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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1975, p. 9

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The Canadian Statesman, BoWmanville, January 15. 1975 9 ""'a l'il' Il filM? -Tues., 4:30 po.m. IETCALF - Tom and Sha[- on (nee Blanchard) are happy f0 announce the birfh of a daughfer, Sherri Lynn, on Dec. 30, 1974. A littie sister for Clint. Proud grandiparents are AI and Kay Blanchard and Harvey and Marg Metcalf. 3-1lx READ-Jim andAnn happily announce the arrivai of Susan Laurie, 3.8 kilograms at Oshawa General Hospital on January 11f h. Proud grand- parents are George and Mari- orie Barber, Brantford, and Jim and Nora Read, Oshawa. Sincere fhanks f0 Dr. Lai and the case room staff. 3-1 TOPPING - Jim and Mary, Smith Falls, are happy f0 announce the birfh of Netasia Mary on January lst. A g randdaughter for Roy*and Doris Topping, Peterborough and great granddaug hfer for Mrs . Les Anderson, Bowman- ville. 3-lx The forthcoming marriage is announiced of Elizabeth Ann Etcher to Guy (Gay) Poleyon Feb. 7 1975 af6:45 in St. Johns Anglican Church. The happy parents Doris and Bihl Poiley, Glady and Art Etcher. 3l Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mac- donald are pieased f0 ann- ounce the forthdoming mar- niage of their daughter, Jo- Ann Helen f0 Roland Bryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Simpson. The wedding is fo fake place February 22 at 4 p.m., in Trinify United Church, Bowmanvilie. 3-If Mr. and' Mrs. Gordon A. Martin, R.R. No. 2, Bowman- ville, are pieased f0 announce the engagement of thei1r daughfer, Lynda Dianne, f0 Harry Mac Phall Liftier of Thornhili, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Liftier, Montreal. The wedding is to fake place at 7 p. m., February 8, 1975 in the Chapel, af The Old Miii, Toronto. 3-i Friends and relatives are invted to attend a tea in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Autsin Franklin on the occasi'ôrioo their SOfh Wedding Anniver- sary on Sunday, January 19, 1975 f rom 1: 30 f0 5: 00 p. m. at 1043 Horf op St., Oshawa. Best Wishe on I. 3, ACOSTA-Enfered into resi on Jan. 9, 1975, after a lengthy illness in hosQital in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, Antonio Vincente, aged 81, beloved husband of Gladys Bunner, father of Aima, Mrs. Ray Winsfon, Atanta, Ga., and Abigail, Rio Piedras, bràther in-i'aw of Mrs. Muriel Harding a nd Mrs. Vivian Maindonald. Burial in Barranquifas cern- etery. Mr. Acosta was arijudge in _Puerto Rico unfil retire- ment. 3-1 x COWAN, Rea Lavern-Af Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on Saturday Jan. 11, 1975, Rea Cowan, Orono, Ont. aged 71yrs. wife of the' lafe John Cwan, dear mother of Cliff Cowan,' Bowmanville and Pauline (Mrs. Milt. Wannan) Orono. Rested af the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono. Service was heîd on Tuesday af 2 p.m. Inferment Orono Cemnetery. 3-1 COUSI1NS - Af Toronto West- ern Hospital on Wednesday, January e, 1975, Eileen Cous- ins dear sister of Gladys (Mrs. & R_ Rîcha&rds3 Victoria B.C. and the late Reynolds, Eric, Charles and Harold Cousins. Service-was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Safurday, af 1:30 o'clock. Inferment Bowmanville Cern- efery 3- ELLIS -Af Memorial FHos- pifai Bowmanville on Wednes- day, anuary 8, 1975, Lloyd ElIis'aaed 56 years beloved husband of Gertrude Ellis, dear, father of Bob. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Frida y af 3 o'clock. Inferment Bowmarville Cem- eferv. 