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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1974, Section 2, p. 9

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The Newcasetle IndependentI IEdito rs Jack and Hazêl Crago Te lephone 987-4201 Lockhart School grad, one, two and three sang th1adte aordwt Christmas Program MustBe Santa, Drummer Boy ti adte aordwt On Thursday, Dec1,th anCrimaBei.Tsws Turkey, in the Straw. Piano Lockhart Sehool Children en- fo11owcl by Christmas Alpha- selections by Debbie Pedwell, ,. tertained their parents and bet, a dhoral poem by Grades and Diane Goodmurphiy were, friends with their annual Two ai ree GaesThe Jingle Belis, Rock and "Su'zy Chritmasconcrt.and Foir then presented a Snqowflake. Grades three and Shelly-Ane Robnsonfour sang Santa's Using Zeb- ýAq Sheley-nne obîsonplay aAd choral reading,ra No adCC-Cod opened the program.with a Strike ii Santa Claus. Land raa'Crsmas Cheer was maychoir, consisting )Df Christma: The Junior Rhy- apa rsne rds. speeh ofwelcme. he pi- ad 'T~s te Niht Bforefour and five. Recorde~r select-M e 9 ~ ions followed, some in Lthree SStork, Little Chorale, Shades n ~~of Evenin.g, Au Clair de la *LAD lV dan-E. , Lune ,The First NoeL. Grad ' "' '"~ esfinve aicisix enacteu a piay M.., Il (~~ called A New Ghost fromn aniliii~ Grade oY followýed by the1(M A bright Christmas , Gaefour andf five girls' .~Can-Can dance.AnrwFl -- 2 Mlows and CeciliKnapp played to our marny friends! for1975 teiracordons JolyOld St. M Nicliolas, We Tbree Kings and GORON We hQpe ur many rjends ~ Hark! the Herald Angels Sing.ARLN, ( andcutoer ejo a~e ~ Vote* of appreciation and M r g N CA HAWN thanks CAND, AW Year fîlled witli happia.ess Bells Christmas in Killarney ~ B UYSLNGRO Sand hanks for Christmas. EUYAO The whole cast closed the NEWCASTLE SA N OR ER M~\ ~ program with _We Wish Yu a «e Merry Christmas. No Christ-:JC&HZLRG Newcastle' a Concert is complete 7t without Santa and so lie ~ ~ - arrived andunloaded his bags S of candies for the deserving ;F. PIIflICýý*ý,..ý"ý::ýiiýTftIIA('..Ii:ý:ýý:... We are sorry- to report, that ______ Mr. David Adams' stepfather, _______Mr. Keith Rankin is seriously ill in St. Joseph's Hospital ES NG Mrs. P. Gýreenfiieldi and Mrs.M A. Edger, Bowmanv\ille, v'isit- M ed Mr. and Mrs. Harvýe Brit- ton. Vve extend our warmest On Sunday, December 15, scw N Newcastle Lionettes enoed M wishes for the Christmas Season and the carol smging. This is the thîrd'c vilagte bihgngve nto he I ý coming year. May lie f ili your heart with joy>. vilae ye riiey have toe thec ýenior citizens and shut-ins. - To renew their strength, the Tow r Cffe Shppe ýdies returned to Malis t BO,'ARNBO NMr. and Mrs. Douglasî *and STAFF (ýnnna enjoyed dinner Newcastle w May Robinson, Courtice, andfari ly ly McKniglit I. ( dw ilywr loSunday fflmo erff gests with lierf lý M" and Mrs. Victor Traili I Torotio, visited with lier W ep j mothe ý, Mrs. George Harmer. ~~ fie v scleeions Club rpe c in the tCommunity Bil no' Tuesd4 evening. Turkeys mal, this ho/y thre kje four big Bingo season brin g us and great0 oo Swinnerso tlie 188 attendants. lsigec! iou and y'ours , On lckey Newýs dshoia sao3 OnMonday nigh)t at New-lsii eie h oid eao' castle M il rnNew- ~ . ikr A LN ' We relyws u may c tomer csiealid 1,11prr a iRAUL1NF - __ and triends eeyblessing of the season. Tom Ma r Peyatm& SPEC I-ALTY _ every ars yed e and STE M<A 'S DogTal' ronwee HEATING LTD. SHOPPE f~commended. aet N TF NEWCASTLE 987518 .The, Newa sie 5.s Port NEW'CASTLE fiV .ný,a s ore was Port NE C TL ~ Perry goals \V re scored by ~ Robert Greine and Tom ~ Perigo. Newcastle goals were twsored by Brian,-'Ilin who liad Stogoas unassisted; Owen Jolinston, assisted, by Brian SAllin and Brady Jbbotson; . OwnJlnston 'from Ron Potter; and RobbýeCoolahan * Brian Allin. I 'ijt8ru.~~~~~~ these boys play. Do cýome out . V\' '-1 , Sand give them ail the lsupport -1 \î youicn ?. Mr. and Mrs. John Se tt had Î dinr ihfriends, M.. and ~ MrsTinlig, Toronto.\ Miss ~ JCindy Scott and friend a end- 17 yed the Christmas Con,cta V P 'Pringdale Elementary 0c01ool15, where Miss Cathy Scott te eh- - ., Ses. c ScMr. and Mrs. Talbot Ahll- ~dread visited Mr. and M s.à '~~-' -7) Ed, Neilsen, Sharbot Lake. cheey "hllo"to al ou frindsand lis wife, Mabel, were'in ÀA ay.elo odt u rad London on Monday, and in SSpringfield, Ontalfo n Christmlas à with Mr. a Mrs. Gorg an" oan~or attended a Christmas Lodge li'ght your M Party in Don Milîs. Clarke Higli Scliool had a way, and *Christmas concert on Wednes-M A, day, December 18. frind ~ LONG SAULT bring a' Mr. and Mrs. D. Southwell glow tou: fternoon visitors of Mr. and Mr.D.,Crews, Port Perry. -~ ;,/<Mrs. AI Webb and some youir lif e. friends, Bowmanville, were *.