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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1975, p. 12

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12 Tlhe Canadiati Statesman, Bow LONG SÂULT (jntended for last week) On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron visited wîth M r. and Mrs. D. Oke, Bow- manville. On Tuesday evening' they vîsited with Mr. and Mvrs. D. Thompson, gourtice, and on Thursday evening they and MUrs. L. Penwarden called on Mr. and Mrs.. L. Adams, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. D. Oke, Bowmanville, were Sun- day supperguests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron. Season's Greetings and best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous New Year and good health to ail my neigh- bours and Mr. John James and staff at The Canadian Statesman, your south line correspondent Mrs. Rye Gib- son. .Mrs. George Armour and Miss Bertha Armour, Hamp- ton, were Christmas Day guests and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Cornish Shannon and Ken, Tyrone were Cristmas sunuer ýýuests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cornish, Mary and Wendy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk attended the family Christmas Eve party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Penwarden and were Christmas Day dinner 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.- peMille and family, Bowman- ville. .- Mr. and Mrs, Keith Goble and boys, Blackstock ; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker and Pam, Burketon and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall, Brooklin were Christmas Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and t boysand Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker and Pam were Christ- mas supper guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rowley and family, Paigrave; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and Miss Linda Johnison, Mr. ~Norman Stiles, Blackstock; .Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Bent, Newcastle; Mrs. Fietcher and Mr. John Johnson spent Sun- day Dec. 22 with their parents ,Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson belping tlie celebrate their 6th wedding anniversary and they were ail with their parents on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stephen- son anid James, Newcastle; Mr. Roy Britnell, Tyrone were .Christmas Day guests of Mr. andi Mrs. Hat'olf Murphy and Trevor. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cook were Christmas Eve guests of Miss Grace Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goble were Christmas Eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and girls. Mr. Fred Partner, Oronoý Mrs. Sophie Kovacs were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and girls. The K. Gobles and L. Gobles were Christmas morn- ing visitors. rak, Wasaga were hita Eye guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy. Miss G. Smith spent Christ- mas Day with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Smith and family. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hall, Hampton. Several relatives fro6m Ajax and Toronto and friends' dro ped in to visit with Mr. an MNrs. R. Gibson on Saturday and Sunday. On IMonday Mr. and Mrs. Gibson visited with his mother Mrs. G.D. Bentley and his brother Grant and family at, Ajax. OP P N EWTS An Ontario Provincial Po- lice investigation under de- tectîve inspector R.M. Wad- deil of the Crîminal Invest- igations Branch has establish- cd a connection between illicit drugs and the shotgun slaying of Douglas Harold Renaud, 20, of Windsor. The youth was killed at about 3:40 in the afternoon of December l7th. Hfis body was Five-Year-OId Hurt A second five-year-old Bow- nianville youth was involved in a collision with a car on King Street in front of the IGA, on Saturday, Dec. 2lst. An aImost identical accident hap- pened at the saine location to a five-year-old Bolwanville girl the previotus Satuirday. D~urham Regiona I Police said Michael Tapley, 5, of 15 Ontario St. ran from the northwest corner of George St. across Kinig St. to the IGA and collided with a car driven by Catherine Pinch, 32, of RR6 Bowmanville. No chares wHil bc laid, police say./I Michael is in "fine" condi- tion in Oshawva General bos- pital with a broken leg. GET CASH TOAi FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN LASSIFFEMV Cotnequi an vale in19 75. PILLSBURY REFRIGERATED S8 ( W 87ONT BUTTER FLA',KE DINNER ROLLS39 DOMINION FANCY SALTED 160Z.TIN MIXED NUTS 15 DOMINION 10 Z PKGi FANCY FROZE N BRUSS ELS SPROUTS 45C STUART HOUSE. SPECIL! 