8 The Canadian Statesman, lBowmanville, February 12, 1975 Section Two TYONS Mr. and Mrs. W. Park were Sunday visitors of Mvr. and Mrs. George Willis, Canning- , ton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steel, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. David Park, Bowmanville were Friday night visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Park. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Baysville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread. .Mr. Harvey Hardy and Russell, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Perry, Oshawa, were Saturday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Aldread. 1Miss Arvilla Beckett, Bow- manville was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread and ail were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb, ýBailieboro. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Corn- ish, Shannon and Ken were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron King and son, Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs. David Craig and f amily were recent supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Craig and family, Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ovenden, Hampton and Mr. Bill Vivian were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goble. Mr. and Mrs'. Stan Goble and Bruce were Sunday sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goble'and boys, Black- Save 20%/onflM stock. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowan uson and boys were Sunday supper raus, u so j4uests of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Shortt, Lakefield. Miss Joan Abramns and S rn s il- friend, Kingston, visited the former's grandmnother Mrs. J. o h s ak Abrams. o h s rk Mrs. Isobel Pereer and Mrs. Gordon Whittaker, Hamiltonsevc s u h ç spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm and visited other relatives. Mrs. Jack Herod, Weston, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mrs. Marion Marjerrison and Miss Mable Jewel, Bow- manville, were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare. For Popular Makes Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare were Sunday evening dinner ýues ts of MF. and Mrs. ca sw~,it Howard Brent, Oshawa. ofca sé u p e Mrs. Herb Stainton, Ennis- killen is spending a, few days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton.OvrheC u ,The Ty ro Boys will meet with ýthe Explorer group'this Sample Listing: 1968-1972 F week to see the film "Getting The Word Around "in the C. E. wing of the church.2-R TWM E Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Young- RvtdDs PdSt .man, Jim and Betty were ie dDîtP S s> guests at the Overy-Young- gua d35 man wedding held in Kendal Reui t135 United Church and the recep tion held in the Bowmanville Centennial: Hall, Bowman- pu ville. Mr. and MLrs. Ralph Bowers 2-REARWVtHEEL 'Custm and faiywrqunday St supper guest'is f Mr. and Mrs. o4d Lnn Biert Bwr and famnily, Osaw. egular$7.99(exchange) Deepest symipathy of the community goes out to Mr. Samiple Price shawn is for Disci Robt. Lambert and family in the passing of a loving wife and mother. Many pai their respects at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa. Mr.-and Mrs. Gerald Hardy and Shane, Whitby, and Mr. Stuart Hooey, Newcastle, were recent visîtors of MVr, andMrs. Earl Prescott. Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Ennis. killen spent, a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibbs and ail visited Mrs. Ivan Stephens, Toronto, on Sunday. Crowd was. smaller than usual at the euchre Friday night when there were 15, tables. Prizes going to Dick Gibbs, Tyrone; Billie' Steel, Peterborough_ Sharon Rus- sell, Leskard, Ethel Goble, Tyrone, Olive Gimblett, Brooklin, Lola Ferguson, Enniskillen and the 50-50 draw going to Marlon Thompson, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. John Vaneyk hosted a birthday party, in honor of Mrs. Walter Vaneyk. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk, Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwarden, Long Sault, Mr. and Mrs., J.A. Rosevear, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old DeMille and family, Bow- manVille, Mr.' W. DeMille,, Newmarket, Mr. Paul Vaneyk' Jr,, Blackstock, Mr. Paul Vaneyk and family, Tyrone. Mr. Ralph Hilîs conducted the church service on Sunday for a good congregation. His sermon was entitled, "The Side of Man." On, Sund ay, Feb. 16, Mr. Tomn Knott, a congregational consultant for t he United Church wîll- be our guest speaker. The Committee of Stewards met on Sunday to elect a new chairman in the person of Adrian Haines. The Stewvards for 1975 are Marian Hoar, treasurer, Alf Millsbn, Hank VanDorp, Sd Cornish, Arlene. Rowan, Jack Cook and Adrian Haines, chairman. 4-H H omemnaking Club The first meeting was held on Feb. 6 at 6:45 in Tyrone S.S. 15 girls attended. This unit is called A Touch of Stitchery- The leaders are Mrs. Vaneyk, Mrs. Delaney and Mrs. Youngman. The president is Kathy Penwarden, treasurer Betty' Youngman and press reporter Heather Southwell. All meetings are to be held on Thursdays at 6:45- - 8:30. Everyone is to have a workbox À and make a sampler, learning stitches article and free choice 'article. Mrs. Vaneyk told us about the histoy of, embroid- ery. She showed us the col or wheel and different color co-ordinates. Over-the-Counïter Sale Prices Sample Listing: 1959-1970 Chevrolet and Pontiac (fufl-size) Sample Price shown is for Custom-Bonded Brake Linings OnIly 160 Church St. Bowmanville, Phone 623-2518 8:30 a.m. &-.600 p.m. 8:G30 a.m. to 600p FRIDAY 830a.m.ta9:0 pamn SATURAY 83 *mto 6:-00 p.. j SToRE MODV83-am 600 pm.WEDNESDAY H O URSTUESDA y 830Ùm9600pm.THAURSDAY .L.