The Oshawa Dutch Credit fTniou wîll o)fficially open its "uew building at 15 Charles St., Feb. 1lat 2p.m. and an open bouse ,vil! follow from 2:3(l p. m. to 5 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Ahlvik Sare ou a weeks skiiug vacation lu the Mlotreal area. Miss Catby Patterson, lu ti.e first year Tourist CouncillmPg course at Cetenulal College, Toronto, is spenldiug the Christmas holidays with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson and' brother Eric. MIr. and Mrs. Normn Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Taylor spent Sunday the 22nd wvithî the DeRoche farnily, Picton. Mrs. Ml. Wiseman & Mrs, J. Harnen & Mrs. S. Trewin & Mr. & Mrs. Harry Taylor, Napauee, and Mrs. L. McCoy and dauglter, Whitby, Mr. & iMrs. Erule Taylor,'Oshawa vited with Mrs". N. Taylor. Chitmasdinner was held Mr. & Mrs. B.W. Nichols of Ki ngston spent Christmas with Mr. L.B. Nichols of Carlisle Ave. Stampeders and Jame* Le- roy will be performing, Satur- day; eveuing lu Lindsay. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Kicbko and family, Bomanville, spent Christmas Day with 'Mrs. & Mrs. Murray Taylor and Audrew of Orono, Ouitarlio. Mr. & Mrs. Roger NMeadows, London, spent Christmnas withi bis parents, MIr. & Mrs. A.R. M\eadows. Patty Shel TurI<ey 6 patty shelîs, ýbaked 2 caus ( 10-~4 oz.) Crearn of Mlustiroom-- soup, uudiluted 1 can (1 l.)ý peas, draiued 1 cau (.1 oz.) sliced mush- rooms, draiuied 2 cups cooked turkey, diced 1 pkg. (2-12 oz.) slivered ah-monds j cup beer in iarge saucepan over low heat combine mushroom ,soup, e~as, mushrooms, turkey aud alf package of almonds. Slowly. stir in heer. Heat Bae huo odHou 1,:0 am.. >1 ',yoneW %Ileoie" thoroughily. When heated, div- ide creamed turkey evenly between baked patty shells. Place top of patty sheil over turkev mixture, Sprrmkle a few slivered almonds on top Serves 6. Mr. & Mrs. R. Bvers. celebrated Christmas Day with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Forder, Anna, Rhonda, and their friends, Port Perry. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Devitt and Melissa, Niagara Falls, with his parents Mr. & Mrs. Carl Devitt. Mr. & Mrs. Mike Osborne, Bowmanville with their son Mr. & Mrs. "'BillY' Osborne and daughters, Guelph. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Devitf, Guelph with bier parents, Dr. and Mrs. G.E. Mann. Wracking your brain for a quicjkie meal that will keep the famîly happy during bectîc holiday activities? Try a ham- burger stroganoff in rice rine. This is attractive to serve in its molded form, nutritious and tasty. it also helps stretch tbe budget. Serve with a crisp salad and an ice cream cake. HAMBURGER STROGAN- OFF IN RICE RING 1 one-third, cups uncooked rice 2'4 teaspoons saît 2 two-thirds cup water 2 fablespoons peanut oil 1 pound lean g round beef 1 tcup finely chopped onion 1 lar2e clove mar lc, crushed 1 can (1012 ounce) cream of mrushroom soui), undiluted) 2 jars (2'/2,-ounces each whole mushrooms, drained ied one-third cup catsup 1 cup dairy sour cream, Chopped parsley In a large saucepan cook rice accordine to Dackage_ directions, using rice, 1 tea- spoon saît and water.' Lightl1j press into a greased 5-cup ring mold. Invert onto a large warm serving platter. Re- move mold. Keep warm. Heat peanut oil in a large skillet. Add ground beef, onion and g arlic. Cool over mrediumn- high heat, stirring until meat browns, about 5 minutes. stir in mushroom soup, mush- rooms, catsup and remaining 1 14 teaspoons saît. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 10 to 15 minutes. Stir in sour crea. I Heat just until mixture is bot. Spoon some of beef mixture into centre of rice ring. Spoon remnaining mix- ture around outside of ring. Garnish with chopped parsley. Makes 6 servings. