14 The Canadian iStatesman,F ORONO Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Richard James Trafford the former Miss Ellen Eliza- beth Milison on their marriage on Saturday afternoon, Dec- emnber 2lst, 1974 at Orono United Chiurch. Rev. Basil E. Long officiated, Reception for the 200 guests was held in the Main Hall of the Church. Mr. and MVýrs. Trafford will reside in Picton. Mr. Cecil Tebble, age 87, husband of the late MIrs. Marjorie Hoy Tllebble who passed away in Sept. 1974. Mr. Tebble died on. Dec. 16 at Memnoriail Hospital Bowjman- ville after two weeks îllness. Funeral service was on Fnï- day afternoon from the Bar- low Funeral Home. Interment Oirono Cemetery. Christmas Eve services at both St. Saviour's Anglican Church 8 p.m. and at Oronio United Church at 10 p.m. Congratulations to Mr. and iMrs. Robert G. Chater of Leska-rd the former Mrs. MIary M\,cKergin (nee Wlcox) of Grimsby on thir marriage on Thursdtay, Dec. 119. Rev. Basil E. Long officiated, at the Orono United Çhurch, follow- ed by a smrall reception in thie Friendship Ro.Mr. Chiaten was a mnember of the Clarke Townishi(p Coundcil for a numn- ber of years. Congratulatioîns to Mrs. Art Allen and Mir. Chiarlie Tyo as both have birthdayS on Christmas Day. MVr- and _Vnts. Gordon Power recently visited TMissMel Power, Ms Hazel Power and Mrfi. Harod Po-wer of Oshawa. Mlr. and~ Mrs. Han-ry Mercer held their annual aml ChnitmasPartyv at thie IOOF all on Sunda'y, Déc. Mr.Fieda tRuth Wilsoni Keith Cabran age 66), 'vife ofMr-. Rober t Chamber- liàn, Toronto. , and wid(ow of t le lai-e:Mr. George Keith, passed awvay suddenly onI Thursday, Dec. l9th attthe ýunnybrook HsiaToron- to, Gom-,plete funeral servicke ýaS aut 1 p.m.i from, the R.S. Ka-ne Funýeral Homne, Yonge 'Street NrtToronto.or,o Satur4ay afterniooni. TInter- mienti Bowmant'ille Cemetery M'rs. Chambenlain was on th'e staff of the oronio Post Officle fra nurnber of years, VMr. TedWion Orono, and hiýs bjrothier Mni. Jack Wilson, Bowanvllewere amonig the paflbé-arers. Mni. adMns. Wm-r. AMiler, Mn. ani!d Mrs. IHerb Duvail, .1oan and Johin plan to be Chistmnas Day dinner gu.ests orf Mrs, Eanl Duvall of Leskard. Olr scar Adams, husband othe late AieGordon and the laIe Ms. MnfùlÀi itchell ' ~ 1974. passed aayonDe.a rFHospitalBomn ville, aften a lengtby illness. Complete Yuneral Service Was on, Friday afternoon at trie Nrthcutt Elliott Funeral Hocme, Bowmianville. S pring In1termrent mn Hamnpton Cemne- tery. "'Seasoni's Gneotfings- Fire Sf et y A happy Chistmas can change in a few .