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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1975, p. 9

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T he Newcastle Independent rs Jack and Hazel Crago Tetlephone 967-420 1 assistance given him in his year as Worshîpful Master. New Officers Officers of Durham Lotige No. 66 A.F. & A.M\. for 1975 are from lef t to right, front row, Installing Mlaster Wor. Bro. Farncomnb LeGresley; Wor. Bro. Etiwarti Hoati, Worship- ful Master;ý Wor. Bro. Robert Shearer, I.P.Ml.. Second Row, Bro. Rçv. Tom Smith, Chap- lain; Bro. Gary Brunton,' Jr. W.; Bro. Ken Brignaîl, I.G.;ý Bro. David Gibson, J.S.; Bro. Hon McIWbiirter, Asst. Sec.; Third Row, Bro. Chas. Crowther, S.W.; Wor. Bro. L. Gaines, Tyler; V.Wor. Bro. S.J. Lancaster, Treasurer; Fourth Row, Bro. Vern Rowe, S.S.; Bro. Eti. Maclnnis, J.D.; Bro. Maurice O'Neill, S.D. ; Wor. Bro. James English, D of C.; Wor. Bro. AS.G. Perri'n, -ertr.Photo by Ken Lyl Team. Tbey enjoyed the officiai opening ceremnonies andt eporteti thati it was a gooti game, thie final sýore being, Peterborough 6, Russia Mrs. Frank Pascoe accom- panieti h.er sons anti daugb- ts-nawon Saturday when they attendeti the wetiting of ber nephew, Mr. Richard Cowan to Miss Rose Hallett in St. Julte's Anglican Cburch, Toronto. MIrs Rachel Dennis visiteti ber grantison, Mr. Ronald Pollarti, Uxbritige on-Sunday. She enjoyeti Chrýistmnas tinner wih lber son, Mr. Elmer Pollarti, bis wife anti family, Courtice. Boxing Day visitors with Mr. andti rs. Sain Powell, Floyti\ anti Dorrene-, Lake Shore, were: 'Mrs. D.R. Coul- ter, Dowýnsview, Mr. anti Mrs. Floyvd Coulteî- anti Kevin, Toronto, -Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Rutige, Dale, Daviti anti Douglas, Malton, Mr. anti Mrs. Russell Powell anti family, Mr. anti Mrs. Ronald Powell anti family, Mr. Eric Wicks anti Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Crago, Newcastle. Christmas Day visitors with Mr. anti Mrs. John Rickard were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Benson, Dorothy and Hlugh Allin and their son Paul, and Mýrs. Hlay, Bowmanville. Sympathy is extended to the famiiilyv of Mlr. Harry Couch who passed away Christmas Dayi% at Oshiawa General Hos- pital. Christmnas visitors wýith Mr. andt Mrs. Ross Allun were their son- and daughter Gordon and Gladys, Guelphi,_Mr. and Mrs. Uloward Alfhn and Mr. and MIrs. Glenn Allun and famifly. The Alldread family enjo- ed their Christmas' get-toget- ber at the eib Room, Oshawa. With Mr. and Mrs. Talbot Alldread and Jeff for Christ- mas dinner were, Mr. and Mrs. Aif Alldread and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jimi Alldread and family, àMr. and Mvrs. Tamimy AIlldread, _Mrs. Mar,- ion Richards, Fenelon Fals and Miss Donna Haniess, Maple Grove. Mrs. Bessie Dean enjoyved a Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Gamiey Lycett and grandchildren Andrea and Dean, Port Hope. 'Mr. and Mrs. WayneMak le, Alyssa andi Andrew, Allis- ton, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mlrs. Stanley Powell. Mr. and MIrs. Albert Pearce spent Christmas Day withi Mr. and Mrs. J. Hlockin, Oakville. Christmas Eve they enter- tandtheir own famniy, Larry' , Barbara, and MIichael Pearce, Rick and MIariyn Pearce, Wayne, Kimi, Vicky and Kirk Pearce and Ted and Elizabeth Walton, Oshawa. Hockey News Eastmnan's G;uIf Minor Ban- tms traveiledti tpUxbridge, Suntiay, Dec. 22, for an O-MHA, game. Goaltender Don Nichiolson playved ani outstand- ing gante, the final score being U xhritige 1, Newvcastle 2. Doug Nicholson and TomDwe scoreti the Newcastle gjoals. Uxbridge returnied to Nýe w- castle Mlontiay night. Final score was Newcastle 2, Ux- bidfge 0, The OHA Junilor D team lIayed Lakefielti on Saturtiay with the score tied 4-4. Newcastle scorers were Ken Boyti, Alf Adir, Bruce Step- hiens and Bruce Robinison, Keith Rogerson wo(n thie tur- key draw. On Friday nigbt Bobcay- geon'anti Newcastle played the final score being B3obcay\- geon 6, Newcastle 7. The Suniday night Town Hîockcey League scorers were as followýs: Queen's 3, Elm- burst 2; Spencer's 5, Cowý.a- ville 4; Pairtn-erý's 3", Hale's 2. On Boxing Day, Newýcastle Pee Wees hosteti a hiockey tourniament, The scores. for thlese gamles were as follows: Newýca,-stle o, Port Hlope 6i;, Suntierland 22, Oshawa 9 Pickering o, Port Perry 16 Wellington 5. Nobleton 4; Newýcastle 4, SuniderIand 4; Plort Hope 3, Oshawa 7): Pickering 0, Nobleton 4; Port Plerry 4, Wellington 3; Sunierland 2), Nobleton 9; Oshawa 3, Port Perry 4. Port Perry wvon the championsbip) and Nýobleton -won thie consola- tion. Thle Canadlian Statesman, Bowmanlville, January 1, 1975 LyaII Objects To More Crossing Guardsz Regional Counicil sent infor- mnatfion to 'the Newcastle Commnittee of the Whiole regarding a sttiy, done by the Departmnent of T'ransporýtationj anti Communications whicb inidicated crossing signs on King St. at Franiik Street;ý Victoria St. -at Abert, in Bowmranville and Mill Street South of Robert St. in the Village of Newcastle were inadequate. To the sugges~tion that the signs shouldt be takeni down and replacet i bycrossing. *iýartis, Councillor Knci Lyil &icetI bis opi nion that the region shourli show somne concern for, their tax payers, crossing guiartis cigthe townvt $1,200 each a year. 'l'le traffic couint at King Street anid Frank Stréeet was the mlost ouitstantiing of the thre, 788 stuidents crosseti Kinig Street at this point, witb :3,63ý2 cars travelling the road between 6; a.m. and 7 pýi. There were 62- delays in the traffic over 30 seconds in lengthi. It wais îmoved that no changesý to b a 74-55 be maýde (tie b-wfor estab- lishing thie crossing sign at poinits ini quLestioni) and that a crossing guiard for the Mill Street crossoyer be re-adver- tised for. The motion also iincludeti that Couincillor Lyall approach the Board of Educa- tion in thie hope of instigating better safety programs in the schools throughiout the town of Newcastle, OBITUARY JOHIN JOHNSTON Born in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, and educat- eti i Northern Ireland, John Johinston. 71, passed awaýy on Decemnber 4, 1974 at Extendi- care Nursing Home, Oshawal, following a lengthy diness. Marrieti to Ethyl Edmiunds, wbo passed away in 1972, he was a retired farmner, who came te, Canada in 1928, living in the Whitby, Oshawa, Ty- rone area beore retiring toý Bowmanville in 1971. He was a member of St. Paul's United Cburch, Bow- mnv\iliç, and of Tyrone Orange Lodge 764. Surviving are six children, Vrivian Rtiders, Port Perry, Francis, Enniskillen, Rae Os- borne, R."R. 2, Bowmanville, Alvin, R.R. 3,, Little Britain, Shir-leX Cole, Bownviille, Dav\id, Tyron e, 15 grand- cbfldreni, 3 great.grandchild- ren,, a brother Mr. George Jobnston, a sister, Mrs. Alex- Porter, botb of North Irelanti and sisters Mrs. Harold Cun- nîngham and iMrs. Wiliam Wilson of Toronto. Reverend N. E. Schiamer- horn conducted the funeral service on Fridlay fromn the Morris Funeral Chapel. Spring Intermnent Bethesda - voltage regulators on new cars are set for the average driver who püts about 12,000 miles a year on bis car. Drivers wbo average substan- tially more miles should have the regjulator adjusted to the annua 1 mileage to avoiti overcharging the battery. See Mr* IGA for Good Value 7liewc ast/e I So lci /aII Miss Julie Hamilton, Bow- manvilie, isiteti with ber grantiparents ' Mr. ant iMrs. Jack Crago. Mi-q Gýivle Adaïr. Scar- borougb, Centenary Hospital, enjoyveti Cbistmias h lodays witb bier parents, Mr. anti Mr's. Chlas. Aqualina. MIjss Frances iloar, Miss Hleather IHoar anti John Toron- to bolidayeti witb their parents Mr'. anti Mrs. Frank Hoar. Mr. anti Mrs. Hlarve Britton en 'joyeti Cristmnas witb Mr. antid s Neil Britton anti familyBelleville. r.Pilip Metrailler, Guelph University is enjoying Cbristmas vacation with bis faiiy. -A lr.'Pete ShlhWaterloo, is bolitiaying 'at home. Rev. anti Mr-s. Thos. Smith anti Peter isiteti with Mr. anti Mrs. E. Phiilips anti family, Montreai. D)uring the Christmas sea- son, boys fromn the Pine Ridige1 Scbiool, enkertàineti the patients at Southaven Rest Home anti they also matie anti p rovitieti lunch. Adorning the b ail is a beautiful miacrame bani-ging, the gift of Kiwanis -House of the Pîne Ridge School. Chiristmias Day, Mr. anti Mrs. George KimnbalI hati dininer witb Mr. anti Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa. Saturtiay nighit visitors with Mr. anti Mrs. George Kimbal were MIr, anti Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Newtonville