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hancock, Douglas & Annette, Orono & Mr. & Mrs. R. Byers, Bow- manville enjoyed a very plèasant dinner and evening De. 5 wt r & Mrs Howard Foi-der, Bradley and Ite ms of Initerest Phone_623-3303 year, following a very lengthy illness. Blorn near Solina, she was the former Florence Orilla Annis, aud was married dune 28,~ 1919, to the late Frank LeÎse Gilbert. Eesiding at Enfield pre- viotisly, she had residd at Solina, since 1940. Mrs. Gil- bert was a~ member of the United Church. Surviviug are Mrs. Harry Jardine Louie, Kingston, and Mrs. F~.S. Leask, (Marjorie) Broolin. The funeral service was couducted by the Revereud F. Paul Erb, on Mouday fromn the Northeutt Elliott Funeral Home. , Interxnen~t lu Hampton cern- etery. Hospital Em ployees Receiîve 20 Yeczr Pins Leslie, Port Perry. The Forder Family celebra- ted the joyous Christmas Season, Mr. & Mrs. Don Forder's wedding anniversay, and Mrs. Ralph Ballard's birthday Dec. 22, at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Gary Haucock, Douglas & Annette, Orono. Guests who enjoyed our Family Get-Together were, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Sturrock, Mr. & Mrs. R. Byers, Bow- manville, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Forder, Auna & Rhonda & friend, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ballard & Tonya, Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Forder, Joey, Dana, and Chris, Port Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Moore, Michelle and Michael, Ajax. A Happy and Prosperous New Year to everyone. Re- member to phone in your items to 623-3303, lu the Nýew Year. Mr. & Mrs. Alex. Camnpbell, Maple Grove s peut Christmas Day ,vith ber daugbter, Mr. & Mrs. Murray Tighe and famn- ily, Orchardview. .Mr. & Mrs. J. Linton and daughter Carol, Toronto, speut Christmas with bis sister, Mr. & Mrs. James Patterson & farnily, Bowmau- ville. Studies show that the sharp increase lu cigarette smoking cornes at the grade seven level, with youngsters lu the 12, 13 aqd14 yar old category. Christmas Sea1 dollars sup- port anti-smoking programs throughout Canad. OBITUARIES CLIFFORD E. HUTCHINSON Clifford Elgin Hutchînson died at Toronto Western Hospital Tuesday, Dec. 24, 1974, followiug a short îllness. Mr. Hutchinson a sou of Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Hutchin- sont of Picton, was boru dune 2, 1925, in Palmnerston and mar- ried Feb. 18, 1946,' iu Oshawa, where be lived for a number of/ years. Residing the past 28 years in the Port Perry area. Ernployed at General Mot- ors for more than 30 years, he was a member of Local 222 of the UAW. During the Second World War he served overseas witb the Argyle and Suther- [and Highlanders of Canada and he was also in the services during the Korean War. r He was sergeant at arrns of1 the Royal Canadian Legion,C Brancb 419, Port Perry, and a member of the Canadian Corps Association of Oshawa.- Surviving besides bis par: ents are his Vwife, the former Mary Chandler; five (daugh- ters, Mrs. John Brown (Editb) of Oshawa, Mrs. Deunis Gib- son (Patsy) of Blackstock, Lillian Hutchinson of Oshawa, Mrs. David Bourgeois (Weu- dy) of Port Perry and Cathy, at home; a son, William, of Oshiawa; a sister, Mrs. Keith Smith (Buehla) of Oshawa and two brothers, Ross of Port Perry and Wilfred of Van- couver. There are eight grand- A daughter, Donna, 'lied in 1964. Mr. Hutchinson rested at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa. Services followed by cremnation ou Friday. Rev. R.C. Rose, padre of the Royalr Canadian Legion at Port Perry officiated. Memorial donations to the 1Ieart FunidJ will be appreciated.r ISAAC OSCAR ADAMS 111 for the past three Years Isaac Oscar Adams, passe away ont Wednesday, Decern- ber 18, 1974, lu his 80th year, atI Memorial Hospital, Bowmau- ville. Born in Newpark, Clarke Township, and educated lun Clarke Township, he was the son of Thomas and Maria (Bullied) Adams. Ou Decem- ber 12, 1920 he was married to Alice Agnes Gordon, who a predeceased hlm lu 1962. A pomneut Lfarmer ilu thes Roseet area, he had retir- t ed nine years ago, residing lunm Bowmanville and Orono 0 areas, the past nine years. Mr. Adams was a member of the United Church, and of the Loyal Orange Lodge. Surviviug are two daught- ers, Laverne (Mrs. S. Barra- bal), Yvounne (M1rs.N. N4ew Year'Mes-sage f rom the Durham Regional Police Force, 'Twas thenight before New Year's and oh what a sight,; We told, the poor woman of her untimeiy piight; You've ail heard the'story at least I've been told: By numerous people, some young and some old; FRegardless of feelings 1 want you to hear; Because of old New Year's drawing s0 near; But when you're out drinking, please go by bus;, We won't et your car, and it saves us the fuss; Ne den't Ihl-,e ic arrest bev-sof y.Qtw tocdies; But it's certfaînly be-tter, than piclking up biodies; So please use the power,. placed