4 5 OZ PKG CHICKEN NOODLEc SOUP MIX 28c MARBLE, SILVER OR GOLDEN RICHMELLO POUN D CAKE RICHMF[ IO CRUSTY BREAD A happy New Year to everyone. AndI niy 1975 be -your moîc'st pr-osperous year* yet. Our resolution for this year is a big one. But one we wili live up to. And that's to continuie to give you quality foods, value a nd friendly,, helpful service. After ail, you made uis what we are. Canada's Ieading, retail food chliai1n. A nd we do ou, ir best to li ve up to that image, every single day of the year. So if you're flot already shopping Dominion, try us. And see why more Canadians have miade uis the numiiber- one food store. MACARONI OR 1 LB K PRIMO SPAGHETTI 75 c ASSTEDIVARIETIES 12()Z PKG INSTANTF MIX DAINTY FRIED RICE 49C FANCY, SLIDED 1 FL OZ TIN OR HALVES DEL MONTE PEACHES 5 9- FrechFriewàd PfotatÊoes SPECIAL! DOMINION CRINKLE CUT 32 OZ. PKG. PURE MOZOLA 24 F L. OZ. BTL. CORN OIL 13 VALUES EFFECTI TUFSDAY, DEC. 31 PLAIN OR, SAL ïED 160OZ PKG3 DOMINION CRACKERS65 DOMINION 160'O PKG ENCANMET ANDLY 9c AFTER DINNER MINTS 93 ONION OR SHARP B OZ DONT KRAFT SQUEEZE-A-SN\ACK 67C ASST O FLAVOURS "L(1! 1,5FL OZ TIN NESTLE PUDDINGS 39C HIGHLINER' SPECIAL! 140OZ PKG FR OZE N Co D FISHSTICKS 19 PURECONCORD40 FL- OZ BTL WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE 99C PLAINWITHMEAT 30OFL. OZ BTFL OR MUSHROOMS 'R AGUc SPAGHETTISAUCE 99, Kraft Peanut Butter ASST'D COLOURS 2 ROLL PKG. ROYALE 2 ply Bathroom 4 c Tissue SPECLN 43 ROWNTREE, CHOCOLATE 7' 407O PKG. AFTER EIGHTUMNTS CORONATiON 24 F OZ JARP SWEET MIXED PICKLES '93C BICKS SET S (i 12 FL> OZ AR qHERKIN PICKLES 65 LOOSE PACK, STIJFFED 12 FLOZ JAR MANZAN IL LA CLUB HOUSE OLIVES 97c S5unlight Detergent SPCIL!79 KING SIZE POWDERED 80 Oz. BOX JETS, SOAPFIK G OFO SCOURING PADS 37c NATURE-SCEtiS O7Z P KG WOJODBURY BAR SOPAP 43%c SWEETHiEART 6-1FiL()z N CONCIENTRATED FABRIC FSOFTENER -79c Earle St. Thomais, MDniger 120 OZ KG C 79C Deluxe Golden Bird Tu rkeys FRESH GROUND, LB. HAMBURG 8> SPECIA! SHOPSYS EACH SPEICIiL!107 OLDVIENNA DEEP BASTED -SALAMI CHUBS 18 FROZEN cA MRY LES EVISCERATED wiL K CANADA BREAKFAST BACON 1.38 riRADE "A" .TOMS CANADA FANCY GRADE 5 LB. BAG 20OLB.-UP 6 ! LB. M IT S YUNMUNTOSH sac ____SPEiAflL! 6 -r É1 A à , a V f - % I f g l 2 4 OZ1I(A 46~~IMIKSY SPECIAL! FROZEN EVISCERATED CANADA GRADE "A" 20 LBS. AND UP FROM TH E CHUCK LB. BLADE STEAKS 1.14 FROZEN L NW ZEALAND WFL LAMB LEGS 12 BONE !N RUMIP ROAST IEIL!LB, 148 MAPLE LEAF 1 LB PKG FROZEN SKIýNLESSc, PORK SA-USAGE 99c MAýPLE LEAF !DEAL FOR 1PCIL! iLB. PKG PATTIES OR SýTU1,FFING ASAGE M E A T5 BONi",ELESS BOTTOMOCUTSPCL!B ROUND STEAK' 156 ROASTI Ml APLE LEAF ORHRINT 1 LB 2KG ,F MAPLE RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON 1.44 MAPLE LEAF OR 1L K DOIIO .KINLESS WIENERS 82 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED 160OZ PKG BOLOGNA8 9 Round S,;teaks CALIFORNIA GARDEN FRESH BUNCH fl CARROTS £7C 27BUN lAI' CANADA NO. 1 GRADE SP1(ýLU*J ECONOMY, TODDLER SIZE PKG 0F 60 DISPOS5ABLE DIAPERS FLUSHABYES 30 SANITARY NAPKiNS PKG 0F 12 CONFIDETS 79C PEPSODENT 10MLTB TOOTHPASTE 99c. Bob Masvtei ton, Meat Maniager "Sh'lop with us. You can trust our quality. We guarantee It. Or you r money cheerfully rer unciu." SPECIAL! DETUNSCENTED(OR P0WDER BON ELESS FULL CUT LB. Hen T MAPL E LEAF, SLICED 607Z PKG COOKED HAM Ketchup c s PECIAL! SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY 1 LB. JAR BOVRIL 120, TIN' LUNCHEON MEAT 79c CLOVERLEAF 6)Z TIN FLAKED WHITE TUNA 79C SOFT SPEIAL 2x 8OZ, CONTS COLOURED BLUE BONNET 7l MARGARINE7 c WVITH PORK IN Il([U 28 FL 0Z TINý FOMATO 0SAUCE à VAN CAMIP BEANS 59 "'More Canadians'shop us than aniy other- food store. And they've beeni doing it for years. So there miust be somethinig spec ial about Dominion." CONCENT'RATED 15FI OZ I INFANT j7FORMULA' ENFALAC 5 MOUTHWASH &GARGLE 20 F-L OZ BTL LAVORIS' 1.29 READY TO, SERVE DINNER HAMS 1.68 MAP LE LEAF, MAC & CHEESE, CHiCKEN 67 K DULTCHPICKLE & PMENTD DR 6O CiL1EiIMENTO LCAF COOKED MEATS 44c ITTNER SCOIL L KOLBASSA SAUSAGE 1. 99 BITNRS40Z PKG, GRASTYLE, SLIDED MORT ADELLA SAUSAGE 58C ITNRSSKINLESS 1i1LB PKG. WIENERS 89C MARYILESLCED160OZ PKG MAC. HEEO CHICKEN LOAF89 607 AEROSOL DONT 60 .09OLOT To SPECU!C 15 FL. OZ.' BTL. 4 ASST*D FRAGRANCES 607 AEROSOLCONT. WNI7ARD ROOM DEODORIZER 59C HOLIDAY STORE HIOURS- Monday 9a.n. - 9p.m. Tuesday 9a.m. - 6 p.m. Wednesday - CIosed Thursday 9a.m. - 9p.m. Friday 9a.m. - 9p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. .6 p.m. Amore rser ýus e ewfryou. VE UNTIL CLOSING TIME e i't ±i i n ,1974 IN BOWMANVILLE. WE m v i i n NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMIýNION SOES L MiTE D

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