growth, df- ferent birds, few animais, active.voleanoes, satisfactory research at the archives on this area people's pairticipa- tion irn the Royal goverrîment at the time of last century's revolution, and inteîesting contacts with native people, made the holiday one to rernember. Maîîy changes have taken place in the commun ity in that month. Work has progressed on the access road, so the oid sîderoad was beyond recogni- tion, much moving of earth wlas visible in huge mounds at varions places on the i oad and at the site of the future plant. On Sunday Novembex' 3, the 10:30 service at Welcome United church was conducted by 11ev. R. Bartlett, lus second for the morîîing. Hc was assisted by Barry Best and LEY VILLE jentifer Payne who weîe in charge of the caîl to Worsbip and Responsive rcading, The sî-c ial music was in barge of 'It junior choir anîd their oîganist and leader,, Mrs. D. Croit and'Mrs. G. Lax. Tbeir aîîttîem was "Christ the Lord' and for tîhe children's bymos ail sang two well known spirituals. "Living beyond oue's Power" xvas the topic of the morning message and 11ev. Bartlett used as partf of bis illustration the story of a well and its dryness becanse of lack of use. The beautiful flor'al arranîgemernt was in loving rnemory of Mr. Hector Darke, placed there by Mi's. Darke and the family. We are happy to report that Brian, son of Mn. and Mrs, Larry Dinner and Kristine. daughter of MUr. and Mrs. Dennis Croit came home from Port Hope and Peterborougb hospitals, on October 26tb and November 1. Botb are qnlitie well again. Deatit came to two fainilles in the community wit h tbe passing of Mrs. Alice Bou- glien, and Blair Austin, one full of years, the otîter also fil for some time but stili a youth, son of Murvin Austin and the late Mms. Austin. Mrs. Ida Plum of Toronto, herseif tiot long out of bospital, is visitiîîg witb Mrs. Harold Bai rowclough ai teri the funet al of thei Mis. Bougheiî. Quiltiîîg was ini pio week at the borne Emrîa Darke and anç be started the begiori week in an effort to g woî'k donc before pi mias busyness. Many new famrili moved in the conîmui Hlydro first purchaý and hontes. Many arc ary but others have1 honmes and are pi The latest family is th and Mirs. George Il have but a îîew hon west of Port Britair. A îrteetiîig prepa part of the prograni East Durbamn Histor ti e's cld time corncert at the home of Mrs 1K, on Wednesdav mroi i 101h. Hallowe'en was vE xitb no word of dant Hope townships1 charge delegates to Presbvtery atterided cial meeting of tîtat 1 in Pot t lopi 's Unite on 'fupsday afterrý ex ening of Oct 2ý suîlject discussed was of union for the ui tbree chut cîes inîto church. 1Coriîgiaftula tions to S~.ee n fýiwo The Canadian Statesman, Bowmar)ville, Novemnber 13î Best who received iiis secon- by Mir. Richard Yi T~ ~ dary school graduation diplo- played flic pïinoai. ma at Commencement exerci- ian also singing some À Ct ses at Port Hlope higb school favorite, hymois. Shemeue atledingon Saturday night, Nov. 2nd. mnany cards and flo-'n 4r sister, paid a flying visit to 'the a heatîtifiuivasen. ogrss ilwestern provinces on Friday of res. l Oct. 25th, eturning the follow- aeRear u' o îiote ed a wedding in Camrose, hier, also Mr.- Carrite. P lenfthre visited relatives at Three Hills represerited the Ontat io - te christ- and Calgary. plaque making lier a ies hav e Mr. and Mrs. Michael com ilete suce-s oiy'ic.Booth, newly married couple intselnde from England, are payîng a isedland visit to Mr, anîd Mrs. Gerald e tepo Bevan on the Paynîe farm in t * rnai. Clarke. Aflter a tour to other ~ W fKH erinaren patsof Canada they wîll laU ofMr return to England and make WTHA OU / 1 e ialttheir home there. grup ro xFFP IOST SD À rie n'alot A representative gop # ' EtIl g frfrom hOP.E. attended the Ir YO £1/7U'a f 7S arng for meeting of Hope township council onFrid vafter T/6HT ricalCen-to hear C.P. R oficials restate > twas held t ea ea np siei' ýen A hy teicaefrad psien ,the a",.. îmmg, eut. 7ery quet iage donce. Pastoral Cobo urg i tbe spe- body beld ed chum ch our and 29tb. The is the plan initing of oree new aWesley Senior Citizen Honored on Her 9Oth Birthday A very nice evening was enjoyed by the Senior Citizens of number 2 and 4 Nelson St. on the 9th Birthday of Mrs. Saunders in the rec room. Entertainment was suiiolied ORONO 93 ~ ESSO HOME HTEAT SERI 1On Halloweten night, Alice Saunders ( right) celebrated her 9th birthday in the common room of the Senior Citizens complex at, 2 Nelson Street. Mrs. Gertrude Reid who is 87 lielped Mrs. Saunders eut her cake. Ho ageto the Past Marks Newcastle, United Church's l 5Oth (Intended for 1last bA ppropriately dre bck cape and legl Anniversary Festivities Have your heating system checked for faults and haz- ards. It may avoid a serions lire. Check-that hot ýpipes do flot pass near combustibles. Remove rubbish that might catch lire. Fire prevention camu save lives, as well as property lasses. AgenceLiiuited 24 King St. E., Box 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES, .. Offi!ce 623-4406 Residence 623-5023 mounted on a white borse, Russell Powell led a proces- sion from the old Wallbnidge bouse on King Street East, Newcastle, to the Newcastle United Church la2,t Sunday, Nov. 3rd. Newcastle United Cburch was celebratîng the anniver- sary of the first Methodist cburcb, service in Newcastle, 150 , years ago. On that .occasion, "Isaddlebag preach- er' Anson Green rode int town to conduct the first service at the home of Asa Wallbridge. The 155-year-old bouse now belongs to Wallbridge's des- cendant, Harry dose who turned if over ta the cburch for a cammemorative service last Sunday marning at 9:30 a.m. Some of the approximately 100 people attending were caught up in the spirit of the event enaugb ta wear nineteenth century clothes. Fallowing the short service, tbe present day Anson Green led a parade of a borse and buggy, four antique cars and one modemn car. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jase rode in the buggy as represenfatives of the Walbridge family. (The Wall- bridge family originally came ta Canada as United Empire Loyalists in 1797.) The first car, a 1927 Chev- rolet Touing car, owned by Robert Keene of Bowmanville was occupied by Ross Irwin, son af Rev. Manson Imwîn, Newcastle United minister fram 1906-1910,- Other mcm- bers of the Irwîn famîly rade in the second car, a 1932 Madel A Ford Sedan awned by Boyd Wood of Orona. The folawing car, a 1939 Cadillac,' property of Neil -Daniel of Oshawa, was occup- e AUTO & USED CARS >. LICENSED MECHANIC ON.-DUTY TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS AND SCRAP GOOD SELECTION 0F USED CARS R. R. 2 - Neweastle r787-4636 Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan's Rd. ied by 11ev. and Mrs. W.W. Patterson. minister af New- castle United from 1945-1950 11ev. and Mrs. M.C. Fisber, minister af the churcb from 1954-1960 rode in the other Daniel car, a 1939 Buvický The 1971 Chevy Nova af the current minister and bis wife, 11ev. and Mrs. T.H. Smith, completed the procession. 11ev. Mel Fisberi was to bave led the parade aovxrseback but was uinable taý do so for bealth re asons, He did give the 10:30 a.m. service assisted by 11ev. W.W. Patterson. Many former choir members swel- led the ranks of the present chair for this service. At the caffee hour follawing the service, pictunes of the past were on view. Another former minister, 11ev. E.C. Woodland, now of St. Cutbbemt's United in Toron- ta preached the evening ser- mon. "The Country Four" a local barbershop quartet pro- vided special music. Former arganist Mr. Norm Williams assisted the present organist wfitb the mustc. The celebrations will nat be Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115_Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comma. Chartered Accountant 36%/ King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc-Chiropractor 15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment D en tal1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville. (near Domidnion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.xn. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Prafessional Bldg Office Houra: Weekdays - 9 - 5 Orelephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S.1 222 King %ý E., Suite 106 Profeassonal Bldg. Bowmn7nanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Telephone 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., BowmanviU.e Office Hours: i ,, 'ues., and Thurs. 19tfil5 Wednesday 9 tii 2 Frîday 9 tl i4 ASST'D FANCY VARIETIES Clark's 4n Soups ROBERTSON'S __ (ASST'0 VARIETIES>3 Marmalades' FO 'OEODORANT BT Irish Spring SoapJGAR DR. WEST-REGULAR, SOFI, MEO, OR HARO TothbrushesL O SHIRRIFFS INSTANT Mashed Potatoes' ' FU PILLSBURY BUTTERMILK Biscuits 5 FO PLEASURE MIX Caindy 16<%Z 89e 0RE0'S, CHIPS AHOY OR FUDGEE'OS Christie's Biscuits 85 TOASIMASTER (4c OFF> 2PROGS Branufufins 2 F6 FutCake P1G, F$ IGA ROYAL GOLO PROCESS 1G.0FO Cheese S lices PlO FOR PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., THRU SAT., NOV. 13, 14, 15, 16 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OIJANTITIES IGA Dg Hu s e Dog Fod NABOB <ASSTD FLAVORS> JelIy Powders 010 SOUTH 10%~ PURE (CONCENTRATEDji FRENCHS (ASST'O VARIETIES) FROM FLORIDA FROZEN 7 Hambinurger -Orange Juic-0 e O:N r"sFO R Cfe ih 4î FLAVORFOR ____3 OZOrane 0FFROZEN DEEF, TURKEY Tang OrTnge POLY~ BAG OR CHICKEN J FOR ~ 4 x 314-OZ.O P t80 CrsasPKGS.FOR PiePRS. FIGHrîT THELUNG CRPERS iE pp ma tslhma i e l C eh te rpcos Au Pe t SUDAT STORE HOURI 10:00 a.m. to5:(iOp. mi7 SUIEET Et JUICY, FLORIJA ~o z LOCAL GROWN, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE FARM FRESH BRAND Cooking Onilons 3 ýASi LONG GREENSIICERS CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Cucumbers 2FOR Il~ LOCAL GROWN, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE CRISP B.C. CANADA FANCY GRADE FARM FRESH BRAND RED OR GOLDEN Cello Carrots JBA' Delicious Apples 3mes.99 Not open Sat umday ori Sunday Office PIione "'-5r79u [we e ,ssed in a 1gings and BABY WEEMIXED R SWEET YUM YUM Dic's r TROICANAPURE (FROM lCONCENTRATE). 32- * BILS. SAICO Mandarin Soz. N w TePkeS MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM 17 FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CAI L COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 CAL usDXFUEL cOIL TO-DAY FOR PROM-1'PT, COU RTEOUS S' V IC E mmmmmmuuummmt*v

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