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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1975, Section 2, p. 3

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SalAnn< Speaks at Reetyappointed Salva- hon) Army Commissionerfo ed Bowmanville on Thursday, ville Rotary Club. Bowman- ville was Commissioner Brown's first and oly corps appoîntment after leaving the Salvation Army Training Cen- tre in Belleville in June, 40 years a go. After bis corp s appointment in Bowmanville, he went to Toronto to work in the Sally Ann's Editorial Department where he wrote a istory of the first quarter century of the Salvation Army. He also initiated two terevision pro- ductions "This is MyStory" and "The Living Word". For the past 10 years he bas served as bead of the public relations department, then chief of staff in London, England. While in London he was a member of a Rotary Club which bas the distinction of being the parent club of al Rotary Clubs in London. In 1970-1971, be was president of that club. Commissioner Brown suc- ceeds Clarence Wiseman in Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Januiary 15, 1975 3 Commissioner Rotairy Club bis psent psition. Commis- London with bis son, and sioner Brown is married, bas sotd a number of peopîe two daughters and two grand- =ne a bridge. He askÎed his children. His son-in-law, Har- son wbat they were doing, and old Hetberington, was ac- tbe son replied tbat it was claimed- at t he meeting as common knowledge that they being responsible for getting were deprived people wbho Commissioner Brown to speak lived and died there. Rev. to the club and accompanied Bootb tben asked the son wbat hlmi to the meeting. bie was doing to alleviate the Mr.' Brown told tbe club a situation, to wbich the son number of humorous anec- replied "what can anyone dotes about the London Rotary do?" Rev. Booth then stated Club and being a member of, "as your father and a general the Salvation Army. He f in- 1 order that you do something ished bis address by relating a about it.",' Commissioner number of stories about the Brown then reiterated the Sally -Ann's founder Rev. tbeme "do sometbing, about William Booth, and bow the it" and explained tbat this was founder's pbilosophy bas car- tbe code- of the Salvation ried on. Army. He explained that the phil- osophy of tbe Salvation Army The letters "SS" stands for was you had to care for a saved to save, Commissioner person's phvsical needs. to Brown toldtbe club. He was save the soul of tbat individ- introduced, by Bowmanville ual; and tbat it was important Rotarian andSalva-tion Army to understand that these tivo Captain Scott Hewlett and issues were inter-related. He tbanked by Rotarian Ross added that the Salvation Army Strike. is one of the largest welfare Other Salvation Army offic- agencies in the world. ers in attendance were area A story that was told about Division Commander Harold the Rev. Booth is that hie was- Sharp and Captain Don Riston travelling the east side of from Oshawa. Paul Vaneyk had the misfor- tune to faîl in her home New Year's Eve and break ber hip. She was.rusbed by ambulance to Oshawa General Hospital where she was operated on. At time of writing she is coming along fine, good spirits and they presented her with a pair of crutches on Monday so keep up the good work, Bessie. OBITUARY FREEDA RUTH CHAMBERLAIN An employee of the Post Office, Freeia Rutb Chamber- lain, aged 66, passed away suddenly in Sunnybrook Hos- pital, Toronto, on Tbursday, December 19, 1974. Born and educated in Port Hope, she was the daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson. Married in 1954 to Robert Chamberlain, sbe had resided in Toronto for 20 years, previously residing in Orono. Left to mourn her passing are ber brothers Virtle, of Florida, Kennetb, of, Toronto, and sister Bella Falls of Bowmanville. Reverend Dr. Hawkins con- ducted the funeral service, on Saturday, from tbe R.S. Kane's Funeral Home, Toron- to. Pall-bearers were nephews Jack and Ted Wilson, Roy and Jerry Falls, Jack Grabam and friend Clarke Wilson. Interment was in Bowman- ville Cemetery. TYRONE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park were Sunday Dec. 29 supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steel, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caver, Oshawa were Saturday after- noon gu sts of Mr. and Mrs. L. Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. D. Park and boys, Pontypool and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers and fam- ilyand Loran Davey were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ovenden, Hampton and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Parker and Tyson were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goble. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goble visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middleton, Orono, Sunday Dec. 29., Little John Goble was a New Year's Eve guest of his Srandparents, Mr. and Mrs. tan Goble, and returned to his parents on New Yar's day when is grandparents and Bruce were guests of the L. Goble's, Pontypool., "WHERE'S MY TOW ELi "f Ever corne home and find your home broken into 'and valuables stolen? Insurance cannot replace treasured items- but a Homeowner or Tenant Policy wiII pay the Ioss, within policy limits, and also the damage caused by breaking in. James Insurance Agencu LimItEd 24 King St. E.. Box 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES Off ice 623-4406 f îW Residence 623-5023 ...... Jennifer Janssens, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Janssens and Kevin Park, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Park, Pontypool, were baptized b y Rev. L. Bigby Sunday morn- rng during our, morning ser- vice. Mr, and Mrs. A.J. Hoar were New Year's Day guests of Mrs. Cathy Harmer and Stephen, Bowmanville. Mr and Mrs. J.C. Cook attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Wm. Kidd, held from the Archdeacon Funeral Home in Brampton on Thurs- day afternon and were supper guests of the Kidd family, Goodwood. Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Byam and Lori spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Bower andal enjoyed supper in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Byam visited Mrs. L. MacClellanid Peterborough Sunday after- noon -During the Christmas holi- day, the Hall Eucbre party was well attended witb 18 tables. Prizes went to Meta Read, Haydon; Olive Gimb- lett, Brooklin.; Ann Park, Bowmanville; Edna Vivian, Oshawa; Marjorie Pascoe, Newcastle; Myrtle Manins, Port Perry. The 50-50 prize, was won by Bruce Bright, Oshawa. There were 17 tables at the first eucbre of the new year, prizes going to Olive Gimblett, Brooklin; CarI- Gimblett, Port Perry; Marg- aret Hall, Hampton; Alice Hoskin, Oshawa; Laverne Clemens, Hampton and Eve- lyn Laverty, Oshawa.. The 50-50 going oRyBono Newcastle. oRyBono Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gener- eaux, Manilla spent Thursday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Dodd. Barbara and Debbie Anderson. returned home witb their parents having spent part of the holidays with their grand- parents. Tommy Elliott, Toronto spent a couple of days with Rory Gibbs and Wayne Dennis Picton ,spent a couple of days with Niék Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs and boys snent New Year's Day witb Mr. and Mrs. R. Perfect, Bowmanville. r.and Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Bowmanville were New Year's eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibbs after the Eucbre party at Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibbs were Monday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goble were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gillard. 1Mr. and Mrs. M. Shortt, Lakefield were Saturday vis- MONEY ON QUALITY OX PREMIUM FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dia l 1-668-3381, CAL usDX fFUEL QIL TODAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE AUTO & USED CARS >i LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS AND SCRAP, GOOD SELECTION 0F USED CARS R. R. 2 - Newcastle 987-4636 Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan'sRd. itors and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martel and girls, Hampton were Sunday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowan. Mrs. Edna Philp and Miss Jean Philp were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Philp and family, Oshawa and on Saturday visited Mrs. Dora Goodfellow, Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gels- berger and family, Taunton and Mrs. Helen Park,ý Bow- manville were New Year's day guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Skinner and on Sunday Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Burgess, Mrs. H. Park, Bowmanville and Mrs. L. Taylor were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton entertained the family on New Year's Day. Mrs. Laverne Taylor, Mr., and Mrs. Gerald Taylor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Cornisb and family were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Phillips, Bow- manville'. Mr. and Mrs. John Vaneyk and family were Sunday, supper guests of Mr. and M rs. Wm. DeMille, Newmarket and were Tbursday supper guests of Mr.