4 .The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, February 12, 1975 Report, from Que en's Park By Alex Carruthers, Housing an d Development Housing and community development are two of, the Ontario government's highest priorities. On a rent-geared- to-income basis, thousands of residential units have already been buit to accommodate senior citizens, pensioners and lower income families. The municipalities within the riding of Durham have taken advantage of a numiber of the province's programns in housing and community devel- opmnent. These include the following: Family, Senior Citizen Housig Bowmanville - 30 family and 40 senior citizen uits under development and 35 senior citizen units under manage- 'ment. Port Hope - 23 family and 57 senior citizen units under management. Home Plan - A program which sponsors housîng pro- jects designed to meet a community's needs: 13 home lots marketed in Port Hope. Senior citizen housing surveys are underway in Port Hope and Bowmanville to deter- mine future housing needs for senior citizens in those comn- munities. The Ontario Hous- ing Corporation has pur- chased 102.144 acres of farm land in Bowmanville and 42 acres in Bowmanville for future housing development. Ontario Housing Action Pro- gram The Town of Newcastle in the Durhamp region is the only municipality presently partic- ipating in this-program. This includes planning develop- ment in the village of Cour- tice, the town of Bowmanville and the village of Newcastle. All commitmnents by the province are contingent upon municipal agreement and no action will be taken without full agreement with the mun- icipalities involved. The followîng preliminary steps havebeen taken in the development of this particular housing action program: a( A $100,000 planning grant has been giyen to the Town of Newcastle for planning stud- ies. b( The consultants for the project are Murray V. Jones and Associa tes._ c(i The planning department of the Durham Region bas aliocated $90,000 for an econ- omic base study inluding job poential and population fore- cast, d', The Works Department of the region bas been allocated $62,500 for water and sewage studies. This study includes Whitby, Oshawa and Courtice. 'l'ie Courtice Concept Plan Courtice bas been designat- edl as the first project in the overaîl development and will inivolve a future community of 46,00 people with an initial projection of 10,000. Some points withi respect to the plan should be emnphasized. 1. The implemientation of the plan wl add greatly to 'the amount of ser\viced land for housing m inte Courtice area. 2. Tt is a p-rovincial effort to implement the Týloronto Cen- tred regional plan, which visualized, this area as a regional centre. 3Negoiations between the province 'and the region are prçse-ntly taking place regard- ing interest fréee bans avail- able to service the Courtice comnmunity. These boans will also be available for the Bowmnanville and Newcastle areas. 4. The Ministry of Housing is obLtaining, at the present time, firmi commitmnents from de- velopers concerning income ranges of units to be built. 5. Housing units brought on line throughi the Ontario Hoising Action Progr-amwill make miunicipalities eligible for the foil-lowing forms of ldèntity within the region, upgrade the water and sewage sytems and bring other, benefits which are at present not available to the commun- ity, in the case of Bowman- vielle and Newcastle, second- aur panning will reinforce the wel1 defined character of those communities with speç- ial' attention given to thie doWýntown core. Thle respiratory disease mortality, figures continue to climb. In 1972 11,068 Cana- dians died from respiratory disease, an increase of more than 500 deaths over 1971. Your Durham Region Tuber- culosis and Respiratory Dis- ease Association fights tuber- culosis and other respiratory diseases. rý a 9U WITH PORK OR IN IOMAIO SAUCIE 14-FL-OZ TIN DEEPMD BRneOWN f LIBYS EANS J 7 ROY-ALL, CANADIAN LUNCHEON 12-OZ TIN 59ý SIIPER-RIGHT CANADA GRADE CHECK THE TRIM illI I il' 'UT I Bes t Buy Ia To Wn! JANE PARKER LARGE SIZE CAKE ACTION PRICEDI Cake as ight, as tangy, as delicious as this hardly noeds anything te go with .,.....