3-1 HOSKIN, Howard W. - Af his home, 156 Harmony Rd. S. on Sun., Jan. 12, 1975, Howard Wesley, Hoskin, in his 64th Ï, ear Husband of Jean Love, athr 0 f Kenneth, Bowman- ville, Mrs. N. Greenfree (Anna-Marie), Mrs. E. Mason ý,$hirley), Mrs. D. Greentree (Befty), Jack, Gary, ail of Oshawa, Mrs. B. Smith (Don- na), Orono, Joanne, Bowman- ville, Joe, af home and the lafe Gordon Hoskin. Brother of Mrs. M. Heard (Lena), Mrs. W. Ormiston (Ella>, Mrs. W. iVivian (Dorothy), al of Osh- 'Awa, Lorne, Blacksfock, Frank, Nestieton, Glen, Osh- awa, Bert, Bowmanville and the late Breta. Rested at fthe Mc lntosh-Anderson Funeral Homne, 152 King St. East. Service was in the chapel, Tues., Jan. 14, 1975 af 1:30 p.m. Interment Union-Cem- efery. Memorial donations f0 Harmony United Church Building Fund or the Canad- ian Cancer Sociefywill be grafefully acknowledged. 3-1 SHRED, Robert-Suddenly at the Pitt Nursing Home, Port Hope, on Thurs., Jan. 2, 1975, Robert Shred, husband of the. lafe Emily Jane Shred, dear father of Daisy (Mrs. Lorne Haynes), Bewdiey, Harrief (Mrs. Donald Ellis) and Bob, bof h of Graffon, Albert of Enland, Cliff of Bowman- vilPe, Georgeof Toronto, Betty (Mrs.. Eiwood Jones) of Castiefon, and Sam of Wark- worth, Emma (Mrs. Ross Bragg) of Bowmanville, Aud- rey (Mrs. Ly le Jones) of Castiefon and S tephen of New Brunswick, Brother of Clifford and Emily of Toronfo.,Rested at the Northcuft Eliioff Fun- eral home, Bowmainville. Fun- eral service 2 o'clock Safur- day affernoon. Interment Bowmanviile Cemneterv. 3-if &IlFowers Best" VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto... Oshawa - Bowmanvilîe Area Phone 623-4441 43-ff Carnation FLOWER SHOP wAîways Pîeased 33 Division St. 2-ff ADAMS - In ioving memory of our dear parents Charles Fredrick who passed away Jan. 5, 1938 and Beatrice Ella who passed away Jan. 31, 1961. Gone from us, but leaving memori es. Deafh can neyer take away. 'Memories that will always li nger While upon this earfh we sfay. - Ever remembered by Pearl and Aif, Ruby and Earl and families. 3-1 x CLARKE-In loving memory of a dear husband and father Atlan larke wbo passed away~ suddenly Jan. 16, 1962. Ailways remembered and sadîy miss- ed by his wife Eteika and son James. "'Too dearly lovedi ever fo be forgotten." 3-ix HEYKOOP-ln memory 0of the Heykoop family who died Jan. 13, 1974. - Remembered by Dean Joncas, Alian Downes and other bus riders. 3-ix SHANE-In loving memory of our dear daughfer Carol who passed away January 20, 1974. There are ones who miss you sadly n the house where you used f0 be We who wanted fa keep you, But if was willed not f0 b e. Soffl 'y af night the stars are shi1ning On a lone and sulent grave Where we laid our beloved daughter Whom we loved but could not save They say memories are Weill maye thaf is frue. But we neyer wanted mem- ories We only wanted you. it broke our hearts fo lose you, But you didn't go alone, Part of us went wifh you The day God called you home. - Dearly loved ernd sadly missed, Mom and Dad., 3-1 SHANE, Carol-In loving memory of a dear sister who Y assed away January 20, 1974. Yaur end was very sudden You made us weep and dry. But t he saddest part of ail Carol, portrait, More precious than diamonds Ofa,,or goîd, 1 1 0aIofone we Ioved with such fervour. Memory's f ire will neyer grow cold. -Lovingi remem bered by daughfer wParicia a nd son-mn- aw John DeGooyer 'and family. 3-ix Mrs D. W. Armistead wishes f0 express her deep appreciation f0 her family and friends for making her birth- day such -a wonderf ul day, for the many gifts and cards received and f0 Sf. Paul's U.C.W.. Many thanks. Sncerely, Mary E. Armhisfead We wish f0 express our sincere appreciation f0 ail our friends and néighbours for their kindness, gifts and cards, also a special thank you f0 Dr. McKenzie and nurses for their good care during our illness. Charlie and Florence Cooper We would like fo thank ail our friends and neiîghboures around Union and Enfield for the nice coffee fable. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wiersfra 3- lx To my relatives, friends my sincere fhaniks for cards, gifts and visits during my sfay in Memoriai, Hospitai. Thanks aiso f0 Dr. H. B. Rundie, nurses and staff - Third Floor and Mr. Frank Hooper. Joe Sheehan 3-1 The familyQffthe lafe Milton Payne of Newcastle Village wish f0 express their appreci- ation and sincere thanks fa relatives, friends and neigh- bours for their floral tributes and donations to the Estarl, Cancer and Heart funds. Special thanks fo the Eastern Star and Masons; U.C.W.; W.I.; Senior Citizens; Ladies Coffee Bible Hour; Euchre Girls; Newcastle Horticultur- ai Sociey; Newcast le Lions and Lioneffes and the Gid- eons. We appreciafed many other acfs of kindness shown fa us in the ioss of a dear brother indiuding those of Dr. A. McKenzie and te nurses of the third f loor of the Bowman- ville Memoriai Hospital. 3-1 My husband and 1 would like f0 thank relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts 0f kindness during my stay in Memoriai Hospita , Bowmanviîie, through cheery dards and notes, f lowers, gifts, Shone calls, visits f0 the osp itai and since réfurning home those who so kindiy broughf food info the home, we Ius thank the Lord 'for such stod friends. Speciai thanks f0 rs Sp roul, Mikios and 5Jemn, nurses, and th~e Great Physician for His healing power day by day. Sincereiy, Marjorie, David Gray and famiby, Newcastle 3-lx The family of the late W. Howard Pearce would like f0 express their sincere apprec- iafion and heartfeit thanks to relatives, triends and neigh- bours for 'floral fributes, cards, donations and ail acts of kindness made towards us. Special thanks fo Rev. Smith, and the Morris Funeral Chapel. 3-1x The family of the late Gordon Richards wish fo express sincere thanks and appreciaf ion to relatives, friends and neighbors, for floral fributes, cards and, donations f0 the Cancer So- ciet and Hearf Foundafion. Asfor many other acts of kin dness shown f0 us ln the loss of a dear husband and, father. Special thanks fo the L.OL., Rev. W. Qake, Morris Funeral Chapel and the ladies of Memorial Park Assoc. At this fime we would also like f0 thank Rev. Arnacher, friends and relatives for visifs f0 the hospifal and Doctors, Nurses and staff of Memorial Hos- pifai. I would like to take this opportunify f0 fhank relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, fruit and f lowers which 1 received while a patient in hospital. Special fthanks fo Dr. Mc Kenzie, nurses and staff on the third floor. Bert Porter 3-1x, I 'would like fo take this opportunity fo fhank Durham Regional Police and especial- y Constable Doug Parks for refurning my barber pole. Gary Cole 3-1 The family of the lafe Robert Shred wish f0 express their sincere fhanks and appreciation ,fo relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, floral fributes, and donations fo the Diabetic Society and rnany other acts of kindness showmi f0 us 'in thé, .loss of a dear father and grandfather. A very special thanks fo Ron and Peggy U-a j)es for opening their homne and also fo Mar gGoulah Bernice, Karen and Rita for their ver kind help. Also to Reverend L.W. Ware of Graf- ton, Norfhcutf Elliott Funeral Home, also the Pitt Nursing Home inPort Hope. 3-1 The famil y of the late Irene (Annie) Wilkins would like f0 express their appreciat ion and heartfelf thanks f0 relatives, friends, neighbours,, groups and organizations for the many acts of kindness.ý The floral tributes, donations fo sociefies and personal assist- ance were deep ly appreciated. At a fime such as this, many hands helo f0o liahten a very heavy burden. lhank you. Roy Wilkins and family, Mr. and Mrs. N'. Tkafch and family. 3-1 x AT THE' BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLU B Saturday, January 18, 1975 Music by:, D.J. FRANK TRU1LL Tickets - $3.00 per couple PhoneMaurice Richards 623-2032 22 D A NCE TYRONE HALL Saturday, Jan. 18 Tickets af Virtue's Garage B. & H. SOUND 9 P.m. 3-1 Saturday, Jan. 18 Solina Community Hall Abernethy's Orchestra Dance, Le gion Hall, Sat., Jan. 18, Ted Koss' Orchestra. Dancing 9 - 1 a.m. 2-2 Osaca 'Barn [Dance (couples onlyl every 'Saturclay night, Country and Western music. Phone 786-2633. 