i ewo Cr By Gary Magwoo --qçnzied apit activity, last mninute chassis tuning, whis- pered consultation between drivers and pit crews... scenes from Mosport? -NO: just the Cubs from Bowman- wle4th Cub Pack and their !hers preparing for the i inewood Derby Races held Saturday at the Orono Uaited Church. Af ter weeks of preparation, 18 beautifully coastructed wooden racers were weighed in and pu t through their trial runs on the specially con- structed wooden track. The cars built from kits supplied by the cub organizers have to meet certain specifications laid down in the rules: weight 5 ounces, width two and three quarters inches ,and length seven and three eighth inches. Six cars competed in eacb of three heats with the top four fromn the final heat qualifying for the District Run-offs on February 8. A simultaneous competition for design resulted in four more winners qualifying in thîs category of the District Run Offs. The speed category was won by Scott Kirkton; second plïace, brother Robbie Kirk- ton; third, Randy Goudey; and fourth, Scott Murdoch. The Desi gn category was extremely hard to judge but a winner was finally declared, Bradley Gilpin. Second was Alwyn Huigens; third, Christ- opher Magwood; fourth, Vic- tor Romard. On February 8 at 10 arn. the Orono United Church will again resound to the noise and excitement of a Grand Prix. Cubs and their fathers will work together to produce a winner at the District Run- off s. W. Franik Major Peewees Defeat Whitby and Trenton Playing in the Young Can- ada Day Tournament here on Saturday, W. Frank's Major Peewees displayed their best effort of the season as a team in defeating, Trenton 6 to 1. They scored the only goal of the irst period when Steve Braun put a good shift on their Trenton defence and goalie., He was assisted by Darrel Goudey. Ia the second, Brent Clem- ens drove a bard shot by the Trenton goalie on a good pass from the corner by Randy MacDonald. Their third goal was almost -a duplicate of the second from Cbuck Welsh la the corner to Rîck Simpson in the slot who drove it home. Early in the third, Welsh scored from Bob DeBoo and Rick Simpson. Trenton scored, their only goal on a break- away by Mark Turcotte to spoîl the shutout for Paul Lav igne and Mark Shackelton who shared the goaltendîng duties. A minute Ilater on a good passing play, Randy MacDonald tallîed with Carl Chambers and Breat Clemens assistiag. Welsb counted his second goal of the game near the end of the period, assisted by Rick Simpson and Kevin Noble. Welsb was also the wimner of the Most Valuable Player award. Win at Brooklin The Peewees on Tuesday, Jan. 2lst, woa a bard-fought game in Brooklin against <7hitby 5 to 4. It was a seesaw battle ahl the .vay, with both teams scoring tbree goals in the opening two periodis. Bowmanville weat ahead on a power play goal at the five minute mark of the third and then scored what turaed out to be the wianer, with tbree minutes lef t in 'the game. MxdMajor Top 10 Averages Doris Jol 248, Vi Coole 241, Joan Sutcliffe 238, Jim Murphy 238, Russ Hatley 237, Pete Dobbins 233, Peggy Haynes 232, Jim Bruton 232, Ross Wright 230, John Ford 229. Team Standings Duan 8, 9,410; Coole 7, 9,134;1 Crosse y 6, 9,008; Joîl 5, 9,676; B. Budays5, 6,419; Bagnell 5, 9,1111; Haynes 5, 9,072; Sut- clif fe 3, 9,300; Patfield 3, 9,016; K. Buday 3, 8,843; Fairey 2, 9,029; Sheehan 2, 8,395. High Single Ladies - Peggy Haynes 309; Men - Jim Murphy 321. 