--oïnents into, a family trage-dy, wvarns Fire Chief Jùm Hayman, in homes where fire safety pr-cautions are neglec ted. Suchi pre- cautions shoul head the list of every sensible fami'ly's prep- artosfor Christmias, lie Thýe Fire Chief urges thie public to exercise special care in the setting up and decora- Lion of Chrismas trees, and draws attention to the follow- ïng important points: If plans cail for a natural tree ît should beý bought freshi and gneen, and keptý outdoors or in an uniheated garage before being bnought intoý the event of fire. Switch off lree lights at beddîme or when leavinig the house. Fine Chef Haymnan points out that tests have proved thatý the safest tree is a tr-ee with its butt set in waler. Howvever, if a lree hias d.ied out before it is set' up, il cannot regain its safe mo(iure level. A dry tree can bigniýted by a sinigle matchi to burn violently bte a charreci state ini a few -seconds. Even artificial trees can be serious fire hazards. Metallic trees arec- nutn of elec- ticily, and should not be decoratedi wilh strings of lighits, but lluminated w-ith floodlights. Some plastic trees, made from. styreýne mgaterials, are flamimable, unlike those made from poly- viiylfhi-oridîa. Ah, trees shul e removedj fromn the ho-me as soon ais "o'ibçalertheChima c From store manager to clerks, ASDVRE4SSEII6O K eveîyone at your Dominion store HAp OLRP177A RoI, Q f1EUSI wishes you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, joyouS hl fiday. Anýd remnember you can depend on us for holiday foods. Be it delicious turkeys, buffet and party meats, fresh produce and fruit for holiday-style salads., or wholesome daîry products like cheeses andegg nog. There's e vený a Baker's O ven, for baked -on-the-premi ses breads" cookies, cakes aid goodies in, many of our stores. It's P() wonder so man, Canadians shlop Dominion for the holiday, Its because of the value, quality and vaiet-y of holiday foods we have to offer. A:L PURPOSE COFFEE PCI VACLUUM PACKED CHOCK FULL O' NUTS 16 W TiN 1 a.49 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE 32 FL. (Z. JAR LIQUID BILLY BEE HONEY 1.72 PRIDE 0F NEW ORLEANS 425 (DZ. TIN MEDUMSHRIMP 1.39 FROZN PPPEONI 16 OZ. PKG. ALORA DELUXE PIZZA 1.39 DOMINON, FANCY FROýZEN-, 10 OZ PKG. FRENCH STYLE CUT GREEN BEANS 33C Chase & Sanborn Coffee SPECIA! ALL PURPOSE GROUND iLB. BAG BO~LOGNA CýARNATIONý, INSTANT 23 OZ. JAR HOTl'CHOCOLATE 21 PRODUCE 0F USA YOUNG TOM CANADA SEIL Grade 6"A"9yBRUSSEL 8 TureySSPCIAI.SPROUTS3 Turkys PECAL!REDOR GOLDEN, FROZEN EVISCERATED 161.LB. AND UP Ajoilnice wayto say LB. Chf§tas. 0OF Chri'tm, kfor gi.vinlg. KEYS fl ha icer gCi1- - hiler-e t ha n kMS uaîty oods from )Domliniorl? 'KENS Soso g ive too. Wýith Dominion Gift _________ Crtificatesin $5 or $S10demiaon. 1 LB PKG. Jutas our fr'ienldly Dominion store 5 9 c a n a g r a b u t o m i n o n G f t e r t i f iC a t e s . 125 G 4 OZ PKG 60OZ PKG !tfc es 47C F EAR M AN1'S, MARFiY M'L E S 1 LB. PKG. RINfJtESS B REAKFAST BACONy 1.38 CH~ICKEN SPREAD 95 PORK FANCY SEIL 14FL.OZ.TIN SHOULDER AUSTRAL C cROAST FRUIT SALADqJ MARY MILES, SIINLESS ASST'D VARIETiES MILK CHOCOL ATE CADBURY BISCUITS O0Z PKG, 67CI Royal Jelly Powders SPECIAL!C FLAVOURS 30Z-.PKG. FROZE N CHUN KING EGG ROLLS SPECIAL! 