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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1975, p. 3

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WES LEY VI LLE, In Ontario's history we have beard of a summenless yean; the mild weather of this ný,?son makes us wonder if we ght have a winteriess year. le bnown fields and whole ,untryside are far different ,from t he usual danuary land- scape. There bave been thun- densto ýnms too and people were ,urprised to see the beautiful -lan rainbow of last Saturday \morning in the north, sureiy a n unusual position. Last Thursday evening one resi- dent out for a walk, and using a flashlightwas amazed to see a big fishworm draw back in the eartb when the iight bit hm. Last week was busy one for meetings, on Monday moring Desdames T. Wilson, G. Tufford, K. Ashby, M. Payne and E. Barrowclough, Met with their Welcome members ofthe UCW executive to, plan the activities for the coming year. On Tuesday afternoon the Morrisb Institute held their meeting in Welcome United Church Sunday Schooi, and for this special day invited others to attend. The guest speaker was Judith Currelly who deiigbted her audience with beautiful slides and accounts of ber adventures in the Yukon during winter months. * DEAL- WEIGHT, C-HAE AegtWoe e I 59' 10 wvtevvwii i eip youu iose10 11 weight FOREVER with 68" 144,15 the aid of thie famous --70- - 164 Adelaide Daniels Canadian 72- 161617 Family Meal Plan. 7318 ADELAIDE DANIELS ' 186 Canada 's foremnost diet authoritv 16 .. 190 Founder 7 .. 194 Director counte~egt BOWMANVILLE ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Monday, 7:30 p.m. Church Street ~6ry Ceaners .C/w /1d1e A' N.ewspaper reporter was sent to cover a disaStrous f lood which had wiped out a centralI Pennsylvania town. After vi'ewing the scene, the reporter went ta the telegraph office and filed his story, which started out as follaws: "God is sitting an the his of this littie Pennsylvania town The hard-boiled telegraph editar read the first line and promptly sent back the following message: "Rush interview with God." CLOTHES CARE HINT: YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIENDisyourCleaner--thereisna reason why you should not look weiI dressed ail of the time. CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE ANNUAL DINNER MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22 R BOWMAANVILLE MCLEANERS LTrD. eez 84 KING ST. W. 623-5520 U [AMER "ýWe Spec.ialize In Shirt Laundering" Shutterbugs OnIyI Now Available At No Extra Charge! Professionat Silk Finish In Your Choice 0f, Borderless Or Bonus Colour Prints Quality Photofinishing By Chas. Abel NEWS The General meeting of th, UCW was held at Welcom, church on Wednesday after noon, January 8 with a goo attendance. The meeting wa cailed to order by the presi dent Mrs. T. Wilson, t, reading a parody on Joye, Kilmer's "Trees", called," shahl neyer see a church" Mrs., G. Byers read th, minutes of the last genera meeting and those of the las executive with its recommen dations. A full programme fo the coming year, planneda the executive level was app roved. including entertainîrl senior citizen's, junior, choir outing in dune, bus trip in thi fait, some catering, World' Day of, Prayer, support of Lu] Yun Man in schooiîn Kowlooc and ahl the other usua committments to the worko the church, as well as lookir forward to some church de corating. Officers for the year werî instailed by Mrs. K. Symons Western president of Pre: byterial. It was suggested a. one of the special events fo the church's birthday year,. renewal of mid week Bibl] study. Sldes shown and ai account of travei in Hawai was given by Mrs. E. Barrov -lough and a very briei Dusiness period for each uni vas heid before the cup of teï and social few minutes. Ontario Hydro bas, beer ausy this past week construc. Jng a new line down thE access road. Helicopters werE Iying iow over the northerr .art of the community or 3unday afternoon but