-' if. But fruitc extra-speciall N PARCHMENT WRAP ACTION PRICED! PURE MONAR(H rl 5 < FLUFFO ,MARGARINE__LB _____ SHORTENING I N TOMATO SAUCE ACTION PRICED' Lîbby's Spaghetti 314-floztin41.00o HOSTESS - REGUAR & DIP ACTION PRICED! ýPotato Chips ý25Og1 ms pkg 83< KELLOGGS CEREAL A CTION PRICEDI Rîce Krispies 17oz pkg 89< aIGARETTES - KING SIZE 25's B3enson & Hedges ctn of 200.5.75 BETTY CROCKER - 4 VARI-ETIES -1 ACTION PRICED! Snackcin' Cakce Mixes 15 oz pkg 8 9< MOUNT ROYAL, PURE ACTION PRICED' Apple Juice 48flztn59< Ceîery, Chkcken RiceMom, Chk.enN.odle, Cream of Chî ckeri Clark Soups 31o-fî-zt-s69< AU PRICES SHOWN INTIIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 1975. P FRESH --PRODUCE VALUES! CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, P.E.I. WHITE TABLE STOCK POTATO ES 20-LB BAG 79<w CANADA EXTRA'FANCY GRADE, BRITISt4 COLUMBIA Anjou Pears 3-1bs $1 .00 MEXI CAN Pineapples LARGE SIZE each 49< CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, TEXAS CaÂbbages LARGE HEADS1 each 39< FLORIDA VALENCIA, FULL 0F JUICE Oranges 5-lb bag 79< CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, SMALL ONTARIO RED- DeliciousApples 5-Ibbag 9 9< ASSORTED COLORS FOR VALENTINE DAY %ýTulips 6-incli pot $2 5 9 or ice cream de1s make if S'A V E 2 0 c BUY TWO- FREEZE ONE!' ACTION PRICED! PKG1L 69< STEAKS 'OR ROASTS - WING Porterhouse CHECI THE TRIM Sirloin Steak Cu. Rom BYE 0F SIRLOIN PO Cube Steaks BONELESS FOR STEWING Sha'nk Beef Centre Cut BON ELESS Sirloin Point Steak RUPERT BRAND, FROZEN Cod Fish & Chips ESSEX BRANDU, FROZEN Hamburg Patties F:A4" BEEF OR FRESH lbl $178 Round Steak MINCED lb $1,.28 BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK lb $1,î58 Sausages BEEF & PORK lb 78l< IINT SUPER-RIGHT, SLICED lb $1 .8 8 Side Bacon 1-lb VacPac $1.39'i SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, MEATY itlb$.18 Pork Hocks lb49< SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY lb $1,68> Siiced Pork Liver lb 49W 20-OZ PKG 98< 2-LB PKG $1.38 MAPLE LEAF Wieners (2-LB VAC PAC $1.55) 1-lb Vac Pac 79< MAPLE LEAF, 5 VARIETIES, SLICED Cooked Meats 6-oz Vac Pac 4d4< MAPLE LEAF, SLICED Cooked Ham 6-oz Vac P4 a89< FRESHWATER, FROZEN, PAN READY lWmhite Fish 16,$1.39 GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN, HEAT & SERVE ChiCken Cutiets lb 88< McCAIN, FROZEN, STRAIGHT, CUT ACTION PRICEDI French Fries 2lb pkg65< DRY, NORMAL, OILY Breck Shampoo 15-fI-oz plastic btl $j .«5 9 CONTAINS RICI4 BRAZILIAN COFFEES 8 O'CLOCK (SAVE 30c) ACTION PRICED! Instant Coffee 10-oz ar$169 CARRY A BAG IN YOUR CAR Saif -Tr-Sat 25-lb bag 8 9< CRACIKERS ACTION PRICEDI Christie Ritz 8-o pkg 5 9< SALTINES OR UNSALTED A&P Crackers 1-lb pkg 59< For Vriety and Value You Just (an't Beut A&P Buked Coods! JANE PARKER PKG OF 6 PKG 0F 12 HOT CROSS BUNS9< 1,19 JANE PARKER, SLICED, ENRICHED WHITE OR 60% WHOLI SAN DWICH -BRE JANE PARKER, MERINGUE (SAVE 10c) Lemon Pie full 8-inch pie 89< JANE PARKER, PINEAPPLE TOPPED (SAVE 4c) Sweet Roils, pkg of 8 75< JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGARED, CINNAMON (SAVE 10c) Cake Donuts pkg of 12 59< L WHEAT (BUY 2 LOAVES - SAVE 9c) 24-OZle9 .RU A LOAVESOY JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) Chocolate Brownies 15-oz foul tray 8 9< JANE PARKER (SAVE 4c) Babka Coffee Cake 16-oz cake 93< JANE PARKER (BUY 2 PKGS - SAVE 21 ) Snowfiake Rolis 2 pkgs of 12 8 9 îr-' GratCofeValue!1 BONELESS BEEF ROASIS POINT ~ý SILONROS RUMP ROAST i$ TOP ROUND STEAK or ROAST lb. FREEZERCU BEEF HIND 1151s $1, QUAKILKS AVERS Il0 (UT & FREEZER WRAPPED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE AT A&P MAPLE LEAF, RANCH STYLE Bologna B>' The Piece lb 44< MAPLE LEAF - GLDEN FRY Sausages lb 99< MAPLE UEAF, i VARIETIES Cooked Meat Chunks lb$1 .09 ât -U w . . ........ 3éý oo/- 1 MEÂT