8The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 29, 1975 4thi Bowmanville Pin ewood Car Derby Winners The Annual West Durham District Pinewood Car Derby was held on Saturday, January 25th, in the basement of Orono United Church. Cub packs from Newtonville, Hampton, Bowmanville, Maple Grove, Hillcrest Heights and Orono took part in the competitions. The cars, -buit by the Cubs are judged for speed and design. Races are conducted on a long hardwood track which stands about 4 feet offt e loor at the start and rolis docwn to a straight-a-wav. Above, are the winners for sDeed of the 4th Bowmanville Cub Pack (from lef t to ri ghit) Robbie Kirkton whose car placed second, Scott Kirkton whose car took first, and third andd fourth p-ýlace winners Randy Goudey anïd Scott Murdoc-k, respectively. Firs ft Time 0Orono Cubs Participate_- in Derby Motn 4. Michael Guy, 5. McalVooys. C- The top four winners from ;~each cub pack return on Saturda, Fehruary 8 at 10 ~ m. to rono United Church . orthe District Run-offs. The Leaders Race will follow immediately. The Pinewood Derby Offi- cials this year are Chairman George Charland, Weigh-in-- John Pogue and Betty Char- land, Charts--Emma Bragg, Carole Zine, and Helen Thie- ssen, Design Co-Ordinator Marlon Henning, Starters-- Ross Bragg and David Bragg, Pitt Men--Tom Wright, and' Fred Nicholîs, Callers--AndX and Bob Nicholis. End of track judges were leaders and parents from each pack. Refreshments were served by Eleanor Dadson, and Gloria Nicholîs. NE WTON VILLE Women's Institute membe rs attending "Summary Day", in Orono, last Monday, includ- ed Mrs. Iva Farrow, TMrs. Olive Henderson, Miss B., Milligan, Mrs. Sharon Buck- ley, Mrs. Gladys Wood, Mrs. F. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott returned home last Monday after a holiday trip to Florida. S Mrs. A. Milligan, Miss Berneice Milligan, and Mr. aid Mrs. Roy Hall drove to _ Hamilton, a week ago Sunday, -to pay their final respects to the late Mrs. Fred Checkley, whose funeral took place there the next day. Rev. Gordon and Mrs. Montgomery spent a couple of days in Gananoque, last Th1.ris is thàe first time the First Orono Cub Pack has participated in the There were eight tables in Annual Wesýt Durham'District Pinewood Car Derby held on Saturday at Orono play at the Card Party in United Church. Cheering their cars on to victory are (from left to right) Community Hall, Friday night, ith the followiag Michael Vooys, Stephen Boncic, Walter Sherwin, Paul Morton, Charles Sparks wînaes:Hihlay Ms and ill ate.Allan Down, low lady - Mrs. A. Milligan, high man - R. Fo Ur f^ Bo W U l e , ommyColles, 3. Bil Mo- Weirmeir, low man - Chale h in, 4 my yGry Ross,, 50-50 draw - Mrs. R. Alldread. The Bwminners are(inath Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer Thee e tion ) 1.ae Markhewere Friday afternooa visit- Cu b3 C 4" 0,e te. p. T h ed omptiton)1. ark ors with Mrs. Alfred Redkuap, Cu s o m p e t e n Th2. Drew Filisrault, in Oshawa, while r.Qe- ine o d a ~ ' r Y Bennett; (in the design coin- husband,, Ken in 1sh awa p oule Y- 0 o d Co r, ýD e rb y petition) 1., Vincent Bisschop Genieral Hospital. 2. James Westgarth, 3. Billy Gar Staple ton of Hamilton Nine cub acks too part in the design competition) 1. Spear, 4. Glen Spear. vsitehspantMrad the . Annual West Durham IRQbert Vandesteeg.. 2. David Hllcrest Heights Cub Pack Mrs. Don Stapleton, over the District Piaewood Car Derby, Bedore, 3. John Grant, 4. Mike The winners are (in the weekend. hld Saturday in the basement Irniger,_ 5. Sheidon Jackson. speed competition) 1. Robbie Lclpol tedn h of the, Orono United Church. 7th Bowmaaville Cub Pack Johnson, 2. Stephen Thomn- Local eopeteding thni e Cubs competed with members The winners are (in the son, 3. Daryl Dart, 4. Raaay Party la honor of Mr. and Mrs. of their own packs in competi- speed competition) 1. Daniel Headerson; (la the design Ken Clarke at Port Hope's tions which iavolved racla g Shak 2. Michael Cancilla, 3. competition) 1. David Back, Le gion Hall, Saturday eveniag their homemade cars dowa a Stephea Goddard, 4. Timmy 2. Paul Riouval, 3. Murray lacluded Mr. and Mrs. Ben large pine track and being The rtell; (la the design coin- Henderson, 4. Greg McKenna. Angi, Mr. and Mrs. Jack judged for design. The follow- petition) Brent Hooey was the 4th Bowmanville Cub Pack Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace ing are the resuits of the loly wianer. The winners are (ia the speed Boughen, Mr. and Mrs. Sid competitions. 