thesE xere not identified.' In spite of high winds and 3ower failure on Sunday -norning there was a good ittendance at Welcome Unit- ,d Churcb. Elaine Kelhog gave he morning message to the :hildren wben she toid of some )f bier experiences while o: ier trip to Rome with other ;tudents. She sbowed tbema )icture of St. Peter's statue in he Basîlica and told of the levotion of the many who had 'xpressed tbeir faithi by pay- ng homage to> him. The ýhoir's antbem was "The Lord s my strength, my, strengt] and my song". Rev. R. Bartlett's message was "the 3est year of your life" an înspiring message for the year Df 1975. Ushers for the morning were: Messers. B. Brimmacombe, Carroll Nich- ols, Albert Woodruff and G1er Buttery. There is a great deal of fiu in the district and evidently in the whole area. Christine, iittle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Croft spent a couple of day in Port Hope hospital but is home again. Land War Wairmînïg Up A Land War is warming up between the city of Oshawa and the Town, of Newcastle The confrontation is over 10 lots just east of the City cf Oshawa boundary line. On December 17, the city council sent a ietter to the region stating that the lots havea strong local and regional plaaning stand point ln both physica'l and functional linil age with the city. The confronta tion is not new, it bas been gbing on for the past cou ple of years. It seemed resolved when Re- gional Governmewnt was iit iated and the maps of the lots were sold to the Town of Newcastle dirt cheap. It bas beensuggested that with the Countice Concent initiated, meaning a develop- ment at Courtice consisting of homes for 50,000 people and IE schoois under the provincial government's Action Housing Program, both municipalities are iooking at the tax dollars provided. le r- od 2l- ce -ai ist at ir, le Is al of 'ig le- is, ýs- as a ýle n ii 'v. lit ýa n ie .e n )n ;e id ýy d - 7e le le n ,r a In te id le .d le ýn ir ýe n5 n )f Barrie - Langmaid Wedding On December 14, 1974 Eldad United Church was the scene of a candlelight ceremony when Pastor Paul Erb, solem- nized the marriage of Alice Charlene (Sally), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang- maid, Hampton and Thomas Gordon son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barrie, Bowmanville. Mrs. Donald Taylor was the organist and Miss Nancy Knox the soloist. Given in marriage /by ber father, the bride wore a f3 rncess line gown of white lower em bossed polyester crepe, trimmed with irides- cent beâds, the neckline, long sleeves, hemline and train were edged with scallops. Her fitted headdress of the same material held a shoulder length, scalloped tulle illusion veil. She carried a Christmas bouquet of red carnations outlined in Holly. The maid of bonor was Miss Faye Langmaid the bride's sister. The bridesmaids were Miss Heather Barrie, the groom.' s siste 'r and Miss ~KoeeuPrsto. owin anvijllq the bride's cousin. They wore Christmasý green polyester crepe gowns with mandarin collars and fitted beadpieces to match, White borg capes. and muffs -adorned witn a corsage of featbered red carnations and holly. Best man was Steve Barrie, the groom'sý brother and ushers were Tom Langmaid the bride's brother and Paul Crago, Bowmanville, friend of the groom. They wore black Windsor Style tuxedo suits and white carnation and holly boutonnieres. For the reception in Solina Community Hall the bride's mother wore a purpie plush polyester lace gown and the groom's mother, a peacock blue cashmere polyester gown. Both wore white gar- denia corsages. Mr. Keitb McGill, Enniskil- hen was Master of ceremonies. For travelling, the bride chose a country green blouse and slacks witb a yellow knitted shrink vest and cor- sage of eatmer dýçy sti~~ aMaple Grove News 10 Mrs. Evelyn Baiiey and son little IMiss Susie Cryderman f Brian, Lindsay were, Sunday Who spent Christmas holidays ýn dinner guests with Mr. and with hier grandparents and 'lMrs. Lloyd Tamblyn. returned home to Guelph witl n Recent dînner guests with them, spent the day with Mr. a Mrs. L.C. Snowden and Bob and Mrs. Carlos Cryderman. ilwere Mr. John Pritchard, Plan to attend the Maple ;h Manotick, Mr. Paul Pritch- Grove Annuai Congregational i-ard, Esk, Saskatchewan, Mr. Meeting on'Saturday dan. 26th and Mrs. Harry DeLange, beginning witb a Pot Luck t 'Aian and Briar, Agincourt, Supper at 6:30 p.m. )r Miss Susie Laird, Mrs. Wellie The Speaker at Maple Grove It Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. don United Church on Sun. dan. c-Huband, Oshawa. 