un your head; R1emiember the saying, You're a long timre dead; Nhen lifting you're liquor, wine or your beer; That's why Policemen are ail held so dear; Not by you STUPID, we couldn't care less; It's the ones that you leave we tell of the mess; Think of your wife, parents or kid; Ahen they look at you last, prior closing the lid; A chain of sorrow with one faulty link;-111 R~eferring of course to the very iast drink; Nhy are you; being centred you ask? Vlainly because of our horrible task.e The one ail Policemen actually dread;, ]Going to the door, sayixag Madam, "He's dead.", H A YDN) (inteuded fori, ast week) mas with a letter, and, what, it Haydou Club 21 held their meant. They'sang "We Wish rnnual pot Iuck supper on D)ec. You, A Merry Christrnais". The .4th, which was a huge older boys sang -Deck the success. Following the supper Halls". Mr, Gordon Baker bhere was a short concert, played bis accordion, and with Kyle Graham as master really livened tbings up. of ceremnonies. He called on Micheal Tobis had a reading vlicheali Galligher, for a entitled "Perfectly. " reading on "Christmas", The , Laura Buttery and Heather "Frosty the Snowman", with Lindia Lavens at the piano. We sanig several caroîs. Mr.' Baker played a medley of toe lapping' songs. Mrs. Joues played the, piano for the, Christmas sougs. While we waited for Sautla Clans to arrive, Mr. Baker entertained ns. Sauta didn't disappoint the children, mak- iug all happy as he gave each child bis bag of goodies, and chaitted Sith them. Sunlday' ýdinuier guetsith Mr. and IjMrs. T. Buttery lwe r.andf Mrs.1D. Yeo 0and famiiil y\. Ms.L. Butterýy, Bowmlanviîle; _Mr. Barl BiI- cox. O)shawa; Mr. and rs Glern Buttery and fail 1y, Roseberry Hill. Mrs. C. Sim is spending the Christmnas week, with bher daughter Mr. and Mrs. T. Buttery and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Roth will be spendiug Christmas Day witb their childreu in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, wiil be spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Linda and Janet, Enniskillen. .Mrs. M. Bertrim, Mr. and Mrs. John Bertrim, wiîl be gnests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Univin, R.R. 1, Bowmànville, on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Wiîber Black- buru, Carol, Dale and Neil will be at a Christmas Eve party at Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- buru's, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts are holding their Christmas party on Christmas Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potts and Charlene will be their iunests. also Mr. The annual Suuday School concert was held in Welcome Uni'ted Chuircb on Saturday evening, D)ecembiler 2lIst with a fui!Lehous of related folk and their friends. Master of cere- moinies was Mui-rayý Payne, superintendent arâd the pianist for the nmusical numbers was Mrs. Chiris Beatty. Familliar carols were suing for the opening number and then the auidience was welcomed by the Kindergarten class in charge of Marie Irwin and Jennifer Lord. Skits were ,aerformed by the two junior classýes led by A-,ileen Wilson and Cheryl 1Brice and by Carnie LyLin Symoni)is and Kathryn McHolm. Mlore car- ols made a break in- the programn before the girls' class led by Lana Beatty and Margaret Harness performed their number, and the boys' class under the direction of Allin Osborne. There was a piano solo by Calrne Lynn Symons and a hilarious play by the girls i n Mris. T. Wilson's class, called "The big bad wof.There Was a wai fo Santa Claus at the conclusion so the ever popular "Winter Wonderland, Rudoîf, and Jin- gle Bels" were sung b-,,aIl. Refreshments were enjoyed following Santa's visit. t Was a, happy evening, the 1974 edition of a century of such, Srograins to hierald ftor the utay school children and others too, the birthday of Jesus. Christnmas church service at Welcome on Sunday morning was in a lovely settiug of the old fashioned decorated Christ Christmas tree, a lovely arrangement of munis and other flowers, and the Advent candles. Patricia Harness re- viewed the preparations made for Christmas, Robert Symons spoke of the white gif t service of the previous Sunday and and Mrs. Delbert Potts, Corn- wall a nd Miss Pat Louis, Ottawa.' Mr. antd Mrs. Tom Potts and Charlene, will bÇ atter.ding a failyi party