111gh Triple Ladies - Joan Sutcliffe 748; Mens - Bill Joli 809. t t Bowmanvîlle survived a grim situation in the third when they had three defence- men in the penalty box but Randy MacDonald, Dale Broome and Rick Simpson, aided by some great goaltend- ing by Paul Lavigne, held off the Whitby attackers. Rick Simpson scored four goals, Chuck Welsh had one goal and an assist. Other assists went to Rob DeBoo, Stan Greenhamn and Dale Broome. The Peewees play their next two games out of town, in Cobourg on Friday and Lind- say on Saturday. Ladies" Major Top 10 Averages D. Bradley 234, 0. Patfield 233, O. Etcher 228, T. Forres- ter 221, B. Osborne 219, N. Evans 216, C. Bowers 214, M. Flintoff 213, J. Brown 209, F. Bradley 208. High Triple D. Bradley ............. 743 High Single D. Bradley............-'316 Teani Standings Depew 8903-8; O. Patfield 9136-6; J. Patfield 8528-6; D. Bradley 8273-6; Moore 8912-5; Forrester 8591-5; Land 8750-4; Bowers 8897-3; Davis 8371-3; Flintoff 8327-3; F. Bradley 8011-3; Evans 8495-2. ight Hawks High Single A. Lorusso.............. 280 High Triple A. Lorusso ............ 658 Teani Standings B., Smith 7980, 9; I. Wright 7363, 7; J. Burton 7841, 6; M. Bates 7484, 6; W. McNeil 7346, 6; M. Trimble 7158, 2. Top 10 Averages A. Lorusso 203, M. Bates 195, J. Burton 192, B. Wilbur 190, J. Rowe 190, D. Devos 189, B. Smith 186, M. Trimble 178, J. Woudstra 178, K. Raîston 177. Legtion Bowling Teftm Standings Sutcliffe 8 pts., 10,645 Pin- faîl; Plazek 7, 10,725; -Sheeban 6, 10,814; Partner 3, 10,654. High Single Joan Sutcliffe ........... 246 Hig h Triple Joan Sutcliffe...... ..... 682 1,Topl10Averages Joan Sutcliffe 221, Bernice Partner 210, Diane Howarth 206, Ana Plazek 197, Mary Bates 192, Nyhl Sheehan 192, Irene Witney 191, Mary Gray 186, Hilda Simnick 184, Kay Barrett 179. m un ity. Local, newspapers deliver massive covelrage to people of ail ages. 80% of The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Jaauary 29, 1975 7 Pamul Reid Scores Th ree, To Prace T ransporters in 6 f0 5 Win Over Trenton' i I 1AMy Nome is, Murray O'rien "Don't Let the Grass -Grow Under Your Wheels" Announcing General Motors of Canada Customer Rebate of $200.00 to $500.00 on 1975 ASTRE, VENTURA, APOLLO, SKYLARK AND SKYHAWK MODELS Sec: WELDON BROWN STEW PRESTON * A s s e *,e CEDRIC RUSSELL MURRAY O'BRIEN, SALES MGR. Pontiac Buick Le Mans Grand Prix Ventura Astre G.M.C. Trucks 166 KING ST. EAST PHONE 623-3396 BOWMANVILLE SPECIAL NOTE: Up to Midnight Saturday, Feb. 1, 1975, Alil Astre, Ventura, Apollo, Skylark and Skyhawk models that are ordered, will be eligible for factory rehate. Your choice, Your color, Your options, but huriry! FranksPume!sptenîCers Brook tis S-h u t OuftMutt to n s In CommercîalL By B.L. Oliver Frank's clinched first place tbis week by dowaing Spen- cer's 8-4. They stretched their unbeaten streak to 14 as tbey completely domiaated Spen- cer's witb bard skating and great passing plays.,' Gary Wilson was the big gun for Frank's, potting the bat trick witb Paul Forsey collect- ing two and Ron Simpson, Ted Brown and Bryaa Hughes each netting one. Spencer'swere completeiy disorganized as they were unabie to get the puck Out of their owa end. Needîag to play a more positional style of hockey they managed to score four, two of which came off the stick of Dave Green witb Grant Flintoff and Brian Evans getting one eacb. Hug5v1e Reminant Sale 3 DAYS ONLY Thursday - Friday - Saturday Size 8'9'"IZ16'2" 8'xlO"xl2' 7'6' x12' 8'3"x12' 10'x12' 7'8"xl2' 8'6"xll'll1" 9'x12' 6'10"x1' 5'x5'4'> Type Reg. Price Brow n