19th will be the Rev. Robert t- Mr. and Mrs. Bud Chard and 'Lindsey. B.A.,B.D.. Associate tsfamily, Trenton were Sunday Secretary, Division of Mission )f visitors with Mr. and Mrs. in Canada. The United Church Neil Brownell. of Canada. it Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knister, t Gravenburst, were Newý P- Year's visitors witb Mr. and ZIN ý' Mrs. Harold Evans and Leslie. Vsîtîng Mn. and Mrs. Roy 16 , Mr. and Mrs. Victor Doty, Best for Christmas day were ilN.ova Scotia were recent their daugbter 'Heather and 9 visitons witb Mn. and Mrs. bier busband, Toronto, also 5s Gary Bentley. Mrs. G. ^Walkey, Port Hope. .s Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Tamb- Mrs. Zoe Latondresse, Osh- lyn recently attended the 6th awa was a necent guest of Mn. Wedding Anniversary. cehe- and Mrs. C. Menneilley for a bration for Mn. and Mrs. few days. Anthur Tambiyn, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raby,, M\,r. and Mrs. Frank Lewis, Coîborne, and Mn. Charhie Nova Scotia are spending a Raby spent Christmas day wbile Iwith Mn. and Mrs. Gary witb Mn. Fred and Miss Hilda Benthey and Mark. Raby. New Year's guests witb Mr., Mrs. Margaret Geron visit- and Mrs. ArthurMartin were ed bier aunt Mrs.* Neihie Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa Russell, Picton duning the advir. Sm ieweli, fHamp- holidays. ton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best spent >Holiday guests with Mn. and' New Year's Day with Mrs. Mrs. Fred Wright and family Geo. Waikey, Port Hope. were Mr. and Mrs. E. Des- Mrs. Leo Litterington, and mond and Bob, Hamilton, Raymond, entertained friends Miss Cathie Cameron, Osh- from, Oshawa, Bowmanville awa, Mrs. J.H. Davey, BOw- and Peterboro also bier ne- manville. pbew from Toronto during Mrs. HOG. Freeman spent holidays. New Year's eve and day witb Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Menu- lier daugbter Mrs. E.L. Gil- Iley had their family with bank and family, Orono. them tbrough the Christmas Miss Marion Snowden, Tor- holiday. onto was a Sat. eveninig visitor Miss Marie Irwin, one of the witb bier cousin Mrs. H.G. Port Ho pe Higb Schooh group Freeman. that took the trip to Rome Mrs.- Nora Feather- during the, holidaàys, bad a stone-Haugb, Halifax, N.S., very enjoyable time visiting Mrs. Charles Downey and wee many places of interest, and grandson Colin Kennedy, enjoyed a New Year's Party Bowmanvilie were recenit- vis- arranged for the young folks. itors witb Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin. R - lc Mr. -and Mrs. Lloyd Snow- den, Bowmanviile were Sun- L day dinner guests with their daughter 1and son-in-haw Mr.G 7.M cLarughruii and Mrs. Wayne Pickard and At a special meeting of the family. The occasion being Ontario Miik Marketing bier father's birtbday and Mr. Board, beid in Toronto,, dan. and Mrs. Snowden's wedding loth, George R. McLaugblin anniversary. Several other was re-elected Chairman of members of the family caled the Board and Francis M. during the afternoon. Redeimejer-was elected Vice- New Year's eve guests witb Chairman of the Board. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Cryder- Mr. McLaughin represents man were Mr. and Mns. producers in the Countiesof Ernest Twist, Salem, Mr. and Northumberland, Peter- Mrs. Clarence Bell, Bowman- borough, Durham, Ontario, ville, Victoria and the Muskoka New Year's day guests with district and resides on bis Mn. and MrS. Howard Cryder- dairy farm at Beaverton, mnan and'familyý were Mrs. B. Ontario. Boddy, Ha-)mp ton, 'Miss Lillian Mr. Redeýmeier represents Anderson , Sarnia and -Mr. -Ken producers in the Counties of Cryderman, OJshawa. Peel, Haiton, Dufferin, Sim- On Sunday dan. th Mr. and coe and York and resides on Mrs. Howard Cryderman, bis dairy farm at Richmond dim, Esther and Ralob and Hill, Ontario. carnations. Foliowing a hôneymoon to Ottawa and Montreai, Mr. and Mrs. Bar- rie are residing at R.R. 4, Bowmanvilie. Out of town guests were present from Fenelon Falls, Peterborough, Toronto, Scar- borough, Ajax and Osbawa, .The bride was honored at several parties and showers, given by Miss Nancy Knox, Hampton and former sehool friends, Mrs. Jim Kinsman, Enniskillen, assisted by Misses Heather Barrie and Kolieen Preston, Mrs. Wm. Ashton, Mrs. Roy Goyne and Mrs. Garnett Goyne, a comn- munity shower in Solina Hal by the Women's Institute, Sbaw's 'Community, and the staff of Glazier Medical Centre. Prior to the weddîng, the couple b eld an "Open riouse ' in intlir new nome, assisted by their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barrie entertained the wedding party, foliowing the wedding rehearsai. You qGla s s Bottie n 7s id k ,e 1. rt ýe ýn ,h y e d 0 a e y a e e it d s e 9 t- h s e p e a 9 n a f f L BURKETON Mr. and Mrs. David Gat- cheli, Brooklin, were dînner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Stephenson and friends. Mr. Alan Grant and David visited with Mrs R. Davey. Mr. T. Holroyd, Bowman- ville 'cailed on Mr. and Mrs. F. HÏolroydand family., Mr. and Mrs. R. Grace, Bowmanville, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. Grace,, and family. Mrs. R. Davey spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. S.. Grant, Zion. Snowmobile riding seems to be enjoyed by old and young alike. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, January 15, 1975 3 The deepest sympathy of the community goes out to family Officiai O peIngR of Mr. and Mrs, W. Clifford family and friends in theToC s 00 passing of a loving mother, $1,stS je Mrs. Dorothy House the form- Th New Darlington Sports er DorotIýy Shortridge, daugh- Centre on the Taunton Road er of James Sho-rtridge, ourwetoHapnwiloiciy much loved and respected etoHapnwilficly mail man for many years and open February 8 and 9. thoughts of ol his grand Newcastle Council approved black horse. Seoicey fo an expenditure of $1,000 for Servce as rom the occasion at their Jan. 6th Armstrong Funeral, Home, meeting. Oshawa. Cuelo o li n We also remember the Ccilltonreon AliBad ain hepss of Mr r. Litte Fanning have worked out the m ther asin Scarbr.ugh te'sprogram for the event. The moterin cabooug a te main ceremony will take age of 88 years. Service was place Saturday, February 8, held on Tuesday. ýContainer Pref er.. Plastic Jug Whof Polilk BaLr Glen % %ae IT'S GOOD -a Great Buys On Brand New 1975"s ln Stock!. $3495O'O Base price plus freight, service, 7 per cent sales tax, license and options. High prices paid for good, clean trade-ins. 219 King St. E. 623-4481 Bowmanvj île Bawmanvile. Ont. 67 King St. E. 623-2546 haute couture fsin JANUARY SALE Ovr7Gowns- Now AllOne Price - $29.99 Designer Gowns- Reduced 1 -3 to 1/2 Off Ladies Pantsuits- Reduced to one price- $35.00 Fail and Winter Dresses- Up tOl/20Off Camel Wool Slacks- Now to Clear- $10.99 Winter Coats - Suits- Slacks- Shirts - Sweaters ALL SALES FINAL USE CHARGEX NO LAY-A-.WAYS MASTER CHARGE ALTERATIONS EXTRA OPEN THURS. - FRI. - TO 9P.M. NEW ARR IVALS EXCLUDED ISee our exciing 'Fun in the Sun" Fashions for Winter vacationers, ITHE GALLERY MIDTOWN MALL OSHAWA OU'R Home Delivered MiIk Costs LESS Than Anywhere Else in Ontarjo, Ask, About Our Volume Discount P lan for /2 Gai. Jugs. FRESH EGGS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR Grade "A" Larg '3ç o For Information - Phono 6'23-5444 r- fashions Matter

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