anti Mr. anti Mrs. Everett Staple- ton, who are home from Floritia for the Christmas holiitays. Recently, 'Mr. anti Mrs. Vern Kent anti famnily holiday- ed in Florida. Tbey report that the wveatber was quite cool during their two week vaca- tion. The Kent family enjoyeti Cbristmnas dinner witb Mr. anti Mrs. Wilf Hawke, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Lancaster and Mlrs. S.H. Nichols spent Christmas Day with Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Charti, Jobnna Lyn anti Deiann. AUTO &USED CARS LICENSED, MECHANIC ON DUTY TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS AND SCRAP GOOD SELECTION 0F USED'CARS.' R. R. 2 Newcastle 987'4636 Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan's Rd. I Mr. anti Mrs. Davidi Rick- arti, Jeffrey anti Janice, Mr. anti Mrs. Rtonald Powell anti family, Mrs. Frank Pascoe, Newcastle, anti Mr. anti Mrs. Ronald Dickinson were Christ- mas dinner guests of Mr. anti Mrs. McCullough, Oshawa. M r. anti Mrs. Harry Watie hati Christmas dinner with Mr, anti Mrs. William Watie anti famiiy anti supper with Mr. ant iMrs. Stan McMurter, Bowmanville. At eleven o'clock, St. George's Anglican, Church belti a beautiful Christmas Eve service. Everyone joineti in the singing of Christmnas carols. The rector, the Rev. H. Robert Hayne, gave an~ in- spiring sermon ndcommun- ion was serveti. Christmas flowers enhanceti the beauty of the church. The Crago family gathereti at the Newcastle Hall for their annual Christmas dinner. Those attending were Mr. anti Mrs. Hilton Peacock, Port Hope, their son, Gary, Prince George, British Columbia, Mr. anti Mrs. W.R. Sargent, Lar-, ry, Davidi, Brian anti Richard, Scarborough, Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Firth, Miss Ferne Crago, Lelanti anti Ronald, BoWman- ville, anti Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Crago, Newcastle, Miss Lynda Miller anti Miss Frances Rickard went ta the hockey game in Peterborough Tuestiay nigbt to see the Russian Junior National Business DiVrectory A c coun ta nc y WM. J. K. COG91INS Chartereti Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL 11B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 36 % King St. E., Os-hawa Telephone 725-6S39 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. .Chiropractor Office: L15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointmnent D e n t a1 DR. ANGUS M. DLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg -Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT * D.D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowmanville Office Houri: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Telephone 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmnanvilk, Office Houri: i-, Vues., anii T1hurs. 9til5 Wetinesday 9 tii 2 Friday 9 ti 4 Not openl Saturday or Sunda * Office Plione 623-5i1w JI"McGRADE - ONE CF YOUR MR. IGA'S IN TORONTO OREO. FUDGEE-O & CHIPS AHOY Biscuits GRANOLA ALMOND OR RAISIN Cereal B 91 HUMPTY DUMPTY Pretzel Twist s or Sticks IP -:G 43 HIGHLINER FRIOZEN Coàud Fish Sticks 14-DZ. PKG. "fr , w 9 FROZEN - CHICKEN, TURKEY OR SALISBURY STEAK SavarinFood Dinners G~IU ý ~15OZ.2 -1 WE RESERVE TH4E RIGHT ' W TO0LMIT OUANTITIES He1per ASSI'D. VARIETIES 64TOUE-OZ.- ' PKGS. 77 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE SUNDAT STORE HOURS 10-:00 am 5:00 po.m. PRiCES'EFFECTIVE JAN. 1. 2,3,4 ONLY Supplied by THE OSHAWA GROUP LIMiTED supply depot fur projgressive indjependent s James Insurance Agency Limited 24 King S,. E., ïBox 100 BOWMÀNVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. jAMEy.._..,,l Office 623 4,06 Residence 623-5023\.~ FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS RED (IR WHITEf SIZE f 48'sc GrapeIru1L i FOR977 FtAVORFUL, MIX OR MATCH TASTY, FARM FRESH BRAND PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRAEE Spinac.u J3 GS"'- 9 arres BG3,9e or 9 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE LCole SIaw 3PKG9Pc0ing niosB 390 MQNEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL OI FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMIANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 CALus DX FUÙEL OIL TO- DA Y FOR PROMPT, COU RTEOUS SERVICE

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