2-tf MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50-f WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf The Annual Meeting of Durham Central Agridul tural Society wiil be heid on Safurday, January 25, at 1:30' p. m., in the U pper C.E. Room of Orono United Church. Members are asked to attend for the discussion of generai business. Committee Chair- men please Ibring writtenreports. A S 4 x 8 BOX trailer, 16" wheels. Asking $125., Phone 98.7-4214. 3-1 ROUND table 135.00, 5 PC. antique settee 650.00. New, and used chesferfieids, 6 oak dining chairs, Lions heads carved. Antique poster bed, Imahogany. Scott's Furniture- Antiques, 73 King E. Bowman- ville. 1- 3-el POCKET novels books. We buy, seil or trade large selection. Scott's Furniture & Antiques, 73 King E. Bowman- ville. 3-1 15 WIGS assorted colors. Your choice $15. Phone 623-5019 or 71 King St. E., Bowmanville. 3-2, CHESTERFIELD suites, beds, wicker chair, platform rocker, mirrors, hi-fi set, ashtray stands, books, records lamps, Towne Used Furn- ifure, 19 Temperande St. Bowmanville. 3-1 BALED hay 80 cents a bale.. Phone 263-2209. 3-1 ONE Rupp Sniowmobi le belt 58' siofs New One used 57 slots. Combinafion Wood storm door 34 x 82. Carpef stair pads and matching hall runners. 39 inch matfress dlean. Phone 623- 5718. 3-lx BLACK Persian lamb, 3/4 le'ngfh coat, size .12-14. Phone 623-7721. 3-1 COLD storage -Deliclous and Spy apples. Also seconds. No Sunday sales. Frank Hiemstra 263-2260 3-1 GOOD baied hay and sfraw 1,400 bales of each. Can store until spring, if necessary,. Phone Brooklin 1-655-3326. 3-2 MARCONI Hi-Fi; 21" Black and White Fleetwood T.V. Cali 623-7228. 3-1 ONE G.E. aufomatic washer like new. Phone 728-0882. 3-ix THRIFT Shop - 32 King W. Rear., Drygood and Knifted. art. New and Used Clothes, Furniflure and appl. Canvas, Mat. Lee blue jeans $11.95. Barbie doli clothes, etc., etc. Corne and see, Tuesday Thursdav 10-4. Fridlav 9:30 to 3-1 60.Tl 2 37 - 3-2- The Annufai Akling dfi<&'t4*~ Orono Cemnefery Caj. wili be held in, the Lang Chapel on Monday, January 2th at 7:30 CARNATION P.M. 3-1 FLOWER SHOP "SPECIALS FROM OUR TYRONE G 1F T ROOM"' COMMUNITY CENTRE Bawdy Beads on a String AnulMeeting c 12U- $2.09 AnnUal henille and Nylon Hanging Sunday, January 19 7:30 P.M. 3-1 UPHOLSTERY MAT E RIAL GIANTALL-IDAY HADASSAH SALE Thursday, Jan. 16th, 9 a.m. - 9p.m. 144 King Sf. E. Oshawa Beautiful fabrics, aiso good rummage selection. 3-1 NEW DARLINGTON ARENA Taunton Road west of Hampton R ES ERVE Saturday, Feb. 8 1: 15 p.m. for opening ceremanies. Fig- ure skating, hockeyg ameE and races folowed by family skating in the evening. Every- ane weicome.' Newcastle Town Council SUNSHINE TOURS Florida Circle Tour No night driving. 20 Days February 9-28 Escorted, For Information phane or write:, Cobourg - 36 King:St. 372-9961 Port Hope 885-2200 SUNSHINE TOUR Ice Foulies Chartered Buses Friday - l7th, Sunday - 19th Saturday - 25th For Information phone 'or write Cobourg - 36 King St. 372-9961 Port ÏHope 885-2200 3 row registered quart horse, Palomino mare, exc lent disposition, also 8 mor oid grey f iiiy. Phone 623-5(ý ANYONEwîtnessing an acci- dent on Highway 115 & 35, directiy in front of Noone's Motel on Oct. 14, 1974 befween 4 & 4:15 P.M. please contact 723-8541. 3-1 Baket -- $1*- $1.99 Knit-A-Scarf (with Knitter) $-U- $7.99 Glass Stain Kit 3-1, ALUMINUM siding, doors, wi.ndows, awnin~s, ans ra;n carryig sytes. Lorne Aluin, 1P rince St., 623-3871. Supreme Window and Door Co. 3-2 6 REFLECTOR type liqht fixtures. 