at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gaha'son Christmas Dayv. Mr. a n rs. Alfred Gar- rard uwill be holding a Christ- mias party,. Ris parents, Mr. and Mrs. C'harie Garrard will be their guests. Mr. and Mirs. Lloyd Slemnon, Su,_san and Fred, with MIr. and Mrs. Wilbur Tomls, Bl1ackstock on Christmas Day. Mrs. Jones anid the boys joined with the j. .Jones of Bowmanville, and visited with Mr ad Ms. Jim Joues and Treasa, of Scarborough on Sunday. ,1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Jonies, Tomi and Sandy visited Ray and Cora Degeer for the fam-.ily Christmias(d inner. Mr> and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton weeguests at thle Trafford- Mi1ilÙli Wed'ding ima >ro United C'hurch on satuirday. Mr. IM. Hobbs, Enniskilleu wvas a Friday evening visýitor of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mrs. A. Read spent Iast weekenmd with Mr. and MIrs. BertAson Toronto, and attendedc the presentation of the Living Christmas Tree at People's Church. Mrs. Read recently attend- ed the General Motors retire- ment party, at Oshawa and also the Senior Citizens Christ- mas party, at Bowmanville. Students are out of school for two weeks Christmas Holidays. Sympathy is extended to Mr.,and Mrs. Arthur Trewiu and family in the passing of, Mrs. Trewin's brother, the late Charles Anderson' of Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cam- eron, Pontypool. Mr. D. Cameron, will spend Christmnas with the Stuart family in Hamilton. Te Canadian Statesman, Bowma WES LEY VILI told the cougregation the gift of mnouey had been made up to .$100 by thie Sunday Schofol and $50 of this was presenited to Mrs. H. Osborne, M & S treasurer, and the remainder was given for aid to Bangla- desh. Patty Johnson spoke of the peace bronght by Christ, lit t hc fourth Advent candle and led lu prayer, followed by ail singiug "0, Holy Child, of Bethlehem ." Rev. R. Bartlett spke to the chîldreu before, they went to their classes, mentioning the things we- make for Christmas and sbowed them carved wooden candles made lu Bethlehemn for the Christmnas scene; there was a message that besides the material things we make, we are constautly making the kirid of person wýe will be and biâ message to the adults was titled "When the mystery becornes a'blessing". Ushers for the morning were Donald Nichols, Barry Best, Alain Wilson and Bil Christmas. 1lu the evening the, combined choirs preseuted their Christ- mas festival of song. Mrs. Allin Osborne assisted Rev. R. Bartlett lu leading the service by giving the cali to worship, announciug the carols sung, between the- choir members and reading the scripture lesson. The choirs combiued to siug "While Shepherds Watched"'. The junior choir sang "Christ- mas Time is bere again, Away lu a manger, And What Child is This". Rev. Bartlett spoke of the very important place music pînys in our lives followed hy the senior choir's two numbers, "Jubilate" aud 'Ris naine shal e called wonderful". The last numbers of the juniors were "Mart's Boy Child, Do YOU Hear?, and The Drummer Boy". The two choirs together sang "Bethlehem" with such, joy- ous voices that it brougbt spontaneous ovation. It was a happy choir aud their leader Joh n Groeuveld said it was a pleasure to stand before them and feel their response, and the peuple lu the pews knew it was a pleasure to bear them. Orgauist was Mrs. H. Reeve and for the juniors Mrs. Dennis'Crof t with Mrs. Gloria Lax leader. Duriug the social tirne afterwards the choir represented by Ruth Kellog, preseuted Mr. Groeuveld and Mrs. Reeve with gifts lu appreciation of their service. 1Several young people took part lu the Christmas concert presented lu the Solina coin- munity hall by the members of the Junior Farmers for their familles and friends, ou Satur- day Dec.