Level Loop Carpet $144.00 Gold Pattern Kitchen Carpet $119.50 Brown Plush Shag $129.50 Green Sculptured Level Loop $ 88.00 Red Shag Rubber Backed $ 99.50 Grey Level Loop $ 97.00 Green Plush Shag $129.50 White Shag $143.50 Orange Pattern Kitchen Carpet $155.95 Green Hi-Lo Shag $152.95 Qyster Shag $ 75.95 White Plush Shag $ 42.95 Hul PL - PLUS- indreds More Too Numerous to Mention 'LUS Thousands of Yards from the Roll at 50 Percent Savings and More Sale Price $64.0 0 $69.95 $39.95 $54.95 $59.50 $49.95 $59.50 $65.95 $71.50 $54.95 $24.95 $15.00 Example: Peerless Opal Essance - Reg. $23.95 - Now $10.95 Sq. Yd. 90-DAY INTEREST-FREE FINANCING CHARGEX -MASTER CHARGE FREE ESTIMATES-FREE PARKING YES! WE INSTAILL The Carpe t Warehouqse I110 King St. W. 1 ý HI Oshawa Smokey Hayes' gained bis third shutout of the season as Brooks bianked Mutton's 5-0. Mutton's came up empty handed as Smokey had the goal posts and some back up goaitending by Dave Rafuse on bis side.- On two power play opportunities, Mutton's failed to even get a shot on goal. Again, il was Rick Woolner leading the way for Brook's with two goals and an assist. YOUTH BOWLING There wilI be no Youtn Bowling February Ist. TYKES Wessellius 3, Rozema 2, Sta- cey 5, Luxton 0, Dilling 5, Bates 0, Hancock 5, Woolley 0, Nash 5, King 0. Team Standing Stacey 18, Nash 14, Luxtoni 13, Dilling 13, Hancock 10, Rozema 9, Woolley 8, Bates 7, Wessellius 5, King 3. 111gb Single G. Guess 167, S. Murray 150. High Double G. Guess 292, E. Rozema 261, S. Woolley 260., BANTAM BOYS Sheehan 5, Wilson 0, Sut- cliffe 3, Rozema 2, Coombes 3, Hammond 2.5 Team Standing Sutcliffe 15, Rozema 13, Coombes 13, Hammond 12, Sheehan 7, Wilson 0. High Single R. Suteliffe 192, R. Kirkton 162. 111gh Double R. Suteliffe 352, R. Kirkton 296. - BANTAM GIRLS Brunt 5, Almond 0, Hooper 5, Williams 0, Ingram 5, Brown 0. Teani Standing Ingram 17, Brunt 15, Brown 8, Williams 8, Hooper 7, Almond 5. High Single W. Brunt 224, S. Ingram 219. 111gh Double W. Brunt 402, S. Ingram 386. JUNIOR BOYS Dadson 7, Hopcroft 0, Bons 4, Woolley 3, Murphy 5, Wiggans 2. Team Standing Murphy 17, Wiggans 16, Hopcroft 14, Dadson 14, Bons 13, Woolley 10. High Single R. Crossey 288, M. Visser 266, R. Sneed 233, J. Stacey 220. High Triple M. Visser 616. JUNIOR GIRLS Haynes 5, Ingra'm 2, Chow 6, Michelson 1, Lavigîie 5, Lane 2. Team Standing Lane 21, Michelson 16, Chow 16, Lavigne 13, Ingram il, Haynes 7. The Hl.L. Wood Transport Minor Bantams sparked, by the three goal performance of Paul Reid defeated Trenton 6 to 5 in a thrilling overtime match. Trenton drew first blood with ionly 15 seconds lef t in the first period. Murray Ruddy combined with Jacky Pinch to set up Paul Reid for his first of the day to even the score at the three minute mark of the middle stanza. Trenton took the lead again oaly to have Reid tie the game eleven seconds later. Greg Brunt and Jacky Pinch drew assists on the play. Forty seconds after Rei ds' second marker, Murray Ruddy put the Toros, ahead on a play assisted by Brunt and Reid. Trenton came right back to draw even twenty-three seconds later. End to end rushes by both teams held the spectators sitting on the edge of their seats for the balance of the second even though neither team was able to bulge the twine. Paul Reid completed the bat trick early in the third to send the Toros into'the lead. Greg Brunt started the play as lie passed the puck to Paul Cascagnette who in turn relayed it to Reid. The sharp- shooting centre made no mistake. After