16 inches diameter Green color. Bargain. btates- man Office. tf f 24" x 36" ALUMINU M sheets for sale. Suitable for insulat- îng, etc. 25 cents each. Reductions for quantifies. Statesman Office. tf f BEEF 90, cents dut and wrappecl. Phone 623-2166. 3-lx APPLE Wood, suitable for fireplace. Phone Francis Jose, 987-4789. 3-1 BARN being- tomn down.'All maferials are being sold, barn boards, rafters, beams and steel roofing. Phone 623-7640 or 623-4577. 3-1 BANTAM Back Hoe, three- eighths cu. yd. mounted on 6 x 6 GMC carrier. Upper engine LeRoi gas. Ready to go to work. Total price $3,500. Phone Orono, evenings, 1-983-5681. 3-2 1974 S KI Doo, 440, free a ir, 640 miles, with cover, spare beit and plugs, $950. Caîl New- castle 987-4677. 3-2 ANNUAL SALE 0F UPHOLSTERY REMNANTS Various sizes and pieces. STARTING JANUARY th WHYTE'S UPHOLSTERY 9 Division 22 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modemn watches and dlocks. Our repairs are done with modern up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss trained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King Sf. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf eCLEARANCE sale f$1l Removal Equipment, So mobiles and accessories. Trewin Farmh Equipment, Blackstock. Phone- 1-986-4283. SPANISH dining room suite, four chairs, table, buffet and hutch. Perfect condition. Ask- ing $950. Caîl after 6 p.m. 623-4258 3-1 Buy dire citfrom Manufac- NEED A ture- Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd., PRESSURE SYSTEM?, has a huge stelectiu'1 ut fine, SUMP PUMPS quality monuments, large and REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES small1 ta fit any need. Come by Harvey Partner our display yard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or telephone Orono 983-5206- Zenith 14620 885-5216 for a monument that 41-tf endures. 35-tf 35 per cent off If you bring in this ad on aIl new gift items. 2nd anniversary sale. 25 per cent off on water beds, sound equipment, black ights, posters. 15 per cent off on antiques. FRIEN DLY F LEA MARK ET 23 King Sftreet West, Oshawa 725-9783 3-1 SAND AND GRA6VVEL SUPPLY WASHED SAND- GRAVEL and STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS AIl Suzes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL and DIRT FILL TRUCKS and LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 WHWHIT E'S TV ANTENNAS STowers, UHF, VHF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs SApartment & Homes Pre-Wîred Ask About Our Guarantee SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE - 46-ff Oshawa TV Antennas (~ & Towers ROTO>RS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Coîored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranfeed AIl priced f0 SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf INSTALL AN Q FURNACE BOILER HUMIDIFIER or HOT WATER H EATE R No Payments for Six Months CALL HARVEY PARINER Your E SSO Service Dealber FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono - or -Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 41 -tf COLD storage apples by the bushel, different varieties, no Sunday sales, 263-8473, Frank Hiemstra, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. 44-tf BEDROOM suite, 7 piede; dining room, 9 piece; living room, ail Burma-Danish teak: wood. New furniture very reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377. 52-fl PADDY'S Market now has new turniture, appliances. T.V.'s and stereos and aisci used f urniture and appl iances. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's MOarket, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-t1 USE,-) Fu rnitiire and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, 'Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf $6 A WE EK, 1975 RCA 26 inch color, traditional ail wood cabinet. Full warranty.. No down payment. Cali anytime, Regency 576-7300. 