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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1974, p. 5

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The Ladies' Section of the- Bowmanville Curling Club got off to a good start on Tuesday, Nov. 5th, with four ends of curling, followed by refresh- ments and a business meeting ith president Annabelle Faith teaches Equal rights, opportuni-~ ty and privileges for men and women, and compulsory education for all. For Further information: 623-7744 or 623-4830 R E HOBOT H Christia n Reforrmet Church Scugog Street Phone 623-4824 Rev. Anthony DeJager SUNDAY SERVICES 10a.m. 7 p.m. Back to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. "Everyone Welcome" St. John's Anglican Church (TEMPERANCE AND QUEEN STREET) TRINITY SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 17 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion Preacher - Rev. Peter Bishop 11;00 a.m. - Outreach Service Coppermine, Diocese of the Arctic Support the Anglican Appeal for the North. "You are light for all the world---- And you, like the lamp, must shed light among your fellows--- "1 Rev. T. Gracie, Rector - 623-5873 -ne 1-1 7 gSunday, November 17, 1974 11 A.M. -WO R SH[IP S ERV IC E The Rev. and Ms hre Sheppard of Wilmnore, Ken- tucky, radio, televisioni and recording artists, wvith singing engagemnents in United States, Cana, Afric, Europe and the Middle East, will participate lu the service. NOTE - Sunday School will continue without change. Last Sunday's calendar announce- ment has been cancelled. A Warm Welcome Awaits You at Trinity REMINDERS See our students in action this week at Bowmanville High School as they present the musical "Brigadoon", Nov. 14, 15, 16, 8 p.m. Laymen's Sunday , November 24, Il a.m. Dec, 15, 8 p.m. - Senior Choir Concert "The Singing Sheppards" To Present Sacred Concert Rev. and Mrs. Charles Sheppard of Wilmore, Ky., will present a proi gram of sacred music at the Trin- ity United Church at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, Novem- ber 17th. The Sing- ing Sheppards are known in sacred concert.and evan- gelistic circles across the United States and Eu- rope. Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard are both graduates of As- ury College, Wil- more, Ky. Mr. Sheppard studied at the American Conservatory of Music, Chicago, and taught on the music faculty of Chicago Evange- listic Institute, now Vennard Col- lege. Mrs Sheppard attended the University of Michigan and headed the music department of Malone College. The Sheppards have served as ministers of music in United Methodist Churches in several states. It has been the rivilege of the Sheppards to travel widely, in sacre concerts, song evangelism and mission tours in 36 states, 5 Canadian provinces, and 21 foreign countries. Singing in Holland they were presented to the late Dutch Queen, Princess Wilhelmina. Singing highlights of the journeys of the Sheppards have been citywide meetings- in Beirut, Lebanon,Methodist conferences in Austria, Baptist youth conference and mission conferences in Switzerland, and singing in the state churches of Norway. The Sheppards are actively engaged through the year in the ministry of sacred concerts, church conferences, spiritual retreats, missionary conven- tions, and evangelistic meetings. Recent singing trips abroad have been to the British Isles for a fourth tour, and a second tour to the Scandinavian countries. Other recently visited countries have been Yugoslavia, Hungary, Poland, Spain and Portugal. They frequently host Preaching Mission Tours through Europe and the Middle East, and to the Holy Land. On these mission tours they provide the music in evangelistic rallies held in the large cities of Europe andithe-[iddle East, direct a choir comprised of those travelling on the Mission and host the group in cooperation with a well-known European evangelist. T e Singing Sheppards are recording artists. The program of sacred music will be varied including the traditional music of the church, contemporary music, gospel songs, personal witness and a musical drama. The public is cordially invited to attend this special service in the ministry of sacred music. Items OfInterest Phone 623-3303 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hallowell, Michelle and Scott from Bewedley, had noon dinner, Monday, with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mrs. LorneTodd entered Rickard in the chair. Regular schedules start Tuesday, Nov. 12th, and Thurs., Nov. 14th, with a separate draw each day. Curling is frorn 1:30 to 3:30. We need more curlers. Do come along. Anyone is welcome to come out and watch and join us for coffee. Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Bickle and Mr. and Mrs. G.F. Jamieson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A.L.K. Switzer in Orillia. OnzSunday, December 8, 1974, the General Motors Chorus and the Concordia Pops Orchestra will be pre- senting a program entitled "A Christmas Gift of Music" at G.L. Roberts Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Oshawa. Donald A. Robertson, the Administrator of South Water- loo Memorial Hospital, Cam- bridge, has been named Pres- ident-Elect of the Ontario Hospital Association for the 1974-75 term. The election took place during the 50th Annual O.H.A. Convention, October 28, 29 and 30, at the Four Seasons Sheraton Hotel, Tor- onto. Miss M. Virtue, Miss J. Wright, Miss L. and Miss E.M. Snyker, were recent dinner guests with Mrs. A.E. Billett. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mitton, Frank Street, have returned from a few days holidays in the Haliburton district. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aber- nathy were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Elford. Mr. and Mrs Donald Lee and Kim, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lee, Mark, Chris, and Michelle, Oshawa, and Miss Donna Stepheson, Bay Ridges were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Abernathy. The Sacrament of Baptism was administered by Rev. Wesley Oake during the morn- ing church service in Trinity Church, November 10 when the following children were received into the fellowship of Christ's Church and Trinity congregation: Bobbie Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry; Angela Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Taylor; Keith Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Watson; Michael John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen West. Following is a recipe called Salmon Party Plate you might like to try. 1 Can (7-34 oz.) B.C. Salmon 14 cup of butter or margarine 1 large onion, chopped 14 teaspoon garlic powder 12 teaspoon curry powder (approximately)ed 1 can (10 oz.) stewed tomatoes 2 tablespoons seedless raisins 1 teaspoon sweet basil 12 teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon pepper Flake salmon with its juice, crushing the bones. Melt butter or margarine in sauce- pan: add onion and garlic powder; cook until onion is tender. Stir in curry powder. Add the entire contents of the can of salmon and remaining ingredients. Bring to the boil; reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve over rice or noodles. Serves 3-4. If desired this salmon sauce recipe can be doubled and one-half cooled and frozen for later use over freshly cooked rice or noodles. Beautiful Northumberland Hall, the Cobourg estate, owned by Daintry Fitzhugh and situated on 12 acres of land, has been sold to Arm- strong Estates for a housing development at a price of $370,000. Mrs. George W. James is still a patient in Oshawa General hospital where she is confined with a broken hip, but is progressing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sam- uel, King Street, Bowman- ville, have just returned from one week in London, England, while there, they were enter- tained by the Canadian Trade Commission and the Ontario Government in London. For the week of November 14-21, events being held at the Robert McLaughlin Library, Oshawa are: Canadian Heri- tage Lecture 8:00 p.m., Child- ren's Art 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Life Drawing Class 9:30 a.m., Film Program 8:00 p.m., Creative Stitchery 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Life Drawing Class 7:00 p.m., Printmaking Probe 8:00 p.m., Noon Hour Films 12:00 noon, Art Rental 7:00 p.m., Canad- ian Heritage Lecture 8:00 p.m. Mri' and IWs.~fRobert Sym ons of Owen Sound, spent the weekend with his grand- mother, Mrs. A.W. Harding. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Purdy, Temper- ance St., were Mr. and Mrs. A. Elmy, Kisbey, Saskatchewan, and Mr. Charles Reed, Ajax. Winners of Lions N.H.L. Hockey tickets for November 20 are Wayne Haisma and Al Densem, for November 23, Bruce Lush and Del Moore, for Jr. A. hockey, Nov. 17, Rae Abernethy, Nov. 23, Dan Girardi and- Nov. 26, Steve Dunn. Mrs. Alf Erickson spent a couple of days with her aunt, Mrs. Norman Taylor and also visited her cousin, Mrs. Ron Alldread and family. Mrs. N. Taylor visited ber brother, Jim McRoy and family in Hamilton also visited her sister-in-law in Amesville and friends in Stoney Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Taylor, Port Hope, visit~d their grand- mother Mrs. Norman Taylor. Mrs. Norman Taylor cele- brated her 81st birthday at her son's, Ernie Taylor in Oshawa on Sunday, Nov. 10, also received many phone calls and cards from family and friends. STARK VIL LE NEWS M rs. Norm Burgess, Toron- to, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark during last week. With Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Todd and sons for Sunday supper were, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Newtonville, ad Mr ad 'rs StnBwn BowmnanvilleM.SaBwn we Mrain rHallowell Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell, Les, Beverly and Jeffrey were Sunday dinner guests with Miss Beulah Hallowl n Miss Norma Hallowell Baon- manville. Mr. Lon Paede viie with Mr.rand Mrs. Wifred Paeden on Sunday. Mr. Lou Osland and Ms. EiyBrown, Port Hope, Stark an evening last wel AU LT COUNSELLING SERVICE If you want to do something about your education. . .you probably can. See Your Adult Counsellor EVERY TUESDAY EVENING 7 to 9 at the NEW BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free - confidential - and no appointment isnecessary. Porter - Blair Wedding with Chantilly lace. A lace headband held a one tier overdrape, long silk illusion veil trimmed with Chantilly lace, and she carried a Colonial bouquet of pale peach Gerberas, orange Woburn Abbey roses, Sweetheart roses, baby's breath, white mini carnations, and yellow ribbons. Mary Blair, sister of the bridé, was the maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Lois and Opal Blair, sisters of the bride and Cathy Porter, sister of the groom. Wearing white- floral and a ple green gowns, with wide brimmed hats to match, they carried baskets of yellow and white daisies, yellow roses, baby's breath, (Mrs.) Margaret Wright; High Ladies - Mrs. Pat Mantle, Anita Brown. Lucky Door Prize - Mrs. V. Strong. These card parties will be held every two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark recently attended the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lowes in the Holiday Inn, Peterborough. Several relatives and friends called on the Fred Youihgnians-on 1 al.rday evening to help Fred celebrate his 50th birthday. The Omemee and District Softball Banquet and Dance was held at the Rockhaven, Peterborough, on Saturday. Our local ball team was well represented. Pontypool was again presented with the trophy for the league champ- ionship. Other trophy winners ,were the Bethany and Coom- bes - Ferguson teams. The Scugog League held its banquet and dance on the same evening in Blackstock. Pontypool was also well re- presented at this event. The Janetville - Yelverton Men's team received the trophy for placing first in this league. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark have been Lori-Anne and Michael Clark of Paisley, Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Connell and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lowes of Peterborough. Pontypool Boy Scouts and Cubs meet in the Orange Hall on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. Leaders are Mrs. Slute and Doug Pingle with parents, helping out where possible. All parents and boys are invited to attend the 'School of Scouting" on Thursday, Nov. 14th. Word bas been received by Mr. and Mrs, Bill Allan that Porter and Louise Mitchell and family are presently living in Stephenville in south- western Newfoundland. They experienced a very rough crosssing by boat and have several inches of snow under- foot. Mrs. Pete Rowett returned home on Thursday after being released from hospital in Toronto. Angela Ostner and Ron VanWieringen celebrated their 18th birthdays recently with a joint celebration in the Community Hall. Hosts for the occasion were, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ostner and Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanWieringen. Ross Jackman, Bownianville, was disc jockey. Ossie Mitchell returned home over the weekend affer a monfh spent in the western provinces. Cliff, Herb, Jim and Lavern Curtis and Jim Willis spent several days hunting in the Norland area. Unfortunately they came home empty- handed. Jim McKee was also away hunting during the past week. The Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring teenage dances. The two dances that have already been held were very successful. These dances are held on Friday nights with Dave Darling, a local young man, providing the music. Parents of local young people attending these dances are asked to chaperone. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Finney were in charge of the first dance. Last Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Propp and Mr. and Mrs. Bill HudEins were and apple green ribbons. Best man was Mr., Basil Billings, and the ughers Messrs. Ken Relph, Tom Jones and Bruce MacKechnie. For the reception held at Estaminet, Burlington, Ont., the mother of the bride received the guests in a green-blue floral formal gown and a yellow orchid corsage. Assisting in receiving, the grooms mother wore a pink with lace applique formal, with a white orchid corsage. Both wore white accessories. Following a honeymoon in Florida and New Brunswick, Mr. and Mrs Porter will be residing in Hamilton. Vince Petrucci Photo Hamilton present. Any parenits w to volunteer services k get in touch with Y Fallis. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coc illing kindly vonne hrane and family were guests af their niece's and cousin's wedding in Peterborough on Saturda. U.C.W. Meeting The November meeting was held in the Church basement on Wednesday, November 6th, with an attendance of 34, including visitors from Be- thany, Ballyduff and the Marsh Church. A sing song was led by Mrs. Ficko prior to the meeting. We reserved the usual order of our program, by having the business first rather than the devotional. The minutes of our last two executive meetings were read and approved. An invitation was received from Bethany U.C.W. to attend their Poinsetta Tea and Bazaar to be held on Novem- ber 23rd at 2 p.m. A letter was received from Mrs. Hoskin confirming the date for "Luncheon is Ser- ved". It will be held on Wednesday, April 9th, 1975 at 6:30 p.m. We have been asked to cater to a wedding on January 4th, and this will bea h ymeal for 70 people. Ms. McKay gave a report on get well cards sent, and it was also reported that several gifts had been sent to the folks who are in hospital. The treasurer's report was given and it was reported that our turkey supper on October 25th was very successful. The proceeds of $651.00 were turned over to the Church treasurer. On November 13th we will be sorting and packing clothes into boxes to be sent to the Scott Mission. The 400 cookbooks have all been sold and another 100 have been ordered. We feel that these will be appropriate Christmas gifts. It was moved by Mrs. Ficko and seconded by Mrs. Michel that our December meeting be preceded by a pot luck luncheon. Each person is to bring one hot disb, salad or dessert. The meeting will be held at 12:30 in the Church basement, on Wednesday, De- cember 4th. Mrs. Fisk was in charge of the devotional, opening with Hymn, "Tell me t he Stories of Jesus." A poem "Unchanging Christ" was read by Mrs. H. Cochrane, followed byprayer and scripture reading. Hymn, "Jesus the Very Tbought of You" was sung. The medita- tion was "What God Has Made of Me." Hymn, "Love Divine" was sung. A poem, "God's Bank Ain't Busted Yet" was read by Mrs. H. Cochrane. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 13, 1974 5 The offering was taken¯by of the many activities they are Mrs. VanWieringen and the involved with. Offertory sung. Miss Mayneord whistled, Miss Mignon Mayneord of "I'd Rather Have Jesus than Peterborough was introduced Silver or Gold." The two by Mrs. Argue, and she guests were thanked by Mrs. whistled, "Aillis Well with My Challice and were presented Heart" and "Autumn Lea- with a Pontypool Cookbook to ves.' show our appreciation. Our guest speaker, Mrs. We closed with the Mizpah Jean Argue was iitroducid Benediction. by Mrs. Fisk. Mrs. Argue has Lunch was served by Mrs. taught school in Manvers Challice, Mrs. Lethangue and Township for many years and Mrs. Fallis. During lunch, it is well known to ail of us. Mrs. was agreed to send our Argue gave a very humorous collection of $18.00 to Compas- and interesting outline of how sion of Canada. The Director the Bethany Senior Citizen's is Rev. James Somerville, a Club was formed. Mrs. Argue former minister for the Man- and Mrs. Belle Smith were vers Pastoral Charge. This mainly responsible for getting crganization looks after the this group organized. They are rieedy in South Korea, Indone- now officially called the Gol- 'iia, India and .many other den Stars. Mrs. Argue told us countries. - B - me . - W INTRODUCING 1975 HOME ENTERTAINMENT VALUES , w iii \V CC LO R c ZENITH'S BIGGEST COLOR PICTURE ¢ AA AFINE FURNITURE STYLING The RUBENS . F4748--Mediterranean styled full base console. 