~~ \ ~ ~Sunday afternoon visîtors, of, ~"'~""'4'the Rye Gibsons. M On Tliursday, Mr. and Mrs. SRye Gýbson enjoyed a lovely '4Christmas dinner witli all the N w atetrimmings given annualy for e From ail of us to ail of y'ou'. riewcstleG.M. retirees, it was hled at Civic Auditorium, Oshawa wse o ap u~ adaround 1500 retirees and SCernent Bslock Co. Ltd. 1 e tlieir spouses attended. t h e c sl ofC us 732 KING ST. E. familles of Mr. Jolin J-nto NEWCASTLE Swlio passed away last week --and alsoYmi. -LeonMooe.............................. Canadiaon Council on Smoking and Health A Canadian Organiziation lias been created to figlit the health liazards of smoking on a national basis. If is calied the Canadian Council on Smoking and Heaith and is chaired b y Dr. F.R. Wake, Professor of Psychology at St. Patrick's Division of Carleton Univer- sity. The purpose of tlie Canadian (ouncîl is to bring together national organizations and individuals who are direct ing their energies to attackmg tme smoking problem. One of the %articipating organizations is the Canadian Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association, the Christmas Seal Organization and parent organization of the Durhiam Région Tuberculosis & Respiratory Disease Assoc. Oflier agencies include tlie- Canadian Cner Snciety,. the Canadian Heart Foundation, The Canadian Medical Asso- ciation, Association dles Med- ecins de Langue Francaise du Canada and the Canadian Union Conference of Seventli Day Adventists. Eadh one of tliese Agencies lias an active, valid interest to see tliat smoking is wiped out in this country in order to protect the heaif h of its Citizens. Eadh lias been working in its own area providing its own programs and materials to combat tlie well documented health liazards of smoking. Now througli the new Coun-, cil a national program is being worked out to meet the enormous problem head on. Dr. A.B. Morrison, Assist- ant Deputy Minister, Healfh Protection Brandli Deparf- ment of National Heaitli and, Welfare lias suggested tliat tlie Council's greafest role may be its influence on Government. To that purpose, the Cati- adian Council on Soking and YHealtli las încluded as one of tlie objectives in its initial five p oint program the need to îdenfify existing legislation which is not being enforced and to, determine what type of new legislation is requi reci. Io addition tlie Council-plans to establisli liaison with pro- vincial and community anti- smnoking groups; review edu- cational maferial to ensure economy and effectiveness, to set up a committee to review ,and design new researchi proposais and to organize reaction panels to respond to news items witli full and factual maferial in the smok- ing and health field. TheiBoard of Directors also includes Vice-President, Dr. Ruthi Alison, Canadian Cancer Society. Secretary. Mrs, Jane~ Heniderson, Canadian Nurses' Association, Treasurer, Mr. Hubert Drouin, Canadian Tuberculosis and Respiratory "1AND THE CUpOAED IAS BARE" At some time or othier, most of us have chuckled over the nursery rliyme of Old Mother Hubbard who went to the cupboard to get lier poor dog a bone - but it is a sad fact that wvifhîn our own town, even as Christmas approaclies, many families have cupboards that are nearly as bare. Bare niot only of the varied foods we take for granted, but bare of dignify, bare of friendlisip, bare of hope. Fortuniately, there is a well-known organization that is dedicated fo filling these cupboards with the joy of Cliristmnas. For well over 90 years now The Salvation Army i Canada lias worked liard to lielp the iii, the n.edy, and theè troubled. As we enter -a]Jther holiday season, es< men' and women are redoubling their efforts to seek out and aid those w.ho wvould otlierwise have a bleak and coid Cliristmas. Aico- holics, unwed moth ers, aged shut-ins, hospital patients, prison înmafes, deprived children -ail these and more find Chistmas joy througli The Salvation Army. Disease Associi members-at-large: man Delarue, Can cal Association a McDonald, Canac Foundation. It's expected thf dian Counicil on 5S HealIth will speak, fuI, united, nation the field of smn lieaitli. To this Durham Region Associationr of tlii Tuberculosis and]1 Disease Associa Chiristmnas Seal O) directs somne 0f its Seal dollars f0 environmiental tfhx lungs... smnoking t s0 miany respirator The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 23, 1974 Section Two g9 ýation andIX It's such a plasret6- adin edi ~say "Thank you" to our, dinMrtE many friends and c u s- han Hert ~ ~tomers at Christmas.~ ie new Can- -7- Happy holidays!l ýmoking and - ,in apowei aI voice in end the . TB & Rd ' eCanadian iti'on, The )rganization ~~ Chiristmas figlit the reat to the lie cause of y diseases - ý Ceresdale Fertîizers Ltd. M Newcastle May the true mean- - Ying of the seasonýî 'core a uve in your~ ~heart withjoy!P FRANK HOAR ~. AND 'STAFF 7 0F SNEWCASTLE GARAGE SALLEN'S SPHARMACYe e NEWCASTLE e' Guess, who's wishing you a wondertul Christmas season? MaY the festive spir- it be yours throughout the holidays and atter! TOMS & SONS L'TD. and STAFF 15 King St. W. 987-4627 Newcastle OOYI e May your Christmas be as * gay and sparkling as the ornam'ents that brighten your, tree! We thank you for your past patronage. SNewcastle Lumber Ltd. 361 KING ST. E. SGLANVILLE'S SVARIETY SFRED, MARION, and BOYS Newcastle

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