60Z. 59 JACOB'S 70Z> PKG. CREAM C'RACKERS 390- DOMINO SALT ED FAN CY 160(Z. TlIN MIXED NUTS 15 VEG-ETAB--LE OIL 9 CZ.AEO L CON 1. SPRAYc STUART HOUSE DRqY FRY 990 INSTANT 6 OZ JAR RICHMELLO COFFEE 133 BUTTER OR REGULAR 50OZ. PKG. F LA VOU R JIFFY POPCORN 450 LUXURY BRANO 6 OZ.TIN SNOW'VCRABMET1.47 MARY MILES, BON EL ESS .L READY To SERVE DINNER HAMS 16 MARýY MILES, SLICED 16 OZ PKG VARIET Y PACK OR MINCED HAM99 FEARMANS, MARY MILESLB BY THE PIECE SOLOONýA -440 MAPLE L-EAF, BREADED 1 LB PIÇG PORK SAUSAGE99 FÏ9Es H SPECIAL! LB. PORK BUT O ROAST - u84 SCHNEIDER S, FAST FRY, LB V/ACUUýM PACKED BACK BACON ~2.88 M'?APLE LEAF, SLICED ,6Ï OZ PKG CObKED HAM 98c MAPLE LEAF 80OZ PKG COCKTAIL SAUSAGES 690c SHýOP-SYiS 8OZ PKG. COCKTAIL WNIEINERS 69oi SHOIPSY'S, Il80oz.SIZE OLD VIENNA SALAMI FE-ARMlANS,, SMALL LINK, LB. STORE PACKED BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 79c MAGIC INSTANTî SKIM MILK POWDER LOO0SE PACK, S¶~lL 15 FL. OZ. JAR STUFFED QUE EN CORONATION OLIVES 9 9%1c DELICIQUS APPLES SPEC~ BRITISH COLUMBIA GROWN CANADA EXTRA FANCY GRAD E2 SIZE loo' LOUISIANNA SEIL YAMSc PRODUCE 0F USA B MAKE DOMINION VOUR I-EADQU'ARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS FLOWERS CHOOSE FROM THE LARGE SE 'LEQTION 0F POINSETTIAS, MUMS, MXECDýANS OR POINSETTIA AND MUM COMBiNATIONS, AL ATrRACTIVELY PRICED4 BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WIDE SELe-CTION 0F HOLIDAY FANCY FRUIT -' . DESSERT TOPPING 120OZ. AEàGiOQL C0ÏONý RICH'S WHipC73 . RICHMELLO PKG. 0F i2 BROWN 'N SERVE ROLLS49 K RICHMELL 0Z I MINCE PIE 199c BLACIÇ DIAMONO 8 OZ. PKG SINGLE THINS PROCESS CHEESE SLICES65 BICK'S, SWEET MIDGET 9 F L. 01Z. JýA R GHERKIN PICKLES 73c MINU-1E MAID, FROZEN 1M.5F! "-)ZN. CONCENTRATED- ORANGE JUICE I INFANT 8 OZ. PKG, HEINZ MIXED CEREAL 48c STUART HOUSE, 18 INCH 25 FT. ROLL FOIL WRAP . 970 RAINBOW, PKG 0F i180 WHITE OR PRINTEDc SCOTT SERVIETTES 91 FLOOR SHINECLEANER SPECJL!32FOZCN MOP &GLO 15 LIGHT POWDER, UNSCENTED 9 OZ. AEROSOL CONT. OR REGULAR DEODORANT ARRID EXTRA DRY 1.47. FOR STOMACH RELIEF 7 DZ. BTL ENO FRUIT SALTS 13 FAST ACTING 550Z. BTL. BROMO SEMTER 1.09 FAST PAIN RELIEF BTL. OF 100 TABLETS BAYER ASPIRIN89 FLAVOURS 4 x 5 OZ. TINS SWEET MIXED OR. SPECIAL 15 FL. OZ. JAR BREAD'N BUTTFER ROSE PCKES5C HARRY HORNE 8 FL.OZ. JAR, SEAFOOD SAUCE 69C PREPAREID 16 FL. OZ. JAR FRENH'SMUSARD 440- SMEDLEYS, CHOCE 14 FL OZ. TiN SMALL & WHOLE CARROTS 30 Dominion Grapefruit J u Ioe SPEICIAL! A UNSWEETENED- EFlRCIM c PLAIN OR ONION-GARLIC SPECIA 8 DZ. PKG. PILLSBURY, REFRIGERATED 3L -09C CRESCENT DINNER ROLIS SPECIA! CON)T FANCY SPECIAL! 48 FL. OZ. TIN 1.89TOMIATOJUICE 49c VALUES Eý--FFECT(IVE UNi'L CLOSiNG TM T U E S APC 1, 19ý?74JN IBOWMAANVqiiLEWE R E SER'VET IH T -TOCL iMIT QU AN TîiESTO NOMA FMIYREQULREMENTS D!MINO t Oo , k- Toall your faïnilyoail ofus. SPECIAL! LB1 Bright's 68cPuddings i L8 PKC' 680 SPECIAL! DO WMAN VILLEý HOLIDAY STORE HOIIRS MON DAY 9 a. m.to 9P. M, TUESDAY 9am. to6 p.M. CLOSED -XMAS DAY CLOS E D- BOXI1NG DAY FRIDAY 9a. M.to 9 p.m. SATURDAY 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. EACH CONCENTRATE 1.848 FL. 0.I