end to end action, Trenton finally banged in the equalizer at the 12 minute mark with the Toros being'shorthanded. Bowman- ville was not to be denied as they came up with a power play effort of their own. Cascagnette and Ruddy set up WyePreston, the teams eaigscorer, with less than 2 minutes lef t. The stage was set. Trenton Dulled their goalie and exerted extreme pressure on the Toro defense. High Single S. Michelson 332, A. Chow 245, J. Haynes 232, W. Van Goor 226. HighTri ple L. Ingram 619, S. Michelsoný 610. Senior Mixied League Reynolds 7, Holroyd 0, Eves 7, Coombes 0, Pearson 4, Roberts 3, Thompson 7, Davey Teani Standing Reynolds 26, Thompson 21, Eves 17, Pearson 12, Coombes il, Holroyd 10, Roberts 9, Davey 6. 111gb Games J. Brooks 344 (736), M. Reynolds 273 (720), R. Thomp- son (689), Jo Anne Holroyd 294 (670), C. Cowle 287, L. Taylor 276, Judy Holroyd) 256. With just two s econds left on the dock Trenton scored to send the game into suddea death overtime. A tripping penalty put the local Toros. in trouble early in the extra frame. The Tore defence rallied te the chall- enge and kept Trenton off the score board. Just as the Tore penalty was over, Trenton received a minor. The Home Town power play took over as John Stewart banged in the winner from in front of the net at 5:20. Wayde Preston and Greg Brunt assisted on the play. Lt was Brunt's fourth assist of the game._ Lt was a complete team effort that was hi-lited by the outstanding work of goal- tenders Milke Buttonshaw and Kevin Gibson not to mention Paul Reid. Paul Reid was selected the most valuable Toro and received a trophy to mark the occasion. Sunday, the Toros travelled to Trenton for a retura engagement. This time Tren- ton was out to avenge the previous days 6 to 5 loss as tbey skated to a 6 to 3 victory. Lt was a good game but the Toros lacked that extra zip they had displayed on Young Canada Day. Scoring for the Minor Bantams were Paul Cascagnette, Greg Brunt and Jody Ross. Wayde Preston and John Stewart picked up twoý assists eacb with Pau Reid and Greg Brunt drawing singles. Watch the Statesman for the dates and times of the up-coming playoffs against Markham. Teani Standings Gutterbalîs 9649, 6; Sorebeads 8893, 6; Headpins 9415, 5; Aces 9246, 5; Screwballs 8979, 4; Alleycats 9259, 1. High Single Men- N. Yeo 274, Women - C. Knapp 358., High Triple Men - N. Yeo 721, Women - D. Bridger 662. ST. JOSEPHSBOWLING Hi g h Triple Richard Kilmer 689, Grace Alward 627. High Single Richard Kîlmer 274, L. Smith 262. Games Over 225 R. Kilmer -, 274, 249, B. Zealaad 264, L. Smitb 262, B. Holroyd 260, S. Reynolds 256, J. McQuaid 253, S. Alward 239, E. Wihliday 237,, P. Horstman 226. ea.gue Jim Burtcb also tallied twice and Bob Howes fired the other. This week's games could well have heen a preview to the first game of t h e layoffs as the teanis are expected to match up the same way. There will be an Ahl Star game betweea this league and the Newcastle Town League at the officiai opecning of the new arena at Hampton on Feb. 8th. Watch for details. Eag les Knock Off Frankford Huskies In Penalty-FiIIed Encounter Sunday The rugged Frankford Hus- program's $5 with the, lucky kies ended their string of wins number. on Sunday night here, whena At the moment, Port Perry determined Red Fagle Junior is leading the league wi th 44 team defeated them 4-3, after points, Lindsay is second with tying with them in Frankford 42 followed by Cobourg with on Friday night. 