2-4 $4- A WE EK, new RCA color portable, woodgrain cabinet, one button color tuning. Full warranty. No down payment. Caîl anytime, Regency 576-7300. 2-4 BABY CARRIAGE, dressing table, basinette, deluxe swing- omatic. Ail items very dlean and in excellent condition. Phone 1-983-9310. 2-2 Rubber-back Sq. Yd Shag $5.88 Basement Sq. Yd Carpet $4.95 REMNANTS 50 Percent Off These and many other bargains at:, County Broadloom 1742 Brock St, South (Off 401) Whitby Phone 1-668-8895 1-5 BALED hay. Phone 983-5585. 2-2x EXPERIENCED day care gLven for children any age. Caîl anytime 623-4250. 3--x ANN BRADLEY il-tf Permanent Hair Removal ______90 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING &SERVICING Certified Piano Technician. Prompt rel iable service. Remem ber, "The tuner a lone, preserves the fone." Member, Piano Techntcian's Guild. Derek Hill 502 Dunlop St. W., Whitby 668-6247 VINCE MOORE CARPE NTRY House Renovating Paper Hanging - Paintîl 247 Liberty N., Bowmanvi 623-3568 Ref rigeration AND Appliance Servic Commercial and Damest Refrigeration - MiIk Coo P HONE BERT SYEI Days-------------...623- Nights------------..623- Lander Hardwar and ELECTRIC William G. Beatl Painting and Paper Harý Light Trucking and Odd P HON E 623-4728 NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEN' REPAIRS TO ALL MAI< Harvey Partnei Orono 983-5206 - Zenitn 14620 41 -ff Bili's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanvible Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing'. 17tff WATER Wells bored, 30" file. Ward's WelI Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf DOMESTIC &COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES, SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 DivisionSt., Bowmanvilîe 26-ff DARLINGTON, MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 Geddes Eîectric Renovations - Alterat ions Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older Homes New Homes - Free Estimates Phone 623-2398 48-tf à JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS- FURNACES 1CL EANE D PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON r 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanvllle 30-ff BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumibing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs X Service and Estimates Cali1623-2641 33,ff BABYSITTING in my home, corner of Elgin and Third. Phone 623-4774. 3-1 C &C JANITOR, SERVICE Carpet - Uphoîstery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 44-ff 3tff 81 RICHMOND ST. W., OSHAWA 576 JANUARYý 2-2 W RH UESL *EVERY BALE IN STiOCK * DISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE ferCLEARANCE. cel'- CUSTOM WALL TO WALL rth INSTALLATION 073. 3-1 A-s Low As /2 Pri ce and Less On Fm Remanents and Ends of Rolis (Next door ta Ruddy Electric) Open from 9 to 8 p.m. Mon. ta Fr1., Sat. 9 ta 4 CLOSED ALL- DAY SUNDAY PROF ESSIONAL E LE CT ROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 112 Si mcoe St. N. Oshawa 576-4705 .52-ff '""y-iann Plant will not be in aperafion' this year. John Burrows. 3- PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING Ail Breeds "Expertîy groomed with maximum care." THE BOWMANVILLE PET SHOP 32 King St. West 623-2921 DON'T waif tilt sprinq. Re- pairs on canvas - also canvas covers made, ski-doo and motorcycle seafs recovered. 623-4654 - 3-2x Custom upholsfering, reco- vering, re-styling, very rea- sonable, work guaranfeed, 20 years experience. Free est!- mates. Please dahi collecf, 1-986-5072. 3-4 FULLY experienced Tractor Trailer Driver wants long weekend hauls. Bey Cameron Phone 623-4863 affer 5:30 p.m. 3-1 x FOR REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hiampton 263-2721, 30,'ff 9 M- - M A THREE bedroom fown- house, ideal for family living, ocated on a quiet court in Bowmanville, close f0 schools, $275 per monfh; availabie immediately. Cali Sam Venn, Toronto 923-9174, Bowman- ville 623-3393, or Mr. Cooney, Toronto 444-5082. W. Frank Real Estate Realfor. 