The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvile, January 29, 1975 3 Youn g Student Speakers Compete in Annual Royal Canadian Legion Contest Many excellent speeches were delivered by young student orators on Sunday afternoon at the Legion Hall on Queen Street, as they took part in the annual public speaking contest sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion. The first three in each category who won awards are shown above, front row, left to right, Scott Brimble, Allison Reid, Martha Stubbington,, Elizabeth 1H11l, Shelda, Jackson, Kerry Dennis, Lack of Cost-Consciousness, Irres pons îblIîty TowardHeIh Blamed for Hîgh Care Budget LacK of cost-consciousness by the general publie and the fact that millions of Canadians are quite irresponsible about their healtb and fitness and make littie real effort to avoid being sick were cited as contributing factors to Ontar- io 's higb health care budget by Ontario Hospital Association Executive Director R. Alan Hay today. Speaking to the Prescott Chamber, of Commerce on Tuesday, January 21, Mr, Hay 5MMECAYLETTEA,, 0F CREPIT ON'THEIRJ FACE, WK 15 4 IOURED WIIEREVER TfrEY 60. Y BYAM PLUMBING &HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONTARIO e Phone 263-2650 -0 said "Hospital care costs a lot because there arc many people invohved in it." The lfargpe increases in salary won by nurses and other bospital workers ast year bas speeded cost increases, and the pro- blem is aggrava ted furtber, of course, when there is also overutiization of bospital beds and services. "I am sure that we alh may be able to tbink of, a person wbo las pressured is doctor to put him in bospital for tests or treatment because it was more convenient that way, or wbo bas pressurea is doctor to prescribe certain tests, treatment or drugs that be tbought migbt help," he said. "The end reisult înay bave been good for the patient, but we ai wonder if there was, in fact, a less costhy way of achieving the same end. "We must become more cost-conscious. As 'potential patients, we ail feel, uteî understandabhy, that miedical need sbould comne before cost conisideraqtion, and wve at OHA grewihyou. As business- men and women, bowever, we, must appreciate the import- ance of keeping, costs down wbile maintaîning a product of the required quality." Mr. Hay suggested that this is wbat -Provincial llealtb Minister Frank Miller is trying to do. "He is reminding people that, once tbey have entered the bealth system as patients, their attitudes, and demnands can affect bospital costs significantly.' 01*y'Cleaners Ckuc "Doctor, did you ever make a serlous mistake diagnosis?" "Yes, 1 once treated a patient for indigestion, wher have afforded an appendectomny". CLOTHES CARE HINT: HOME CLEANINO 15 DANGEROUIS. Cleaning fluf be handled only by experts to avoid explosions and BE SURE TO ATTEND RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINI WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5TH,1975 1:30-4:30 AND 6:30-9:00 LION'S CENTRE, BEECH AVE., BOWMANVILLE e BOWMA NVI %CLEANERSL m= 8ER4 ]KING ST. W. "We Specialize In Shirt Laundt Tv'he Style Shopp 621M5453 NOW OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEI Mon.-Fri.-Sat-Bev Martin Tues. thru Sat. Maureen Goodwin, Donna Hayn ADD SOME H IGHLIGHTS TOYOURHAIR for the Month of Februai 37 King St. W. Bowmani -1AI e te ini your n she could Glenda Reynolds, Valerie Lucas, Andrew Sproatt, Darlene Shirk; absent, Starr Ferrili; back row, Contest Chairman Bob Brown, Carol Judd,' Dana Peebles, Pamela Frank, Anita Campbell, Patti May, Nýancy'Rietmuller, Sharron Farrow, Perry Rietmuller, Kim Kirk and Legion President Stan Du n. Another major way in which people can belp cut bospital costs, said Mr. Hay, is by adopting a beaithier way of life. "Millions of Canadians make little real effort to avoid being sick. Their if e styles show they are quite irrespon- sible about theïr heahth and fitness. There is a mass of. evidence that costs occurring as the result of physical inactivity, of promîscuity, of excessive eating, drinking, smoking and bad driving are staggering.' Mr. Hay con- luded tbat a change for the better in attitudes and bebav- iour pattern could do more to improve beahth than any recent advance in medicine. HÂYDON Mrs. Dorothy Perryman, Westlock, Alberta is visiting~ ber brother and sister-in-haw, Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts and family. Mr. Bert Ashton, Toronto, was Sunday supper guest of bis sister, Mrs., A. Read. -Mrs. J. Potts, Mrs Dor-thy Perryman and Mrs. A. Trewin visited Mrs. W. Martin at Hillsdahe Manor, Oshawa on Friday. Mrs.,Irene Tabb and Lily Tabb and Miss May Tabb were Saturday dinner guests of the K. Rahms, Enniskillen. Theoccasion of May Tabb's birtbday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Paterson attended a birthday party for bis brother Mr. Milton