- and Mrs. J.A. Rose- vear, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van- dorp and. family were New Year's Day guests of Mrs. Fornataro, .Hamilton. Mrs. Edna Wood spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. M. Mavin -and boys, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cam- eron were New Year's Eve guests of Mrs. E. Wood and John. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rowan, Janet and Donald, Enniskillen were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Rundie. Mr. and Mrs. James Wood- ley and family were Sunday supper of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Drysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sosnow- ski, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Fernlund, Bowmanville were Sunday, Dec. 29 guests of Mr. and Mrs . John Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and girls, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Crowells and family, Salem, were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cook. Sorry to report that Mrs. Business Directory Accountancy WM. J.H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.0. S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional BIdg. Office Hours: Weekdays - 9-5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D.S. 222 King St. E.., Suite 106 Professional BIdg. Bowma nvi lie Office Hours: Weekdays -9 to 5 Telephone 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. The regular monthly execu- tive meeting of the Durbam Liberal Association was beld Jan. Bth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. VanNest in Bowman- ville, with president Ian Wil- son in the chair.' Among the various reports heard was one from Milton Dakin, in which he discussed the preliminary meeting of the Durbam East Liberal Party, held Jan.' 7 at the Flying, Dutcbman in Bowmanville.- Representatives were present at this meeting from Durham, Oshawa, Ont. South, Pine- ridge-Haliburton and L.P.O. The following committees were set up: Founding, Nom- ination, Membership, Finance and Constitution, witb the membersbip committee to be under the direction of the Founding Committee. The Liberal convention will bé held in Windsor, Feb. 7 and 8th, witb a caucus to be beld shortly before the convention by the Northumberland-Liber- aldelegates. Also at the executive meet- ing. Président Wilson request- edtbat eacb executive mem- ber ask approximatey ten people theiropnin n apital Punishment, 50 that 1when reported back the association could bave the feeling of the urham Libe',rals Ge-arîng Up For Comina OnfarîoElection Mr. and Mrs. Wes McMahon recently spent a few days in Toronto as, guests of Mrs. Violet Ritchie. Bowling Results At the Betbany Mixed Bowl-. ing League this week, -ladies bigb single was won by Ann Englesman witb a score of 232. Ladies bigh'triple was won by Sandra Ashby with a score of 582. Earl McQuaid won the men's higb single with a score of 254 as well as winning the men's hîgh triple with a score of 592. Gamnes over 200: Diane Wilson 224, Jim Kleopher 218. Margaret Weatberilt 208, Dave McRellis 204, Hilda Bigelow 202, Vivian Ambrose 202, Geor2e Scott 201, U.C.W. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Bethany U.C.W. was held at the Cburch with Mrs. John Neals presiding. Mrs. Addison Scott read the minutes of Mie previous meeting and also people in this community on this subject. ' ' , A hospitali.ty thank you nigbt wll be held in Millbrook in January, or early February for Cavan, Millbrook and South Monaghan workers. Bowmanville and Darlinigton thank you night Iwill be Feb. 28 at the Lion's Centre in Bowmanvîlle. Following the meeting a 'liberal' feast of home-made breadancl roils was served by Mrs. VanNest. Irene MacDonald; Social Fun- ctions, Mrs. Vincent Jackson; Manse Committee, Mrs. Nel- lie Michelle; Flower Commit- tee, Mrs. Frank White: Secre- tary report, Mrs. Addison Scott-- President's report, Mrs. 