1 th Bowmanville Cub Pack competition 1. Scott Kirkton, Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Newtonville Cub Pack, The winners are (la the :2. Robbie Krkton, 3. Randy Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wiaaers from first place on speed competîtion) 1. Robert Goudey, 4. Scott Murdock; (la Stapleton and Mn. and Mrs. are (la the speed competition) Anderson, 2. Chris Wilson, 3. the design competition) 1. Ted Barnoski. 1. Stephen Willsher, 2. Joey Robert, Burgess, 4. Allen Bradley Glpin,> 2. Alwya Mrs. Leone Lane was, a Mercz, 3. Bernie Angle, 4. Je ff Carinus, 5. Eric Peebles; (la Huigen, 3. Chris Magwood, 4' weekend guest with Mr. and Carswell, 5. Jamie Kalyk; (la the design competition) 1. Victor Romand. Mrs. Charles Gray and girls ýin the design competition) i., Kevin An yan,1 2. Ryan Sellick, Orono andý with them on Robbie Wanamaker, 2. Drew 3. Jeff Albin, 4. Jeff Brunt, 5. Orono Cub Pack Saturday, visited Mn. and McQuat, 3. Steven Adams, 4. Chris Mann. The wianers are (la the Mrs. Ray Stewart, in Toronto. Dean Timble. Maple Grove Cub Pack speed competition) 1. Donald Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle Hampton Cub Pack The winaers are (la the Stevens, 2. Gordon Hardy, 3.. were supper guests, Saturday The wianers are (in the speed competition) 1. Robby Bruce Kaapp, 4. Derek Mum-, with Mr. and Mrs. Pat speed competition) 1. Mark Vanlîemmei. Z2 fl.nert ford, 5. Eric Helson, 6. Cecil McDoaald and family la Power, 2. AllenHeaaing, 3. JJavey, 3. Ton y Grier, 4. Andy Knapp; (la the design coin- Oshawa. Timmy Grant, 4. Bryon Kiien- Davey; (in t he design comn- petition) 1. Rene Morin, 2. Mrs. Harold Burley of Nienhuis, 5. Mark Koenig; (ln petition) 1. Lee Quinaey, 2. Shawn Robinson, 3. Paul Bridgenorth and Mrs. Earl McEwen, of Peterborough were Saturday visitors with FLOWES & EEDSMrs. -Agnes Burley. 33 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE 623-7141 OR 623-5577 Rev. Robert Lindsey, B.A., 3'3 V S]B.D. Associate Secretary of For he AXIOU GAR ENERthe Division of Missions, 10 Per Cent Off of Prices below during week shown: Toronto, was guest speaker at FEB. 3-8 5 lbs. $2.69 Bone Meal 10 Lbs. $4.69 our Suaday morning service, FEB. 10-15 10-6-4 Fertilizer (40 lbs) $3.25 his topic being the important part Missions play in our FEB. 17-22 C.I.L. Dry Sheep-Cow Manure church programs. The choir's 25Lbs. $3.49 or 50 Lbs. $549 offering was the ever popular, 25 "How Great Thou Art", wîth FEB. 24 Mari. C.I.L. Lawn Doctor 40 Lbs. $11.99 the congregation joiniag in on Compare C.I.L. Golfgreen 12-4-8 $6.99 each chorus. Mrs. Bea Jones speat the '74 Price 12-4-8- Ant &Grub Killer $6.99 weekead la Orono, with'Mr. beginning as usual, with a pot luck supper at 5:30 p.m. Following the enjoyable meal and the clearng away of dishes, food, and tables, Rev. Montgomery opened, proceed- ings with a Devotional at 7 p.m. the singing of "Rise Up O Men of Go "with, Mrs. Gilmer at the piano, followed by prayer. After the re-election of the Coagregational Secnetary, Margaret Elliott, the business period progressed la theusual manner, with the reading of the vanlous financial reports etc. This was followed by the election of officers for the aew year, a list of whom will doubtless appear, later. At the conclusion, a motion of special thaaks was express- ed to the two hard working officers of our congregation, Margaret Elliott, as Secretary and -MielviI'e J,'nes as Treas- uirer. The attendance was not large, approximately 30, but everyone seemed iaterested and enthusiastic, and we finished by 9 p.m. lst Newtonville Cub Pack The Cubs at the lst Newton- ville Pack resumed their weekly meeting on dan. 6 after a good Christmas break. During January the Cubs will be woqrking on their Blue Star requirements. Many are