Pater- son, Maple Grove. Kyle Graham was Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs., Tom Potts and Charlene. Mrs. Charlie Garrard came home from Memoàrial Hospit- al, Bowmanville on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones, Tom and Sandy visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Mason, Scarborough on Saturday. Ladies' Major Help Mareh of Dimes Fund, many of, these yo Traffic accidents are a aduhts bave learned to st major cause Of pb1sical -dis- their ability, not their dis. ability, particular y among ity. young aduhts. And, as a result, One suceh person whc many of tbem end up confined grateful for tbe bel p giveý to wheelhairs or even to a bed bim by the Marcb Of DimE for the rest of tbeir lives. 38 year ohd Sam Van Voorl The cbange fromn an active 1968, Sam was in a mi life to one of less mobility can accident tbat heft, bir be traumatic, but tbanks to quadraplegic. Althougb lh the Marcb of Dimes Ability still a patient in the Chat] lUd shold IUTop 10 Averages 0 f ire. O. Patfield 233, D. Bradley 227, O. Etcher 226, N. Evans 225, T. Forrester 225, M. [C Flintoff 223, F. Bradley 219, B. Wcstlake 215, J. Patfield 211. B. Osborne 208. Team Standings Depew 11875, *9; J. Patfield 11461, 8; O. Patfield 12185, 7; Land 11758, 7; Forrester 11561, 7; Moore 11889, 6;, Flintoff L E 11285, 6; D. Bradley,10924, 6; Davis 11373, 5; F. Braley ILLE 11096, 5; Bowers 11660, 3;' 'TI Evans 11341, 3.' *Tu, High Triple M. Flintoff .............. 767 623-5520 High Single, N. Evans .........372 ering" - Newton ville - St a kvilie To 10 Averages Gail Mison 201,' Jean Arn- old 197, Marlene Stacey 193, Olive Henderson 190, Dorothy Stark 189, Pat Milîson 186, Joyce Stacey 183, Lorna Bain 179, Karen Carter 177, Bernice Henderson 177. Team Standings e Spark Plugs 39, Mufflers 35, Hub Caps 27, Nuts and Boîts 21. 111gb Single Pat Mlsn256. HihTriple Pat Mill-son 733. K Plan Dance In rFebruary The Durham Reg ional Chapter, Multiple Sclerosis es Society of Canada will hold a dance on February 22, 1975 at the UAW Hall, 44 BondStreet, Oshawa. Hours of the dance are fromn 8:30 to 1 a.m. Proceeds from the dance will support multiple sclerosis medicalresearch. Music will be supplied by the Bill Cornellius quartet. There wihl be a bar, luncheon ry and door prizes. Tickets are available by calling 728-9889, Oshawa or look for the merchants in the area disphay- ville ing the MS sign in their - windows. iung ress sabil- Io) is en to ies is t. In notor n a he is tham General Hospital, hie is able to operate bis own business "'Sam's Stationery".> The March of Dimes Ability Cen- tre in London arra:nged to bave a special telepbone device installed in bis room, which Sam can operate by a toucb of bis elbow. This is only one example of tbe kind of service your donations to the Marc of Dimes Abilîty Fund make possible. Wben the Ivolunteer canvasser calîs on you, Iplease give generously. You'll be makîng life better for peophe like Sam Van Voort. BLACKSTOCK Winter sports entbusiasts are delighted witb colder weatber wbicb bas enabhed tbe rink caretaker Bob Bea- cock to get ice into tbe-rink recenthy. Botb ladies and Men 's curling began last week witb of course ail the otber actîvities as well. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Meftill Van Camp on the sudden passing of Norma's aunt, Mrs. Eunice Hunter, of Port Perry, hast week. Norma's brotber Mr. Glenn .Malcolm of Saskatcbe- wan arrived for tbe funeral on ,Friday, and spent a few days witb Mr . and Mrs. Merrill Van Camp and Mr. Norman Mal- colm.1 Recent visitors of Mrs. J.A. Jobnston were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery of Hamp- ton, and Mrs. Gertie Ferguson of Osbawa. Mrs. Gerald Mc-. Gill of Yelverton visited ber aunt on Sunday. 1Tbe Candace Unit of tbe, U.C.W. met at the home of Ruby Parsons on January 21. Norma Van Camp our new Unit Leader led tbe Devotion from Romans. Ruby Van Camp was in cbarge of tbe program and Scripture wbicb was taken from Jobn 17. Sbe bad- an article on Cburcb Union and also gave a most interesting tbeatre wbicb she called "Tatter Tbeatre". Any body witb decrtn pob lems please calet~ Dora Martyn or Gail Mason before the February.3 evening meet- ing when Gail Mason wilh speak on Interior Decorating. Following benedication, Ruby Parsons served a lovehy lunch . Next Sunday there wihh be a special speaxer fromn the United Cburch Media Depart- ment at the Regular Service at 10:00 a.m. Don't miss this special surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey, Mr. Brian Hamilton and Mr Gorclon Paisley were guests at a dinner party on Saturday eeigof Mr. and Mrs. NomnDysart at Peterbor- ougb. Howard Bailey helped Susan Gunter celebrate ber l4th birthdav on Sundav. cieoroncei wîth ... .Further Reductions On Ail Winter Merchandise 4Oo 50% OFF OSHAWA Open 9.-30-6 H Thurs. &Fri. fil 9 p.m. KS