100% solid state chassis with energy saving Power Sentry System. Super Gold Video Guard tuning system with 70-position UHF channel selector Chromatic One-Button color tuning and AFC.t t4s1P e ,do oim'Loii NEW COMPACT SIZE IN CONSOLE TV The AVANTE X- F4082X-Newest size in console TV. 100% solid-state chassis with energy saving Power Sentry System. 70-Position UHF channel selector. Chromatic one-button color tuning and AFC. White lacquer finish with Black control panel and trm. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL RO I 20CI~RO OioRl THE LYMAN F4084P The STUART - space -savingl F4025W --100% Modern styled Decor -solid-state chas- ator Compact 20' s is and energy Solid State Chroma -saving Power color Il Conso e SnySytm Butcher-Biock motif So drytate tun Finished back. Cast[J system. Chromat- ers.Advanced Chrom c One-Button acolor Picture Tube color and AFC. ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL SPECIAL VALUE-PACKED B&W PORTABLE TV 20" TheMi The ASHINGTON F134301-Blue • F2040W-Our denmwithorange . lowest priced 20" stitch ng Sohd , Zenith portable. state modulesand Walnut color cab I Ruoy lty C rest inet. ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL SPECIAL ZENITH STEREO featuring the deep, rich sound of Zenith stereo consoles wth FM/AM/ Stereo FM tuner, 8-track tape player and Stereo Precisio()n record changer. Allegro high-performance speakers with tuned port produce exceptional bass response. The TORTOSA • F915-Medi- ANNIVERSARy terranean styling in Pecan or Dark Oak color SPECIAL The PALISADE • F914- The WEYMOUTH • F916 Contemporary styling Early American styling with wood-grained Wal- in Maple or new Pine nul color ANNIVkRSARY color SPEC IALËr Allegro 1000 odular Stereo The PRENTISS-F584-Solid-state AM/ FM/Stereo FM tuner with Stereo Pre- cision record changer. Full, rich basa reproduction. ANNIVERSARY SPCIAL -- 7 Allegro System with Tiape The JULLIARD •-F587-Solhd-state AM/FM/Stereo FM tuner with Stereo Precision record chanar.and&track cartridge tape player. ANNIVERSARY --- SPECIAL The quaity goes inbefore the names goes on® o T min S n's m T Er T Ia nm enTenn ri t 1218 Simcoe St. N. 579-2411 OUr Service Always WLh. mie In Melrose United Church, Hamilton, on July 27th, 1974, Reverend G. Meiklejohn, united in marriage Lorna Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Blair, Dalhousie Junction, New Brunswick, and Jerry Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Porter, Bowman- ville. Mr. W. Strongman presided at the organ, Miss M. Kennedy was the soloist. Given by her father in marriage, the bride chose a gown of white silk organza, with a high neckline, a sheer lace yolk enhanced with an organza ruf fle, and long straight sleeves trimmed with matching lace applique. The long full skirt was designed with a deep ruffle trimmed Misses Elaine and Erin Smith of Earlton, stayed with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoar, over the past weekend. We are pleased to say that Irene Sutch and John Barske- tis are both home from hospital. Aime Curtis and Danny Bazinet are still hospi- talized - Aime in Bowmanville and Danny in Peterborough. Little Kirg Malloy is also recovering frdhi pnfunioni. We were glad to see Sadie Kirk out for an outing on Saturday after a shut-in of several weeks. The first card party of the season was held on Friday, Nov. lst in Ballyduff Com- munity Hall. Winners were: High Men - Norman Brown, into rest on Wed., Nov. 6th at Memorial Hospital. Funeral service was at the Morris Funeral Chapel on Friday at 1:30. Interment Orono Ceme- tery. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Trim and Merrilee, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little, Campbellford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Little later called on Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- son were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yule, Oshawa. BE A REGULAR M BLOOD DONOR PONTYPOOL NEWS DIAPER SERVICE &LINEN SUPPLIES Did you know that DIAPER SERVICE is stili the BEST BARGAIN at $3.60 a week? PHONE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Phone 575 Wentworth St. E., 728-5167 Unit 24, Oshawa ý - - 1- -Iîmii la- i . a 'dam,## 2011CHI

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