41, Bowmanville 38, Frank- Bowmanvjlle Juniors led aîî ford 32, Port Hope 17 and the way, but toward the end of Sutton 12. These figures were the game, the visitors aîmost as of January 26th. came back for a tie, after Sunday, February 2nd will scoring two goals and holding see the end of all League the Eagles scoreless through- games in the Central Ontario out the final period. Jr. C. League. Playoffs are John Wood came into bis eeced to start immediately own for the, Eagles, scorinE o1own& a League meeting two goals in the second perio& which will be'held on Febru- Steve Davey for Frankford ary 3rd in Cobourg. matched him with two goals in This year, the teams will the third. Both teams piled uo play as follows: Series A - lst a heavy toîl of penalties with place and 4th p lace teams to 13 each, with Dave Tabb also play for 4 out of 7games, (B) - being assessed a match penal- second place and fifth place ty after a fracas in the opening and (C) - third and sixth place period. teamns will play a 5-game There was no scoring in the series to determine a winner, gamie until the 13:41 mark of The winner of Series B will the first period. From the meet the winner of series C in string a penalties up to that a 5-game series, then the time, it would appear 'the winner of this series will meet players on both sides were too the winner of series A for the busy collecting infractions to league championship. worry about putting the puck in the net. Boyd Knox clicked on the o ener with Tom R rlLc u Martin an Rory Gibbs lend- Rua Lg.U ing a hand. Team Standings In the second, John Wood Hi C's 10, Enniskillen 9, Solîna came through with his first 8, Tyrone 7, Town Boys 6, goal at 6" 11, assisted by Bruce Home Juice Boys 5, Rurals 5, Osborne and Jef f Legere. He Salem 4, Maple Grove 4, The was followed b y Glenn Rice, Statesmen 2. witfl Tom Martin pickingup .his'second assist of the night Top 10 Averages on the play at 11:21. Wood's Brian Martyn 247, Don Taylor second counter came at 16:09 242, Keith McGill 233, Cecil with Knox assisting. Frank- Milîs 223, Ron Avery 223, Jim ford finally got on the score- Coombes 222, Jim MacKenzie board at the 19:29 mark of the 222, Joe Sweet 221, Wayne second, Jeff Brown doing the Coombes 221, Cedric Russell job, with an assîst to Rob 221. Arbuckle. lligh Singles Two draws Were required Brian Martyn ....... ... 332 before the winner for the $40 High Triples draw appeared from Frank-, Brian Martyn (222, 332, 287) ford. Brian Bubar won the -841. If there's a fire in your toW>n, you'd want a full report on it, wouldn't you? And, when it -cornes to reporting, fires and other local happenings, most people turn to their local newspaper for the news. Your local newspaper's prime function is to present the news-with strong emphasis on local news. That's why eight out of ten adults read a newspaper every day. No other news source can match local newspapers for ail men and women read a newspaper every week. And the figures are almost as high for teen-agers-7 'out of 10 (ages 12-20) read a newspaper'every week. Where's the fire? Who's the proud new parents? Who, got marrîed? Ali of these, and more, are reported in your local newspaper every week. And who wants, to know? You do-with a full report. Newsoapers deliver the local story. CANADIAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION REPRESENTING THE COMMUNITY PRESS 0F CANADA 728-0292 IOURS: 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. DAILY ~J~U, IIIUVUyI ~iUIdIOI VId ~ DUIMAM CouwrYS GEAT FAMLY JOUINAL SINCE 1854