'John Neals; and pro- gram -reports were given by Mrs. Tom Jennings, Mrs. Ray Porteous, Mrs. Carl Porteous, and Mrs. Ross Davidson. Mrs. Ross Carr conducted the electionÏ of officers and Mrs. John Neals read the siate of officers for the following year: President, Mrs. Allan Beer; Treasurer, Mrs. Herb Coppins; Secretary, Mrs. Ad- dison Scott; Archivise, Mrs. Tom Jennings; Nominations, Mrs. Herb Coppins and Mrs. John Neals; Auditors, Mrs. Ross Davidson and Mrs., Harry Ryley. Representative to Officiai Board, Mrs. Allan Beer; Rep. to Board of Stewards, Mrs. Addison Scott; Rep. to Manse Committee, Mrs. Harold White and Mrs. Nellie Michel; Rep. to Stew- ardship Committee, Mrs. Allan Beer; Pianist, Mrs. Wes McMahon and Mrs. Clarence Rowan; Cbristian Education Secretary, Mrs. Herb Cop- pins; Supply and Welf are, Mrs. Irene McDonald, Mrs. Donald Lowes, Mrs. Walter Neals; Friendship and Visit- ing,' Mrs. Harold White, Mrs. Walter Neals, Mrs. Irene McDonald, Mrs. Ad Scott; Social Functions, Mrs. Vin- cent Jackson; Flowers for Churcb. Mrs. Allan Beer and Mrs. Nellie Michel. Program convenors are: Mrs. John Neals, Mrs. Ray Porteous, Mrs. Preston Neals and Mrs. Tom Jennings. The food convenors are Mrs. Frank White, Mrs. Wes McMahon, Mrs. Ross Davidson, and Mrs. Mildred Bristow. Mrs. Ross Davidson was in charge of the Worship and Program for the remainder of the meeting and the Seripture reading was read by Mrs. Vincent Jackson. WHEREiVER HEATI 7/NG T/IS IS Af(H L1 6 E CAN RRI/S ORONO 983-5206 ESSOHOME HEAT SERVICE many tbank you cards wbich were received for the Christ- mas fruit boxes that were prepared for the shut-ins. Announcements included the following: on January 19, the U.C.W.,will be serving a luncheon to members pre- ceeding thé Annual Congre- gational meeting following the regular Church service; the World's Day of Prayer will be held on March 7,' the theme being "Become Perfectly One";- on March 14 the U.C.W 'are sposoring a fowl supper starting at 5 p.m.; the next regular meeting will be held on February 3 at the Church, starting at 1:30 p.m. A short singsong, was led by Mrs. Gordon Ficko before the Annual reports were read. The following reports were given; treasurers's report, Mrs. Herb Coppins; Christian Education Report, Mrs. Herb Coppins; Friendship andi Visiting, Mrs. IGA SUNNY MORN Parchment Margarinle 2~'I SUNSOUEEZE (1000% PURE) CONCENTRATED FROZEN Orange. 2321 Juice 3 $O SMEOLEY CHOICE SmaII WhoIeA 4 FL. Carrots 4 FOR TROPICANA PURE Orange Juice 2 SEAF000, LIVER TREAT, OR BUFFET Master Ala Cat Food8"1" ALYMER FANCY$ Rosebud Beets 4--r MA LING CHOICE Whole Mushrooms'TI BAYER Children's Aspi2i,3 F OUIKKI POLY Large Utility Bags 2 , i SCHNEIDER'S, MILD, MEDIUM OR 010 COLOR Cheddar Cheese ýýl0 L~ 77 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE SUNDAY STORE HOURS 10:00 am.-5:00 p.m, OIN TOMATO SAUCE) IGA Spaghetti 414-F. oz.TI TINS r BREAKFAST TREAT FLORIDA MIARSH SEEDLESS RED OR WHITE SIZE Grapefruit 138'FOR WN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE A%-B. 'N J AGS PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. NO. 1 GRADE CANADA FANCY GRADE CRISP, FLORIDA (SIZE 24's)à%% CRISP McINTOSH 39% 3-1 B. Celery StlkSEA. .pples- BAG OUIKKI POLY Kitchen Garbage, Bags 2 BoxEs$ CHRISTIES (SALTED OR PLAIN) Premium Crackers 16Z O PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRU SAT. JAN. 15-lBth WE RESERVE THIE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIE$ Supplied by TH-E OSHAWA GROUP LIMITED supply depot for progressive independents BETHANY rIGA- ASSORTED FLAVORS 26-FL DZ. NON-RETURNABLE BUS. 4 FORI Heinzq 1 L k~etchup toz. BjL. FROSTEO (15. 25. 40,60 OR 100 WATT)------- .... Sylvaniaq Light Bulbs IGA (IN TOMATO SAUCE), Beans with Pork 2 N OIt Brunswick Sardines6 I PR EPAR ED French'sMustard 2 VEL (BONUS PACK 8-OZ. FREE) oz < PLASIF Liquid Detergent 2 "'A CHEESE FIA V0REO SNACK" Cheese Logs 2PKG WIZARD (ASSORTED FRAGRANCES) Air Freshners 21,!N RUFFN REDDI PoIy Garbage Bags . rEVAPORATED 2%,, PARTLY SKIMMED Carnation LARGE FIRM HEADS NO. 1 GRADE LOCAL GROM PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. FR COOKING Cabbage *, 3,FOR Onionis 1

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