* 21' Amoug those takîng part lu two skits were, Ruth Kellog,1 David Kellog, Roland Bowman, Marie lrwiu and Jernuifer Paynle. Roland, with thiree others, led lu a sing song at the begïiuuing of the concert; al 1Jojoyed a social finie afterwards. Mrs. John Groenveld who had surgery performed lu St. Joseph's hospital on Fridayý ýanville, January 1, 1975 5 LE mûrning is progressing well. Famîhes are well on the way for Christmias IDay pre- parations, some coming borne and others going to join tbose in other places. Jim Sculthorpe is homne from Guelph, Robert fromn Kingston, and Susan gave lIer best wisbes by telephione from Scotland whÏere she is lu scbool. Mr. and Mirs. J1. Adamnson of Toronto were dowu from Toronto to be with Mrs. H. Darke for the weekend and will remain for a -few dlays. Faith teaches An essential requisite 0f each successive, Revelation has beenl to renew t he divine ordinance of prayer. For each age of man's spiritual maturi- ty, a Prçphet has conferred upon humanity a nearer approach 't o ifs Creator, a means of communication on a higher spiritual level where ail men can become one in Sfaith and love.' For further information, pleasecail 623-4830 - 623-7744 George BlyleVen General Insurance Fire and Automobile Insurance Contact:- JOYCE GROOT 623-3958 or 623-:5300 W4NN1 WEARt A13OUT AN OtS#,5FMFN WOf*!N, fM CUJRIGUS TOSEF THE, M.AN THAT OIUTSPOKF HfR. BYAM PLUMBING & HEATINO and AIR CONDITIONING' TYItONE, ONTARIO " Phono 2Z63-2650 Bjeginning January 12, you. could save yourseif a quarter by looking, in the book.' Most peuple use Direc.tu y Assistance only as a last resort, when the phone number tbey need can't be found n the book, These necessary Directory Assistance requests will continue ta be'free.1 If's unnecessary calls we w ant ta, discourage ta, ensure reliable Directory Assistance service for those who really need it. b That's why, starting Januatr-'y 12, son,,e D irect ry A s sis - tance requests for nu mbers thal are ini you jr phon e book wîll ca -ýýst 25 ,e nts eac h. The re w illbe iniaoc harg e4fo r t he f îrst three s;uch numbers paiddeach month un your ras -idence phanuie. After that, the ch arge wi 1l apply. Necessary cals -for numbers flot yet listed in your dîirectory -will stili1 be free. AndI whether the number is listed or not, there will be 'na charge for anyone who has a handicap that makes if d iff icult ta use a directory or for persans 65 years af age or over. If you quality-for eiîther of these exemptions, just cali your Bell1 Canada Business Off ice and ask for a special Exemption form. The soaner the better. Also free are emergencýy caîls andî calîs from pay phuones, hutel, moîtel and hospital roams, Sa reffiember, check yourdirectory f irst. Chances are, the numberyou need has been tlhere ail along., Remember ,youCCLId savec-yourself aquarter jusi by looking in your book. "There is no allawance for 3 free cafîs from business phones. Bell Canada Mrs. Maiion Perfect (second from lef t), and Denis Pickard (second from right) received. their 20 year service pins at Bowfnanville Memorial Hospital. The presentation %,as made by Hospital Administrator Dick Elston and Board chairman Tom Cowan. Mrs. Rhoda Anderson also received hier 20 year pin but wvas not available to have her picture taken. t ,-,., ATTENTION Bowmanville Denture Clini*c Repoirs - - 1 to 3 Hours Re-lines - - - Full Dentures COU for Appointmnent 623-4473 '33 King St. E.Bwmnil P. G. Deegan, LAD..L TV and RADIO SPECIAL- We invite You to Join With us TUESDAY NIGHT, DECEMVBER 31st at FAITH BAPTIST CHIJRCH 419 Brock St. N. Whitby It's our Annual New Year's Eve Musical Coming over Calble 6 TV and C1100 Radio 1400. St. PauI's Uni*tod Church Mnister - Rev. N. E. Schamerhcorn, B.A., B.D. Organist - Gerald K. BtrgeSS e SUNDAY, JANUAIRY 5, 1975 11:00 a.m. DR. NORMAN MacKENZIE 7:30 p. m. DR. ROBERT MeCLURE These two gifted men will be speaking to us in these services of their wide world experiences. Are you a Newcomer to Bowmanville? You are assured of a warm welcomne at St. Pau's. Nursery care for pre-school children every Sunday. Sunday, January Sth. 1974 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES Io:tO a.m. - Adlut, in Upper Room 10:00Oa.m. - Classes foralilages, 9andUp 11:00 a. m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindergàrten, 11:15a. m. - Primnary ept.,ages4to8 Il1A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE AND HOLY COMMUNION A warm welcome awaits you at Trinity Dr. Robert McClure, past Moderator, wili be speaking in St. Paul's United Church at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. th. Sunday, Jan. f2,2 p.m., the Session' Will meet Tuesday, Jan. 14 - Rev. Ted Colweil will give a talk and show sides. A FOU NOATION TODAY - AFUTURETOMORROW You are asked to 100k at the plans for pro- posed extension te the church, now on dis- play in church hall. A vote will be taken at annual meeting, Wedl., Jan. 29.