3.ff 9-tf FURNSHEDbedroons by E and bafh, licenced premises, reasonable rates. Casfle Hotel, Bowmanville 623-7072. 51 -ff ROOM and kitchen privileges for working woman. On quiet 49-tf sfreet close to downtown. Caîl 623-2687, evenings. 2-tf BOWMANVILLE - 1 year-old, ce 4bedroom home, richlIy broad- tic loomed. Dining room. FamiIy elers room on main f loor with R. wall-to-wall fireplace. Stove 5774 and fridge included. Attached 3-3177 garage on quiet street. Asking re $350 a month with lease. Possession Feb. 1, 1975. For details caîl Phyllis.McRobbie TF 623-7159 or 623-3393. W. Frank Real Estafe Lfd. Realtor. 3-1 ýty ging BOWMANVILLE four roomi Js modemn aparfment plus bath, heated, reasonable rent, apply Tom's Mîlk Store, 53 King 4-f Sfreef East, Bowmanville. 3t TWO bedroom upsta irs apart- A? ment, heated, centrally b.- ýKES cated, $175. monthly, avail- r able immediately. Phone 623- Auction Sale af Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen on Saturday evening, January 18th. Lovely bunch of furni- ture, new cedar chesf, quantity of dishes and, odd articles ferm a home in Brooklyn. Sale time 7 p.m. Cliff Pethick aucfioneer. 3-1 Auction Sale, Sat. Jan. l8th, 1: 15 p.m. at Saveon Products Warehouse on Hwy. 28 in the village of Bewdley consisting of side board, h ff-fop chest, pine blanket box, chest of drawers, wash stands, tables, chairs, oil Iamps, cdocks,- dishes, g lassware, T.V/'s, el - ecti-a Iapliareschain saw, and other articles still being consigned. Roger Ban- nister, Auctioneer, 3-1 Saturday Jan 18 af 1:00 p.m. Auction Sale of furniture and antiques. The, property of Mr. Stephen Perkins, Prince Albert. Locafed aà corner of Josephine' and Mary Sf. on L>ast side of cemefery. Prop- arty sold. No reserve. Termis cash. Auctioneers Murray Jackson and Arnott Wootten. P85-2459. 3-1 Tuesday J'anuary 21, 1: 00 p,.m. 1Hoisteins Fast Sale Due to Sudden Death Complete Thorncrest Hol- stein Dispersai for the estate of fthe late R. Grant Thorne, Bailieboro, Con. 2 South Mon- oghan Twp. From Hwy. 28 go 1- mile north'of 'Bailieboro f0 Con. 2 then.,11/2 mile east. 55 head, regisfered'and classif- ied. Thornecrest Sally Nugget (Ver y Good). A big, taîl 5 yr. old daughter of Bond Haven Nugget selîs fresh Jan. 6. Her bi g, 5f ron g, bred heifer also seils. Another "Very Good" is "Vale" a daughfer of Brow- ,view Pabst Realization, This beautifully uddered cow is due in June. Her Good Plus 4y r. old b y Seiling Rockman is due at sale time. Also a Good Plus 4 yr. old daughter of Roybrook Sfarlite selîs due in March f0 Pickland Citation R. Her yearling Pickland daughter also selîs. This herd features 25 milk cows that are young, taîl, with tight udders. Bred and open heifers are very weIl grown. Also selling good qualify .baled hay, straw and grain. Plan fo support this sale called on short notice due to the very sudden deafh of Mr. Thorne. Lunch available - dress warmly. Lloyd Wils-on, Sale Manager and Aucqtioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. URGENTfCY R-EQUIREOI! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanvi;le. area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'll be pleased to appraise it for you and help you locate the "hýome of your dreams". For friendly efficient sale of your home, caîl P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman ville 576-6120. 17-tf RESULTS COUNT! Multiple Lising Service Oshawa & District RealI Estate Board tf SCRAP paper bargains. We have a real bargain in scrap paper for you. Ail sizes, shapes and colors in bundles of 50 cents and $1 .00. Great for drawings, leaving messages, Sroup craft work, etc. The tafesman office. 42-tf R ss RS

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