well on their way to completiag this star. On dan. lfthe boys wene out on a bottle drive. They helped many people id their base- ment of unwanted bottles and were able to raise approx- imately $65.00 for their activi- ties as well. We were very pleased at the help givea by the parents in conducting this bottie drive, lu particular we wish to thank Mr: Theo. Welter for his help. Theo. arraaged for the parents to be there, picked up- bottles on several routes and sorted and returaed the bottles as well. At each meeting all cubs are iaspected for pensonal cleanli-, ness and cane of their uniform and receive points according- ly. The six Cubs receiving the greatest aumber of points over a two moath period earn the right to go on a point trip. Such a trip was held on Jan. 11. The Cubs were treated to lunch at the A & W in Oshawa and then went bowling at the Motor City lanes la the afteraooa. The wnaers on this tri p were: Robent Hannan, John Osborne, Joey Mercz, Darrea Osborne, day Gibson- and Daniel White. Akela and Baloo went along for the ride. Last Saturday the Cub pack weat to Orono to articipate in the annual West Durham osHAww Fonm Advis ory CoMmittee For Newv, Vis ual, Arts Centre, The inaugural meeting of the advisory committee for the new Visual Arts Centre was held Tuesday, Jan. 21 at the centre's headquarters in the old Cream of Barley Mill. Central, purpose of tbe meeting was to acquaint committee members and meet with special guest David Nasby of 'Circus '76". Ont- ario's celebration in honor of the Oiympics. Committee selected as chairperson, Mrs. Marie Hub- bard; as treasurer, Tony Brand; and as recordiag secretary, Mrs. Sharon Sch- midt. Also serving ýon the committee are: Mrs. Janre Eccles, Biackstock,; Ross Met- caîf, Hampton; Mrs. Margot Samuel, Bowmanviile; Don Stapies, Orono; Kingsley Van Nest, Bowmanvilie and Mrs. Marni Worboy, Eafield. Neil Newton, Eaniskillen, the Cea-- tre's fouader, is acting admin- istratot'. 1The Centre received its first support from the Ontario Arts Three Charged with Break, Enter aind Theft in Blackstock, Murray Robent Johaston, 16, of 1067 Ritson Road N., Oshawa, Daniel McQuaid, 16 of 39 Sunnîse Drive, and James Stewart Traquair, 16 of R.R. 2 Blackstock have been charged with break, enter and thef t y the Newcastle De- tachment of the OPP, la connection with vandalism at three buildings la the Biack- stock area, a week ago Monday night. Police say someone first- broke into the -public schooi and stole a movie projector, District Pinewood Derby. Newtonviile was finst to race. Parents, Cubs and Leaders were there at 8:30 a.m. - a little sleepy,'but there just the samne. The races pnoved to be very exciting and the comn- ,Detition keen. It was obvious that, father and son had worked very hard on prepar- ing their cars. The winners la the Design Ciass were: lst - Robbie Wannamaker, 2nd - Drew McQuat, 3rd - Steven Adams, 4th - Dean Trimble. Ia the Speed Class the winners were:, îst - Stephea Willsher, 2nd - Joey Mercz, 3nd - Bernie Angi, 4th - Jeff Caswell, sth - Jamie Kulyk. This coming Saturday lst Newtonville is going to the Royal Ontario Museum la Toronto. Plans have been made fon the day and we are hoping the curreat C.N.R. strike is over hy thea so we can go. on the train. The newest Cub Pack in the District - 7th Bowmanvilie - wili be joiaing us for the day. More news after the trip. The finals la the Piaewood Derby will, be held at the Orgno United Church on Feb. 8,'1975 at 10:00 a.m. Drop by and watch this very excitiag event. and ransacked the principal's office. Next, bunglars broke into Cartwright High School and stole seven typewniters, two caiculators, one dlock, one casette player and two record players from the school, sprayed the contents of a fine extinquisher over the floor and smeared ink on the floor. The Cartwright Reacreation, Centre was also entered and a microphone, amplifier and two speakers were stolen., Ai) items have been re- Hos pifal Volunteers News Leffer Life is an exciting book and every year stants a new Chapter. The time to be happy is now. The way to be happy is to heip niake others so. As we stant a new year, we are still hearng commeats from the patients about their tray favors designed fon their pleasure at the Holiday sea- son. The piano on second floor is beia 1g put to good use, and greafly eajoyed by patients wyho.join la with requests and singing. Our members are increas- ing with 12 new Volunteens receiviag orientation this month. A meeting for Hospital Volunteers was heid at Mrs. Childs home on. dan. 2lst to review our work of the past year and to make plans for the coming year. Deliclous re- freshments were served by Mrs. Childs and Mrs. Yates. covered and the youths are to appear ta court on February 18 olice expect damages to be at least $2,000. An OPP spokesman said that they origiaally thought only the public schooi was entered but Const. Jim Schultz fouad out about other build- ings entered whea investigat- ing the public school break and enter. Council on Jan. 23 la the form of a letter announcing the Council's williagness to assist financing the Centre's current "6 at 7" lecture and film senies by matching the amount raised la donations and admis- sions during the program, Up to $250. Judging from revenue, for the first two evenings, ths assistance wili make thlý,Iv Centre's first official prograuln self-supportiag. 11 Application for the $2,500 grant for the O.A.C., mention- ed earlien la a request to Town Council for a similar amount, , will be made as soon asa budget is prepared. In the imeantime, the "6 at 7" program cônitinues each Mon- day evening through Feb. 17- a monopnînt workshop' witi Peter Van Gils is scheduied for Jan., 31, Feb. 1 and 2 (sold out); a photography workshop la lighting w"Ii be held Feb. 22 and 23;' and a one-day water- colon workshop has been booked with Janet McGhee teaching on March 1. The latter requires funther enroîl- ment la order thçtt it be held. Remember, the Visual Arts Centre is for the use and enjoyment of alI the people of the Town of Newcastle e om Off The Critic al Lis;t Buildali has remedies for whatever ails your home, insu lation for a cold in the attic, waII panel spray cleaner for tired panelling. Now is the time to administer our remedies, before spring fever sets in. Here are just a few ) items guaranteed to keep your home smiling. - Shop Either Convenient WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND-728-1617 a 100 Bond St. West CHARGEX COURTICE SELF-SERVE STORE, Bloor St. East Store Hours: LUMBERLAND COUR',TICE 8: 00 to 6: 00 Mon., Tues., Wed, ASSCITESTRE8:00 to 6:00 Mou. - Fr1. 8: 00 to 9: 00 Thurs,, Fr1, ___________8:00to 5:00,Sat. 8:O00toS5:O00Sat. If THIS SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOU 1 Make Sure Your Car Is Rep ai red At The 'Be0st Bod'ly Shop' In Town MacàDonald Ford BOWMANVILLE For Free Estimates Phone 6-23-4481 AND ASK FOR MARTY STEL COUTER TOPS for Kitchen or Bathroom. Need a Special length or, one that turns a corner or two? Maybe we can supply' it in just a couple of days!! /' Or have a machine that /' eau mitre tops right at our I d Courtice Yard. Fiud out by Calling 728-1611 Or bring in yeur measurements. ARBORITE SHEETS In popular colours for kitchen tops, bar tops, Vanities, STOK OLORSdesks, etc. $ q l STOK OLORS4'x 8' E a. a0, 7l STOCK COLOURS 2'x 8' Ea. i 046 (At MWarehouse Lumberland( - Choose from a wide range of Quality Carpet from Stock. Level Loops, Ozite, Shags, Indoor - Outdoor. 92Squ7re SHEETROCK For walls and ceilings. Auy where iu house, cottage etc. 3/8"-43x21-Ea. 1/29Y- 4e3,70-Ea. Comlet ½-4'x8'- , 2 Ea. ComleeRange of Seam Filler &Tape Fr e Household hints on how to env stains and antidlotes for common poisons, plus a Docket firstaid kit. Corne in and aet vours! HEATUNG DUCTWORK for comfort in Basement or new Rooms Instali it yourself and heat that -extra room. Galvan- ized Steel for long life. 5"1 Diamieter. Universal Take Off Ea,12 30" Heat 90 Degree Elbow Ea,78 Side Take Off Ea.9 Boot -Ea, i 1.2 lm PLYWOODS Fîrply - Sound One Side - 4' x 8' Sheets 1/4" ,5 SHEET $ .45 HE '/~" i iSHEET ¾"/44,5 SHIEET OTHER GRADES IN STOCK STANDARD SHEATHING SELECT SHEATHING SELECT TONGUE AND GROOVE ALSO IN STOCK Itibbon Stripe Mahogany Plywood Birch Plywood Grey Elm Plywood